Boys of Summer 2

Story by Duffin on SoFurry

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Part two of a story from yeeeeeears ago. Max and PJ have been together for a few months. What happens when their friend Bobby comes for a sleepover? Hope you all enjoy.

The Boys of Summer 2

By Duffin Caprous

Disclaimer: This story involves sexual or adult situations. Do not read this if you are under the legal age to see pornography in your country. I won't be held responsible if your fragile little minds get warped. Otherwise...enjoy!

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I hope everyone enjoys. I don't generally do Rule 34 stuff, but I really wanted to get a Part 2 out for this long overdue series. I always try to match the character's patterns right. Let me know what you think. Please feel free to leave me comments!


Max and PJ had been secretly dating for a couple months. After the day at PJ's secret place, they were even more inseparable. Sure, there's been rumors of them being gay together before, but it only got more and more prevalent. Sure, Max had felt bad at dumping Roxanne, especially after spending the entire last summer basically lying and sneaking to try and weasel his way into a Power Line concert, but...PJ made him happy and he wasn't exactly sure why.

"Max...max!" came the voice of the pudgy cat sitting across from him, "Earth to Max!"

He blinked, looking back to PJ with a grin, "What, Peej?"

"You were all zoned out. You fantasizing about Roxanne again?" he teased.

Max kicked out at his boyfriend's knee, "Stop it..."

"It's okay if you do. I mean..." PJ said, glancing around before leaning in, "I know you...still like girls and stuff..."

Max waved a gloved hand, "I was thinking of you, doofus."

That caused the cat to blush quite a bit on the cheeks. He looked down at his half eaten burger, "O...oh! Well...I guess that's okay, too."

Max smiled, "You're adorable, Peej," he said, reaching out to rest a gloved hand on PJ's.

"Max-a-mi-illian! And Peejamundoooo!" They heard, looking over, the voice of Bobby Zimmeruski rather obvious. Both boys quickly leaned back in the booth as the slender, lanky dog slip into the booth next to Max, "So fellas, what's going on?"

"Nothing! We're just...eating," PJ replied quickly, a bit of a blush coming across his chubby features. Bobby lifted his round sunglasses to slightly glare at the nervous-looking cat before looking back to Max.

"Yeah, just...having burgers, you know," Max replied, a sheepish grin on his face as he lifted a hand to run across his headfur.

For a few moments, Bobby seemed to size the both of them up, "Well...can't stay long, just saw you here. You going to Stacey's party this weekend?" Bobby asked.

"Oh! Uh...we were going to...have--" PJ began.

"A sleepover! I mean, uh...I was going to go to PJ's and we were going to play some video games," Max finished. Both boys looked increasingly nervous.

Bobby's eyebrow lifted some, "Okay, you guys, what's going on?"

"Nothing! It's nothing," PJ replied, the blush growing further on his face.

Max saw how nervous PJ was getting and nibbled a lip before looking to Bobby, "Okay! Okay..."

"Max!" the cat said, looking to his boyfriend.

"PJ and I are..." he began, fingers wringing together, "...together..." he said, whispering the last word.

Bobby sat there motionless, glasses held between thumb and forefinger to keep them up. After a few moments, he spoke, "Yeah, and?"

A blush began to creep its way across Max's face, "No, we're...boy...boyfriends."

Again Bobby kept looking at Max with that relaxed expression on his face, "Aaaand?"

A glance was exchanged between Max and PJ followed by a look of confusion, "Bobby, uh...I don't think you're getting..."

"What? You're boyfriends, together, you're buh-anging. I don't get the problem," the dog replied, looknig between Max and PJ.

"You don't care?" PJ blurted out suddenly, as if unable to hold it in.

"Really, you guys?'s pretty obvious. Kinda surprised it took so long. Last year, I was surprised you got a crush on Rox, Maxy," Bobby said, his voice a bit lowered, "I love you guys, shoulda trusted me."

Both boys finally felt the ability to breathe come back to them, "R...really?" Max asked.

Bobby rolled his eyes and let his glasses fall back down over his eyes, "Well, duuuh," he replied, "You guys want to bail to screw, just say so."

PJ gasped, looking around the fast food place, "Bobby, quiet! It's...we can't tell anyone..."

"Duuudes, come on..." Bobby replied and finally relented .Some weren't ready to be completely out, he figured. He seemed to have an idea and Max saw a twinkle in his eye, "Alright, I'll keep your secret....if...I can come over this weekend, too."

