Composition FF-SxD 02 and 03

Story by Thundagger on SoFurry

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#2 of Composition SxD Series

[This story's creational documentation is tagged at December 2009]


Dags lay on his bed, with his head resting on his hands and looking blankly up at the ceiling to his empty apartment. He enjoyed being alone to think by himself, and the things that whipped and out of his mind were sometimes so spontaneous, so unrelated, so random, that he sometimes had to stop, wipe all his thoughts clear, and start all over again. It was almost like a game. Normally, he only had enough spare time to do this about once every week, but lately, he's taken to doing it for some hours everyday. So enthralled, Dags soon began to realize that he wasn't merely thinking, he was daydreaming. His unkempt apartment swirled before his eyes, and soon, he'd be everywhere and anywhere at once.

Meanwhile, just outside the hallway of the apartment, Shale was doing a bit of thinking of his own. 96...97... 98... 69. Shale looked up from the crumpled scrap of paper he'd found stuffed under the rim of his pants that morning after he... well. He knew. He squinted at the numbers. Could this be right? Bemused, he looked again at the paper, then back at the door. Wasn't this supposed to be room 99? Undoubtedly, that's what was scrawled on the paper.

It took the poor greyhound a moment to realize that the first 9 had been loosened from the nail that held it to the door, and that it had fallen upside-down to form a six. At least, that's what he hoped. For some seconds, he looked at the door with a mixture of longing and dread. He'd been fine all day, and surprised himself by being able to calmly drive across town to the building Dags supposedly lived in. However, now, as he stood here dressed in khaki pants and a flower-patterned silk shirt, his mouth dried up with nervousness. His long tongue sat in his muzzle like a dead gopher.

At last, he summoned up the courage to lift a paw and tap on the door, deciding right then and there that if a fat bulldog with a stained shirt and boxers on opened, he'd instantly reel around and make a mad dash for it.

Dags heard a scratching at the door. At least... he thought he did. Whatever was on the other side, it had snapped him back to reality, and deciding that he'd never get a piece of mind until he knew what it was, he sat up, a bit irritated at having something interrupt his thinking, erm... daydreaming session. He just hoped it wasn't just his brain, some rat, or a solicitor. He hated solicitors. Nonetheless, just to be sure he uttered a small throat growl as he lumbered out of bed and staggered over the mess of clothes and junk on his floor to the door. Damn solicitors.

He flung the door open. "What do you want!" he shouted.

The already-terrified dog jumped backwards, eyes wide with terror, and a paw still raised, as if it were either preparing to knock again or stop any item that was about to be thrown in his direction.

Immediately, Dags began to choke. The words caught in his throat, making him cough and turn a pale shade of orange from the mixture of surprise, confusion, and utter embarrassment. It was a very awkward representation of a dragon's blush.

Finally, he managed to right himself. "Hey! Shale! Erm... Sorry about that. I, uhh, thought you were someone else."

To be honest, Shale was a little surprised himself that the dragon still remembered him name, for he'd surely remembered his. His nervousness returned back to make him that timid greyhound from the bar again, making his voice quiver a little. "Were you... expecting anyone else?" For reasons he hoped was obvious, he hoped not.

He was assured when Dags shook his head. "I've just been... thinking."

"Yeah? About what?" Shale regained some of his nerve and took a step closer.

"Many things," he said. Poor Shale thought he'd have the benefit of further elaboration, but all Dags did was nervously scratch at his throat. That was when Shale looked off to the side, avoiding the intimidating dragon's stare.

"I've been thinking a lot too. I, erm... I..." He had to look up again. They way the big dragon was standing there, staring at him. Him! If only he wasn't so nervous, he'd stare back. God, he's so hot, he couldn't stop thinking. Before he could blurt out anything he'd regret, however, he hastily said, "I wanted to see you again - of course, that is, if it's okay with you."

