The Last Signs of Summer

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#13 of Kinktober 2017

On one of the last warm days of the year, a fox enjoys all the beautiful sights which such a day has to offer.

This story was written for Day #13 of Kinktober 2017! Today's theme is Paws, and the story was written for Lightsongfox. It contains M/M sex between consenting adults. :3

The Last Signs of Summer

Fall was here, but this was one of those days that could convince anyone and everyone that there were still a few final rays of summer sun yet to be beamed out across the world. The grand temple's white marble exterior gleamed in the bright sunshine cast from a cloudless sky overhead, and across the lawns and gardens surrounding it, amidst the martial artists honing their craft and the mages channelling energy into huge amber crystals for ceremonies and rituals that night, hundreds if not thousands of the city's people were out enjoying the last of the oh so pleasant weather. People wore light silken shirts and loose, short trousers of similar materials. They wore dresses and skirts without fear of a breeze to lift them. Some, primarily those lounging near or indeed within the great lake to the temple's south, even went so far as to wander the grounds in nothing but their swimming attire.

Light walked amongst them, the primarily red and blue furred fox thankful that the rich red fur which covered his cheeks kept his blushing from being at all visible as he noticed another particular item that so many of the people, indeed the men in particular around the temple were wearing on this warm, bright day. Sandals, some of them with loops of material around the rear as well as the toes to hold them in place, others more flip-flop style and thus loose at the back. He could barely walk ten metres without hearing the distinctive slap of that footwear against both the paths, the grass and indeed the footpaws within them, and even more regularly his gaze couldn't help but fall upon a figure bearing those items upon their feet.

The fox shivered as he saw a kangaroo sitting down upon the grass with a few friends, the marsupial male casually kicking off his sandals as he lay back, stretching, arching his back and splaying out his toes for a moment. He nibbled on his bottom lip as he saw a tiger with the most beautifully trimmed claws just barely protruding from between his toes, feet swaying back and forth in mid air, barely clinging to the flip-flops in which they were resting as he sat upon a wall overlooking one of the temple flower gardens. His heart nearly stopped however when he saw the figure sitting on the wooden bench, its form entirely organic and obviously crafted by a mage of some skill from a single tree grown into the perfect shape of a seat, just fifteen or twenty metres ahead of him on the very path down which he was walking.

Like himself, the coyote was brightly coloured. His lower legs were a rich blue with a more greenish blue blend covering the majority of the rest of his visible fur, the white at the base of his tail and rising up over the lower portion of his face trimmed with a bright, sunshine yellow. What really drew his focus to that coyote in particular however was, of course, his paws. Or more particularly, his paw; the one that was currently lifted up and resting over the other leg, pads and sole pointing right at Light as the coyote in question massaged the beautiful limb like it was a little sore. Light ground to a halt, stopping in his tracks maybe just six or seven metres away now, and stared. He watched, transfixed with wonder and excitement, as the coyote's fingers roamed over those silky smooth and bright, vibrant yellow paw-pads. Squeezing, rubbing, massaging so tenderly, so carefully. God, he would have given anything for those to be his fingers giving that delectable paw a rub down. And more still for his tongue to replace his fingers. Or perhaps even his...


Light blinked as he heard a voice speak up from close by, looking around to see who was talking and to whom they were saying hi. He frowned as he didn't see anyone, at least, not until he turned his head back to where it had originally been staring at the paw attached to the coyote. Only then did he see that the figure before him had stopped rubbing their paw, indeed that they weren't moving much at all any more. Instead, the owner of that gorgeous foot was simply staring. Smiling broadly, one eyebrow raised, as he stared at the figure staring at him in turn.

"Hi there, friend. Uh... listen, this may sound a bit weird, but... could you rub my foot for me?"

The coyote grinned as he extended his leg as though to demonstrate which foot in particular he meant, wiggling his toes playfully at Light and entirely failing to react with horror or disgust when a soft whine of excitement escaped the fox.

"I got a cramp. I swear, I've not had one for years, but apparently fate doesn't want to let me enjoy the nice weather today. I'm doing my best to sort it myself, but having to bend my leg to get at it isn't exactly helping matters, y'know?"

