The Dream of an Average Dreaming Chap 3

Story by Lucafire on SoFurry

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Chapter 3 continues right after chapter 2 and before that 1.

These stories are Adult Rated so read at your own risk there is know way for me to stop you if your underage.......

Oh one more thing the characters in the series are MINE if you would like to use them for anything just ask.

Any character that I have described or is already taking is a pure coincidence.

I had just finished yelling no and then thought I minute "I thought he said he had the power of time?" Kind of confused I got up and realized I was wobbly and light headed I looked down at my arm and there was blood everywhere. "I musta bit myself in real life when I did it in the dream." I looked at it a little longer and on closer inspection I realized that the indentations were that of an animal with sharp teeth and not human. "time to see if my dreams really are real," I thought to myself.

I put my hand up to were I was bleeding and though of healing. Sure enough I felt a warm sensation in my hand and saw a light glow coming out of my hand onto the spot I bit. Right before my eyes my arm healed up and no more blood was coming out of it. After it was done healing I got really light headed and almost fell to the ground but caught myself on the wall. "holy shit no wonder Sky was sent here to train me, if I woulda tried something bigger I would of past out." I thought to myself.

I walked to the bathroom and felt usually off balance I looked in the mirror and saw that my eyes were still silver with the slit in it and so I put my hands over my eyes and thought "hazel that was the color before, hazel, hazel, hazel." I removed my hand and they were hazel but the slit was still there. "oh well its going to be almost impossible to notice unless there staring at me straight in the eye," I thought to myself.

I began to turn then noticed something in the mirror. I turned around "oh fuck no hell no shit shit shit shit I'm not going to be able to hide fucken wings." I started freaking out like almost to the point of passing out. I thought for a moment "I have lots of sick days left and my birthdays in four days I can just call the school up and tell them ill be gone until I turn 18." I looked back at my wings and brought one forward to examine it closer. They were dark black and smooth to the touch. The membrane felt like velvet but was stronger . I got out of the bathroom and stretched them out to there full length. I would guess between 13 and 15 feet long from tip to tip but there were still unbelievably weak and I couldn't hold them up mush longer so I brought them back in. "well there goes trying to fly to school," I said with a chuckle.

As I was looking at myself I started to realize something. I wasn't eating and I was loosing weight fast but not the muscle weight the weight that makes me look like a fat ass. I got on the scale in the bathroom. "holy shit!" I exclaimed. I had went from 215 pounds to 180. As I was standing on the scale I noticed that my eye level wasn't the same. So, I grabbed a tape measure and measured my height. I placed my hand on the top of my head and lined it up with the tape. I looked at the tape, I had grown 4 inches. "OMFG I have silver eyes, I have wings, I have powers, I'm not a fat ass anymore, and I'm getting taller," I said to myself. At this point I didn't know weather to freak out or to be excited that I was changing.

Before I called up the school a took my wings and folded them in as close to my body as I could. They were pretty tight against my body. So I took a shirt and slipped it over me. I looked in the mirror and except for a few unusual bumps it looked normal. "if I wear my hoodie all day it wouldn't show.

I proceeded to the bathroom and took my cloths back off and jumped into the shower. "hmm I guess its not cum anymore its blood now," I said as I chuckled again. I got out of the shower got dress and was ready to go back to school I grabbed my backpack and threw it in the car. Got in and started my drive to school. I soon found out that I had to be rather careful on how I sat do to my wings.

I got to school and put my backpack on. "ouch I guess I'm not going to wear it today," I said as the pain of having my wings crushed was gone. I got into the school and I was greets as normal by friends and people I knew with "hi's" and what not. I went to class and the day went by normal. Lunch came and went I was still wearing my hoodie and the end of the day came. Last period the teacher asked me to stay after class to finish a test that I missed on Monday. So I stayed finished it "probable a C," I thought and went on my way.

I walked out to my car and it seemed weird cuz no one was there. I wasn't used to staying at school after everyone went home. Unfortunately I was wrong I was not the only one there. A solid black form came and hit me right in my left cheek as I was trying to unlock my car.I stumbled a little and fell back due to the fact that I still wasn't used to the balance of the wings. I looked up " oh fuck great its you," yup it was the school bully, Nick.

"ha ha I guess I wasn't the only one staying here after school," he said.

I got back up wiped my self off and said "let me guess your just getting done with detention?"

