Daemon - Chapter 9 (Chasing the Curi'nakra)
#9 of Malakye's Story - Part 4 (Daemon)
Sorry for the lateness of this chapter. I had intended to post it last week but I wasn't happy enough with a large chunk of it to post, plus my new shifts at work meant I didn't have a lot of time to work on it. In the end I opted for removing the part that I wasn't happy with entirely.
The Encyclopedia I have written detailing places, races and various parts of history will come in handy if you come across a word or phrase with a * at the end of it. This symbol (*) depicts that there is an entry in the Encyclopedia so you can have a more indepth knowledge on the subject at a moments notice.
This story will have mature and adult rated chapters along the way, if you find yourself unable to find missing chapters please check that your age-rating (or your SFW settings) are set appropriately so you can view them before notifying me. This happens a lot more than you'd think!
I always appreciate feedback and constructive criticism.**************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
"Malakye may I speak with you?"
I turned to see Grandfather staring at me. Kamir had told me to speak to him. I was tempted to refuse. I owed this fur nothing. But like it or not he was blood; family. His eyes were gently pleading me to speak to him. I nodded and followed him into a small building at the edge of town. It was his home here in Rengilar. His scent was everywhere. Despite the glamour of the building itself the insides were rather humble. Simple furnitures filled single room building. Spacious and comfortably big enough for a single fur to live in.
"What did you want to speak to me about?" I asked.
"A few things. But first I want to give you this." He said handing me a scroll with a red wax seal on it. The image imprinted on the wax was the Redpelt family sigil in the form of a rune in the old tongue. "You are heading to Banuke are you not?" I nodded in response. "Give that to the Alpha there. Once they read it they will understand what has to happen."
"Are you sure they will listen?"
"I am confident they will listen once they know that it is from me." He sighed.
"What else did you want to talk about?" I asked, storing the scroll safely into the satchel I wore around my waist.
"I wanted you to know... I wanted to say that I'm sorry!"
"I'm sorry for the hardships you had to go through in Rovarian Village! I was not much of a grandparent to you."
"No you weren't!" I snapped. "But don't think you can start being one now!"
"I know. I don't expect that at all. I just wanted you to understand. I never wanted to disown Gabriella. But she left me no choice! If I didn't the other Elders would have exiled her! It took every ounce of influence I had to convince them not to. I loved my daughter dearly. But as an Eldar my paws were tied!"
"You could have given up your seat on the council!" I countered.
"They would have banished her! A lone female wandering the world... it was too dangerous for her, never mind with a cub!" He replied back, his words passionate and fierce. "I could never acknowledge you. Even after she..."
After she died.
"I was constantly asked to end your life. To end the blight upon the villages honour, on a daily basis!"
"Then why didn't you?!" I growled. "I was the son of the drake who took your daughter from you! The constant reminder of your loss! Why didn't you just have me killed and be done with it!?"
"Because... you were the last part of her I had left." His eyes were watering as his emotions got the better of him. I was taken aback by this turn of events. "Please forgive me for not being strong enough to help either of you! It was all I could do to keep you from being hunted by the other wolves! If it wasn't for Kamir..."
So what Kamir had said to me before was true. Zaraki Kamir was an especially feared wolf given his reputation as a k'tan and his prowess as a warrior. It's no secret that both he and my Grandfather were close friends. Grandfather was one of the few furs I had seen Kamir speak to with respect. Every other wolf and warrior were below him, not worth his time. Most likely was the fact that both he and Grandfather relationship was so well known it stopped wolves from daring to defy Grandfathers wishes, unless they wanted to face Kamir's wrath. All wolves except Kaleb at least.
"I..." I began to speak but then stopped. Carefully considering what it was I wanted to say. "I forgive you."
I didn't say anything else. I just turned and walked out of the building. Grandfather didn't say anything else or try to stop me. Once outside I felt the tension I had been under just melt away. I didn't compose myself, I just walked to the gates were the rest of the Zangarians were waiting for me.
Kaldor asked me if everything was all right. I simply nodded and kept walking. As were left the first fires had been lit. Fire to cleanse the world of the taint of darkness. It would take years for the land to recover fully, but it would recover. But I didn't have time for thoughts on that. I needed to trust that Kamir would do what needed to be done. Right now I needed to hunt down the curi'nakra before they could cause more damage!
