[Comission] Thrown to the wolves, dogs, and other canines

Story by dashofweak on SoFurry

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Another commission, this time by MGEddie had a lot of fun with this one


If you are under 18+ you should not be reading this

I do not condone anything that happens in these stories

These are just STORIES, not to be imitated

If you do not like: hot gay man sex, rimming, lots of cum, maybe sorta NC content

Then do not read.

If that's all, happy reading~

The streets were calm, cold, only the barest hints of a wind blew through them this October night. The streetlamps hummed with yellow light, occasionally a car would drive down, but for the most part they were devoid of activity. On these streets, a lone human walked, a phone to his ear and a brown fall jacket on his shoulders. He had short dark hair and brown eyes, an average 6 foot build that came from exercising occasionally, but nowhere near the protein tanks that he's seen walking around.

On the phone, the voice of his mate, came through.

"Alright honey, I'm walking back to the house now,"

"It was a blast, it's been forever since I've had a day to just hang with Mike"

"Yeah....he says hi"

"Yes dear, I'll be careful around the streets, I know it's late."

He hung up the phone, his mate was a huge wolf, thick black fur and a knotted cock waited him at home. His thoughts drifted to his partner's hot red cock and warm fur; he couldn't wait, the wolf was so good to him, plus Eddie had to admit he had a thing for big canine anthros. As he hung up, an older Doberman passed by, once he did, Eddie blushed a bit, he tried to be happy with just one big canine, but lately he'd been craving others, he kept himself under control, but he had to admit it was hard sometimes. The human sighed as we walked, he was coming back from his friend's place just a few blocks away, he'd stay quiet late but it was worth it. He crossed the street, and into the only iffy part of town near his house. A bunch of construction projects lined the streets, their finished exteriors but completely empty interiors, left Eddie feeling slightly nervous, he heard from his mate, who was employed in construction, that a new investor had come in and restarted the project, but for now the decrepit buildings set Eddie on edge.

He felt his phone buzz in his pocket as he crossed in front of an alley, as he looked down to take it out of his pocket something, big, warm, and furred grabbed his waist. Eddie dropped his phone and barely had time to wiggle before another paw wrapped around his face, just before he cried out for help. His pleads were muffled by the fur. He tried to look at the anthro who held him, but that strong paw kept his face looking forward. His feet were kicked out from him as he was dragged into the alleyway, unable to stand or run, his feet dragged in front of him as his body was pressed up to his kidnapper's. It was firm, and hot, he could smell the telltale scent of cigarette smoke and coffee on him. He wiggled around, but was only met with a hard body and the arm wrapped around his waist, groping his ass. He blushed as his round ass was squeezed. A warm breath met his cheek and breathed in his ear,

"God damn, you got the ass of a slut, bitch; can't wait for you to meet my friends."

A wet tongue that traveled up the side of his throat, a bite on his ear, and a low growl made the unknown beast's intentions clear. Eddie felt that paw on his ass once more, squeezing even harder this time.

Eddie felt something hard on his ass, and he immediately knew what it was, a huge fat cock, he could tell already that it was bigger than his mate's. Lustful thoughts entered his brain before he shook them away. He couldn't do this! He had to get away! His phone was right there, if he broke the anthro's grip and managed to get it maybe he could-

His thought process was cut short as the anthro threw him into a building. He landed on something soft, surprisingly. He looked at the stained mattress that he landed on and briefly saw the person who grabbed him through the door. The completely dark building made everything but the anthro visible, he was a huge, 6 and a half foot tall brown mutt that was dressed in flannel and worn down jeans with an obvious tent. He licked his lips and stepped through the door, closing it behind him, the sound was accompanied with complete darkness, Eddie couldn't see a thing. But the darkness revealed something new, the sound of panting males, the smell of musk in the air, and a wet heat that was out of place for such a chilly evening.

Suddenly, he was blinded by light, he held a hand up to his eyes, he was barely able to see that he was surrounded by canines. Some had their hard cocks out, some were fully dressed but with bulges, one or two were completely naked. As his eyes adjusted he looked around, he was completely surrounded, he couldn't count them all, the tell-tale glow of smoking coals were behind the first layer of furs, maybe even behind the second one too. The air hung, musky, hot, humid, and just a little bit smoky.

He took all this in within a few seconds, as he that's all he had before one of the wolves in the crowed stepped up, cock out and a hand that reached out and gripped the back of his head.

"Hehe, open up bitch, puppy's got a bone for you."