Warmly, the coyote tapped the bench next to him with his free hand.

"It's okay if you don't wanna, I totally get it. But..."

His voice trailed off for a moment, and his eyes flashed playfully.

"I've been watching you looking around since you came into view, and frankly... I get the feeling that of all the folks who've passed me by in the last couple of minutes, you'd be the best at giving a nice, luxurious foot rub. Plus, you'd probably be the most likely to say yes to doing so for a stranger. At least... assuming I'm the kind of stranger you, uh... like?"

Light didn't say anything. What could he say under a circumstance like this? His face burned crimson, his eyes bulged so forcefully they felt like they were going to pop out of their sockets at any moment, and the fox's entire body trembled with such intensity he thought for a moment the ground beneath his feet was quaking. Nonetheless, despite his embarrassment, despite his awkwardness and quite frankly his terror over having his predilection not only noticed but openly confronted in public, he felt himself putting one flip-flop wearing footpaw of his own in front of the other as he drew closer and closer to the bench and the figure sitting upon it. He heard the living wood creak slightly as he settled down upon the seat beside the coyote, and another muffled but poorly, incompletely stifled moan escaped his lips as in mere seconds the other canid's body swung around, his leg raised up and stretched outward, and the coyote's beautiful bare paw landed squarely in Light's lap.

Hands trembling, eyes still wide and heart pounding with such force and speed he swore that he could feel it through every cell of his body, Light reached out and grasped the proffered paw before it could land upon his crotch. Upon a crotch that even now he could feel stirring within his loose shorts, beginning to swell as he pressed his thumbs into those velvety paw-pads and began to caress, to massage and to hopefully free such a beautiful paw from the pain of an ongoing cramp. Within seconds of touching the coyote's foot, he heard the other male growl softly not in pain, not in discomfort but in what sounded like satisfaction. Bashfully Light glanced up, and sure enough he saw the coyote's head tilting back on it's shoulders, mouth slightly open in an 'O' of apparent satisfaction and relief.

"Mmh... god, that's better. Ahh..."

Light kept on massaging the paw resting upon his legs even as he felt its muscles relax and cease cramping, and he sagged visibly with relief when a short while later, as he was slowly, agonisingly gradually bringing his massage to an end, the coyote murmured to him.

"You don't have to stop, y'know. If... if you want to keep going. It feels really nice."

Light tried not to moan, not to whimper as the paw in his grasp wriggled its toes playfully at him in a show of glee, and in his frankly light-headed state of bashful bliss he gasped when he felt the paw pushing forward slightly, closer to the now swollen, tented crotch of his shorts thankfully hidden from view by the presence of the paw and his hands wrapped around it. He pushed back a little against the paw to keep it from getting too close, but blushed as he heard the coyote chuckle and apply yet more pressure against Light's pushing. He pressed harder still, and the other man did likewise. The coyote grinned and laughed, and even Light couldn't help but giggle as they found themselves practically wrestling, foot against hands, pushing back and forth like a reverse tug of war. Indeed before long they were so caught up in their little struggle that Light had forgotten all about why he had first been so intent on not letting the owner of that pretty paw get it close to his crotch, and he howled in delight as the coyote swung his body around and kicked off his remaining flip-flop so that both were now brought to bear against him.

Clutching one of the coyote's paws in each hand, Light couldn't stop giggling as the coyote's feet wiggled and twitched in his grasp, stretching out into the air and wide apart, meaning that Light's arms had to do the same to keep up. For almost thirty seconds he held the coyote there, the two of them at an impasse with regard to their playful struggle, before his gaze fell away from the cute and frankly irresistible paws in his grasp and instead fell upon the rest of the coyote's body. His eyes widened anew, and a sudden, sharp whimper broke through Light's laughter as he noticed two things in practically the same moment.

