Endangered - Open Ocean, part two

Story by Dakota on SoFurry

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Boring legal stuff - This story contains material not suitable for persons under 18. This story contains adult material involving incest and minors, so don't read if it offends you or it's illegal to read. All characters are copyrighted and property of their creator, and any resemblance they have to anyone or anyone else's characters is coincidence.

After several weeks stuck aboard the yacht in the middle of the ocean, no matter how comfortable the boat was, Dakota could not deny how good it felt to take that first step onto dry land, to curl his toes into the soft, wet sand along the waterline.  Not that the trip was entirely unpleasant, of course.  When one's on a boat in the middle of the ocean with not a soul around for hundreds of miles except for his mate, especially one as much the little nympho that his sweet little sister was, the trip was definately quite the pleasant one.  Neither him nor Mary were the type to get seasick, thankfully, but still, setting foot on dry land without the constant swaying and rocking of the ocean was still a relief.

The sigh coming from behind him as he heard Mary step off of the boat behind him was enough to let him know that she felt the same way that he did.  He turned to face the younger and shorter ferret, smirking to himself as he looked her up and down, wearing only the bright blue wrap around her waist and nothing more.

"You know, sweetheart, I know that we came here for the festival and all, and you know how much I love admiring that sexy little body of yours, but don't you think you should at least put a top on to start with?"

She responded with that sweet little giggle of hers that melted his heart every time that he heard it.  "I told you, love.  This is about as most as any of the islanders here wear, and half the time they don't even wear that."  She giggled again as she reached a paw to playfully tug at his own red and yellow sarong, threatening to tug it off before he gently slapped her fingers away.

"You know, something I always meant to ask you, sweetheart.  How do you know so much about this festival they have here?" he asked.  "I would hardly think that school that you went to would hardly be teaching about thinks like that."  While he was in the military, their parents had been sending her to a religeous all-girls boarding school.  Once they were killed in a car accident, she had spent the next few years there until he was out of the service, when she moved back home with him.

She responded by giving him a playful smirk, folding her paws behind her back in a coy, innocent little pose that only showed off more of her body to his gaze.  "Whatever do you mean?  Such a sweet and innocent and pure girl wouldn't know a thing about all the vile carnal acts that happen here!"  She grinned up at him, before taking one of his paws in her own, lacing their fingers together.  "One of the otter girls at the school, her parents came from here, and they took her here for the festival last year.  She came back and told us all the stories about how it went and all the customs here and what a great time that she had."

He responded with a smirk of his own.  "What fine, upstanding parents they were, taking their fifteen-year old daughter to a tropical island for a week long orgy, hmm?"

She grinned as she gave his paw another quick tug, starting to lead him away from the waterline.  "Coming from someone who'se parents raised us to be mates since before I knew what being mates was?"

He chuckled as he pulled her close up against him as they started on the dirt path leading into the tropical jungle.  "The otters who live here aren't endangered, sweetheart, but we are.  Not like we have other options."  He smiled as he leaned down to give her neck a few nibbles in the way he knew made her go weak in the knees.  "Not that I'm complaining of course, I wouldn't have it any other way."

Indeed her knees trembled slightly as she felt his teeth working along her neck, leaning against him for support.  "Careful, love, you keep that up and we might not even make it to the villiage before I pounce you."

A voice spoke up behind them.  "You don't want to do that.  It's much more comfy in the villiage, and more fun if you wait for tonight."

Dakota and Mary both jumped in suprise at the mystery voice as they turned, making the otter girl giggle.  She looked to be the same age as Mary, around sixteen or seventeen, but was a good head taller than the ferret girl, though still not tall enough to look Dakota in the eye.  And true to Mary's earlier word, she didn't wear a stich on her body, completely bare to the siblings' eyes, and even moreso since her fur was slicked down to her body, painted to her young curves and making no attempt to cover herself.  In one paw she carried a loop of string running through the gills of half a dozen fish, giving a good sign of why she was so wet.

