Taking the Third Knot

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#12 of Kinktober 2017

Shakal receives a visitor while out walking. A very large, very playful visitor indeed! :3

This story was written for Day #12 of Kinktober 2017! Today's theme is Hyper, and the story was written for Shakal. It contains M/M sex between consenting adults. :3

Taking the Third Knot

The day was pleasant. It was calm. It was nice. It had been a while since Shakal had found himself enjoying a day like this, and while it was by no means better than a day filled with obscene sex or the playful manipulations of a deity messing with the world around him, it was by no means worse either. Strolling around the manor house's grounds, having recently perused the flower garden and now enjoying a pleasant wander through one of the apple orchards, the panther sighed happily as he felt a cool breeze drift across his face. The dappled light shining through the rich green of the leaves above was pleasant without being too intense or hot, and the grass beneath the buff feline's bare feet was itself soft and soothing, reminding Shakal with practically every step he took that this world had wonders to offer on so many layers of both thought and more active, physical sensation.

When he'd woken up that morning, Shakal had found himself wondering if he would end up spending the coming night at a club, at Valhalla industries, at home with some cute twink or three picked up from a quick wander into the city, or somewhere entirely new and wonderfully bizarre conjured forth by Anubis to delight and test his limits in equal measure. Now though, having spent most of the day just chilling out within and around Ramforth manor's grounds, Shakal found himself wondering if he even wanted to attempt any of that.

Sure, he could easily find someone to spend the night with. Hell, even if he didn't want to expend the minimal amount of effort to find someone new his phone was full of numbers and emails of people who would move heaven and earth to spend another night either riding his cock or filling his ass, perhaps even both if they were especially lucky. But... just because he could didn't mean he had to. Sex had become such an integral part of Shakal's life in this world that at times he almost forgot it wasn't a necessity, and that sometimes it was okay, good even just to take a step back and enjoy some more gentle, solitary relaxation.

No sooner had that thought crossed the panther's mind of course, he heard something. A distant, yet booming sound that at first he struggled to recognise. It repeated itself a moment or so later though, and this time around it sounded clearer. Closer. The sound was that of barking. Not a single bark or multiple barking cries in quick succession, but a series of overlapping barks uttered in almost perfect unison. He raised an eyebrow, turning towards the source of the sound. It was coming from the manor, some half mile or so distant across the grounds. He couldn't yet see the dogs making those barking calls, but there were many trees and several lines of bushes separating the various different sections of the grounds between him and the house. They were still getting nearer though, and if the panther perked his ears up at just the right angle he thought he could even hear the sound of paws thundering against the earth, large, heavy and eager.

Chuckling, the panther wondered who the dogs belonged to. He didn't recall the guest-book having any scheduled visitors for today, but then again he knew a fair few people, not to mention a deity who were less than likely to consider making an appointment before showing up. That being said, he didn't really mind. In fact, considering the theme of today so far he could quite easily have seen himself spending the next thirty minutes or an hour playing fetch, watching a group of adorable pups capering around amidst the apple trees, getting in some good scritches and even receiving a few adorably sloppy licks across the face for good measure.

The closer the barking and the drumming of paws against the earth grew though, the more Shakal began to re-think that particular plan. He had assumed that the dogs were getting relatively close when he first heard them, within earshot of barking and the pounding of their paws against the earth. But now they were louder than ever, twice as loud as when he'd first heard them yet still not in visible range. Their barks and giddy yelps reached three times the earliest volume, still no sign. Four times louder. Five. They were deafening peals now, echoing through the air with force enough to make the trees shake. And only then, finally, did the creature making those cries become visible. Not several dogs, not a pack, not an army required to be so loud or to create such a rumbling cacophany as they raced closer. Just one dog, and yet at the same time, three.


Shakal cried out with glee to the vast, three headed hound as it leapt over a ten foot high hedge and began to weave through the orchard trees towards its target, towards the scent it had been following around the grounds right from the entrance to Ramforth manor itself. He was a huge beast, far bigger than the panther watching him approach, large enough to send tree-branches flying if they got in his way and to give Shakal reason to brace himself as the dog yelped gleefully with a trio of eager, overlapping cries and launched itself towards him in a flying tackle of pure delight. He didn't dodge, he didn't even try, but threw out his arms and wrapped them around the middle neck of the three headed beast as it knocked him to the ground with a giddy howl. Three rough, sandpaper tongues warm and thick with doggy slobber began to bathe Shakal's face in sequence while strong forepaws pinned him to the ground, pawing at his chest with force enough to begin casually, playfully shredding the light grey shirt he was wearing. In return he raised his hands and scratched the dog under his chins, fighting to keep all three heads happy even though he only possessed enough hands to be petting two thirds of them at once. He laughed as they barked and yipped gleefully in his presence, and called back to them with genuinely equal amounts of joy.