Firstly, he saw the coyote's eyes, wide, lustful, and staring directly at Light's obviously tented, visibly throbbing bulge in his shorts. And secondly, before panic and terror at his secret being so overtly exposed could set in, he saw the coyote's own rather tighter pair of shorts. He saw the tent in their own fabric. The bulge, and the small, dark, wet spot at what was obviously the outlined tip of the coyote's own erection, its length twitching visibly before Light's gaze as the coyote's mirth faded just as his had, but to a lustful growl rather than a bashful, humiliated gasp.

"I live nearby."

The coyote spoke those three words alone, and didn't need to say anything else. He did however deliver one final decisive action to help ensure that Light could not resist him. The fox released his paws and sure enough they immediately flew down between Light's legs, squeezing and rubbing their beautiful toes against the bulge of Light's own member for just a few moments before drawing back and sliding down into the flip-flops from which they had come.

Rising to his feet, the front of his shorts still tented and indeed even more visibly so when he was standing, the coyote reached out a hand in offering to Light. The fox whimpered, glancing nervously around wondering how many people might see the coyote's erection, and indeed see his too if he dared to stand up right now. He looked up at the figure standing before him again though, and groaned softly as he reached out to take that hand. The coyote was smiling at him so warmly, so tenderly. He had to do this. He'd never forgive himself if he didn't. And in order for this to happen, or so it seemed, he needed to be in the coyote's home. And in order to get there, he had to stand. He had to walk. He had to risk someone seeing their tented shorts and bulging cocks, so that he could indulge in the very reason they existed.



"A-ah. Ohh yes, Light..."

One walk home, one series of nervous introductions and one very bashful, giggle-filled conversation about their audibly identical names later, the fox found himself in a small but well maintained stone and wood framed house in a quiet section of the artisan's square. More importantly he found himself in the coyote's arms, pinned against a wall with flip-flops cast aside, the other man's toes resting over and wriggling against his while his own paws did likewise as they kissed. He found himself being led through a small living area with a kitchen at one side and a fireplace with unburned wood resting ready in the hearth, and through a wooden door with a latch lock upon its inner frame into a bedroom.

The latch fell, and with a moan Lyte pushed Light back towards the bed.

"I never thought I'd be glad of foot cramp..."

He grinned as he pushed Light down on his back, looming over the fox and beginning to peel off his clothes without a second of hesitation. Light did likewise, assisting Lyte in removing his own attire until they were both equally and deliciously nude. The coyote scrambled up onto the bed, astride the fox's form, and both men moaned loudly as they found themselves crotch to crotch, cock to cock, Lyte wrapping a hand around both their erections at once and squeezing them together as he gently thrust back and forth. Wonderful as it felt though they did not linger upon that sensation, and indeed as both men slid up more towards the centre of the bed they almost entirely parted company for a moment or two, resting leaning back upon their arms to keep themselves upright, knees bent and raised, legs parted, cocks visible and twitching as their toes curled and wriggled against each other once more.

Without another word, both knowing what they wanted, both blushing and growling with every ragged, lustful breath, their paws slid forward until they were pressed together vertically. Their hands, or rather, one each, rose to their own erections and began to stroke. Their eyes remained locked with laser-like focus upon one another's feet as they rubbed their paws together, only occasionally drifting up to regard the straining, dripping lengths of the other man's cock and the panting, giddy, wide eyed expressions of bliss upon the other's face. Toes wiggled against toes, splaying apart and at times even pressing between one another in a playful paw-centric embrace. Pads rubbed and caressed oh so softly, and the furred heels and arches of one another's feet stroked and pressed firmly together with trembling excitement on both sides.

At some point, Light's head so hazy with lust by then he truly wasn't sure of the exact moment or situation by which it happened, he found one of Lyte's footpaws held within his hand. He found that paw being lifted to his face and pressed to his muzzle, whimpering as he nuzzled it, as he licked it, and soon found himself flicking his tongue between the coyote's sweet, tender toes before engulfing and suckling upon them one by one. The coyote in turn did the same to his own now free paw, and Light couldn't help but giggle as ticklish kisses were planted all over his sole.