Quietly, Dags poked his head out the hallway and scanned the corridors. When he was convinced that not another anthro was in sight, he took in another breath to say something, then stopped again. Realizing that the front of an open door probably wasn't the best place to talk about what he wanted to, he let go of the door and walked back inside his room. "Well, don't just stand there, come in then."

Shale was quick to walk in, but not too quick, for he had to watch his step carefully. Dags' room wasn't as spacey as Shale's own apartment. Once they got inside, they were immediately greeted by a living room with a bed in one corner and two windows on either side, though their blinds were closed. A ceiling lamp breathed out a soft glow of light about the room, making it seem like it was night outside when it was really still just three in the afternoon. He hopped over a pile of clothes and was surprised to find large piles of books stacked underneath the second window. Compared to the condition the rest of the room was in, they looked in pristine order and were stacked alphabetically by author. "You read much?" he asked.

Dags grunted a nod, swishing his tail around from behind him as he walked, using it like a broom to brush his mess on the floor to the side. "Helps take my mind off things." His bed gave a creak as he jumped on it, resuming his original position of staring up at the ceiling with his head resting in his hands. "You seem surprised. What, do I not strike as the smart type to you?"

"Whoever said reading makes you smart?" Shale boldly challenged as he picked up the first book lying on top of a stack.

Dags chuckled at the ceiling. "Touché."

Shale looked down at the title. The Ruins, by Scott Smith. Interesting Dags would choose to read books written by humans. He flipped it open and read:

"...She wasn't thinking of sex - she was too tired, too frightened for this to be any sort of motivation. What she was searching for was reassurance. She was fumbling for it, not knowing how to find it, trying this particular route only because she couldn't think of any other. She wanted to make him hard, wanted to jerk him off, wanted to feel his body arch as the sperm spurted out of him. She believed she'd find some comfort in this, some illusory sense of safety.

So that is what she did..."

Immediately, Shale shut the book with a dull thump, feeling the sides of his face grow hot. The sound made Dags blink and sit up on his bed to look at him inquisitively. Shale put the book back where he found it, thinking to ask to borrow it some other time.

"Told you so."

Shale looked off to his side again. For a second, he thought coming here was a bad idea, and allowed an awkward silence to permeate the room until Dags shifted around to sit on the side of his bed. His gaze, too, was averted. "Listen, Shale, erm... about a few nights ago..."

Oh, man. Here it comes. He's going to tell me it was only a one-time deal and that he really doesn't want to see me again.

"...I never got to thank you for it."

Shale looked up. The dragon's gaze was fixed to the floor, his tail fidgeting with an empty soda can.

"I mean, we were at a bar, and I was, like, the horniest thing on the planet. I'm sure the both of us could've fucked, then forgotten the whole thing and each other the next morning, but..." He suddenly growled and shook his head. His tail constricted around the can and crushed it, flipping it into an already overflowing garbage bin. "I-I dunno." Then, he turned and fixed those glowing eyes at Shale. "Why did you really come here, Shale?"

He only had to think for a moment for an answer. "The same reason why you couldn't resist slipping me your address before you ran off."

To this, Dags actually chuckled as he continued to scratch the back of his neck. "You know... it was my first time and all, but I guess you've been done a couple times yourself, huh."

The corners of Shale's mouth curled in a small smile. "I have, actually."

Dags grunted and lay back down on his bed. He'd have left it at that, but then, Shale came over and sat down beside him. "But never like you did. You were amazing."

Dags lifted his head at him. After scanning his face and seeing no lie, he cocked his head to the side. "Really?"

"Oh, yeah," he replied, bobbing his head. "And I'm glad I was able to make a good first impression for you, but..."

"But?" A hint of worry flashed across Dags' face.

"Well, like you said, you were horny... I was a little myself, actually. But, why did you do it? I mean, of all people, why me? Was it because I just happen to be sitting next to you? And did you just leave me your address to hit up whenever you want to get in the mood or what? Did I get closer than I should've, Dags?"

