Happy Valentine's Day Ben

Story by Bikendi on SoFurry

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#1 of Gifts, requests, and other miscellaneous stories

Summary: Love is indeed a beast, one both fearsome and yet at the same time calming. However we talk about love in simple terms, in cards and candies, but what really is love? Some define love as a form of lust; others define it as wanting to spend the rest of your life with somebody, somebody...special.

However not all forms of love are accepted by society. Meet Ben and Athena, a human and lucario who love each other, but because of the laws of society their love is forbidden and thus they don't tell each other of their true feelings. However, when a day special to her trainer comes around, she finally leaps the gap of unlawful love and professes her feelings to her trainer.

I would like to make it known that this story was written for a special somebody in my life, my boyfriend, but I have posted it here for everybody to enjoy. I hope you enjoy this lucario, I did it for you. Know that I do, and always will, love you.

Lying in my trainer's bed I look over to him and smile, his face had a calm and peaceful look to it, almost as if he was sleeping, although I knew he wasn't, he always waited for me to fall asleep first. When I fell asleep he would stare at my face and blanketed form, wishing he could call the same being his lover. I had faked being asleep several times, and every time I did I caught him in the act of staring. When this would happen he would look away, blushing deeply from being caught lusting for his pokemon. He had curly brown hair and blue eyes. His eyes caught my attention whenever I would look at him, I could get lost in them, just staring into them for hours on end. He himself was not on the tall side, about six feet tall, give or take an inch or two.

His face was deceptive though because I knew that underneath that gentle face was a troubled mind. His mind was not troubled by disease though; this ailment couldn't be cured by any medicine, even those known to Arceus alone. You see, he was in love, but not with one of his own species. He was in love with me, but failed to see that I knew of it and thus he would ask me to sleep with him every night, hoping the love of his life lying next to him would give him the courage to ask me to become his mate. He was scared though, for he knew that the laws of society forbade him from loving one outside of his own species and thus his love was a forbidden love, one that could never be known to anybody but himself. However I knew his secret as I am a lucario, a female lucario to be exact, one named Athena. Ben, my trainer, told me that Athena was one of the most beautiful Greek goddesses, and while she was beautiful beyond anybody's imagination, and while she was beautiful, she was also fearsome in battle as she was the goddess of warfare.

I was like most lucario, I have blue fur on my head and limbs, and my chest was covered in tan fur. The only thing that was different about me was that I didn't have a chest spike. Other than that, I was normal, well...normal for a lucario that is.

Tonight though, that would all change, for today was a special day. It's February the fourteenth, or as humans would call it, Valentine's Day. It's a day of loving and caring for the one person that you hold dearest to you. A day devoted to lovers and spouses alike, this day was a day of romance, which is why I had chosen this day to inform him that he was not alone with his feelings. I had waited for seven long years for this day, the day where I chose my mate. Many heat cycles have come and gone for me, each growing worse than the last as I grew closer and closer to him over the years. In human years I am eighteen years of age, old enough to choose a mate both by human and lucario standards.

The room we had rented for the night was not much, but that was to be expected as it is with most travelers who make their living by traveling the country and winning battles. It's the trainer's way of life and I loved it. I enjoyed the challenge of a good opponent, the adrenaline rush of a fight, and the feeling of pride when you won a tough battle. I lived for the fight, pushing myself past my comfort zone to win every fight I took part in. Sure we had our losses, everybody does. As Ben would say when we did lose a fight, "You win some, you lose some."

The room itself was painted eggshell white. The bed we were in was that of what you would find in most hotels, simple and cheap. The springs would creak when one of us moved; the sheets were a pure white, setting off the hue of the walls. The frame was wood, and had fake wood glued on top so that it looked like an expensive wood, but the edges of the bed had long since been chipped away and thus the true cheap wood was revealed. It didn't matter to me however, we had had fun earlier, we had gone to a fancy restaurant, it was a Japanese steakhouse called Shogun. The chefs would make your food in front of you, and they were good. They would make puns on what they were doing, such as when they cut the butter and tossed it in the air the chef would proclaim "Butter fly!"

I had ordered shrimp and the chef cut off the tails and threw them one by one into various locations, the last ending up in a nearby chef's hat. The entire time the chef was cooking I was intrigued by him. Every move he made was deliberate; his skill with a knife was unmatched as every cut was equal and exact.

After dinner I had told him that I was tired and wanted to go back to the hotel, and so that's where we went and here I was, in our hotel room about to profess my love to him. "Ben, do you love me?" I ask, even though I already knew how he would respond.

I had learned how to speak English from him, he had taught me as a Riolu. When we beat our first gym together, I had evolved and that night I began my English lessons. That was twelve years ago, since then I had mastered the English language and I enjoyed chit-chatting with Ben.

Smiling he looks over to me and replies "Of course I love you Athena, what kind of question is that?"

I smile as I answer with a question of my own "How much do you love me?"

He puts his hand on my shoulder as he replies "I love you as much as anybody could love somebody, and then some."

I think to myself "Well this is it, the question that both of us have waited so long for." Then ask "Do you love me so much that you would be my mate?"

He's quiet for several minutes, probably wondering if he's dreaming that this is actually happening. He eventually answers "Yes, I would become your mate if you truly want me to."