The two boys blinked, "Uh...Bobby..." Max began, swallowing a little bit, "I don't think..."

"What? It'd be fun, guys, promise!" the teller dog replied, grinning winningly to the two of them, " want all of Spoonerville to know you're doing each other..."

They blushed at that, Max and Pj looking back and forth. Of course Bobby would never do such a thing, but...well, he'd been curious.

"Peej, do you think?" Max asked nervously, leaning in to do a whispered conference with his partner.

"Max, I...Bobby would never tell...I don't think..." the cat began, still blushing a little bit as they conversed.

"I wouldn't...wouldn't mind don't."

That caused PJ to blush a bit more, "I, um...did kind of want to see know...up close..."

Max laughed softly, "You perv! Okay, doesn't mean anything, right? I...still love you."

"I...l-love you too, Max," PJ replied, blushing anew as Max said that to him, for the first time, in fact.

Pulling back, Max looked to Bobby, " can come. But, you can't...tell anyone."

"Cross my heart buuuudies!" Bobby replied, physically crossing his forefinger over his chest.


"I can't believe we let him talk us into this!" PJ said from his bedroom desk while Max sat on the bed.

"Peej, come on, I know you're all kinky and stuff. I mean...I know you loooove these..." Max said, lifting one of his bare feet up, wiggling his toes which caused a massive blush on PJ's face, "Besides, we said we wanted to try with someone else someday."

"Well, yeah, but I...thought it would be longer than this before..." PJ replied. Max pushed himself up from the bed, walking to his boyfriend. He leaned down, lips pressing firmly to the cat's, drawing a soft excited whimper from him.

"Relax. You can decide when to stop, okay? Just tell me," Max said after breaking the kiss. PJ nodded his head. The doorbell rang and both boys quickly looked up. Despite his pep talk, Max was incredibly nervous. He'd never really thought of Bobby in any way other than a friend, but...the thought of perhaps seeing PJ sucking his cock was....well, making him pretty stiff already in his baggy jeans.

"Oh, Bobby, hi!" they heard Peg Pete say from the front door.

"Missus Peterino, looking fiiine today!" Bobby could be heard saying.

"Oh, you! The boys are upstairs...I've got pizza coming soon," she replied.

Bobby could be heard thanking her before his footsteps came closer and closer up the stairs. Soon he was in the doorway a plastic bag in hand, "Buuuddies!"

Max looked over, "Hey, Bobby!" he said, both boys slapping hands together in greeting, "So...uh...we kind of have to wait for Peej's parents to go to bed before..."

Bobby scoffed, "You don't think that's the only reason I came over, do you?" he asked, dropping the bag by the door and coming in to ruffle PJ's headfur, "Hey, PJ, you have Fight Storm 2?"

"Oh man...yeah! I just got it last week! We should play!" PJ said, all three boys excitedly going to sit on the floor to play the fighting game.


A few hours later, a pizza box or two were strewn across the floor. Max reached in for another piece of pizza.

"Aw are you so good at this game?" PJ asked, tossing the controller down as Bobby's demon fighter kicked PJ's character across the screen, defeating him yet again.

"Skill, bud!" Bobby replied with a laugh, looking to Max, "You next?"

"Yeah, sure," the dog replied, wiping his greasy hands on his pants.

"Let's...make it interesting. How about...each round, the loser has to...take something off," Bobby suggested with a grin.

PJ gasped softly at that, " mom and dad..."

"'re on!" Max replied, "I'm going to destroy you!"

Bobby and Max played the game while PJ watched a bit nervously. He kept listening out for either of his parents coming up the stairs. It wasn't long before Bobby expertly beat Max's character on the screen, "Hah! Go on!"

Max huffed softly. He'd been real close...with ease, the dog used one foot to pull a sock off and then the next, leaving him barefoot. He could tell PJ was staring a bit at them and gave his toes another wiggle, giving a loving look over his shoulder at the cat. Round two went...a bit better, sure, but Max found himself losing once again. With a nibbled lip, he looked to PJ.

"Well...go on, you agreed..." PJ pushed. He never would turn down a chance to see the sexy dog topless. And soon Max had tugged his baggy red hoodie off, his skinny black fur showing to both.

"Okay, this're mine!" Max said competitively, looking back to the game. It was furious competition, Max's character kicking and punching, Bobby's flinging the other around. Bobby was about to win again! In desperation, Max shot a hand out, pressing right up between Bobby's legs to squeeze his balls.