Dags sat up again and leaned his back against the wall, thinking, as usual.

"You can tell me the truth, Dags," Shale asserted in a solid voice. He didn't know where he was getting his confidence. "It's okay if it was only... a one-time deal."

The questions bombarded Dags' brain. He wasn't going to deny himself that Shale was rather attractive. That, and of course, the way he can reciprocate is dead-on. With a shudder, Dags realized that choosing Shale was one of the rare things he hadn't thought about. Why? Why, why, why! Dags didn't know, he couldn't answer. Of course he liked Shale, but though it may've seemed he'd chosen him just because he was simply there and ready, it was certainly much more complicated than that. Much more. But how? Dags squinted his eyes shut and clamped his teeth together in strain, growling. Even he couldn't make sense of it. Stupid, stupid, stupid!

Shale was seeing how much of an effort this was coming for Dags, so immediately, he summed up all he meant to say, all he meant to ask, and all the reasons why he came in one simple question. "Dags," he said quietly.

Dags was still squinting his eyes shut and Shale put a soft paw on his knee. At once, they snapped open and looked at him.

"If you could do it again... would you?"

The dragon's voice was soft and tender. Shale wondered if this truly was the same dragon he'd met behind the bar. But seeing this new side of his friend only made him all the more attracting. He suddenly realized that his heart was beating rapidly. Waiting, hoping for an answer.

"Yes," the dragon said in almost a coarse whisper. Then he turned the question with a gleam. "Would you?"

Shale's smile turned into a grin as he leaned over to lick the tip of his snout. "Must you ask?" He washed over Dags' face, enjoying the taste of him spread over his tongue, then moved slowly, lower and lower down his body.

A thrumming sound filled Shale's ears as he slid his hands up under Dags' shirt, feeling the strong muscles hidden just underneath the golden scales. The dragon seemed to be resting, body leaning against the wall and simply allowing Shale to skillfully work him over. A small tug at his side, and Dags was lying flat on the bed while Shale lifted up his shirt and began swabbing the dragon's lean torso as though it were a newborn pup.

Dags' shirt was lifted, and Shale was poking his muzzle under the folds, sticking his tongue up, down, over, and across his chest. A sharp intake of breath was the signal of Shale taking little play-nips on the well-defined ridges. Dags lifted his arms and the way Shale licked over his armpits was particularly arousing. Lower still, Shale moved, kissing, nipping, and lapping down his abs until his scales shone with a lustrous gleam. The greyhound's muzzle then found itself sniffing at Dags' crotch.

I should... no, not yet. But then, I really want to. I'm sure Dags wouldn't mind.

Shale ended up popping out the button and pulling down the zipper. But he couldn't bring himself to just dive in. Not yet. The both of them were still aching for each other's touch, feel, taste, and smell. Shale returned his focus to the top, where Dags was still resting himself on the bed, breathing in heavily.

Shale closed his eyes too, as he leaned in closer and tilted his head the opposite direction and in the perfect angle.

As they kissed, warmly and zealously, swishing together their spit to form a truly unique taste, Dags lifted up his arms to Shale's side and pulled him in. So did his legs and tail, rising to cross behind Shale's thigh and pulling him in. The dragon constricted himself all around the greyhound, so everywhere Shale turned, there seemed to be Dags. His strong feel urging him on.

Their bodies pressed, and Dags could feel Shale's erection solidifying against his abs. He enjoyed the wet smack their lips made, the soft moans in between, the smell, Oh, the smell! How it was around them, like an air of static electricity that surged through from one body to another, then back again.

There was something about having another male in between his legs that made Shale feel positively secure. Like the girl from the book he'd just read. What was the title again? Like her, Shale found comfort in Dags' caressing touch. Safety. As long as they were in each other's grasp, nothing could ever get to them. That is what Shale felt as the powerful dragon slipped both hands underneath Shale's pants and rubbed at his buttocks.

