Hot Date

Story by C-PRIME on SoFurry

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This is my 200th submission to SoFurry.

A sexually repressed male wolf is dragged to the Sakura House on his birthday where he meets a female Tepig who helps him release his pent-up tensions.

Hot Date (M Wolf + F Tepig)

NOTE: This story takes place after the events of "In Search For Melissa". Reading that story may help to understand some of the things mentioned here. So, if you're curious, click on this link here to be taken to that story.

Today was Prince's 25th birthday, but he wasn't exactly in the most festive of moods. Ever since he left home and got a job in Yokai City working as an account manager at the Yokai City Credit Union, the male wolf had little time to pursue a meaningful relationship with a female. He knew what he wanted in life, he wanted to meet a compassionate female...preferably a female wolf or other canid, and have a family of his own. He wanted a female who would be his lifelong partner, one whom he could share some of his hobbies with and he could do the same with her. To him, unlike most Kapernians, sex wasn't a big thing in his life. Having spent most of his life in a more conservative wolfpack, he was taught that sex was primarily done for breeding purposes, not so much for pleasure.

His friends, on the other hand, behaved a lot more like normal Kapernians. Although a couple of his friends were already married, most of them were still single, and still very much interested in having sex with females as much as they could before they got married. They all figured that Prince needed to live a little, so they told him that they had a surprise for him, blindfolded him and brought Prince to the Sakura House for a night of sexual pleasure and fun.

When they took off the blindfold and Prince could see where they were as they stood at the main desk of the Sakura House where a two-tailed vixen wearing a semi-transparent purple gown and white undergarments was at the desk, handling all of the admissions into the club. "OK, so that's eight one-night passes to the hot springs, plus a complimentary private session for the 'birthday boy'", the vixen politely responded as she tallied up the total. "That'll be 250 UIC Dollars", she answered a few moments later as one of Prince's fox friends paid for the entire group. Meanwhile, one of Prince's raccoon buddies put his hand on Prince's back. "Hey, relax buddy! We've got this all taken care of! You work too hard, you deserve to have a little bit of fun", he commented happily as Prince felt a bit uneasy inside.

He didn't want to be here, but at the same time he also didn't want to upset his friends either. "Why did you guys bring me here?", he thought to himself as their fox friend gave each of them waterproof wristbands to wear to show that they paid for admission to the hot spring area. Prince received the band that was white with multi-colored sprinkles painted on it, letting any females know that he was the birthday boy and was entitled to one free 60 minute session with whichever female he chose.

"Hey, just so you all know, you're all paying for your own sessions", the fox commented as he was willing to pay to help his friends get into the club, but wouldn't go as far as to spend hundreds, or even thousands of UIC dollars on females he wouldn't get to have sex with. He placed the wristband on Prince's right arm and made sure it was on tight. "There ya go, 'birthday boy'!", he commented happily to Prince before grabbing onto the male wolf's hand, bringing him with to the hot spring area.

Prince was still reluctant to go along with his friends. While he knew they meant well, he also figured that they were thinking more with their dicks than their heads...especially in the case of the male fox who had paid for all of them to get in. He knew that his fox friend had a relationship with one of the residents of Sakura House, and it was likely that this trip was inspired by his desire to meet with her again. "Why did you have to bring me with just so you could see that Kirara again? You could've just gone by yourself", Prince thought to himself as the group of males soon reached the hot springs area of the Sakura House.

There were two separate hot springs in the Sakura House, one that featured male residents and one with female residents. Clients were free to pick whichever hot spring they wanted to go in based on their preferences. The majority of them went into the female area, while another one of their fox friends and a male rabbit went into the male hot spring area, since they went both ways. As for Prince, and his other buddies, they walked into the female hot spring area and discovered a large pool that was about 3 feet deep all around, with bubble jets all over the place, bathed in cool white and soft blue lighting with several chairs set up around the pool area. There were several artificial Sakura trees surrounding the pool area, all with white and pink blossoms that were permanently attached to them.

The hot spring area was a place where residents could openly meet with clients and offer their services to them, or they sometimes went there to unwind. About a dozen different females were present in the hot spring area, including a female two-tailed nekomata that recognized Prince's fox friend and came up to him*. "Mmm...welcome back, foxy! I've been waiting to see you again!", she commented playfully, purring like a kitten to the male fox as he quickly got a boner for the nekomata and presented her with 300 UIC Dollars.

