Newest Staff Members

Story by Duffin on SoFurry

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Two friends decide to have some fun at a brand new club. Will they have a fun time?

Newest Staff Members

By Duffin Caprous


This story is of an adult nature and therefore, if you are under 18, you need to not read this. However, if you do choose to not heed my warning, don't let your parents sue me!

NOTE: Holy crap, I'm on a roll! Three stories done in like a week? I wrote this in two hours. It was weird, I had a dream about it, despite obviously not being female, and just had to write it. I hope you enjoy! I marked it as extreme because there are just a couple elements in it which maybe could be considered extreme. This also marks the first use of a non-mammal in my stories, I think! For the record, in the dream, I was the cheetah.

"Come ooooon, Cece, you don't have to work til noon. I want to have some fun!" said the voice of Cecilia's friend and roommate, Molly. Molly was a cheetah, slender and a little bit short at maybe 5'7'. She'd styled her black hair which ran to her shoulders and had a bright purple streak down the left side. Cece always grumbles to herself about how it must be nice to still be in college and be able to do whatever you wanted with your body. Granted, she didn't have hair to style, but still....Cecilia, a leopard gecko, on the other hand, had a huge project she had to do tomorrow at work.

"Molly, you know I'll be dead if I don't get any sleep..." the gecko began to protest.

"I know, I know, but...come on, just for a little bit! Come on, we'll go dance, have some drinks, find some hot guys to tease and come on," the cheetah said, reaching out to press her paws to the lizard's, "I promise, it'll be so fun and I'll...uh, I'll do your laundry for a week!"

That offer caused Cecilia to perk up, "A month," she countered.

Molly's ears lowered slightly, but quickly lifted back up. She _really_wanted to go out, "two weeks."

"Three weeks," Cece again countered.

"Two weeks and...I'll pay all the internet this month."

"Done!" the lizard said with a grin. Well...maybe she could take a couple hours, she thought and went to get ready.

Both girls spent some time getting all prepped and primmed. When Molly was finished, she had on a short black mini-skirt and a cut-off belly shirt which only traveled about halfway down her slim belly. The shirt was purple to match her hair. Cecilia, alternatively, was dressed a little bit more conservatively, wearing a long sleeved black shirt with a wide neck which tended to allow it to drop below a shoulder along with a pair of blue jeans.

"Okay, come on!" Molly said, looking like she was going to jump through the ceiling with excitement. They left and made the trek to a new club called just Eros. Cece wasn't too sure, but Molly assured her the place was getting raved reviews.

As they got out and approached the door, they saw there was a bit of a line. It took maybe fifteen minutes to get through and Cece was getting more nervous the longer it took. She wasn't so sure this was such a good idea now, but as they reached the guard, a large bear, he looked down at them.

"ID?" he asked gruffly as both fished through their purses for their IDs. The bear looked them over and took out an ID scanner which was plugged into the wall, scanning them. After a seemingly very long time, Molly and Cece could hear a voice come out of the radio clipped to the bear's shoulder, "Cool. Alright, go on in," he said, but instead of giving them their licenses back, he slid them into a slot in the wall. Before they could protest, he spoke again, "You get them back when you leave."

A quickly glance and a shrug, Molly quickly pulled Cece inside the club. The music hit the two of them immediately, the pounding quick EDM beats filling their ears. The two girls smiled, both really enjoying this kind of music The club was pretty cool inside. The main feature was the large dance floor right there as soon as you came in the door. Past the dance floor was the bar and beyond that were bathrooms and a few other doors the girls didn't know the purpose of. Already Molly's hips were swaying a little to the beat as she turned to Cecilia,

"Okay, let's get a drink!" she said, grabbing her friend's smooth green hand, pulling her to the dance floor to get to the bar. Lights flashed to the music as they hit the dance floor, spinning all around them.

A sudden urge hit the gecko and she leaned in to Molly's ear, "Let's a little first!" she said loudly over the music. She wasn't much of a dancer, usually preferring to stay pretty firmly glued to the wall, but for some reason, the song was really working for her. Molly grinned, just happy her friend was getting into the fun. She turned to look at the gecko and as a new song came on, the two began to sway with the quick music. Molly's arms lifted over her head, eyes closing as she enjoyed the music. The lizard girl looked around as she danced, the lights flashing in her eyes as strobes came on, making everyone look like they were moving in slow motion. She almost felt like _she_was moving in slow motion as she looked back to her friend dancing in front of her like that.

They danced, hips shaking and swaying to the music for a bit and Cecilia smiled, leaning in to speak to her friend loudly, "Thanks for making me come out, this is fun!" she said, a giddy feeling hitting her. She almost felt like she'd been drinking.

Molly leaned in likewise, "I knew you'd have fun!" she said, turning around to face away from the gecko. Cece again got a sudden urge, the throbbing of the music in her brain seeming to suggest that it would be much better to be dancing with someone. Luckily, she had a friend there! She nervously approached her long time friend, hands pressing to the cheetah's hips before sliding around her waist, pressing herself up against the other girl from behind, breasts pressing to the feline's back. Cece didn't seem to mind and Molly would just barely hear a soft moan slip from her friend's lips as the lights continued to flash and pulsate around her.