Suddenly... Ow! What was that? I thought I felt... Ow! Ow! What the! Oh, that stings, so why don't I want it to stop? I-ow!

Dags had taken to playfully pinching Shale's firm butt. Even with their eyes closed, with their lips connected, Shale could feel Dags smiling. And Dags rather enjoyed throwing in such surprises. Shale's ass was smooth and soft; bubby, yet firm, like any male's should be. In Dags' experience, females' buttocks were - simply put - too squishy. He preferred and enjoyed the squeezable hardness of Shale's perfect ass more than anything he'd ever felt before.

Like thinking and reading books, there was a reason why Dags needed all these techniques to keep himself occupied; it was because when he got too excited, too overflowing with energy, filled with adrenaline, there was almost nothing that could stop him from going wild. It was a weakness he had. He had to admit to himself that Shale was the master at foreplay. He'd gladly give him as much. In fact, if he continued this way, he'd soon loose control of himself.

They had to step it up a notch. And that involved the removal of articles of clothing.

Dags grunted to show that he didn't want to, but must, as he broke the kiss. Shale was still trapped in Dags' wrap, but he didn't seem to care. "That shirt looks expensive," he said in between breaths, eying the colorful button-down enviously. "Better take it off before I rip it from you again."

Shale frowned unconvincingly. "You still owe me from the last time."

The dragon smirked. "That I do. Let me make it up to you." He released his grip just enough for Shale to sit up and flip his first cover off and toss it on the dirty floor with such quickness, it seemed as though it were on fire. All that remained now was the tight-fitting, white undershirt with fabric so thin, Dags could still see how his fur bristled underneath. It would do. He reached down to unbuckle his belt, when a pair of hands stopped him. "Allow me," Dags grinned.

Again, the dragon pulled him closer in, until they were snout-to-muzzle. Then, Dags slid a paw in between their bodies and worked on loosening his pants. He did so without even having to look down. Shale was impressed. When he'd undone the clasp, it was only a small matter for Shale to kick it off. From the waist down, he was bare. His cock was already exposing flesh, some four inches of it, and still growing. Shale lowered his eyes, bashed.

"It's alright," Dags comforted, pulling him ever closer. "I kind of like how you can stay so controlled all the time, while I... well...sort of give in easier." He chuckled.

Shale acknowledged his consolation with more licks to the face.

Dags was still wearing his usual grey tank-top that hugged his body so, although it was lifted all the way up to his neck, it could be considered off, along with his navy-blue cargos. With some effort and a little help from Shale, he managed to wriggle out of his shorts and immediately, Shale could see what Dags meant by him giving in easier. The dragon already had his full member out in the open, throbbing, and exuding out a few drops of pre that was lubricating the space between them.

Once more, Shale dipped his head down to continue where they'd left off in the kiss, and Dags was only too happy to oblige. Their bodies pressed together, sharing each other's warmth that soon began to grow more and more intense, for slowly, Shale was beginning to rub his body against Dags'. Just tiny movements, hardly noticeable at first, but as the pressure in them built, the strokes became more intense. Shale didn't need to penetrate his friend, just to feel the pleasure of humping - though he knew he'd enjoy that immensely as well. Their second times together, Shale felt even more curious than before about exploring the body of his new friend

Shale created the friction between them as he continuously humped his hips to Dags' abs. Through their kiss, he could feel his friend's breathing grow heavy and lustful. While Shale produced the heat, Dags produced the lube, which Shale's cock was using to slather his whole chest with.

Their lips went smack. Their grunts went Mmmm and Aaaahh. Their bodies went slick-slack. Their dicks stroked against each other, creating a sensual feeling of being jacked off without even needing to lay a hand on them. Tensions rose almost to breaking point and Dags had to disengage to breathe large intakes of air. "How can you feel so damn go-od!"

"Heh, heh. The Dragon Boy likes that, doesn't he?"

"Hell yesss! Oh, yeah!"

Shale snickered and humped faster.