That throbbing, 8 inch, red cock filled his vision, a bit of pre dripped off the tip. He moved his head away, blushing just a little, but the wolf's other paw wrapped around his jaw, turning his face back towards the cock and forcing his mouth open just a little.

"Come on, we both know you want puppy meat down that throat of yours."

Eddie didn't want to, his face now red hot with embarrassment and lust. He didn't want to betray his mate, but, it seemed like he didn't have a choice. As he opened his mouth, the paw around his jaw let go, and the paw holding the back of his head moved him forward. His tongue hit the canine's pre, it was salty and bitter, but it made Eddie's pants tighten. The hot meat was musky in flavor, filled with the taste of a long day of work. He huffed and dove his head forward, wanting to get this over with. The other man's cock filled his mouth, a hot bit of pre shot down his throat and the paw on his head ruffled his hair.

"Good boy,"

A paw wrapped around his waist and searched for his jean's button. A different hand squeezed his ass, pretty hard too. He tried to look behind him, but a growl from the man who he was sucking off made him freeze.

"Focus on your job, slut, don't worry about them."

With those words the wolf smoothly thrusted his hips forward, that pole of cock going right down his throat. Eddie was glad that his mate loved when the human deepthroated, otherwise he would be gagging on that cock right now. As the wolf withdrew his cock, spit coated the whole exterior; Eddie took a breath before the wolf shoved that length back into him. He felt his jeans unbutton and his jeans being shimmied off his legs. He whimpered as he pushed his head down further, his lips touching the wolf's knot. He was on his knees now, his face the perfect height for the wolf to stand and get a sloppy blowjob.

He felt a warm paw reach underneath his underwear and fondle his ass, a finger brushed past his hole. As Eddie felt his underwear being peeled off of him, the wolf above him gripped the both sides of his head with his paws, and began to thrust his cock into him, fucking his throat. Eddie gripped onto the fur's legs, struggling to keep his throat relaxed.

"Such. A. Nice. Warm. Tight. Hole. Take. It. All. You. BITCH!"

With that last word, the wolf held Eddie's head down as it began to throb. The human's eyes bulged out, as seed filled the back of his throat. He struggled to swallow it all, cum poured down his throat, Eddie was able to keep it all down until a wet finger went right up his ass. He gagged from the sudden penetration and cum quickly filled his mouth. He jerked his head away, coughing up semen. The wolf let his head move back. The human fell down onto his hands and coughed, the wolf stood there, stroking his length as one last rope shot onto his Eddie's.

As he coughed, the paw in his ass wriggled around, finding his prostate. A pushed down accompanied by a wriggling finger made the human's face reddened as he felt his cock becoming erect. He looked up at the wolf who simply gave him a pat on the cheek, and as he walked away another canine stepped forward, this time a german shepherd. He was thicker, but shorter, his red rocket throbbing, but not dripping just yet. Eddie reached his hand out, gripping the base he brought it to his face and gave it a lick from the base to the tip. It was hot and rock hard from arousal.

Behind him, the finger was pulled out of his ass, leaving Eddie whimpering. It wasn't long though until he felt something very hot and very wet on his ass. The human groaned as a canine tongue pushed into him. They were always so damn long too! The wet organ turned his tunnel wet.

With a gasp and a hot huff of breath, he pushed the second cock of tonight down his throat. This canine was more than happy to let Eddie do the hard work. The human bobbed his head, that red cock disappearing down his greedy gullet. The tongue in his ass pulled out and he felt two paws on his waist. His ass was backed into a fuzzy waist as he felt a hot cock pushing between his cheeks. The creature behind him leaned down and whispered into his ear,

"Yeah, you like that bitch?"

The human whined, pressing has ass back into the canine, silently begging for the cock. All thoughts of his mate was driven out of his mind. He continued sucking on the cock in front of him, he felt the tip press against his now wet hole. Eddie's cock throbbed with the thought of being spit roasted doggy style.

He felt another hot whisper in his ear, "Come on, beg. Beg and I may decide to fuck you."

Eddie pushed his ass back again, only to feel the canine's cock be pushed back too, the unknown anthro teasing him. Finally, he couldn't take it anymore. With a loud pop he took the cock out of his mouth and looked behind him to beg. He saw the Doberman from the street behind him, grinning cruelly

"Please fuck me! I can't take it anymore, I need your cock in my Aahhhhhhhh!!!"