"Let's not waste any time here, Kirara. Let's just head back up to your room and get 'caught up'", he playfully answered as she kissed him happily and the two of them left to go have fun in her room. Before leaving, he turned back towards the remainder of the group with some last words for them. "Have fun you guys...I'll see you again at closing time, OK?", he commented as the remainder of the group (except for Prince) started to disrobe before getting into the water.

"I should've known", Prince thought to himself, shaking his head as he watched his fox buddy leave with Kirara. Meanwhile, his collie buddy tapped Prince on the shoulder and pointed to a sign.

"Hey Prince, aren't you going to take off your clothes so you can get into the pool?", he asked while showing Prince the sign that stated the rules of the hot spring area.

Prince took a look at the sign and grumbled a bit. "No clothes allowed while in the touching any of the residents without receiving sex in the hot spring without paying for it approaching residents lounging around the pool area unless they invite you first...any messes created while having sex outside of the hot spring must be cleaned up afterwards...all sex acts in the hot spring area cost 100 UIC Dollars...bla...bla...bla", Prince read, shaking his head a bit before he finally started to undress. "I really don't want to be here. I feel so uneasy about this!", he thought to himself some more, contemplating running away, but not wanting to disappoint his buddies...especially after they literally paid for his pleasure.

He tried to play along and got into the water, which was kept at a constant 103 degrees**, feeling hot to the touch, but not unbearable. It didn't take too long for his other buddies to find partners after they got into the water. His raccoon buddy was already talking to a female minun, his collie buddy quickly got the attention of a three-tailed kitsune female, and the mouse twins were quickly whisked away by a female vulpix and her eevee sister. Soon, Prince was all alone in one corner of the hot spring, but would not stay that way for long.

Prince was soon approached from the side by a female who noticed that he was by himself. She waded over to him, placed her hands on his chest and pressed her crotch up against his own. "Hey there! Are you looking to have a date with someone?", she asked calmly as Prince got a good look at the female who approached him. She was a Tepig, with long strawberry red hair that extended past her shoulder and bright green eyes. She seemed to have a sweet personality, but was also quite eager to play, especially given how attractive she looked. Her bust was "DD-cup" and her nipples looked puffy, she was slightly chubby, but had nice curves, and her body felt very warm to the touch.

Prince wasn't sure what to think when she met him. On one hand, he remembered what he was taught as a pup and how his father mentioned that he should only mate for breeding purposes. It also didn't help that he was the son of the alpha couple of his birth pack, and his father had high hopes of him finding another canid female, especially a female wolf to marry and have pups with...possibly even forming a pack of their own at some point in the future. Then again, Prince's body had other ideas.

His only means to relieving his sexual tensions had always been masturbation, and while it did help him out at times, Prince had never experienced the real thing. The female Tepig's crotch felt very warm to him and it succeeded in getting his wolfhood to come out of its sheath. She soon noticed it and made sure that her pussy lips contacted his maleness. "I take it that this means you like me", she commented sweetly, beginning to hump against his growing stiffness while she felt her insides becoming wet, anticipating his wolfhood inside her very soon.

The more he felt her rub against his growing erection, the more he heard a voice call out to him inside his head. "C'mon man! Can't you see that she wants us?", the voice called out, representing Prince's libido. "Dad doesn't know what's best for us. We need this, and we need it now!", the voice continued as Prince's shaft reached full erection and began to twitch as it was being touched by the hot outer folds of the female Tepig.

When she started to feel the pulsations in his length, the female Tepig smiled and embraced Prince in her arms, making sure she made as much of her warmth press up against him as possible. She was very eager to play with him, she had a thing for canid males, particularly vulpines and lupines. Although she wouldn't know for sure until it was inside her, Prince seemed to have a fairly thick shaft with a large knot. She could almost see herself getting stuck to the horny male wolf and letting him slowly fill her with his seed, thinking that it might be the best sex she's had ever since she started working at the Sakura House...possibly even in her entire life.

"Mmm...c'mon honey, just tell me what I want to hear, then we can go back to my room and play for a while. I'll even let you turn the tie with me if you want!", she coaxed, touching a finger to his cheek, creating a heart-shape on it to advertise that she wanted him inside her.

Meanwhile, the voice inside Prince's head kept calling out to him, all while his stiff wolfhood throbbed intensely and his testicles felt heavy on the inside. "Go on, it! Let's get some of that hot, delicious pork!", his libido called out to him, starting to make Prince murr while sensing the heat of the female brushing up against his stiffness. Soon afterwards, he heard the voice of his father call out to him inside his head.