"Whoooa!" the taller dog exclaimed and soon Max's character was delivering a final blow to Bobby's.

"Hah!" Max exclaimed, PJ looking rather shocked at the action of his boyfriend.

"You cheated!" Bobby exclaimed, suddenly tackling Max. PJ jumped up to his feet, seeing his boyfriend and Bobby rolling around on the floor.

"Oh yeah? Prove it!" Max replied, rolling around on the floor with Bobby until suddenly the mohawked dog found himself on top, straddling the topless canine.

"Hah! Give!" Bobby said triumphantly. Max struggled a little bit beneath him.

"L...lemme up..." he said before PJ piped up.

"Oh, I dunno, Max. Maybe you...oughta apologize to Bobby for cheating," he said. Max looked shocking in PJ's direction.

"I...but I wasn' was an accident..." Max replied.

Bobby looked back over to PJ and grinned, "Go get my bag, PJ."

Obediently, the cat boy walked over to the door and brought the plastic bag over. Max struggled beneath the taller boy, "PJ, help me! Get him off..."

"Now, Max...what kind of boyfriend would I be if I let you get away with cheating..." PJ said with a twinkle in his eye. He looked in the bag, blinking a little bit, "What is...?"

Reaching in, Bobby quickly pulled out a can of cheddar whiz in a can. Max looked up, seeing it. He saw Bobby tilt his head back, shaking the can before spraying a large amount into his muzzle. Before he could much react, the dog leaned back down, still straddling Max's hips. Max soon found a cheesy pair of lips mashed against his, much to PJ's surprise.

The two boys kissed on the floor, Bobby taking the initiative to push his tongue past Max's lips, pushing the artificial cheese into his muzzle. Max mffed into the kiss. He wasn't a huge fan of that cheese in a can, but there was...something really hot about sharing it with Bobby. He trembled a bit beneath the more domineering canine while Pj watching his boyfriend kissing another guy.

Bobby broke it and grinned some, "Cheddary..." he said and glanced to PJ, "Come here," he said, apparently not wanting to leave the cat out as soon those cheese covered lips were pressed to PJ. The chubby cat moaned softly into it, trying to stay quiet, tongue battling together before pulling back.

PJ knelt beside Max and Bobby, breathing heavily, a bright blush across his face. All three had the taste of fake cheese on their tongues and all three had rather obvious lumps in their pants. A soft moan slid from Max's muzzle as Bobby sat back, right on Max's hard-on.

"You guys...okay with this, right?" Bobby asked softly, looking down at Max and back to PJ, the chubby cat running his fingers through his short headfur.

"We..uh, yeah, we...talked about it. You're our bud and...well, we trust you," the cat said, Bobby finding himself being the one to blush that time.

"Boooys, who wants pie?" Peg could be heard from the kitchen, breaking the mood a bit.

"Oh man, guys, Mom makes the best apple pie!" PJ exclaimed, using the back of his paw to wipe cheese from his lips. Max quickly worked his shirt back on as Bobby let him up, all three rushing to partake in some truly scrumptious pie.


The boys, full of sweet goodness, made their way back to Pjs room after saying their goodnights to Mr. and Mrs. Pete. The entire time they at at the table, Max had been playing footsie with PJ and Bobby, which most definitely caused PJ to blush as his mother asked if he was coming down with a cold or something.

Once the door closed to PJ's room, the three horny boys pressed up close, arms slipping around their backs in a circle. Canine and feline muzzles mashed together, tongues darting back and forth in a three way kiss. Max gave a firm grip of PJ's chubby butt, making the boy cry out into Bobby's lips. Max grinned and began to nibble upon his boyfriend's neck, giving his ass another squeeze. His glasses askew, Bobby's tongue slid along PJ's while his own hands rubbed up and down the other boys' backs. A few moments later, they broke apart, staying in that tight circle.

"Ho...holy..." PJ said, panting heavily, "I' horny..."

"Well...maybe we should help take care of that. Hey, an idea," Max said with a grin, pulling back and walking over to sit on PJ's bed, "You've gotta see this. Sit down."

Making his way to the bed, Bobby looked curious. PJ, on the other hand, looked a bit nervous.

"PJ. Down," Max said firmly, pointing to the floor in front of them.

"M...max..." the cat replied with a quickly growing blush.

"Now!" he barked firmly. PJ quickly jumped forward, as if by instinct, finding himself on his knees in front of the two dogs, "Good boy. Now...say it."

