Egg Filled Mate

Story by ZobbyDragon on SoFurry

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Story starts off with oral sex with some inflatio...

Story starts off with oral sex with some inflation. Then it moves on to sex, tail sex, and eggs being laid inside the rectum while being inflated some more. Then they talk about what happend and why it happend. So if you dont like it then stop reading now.

I'm waiting in a yellow meadow away from the cave. I watched as the sun set when my mate arrived. She has black scales and purple platting or under side. I have red scales and yellow platting.

she arrived and I said "well it is about time and you look lovely as always. Are you ready?"

she landed and said "Yes but I'm a little nervous. It is our first time matting."

I said "Well do you think we should do it some other day then?"

she then got an Idea and said "Well we can go slow."

I asked "Like...?"

"Well we can do oral sex then mate."

" That sounds like a good idea. So who will go first?"

"Well obviously me for you are not even aroused."

I looked down then back at her and said "Alright then I think that will change after I pleasure you." She smiled then laid back and opened her legs wide.

I walked over to her. I stuck out my tongue and started to lick around her lips getting them wet and slippery. she moaned from all the attention and said "Ooooo that feels better then when I pleasure myself. Yes go inside of me" I did as she wished and started to stick my tongue inside of her. I started to taste some of her fluids. It tasted so good it was like nothing I have ever tasted. I lost control for I wanted more. Before I knew it half of my tongue shot inside of her making her give out a scream of pleasure. I started to feel my member grow. She said "Yes that feels wonderful." while moaning. I noticed that the farther my tongue was inside of her the more stronger the fluids got. I lost control once more and this time my snout was inside her and my tongue was inside her womb. Her vagina lips clamped down on my maw. she panted and said " Yes almost their. Just a little more." I continued by taking my tongue and licking around inside her trying to get more of her juices.

Then she gave out a roar as her climax hit. She produced more of the fluids. They started to travel out of her but my maw was stuck and the fluids ran into my mouth. More and more came and it was starting to build up so I started to swallow it. I did not care I liked the taste. I felt the hot liquid going down my throat and fill my belly. After a couple of minutes her climax has stopped. I was finally able to remove my maw from her vagina. I licked up the mess that she made on both of us.

She was panting heavily and said "That was nothing I have ever experienced in my life."

she then looked at me and said " Wow did I do that to you?" she was staring at me with wide eyes.

I said "What are you staring at my..." I stopped in mid sentence for I was looking down in shock. It looked as if I was three months pregnant. I then said "I did not know it was that much."

she asked "Dose it hurt?"

I answered " It is the exact opposite. It feels so good. I want to be filled to near bursting point with yore hot vaginal fluids." I can't believe I said that but that is how I feel. I then added " It tasted so good I wanted more and plus yore vagina clamped down really hard on my maw when you climaxed." I was rubbing my bloated belly and she came over and joined me.

She then said " Well you said it was the opposite of painful. So it is my turn to feel it but I will stop after a bit so that I don't look like you." and she patted my liquid filled belly.

I laid down and she started to lick the side of my shaft. It feels better then when I pleasure myself I thought. She started slow and licked around my shaft wrapping her tongue around it. I said "Oooo" and laid back more and relaxed. She started off slow at first so that she can cover my shaft with some of her saliva. Then she started to build up speed. After a bit she stopped and had a worried look on her face.

I asked "Why did you stop?"

She explained "I'm scared that I will hurt you with my teeth if I continued."

I said "It ok just start out slow then when you feel ready you can go faster. The first time I did it to myself I was careless. I was in an awkward position and well you can guess what happened."

she said "Well what if..."

I interrupted her and said "I trust you and if it dose happen then it was an accident. It ok I will say something if it hurts."

She then nodded and bent her head down and slowly put the head of my member in her mouth. She was slow like I expected but I did not care for It felt awesome. She wrapped her tong around my member after a bit and started to go faster. I think that she did that so if she did cut my member that she would cut off her own tongue first. My member started to throb like before when she was licking it but stopped. As I was nearing my climax I was thrusting into her maw. It was more like an instinct rather then me wanting to. I purred and said "Almost there." She continued to lick and suck my member. My climax hit and instincts commanded me to thrust into her. I gave out a roar when my climax started. The head of my member felt like it was in her throat. I felt my hot seed travel out of my member and into her throat where she swallowed it eagerly. Every time she swallowed it was prolonging my climax. When my climax subsided I relaxed and started to rub my round belly. It was still hot to the touch. She was trying to get every last drop out of my member. Then she licked up all of my seed off of me. She reached down to feel her belly. She had a terrifying look on her face and she looked at her belly.