Dags didn't know how Shale could ever hold himself in for so long. His climax was coming, and though he fought it back, the more he tried, the more intense his orgasm would push back. He really didn't want to be the first one to give in again, but if he couldn't help it, what else could he do?

Shale's full member scrubbed up and down him. First, it would jut into his stomach, hurting some, but then it would slide up from his pre, and when the whole length of his shaft skimmed his body like that... Mmmm. If this is what simply being shanked by Shale's dick felt like, he could only wonder what full penetration would be like.

The way Dags had himself wrapped around another male was exhilarating. He'd have stayed there forever, and he knew Shale would have thought the same too.

The heat of the friction between them increased to the point where it felt like a fire so hot, it was actually cool to the touch. Their bellies shimmering with pre, Dags had no choice but to shut his eyes and clamp his teeth down to keep from roaring out in pure delight. He moaned, but through his teeth it sounded muffled and strained. "Mmmfgh!"

Shale took the hint. Lifting his body a little off Dags', he reached down, grabbed a hold of Dags' member, and tugged. In no time, the dragon's liquid virile shot out in thick, creamy loads, arcing up in the air, and splashing the front of their shirts. Shale, who still had not stopped his incessant humping, was smearing the cum all over their already oiled torsos. He thought to speak, but when he looked down and saw what mess they were making, he only grinned broadly, and for the sake of his partner's pleasure, continued his rhythmic gesticulations.

Dags shot out three more loads, ribbons of cum spewing from his dick, then being slathered over his chest.

At last, an exhausted Dags let his head fall back into the pillows, mouth slightly agape. Naturally, he was panting, but he already knew this; Shale had a knack for taking his breath away. Bodies glistening with cum, Shale's paw was still attached to his friend's cock as he squeezed out the last dripping remains of his ejaculation. "Wow, what a mess you made! I'll have to clean you all over again."

Dags forced a smile in approval, eyes fluttering slightly, tired. Shale bent low and stuck out his tongue. On first contact of his cum-soaked abdomen, a comforting rush swept over Shale, admiring the salty, masculine taste. The dragon's milk was swirling white, like a pearl, and he eagerly lapped up the sticky mess. Shale's own cock was pulsating, so hard and stiff, it hurt. He tried to concentrate on cleaning up his friend, but with a deflated lowering of his ears, he found that his unremitting humping had spread the load all over. As much as Shale tried, he couldn't get in between Dags' radiant scales.

"You were remarkable," came Dags' voice.

He looked up to thank him, then was surprised to see Dags staring off to the side, a little troubled.

Tenderly, Shale turned from his job to put a paw on the dragon's heaving chest. "Hey. What's wrong, buddy?"

Dags looked at him. "I didn't do as good a job as last time, did I?"

Puzzled, Shale was about to ask what he meant when he suddenly realized the inference behind Dags' remark. "Oh. Well, don't worry," he said preppily. "As long as it was great for you, big guy."

Dags' cheerless countenance didn't lift. "Yeah... sure." He turned his head back again to the side.

Now Shale was distressed. His ears lowered some more as he bit down on his bottom lip, wondering what to do. Dags was distraught because he wasn't enough to get Shale off at the same time he did. Indeed, Shale had to contrive something quick before he got soft again or Dags lost his mood. He'd come pretty close at times, and he did try to hold it off for as long as he could. However, if Dags had a weakness for having to letting go before he did and it troubled him so, perhaps next time he'd try harder to work on his timing at just the right moment.

Next time.

Shale looked down at Dags' now limp, dripping, shiny cock. He stroked it. It was still pretty hard, but was lying down flat against his body, not twitching like it usually did. Unnerved, Shale lifted a paw to his muzzle, then felt the resistance of the sticky cum gluing his paw down to his friend.

Shale wondered if he should go back to cleaning his friend when all of a sudden, his ears perked up and his eyes lit with a new fire.