"Ma...max...please, I don't--"

"Say it!" the dog said, poking the chubby belly with his toe.

With a bright blush, PJ looked down in embarrassment, Do...dogs rule and cats...drool..."

Bobby laughed softly, "Oh wow, he's house trained!"

That only made PJ blush even more, to hear Bobby say that.

"Oh yeah, even better...he looooves feet, don't you, Peej? Go on, take off Bobby's socks," Max said, leaning back on his hands. Bobby's eyebrows lifted a little bit and PJ looked mortified.


"Come on, PJ...get to it!" Bobby replied for max, lifting one of his feet up right in front of the cat's face. PJ was trembling, his shorts tented obviously. With shaky hands, he stared at the foot as he nervously drew the sock off. Bobby lifted the other and PJ repeated the action.

"Good boy! Now, lie down," Max said with a grin, reaching down to rub at himself idly.

"Max, no, I..." his boyfriend replied, the embarrassment only growing, but his voice suddenly got cut off as Max pressed hia bare foot right against his face, pushing him onto his back.

"Now put your feet on his face. And you, cat, lick," Max said to Bobby with a grin. The lanky dog couldn't help but laugh softly. His feet weren't as big as Max, but PJ certainly couldn't see from behind them and the sudden whimpery moan that came from them revealed PJ's true feelings.

"Kinky little bitch, huh?" Bobby asked with a grin. Max giggled some.

"Oh, yeah...first time we played around, he asked me to jerk him off with my feet," he said, to PJ's horror, but soon Bobby felt a tongue dragging along the underside. The chubby cat couldn't resist, that's for sure. Max watched his boyfriend starting to obediently lick at Bobby's foot before leaning in, the two dog's muzzles meeting again, tongues pressing together. PJ could hear the sounds of them making out and before he could react, suddenly felt Max's foot lifting to press to the side of his face, trapping him in the scent of both of them. His hard cock throbbed in his shorts, threatening to burst right through them.

Feeling even more frisky, Max turned slightly to press that black foot right against his boyfriend's nose, giving him a better angle to tug open Bobby's pants. Soon, the zipper was down as well, his hand slipping into his friend's boxers. He could easily feel the cock there and broke the kiss.

"Holy shit, are you part horse?" Max said, looking down into the boxers. The teenager had to be at least seven inches long and Max could just barely close his fingers around it. Before PJ could try to pull back, Max looked to him, "Suck his toes, cat."

Bobby grinned and gasped softly, immediately feeling PJ's lips closing around his big toe while feeling Max slowly jerking him off in his boxers, "Ohhh, Maximu-us..." he groaned, reaching out to fondle Max through his jeans a bit, "You're not too bad yourself, buddy."

Fingers tugged and worked awkwardly at Max's pants as well. Max finally pulled his paw back so he could tug his jeans down the rest of the way. Only pulling his foot from PJ's face long enough to kick them away and and tug off his hoodie, leaving him wearing only his white underwear briefs. PJ's lips suckled at Bobby's big toe, quickly pulling back to take a few more toes into his mouth with a moan. Surrounded by the other boys' musk, the pudgy cat was in heaven.

Soon, both dogs had a handful of cock, jerking the other off, waistbands hooked under balls. Lips met once more as Max kissed Bobby. Max could feel Bobby's hand sliding up and down his black doghood. The moans of PJ who worshipped his friend's foot were music to his ear. Lifting his other foot some, he wordlessly tapped Bobby's guiding him down until both reached PJ's trapped erection. This, of course, made the cat moan out into both boys' feet. Bobby grinned slightly, tongue pressing more firmly to Max's as they continued to make out, masturbating the other while starting to rub at PJ with their feet.

There was no way the cat would last long. He tried to pull back to warn them, but with them basically stepping on him, PJ had nowhere to go. As Max and Bobby slowly jerked each other off, PJ moaned into Bobby's toes. Neither boy noticed as PJ's eyes began to roll back in his head, but they certainly felt PJ's modest cathood twitching and suddenly jumping in the boy's shorts as he orgasmed rather quickly. PJ's hips jerked and writhed beneath the boy's feet, sucking hard on Bobby's toes to try to stifle his sounds of pleasure.

"Wow, Peej, can't believe how quick you were," Max teased the cat, breaking the kiss with Bobby. He'd figured out that PJ enjoyed a bit of humiliation. The front of the cat's short were soaked through with his spunk and finally Max pulled his feet back, "Normally I'd have him clean me up with his mouth, but I think we have other uses for it, don't you, Bobby?"