Finally of course, their hands fell away from their crotches entirely and the two men allowed themselves to do what they had been building towards from the very first moment they set eyes upon one another's rock hard, achingly needy cocks. They grasped their lover's footpaw in both hands and held it tight to their muzzle, stroking as they licked, kissed and worshipped it with their lips and tongue, while their other paw drifted at long last between the other man's legs and pressed itself bare and uninhibited against the straining length of their cock. Toes rubbed against swollen, pointed tips. The lengths of those soft padded paws rubbed up and down shafts from base to tip and back again countless times. They moaned, grunted and yelped in unabashed bliss as they felt one another's pre-cum oozing between their toes and over their glistening, slick pads, and they rocked their own hips, humping, fucking their newfound companion's footpaw in feverish glee all the while.

"Light... b-both, please!"

Pulling Light's other paw out of his own muzzle to cry out to the fox, Lyte wailed in glee as he released his lover's foot from his hand and it immediately flew down to join the other, the two now wrapping around his erection on either side and encircling its tip with their toes. Moments later the coyote was doing the same to Light's own cock, and both men stared giddily at the other as their hands reached down to squeeze and rub their swollen, thickly throbbing knots while the other's footpaws massaged and masturbated them right to the edge.

It was Light who lost control first, the fox far too overwhelmed to call out with any coherent words as he felt his hot cum begin to spray out against the toes domed and wriggling around his urgently straining cock, simply throwing his head back in a mindless, lustful howl. He bucked his hips and yelped louder still as the coyote flexed his toes outward for a few moments, allowing several thick strings of the fox's explosive orgasm to launch skyward and land back down all over the other male's eagerly working, squeezing, rubbing feet.

Mere moments later of course, unable to hold anything back with the sights and sounds of Light letting loose before him, the coyote came too.

"Ahh! Aaaahhhhyes!"

He cried out at the top of his lungs, utterly shameless as he too pumped thick ribbons of his cum out across the quivering toes still squeezing and drumming around the upper few inches of his shaft. Lyte wrapped his own hands around the fox's footpaws as he continued to let loose, and more manually began to slide them back and forth, up and down his length, keeping them pressed together as tightly as he could at all times and ensuring that before he was spent every last little bit of his lover's soles were coated in the glistening result of his pure ecstasy.

They had one another so worked up, so frenzied at the moment of their shared release that the orgasms lingered, persisting for far longer than normal as the bodies involved simply refused to let those incredible sensations cease. It was only after thirty seconds that their bodies could no longer handle the intensity of stimulation they were provoking in one another with the eager, continued caressing of their equally cum-stained footpaws. But even then, as their passion should by all accounts have begun to abate, things were not yet over between the paw loving pair.

They half crawled, half scooted their way closer to one another upon the bed, and with a whimper and a shared shudder of pure joy, they kissed once again. Even in that moment though their eyes were drifting elsewhere, back down to their lover's footpaws stained and dripping, shimmering with their own still damp, still warm seed. They blushed. They moaned and giggled as they caught one another staring.

They knew what they wanted to do. What they needed to do in that moment. And so they did.

Sliding seamlessly into a sixty-nine position, head to toe in the most literal fashion possible, the two men began to lick one another's feet clean of their own cum. They moaned loudly, slurped louder, licked and tasted and delighted in every last touch, every last morsel to slip between their lips.

Sun bathed the coyote's bed through the open window as they lay there together, and remained there in that bed for many hours more that day before their paw-infused passions finally cooled alongside the setting rays of the unseasonably clear fall evening's light. Not every day could be like this, they both knew that. Not every day could be so clear, so warm, and so wonderful as today. But... even as the last signs of summer faded with the ending of that day, neither coyote nor fox were truly sad. If anything, they were excited for what was to come. The cool of fall. And indeed beyond that, the chill of winter.

Approaching was a time of year when more than anything else you needed another soul to keep you warm, to keep your feet soft and cosy and cared for through the long nights and chilly days. And in one another, through a stroke of luck upon this unseasonably pleasant fall day, they had found someone with whom to spend those long, dark nights writhing in pleasure. A light, or indeed a Lyte in the fox's case, from which they could keep their passions burning until next year when the summer sun returned, and bare paws walked the city streets freely to be shared and delighted in once more.

By Jeeves

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