We marched back to where our supply wagons stood waiting for us. Moral was down. Our mission here had been successful for the most part. But several drakes had lost their lives, and not for the glory of battle. No they died unnecessarily. Everyone here knew one another. Their loss would be felt by everyone else. But I can not worry about this now. I still had to find the fur responsible or all this and eliminate them!**************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
The deaths of all those furs had caused a growing rage within me. No one deserved to die that way! Their souls were consumed, sucked into the Underworld and forever damned after being tainted with the demonic energy. But the biggest travesty in this whole thing was the young cubs who had been tainted as well. I could still hear their cries for their mothers after they were detained. It had been heart-wrenching to watch, and now they were condemned to the Underworld! Furs who had barely had a chance to experience life. I could still hear the wails of the mothers as they desperately called out for their cubs. A call that would go unanswered.
Once we had regrouped with the rest of the Zangarian army, I made a bee-line for one of the wagons and began removing the straps that held one of the dando from the wagons used to carry our supplies. No one seemed to notice what I was doing until I began to mount the bird. The large feral bird chirped loudly as I climbed atop it.
"Where are you going?" Kaldor asked as he ran over to intercept me.
"My mission hasn't changed! I still need to hunt down and kill the fur responsible before they unleash demons upon this world!"
I now know how they would achieve their objective, and it would result in the deaths of hundreds, if not thousands of furs in order for them to achieve it. Tens of thousands would die if they managed to unleash a horde of demons in the mortal realm! Father had to understand that! There was no time to lose!
"Very well." He sighed "But at least take some warriors with you."
"They will just slow me down!"
"Your father is right." Malnark interjected as he approached. "You are an incredible fighter Malakye, but there are limits to what one drake can do by themselves. Banuke is under wolven control, just as Rengilar is. If the hostility you faced here was any indication, you will not be able to resolve this peacefully."
"So what? You want to drag all these drakes down there just so we have a chance of resolving this peacefully?" I snorted.
"I would if that were possible!" My father sighed. It was impossible. We didn't have nearly enough food to feed these drakes for a journey half that distance. An army marched on its stomach and I doubt that there was enough food to last to get to New Zangar in order to resupply. "I would feel better if you took a few warriors to accompany you."
"Four." I said bluntly. "No more than four! If they slow me down I will leave them behind!"
"My Lord, will you permit me to accompany Malakye?" Malnark offered.
"Thank you Malnark. I was hoping that you would. It would put my mind at ease if you were to lead the expedition."
"Can we hurry this up? They already have a weeks lead time on us. I'd rather not waste any more time." I snapped impatiently.
"Very well." Kaldor nodded. "Malnark pick two warriors whom you trust with your life. The last member of your group will be Jovani." Jovani who had been standing a few feet away stepped forwards. "I know what you're going to say!" Kaldor cut him off. "I want you to protect my son old friend! His mission is perilous and nothing would put my mind at ease more than knowing you will be watching over him."
"It would be my honour Master." Jovani bowed. "I shall protect him with my life, above all else."
"Thank you!" My father embraced Jovani, who seemed caught off guard by the sudden display of affection. He smiled and returned the embrace. Once they had finished Kaldor turned to me. "Come back home safe my son."
"Of course." I smiled, as if there would be any doubt that I would.
I fully intended on returning, but was well aware of the odds against it happening. Even if I completed my mission I would need to resolve the other challenge I faced. Subjugating the spirit within me. But I didn't need to burden my father with such thoughts now.
"We'll go with you!" Laguna declared as he and Kassandra approached.
"No you won't!" Malnark said bluntly as he turned to face them.
"What?! Why not?"
"Because you will be a liability. I know you are capable fighters, but you are too close to Malakye. I need drakes whose emotions will not cloud their judgements!" Malnark responded with a cold, yet honest tone.
"But...!" Laguna began to argue but Kassandra's paw came to rest on his shoulder and he stopped and looked at her.
She was staring at me with pain filled eyes. She was losing me. I knew it. She knew it. When had I fallen so hard for her? The thought of leaving her behind was the most difficult part of my mission. If I insisted I could bring them along, but I couldn't do that. Things were different now. I had seen the extent of the curi'nakras power and it terrified me. I don't know if I could protect them.