I asked "What is wrong?"

She answered me by walking beside me and laying down showing her large belly. It looked like she was pregnant to the point that she was about to lay eggs but she was missing the bumps that the eggs make.

She said "I tried to stop but it was so good and the head got stuck in my throat."

She started to rub her belly making sloshing noise and said "I can see what you mean. It tastes so good and the feeling being filled."

"So dose it hurt at all?" I asked while rubbing her pregnant looking belly.

She answered "Not at all. In fact I feel like I can hold more way more."

I said "Wow and you look like you are already all the way filled up." I was a little jealous of her belly.

She asked "Do you want to be filled up some more?"

I answered with a node and started to get up.

She said "I don't know why but I feel like kissing while standing on my hind legs."

I said "It dose not sound odd to me. After this you can fill me up some more" I started to stand up on my hind legs but in a sitting position. I had to try and find balance because of the extra weight. It was harder for her but she managed it. We held each others claws and she stood up as high as she can. So I did the same rising to her height. I placed one of my claws on her shoulder. She put one of her claws on my neck.

I said "I'm surprised that we can keep our balance this well with our belly's like this."

She started to lean in. Our belly's did not get in the way for we had long necks. We touched lips together and turned our heads back and forth. She closed her eyes so I did too. I was the first to stick my tongue out. I got our lips wet then her tongue joined mine. The taste it was sweet like her vaginal fluids but different kind of sweet. I think it was some of my com. She turned her head side ways to cover my mouth with her mouth. We continued tongue kissing. I started to taste something different I did not know what it was bitter and sweet combined to taste good. The bitter sweet taste started to build up and get stronger. I swallowed it along with my com and saliva. I started to feel a little tired and week. I thought it was nothing and continued with this intimate kiss. My member is rock hard and throbbing from all of this. I started to taste my com once more. It was week at first but then more and more came into my mouth. I started to swallow it and more came along with some of the bitter sweet taste. It was like she was slowly emptying my seed that was in her stomach in to my mouth. Each time I swallowed it I felt a little more tired.

She continued pushing my seed inside of me. She was pushing her belly against mine. I wondered what she was doing until I felt my member go inside of her vagina and she started to hump me. I never thought it would feel way better with my eyes closed. I continued to swallow my seed and the bitter sweet stuff. It made me feel more tired and my arms started to feel heavy. It was also making my member more sensitive. I took off my claw that was on her shoulder off and let it rest on my belly. Every time that I swallowed I felt my belly expand. She was humping me faster and harder. My climax was near. My neck and head started to feel heavy but she was holding me up with her claw.

I felt something touch my rump. It would have made me jump but I was feeling weak because of all that bitter sweet stuff that I was swallowing and still swallowing more. She then rubbed the tip around my ring and slowly pressed it in. I would have jumped but I was felling weak. It gave me more pleasure. What made me climax was her tail wiggling around inside of me. It was trying to get deeper inside of me. I felt like my member was a geyser going off inside of her. I would have moaned or roared but I was still swallowing down more of my com and the bitter sweet tasting stuff.

Then I started to feel her tail spraying something inside of me. I did not know what it was but it was making me feel week. My wings hanged down for they felt like a cannon ball was attached to the tip. It felt like she was spraying back my seed and something else. My climax finally stopped but her tail was still spraying something. She is making me swallow my com still.

I was rubbing my belly and it started to worry me. It felt like I was pregnant and I started to feel bumps growing inside of me. I tried to open my eyes It tuck me a bit for they felt heavy. The first thing that I looked at was my belly. It was beyond pregnant look and a was starting to have bumps form. My eyes widened as my belly was still expanding and the bumps grew in size. I was thinking that they were eggs. Then I looked up at her. She did not look like herself. Her eyes it was like they were not their like they rolled into the back of her head. I knew that I had to snap her out of it.