It was clear something was having an effect on the two of them, but girls weren't all that touchy with each other, but as the arms went around her, Molly's own lowered to rest over top the gecko's, pressing back with her ass to grind it back against Cece's waist. The two's dancing began to get a little bit more lewd, the music hitting them hard. Cece's hands stroked along Molly's belly, exposed under her shirt as the cheetah leaned her head back to rest on the gecko's shoulder, their hips swaying to the music. The music felt like it was pounding right into their groins, like the bass was targeting their erogenous zones specifically. Molly couldn't help herself and turned her head, bringing her paw up to press to the back of the gecko's head, pulling her friend's lips to hers.

The two straight girls kissed, Cece immediately pressing into it as if the dam had broken when her muzzle pressed to the cheetah's. Her arms hugged more tightly to her friend, lips parting so their tongues to dart together, moaning into each other. The realization that they were in a crowd of furs, making out, didn't really matter at that moment. Cece's brain tried to remind her that this was 1), her friend and 2), that she was very very straight, but the music, the subliminal messages being pumped through the music and helped by the lights, forced that knowledge into a corner of her mind.

Unbeknownst to them, the girl's minds were putty by now, having been shaped and melded by the hypnotic flashing of the lights and the music. They kissed passionately on the dance floor as certain things were pushed into their minds. Molly quickly turned around to face the gecko, lips mashing together again as their breasts smushed together. Cece's head tilted, locking the kiss in more as her smooth hands reached under the cheetah's skirt, firmly gripping her ass which drew a wanton moan from the feline embracing her

As the kiss broke, but girls were panting heavily, looking at each other, "I d...i don't know what's...what I'm..." Molly said breathlessly as the light continued to flash around them. They barely heard the melody of the music now. All they could do was feel the rhythmic pulses of the binaural beats in their ears and through their bodies. It suddenly felt very hot to the two girls and Cece leaned in, moaning as she kissed along her friend's neck.

"I'm horny, Molly, I c...can't help..." she said into her friend's ear before beginning to nibble it. She was straight, but for some reason, that...didn't seem to matter right that second, "It's so...h-hot in here...." she said, her paws quickly trying to get her pants open, " me get these..."

Before Cece could even get the plead out, the cheetah dropped to her knees in front of the gecko, fumbling eagerly with her friend's jeans. She tugged them open, pulling them down to expose the silky pink panties she had on, her muzzle pressing to her friend's thighs. The cheetah had never been this close to another girl before, let along Cece. They'd seen each other naked, sure, but this was different.

The gecko felt hotter and hotter, suddenly getting the impression that being naked would certainly help her not feel hot and she quickly shucked the long sleeved shirt. Molly seemed to have the exact same idea as her shirt was soon lying to the side as well, bras tossed as well. She unzipped her skirt, letting it fall to her knees, shoving her panties down to expose her puffy feline sex. They started to realize that those who were former dancers were not an audience. The other occupants of the club had noticed the two stripping girls and had formed a bit of a ring around them. Some had their phones out, even, recording the event.

"Mo...moll...molly, they...we're..." she tried to say, though Cece couldn't hear her over the pound of the mind altering music. The gecko felt her panties being tugged down and suddenly cried out as she felt her friend's furry muzzle pressing up against her newly exposed pussy. She spread her legs, a hand coming down to quickly press to the feline's head, not to push her away, but to pull her closer. There was no thought in her mind about how wrong this was. The tongue that dragged through her smooth yellow-skinned lips took away any protest the girl had. Her nipples stiffened instantly, her toes curling against the dance floor

The two had both expected to be kicked out or arrested for this, but for some reason, no one stopped them. The cheetah's paws gripped at her friend's waist while her muzzle buried against the gecko's pussy. She'd never touched another girl before, but she knew what _she_liked when her boyfriend went down on her. Her boyfriend! The entire time, she'd forgotten about him...what...what was his name? For some reason, the name of her four year partner completely escaped her...but it was no matter, she had a pussy to eat out! And eat it out, she did, the girl's tongue dragging through those folds. She'd always wondered what her roommate tasted like....wait, no she didn't...did she? She must have...the cheetah couldn't imagine not wanting to bury her face in that cunt. Matter of fact, she probably needed a frame of reference to know just how good her friend tasted.

The music pounded relentlessly, lights flashing in the two girls' eyes over and over, colors changed, but never ceasing. The others stared in amazement, many now recording the two there in the middle of the ring that had formed on the dance floor. Either girl was lost to the world now, their brains continually and permanently reshaped. Cece and Molly couldn't imagine not being turned on as much as they were right now, putting on a show for the crowd. The gecko's fingers gripped into Molly's headfur as she was pleasured and driven toward an explosive orgasm that...never came. She tried as hard as she could, but that tongue moved to her clit, nibbling her there, forcing her to the edge.