"I'm glad to see you too, big boy! Oh my gosh, have you gotten even bigger since last time, or is it just that you look bigger on this plane of existence?"

It hadn't escaped Shakal's realisation of course that Cerberus was not native to this reality, and thus at some point Anubis must have made the decision to bring him over. If such a coherent and rational reason existed though, Shakal didn't have the time nor the consideration to figure it out. After all, by this point his chest was more or less bare as the dogs' claws carefully sliced his shirt to ribbons without once scratching at the furred flesh beneath, and soon while at least one head continued to lick his face with ceaseless eagerness, a pair of others tore away the fragmented remains of the panther's shirt and began to run their tongues over his chest, more specifically over his soon rather firm, tender nipples.

"Ah. Ah... d-did... did Anubis teach you that trick? Does he like you doing that to him?"

Shakal growled in pleasure as the rather intense, rough strokes to his nipples with those huge tongues began to make him feel rather worked up rather than just amused as had been the case with the dog's playful assault thus far. His cheeks flushed. He had been fucked by Cerberus before, sure, but the situation had been rather different then. To the feline male's surprise though, because he had most certainly not been expecting one, the dog seemed to give him an answer to that question. The licking of his nipples continued, but the central head looming over and lavishing his face with continued affection rose up and ceased the panther's tongue bath. Cerberus' central head peered down into Shakal's eyes, and slowly, purposefully shook his head. He then nuzzled down against Shakal, nose to nose, before repeating the series of gestures; a lick, a shake of the head, and then a nuzzle.

Anyone else in the world might have thought this a coincidence, or a setup at best. But Shakal had watched a whole universe implode around him and be reborn in a new God's image. He had seen things, experienced things that no other mortal creature short of his friend Salgrus had ever or perhaps would ever be able to comprehend. Thus, when it looked to Shakal as though this three headed dog was trying to communicate with him intelligently, he didn't dismiss it. He didn't laugh it off or consider it a coincidence. He cocked his head to one side just as Cerberus did the very same with his central head, and posed another curious question to the giant dog.

"No? It's... it's not something you learned from him, or for him. It's... for me?"

All three heads rose up for a moment and gave a cacophony of happy yips, before the left and right heads went back to paying attention to Shakal's chest and left the central head to give his answer. He licked Shakal tenderly across the face, nodded obviously and eagerly, and panted in absolute delight.

"God, Cerberus... y-you're... you're smarter than I figured, huh?"

Running his hands down the sides of the dog's central head with affection and wonder, Shakal could only blush as the giant creature growled tenderly and nodded once more.

"Smart enough to know what I'm saying. To know how to answer even if you can't speak. A-and... ah..."

The right head's tongue lashed his nipple in a particularly sensitive manner, causing Shakal to arch his back and shudder slightly, his voice trailing off for a moment in lust and excitement.

"...and to know that right now, y-you're getting me pretty fucking horny."

Shakal didn't need to ask the dog if he was right in that regard. All he had to do was lift his legs, his feet off the ground and bring them up beneath the huge dog straddling his body. All he had to do was raise his feet gently, carefully up below Cerberus' huge torso, and seek out whatever was hanging down between the dog's powerful hind legs.

His eyes widened as one foot came to rest against the length of a huge, potent, rock hard and deliciously hot erection. They widened more as the other came to rest against another. Two of what were no doubt three vast, hyper-engorged cocks huge even by the standards of size set by this massive supernatural canine. Two of Cerberus' heads shuddered, growled and whined happily as Shakal's feet rubbed up and down the underside of their lengths, pushing them up against the creature's black furred stomach and pinning them there between soft fur and smooth, bare, velvety pawpads as the stroking continued. One however, the left-most head, whimpered and let loose high pitched, keening whines of longing and desperation. Sure enough when Shakal slid one of his feet to that side of the dog's huge body he found the third shaft unattended, but no sooner did he begin to tease it with his foot, the now abandoned central shaft set its owner off with desperate, frantic huffs and snarling gasps of his own desire.

"Oh god, C-Cerberus. You... you want me to take care of you again?"

All three heads, panting, tongues lolling out and drooling hungrily over the panther, nodded.

"Okay. O-okay boys. Good dog. One by one. T-take turns... you can all fuck my ass. Fill me up. S-so hot. So deep."