"Is that your boat?  Did you come for the festival?  We'll be so happy to have you join in, we don't have any outsiders this year!  Are you mates?  Sometimes mates come but don't want to join.  I'm Naikala, you can sleep at my home tonight."

The two ferrets watched the ottergirl as she rattled off at a mile a minute.  "Quite a little chatterbox, isn't she," Dakota said, humming to himself as he looked and admired the naked girl.

"She's adorable, love.  Can we keep her?"  Mary responded back to him, obviously admiring her just as well, much to Dakota's notice.  She had told him on a few occasions that she considered herself a lesbian, with him being the sole exception.  Still, this was the first time that he saw her oogling another female so openly, and like many males couldn't quite suppress the 'Damn that's hot' thought flicking through his thoughts.

Arm in arm, the two ferets followed the ottergirl along the path, towards her villiage.

The sun was just starting to set when the three of them arrived at the villiage.  Dakota and Mary could see that things hadn't quite got going yet when they approached the central area.  There were a few of the otter natives scattered about the bonfire, some stirring large pots of savory-smelling stews of clam and crab, or setting out skins of coconut rum.  And of course there were some getting an early start on the celebration, some deeply kissing each other, others moving their bodies together as they mated on the ground near the fire.

Dakota smiled to himself as he admired a few of the sights, before turning to look at Mary.  The younger ferret hadn't made it halfway to the villiage before she had decided to fully adopt the local garb and remove the sarong around her waist that had been her only covering.  The walk back had been quite the pleasant one for him, watching his mate and the otter Nakala, fully unclothed as they chattered and prattled on.   Now, Mary walked up close to stand before him, standing up on her toes as she pressed her lips to hers in a tender kiss.

He murred deeply to himself as he returned the kiss, letting it linger for a few long moments, before breaking it off to grin at his little sister.  "Well then, would you young ladies like to go pick a nice spot, while I go get us some drinks?"

Mary giggled that sweet giggle of hers as she nodded up to her big brother.  "I think that sounds nice.  But don't worry about rushing back if someone catches your eye, hmm?"

He licked his lips as he looked from his mate to their otter friend.  "Now now, I wouldn't want to run off and just abandon the two of you."

Mary responded with a playful wink.  "I'm sure that Naikala and I would love the chance to get to know each other a bit better" she said, slipping her arm up to the ottergirl's chest, gently cupping and rubbing one of the other young female's breasts, making her gasp in a bit of suprise, a bright brush crawling over her face, suprised but not pulling away from the jill's caress.

Dakota licked his lips at the sight, watching his mate so openly and blatantly feeling up the other girl.  "Then I'll be right back."

As quickly as he could, not wanting to miss out on any more of this display than he had to, he quickly worked his way to a wooden table set up near the edge of the clearing around the bonfire, strewn about with coconut half-shells, each one full of the local rum.  No sooner did he pick one of them up, than he felt a loosening around his waist, looking down to see a brownfurred arm reaching around his waist to loosen and remove the sarong he was wearing.

"Silly outsider, you should have known better than to bother wearing that" a soft voice practically purred into his ear from behind him.  Quickly enough he turned around to see who had taken the liberty of disrobing him, and found himself looking into the deep brown eyes of an otter female perhaps a year or two younger than him.  One of her arms was crossed just under her chest, lifting her breasts just enough to make them that much more pronounced, a healthy C or D cup at the least, the dusky-black nipples standing hard and proud from her fur.  Her other hand lifted up a coconut shell of her own, lifting it to her lips to take a long drink of the rum.  No sooner had she done this than she leaned foward against Dakota, pressing her body firmly against his own, her fur and feminine flesh rubbing against his own body as her lips pressed to his, tasting the sweetness as she gave him half of her mouthful of the rum.

His muscles seemed to move outside of his control, finding his arms wrapping around her to hold her naked body against his own, his legs stepping towards the fire with her, quickly starting to lay her down.  His thoughts were only snapped from his growing desire when he heard a sharp whistling.  Looking up towards the sound, he saw Mary sitting with Naikala, the younger ferret eagerly watching him as he prepared to mate with another female, his sister and mate obviously eager to watch him perform.