"yep." he replied with the tone like he was proud of getting in trouble.

I looked at him with a grin on my face and said "Nick even I thought you were smarter than that," he looked at me with the wtf face. I continued "well I guess I was wrong, I mean you have to be pretty dumb to get caught." That wiped that grin off his face.

"man your just looking for another ass woopen aren't you, you little twerp," he said.

"oooooo I'm so scared, pft try expanding your vocabulary and that would scare me," I replied. I was scared shitless but I don't know how to explain it because I wasn't scared at the same time.

That's it," he said as he came in for another punch but my body reacted beyond normal speed to catch his fist with my hand and stop his swing there. He was dumbfounded as he couldn't move his hand from my grip. I continued to squeeze as I heard his knuckles pop one by one under the awesome power of my grip. He began to squirm and plea for me to let go. So, thinking that he was done I let go. I was wrong again.

"your going to pay for this," he said as he put his fingers in his mouth and whistled. Like fucken watch dogs one by one his friends came out from behind the corner.

I looked around there were now four of them and one of me. "oooo look you trained them so good they don't even need leashes," I said while clapping. That took all of them over the edge and one by one they began throwing punches left and right. But every punch they through a was able to dodge. I couldn't believe my self until my wings through my weight off again and fell right into the arms of one. I tried to struggle but he had me.

"I'm going to enjoy this," Nick said while cracking his knuckles. He threw a right punch into my face, then his left, then his right again. I felt them but they didn't hurt I didn't even have blood running down my face. He looked at his friends "what the hell, were is the blood." The other two just shrugged there shoulders. He looked back at me and said "this one WILL hurt," as he shook his hand getting ready to throw a hard punch. Right before he threw it though I was overcome with strength lots of strength. "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH," I screamed as my wings ripped through the back of my cloths with such force that the guy holding me was thrown back 10 feet hit his head and knocked out. I got off my knees threw a right punch that sent one of his friends back 10 feet and a right kick that hit and threw the other friend against my car hard enough to knock him out to. I looked at Nick with a grin all the way across my face and upper cutted his ass 5 feet into the air and back down on his ass.

He looked at me shaking like a scared little school girl as I approached him. "n nn no l llllll leave me a aaa aa alone,"

"You're a big baby aren't you," I said. I turned to walk away.

"What until I tell every b bb body you're a a a a freak," he said still shaking.

I turned around and looked at him. He froze solid at my glare than I said "yeah you be sure to tell everybody that the school bully and 3 of his friends got there asses kicked by the school wimp, o ooo and lets not forget he has wings to, yeah go head and try explaining that one you stupid fuck." With that said I turned towards my car got in it and drove off all with a big smirk on my face.

I got home and got out of my car just to stand there and look out at the woods. I lived in a nice place out in the middle of know were. I didn't want people to know what I was doing I just had to go home. As I was standing there pondering the thoughts of what is happening to me, I saw a deer come out of the woods and something strange happened. My stomach started growling. "well I guess it was only a matter of time, well what can I say I haven't eaten anything in the past 3 days or so," I thought to my self. With that I turned to go inside and eat something. But, something stopped me I was overwhelmed with my senses. My eyes got big and I started drooling. I could smell the deer, I could hear him moving, even though I was far away, I could see him as if I was standing right next to. I could feel the stillness of the air, and I could taste the deer. "What the fuck is happening to me," I pondered. I needed to eat and there was a deer right that. "but I cant run that fast," I thought. But I still had to try.

I locked onto my target. I started to get tunnel vision, my heart rate went through the roof, I took off running. Ever thing seemed to move so slow after that I was upon the deer almost instantly, he didn't even have time to run before a tackled him with the might I would guess of ten pro foot ball players, and before the deer could get back up I had snapped his neck.

I got up and looked at the deer and my senses went back to normal. "What the fuck," I said right before I fell down from being so weak. A second later I was out like a candle.

When I woke back up I was greeted by my trainer Sky. "How long was I out?" I asked him.

"oh about half a second." he replied. I looked at him kind of funny cuz I knew I was out longer then that. "I used my time power to slow time down so you could sleep but in reality you where only out for half a second," he continued as he looked at me and smiled.

"wait speaking of time powers why did you let me wake up last night," I asked looking at him with confusion on my face.