He groaned out in pleasure as the Doberman slammed his hip forward, penetrating him and getting that 8 inch length at least halfway in. Eddie moaned, a paw wrapped around his shoulder as he went back to sucking the dick in front of him. The paw shoved the man back, impaling him even further down onto the dog's cock.

He closed his eyes and fell into a rhythm, a wet, slurping rhythm as he took the shep's length deep down his throat and the dobie behind him thrusted into his ass. The human's world was hot, male, sex. He gripped the mattress, on his hands and knees like the breeding hole he always wanted to be.

He felt the knot forming behind his ass, kissing his ring. Each pound into him stretched his hole out just a little more with every thrust. The rimming made just a slick enough tunnel to not hurt. He moaned with each and every single thrust as the Doberman began to pant and thrust faster, harder, more beastly. He gripped both shoulders as he ruthlessly pushed the human down on that knot. Eddie's eyes shot open, the pain of the knot making him squeal before it slipped in finally. The Doberman let out a triumphant howl as Eddie felt the cock in him throb. He could feel the wet warmth pour into him, and despite the knot, spilled out around his hole. The first cumshot of the night, he wiggled his hips back into the dobie. He kept sucking, even as his own cock twitched from arousal, just on the edge of climax.

The Shep pulled Eddie's head off his cock and jerked off right into his face

"Gonna mark you like the bitch you are."

With a shuttering groan, the dog did exactly that, hot cum shot out of his length, ropes splattering all across Eddie's face, who could only whimper submissively. He proudly stuck his face out just a little mre, wanting to be painted with this dog's scent. The dog behind him finally caught his breath, and began moving his hips back, trying to get the knot out.

He opened his mouth in a moan as that red canine cock slipped out of him, and was immediately met with a rope of cum on his tongue; he swallowed that bitter salty liquid.

The two dogs disappeared into the crowd that surrounded him, most of whom were now masturbating openly. The air was even thicker with male sex now; a heavy cloud of lust surrounded him. Panting and whispers filled the air, no doubt debating who got to go next. Two more anthros stepped forward, a coyote and a sheepdog, who flicked his cigarette away as he approached the human, cock in hand. It was long one, about 9 inches but not very thick. The coyote spun the human around on the mattress, Eddie laid on his back now, legs bent, silently begging for a dick to fill him.

The coyote licked his lips and whispered, "Man, I can't wait for this," and climbed onto the human.

The man's dick was still twitching, and the small canine popped it into his mouth, while also moving his hips so that way the knotted cock laid on Eddie's face. The tip smeared pre on his face as the cyote began to move. He whimpered and lifted his hips as he felt a warm tongue engulf his own prick. He grabbed the coyote's dick, and slid it into his mouth, licking and sucking on it. The sheepdog knelt down in front of the human, positioning his 9incher to spear the human's leaking asshole.

He gave a short, gruff, laugh and said, "Neither can I"

And with those words, the dog pushed his hips forward, sliding into the human, spitroasting him missionary style. His hole was weak and loose from the previous fucking. So the canine had no trouble fitting in. He gave out a short gruff of approval, before leaning in and slapping his hips against Eddie's.

The coyote was well skilled at sucking cock too. His tounge licking underneath Eddie's head even as it was pushed into the canine's throat. Eddie moaned, already on edge from being fucked so well, the relentless assault on his prostate had him peaking with pleasure. Between the dick in his ass and the mouth on his own pecker, it was hard to focus on pleasing the coyote, not that he seemed to mind. The coyote sucked, and licked the tip, and that was enough to send Eddie over. His cock throbbed and spurted a bit of cum into the canine's mouth, he moaned around the coyote's dick, trying his hardest to keep sucking while he came. He was in heaven, never before had he felt this good.

His prick stopped twitching and the male above Eddie popped off the human's dick, exposing it to the warm air. The other male panted and said, "Alright, my turn, relax that maw of yours"

With this, he shoved his dick further down the human's throat, knot brushing past the human's gaping mouth. The human struggled for breath, gripping tightly onto the coyote's ass as he took it as best he could. The sheepdog continued to pound away, knot smashing into that tight ring with each push, never slowing down, never speeding up, a steady, hard rhythm as he panted heavily. The sheepdog's hands gripped the human's legs hard, using them to thrust harder. Eddie held onto the coyote's head with his knees, overwhelmed with the sensations of being fucked so hard. The two canines looked at each other, and then began making out, the coyote leaning up to reach the sheepdog's lips made his cock bury even deeper into the human's throat. Eddie really struggled for breath now, barely being able to inhale.