He heard a giggle coming from the female underneath him, who was also looking towards the source of the whistle, before looking up at him.  "Looks like that we have an audience.  Best not to disappoint them, wouldn't you say?"  He felt her paws grip on his rump, pulling him closer as she spread her legs wide to either side of him.  The male ferret didn't waste another second before driving his throbbing cock deep into the unnamed female's awaiting body, feeling her sex envelop him, so hot and wet and tight.  Her paws slid up from his rump to his back, feeling her dulled clawtips against him as she held on hard, pulling him closer to her as she started rocking her hips up against him.

His motions quickly followed her own, his hips rocking fiercely as he thrusted his cock in and out of her awaiting body, the motions off to a fast, hard pace from the start.  He and Mary had stopped mating with each other a few days before they had arrived on the island, so that he would be ready to go once the festivities had begun.  Those days of her constant teasing and enticing him without release were coming to a head now, venting his frustration as he plunged himself in and out of the otter's hot cunny, hearing her moans of need and desire as he took her with abandon, without the faintest shred of restraint or gentleness.

It wasn't too much longer before her body tensed up, her legs wrapping around his waist and gripping him hard with her thighs, hearing the otteress' moans of passion and feeling her cunt gripping and squeezing at him as she climaxed for him, the rush of tightness and wetness and heat making her orgasm unmistakeable, and impossible for him to hold back.  With reflex, he leaned his head in and bit down on her shoulder and collarbone, gripping her with his jaws as his motions sped up to a quick, erratic pace as his climax quickly followed her own.   With every clench of her cunt, a shot of his thick seed pumped deep into her body, flooding her fertile depths with his warmth until he was spent, feeling her limbs loosening from around him as she caught her breath along with him.

They lay together for a few moments, before she gently rolled him off of her, making him shiver from head to toe as the cool air replaced her hot sex around his flesh.  She leaned in to give his cheek a light kiss, whispering a quiet "Thank you, outsider" in his ears before she stood up and moved away from the fire and into the shadows on slightly wobbly legs.

He lay there for a few moments before he started to get up, leaning himself up onto his elbows, glancing around to see the festival had started to pick up, with plenty of other couples and even a few groups here or there, all celebrating life in the same intimate manner.  He started to push himself up to stand up, but was quickly cut short by the feel of another otteress sliding herself into his lap, straddling him and wearing nothing but an eager grin, several years younger than him but not as young as Mary or Naikala.  "May I have your seed, outsider?" she asked in a sweet yet husky, needful voice.

Dakota sighed, but grinned to himself.  Already it was shaping up to be a long night.

The male ferret shivered with a groan as he pulled his spent cock out of the girl, leaving her on her paws and knees with her tail still high in the air.  This one had been the third that he'd mated with since the festival began.  He could feel the pleasant ache in his balls from having cum so many times in such a relatively short period, making a mental note to let Mary know that she had been right to not put out for him in the days leading up to their arrival, otherwise he knew that he'd be less likely to be able to perfom so well.

He gave the otteress' rump a quick pat as he stood up, watching her a moment as she was already working her sex with her fingers, seeing them messy with the mix of her slickness and his own semen dribbling out of her.  He admired the sight for a moment, before quickly starting to make his way back to where he had left Mary and Naikala.  Not that he wasn't enjoying himself, but he did want at least a breather with his mate before he got grabbed again.

He was pleased to see that the two of them had not been idle with each other while he was busy.  Mary was sitting on Naikala's lap, her species making her smaller than the otteress despite being a year or so older.  Their lips were locked together, kissing and making out with each other so passionately, his mate kissing the other female as eagerly as she had ever kissed him.  And with good reason, as her legs were spread wide, straddling the otteress' lap, back-to-chest to give him a very clear view of Naikala's fingers playing and fondling with her sex, stroking and brushing her labia, sliding a pair of fingers slowly back and forth, in and out, making his mate writhe and squirm with pleasure, moaning into the kiss every time the young otter's fingers brushed against her clit.