Malnark was right. They were too close to me and I them. I would lose objectivity and if I had to make a choice to sacrifice them in order to kill the curi'nakra, or save them and let them escape what choice would I make?
"Promise you will return!" She pleaded.
"I will return!" I declared. I had my doubts whether I'd be able to, but it was what she wanted to hear. "I will complete my mission! I will conquer the spirit within me and return back to Zangar! I promise you that!"
She nodded and I knew she was at least content with my response. Laguna seemed to accept her acceptance of the situation and he took a step back. Malnark left to go and pick the other warriors that would escort us on my mission. Jovani excused himself saying he would go gather food and water for our journey. Kaldor had supplied us with a wagon to carry our supplies, and had rigged up an addition two dando to it, increasing the number to four, in order to help speed us on our way. Malnark and myself had our own dando to ride while the others rode the wagon.
It didn't take long for the supplies to be gathered and transport arranged. The two warriors Malnark had chosen to join us were Laguna's brother Loire and the strongest non bender warrior in Zangar; Mantou. As I watched the two of them climb into the front of the wagon I remembered the first time I had seen Mantou. It was during the first tournament I had attended, he had dominated all the fights until he finally losing to Tau'ruc. He couldn't match the power of Tau'ruc's nen, but he had fought valiantly to the bitter end. If he fought as fiercely as he did that day he would be a valuable addition to the group.
Loire, Laguna's oldest brother, was a well respected warrior amongst his peers, and held the highest rank possible without being a warlord or a master bender. In a few years I'm sure he would acquire the rank of one, if not both. He was level-headed, sensible and most of all, very likeable. His friendly demeanour could prove quite useful when dealing with other furs.
After my new companions had said their farewells we left. Heading South towards Banuke which sat at the Southern most edge of the Zangarian Mountain range. We had enough just supplies to reach New Zangar, where we would restock and continue on our way to Banuke. Last time I had travelled this route with Eric and the others there had been a number of rural farms along the way, so if they were still there then we could probably purchase a few supplies from them as well. The gold coins Kaldor had given use was a small fortune and we would be able to purchase any supplies we needed once we got to a major settlement.
Callidus truly had planned for any eventuality. That drake truly was too smart for his own good. He had planned for the eventuality that my quest would require me to travel further than the Zangarian army would be able to follow. I could only wonder what other preparations he had taken for eventualities I hadn't even considered?
When we left the others the sun was already setting. I had insisted we departed immediately to try and make up as much ground as possible. If we made good time then we would make it to New Zangar in around five days, and Banuke in another six. Eleven days. The wolves had a seven day lead on us, there was no way for us to make up that time, but they would have to take a longer route, around dragon controlled lands, so if we hurried we might be able to get there before the curi'nakra caused too much damage.
I didn't want a repeat of the disaster at Rengilar. But their power would grow with each passing day, and eventually they would gain the power they needed in order to summon something powerful from the Underworld and plunge this realm into chaos! I couldn't allow that to happen! I wouldn't let that happen!
We rode into the night, the moon allowing us enough light to travel in relative safety. At around midnight we stopped to grab a few hours sleep and to rest until daybreak. While the others slept I sat cross-legged on the ground next to the sleeping dando and entered a light meditative state.
In this state I could keep watch of the surrounding area while allowing my body to rest. I had learned this during my time in Aaru. This form of meditation did not allow my mind to rest very much, but did allow me to be fully aware of my senses while I rested. Stopping yourself from falling into a deep meditative state was the most difficult part of this. I went through quite a trying time learning how to maintain this state in order to protect myself.
Despite my initial worries about being ambushed by a pack of wolves as we travelled nothing happened. They were keeping away from us. We had managed to keep ahead of the majority of the wolves, since most of them had been recalled to Rengilar for testing. I had sensed a number of eyes watching us from time to time, but no attacks came. After half a days travel South we passed through the patrolled areas. The most heavily patrolled area was the land between Rengilar and the draconian outpost to North.
The road we travelled was quiet, eerily so. We didn't see a single soul travelling the roads. Occasionally we saw some abandoned farms, but they had obviously been abandoned some time ago. Most likely when the war began. We used these abandoned farms to rest over night.
