Yiff Series Part 1: SonicXBlaze

Story by Xidon on SoFurry

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#1 of Yiff Series

Yiff Series: Part 1

Disclaimer: I do not own Sonic the Hedgehog or its affiliates.

Note: This is a series of me pairing characters with each other in different situations for stuff. By stuff...I mean GOOD stuff (if ya know what I mean.)

Sonic and Blaze

Sonic was lying on his couch in his small apartment building, watching some TV now. He sighed as he took a large bite of one of the best chilli dogs he had ever eaten. Even with that, he was disappointed. He wanted a girl to be with, and badly. But there was no real girl that he could be with, or that would want to be with him if he could be with them. Maybe Blaze, but that was a long shot, he thought.

He was watching NASS car racing out of pure boredom. He had no clue what led him to start watching that, but now it was playing. He was naked, not unusual for him except for a small thing that could cover his extremely long shaft. It was something that he had worn on his body ever since he was a kid, and he had never taken it off. Sometimes, he forgot that it was even there, except when he had to go to the bathroom. It looked just like his blue fur, so it looked like he had no penis.

He looked at a news report that suddenly interrupted, and he sighed and switched the TV off with the remote. It was about the humans complaining about Sonic porn becoming more and more popular among girls because of Sonic the Hedgehog's "nudity". He figured that if they had such a problem with it, they could just sue him for all of his money and then neuter him for all he cared. If they could. He was the fastest thing alive, after all.

Suddenly, there was a loud knock on the door that made him jump from surprise. He had let out a heavy gasp and nearly shouted, and he stood there, his heart racing. It came again and he called, "Be right there!" he regained his own composure and walked over to the door, expecting it to be Tails. Instead of it being Tails, though, it was Blaze the cat.

He stopped right in front of his door, staring at the feline. She was in a sexy outfit now, only really a bra and panties. Her breasts weren't too big, but they definitely looked nice in the bra that he had on. And she had a sexy look to her and smirked when she saw him. "Hey, Sonic, I thought you could use some...company," she told him, walking into the room. She had known Sonic for a long time and had always wanted to be with him.

"Blaze?!" Sonic asked in surprise, staring at her lovely, lavender colored body. She came in and actually pressed her body to his, her arms going around him.

"So, what were you planning on doing tonight?" she asked him with a smile before breaking away, or starting to.

Sonic was really surprised and wondering what she was wanting to do with him. "Um...yeah, I was just thinking about going off and, um, traveling around again."

"And getting the girls to swoon again at your sight?" she asked before giggling and then walking into the room. "It's so dark...why do you have the light out? You watching naughty films?"

Sonic immediately replied, "No, I wasn't!" he was sweating now, thinking she had came into his room to have sex with him or something. His heart was pounding out of his chest, it felt like, and beads of sweat lined his forehead now. Why did it feel so hot in the room suddenly? Was it because Blaze was there and...was in heat? She was known for making a room or area hot when she was.

"Oh...really?" she asked in a teasing manner. She laid on her front, staring at him with a smile. "Don't lie to me, please."

"I wasn't. I was actually so bored that I was watching NASS car for some reason," he explained to her, walking towards her. He suddenly picked up a sweet aroma from her, confirming that she was definitely in heat. But even in heat, she normally controlled herself. Why was she wanting sex from him now?

"NASS car? Oh, that's so boring..." she said, standing up and actually fiddling with her bra. Soon, he watched her fling it off towards a nearby trash can. He gulped, staring at her lovely breasts. They certainly weren't that big, definitely not as big as Rouge's were, but they were quite nice to look at still. Then, he saw her fling her panties, having been cut off with one of her claws, to the trash as well. Her beautiful pink slit was giving off that wonderful aroma of her heat and dripping with her love juices, the juices shimmering as they dripped to the floor from between her legs.

He was aware that his cock was growing hard, but would never show through the thing he had on his groin. He gulped, staring at her naked body. "Oh my god..." he muttered, eying her. "You are fucking beautiful!" he said to her.

"I wanted to give you something nice. Sonic...we've been together for such a long time..." she said as she sat down on the couch. "You and I have been adventuring for so long, and it is hard to recount everything that we have done together. I had fallen in love with you such a long time ago that I can't remember when I did. I hate myself for being so scared to admit it, but now-"

"Wait, y-you love me?!" Sonic asked, his expression showing clear amazement and happiness mixed into one. "Blaze, I-I-I don't know what to say! Besides that I love you too!"

Blaze smiled and said, "I figured you did...but to hear you say that makes me so happy!" she stood up, walking over to him, and pressing her lovely tits against his chest as she pressed her soft lips to his. For a moment, both of them stood there, just kissing each other. But then Blaze broke the kiss and said, "Sonic...let me see that wonderful cock that you have hidden from me."

Sonic looked surprised and asked, "You really want to have sex with me? I...oh wow, I didn't even know that you could ever want that with me."

"I've been wanting it for forever." she smiled and licked his cheek before watching Sonic reach down and remove the item that kept it hidden. His cock, standing at four and a half inches tall, sprang out for her to see. To her, since she was a mobian, it was really close to nine inches.

"Oh my..." she said, dropping onto her knees. She stared at his long, erect length, purring as she eyed his balls and traveled all the way to his tip, which was dripping with precum. She began to gently run her pink, rough tongue along it and then heard him gasp from a sudden pleasure that hit him.

"Blaze, can you suck on it for me? I've been wanting to get a blowjob for a long time," he told her with a smile.