Shakal was already groaning happily, eyes rolling back as he imagined how it would feel to have each huge cock stretch him and fill him so far beyond capacity, only to be replaced by another, then another, and perhaps by the time he was done with the third to embark upon a second round for all three of them. Indeed he was so caught up in that fantasy that he barely noticed the three heads above him moving in unison. Finally though, he did notice. He blinked, shuddered happily, but then saw what the trio of Cerberus' faces were doing. Shaking at him. They shook their heads from side to side, and then in a single sweeping motion lunged down at him all at once, attacking his face from three sides and lashing him simultaneously with a trio of wet, sloppy tongues.

By the time they pulled back, Shakal's eyes were wider than ever.

He knew what they were saying. What they were asking. The only thing he didn't know was whether he could do that for them, no matter how much he wanted to.

"A-all of you... at once?"

Shakal knew he had a gift, a gift from Anubis himself. A promise that for as long as Anubis ruled this world and held Shakal as his champion, the panther would be able to take any cock. Every single cock, no matter how huge.

But, while Shakal had been double-penetrated in the past, it had been by relatively average sized cocks. Triple penetration was something he had simply never even considered, and triple penetration when it came from three cocks, each among the largest, most obscenely thick and lengthy he had ever taken inside himself, it made his mind reel at the mere possibility. He could take any cock, yes. But did that divine ruling extend so far as to say he could take any three , all at once?!

He watched as Cerberus pulled back from him, not to withdraw, not giving up on Shakal or giving him space and time to think about it, but so the trio of the dog's heads could begin plucking at his dark slacks and tugging them down, readying his body, baring it in preparation for what they were still eagerly certain was to come.

"Oh... g-good dog..."

The panther growled, unable to help his arousal as he was rendered naked and found one of the vast creature's heads lavishing his cock with long, slurping strokes while the other two took turns licking at and lubricating his ass with their thick strands of saliva.

"Good pup..."

He moaned louder still as without ever having actually given his assent he felt Cerberus nudging his side, rolling the panther over onto all fours and whining happily as without question Shakal assumed the position, ready and seemingly willing to be mounted by the huge beast of a dog.


He gasped breathlessly as he felt the tip of the central head's cock probing at his eagerly waiting pucker.


He cried out louder, strained as Cerberus loomed over him and began to hump, filling and stretching the panther's ass with that one huge, single cock, almost two feet long and thick even in relation to that vast length.

"Aahhfuck! Fuck! S-so... so fucking _ good _!"

He clawed at the grassy ground beneath him, tossing back his head in a savage roar as the first of those three cocks bottomed out inside him with Cerberus still thrusting wildly. The two heads on either side of the central one meanwhile whined and yelped as their own as yet untended erections rubbed against the outer edges of Shakal's buttocks and spurted thick strands of pre-cum across the orchard around them. Even as Shakal felt the first of the cocks buried entirely within him though, even as it throbbed and poured pre-cum deep into his innermost workings and even as he felt its knotted base beginning to swell and stretch his ass even more obscenely wide than was already the case, he didn't for a moment consider leaving things there and letting that one head alone achieve satisfaction. After all, this wasn't just about his pleasure, about being fucked with a nice thick cock and being filled with cum before letting loose himself. This wasn't just about the pleasure of some dumb but horny animal either. Cerberus was smart, as smart and perhaps more so than many of Shakal's bipedal, mortal lovers. And if Shakal had made a promise to the three headed dog by embarking upon this act, which he most definitely had, then he owed it to Cerberus, and indeed to himself to see it through.

More than that though, more than through obligation or honour, he wanted to see it through.

He wouldn't stop. He wouldn't rest. He wouldn't let any portion of Cerberus do the same until he had what he wanted. Until they all had what they wanted.


The panther snarled as the already partially swollen knot of the vast dog's first cock popped out of him with a thick slurp, reaching back between his legs and guiding not just that first shaft but also the leftmost length of the three headed dog's cocks to bear against his stretched, already gaping ass.

"Oh god. More!"

He wouldn't stop until every last inch of every last one of Cerberus' cocks was inside him. He wouldn't relent until every one of those cocks was throbbing, spurting deep inside of him all at once.

He wouldn't rest until he had taken all that Cerberus had to give, no matter how long, or how hard, or how flexibly he had to work to get it done. If it took all the rest of the day, all the night beyond that and another long day of lying face-down in the orchard after that. He wouldn't stop no matter how many times he came, or how many times individually he drove one or two of Cerberus' cocks to their own rapturous release. No matter how much he had to work, no matter how much he had to stretch, no matter how much he had to make use of every drop of divine magic imbued in his ass to do so, Shakal simply would not stop until he had taken the third knot.

By Jeeves

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