Eddie heard a grunt from the crowd, a Dalmation stepped forward, jerking off hard, he gave out a gasp and began cumming all over the three males, aiming for Eddie the most. White cum hit his cheek, his side, the coyote's back, and one last bit landing on the sheepdog's cock as it was briefly exposed before slamming back into the human. The coyote's sack slapped him in the face each time. The coyote began panting, faster and faster as he slammed his cock down the human's throat faster and faster, panting and whimpering before giving out a long whine, followed by twitching and cumming. The length throbbed and spat cum down into the human's stomach. Each pulse was heaven to the slut, each one promising more and more of that sweet spunk. He had to hold his breath, furry balls resting on his face.

The canine pulled his dick out of the human's mouth, the still twitching and leaking length resting on his cheek. A bit of milky cum dribbled down that smooth skin. His ass was still being plowed into though, and even though he just came, Eddie's prick started to get hard again. Not that he was small, just compared to the lengths around him, he had no chance. The coyote rolled off of him, standing up and walking past the crowd. The sheepdog leaned into human now, a paw placed on his chest as the dog's hips continued to piston into him.

Another fur stepped up, masturbating really heavily. Eddie could tell he was close, so he closed his eyes and waited for that hot cum to spray all over him. He didn't have to wait long. With a howl and a quick paw, the unnamed anthro came. Drops of warmth his Eddie everywhere, his stomach, chest, neck, legs, and even his cock and balls, which were shaking from the rough fucking he was getting. That sheepdog had quite the stamina. Or at least that's what Eddie thought. Once cum began to rain all over him the sheepdog pulled out and also began cumming on him, hitting his upraised legs, covering his tailhole, and painting his ass white. Eddie sighed contently as he was covered in warm, milky, love.

He reveled in the attention, all the horny, hot, canines, all lining up to fuck him and only him, he couldn't get enough, he wanted more. This was where he belonged, underneath a horny canine. When the last cumshot hit his body he rolled over again, raising his ass in the air, in doggystyle once more and pulling one of his cheeks apart.

"Come on, your bitch wants a bone~"

The crowd cheered as two more furs walked forward, another wolf and a greyhound. The sound of masturbation filled the air but was drowned out by the greyhound's panting. His tail wagged behind him as he didn't even wait to line up his cock, he hugged the human's waist and began jamming his dick forward, hitting his cheek, his balls, and then finally, is smaller prick slide home. Eddie gave out a small gasp, and a grunt of approval as the dog began quickly humping into him, clearly wanting nothing more than release. The wolf however took his time, guiding the human's face towards his dick with a single outstretched claw.

Eddie, eyes lidded over with lust and pleasure, could only stare up at the wolf, who kissed him, deeply. The wolf's whiskers tickled his cheek as the wet tongue tasted his throat. The human groaned and leaned into the wolf's kiss. As the wolf pulled away, the human's face followed, until their lips parted, connected only by a single strand of drool. The wolf stood up, and grabbed his cock, and held the human's head back as he desperately tried to shove it down his throat. The wolf chastised him, "Ah ah ah, lick first pup, I want to enjoy this."

Behind him, the greyhound shoved his knot into the human, his knot was small, his length thin but long. Eddie grunted as seed escaped from his ass once more. He pushed out his tounge, and gave the cock in front of him a slow lick. The wolf above him smiled and patted his head.

"Good boy, keep that up."

He lavished that cock with licks, running the tip all along the surface, from base to tip. The greyhound behind him pulled out, knot slipping free with no issue. He felt two new furred paws grip his ass, and another fat length hotdog his buns, but he focused on the dick he now worshiped. Each time he moved his lips forward, trying to wrap his mouth around the cock a strong hand kept him away. He whimpered, looking up pleading at the begging to have it shoved into him, but the wolf only grinned at him, and kept his length bobbing and wet with the human's tongue bath.

He was pushed forward, and a sleight sigh of discomfort escaped his lips as another length was pushed into his ass. A small bit of pre leaking into him as the canine behind him panted, pausing just to enjoy it. The wolf above him tussled his hair and slapped him in the face with his cock, a warm thunk hit his face with each slap. The canine behind him pushed his hips forward, half of his length being shoved into his ass with one thrust. The wolf in front of him stopped hitting his face, and said, "Alright boy, go ahead."