"You sure that your legs could hold up to it? I'm sure that you are a virgin, so, why don't you go to the couch?" Blaze asked with a cute smile. Sonic immediately complied, lying on his back on his couch again. She crawled onto the bed, keeping her ass high in the air and waving it as she got up to him before she took his cock and put it in her mouth, sucking on just the tip for right now. She wasn't too sure how much she could take in her mouth yet.

She looked at Sonic's reaction to see the biggest grin ever on his face. "God damn, Blaze," the blue hedgehog told her, his heart racing now. This made her start daring to take more and more into her mouth. It was so big, though, and it was hard for her to even get half his length in her mouth without triggering her gag reflex and choking on it. She stayed at halfway, bobbing her head up and down along his cock slowly, running her tongue all along it and sucking on it, giving off slurping noises as she sucked on it.

As she kept going, she heard Sonic giving off groans and moans from her work on him, which made her guess that she was doing a good job on him. What she didn't know, was how close to a climax he was. She just kept going along, purring and humming in a low tone to make it better for him, when suddenly he bucked his hips and forced his cock far down her throat and ejaculated. She had to resist the urge to gasp as she felt the cum go in, and a dreamy expression came over her face as she began to try and drink it. It was hard to swallow it, though, each bit going down in big globs and the rest of it running from her mouth.

Sonic pulled his cock out of her mouth and said, "Man...thanks, Blaze! Say, you wouldn't mind me returning the favor, would you?"

She swallowed the last bit and then shook her head, laughing softly as she said, "No, but right now, I want you to just put that massive cock of yours right into my pussy here." She laid back on the couch, spreading her legs and using her fingers to spread apart the lips of her pussy. Sonic stared at the hole that was there before moving across to her on his legs and putting the tip to her hole. He took a deep breath and began to push in, pushing against her maiden's barrier. He pushed a bit before pushing in and gasping at the wonderful, warm, wet feeling in there.

For Blaze, it was momentarily painful. The shattering of her hymen sent waves of pain shooting through that area like she was begin stung by hornets with extremely long and barbed stingers. She whimpered from the pain, squeezing her eyes shut so tightly and feeling so hurt for those moments that tears formed.

"Blaze? You alright?" Sonic asked, surprised to see her like this. He then noticed that there was blood dripping off of his cock and onto the couch. He gulped, thinking he had hurt her, and began to pull back, feeling guilty.

"No, Sonic, stay there!" Blaze said, satisfied to feel him stop. "You haven't hurt me, you just took my virginity away," she told him, looking at him. "The pain's going away, just start fucking me and enjoy yourself."

Sonic nodded, hoping that she was right and that she wouldn't be hurt by him having sex with her. He began to slowly move himself in and out of her, rocking his hips back and forth against hers and moaning loudly as he had his first time of sex with her. "Oh...oh wow...so tight and warm..." he moaned to her as he suddenly gripped her legs and lifted them up to get a better target to aim at as he fucked her.

He found Blaze moaning rather loudly in pleasure and purring like crazy, her whole body shaking from how hard she was purring. He could feel the vibrations from her on his cock, even. "Oh my god, Sonic...please, fuck me harder!" she begged, looking pleasured already.

Sonic nodded and began to get rougher and harder in her, moaning now as well from the wonderful feeling of her pussy. It was like heaven to him. As he got harder and rougher in her, he heard Blaze beginning to cry out in pleasure, her body bouncing from each thrust that he made against her. He could tell that she loved this from him, and he knew that it was only giong to get better and better for her.

He felt like he was still going rather slow in her, and began to speed up quite a bit, his cock already beginning to look like a blur in her from how fast he was already getting. Blaze put her claws into the bed and began to knead it like crazy, just trying to get a tight grip. "FUCK ME!!!" she screamed to him at the top of her lungs suddenly.

So he did, and to anyone else, he would have looked like a blur in her as his hips moved back and forth and his cock moved in her so fast that it caused her love juices to start flying out and coating both of their groins in the juices. She suddenly came on him with a loud scream of pleasure, sending her juices across Sonic's cock and coating it as well as his balls, which made him moan even louder and use them to go faster in her until he couldn't go any faster.

All she could do now was moan and whine in pleasure, looking at him as if she was desperate for more and more. "Keep...going....don't stop!" she moaned to him, panting rapidly, nearly hyperventilating. It wasn't that long, since they were both virgins, that they neared their next climaxes. Sonic soon cried out, "Blaze, I'm going to cum!"

She gripped him and said, "Do it in me! Fill me up!" she had a lust crazed look in her eyes as she got fucked by him. She suddenly screamed again as she came on him, and at that very moment, he came with her, his cock expelling the thick, white semen deep into her and filling up her passage with the white liquid. After that was done...he felt weariness coming over him for some reason, a huge amount of it. Blaze had already now passed out, and he eventually went with her.

The next day

"Say, Blaze, you want to stay with me?" Sonic asked, having sat up and smiling at Blaze, who was still naked.

"I was going to whether you wanted it or not, Sonic," Blaze told him, cuddling her naked body into his.

He hugged her close, putting his head against hers. "I love you so much, Blaze," he told her, obviously happy to have her there with him.

"I love you too, Sonic, dear," she told him. She licked his cheek before saying, "So, what do you say to more sex?"

Sonic looked into her eyes and said, "Sure thing...after we eat."

_ Alright, not my best thing, but it was late at night when I started AND finished this. Please enjoy it, and then I want to know your requests for couples for me to try and do. _