"Son, don't you dare stick your dick into that whore!", his father's voice called out to him inside his head as Prince felt a spurt of precum launch from the tip of his aroused maleness, spurting into the water of the hot spring. It was then Prince realized that he wasn't a pup any longer. He was a full-grown adult and he had his own needs and wants. He had abstained from having sex because of the wishes of his father, but wanted to know what it was like ever since he was a teenager, just like almost every Kapernian male would. It was time for Prince to do what he wanted to do.

He let out a playful growl and then wrapped his arms around the female Tepig, putting his mouth on hers and kissing her deeply. His behavior surprised the female at first, but she went along with it, putting her tongue into his mouth as they kissed and humped each other for several moments. While they kissed, she was very careful not to let any of her fire get released into his mouth, since she knew that it would burn him if it did, but she had excellent control over her abilities, so this wasn't a huge concern.

While they kissed, Prince's maleness kept throbbing, spitting more precum from his tip and showing that it wanted inside the female's vagina. The touch between them became even hotter as she felt her insides become very wet and tingly, showing that she was more than ready to receive his wolfhood.

Soon afterward, they stopped kissing, but remained close to each other as she kept her warm folds pressed against his length, each of them rubbing against each other gently. "Are you ready to play with me?", she asked sweetly, moving one of her hands to the side of his nuzzle and brushing against it gently.

Prince knew what he wanted and it didn't matter any longer what his father might think about it. "Yes...I want it really bad!", he answered softly, making her giggle before she kissed him on the nose.

'Mmm...good boy! Now, let's just step on out of the hot spring together and get dried off, then we'll head on back to my room", she suggested, taking one of Prince's hands as they soon got out of the warm water and headed on over to the communal turbo dryer chamber. Then, after their bodies had been dried off by the hurricane-force jets of warm air, the two of them wrapped up in nice clean white robes while Prince gathered his clothing. Sakura House residents were allowed to be naked at any time while they were in the public areas, but clients could only be naked while in the pool/hot spring area or in private rooms.

When they were ready, she took his hand again and walked with him over to a nearby elevator that took them up to the third floor of the building. The Sakura House was a lot like Screwtopia Towers in many ways. It had numerous private rooms where horny males and females could meet someone for sexual enjoyment, but unlike Screwtopia Towers, the clients rarely stayed at Sakura House for more than a few hours. Residents had the option of letting a specific client spend the night with them if they so desired, but not all residents did this.

Along the way to the room, Prince finally learned the name of the female who took an interest in him. Her name was Phoebe and she had been working at the Sakura House for about 2 years. She was somewhat popular there, but not one of the elite-level females in the Sakura House. There were three separate class levels for both male and female residents alike. The most common was the "Standard Class", where residents would live in rooms that resembled any modern apartment, having all the basic essentials. Then, there was the "Field Class", which was a step up from the Standard Class. More popular residents got rooms with added features in them. Finally, for the most popular females, there were the "Temple Class" rooms, where the interior of the rooms were designed to resemble that of ancient Japanese temples, along with having a private "hot spring" in their rooms. Phoebe was a "Field Class" female and Prince would find out what that meant as soon as they reached her room.

After a couple minutes, the couple arrived at Phoebe's room inside the Sakura House where she opened the door and let him in. Her room had all the features that the Standard rooms had, with a kitchenette, a bathroom with shower and personal turbo dryer, and all that stuff, but bedroom/living room area was much different. For starters, it was a bit larger than the area would be in the standard rooms, having plenty of open space for a canid male like Prince to comfortably tie Phoebe. However, the more important difference was in the way this area was decorated.

In the corners of the room as well as over by the bed, were several synthetic sakura blossom trees. They looked like the real things, but the leaves and blossoms were made of a special fabric that would let them feel real to the touch, but never die or fall off like the real trees. The carpeting in the room was in the color of grass to simulate a more natural look. In addition, the lighting within the main area of the room resembled daylight, giving everything the look as if they were in the middle of a field, hence the title of "Field Class". The lighting of the room could even be changed to take on a more nighttime look, depending on the time of the day. The lights were timed to the solar cycle outside and since the sun was still up, it still had the look of daylight, although it wouldn't be too much longer before the sun went down. There was also another feature that the fake trees had with them that Phoebe activated from a control panel near the door to her room.