He took a seat next to the pair, one of his arms slipping around Naikala's back, feeling her lean into the warm embrace, while his other took ahold of one of Mary's paws, interlacing his fingers with hers in a warm squeeze, that was quickly returned.  He sat there as he watched, gently holding both the females until he saw Mary's body start to twitch and arch in the way he knew so well, eagerly watching his mate climax at the fingers of another female as they kissed.

It was a few moments before the kiss finally broke off, the jill shivering from head to toe in the aftershocks of her release before she opened her eyes, gazing happily at her mate as her fingers lightly returned his squeeze, arching and stretching herself before looking into Naikala's eyes.  "For your first time with a female, hon, let me say that you're absolutely wonderful at it" she said, causing the otter to blush brightly.  She then looked back at Dakota, grinning as she started to wiggle herself from Naikala's lap, laying on the ground before him as she started to nuzzle and lick at his cock.  "And as for you, my stud, it was incredible watching you like that."

Dakota murred deeply to himself, watching his sister licking and lapping at his flesh, feeling her tongue as she tasted the traces of his seed mixed with the slickness of the three girls he had mated with so far tonight.  "Well, love, the feeling is mutual.  I'm glad to see that the two of you were able to keep yourself occupied while I was busy.

Naikala let out an adorable giggle, nodding her head eagerly at his words, continuing to blush brightly.  "Oh yes, sir, Mary's incredible with her tongue!  I've never even made myself cum that hard before!"  He smiled at her words, leaning in to give her a kiss as well, pleasantly suprised to recognize the taste of Mary's arousal and slickness on her tongue, letting him know that his sister hadn't been the only one putting her tongue to use.  Which Mary was doing again at this very moment, licking his cock eagerly as her lips and muzzle started to bob up and down, back and forth as she suckled at him.

The feelings were indescribable, the male very much feeling like he was the king of the world at the moment.  One of his paws rested on the back of Mary's head, riding it as she suckled and nursed at his cock with those powerful suckles he knew so well.  The other held Naikala close to him, under her arm to cup and squeeze and feel up one of her small but firm breasts, while his lips were pressed to hers so tightly, making out with one beautiful girl while another suckled him off.

Under normal circumstances, the situation would have been enough to make him blow almost instantly.  Having already cum into so many girls already tonight though gave him more time to enjoy it, feeling Naikala's tongue dancing with his own, tasting the last traces of his mate's slick feminine cum as well as her own saliva, feeling Mary's lips bobbing up and down faster and faster, lashing more eagerly and needfully at his cockhead.  It wasn't until she deepthroated him, tilting her head back to take his tip into her throat, sheathing his full length in her young muzzle, that he finally came again, his cock throbbing as his thick musk started to pour down to her belly, encouraged by each of her hungry suckles, swallows, and gulps.  Naikala even decided to help, slipping her slender fingers down under Mary's muzzle and between his legs, cupping and slowly kneading his sack, massaging his swollen balls to encourage him to feed Mary all he had.

Things were a bit of a blur for Dakota for a few moments after his orgasm passed, as exhausted as he was.  He could feel his overworked balls aching, practically throbbing from having released four times now in such a short span of time.  (Un)Fortunately, the pair of tongues licking and lapping over his flesh was keeping him good and hard.  He was only half-conscious as he lay there, his brain barely registering the movement around him and the steady thumming of the drums and the sounds of sex all around him with the festival in full force, but both girls dancing their tongues along his cock was enough to let him know that they weren't done with him for the night yet.

He felt the two of them shifting and moving around him, feeling his head being lifted up and set down again to rest on something fuzzy.  Slowly he opened his eyes, looking up to see Mary looking down at him with her sweet smile, slowly petting and stroking his ears and muzzle as she rested her brother's head in his lap, even while Naikala continued to lick and lap at his throbbing cock.  "I hope you've still got enough left in you for one more, brother dear, since our little friend hasn't had hers yet."