After a couple of days travel we saw a few more signs of life. An occasional farm which wasn't abandoned. Even an occasional patrol of warriors, kitted out in full armour and armed with high quality weapons. They bore the mark of a dragons head on their shields; the mark of New Zangar. We were getting close! Another day and we would arrive at New Zangar.
I had been to New Zangar recently during my search for the curi'nakra. The settlement seemed to have grown since my previous visit, or perhaps it had just been my memories were not as accurate as I'd like to believe. Most of my memories from that time involved Rose, the dragoness who I had fallen for, and who for some reason had fallen for me. Unfortunately I was not the only drake who had fallen for her. Vireon, an Archilles dragon, had not taken kindly to Rose showing me any affection, and after failing to intimidate me he had gathered a large group of furs and attacked us.
The attack was one of the most traumatic events in my life. I remember coming to, sitting in the aftermath of the fight, surrounded by the mutilated, charred bodies of the furs who had attacked us. As horrifying a sight as that was, the most painful part of that memory was seeing Rose's lifeless body before me. I had failed to keep my promise to protect her and keep her safe. It was my lack of strength that drove me to seek training from Aceh.
"Is something bothering you Young Master?"
"No, I'm alright Jovani." I assured him.
"You've not touched your food." Loire pointed out.
"No..." I sighed as I stared into the camp-fire.
"Is it not to your liking?" Jovani asked.
"I'm just not hungry."
Jovani had made a delicious meal, but memories of Rose had robbed me of my appetite. I hadn't realised he was such a good cook. But I supposed being around Harold all the time he must have picked up a few tips. The others seemed to be enjoying their meals.
"We should arrive in New Zangar around midday tomorrow." Malnark announced. "We shall resupply there."
"Should we spend the night there?" Mantou asked. "It would be nice to sleep in a proper bed, and maybe take a bath as well."
"I have heard that the public baths in New Zangar are something to be seen!" Loire exclaimed.
"I've heard they are quite impressive to look at, but they don't have any hot springs." Mantou added. "But I would like to visit them if we get the chance."
"I would rather not waste any time." I said. "We are already a week behind the wolves, I don't want to give the curi'nakra any more time to spread their corruption than possible! You didn't see what happened in Rengilar."
"Malakye is right!" Malnark agreed. "We should do everything we can to prevent such a thing from happening again!"
"I agree as well." Jovani chimed in. "No fur, wolf or otherwise, should be left to such a fate!"
"If you say that it's that bad, then I will believe you." Mantou said.
Mantou and Loire had not witnessed the tragedy. Most of our army remained outside of the walls. Only a select few had been allowed in to help with guarding the tainted.
"We have an early start tomorrow." Malnark said as he stood up. "I'm going to turn in."
"I'll take tonight's watch." I assured him.
"We can take a shift." Loire said to me. "You've taken every watch so far."
"Let us help!" Mantou added.
"Thank you, but you guys get your rest. But it makes sense for me to do it. After all I don't sleep."
"You may not sleep, but you need to rest Young Master. It's not healthy."
"I will be fine Jovani. I haven't slept in so long now..." I smirked and stared down at the plate of food in my lap. "A few hours meditation is all I need."
"I would still feel better if you allowed yourself to get some proper rest." He insisted.
We had been having the same argument each and every night. I was getting tired of it, and there was no way he could force me, and it seemed pointless letting the others tire themselves out when I could rest and keep watch simultaneously.
"Fine!" I relented. "I don't see the point, but if it gets you off my tail I'll let the others take the shifts!" I scooped up a large spoonful of the thick stew Jovani had made and shovelled into my maw. It tasted good, it's a shame I wasn't hungry.
"Thank you Young Master." He bowed his head.
"Well I don't know about you drakes, but I'm tired. I'm going to turn in for the evening. Loire, you take first watch. Mantou the second watch." Malnark ordered.
"Yes sir!" The two drakes responded in unison.
"I will take the third watch." Jovani added.
"Hang on Malnark. I'll come with you!" I said, standing to follow the older drake.
After saying good night to the others Malnark and I retreated to the wagon. Our dandos were curled up together, all six large birds sound asleep. Malnark climbed up into the wagon while I stepped into the middle of the curled up dandos. I found a spot and sat down cross-legged in between them. A couple of the dando roused as I sat down, chirped softly, looked at me before settling again.