Dags had let go of Shale, and Shale lumbered off the bed, a little dazed. But when he got his sight back, he took both of Dags' hands in his own and pulled him up. "Come on," he said cheerily. "I got an idea."

The dragon hesitated for a moment before Shale pulled him again. "Get up!"

Reluctantly, Dags bumbled out of bed and looked up. Both his and Shale's shirts had dark spots marked where his cum had splotched. They were ruined. Getting to his feet, both of them were naked from the waist down, but not for long. "What's going on," he grumbled.

Shale was smiling, he pulled him down a short hall, only realizing then even though he'd never been in Dags' apartment before, he knew exactly where to find the room he was looking for. Sure enough, he pushed open a door and there it was.

To Shale's surprise, the bathroom was actually a lot bigger than the living room they'd just made out in. And right in the corner, a glass box with a nozzle on top. Perfect. He turned to Dags, his smile widening. "Take a shower with me?"

At first, Dags looked shocked. His neck coiled back and his face scrunched in a bemused frown. "A shower?" He looked from Shale to the corner, eyes scrutinizing his surroundings as if walking into this room for the first time. For a second, the two of them stood there, half naked, cocks pointing, just wondering.

Shale was still as hard as ever. And because he hadn't come, all it took was a mere glance at the dragon's sturdy body from head to tail, his lengthy member, and he was up again. Already, his bristled fur was starting to stiffen, and the rate in which Dags' juice was drying on him made him shiver. "Honestly," he said. "Do you know how hard it is to get this stuff out of fur?"

Shale regarded him for another moment, then another moment at the shower. Then back at Shale. Was that a gleam Shale saw in his eyes? The corners of his snout upturned in a devilish smirk. "You know, I'd like to find out," he replied.

Good old Dags, always willing to try something new.

Shale threw his friend a grin, then looked down at his stained shirt. Then Dags. "Looks like we won't be needing these."

Dags lifted his muscular arms and pulled his shirt over his head, throwing it down to the floor. Shale did the same, making them both completely nude. He then stepped into the walk-in tub and turned the water on full blast, all the way to hot. Holding the glass door open, he beckoned with his paw. "Well, come on in!"

Dags took a step closer. "You sure there's enough room?"

Shale felt the steaming water sift through ever hair on his body. "It'll be a tight fit," he admitted, throwing his friend a wink, "but I'm sure after a little... squeezing... we'll be quite comfortable."

Dags licked the sides of his snout. "Make way then, dog." And he entered. Water plopped on the big dragon's wings like rain against a tarp. He shuffled them around to try and make them smaller, and then allowed the rush of water to cascade down and over from the tip of his snout on Shale. Standing face-to-face in that tiny shower, the large dragon seemed to tower over him. It felt a little intimidating, with the hiss of the water streaming over their naked bodies, allowing themselves the moment to take in its heat and comfort.

Shale felt his fur begin to sag until he was completely drenched, its brindled color turning a dark shade of grey. He looked up at Dags' unreadable face and smiled, taking a step closer so that their chests - and dicks - were pressed together. He would've tried shuffling around him to reach the object he was trying to get at, but then thought better of it. "Umm... do you... do you mind passing me the soap?"

Dags almost didn't hear, for he'd begun to daydream again. Of all times, he thought bitterly, as he reached behind him and grabbed the lump of ivory behind him. He was about to hand it to Shale; but then thought better of it. "Allow me," he said with a wry grin.

Shale didn't offer any resistance, succumbing to Dags' touch as he first placed his hand containing the bar of soap on Shale's pectoral muscles and began to rub. Very slowly. Now that Shale's fur lay flat, it outlined his figure more distinctly. Dags scrubbed his chest over, tracing a soft claw over the ridges of Shale's runner-physique, all the while keeping his amber, glowing eyes fixed on Shale. Shale's eyes, however, rolled up and he closed his eyes, loving every second of the excellent service he was getting. His friend slipped both his arms underneath his to lather a foam on his backside and pull him in closer. Ever closer. Shale was so near to him, he could see each individual scale.