"Oh for sure, buddy," the other dog replied. Both were sitting on the edge of PJ's bed, fingers lightly stroking their own hard-ons, "Well, come on PJ..."

It was almost too much for the overly aroused cat. He trembled as he heard his boyfriend and friend talking about him like that. He sat up, feeling the cum starting to already cool a little in his shorts as he stared at Max and Bobby's cocks, the embarrassment of seeing just how much bigger even Bobby was than him.

PJ crawled a little bit closer toward Max's exposed member, only for Max to hold up a paw, "Ah-ah-ah...guests first, boy. And...get naked first."

The embarrassment only grew in the chubby cat, but he nervously obeyed, his shirt tugged off to reveal his plump, soft torso. Next came the shorts and underwear, leaving him completely exposed, his five inches of cat cock still rock hard.

"Wow, he's still ready to go, huh?" Bobby asked, reaching out to tap the throbbing cathood with a toe.

"Oh yeah, I made him cum like...four times in a row once. I keep threatening to tie him down and see where his limit is," Max replied with a laugh, reaching out to ruffle PJ's headfur before guiding him to Bobby's dick. The cat couldn't stop his heart from pounding as his friend's scent hit his nose. Soon the cat's tongue began to drag slowly up from the base to the tip of the dog, making Bobby groan out softly.

Not wanting to leave Max out, Bobby found the fellow canine's cock again, stroking him slowly as Max scooted in closer. PJ's muzzle caught the tip of his friend's member, taking it past his lips finally, making Bobby moan out again.

"Ohhh...he's good..." Bobby groaned, making Max giggle.

"Oh, definitely made to suck dicks," he teased in reply, drawing another blush from his boyfriend. PJ was absolutely getting into it, beginning to bob his head up and down along the thick dog cock, lewd slurps coming from his lips. Max moaned, leaning over to start nibbling at Bobby's neck again while bringing his paws up to pull the dog's shirt up and off. Lowering his head, Max soon found one of Bobby's nipples, his tongue dragging around the outside before closing his lips to suckle at it, making Bobby moan out more, leaning his head back. He's certainly not expected this to happen just a few days ago, but he wasn't about to complain! The chubby dog's muzzle continued to bob on the thick doghood while looking up to see Max sucking on Bobby's nipples. He was still hard as hell, especially seeing his boyfriend also pleasuring Bobby.

"Oh...oh I'm close..." Bobby moaned out. This only spurred PJ on more, taking a few more inches, gagging himself a little on that cock. He felt Bobby's hands pressing to his head and Max pulled back to watch as Bobby's toes splayed out. He moaned out loudly, Max quickly clapping a paw over the dog's mouth. PJ felt the jets of dog cum splattering into his mouth and quickly swallowed without even thinking, his lips sucking firmly to drain his friend's balls.

"Yeah, PJ, swallow it like a good boy..." Max said with a grin, keeping his hand clapped over Bobby's mouth to muffle his sounds of pleasure.

As he came down from the pleasurably high, Bobby flopped back on the bed with a goofy grin on his face, ""

Max laughed, looking down at him, "Good, huh?" he asked, receiving a nod from the cheese-loving dog. Max looked to PJ, "Don't get too excited, you've got more work to do, Peej. Hop up, let's show Bobby how well you take a dick," This made PJ blush anew, but he eagerly got up onto the bed, on all fours like he knew Max liked. Bobby was still recovering and looked over, his sunglasses laying beside him. Max pulled off a glove and slathered his finger up with saliva before slipping it right between PJ's plump ass, sinking firmly into his hole, making the boy cry out into his sheets. Max could feel his boyfriend gripping at his finger. Oh, he definitely wanted it. Max hopped up on the bed behind the chubby cat, his finger slipping out, his tip nudging right against the cat's tailhole, "Go on, beg for it, babe."

"Please! Please, Max..." the boy whimpered out, blushing at the aspect of being mounted in front of someone else.

"Please what?" Max asked, bringing his hand down to swat at that pudgy ass, making PJ cry out again into the sheets.

"Please S...sir, please fu-fuck me..." PJ replied, blushing bright red.

Bobby couldn't deny kind of getting hard again from hearing PJ begging to be pounded. He sat up a bit, getting a better view as Max gripped at PJ's hips, pushing his hips forward, his own hand beginning to jerk himself off again. He watched as that tight hole stretched suddenly before Max's cock sank easily inside.