With a pull back of her hand, she tugged the cheetah's muzzle from her pussy, causing Molly to look up in confusion, but soon Cece was on her knees, forcefully kissing the cheetah this time as she lowered a hand and plunged her middle and ring fingers into the cheetah's quivering sex. Molly moaned into the kiss, returning the favor by sliding her fingers through the lips she'd just been licking and pushing them into the heated depths of the lizard girl. Their tongue battled for supremacy there in front of everyone, the two girls fingering each other rapidly, moaning out loudly enough to be heard over the music.

All thoughts or worries of being video recorded were gone, the music eroding away at any sort of self respect, shame, or humility the two girls might have had. Now, they were just a mess of hormones and arousal for the club to watch. Molly broke the kiss, panting heavily as she lowered her head, lips sucking upon one of Cecilia's nipples which caused the gecko to cry out, leaning her head back. Both of the girls' hips were shaking and trembling, both so close. They wanted to cum so badly, but something was preventing it, like some sort of block.

As if having the same thought, the girls quickly moved on the dance floor, tossing their clothes to the side, legs suddenly spreading and soon met at the crux, soaked lips kissing soaked lips. The girls moaned out, immediately grinding their cunts together, legs hooked and splayed apart. Molly moaned, "Oh...oh g...good...."

The girls desperately ground their sexes together, lips lewdly spreading the juices all over their crotches as they leaned back on their hands and paws, looking at each other. The music kept up their arousal, kept forcing more of their self awareness down, down, down. They both imagined all the worry, the concern about every day life traveling down to their pussies, the core of their femininity. Who needed all that? All they needed was each other...Molly never wanted to leave Cece and likewise the gecko couldn't imagine not touching her best friend. The thoughts continued to be forced down, any thoughts of males, of Molly's boyfriend, all balling up right there at the crux of their passions.

It was right then that the pattern of the lights and the music changed and Molly cried out, quickly falling back. She pulled the gecko's foot to her muzzle, kissing and licking it as she suddenly felt the dam burst, a switch flicking in her mind. She felt Cece doing the same as if the girl's couldn't stand to not be touching any part of the other that they could. Their moans got louder and closer together as the block was let go. Hips writhed and ground together, as they both exploded. The club could see the girls' eyelids start to flutter and suddenly they both moooooaned out, juices squirting and splattering all over as they both came and came hard, orgasming out everything the club had deemed unnecessary, their minds suddenly much emptier. They shook, sucking on each others toes as she climaxed in front of an entire group of furs.

In the aftermath of such an explosive and life changing orgasm, the two girls slumped, eyelids half lidded. Little did they know, but they'd actually been going at it for hours. The club had been closed for an hour, but the crowd had been allowed to stay to watch the reconstruction of the two girls. They were a mess, soaked through with their own fluids and saliva. They breathed heavily, but other than that, there seemed to be little to not other activity going on.

As the crowd dispersed to head home, the lights in the club came on and the bear door guard came in along with a stallion also in a Staff t-shirt, "You sure know how to pick em, Barry."

The door guard, Barry, chuckled, "I know, I know. Let's get 'em in."

The bear hefted up the gecko while the brown horse lifted the cheetah and hefted her over his shoulder like a sack. Both of the girls hung limply, just blinking slowly, jaws slack. Off in the corner, the girls hadn't quite noticed the large glass case embedded in the wall. One of the doors lead around behind it. The males walked inside, setting the girls down onto a mattress set in the corner, laying molly haphazardly across the other girl.

They locked the door, bolting it from the outside, and went about cleaning up and disposing of the girls' clothes and belongings. They wouldn't be needing them any more. Now, the gecko and cheetah would never need to leave each other again. They spent most of the time mindless, allowed enough self autonomy to eat the nutrient bars which dropped from the ceiling and drink from the hamster bottle nozzles which protruded from the wall, but when the club was active, the two best friends, now lovers, would fuck each other passionately, completely unaware of anything other than their lover or those who watched them through the window. The staff never went into the room. It remained locked. There was no reason to go in there. They were happy.

Molly and Cece couldn't even remember a time when they weren't in the room, pleasuring each other night after night. The staff members had gone to their apartment and cleaned everything out, sold what they could, and had texted Molly's boyfriend using her phone, accusing him of cheating, of having a small dick, and then saying she was running away with her girlfriend, Cece. The girls would never know any of this. Neither girl had the ability to understand much anymore. They rarely spoke other than in short phrases begging to have fingers in them or two have a toy used on them.

Speaking of toys, the club goers were able to pay extra to customize the scene going on in the room. They could request toys being used or have one of the girls dominate the other roughly and forcefully, whatever they desired. The two girls' minds were easily suggestible at that point. A word from a staff member was all it took for Cece to slap Molly around and sit on the cheetah's muzzle, cumming hard until the other girl passed out from lack of oxygen.

That became their lives, the two girls a sex display for the club, Eros. It was a major attraction, brought in a ton of money from those who wanted to see the brazen sluts fucking in full view of anyone who wanted to watch. Most assumed they were just staff members who enjoyed exhibitionism. And they were partly correct. Cece and Molly were staff now, just not technically willing ones.

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