Dags worked not saying a word, only an occasional grunt or huff when the steam around them got too thick to breathe in. Shale didn't want to spoil the moment by speaking either. What was there to say? He scrubbed him down slowly and erotically, sometimes gifting him a flick of the tongue over his muzzle or a teasing tickle behind his neck. The little motions made Shale's heart leap and flip circles in its cage.

And of course, Dags couldn't resist washing down Shale's firm, round ass. With every soft pinch, Shale's mouth would snap open, only to be filled with water. "Oh... my." Another pinch and Shale flinched. Then again. Seeing how frisky he was made Dags laugh until he couldn't bring himself to continue on with this torture any longer.

He moved down lower, and at first touch of Shale's hardened cock, it began to throb uncontrollably. Their erections thumped to the same beat, the same rhythm. The hound found relief and great consolation in finding that Dags had once again become hard. Duly in his mind, Shale wisely noted that a horny dragon is a happy dragon.

Dags' hand moved under and between Shale's legs, then massaged. At once, Shale's eyes widened. Oh, how was it that a figure of Dags' strapping size could be so gentle, so caring, and yet, so daringly adventurous at the same time? There was always something wonderfully unexpected with him, never ceasing to amaze. He found the trait particularly winsome and attractive.

Another grope under his legs and Shale immediately had to grab onto the dragon's thighs for support. "Ohh, right there, Dags. You got it right there!"

Their wet bodies bore down on one another, drenched and dripping, but at this point, either of them hardly noticed anymore. The hand massaging under his fleshy knot, the brawny chest Shale rest his head on and could easily fall asleep on. Such security! Shale knew that as long as he were locked in the embrace of his friend, nothing bad could ever happen.

On the other side, Dags was busy wondering if it'd be remotely possible to come twice in the same hour. He certainly didn't doubt Shale's ability to arouse him. And with the way his stiff rod perpendiculated so, he was starting to believe it was more and more plausible. The way his friend worked made him feel as though he was the center of attention. At last, Dags' hand was lifted from Shale's rectus when the greyhound sunk down low until he was kneeling on the shower floor, the dragon's prodigious cock looking him straight in the face.

Dags was staring down the length of his body, seeing Shale simply kneel there to admire his throbbing malehood. The way he was looking at it - so appalled, so hungry - made him feel a little embarrassed. But this feeling was immediately drowned when Shale opened his mouth to welcome the dragon's pulsating member into his maw. He worked diligently, taking Dags rod into his mouth, still moaning around it. He licked his way down the shaft, wrapping his dexterous canine tongue around it as best he could. Sliding his way back up to the tip, he teased the very tip with his tongue before taking it back into his muzzle.

Shale had jerked off and stroked his partner before, but whenever he got a chance to see this impressive feature up close, it amazed him every time. Dags sensed this and pursed his lips together in guilty pleasure.

But Shale thought to try something new as well. I wonder... And he decided to try it out. After giving the sensitive tips a few good laps to invoke a few moans of encouragement from his partner, he took in all he could take, deep-throating the dragon's member as far back as he could go.

"Mmmmmmm," the dragon thrummed warmly.

Having a muzzle really helped. From the dragon's seven and a half inches, he was able to leave off the half-inch part before it pressured to choke him. Swishing the cock from side to side in his mouth, he took up his partner's taste in his saliva and swallowed. When he very lightly tested its rigidity by pressing it against his teeth, he was rewarded with a generous spurt of pre that threatened to send Dags on the verge of another climax.

But Shale was not finished with him yet. While he was busy pleasuring his partner from the front, a paw at his side that refused to remain idle slipped around Dags' waist, below the base of the tail, and lightly caressed at his ass crack. With the dragon's cock on his mouth, he felt the vibrations of his great body shudder with anticipation. "What're you thinking down there, naughty dog?"