I tried to say something but I had to keep swallowing or else I would choke. I was feeling really heavy now. I let go of her claw and tried to fall on my back. I fell some but she quickly got one of her claws behind my back and still held me up. I tried to fall other ways but her tail was still inside of me each time I tried it it pushed deeper inside of me holding me back up. A small amount leaked out of my behind it was purple with some of my com with it. I tried to move my head back but her teeth were hooked on my teeth. When I tried to open my mouth it would not budge. I was out of ideas. My legs started to shake from all the extra weight that I'm holding now, by that bitter sweet tasting stuff that I'm swallowing, or by fear of what is going to happen to me. The only thing I can move is my tail. I got an idea. I will try to trip her and make her fall on her back. I slowly moved my tail behind her legs for that was all the faster I can move it. I moved it to try and trip her using all the strength I had left. When I hit her leg my tail just rubbed up against them. I tried harder but all I was doing was rubbing her legs.

I was about to give up but I noticed that I was swallowing less often and that it tasted way different. I looked back up at her and her eyes were shut tight. I felt her tail was reducing pumping frequency but pumping some other liquid then stopped. She removed her mouth away and rub her head with one of her claws. I fell with a loud thud. Her tail was still inside of me. I slowly lifted my head up to look at her. She was shaking her head then started to look around with a confused look on her face. She then looked at me then at my belly. Her mouth opened and tears started to roll down her face. It was like I was two times pregnant and the eggs inside of me were still growing but not as fast as they were when she was filling me up.

The first thing she said is "I'm so sorry I did not mean I could not control myself I..." she started to make whimpering and crying noises. She slowly took her tail out of me trying not to hurt me. I thought some of the fluids would have pored out of me. But nothing did not even a drop except what was on her tail.

I said a little slow for I still felt weak "Its ok now... Can you tell me... what happened just now?" I rubbed my belly feeling all the bumps the eggs made on my belly. They were noticeable but their growth speed has slowed down more.

She was still sniffling wiping away some tears and explained "Well I did not know this will happen the only warning I got was way back when I was younger. I...I lost my mom." She came over beside me still crying. She continued "My dad was the one that raised me. When I was older and well...I started to noticed some changes that happened to me." She laid beside me and started to rub my bumpy belly and asked "Dose yore belly hurt?"

I answered "It was feeling slightly stretched a moment ago but now I think I'm getting use to it." The eggs stopped growing now.

After a long silent pause she continued with her story "Changes started to happen to my body. I started to get worried. So I asked my dad about it and he said I was just fine. I had to find out about my body myself. I was lets just say experimenting with myself like...licking my self. I then got another big question that I wanted an answer to. Well the question was something along the line about why do you not have a puffy chest and why is yore lower underside different. This time he tried to explain it but he...well I guess that he was not comfortable explaining it so it was short and confusing." It sparked a thought in her mind. She asked "Can you tell me what happened to me? Because I can't remember at all."

I answered "How about you tell me how you knew this was going to happen first then I will tell you what happened."She stopped rubbing my belly and started to rub her own. Her belly looked as if she had a big meal. I did not feel so weak anymore. I was still rubbing my belly for it felt really good.

She continued once more "When it was becoming the time that I left my dad explained it more clearly about matting. He also told me to only mate with another black dragon for they are the only ones that have a chance."

I asked "Did he tell you why?" I was thinking no but if she knew anything she could have told me before hand but then if I did know then I might not have mated with her or maybe even thought of her as something else like a monster.

She answered "No he did not tell me why. But he told me that I better mate with a dragon that knows a lot about me and that is black dragon to increase his chances of surviving." She looked back at my lumpy egg filled belly. Looking at each of the bumps.

I said "So how did I survive then?" I closed my eyes and started to think.

She answered "I'm thinking it is because you knew me." She looked up to the stars and continued "Do you remember the first time you touched me?"

I answered "I think it was with my tail I was trying to scare you or something like that."

She replied "Yes all it did was startle me. It was night time and the stars were out just like this." She stopped to look at the stars. "The reason why I was bringing it up because that is what stopped me for all I could remember is starting to kiss you then I closed my eyes. Then nothing until I felt something on the back of my legs. It was yore tail rubbing them just like when you tried to scare me. I knew my body was doing something. I was able to stop it. I was worried what my body was doing to you. If you did not do that then..." she stopped talking and tears started to roll down her face.

I tried to calm her down "I'm fine now so don't worry about it any more."

She yelled while crying "YOUR FINE LOOK AT YOU I TURNED YOU INTO AN OVER FILLED EGG SACK!" She pointed at my swelled belly then wiped away some tears.

I said "Yes you impregnated me and turn me into an over pregnant dragon but you did not know that would happen. You did not mean to do it."