The both of them looked down at the otter, the girl lifting her head up to look eagerly back at Dakota with a hungry, needful little gaze, almost as if she was about ready to start bouncing in anticipation.  He smiles as he reached down with a paw to stroke her head and ears.  "I suppose I could manage that much.  I could never say no to such a cute face as that."

Naikala practically squealed with glee in response, wiggling her eager, skinny little body against him as she crawled atop, straddling over him as she firmly and quickly rubbed and grinded her young sex against his cock.  He could feel how hot and we she was, due in no small part to his mate's tongue and fingers earlier working and pleasuring her, almost as if Mary had been warming the otter up for him.  She spent a few moments more, working her body against his own, before she looked into Mary's eyes, as if silently asking permission to ride the other girl's mate.

Mary nodded her head as she reached down, resting her fingers  lightly on Dakota's upper arms.  They both knew that she wasn't strong enough to hold them pinned or anything, but he quickly enough guessed what she was aiming for and relaxed his arms, letting her hold them down as Naikala rubbed herself against him a bit more, smearing her slickness on his length before rising up, lining herself up against his tip, and dropping down firmly onto him with a loud whimper.  Dakota's eyes shot open as she took him into her body, not only from the incredible warmth and amazing tightness, but also at the unmistakable popping sensation as her face contorted in a bit of pain, whimpering as she broke her little cherry around his tip.

Dakota started to lean up, but was pushed back down again into his sister's lap by her insistant paws, forced to lay there as he revelled in the sensations of Naikala giving her virginity to him, caught off-guard by the unexpected suddenness of the act.  A few tears moistened her cheeks, continuing to whimper with that sweet voice of hers even as she started to ride him, flexing her hips as she worked her body up and down his cock.  Inexperienced as she was, obviously she had seen enough from the others at the festival that she had an idea of what to do, and she was a quick learner, bouncing herself more and more eagerly along his cock as the pain faded away to pleasure.  Dakota's eyes followed every motion of her body, watching her stroking herself up and down along his aching flesh, watching the way her young chest bounced and her strong hips flexed with every motion.

The jill smiled, also enjoying the show, watching the ottergirl riding her brother and mate so eagerly, before leaning down to plant a quick kiss to the tip of Dakota's nose.  "She likes you, hon, and told me how much she'd be honored to have you as her first.  She gave you such a special gift, I only hope that you'll be able to give her one of your own."  He wasn't about to say no to this, not if the earth opened up below him and swallowed them all full, he was going to enjoy this to the fullest and give the girl what she wanted.  His hips rocked and pumped underneath her, arching himself up to slam in deep every time she lowered herself down, making her squeal out and ride him faster.

Even having mated so many times tonight already, the knowledge that the girl riding him so far and hard had given him her virginity was enough to spur him on towards another climax more quickly than he'd otherwise be able to manage, gritting his teeth and clenching his jaws as he did everything he could to hold back his release.  Eventually it was too much for him, and with a fierce arch he came for the last time for the evening, his cock throbbing almost achingly as his thick spurts shot up into Naikala's greedy little cunny, assisted by her own orgasm squeezing and milking every drop, the ottergirl's paws running over her front, petting her belly and tweaking her nipples as she climaxed around a male for the first time in her life, grinding herself down onto him as if determined not to let a single drop of his precious musk escape.

Eventually, the three of them collapsed into a pile, all three exhausted and worn out.  Dakota looked happily at the two of them, from Naikala stretched out atop of him, to Mary cuddled up to their sides, feeling the girl's soft fur against him.   Eventually his eyes closed as the three of them drifted off to sleep.  His last thought before sleep took him was realizing that this was just the end of the first day, with eight more days to go.

It was looking to prove to be an interesting week.

Yeah, I know it's been a while since I promised the next chapter to the story.  Better late than never though.  Written over the course of a few days, so feel free to let me know if it's too repitative or boring at times.  Or just comment in general, feedback is good.

Part three is already in the works, so stay tuned.