"Are you sure you want to sleep out here?" Malnark asked. "There is enough room in the wagon."
"I'm fine." I assured him. "It won't rain tonight."
"Okay. Sleep well Malakye."
"You too."
I closed my eyes and cleared my mind. Since the others were keeping watch I allowed myself to fall into a deep meditative state. In this state I would be able to rest far more thoroughly. It's not that I didn't trust the others ability to protect me. I was just used to protecting myself.
"Long time no see."
I opened my eyes and the dandos were gone, the wagon was gone. A short distance away a single drake sat at the camp-fire. I stood up, walked over and sat across from them. The heat from the fire was pleasant as it chased away the cool night air.
"I can't say I missed you." I countered. He had been surprisingly silent of late. I had not felt his influence or spoken to him since Rengilar.
"Heh!" He chuckled. "You are always so blunt with your words. I get the impression that you don't like me."
"And why would I like you?" I asked. "You are trying to kill me after all."
I looked up and stared them in the eye. Their crimson red eyes stared back at me. I hated how he took my form. It was slightly unnerving sitting across from myself, but I had grown used to it over the time. I couldn't wait until I was finally done with him! The day would eventually come when we would fight for dominance over control of my mind and body.
"Oh I'm not going to kill you." He smirked menacingly. "I'm just going to lock you up and make you watch as I destroy everything you care about!"
"I won't let that happen!" I growled back. "Now if you don't mind, piss off!"
He began to laugh and he was seriously beginning to piss me off now. It irked me that he looked exactly like me. He may have once had a physical form, or at least had the power to manifest one like the Guardian Deities do, and while all spirits are able to choose their form at will they generally had a favoured form to take. He always claimed that if the Guardian Deities knew who he actually was that they would kill me. I had never told them that. While I don't think Callen would have killed me I do believe that Jan'Zar would have!
I reached down and drew on the light within me. I outstretched my paw towards him and shot the light towards him. The light struck him and spread over his body. He continued to laugh as the golden light enveloped him and then he began to fade from sight as the light banished him from this place within my mind.
"I'll be seeing you soon!" His disembodied voice declared.
The light was the results of all my training towards defeating the spirit. Callen had described it as the meta-physical manifestation of my will. Something similar to nen but also completely different. The light could only be used here, in my mind-scape. It could be used to create numerous effects, such as banishing unwanted spirits from the realm within my mind which I controlled. At this stage I could prevent any other spirits from being able to possess me, but unfortunately he had already merged with a portion of my mind-scape by the time I had been taken to Aaru for training. Meaning that he was as much a part of me as I was.
The light would be my main weapon in trying to defeat him. I was not yet ready to face him in combat, but when he trespasses into my realm I could easily banish him as I held all the power in this portion of my mind-scape When the final fight did come, I would need to travel to the area of my mind-scape where he held the most power and defeat him there. The fight would be brutal, bloody and would have the highest stakes imaginable. If I lost that fight then not only would I lose my life, but he would gain control over my body. What havoc he would reek upon the world if he was allowed to be freed? Jan'Zar, Callen and the other Guardian Deities would not allow that to happen. I was told, that under no circumstances was I to face off against the spirit without them there. I knew that meant they would kill me if I lost that fight.
I was roused from my meditation by the scent of breakfast. I opened my eyes and one of the dandos looked at me me and cooed at me. I smiled and pet it, it cooed again and leaned into my paw. Friendly beasts. As I stood up they all did. They had been waiting for me to get up before doing so themselves.
"I've heard that dandos are very protective of their flock." Malnark said as he walked over to me. "They seemed to have become quite attached to you."
"Maybe because I sit with them as they sleep?"
"More than likely." He smiled. "Breakfast is ready."
I followed him over to the fire pit where Jovani had prepared a simple oatmeal for breakfast. Even after a full nights sleep Malnark seemed tired. The journey was already taking a toll on him. I had been pushing them hard to make up ground on the wolves, and he was not a young drake anymore. As loathed as I was to admit, we may need to spend a day in New Zangar in order to allow him to rest. He would insist he was capable of continuing at this pace, but eventually his body would give out and he would end up slowing us down.