The greyhound only shot his eyes upwards, and grinned around the mouthful of cock. His other paw lifting to jerk and stroke his own shaft, a small leakage of pre began to dribble down on the shower floor. It was then he closed his eyes, took in all the senses at once, and savored the moment with kind affection as he stuck two very wet fingers into Dags' waiting ass.

"Raaaa-ow!" Dags' half-roar reverberated off the steamy walls of that bathroom. And when the initial pain had subsided, all that was left was wholesome enjoyment. "Mmmm... Ooohh... Uhhh, yeah." He could feel those two fingers fidgeting inside him. Twisting, squirming, wriggling. The senses! Oh, the senses! Dags shot another exuberant squirt of pre down Shale's throat. He leaned forward, outstretching one arm against the shower wall to support him while the other reached down to push Shale's head deeper into his groin.

In return for the pressure, Shale slid in another finger down the mighty dragon's pink tailhole.

"God!" he exclaimed. He could feel it now. Another pinnacle. It was bubbling inside him, ready, waiting for one last deed from Shale to coax the dragon essence from him yet again.

Shale was on his edge too, sensing in some way without words that Dags was ready to erupt any second. He finger-fucked his friend, dipping all three fingers, working them in and out the soft rim. The other paw stroked his cock fiercely, then automatically dropped his hand around his knot, insuring that he would orgasm right on sync.

The fingers were at their knuckles now, the pressure on them increasing from jutting in and out, three at a time, repeatedly. He began to feel tired, then slowed his pace down to have more time to feel around the dragon's warm innards.

"W-What're you-?"

Shale squinted as he felt a small lump. He didn't know what it was, what it was doing there, or whether it should be there, but out of sheer curiosity, he reached in just a little deeper and began to rub at it.

"Oooh, shit! Ooooh, fuck!" Dags uttered out this string of curses repeatedly, for they were the only words suitable to describe how marvelously good it felt. "Oooh, shit! Ooooh, fuck! Aaaah!"

Shale admired how the big dragon always seemed to like taking the pain he offered. It made him feel appreciated and was always more than glad to give it. The ring around his knot tightened and he fingered the lump faster. "Come for me, you dinosaur!"

Dags did. For the second time that evening, globs of pearly white seed fired from his friend's cock and Shale murred as he opened his mouth, trying to catch as much of the dragon's essence in his mouth as he could. At that moment, he felt his own orgasm begin. Thick greyhound cum shot into his paw and beyond, the stickying the dragon's legs with it before being wiped away by the flow of water.

Shale swallowed Dags' salty virile as it spurted from his rod. It tasted musky. It tasted masculine. It tasted like heaven burning its way down his throat.

And as if sensing that enough was enough; that Shale had gotten enough to satisfy his thirst, yet deprive him enough to leave him yearning for more, the leakage slowed then stopped to a trickle.

"Ohh, man." Dags reached down and stroked every last bit of himself out for Shale. "No one's ever made me... twice on the same day!"

Shale smiled and with some difficulty stepping over the dragon's curled tail, stood up so that they were now facing each other. "We got off pretty good, huh?"

He nudged him on the side of the head with his snout in response. "But I was..."

Oh, no... I hope he doesn't expect me to-

"...I was really hoping to find out... what you taste like."

That's better.

Shale widened his smile. "Lucky then. I've been saving some just for you." He lifted the paw he'd used to form a ring around his knot, proud at remembering to keep it out of the water. It was still matted, glistening with fresh cum. Then, cupping the hand in front of Dags' snout, he said, "Have a drink, big guy."

"Aww, Shale. You shouldn't have."

"I know," he said, closing his eyes in a grin. "Now shut up and lap like a dog!"

Dags did. He flicked his tongue and licked Shale's paw clean of all traces of his cum. As though it were the best thing he ever tasted, he licked all over, between his fingers, under them, even up to his wrists. The both of them had a long, hot shower that evening, and though they toweled each other off until their coats gleamed nice and clean, neither of them had ever felt so dirty before in their lives.