Each large branch of the fake sakura blossom trees had tiny pores in them that released a scent into the room. The scent consisted of a natural essence of sakura blossoms, as well as a synthetic pheromone, designed specifically to arouse a male and get him interested in sex. Prince was already semi-aroused when they reached the room, but when the aroma of sakura blossoms and pheromones hit his sensitive nose, he immediately murred loudly while wagging his tail excitedly. His arousal quickly return, causing his penis to bulge into the robe he was wearing and letting Phoebe know that he was ready to mate. She never cooled off any while they made their way to her room. She was still just as eager as before to pleasure her lupine partner while also getting some pleasure of her own.

Phoebe removed the rob she was wearing and then walked over to an area in front of her bed, getting down on all fours while presenting herself to Prince. She raised her rear end upwards, shaking a bit before spreading apart her outer lips to expose her opening. "Well...what are you waiting for, honey? Can't you see that I'm all ready for you?", Phoebe announced cheerfully, eager to feel Prince's wolfhood in her vaginal passage. Ordinarily, Phoebe would ask Prince for payment before she did this, but she had noticed his wristband when they met. She wanted to have sex with him now and then worry about taking the wristband from him later on, after she had let him mount her.

Prince gradually approached while disrobing, now acting on natural breeding instincts as he felt his maleness twitch very strongly. He was fairly impressive compared to other canids. His shaft stood at 10 inches long and was fairly thick, leading back to his 2 inch diameter knot (which would grow to 3 inches around when fully aroused). Prince got close to Phoebe, dropping to his knees while staring at her backside, getting a good look at his first real vagina.

Phoebe's opening seemed very small and it quivered a bit as she kept her outer lips spread apart. A trickle of her juices ran down from it, giving the indication that she was good and wet on the inside. He looked at her pussy...then at his shaft...then at her pussy again, and felt a bit nervous. "Are you sure that you want it in there? I mean, it looks rather small", Prince asked, thinking that his maleness might be too big for the female Tepig to handle.

She briefly looked back and noticed what Prince had, seeing how powerful his wolfhood looked and smiled. He was indeed a big male, but not the biggest she had ever taken. She once took a wolf penis that was over a foot long and had an even larger knot than Prince's. She was used to having thick cocks and swollen canid knots in her naturally tight hole.

"It's alright, can put it in me. I can take it", Phoebe assured Prince while keeping her outer lips spread open for him. "Just make sure that you take things slowly as you're putting it in, OK", she added a moment later, knowing that a slow and gentle beginning made it easier for her to take big canid shafts inside her pussy.

With her blessing and his instincts driving him to mate, Prince gradually came closer to Phoebe, letting the tip of his shaft touch against her vaginal opening before she released her outer folds. Prince had never done this before in his life. He had led a very sheltered life in his birth pack and his only experience with seeing a naked female before this was through sex education. Slowly, Prince built up more confidence as his hands made their way to Phoebe's hips, grabbing onto them lightly as he let out a sigh and then finally pushed into her hole.

Prince's eyes opened wide when he first felt Phoebe's pussy surrounding him. It felt both very tight and extremely warm, coaxing a strong spurt of his precum to launch deep inside the female's tract. His thick wolfhood pushed against Phoebe's vaginal walls, pulsing happily as he moved deeper inside, soon completely mounting her in traditional lupine fashion. "Why didn't I do this sooner?", Prince thought excitedly, enjoying his first experience with a female, despite the fact that he was just getting started.

Despite him not having any experience with sex before this, Prince knew what to do and kept pushing inward until he had everything but his bulb inside her. He let the knot kiss against Phoebe's outer lips for a few moments, letting her feel it pulse along with the rest of his shaft as it was buried deep in her passage. Phoebe liked what she felt from him thus of the thickest and horniest males she had encountered in her time working at Sakura House. In fact, she felt his maleness twitch so much that she got curious about him.

"Oooh, it feels like you haven't been milked in a while, honey. How long has it been since you last had sex?", Phoebe asked curiously.

Prince felt a bit embarrassed when he heard Phoebe ask this. He wasn't sure how he was going to tell her that he was a virgin. "'s been an awfully long time since I did this dad wasn't too big on the idea of having sex outside of marriage and...", Prince answered as Phoebe giggled to his response.

"You poor thing! No wonder why you seem so happy to be inside me!", Phoebe told Prince in a sweet and playful manner while her vaginal walls spasmed inward along his length. "Don't you worry though, I promise I'll take real good care of you. By the time you're done with me, I'm sure you'll feel a whole lot better", Phoebe added cheerfully as she moved back towards him a little, allowing his bulb to push against her outer lips some more. "Just make sure that you don't go too quickly. After all, we need to make sure that you get me good and wet so that I can take that knot of yours when you're ready to cum", Phoebe explained while Prince followed his breeding instincts and began humping the hot and horny Tepig.