" I had to do that other wise if your body spends to much in this suspended dream realm your sleeping body will get very weak." he replied.

I nodded my head and said "ooooohhhhhh." I looked at him for a second longer and said "um how do I get rid of my wings cuz having them under my shirt really hurts?'

He looked at me kind of funny and said "wow your maturing really fast I didn't have any appendages until my 18th birthday and yours is still a few days away. But I am sorry to say that you have to keep those until you turn 18 when you receive your full power as of right now your still to weak."

I nodded to this then looked at him and asked "the deer thing did you make me pass out?"

He looked up at me and said "yes I did, because your dragon instinct took over you when you had not eaten in a few days and if I would have let you eat the deer you could of gotten sick because you stomach isn't set up yet to eat raw meat."

I nodded again understanding what he was coming from. "so that means that even though I'm not hungry I still have to eat or that will happen again?'

"yup," was all he said.

After going through the discussion and what not he started my training it was a lot easy to do everything in this alternate dream realm cuz I had my full powers here. He still started small though training me with things that I could do outside the dream realm. He taught me how to summon things but told me to stick with things that could fit in my hand until I got my full powers. He taught me how to make my muscles stronger so that I may fly if I wanted to. He showed me several ways on how to make my body look different if I wanted it to. He continued to teach me several things while he trained me.

Several hours had past and I had learned several new things that I could do and was tired. I laid down on the ground on my back to relax. Sky came by and laid right across my stomach causing me to grunt, he just chuckled. He came in close and nuzzled my muzzle with his. I looked deep into his bright blue eyes, I new exactly what he was thinking. I got up off my back and looked at him and said "if I remember right its your turn.' with a smile on my face. I looked at him and he was already becoming aroused so I turned around and lifted my tail to revel my awaiting tail hole. I looked at him and said "I want you right now."

With that he propped himself on his hind legs and mounted me. Taking his cock and rubbing it slowly around my tail hole causing my to moan a little, he then slowly pushed it in. I moaned louder this time as his cock began rubbing up on my prostate. I looked down at my self and I started to get hard with my full dragon member bobbing in front of me. I looked at my member then took it into my mouth. He was fucking me from behind and I had my head bent down and was sucking my self off. I began to hear a moans come form him louder and louder I knew that he was going to cum soon and I wanted it to be a good one so a moved my tail around and I found his tail hole and there I began to push my tail into his tail hole. I could feel him jump in surprise when I did that but then came another deep moan form him. I began moving my tail around inside him feeling around making sure to get him in all the right spots. Then he Roared and I could feel his hole clamp shut around my tail. I could feel his hot sticky shots of cum inside me and that sent me over the edge. With me still having my maw around my cock I unloaded it into my mouth this time able to keep up with the swallowing to not chock. I drank every last drop that I produced and soon Sky was done with his climax so he just laid there on top of my body until I could feel his cock go soft leaving my body having cum drip from my tail hole. He stirred and got off me and started to clean my rump with his tongue causing me to moan from the feeling. Then we both just collapsed to the ground to live in the after glow of the moment.

I was the first to stir, I looked over at Sky he had curled up into a ball and fell asleep so I went over to him and curled up around him protective and began licking his face. I chuckled to my self as I thought of having a dream fall asleep in your dream. Just then I got really startled and woke Sky up. He looked at me with a big smile on my face. "when you brought me hear I passed out outside, in the woods," I said with a little fear in my voice.

But he just laid there all calm until I just stared at him with worriment on my face and he said "Alex you're a dragon now no living animal in the woods is going to do anything to harm you even if you are passed out on the ground." I just nodded and went back to licking him. Then I too eventually fell asleep.

When I awoke I was still laying outside on the ground. There was something licking my face still dazed by just waking up I said "oh oooo stop that Sky." but nothing happened it continued to lick my face so I got up and realized it was a wolf. I got up quickly and backed away only to remember that nothing in the woods would attack me. I looked around and noticed the deer that I killed was surrounded by wolves eating it with there cubs. They soon noticed that I had awoken and started to look at me. "um ....... You can keep it." with that the alpha male howled and they began digging back into the carcass.

One the wolf cubs came up to me and started to bat at something moving behind me so I turned around to see what it was but it followed my movements. "what the fuck," I said to myself so I turned just my head and noticed that coming out of my pants was a tail. Seeing that I passed out again.

End of chapter 3