She said sniffling "Yore right I did not mean to do it. It just that I almost killed you." She walked closer to me and laid beside me and curled up beside my big egg filled belly. "I guess that all back female dragons are like the black widow spider."

I said "But not you." She looked up at me and smiled. I said "Well I can tell you what happened but I'm not sure how to explain it and I had my eyes closed most of the time." She stared at me for a moment like an eager hatching wanting to hear a story before bed time. Then I started to explain "Well it started with the kiss. It lasted for a wile then you started to slobber a lot so I swallowed it. Then you started to push some liquid into my mouth along with some other stuff. It lasted for quite a bit. If I had to guess what was happening you were emptying yore stomach into me because I was tasting my own com. One of the liquids made me feel week so it was hard to struggle."

She interrupted and said "If I knew that this would happen then I would have never matted." She slowly rubbed one of the bulges still crying for what she did to me.

I reached over and started to rub her back. I said "But you did not know. Do you want me to continue?"

She answered with a nod and I continued "After a bit you positioned yourself so that my member went inside of you and started to hump me. I still had my eyes closed for it felt way better. You still made me swallow my seed and that liquid that made me feel week. My arms and head were feeling heavy so you held my head up and one of my claws rested on my belly. I was able to feel it expand with each swallow I took."

She said "So you tried to get away but you were to week from all of that strange liquid."

I continued "Yes later on I was trying to get away. You continued to hump me and forced me to swallow some more. When I was near my climax you took yore tail and slowly wiggled it inside of my rump. Then I climaxed. When I was climaxing it was like yore tail was pumping my cum back inside of me along with some other liquid. I was feeling my belly expand more rapidly now. I was thinking that around that time I looked like I was pregnant."

She asked "When did you start thinking something was wrong with me?"

I answered "When I started to feel bulges form inside of me but that was later on. When my climax stopped you were still pumping something into me with yore tail and still making me swallow more of my com and that liquid. This is around the time I started to feel the eggs inside of me. I finally opened my eyes and looked down at my self. I looked over pregnant with small bulges forming and they were getting bigger as I was getting rounder. I looked up at you and this is when I knew something was wrong. Yore eyes were rolled into the back of yore head."

She asked another question "Is this when you tried to get away?"

I answered "Yes. I tried to say something but you kept on making me swallow. Then I tried to move my head away but yore teeth were hooked on my teeth because yore head was tilted sideways. I was unable to use my arms for I was to week from the liquid. I thought of falling down but you caught me with yore other claw. Yore tail traveled farther inside of me each time I tried to fall a different way. At this point I was out of ideas. My belly was getting larger along with the eggs getting bigger and more being pumped inside of me. My legs started to shake I did not know why maybe the extra weight, the liquid making me feel week, or maybe the fear of what is going to happen to me soon."

She said "If I was able to control my self I would have never laid a single egg inside of you." She was still feeling sad about what she has done.

I finished up the story "Then I got one last idea. I noticed that I was able to move my tail but very slowly. I was going to try and trip you. I moved my tail behind yore legs. Then I hit the back of yore legs as hard as I can. I hit yore legs but it as more like I taped them. I still tried but all I was doing was rubbing the back of yore legs. I was about to give up until I noticed that you closed yore eyes really tight. Then I was swallowing less frequently and yore tail was not pumping so much but they were both producing some kind of thick goo I'm guessing that it is to prevent anything from leaking out. Then stopped then you removed yore mouth away and started to hold yore head."

She said "I remember that part I was holding my head because I felt dizzy and strange. So it was my stomach acids that was making you feel week. Since my belly was full of yore com it was not so strong or so much. I think if I did not have so much com inside of my belly then I would have produced more inside of you and I guess that you would have have fallen into a deep sleep and..." She did not want to say it.

I said " Since I was able to stay awake I was able to snap you out of what ever it was and you stopped what yore body was doing to me." She was trying to get into a comfortable spot to sleep in by my egg belly. I asked "How long do you think it will be before the eggs hatch?"

She yawned and answered "From the looks of it maybe a month to three months. But they are new so it can be all the way up to a year or two but I doubt it"

I looked at my egg filled belly for a wile thinking how many are their. Then I started to hear her snore. Her head was rested on my chest. I decided I better do the same and try to get some sleep. One thought was was on my mind before I fell asleep. What will happen when they hatch and how will they get out?

Fin on Feb 21