Despite him being a virgin, Prince did his best not to go too quickly, savoring the sensation of Phoebe's tight hole grabbing onto and massaging his wolfhood while he pumped more precum deep into her tract. "Oooh...I could get used to this!", Prince thought happily, liking what Phoebe had for him, sensing her insides becoming a bit warmer and a bit more moist with each inward thrust.

Meanwhile, Phoebe happily accepted Prince's shaft deep within her pussy, feeling his bulb repeatedly touch her outer lips, pushing against them just a little, but not enough to make the knot pass through them. His maleness seemed to thicken against her folds and the pulsations in it intensified as it became more sensitive to touch. She felt his precum reach all the way to her cervix, coating it with its warmth as she had to fight her own natural instincts to crank up the heat around his length. The inside of her vagina was already warmer than that of a normal lupine female, given the fact that she was a fire-type pokemorph. Her juices provided a natural coolant/barrier to keep any non fire-type male from getting burned from how warm her insides were.

Still, the sensation of having his dick inside a fire-type pokemorph was enough to make Prince sweat a bit from the increased heat, as some of it worked into his own body. It would be enough to make him run a mild and temporary fever, but he didn't really mind it at the moment. He loved how tight she was around his shaft and his balls churned strongly, wanting to finally spend their payload inside a female's uterus.

The more sensitive that his wolfhood became to touch, the more Prince acted on his instincts. He held onto Phoebe's hips a bit tighter and moved a bit faster, now beginning to move from side-to-side a little with each inward thrust. His knot pressed against her vaginal lips a bit harder and a bit longer, causing them to spread apart a bit more with each time. Although the bulb didn't go in, it was obvious that Prince wanted to stick it inside his hot and horny partner.

Phoebe knew this behavior well from her past experiences with canid partners. She knew that he wanted to stick the knot inside and pump her full of his "puppies". She enjoyed the thought of letting her partners inseminate her and would even sometimes let her natural body heat give her partners a false sense that they were shooting their load into a fertile female, despite the fact that Phoebe had her tubes tied off years ago. She enjoyed having natural sex with her partners, but she had no intention on becoming a least not for a while.

Prince began to pant excitedly, feeling the pressure inside his balls growing rapidly while his maleness throbbed and thickened against Phoebe's hot interior, also sensing waves of vaginal juices soak it and spurt from her opening onto his knot. Her vaginal opening convulsed inward around Prince's shaft, causing the eager male to yip with excitement. " want to stick it all in me. You want me to give that big bulb of yours a tight hug while you fill me with your seed, don't you?", Phoebe called out in between moans of sexual pleasure, feeling the intense rubbing of his flesh against hers make her insides feel very warm and sensitive.

Prince growled, sensing his climax nearing while his hands clamped down tight around her hips and he gave Phoebe everything he had, moving at full-speed, humping her madly while moving from side-to-side. "Ahh...yes!...Yes!...YESSSS!", he exclaimed as he let his instincts take full control of his body, pushing his knot into the female Tepig and feeling it become locked inside her immediately. Then, the moment he felt his knot enter her hot vaginal hole, Prince let out a howl of delight and had his first true orgasm.

"Oh my God!", Phoebe called out excitedly when she felt his seed pour into her, rushing from his tip in a torrent instead of several strong spurts like she was used to feeling. Every drop of Prince's cream passed through Phoebe's (now partially open) cervix, splattering all over the top of her womb and quickly pooling within it, all while she felt his throbbing bulb grow larger around her opening. "Mmm...he likes me!", Phoebe thought happily, feeling his load spreading throughout her Tepig uterus, creating a 'cool' and soothing sensation within it.

Prince felt happy and relieved when he finally came inside Phoebe. He felt all the seed that had been pent-up within his balls finally get its chance to spurt freely into a willing female, milking them quite nicely as he relaxed and panted while his knot grew to its full size. "Mmm...there now...doesn't that feel a whole lot better?", Phoebe asked Prince happily as he murred, licked the back of her neck, all while continuing to spill his massive load into her womb.

"Yes...much better!", he answered happily, feeling his bulb reach its full-size and his climax slow down from a steady stream of cum to short spurts every few seconds. He was ready to turn the tie with Phoebe, but before he did, he had something he wanted to tell her. "By the way...I want to thank you for doing this for me. I didn't realize what I had been missing out on for all of these years", he mentioned, making Phoebe smile and blush.