The strong hand let up and Eddie finally pushed his face forward, able to revel in the hot length in his mouth. Sucking on it got as much of the pre into his mouth and on his tongue as he can. He lived for that salty, bitter, canine, taste. He needed it. A strong paw gripped his shoulder now, the mattress below them started squeaking. As he was spit roasted, he heard another voice speak up.

"Got room for one more?"

It was a deep voice, one of a big dog, Eddie could only guess what breed as he focused on sucking on the cock. Eddie was a bit confused as to what the voice ment, until he felt a warmed furred chest on his back, and another cock on his tailhole. His eyes widened as he felt it push, not waiting for the human to say anything. HE closed his eyes as the very tip started to stretch him, he stopped sucking, and whinced his eyes shut, trying to relax enough to let the second cock into him. The wolf he was sucking off pulled his member out of the human's mouth.

"Heh, don't worry pup, I'll feed you your bone, just don't want you biting it off."

The human was silently grateful, he shut his mouth, breathing heavily as he was slowly double penetrated. As the cock hit its thickest part, Eddie could only whine, until a loud cry of pain and pleasure escaped his lips, and the second canine slammed home.

He clutched his fist, getting used to the pain of being so stretched out, the two dogs behind him not caring if he was hurt, began to fuck him again, thankfully slowly at first. They pushed in unison, pushing deep into his ass at the same time. Each stretch elicited another whine from Eddie, until the thin tips gave him slight reprieve, only for the thick cocks to be pushed back in.

Slowly though, he got used to them, and lifted up his head, only grunting and whining, and after a little while more, he opened his eyes, and even pushing back, The wolf he was sucking off before came back, and so did his glorious member. With no hesitation, Eddie began to suck on it once more. His ass was still stretched wide, still in pain, but with both cocks his little bitch boy buzzer was being squeezed so hard, that his cock was constantly leaking pre. He was in heavy, lusty, fucky, slutty heaven. His face was red with lust, with desire, he wanted to be these dog's pet forever, wanted nothing more than to suck every dick put in front of his face.

The first unknown canine was the first to finish, with a shutter and a grunt, his tip began shooting cum all into him, but it felt like it would never end. Rope after rope after rope after rope, so much spilled out of his ass that it audibly hit the floor. He loved it, to be so filled with seed. His ass was mildly vacated as one cock was pulled out of him. He was so stretched that even as he felt cum cover his legs, the second unknown canine began shoving his knot into him, fucking him with it. The first one walked into the crowd, tussling Eddies hair as he did so. A grunt and a few words followed from behind the human,

"fuck, I hope we didn't screw this pooch so hard that he'll always be this loose, feels like an equine just finished in him."

The group of dogs laughed, one grunted and shot even more cum at Eddie, adding to the canvas of skin and cum that was Eddie now. His hair was covered, it felt like there wasn't a square inch of him that was free of cum. It was everything he ever wanted, it was everything he ever needed. Eddie felt the return of that strong paw, but instead of pushing him away, it pushed him forward. His throat bulged obscenely as cum was shot down his throat, again.

He drank it all, shot after shot after shot of spunk went down his throat, his breath would be smelling like dog seed for awhile. But as he pulled back his head, opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue, showing off just how much spunk was in him. He didn't care. The wolf kelt down again and kissed him. The wolf tasted his own seed on the human's lips, his tounge entered his mouth as they made out. Finally with a paw on his cheek, the wolf stood back off and wandered off, saying, "Maybe another time pup."

The unknown anthro behind him get whimpering and moaning, knot-fucking was super sensitive to these mutts, who only needed one knotting to cum, and here was this slut so loose that it could just pound away into him.

With one last knotting and three desperate humps, the dog behind him came, with a grown and a bite on the human's neck. His ass was so full of seed already that this new cumshot just pushed out, adding even more stains to the mattress below him. He murred as the kont was removed and his winking, gaping, asshole was shown to all. With a exhausted breath he collapsed onto the mattress chest first. The ruined furniture gave out a wet squelch and Eddie felt cum coating the cheek that fell onto it.

Weakly he looked up at the now much thinner crowd saw something that shook him out of his lust haze for a second. Standing tall, at least 9 feet was a great dane, his grey head was far higher than any of the others. Eddie looked down and saw huge pectorals, muscles that must have taken years to sculpt, a 6 pack of abs, and attached to this beast of a dog was a foot long cock, not throbbing, but leaking and rock hard with need. He rose from his collapsed state and rose to his hands and knees again, trying to say, "No, I'm done, he's too big."