Instead of answering with my voice, I reply with an action. I feel myself smile as I look into his eyes, our mouths closing the space between them slowly until the gap is no more and we kiss. He had kissed me many times before, but this one was different, I could feel that from the moment our lips touched. This kiss was full of passion and love, one that would be shared only by lovers. As we kiss I feel my hands wrap him into an embrace so that we could deepen the kiss. I wanted this moment to last forever, I felt like I was the luckiest female in the world. As we kiss I could feel his tongue pushing against my lips, surprised at the feeling my mouth opens a bit and I feel it slip in. When I felt his tongue enter my mouth, I felt a wave of warmth pass through my body. In my nether region I felt my vaginal lips heating up. I knew where this evening was going, it was going to be our special night, I was going to finally be mated by the one I've loved for so long.

As we kiss I could feel my arms rubbing his back, and when we finally broke the kiss I grab his shirt and pull it off. It was in the way of what I wanted, as were his pants and boxers, but the button and zipper I would need help undoing, my paws could only do so much and I didn't have opposable thumbs. Still I try to undo them, and as I grope around the front of his jeans I could feel something stirring behind his clothing. I knew what that was, it was his hardening shaft and I wanted it in me. As I fiddled with his button I feel his hands reach down and undo the button, then the zipper. Moments later my paws had removed those articles of clothing as well and there he laid, my lover and soon to be mate, completely naked with a hardening penis. I had seen him naked before, in a few instances I had watched him bathe, longing to feel his weight on top of me, his shaft in my cunny firing seed into my womb, impregnating me with his children.

That moment was finally upon me, we were finally going to become mates, the thought alone was arousing to me and it was obvious as I rubbed my saturated womanhood along his shaft and brought him into another kiss, this one mixing lust with love. This time my tongue becomes the invader and it slips into his mouth and is met by his own wet muscle. The kissing only adds to my arousal and soon the kissing isn't enough, I needed more. And so I break the kiss, and give him light pecks on his chin, then his chest, followed by his stomach, and finally his now fully erect penis.

Curious, I lick his pride and find the taste enjoyable, and still I wanted more. Once again I lick his shaft, this one longer and more sensual as it travels his entire length. The licking brings another element to the moment as I hear him gasp. Smiling I realize that he's enjoying this as much as I am and so I decide to have some fun. Still smiling I wrap my tongue around the bottom of the head of his cock and swirl it, eliciting another moan from my partner, followed by him saying "That feels good love...don't stop."

Smiling I keep licking, the next lick taking me to his orbs. They were well developed, and smelled heavily of his intoxicating scent. Still smiling I breathe in a deep breath through my nose and take in his masculine scent then lick back up to his tip and in one fluid motion take half of his cock into my mouth and begin to suck on it, causing another moan from my lover. As I suck, he rests his hand on the back of my hand and strokes my soft blue fur. I keep sucking for a moment before stopping and lifting my head from his shaft, causing him to ask "Why'd you stop love? You were doing great."

Smiling I get on all fours, my backside facing him, dripping wet cunny in his face. "Because you're ready."

The sound of a creaking bed fills the room as I feel the bed shift with his weight as he gets in position, the sound only adding to my anticipation. Seconds drag by like an eternity, then I feel something grab me around my waist and the next moment I'm on my back, legs spread and around his waist as he smiles down upon me. "This way we can kiss as we make love." He informs me.

Smiling I nod and I feel something brush my nether lips, then a pressure as his seven inch shaft slowly spreads my virgin folds, stopping only when I feel him push against a barrier inside my love tunnel. "You sure about this, after this there's no turning back." He asks me, a caring smile upon his face.

Nodding I reply "Yeah....I'm sure, and I'm ready when you are. Just after you do it, don't stop, just start thrusting into me okay?"

"You got it babe." He replies before pulling back and thrusting in, piercing my hymen.

A few tears run down my face from the searing pain as it tears through my body, but like I had asked Ben begins thrusting into my warm folds. A minute of pure pain goes by and then slowly the pain turns to pleasure, each thrust being less painful than the last until another minute later all I'm feeling is pure pleasure, each thrust causing me to moan loudly. As I get fucked I feel my paws travel across him and eventually bring him into an embrace and we lock lips again, this time with him thrusting into me.

This is what I needed these long years, I was finally being mated; each thrust brought a whole new level of pleasure to me. Sure I had masturbated before, but it never was as good as this, this was heaven. Every thrust brought me closer to the release I needed, and soon enough I could feel myself climbing up a mountain of pleasure, the top nearing fast. Moments later I felt the release that had been building in me flood out of my pussy and onto his still thrusting hips while my walls massage him, trying to get him to shoot his seed into my awaiting womb. Seconds later that moment comes as I feel him slam into my hips and hilt as his seed flows into my womb, my walls milking him for all he has, both of us crying out to the other as we get hurled into our natural highs. As we ride our orgasms out, he turns me so we're both on our sides.

We stay like this for several minutes after he stops firing his semen into my inner walls and when he finally pulls out I say "I love you Ben..."

Smiling he kisses me and replies "I love you to Athena, please don't ever leave me."

"I won't Ben...I won't ever leave you." I reply as I feel myself drift off to the dreamland, tired from our love making.

My statement is unanswered as for once in a long time, he has fallen asleep before me. Smiling I follow the same path as my lover, a new path in our lives set now, our forbidden love set in stone.