"You know, you're more than welcome to come see me here any time the Sakura House is open, honey. If you've got the money, I'll gladly milk you like this as much as you'd like!", Phoebe mentioned sweetly. "In fact, if you're really lucky, I may introduce you to my girlfriend at some point in the future", Phoebe added. He didn't know this about Phoebe at the time, but she was bisexual and was in a serious relationship with a female ninetales. Any male that Phoebe or her girlfriend may come across to have as a mutual boyfriend/future mate would have to accept both of them. Phoebe liked Prince, but wanted to get to know him some more before she would introduce him to her girlfriend or consider him as her boyfriend. Still, she wanted him to complete their union and treat her the way he would if she was his girlfriend.

" you going to turn the tie with me, or are you just going to stay on my back like this?", she asked calmly, coaxing Prince to finish what he started.

Prince murred and got the message right away, releasing his grip on her hips and dismounting Phoebe, all while his wolfhood remained firmly stuck within her passage. As he turned the tie, stronger spurts of his cum launched from his tip, while Phoebe felt a tugging sensation on her vaginal walls. It was a bit difficult for her to handle ties like this early on, but by now she was used to this and soon looked back to see Prince attached to her while they faced opposite directions. He wagged his tail happily, leisurely filling his partner with more of his seed, gradually using up the load that had built within his swollen nuts from years of holding back on his natural desires.

"Mmm...good boy!", she called out playfully, feeling the pool of wolf cum grow larger inside her uterus, all while she did her best to clamp onto and hold his swollen bulb. His shaft wasn't going anywhere right now regardless, since it was such a tight fit to begin with. However, Phoebe wanted to make sure that she got the full load inside her and let Prince get the most out of his "birthday present".

Nearly an hour passed before Prince finally calmed down enough to where he could slip out of Phoebe's passage, leaving the female Tepig all sticky inside from his load. His body made quite a bit of seed for her, giving Phoebe a slight belly bulge from the volume of cum that poured from his balls. When he was done with Phoebe, Prince felt spent physically, but also felt quite relieved. A warm sensation filled his entire body and he felt a gentle tingle that he never experienced whenever he got off while masturbating.

She could tell that he was a bit tired, so she took his hand and escorted him to her bed to rest up for a bit. She figured he wouldn't be able to go again until he had a good night's sleep and probably something to eat, but she'd make him feel welcome for as long as he wanted to stay with her. When he got to the bed, Prince got in it, laying on his back while Phoebe got on top of him, sitting down where his crotch was, showing off her slightly swollen belly. "Mmm...look at all the puppies you put inside me!", she playfully coaxed, making Prince think that he had bred with her.

Prince smiled and put a hand on her belly, touching it gently and making Phoebe blush a bit. "I think he really does want to have puppies with me!", she thought cheerfully, giving her the idea that maybe he thought of her as a future mate.

Prince felt proud to inseminate Phoebe. He no longer cared about what his father might say about what he did. All that mattered to him was that he enjoyed himself and Phoebe seemed to enjoy him. He would've preferred to have a canid mate, but he was more open to mating with Phoebe than he was earlier. If she wanted him to be her boyfriend, he was willing to accommodate it. However, as much as Prince wanted to stay (and maybe have sex with Phoebe some more), he had friends that he had to get together with. So, he thanked Phoebe for taking his virginity by kissing her on the lips, gave her the wristband as payment for her services and promised that he would return at a future date.

He met with his buddies at the entrance of the Sakura House at around 11 PM, with every one of his buddies getting to have a good time while they were there. His fox buddy (the one who paid for the group's admission) came up to Prince and put his hand on Prince's shoulder. "So...did you enjoy yourself?", he asked in a curious manner, hoping that Prince got over being so uptight from earlier.

Prince smiled and took his friend's hand, holding it firmly. "Thanks for doing this for me, man! I never knew what I was missing out on before tonight!", Prince exclaimed happily as the group left the Sakura House to make one last stop at a local bar for some celebratory beers.

When Prince got back home around 2 AM, he crashed into bed, laying on his stomach while grabbing onto his pillow. He held it tightly in his arms, thinking about Phoebe, feeling his wolfhood become erect while he did so. He knew he wanted to see her again and would make sure he got back out to the Sakura House as soon as he could.

To be continued...

*: For those of you who haven't read Part 2 of "In Search For Melissa" (which is on Inkbunny, for those of you reading this on SoFurry or FurAffinity), Kirara is the great-granddaughter of Shippo (from Inuyasha), I think you can guess who her great-grandmother would be. **: Fahrenheit, not Celsius.