"Duuude, that's...awesome," Bobby muttered, hearing PJ yelp out, biting at his sheets as Max slid inside him once again. Some precum could be seen dribbling down under PJ as Max's cock dragging right across the cat's prostate.

" good..." Max moaned, sinking right in to his balls. He let his boyfriend adjust a bit, but couldn't hold back after being pent up for so long. Those thin hips soon drew back and thrust back against PJ's ass, causing both boys to blurt out sounds of pleasure again. Bobby watched Max fuck PJ, seeing his friend's hips moving already a bit faster.

Bobby leaned back down and grinned, looking to PJ, "Feeling good, buddy?" he asked while sliding his gloved hand up and down his thick doghood, "You want my cum up your ass too, huh?"

"Uh...uhnnn...uh huh..." PJ replied, "Ah! Max!" he whimpered, the two boys trying to not wake up PJ's parents, but it was certainly getting to be more difficult. Bobby leaned in, muzzle nibbling at the chubby boy's neck, making PJ moan out again while enjoying the sizeable cock pumping into him, "Uhn...uhn...o-oh god..."

"That okay?" Bobby asked, glancing to Max before groaning out softly again.

"Yeah......uhhnnnn....c...close..." Max groaned, leaning over PJ, his hips pumping quickly, some lewd slapping able to be heard as that teenage cock pounded into PJ. He looked over at Bobby jerking himself off next to them as he mated his boyfriend.

Bobby sat up suddenly, "Max, pull...back..." he groaned, hand quickly jerking up and down his throbbing cock. Max willed himself to pull back out of PJ's hole. Bobby was panting heavily as Max slid an arm around him. With a loud groan, Bobby's hips jerked forward. Max could see that first jet of his friend's cum splattering across the plump cat butt and PJ could feel the warm spunk. Bobby aimed down, another shot right against the trembling hole before he pushed forward, sinking into his friend, making PJ cry out into the sheets again as Bobby came inside him, only the second male to ever do so. Max held onto Bobby, feeling the lanky dog trembling in pleasure. Max, gripping the dog's chin, pulling his muzzle to the side, kissing him hotly while letting his friend seed his boyfriend.

After finishing up, Bobby drew back only for Max to quickly push back in before any cum could leak out, his hips thrusting firmly again "Ohh god...two loads, babe...g...get you'll cum just from...this!" Max moaned out, PJ certainly seemed close, himself, just clinging to the sheets. Max could feel his tailhole fluttering and rippling in a telltale sign, "Uhn...Bobby, ch...check out under him..."

He did so, the dog weakly looking underneath PJ. He saw the boy's soft sheath twitching and bobbing with each thrust. PJ's blush returned, hearing Max, but he couldn't hold himself back. Each firm thrust of the dog's dick against his prostate send precum strings leaking out before he suddenly saw stars. Bobby watched as cum began to ooze from PJ's smaller sheath.

"Ohh man! I can't believe he...went just from that!"unable to hold it in, but luckily Bobby was right there to kiss the dog once more to muffle his sounds of pleasure. Max's hips jerked forward, shooting a second wad of cum into PJ, hips grinding inward to push it deep. The feel of his boyfriend gripping down on him, knowing he made him orgasm just from being topped was too much for the teenager. A few moments later, all three flopped onto their backs on the bed, breathing heavily, trying to recover.

"I...can't believe we did that..." PJ said between panting breaths.

Max grinned in reply and turned his head, kissing his boyfriend deeply, "Mmm...I love you so much right now, Peej..."

PJ couldn't help but blush at that, " you too, Max..."

Bobby just watched the two love birds, resting on his side, head set on an upturned palm, "Oh, get a room, you too," he teased before a pillow hit him square in the face.

"We have a room!" Max replied with a laugh, "Come on...rematch on Fight Storm?"

"Oh, you're on, Maximus!" Bobby replied, the three naked boys soon gathered around PJ's TV again.


Meanwhile at the Goof residence....

"G...gawrsh, Pete, do you think the boys are okay over there? That Bobby is the one who helped Max get in trouble at school..." Goofy said to Pete.

With an eyeroll, Pete took a drink of beer before pressing his free hand onto the back of the middle-aged dog's head, shoving it back down onto his thick shaft, groaning before looking back to the television, "Shut up, Goof, and get back to work..."

To Be Continued....Maybe!

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