Instead, all that came out were a few moans, his ass was stretched, he wasn't going to be able to walk tomorrow, maybe the whole week if he took that great dane. He tried to crawl away, cum dripping off his face and body, leaking between his legs, but two anthos stopped him, gripping onto his legs.

"Awh come on! Charlie here has been waiting all night for you to get loose enough for him."

The one holding his left leg snickered, "Yeah, and maybe after he's done, you'll get to leave."

He could feel the footsteps on the large great dane as he walked over to the human, who was struggling to get away. The huge dog picked the human up by his sides, the two dogs holding onto the human's legs let go and one helped position that foot long length of doggy dick right to that gaping hole. It was obvious to everyone, especially Eddie who felt a tip as big as most dog's shaft, that despite all the night's fucking, this was going to spread him out. The cum leaking from Eddie's ass lubed up the cock nicely, his insides were wet and the human thanked his stars for that.

As the tip pushed in Eddie weakly said, "Could you please be gen-"

He was cut off as the dane shoved the human down his huge length. The human's back ran through the dog's chest and ab muscles as he was pushed into that cock. The man could only cry out in pain and pleasure as the cock was so thick a small outline in his stomach could be seen. The dog growled in appreciation and pleasure before bluntly saying, "No"

With that, and one hand wrapped around his waist, the dog began to fuck him. He moved Eddie to resting vertically on the dog's chest, to him holding the much smaller human horizontally in front of him. The man's arms and legs were inches from the floor as he wasn't so much fucked as he was used. The dane moved his body as if it was a sex toy. Gripping the side tight and thrusting his hips forward. So much strength moved his body back and forth. Bouncing off the knot each time, squelches of cum hit the air as he was used so heavily.

Eddie almost passed out, he was still hard, the pressure on his boi buzzer saw to that, but he had all the energy fucked out of him. He could only stay in that huge furred paw and occasionally make grunts or moan as the great dane picked up speed.

The dane realized after a particularly hard thrust that the knot wasn't going in. So with a hand on each side he gripped the man even harder, and began jackhammering into the human. Faster and faster, hitting deep and hard, his arms flailed in the air as he was ruthlessly used.

After a minute or so, the grey beast began muttering,

"oh fuck, oh fuck oh FUCK, OH FUCK!!!!"

With a yell and a very hard thrust forward, he leaned back his head and let out a loud bark as his cock began surging inside the human. A torrent of seed was released inside Eddie, his belly distended just slightly until a torrent of white sticky cum came rushing out of his ass. He could only handle three shots of such volume before his body gave up and he passed out, ass surrounding that massive dog dong.

He faintly felt himself feeling extremely empty and falling, before hitting something soft and wet. He didn't know how long he was out for, but he stirred in his sleep, barely aware of a furred paw shaking him. With a graon he awoke, his ass burning and still gaping after such a rough fucking. His face had dried and drying cum all over it, his hair was crusty from the seed and the cool October air highlighted all the parts of his body where there was cum, which was all of it.

He blearily looked up and saw his black wolf mate looking concerned at him. Eddie tried to speak up but a furred finger on his lips silenced him.

"Hey, sorry about all this, I kinda told the guys about you and I guess they went a little overboard huh?"

The black wolf began looking all over the seed covered human

"Man, I'm smelling at least 15 other furs, didn't expect them to all want a piece of you.

Eddie could only look up at his mate, words weakly formed, "So....you...."

The anthro smiled ruefully and spoke, "Yeah, I knew that you liked other furs and wanted an open relationship. But I also knew you'd never bring it up. I was talking to some of my construction co-workers and they said that they could show you a good time."

The black wolf lifted the human off of the cum-covered mattress, now permanently ruined, it was soaked to every corner and the human's side was still wet from laying on it.

"I thought there would only be 5 or 6 guys but seemed like everyone wanted a piece of my cute little human."

The wolf gave Eddie a boop on the nose and began walking him out the building. Eddie could see the black pickup that his mate drove, humming and no doubt filled with warm air to help with eddie's cold naked body.

"So, honey, yes, we can have an open relationship, I know anyone who wanted you tonight would want you tomorrow or anytime really."

The wolf opened the door, gently placed Eddie inside, and walked over to the driver's side. He climbed in and began to drive away. "Of course, now I have to fuck you every single day so the whole town knows who you belong to, even underneath the smell of 3 or 4 other fur's spunk."

Eddie gave out a small laugh as they drove on home, he spoke up, "Could we start tonight?"

The wolf tilted his head and grinned, "Of course honey, that was the plan all along."