Greased Hotdogs

Story by Megahentaiwolf on SoFurry

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#1 of Star Fox Canines

Greased Hotdogs

(NC-17 Featuring Bill and Wolf)

Bill inserted his keys to the door of Room 105. He then flung himself towards the brown sofa. He lifted the folded paper up and read it. "Dear Mr. Grey," he cleared his throat, "we apologize for the sudden call for you. We are humbly removing you from the service, to give way to the new recruits. Please accept your final paycheck..." He crumpled the piece and threw it away. It nearly hit the DVD with the title Hawt Bawds. "Removing the good ones for the newbies? What is the military thinking?" he shouted out with frustration. He looked at the money inside the envelope that accompanied the paper. "Two grand? That's gonna last barely a month!" He was about to tear the sofa with his bare hands.

A stroll to the bar was needed. He opened the door that gave a bell a ring. He sat on the barstool and waved his hand. "Young Dose, not too strong," he ordered, and soon, a glass full of alcohol slid in front of him. A simple gulp was done before he complained to himself, "Is there any job open at this year of crisis?" He gently slammed the glass onto the stand, attracting the person a seat away from him.

"Bill?" Wolf reacted from his surprise. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, it's you, Wolf," the dog replied. While he had a short time meeting him back during the fight against the Anglors, he was already considering him as a friend. "Well, I'm just wasting my life here in this place... Army kicked me and other more-than-a-year old pilots out of the force for the new recruits. Looks like they're having some budget cut..."

"Money problem, I see," Wolf coughed back while moving to the seat beside Bill. "I guess we share the same problem. After being dubbed as heroes, I can't find a decent job. Panther and Leon were also assigned away from the city, so I am all alone now, waiting for a good-paying work."

The two plunged another glass.

"I'd do anything just to have a paying job," Bill shook his head. "Hell, I'd run around naked if I have to!"

Wolf suddenly thought of an idea. "Well," he suggested as he neared towards the dog's shoulder, lowering his voice, "you see, I was able to solve this problem before when Panther was around." He showed what seemed to be a case for a DVD. The sneak-peek had a tail and letters "w", "t", "d", and "s".

"Oh my," Bill blushed for a bit. He cleared his throat and spoke back with a softer tone. "Hawt Bawds? You did them? Don't tell me the cat that was alluring on the camera was..."

Wolf nodded. "Yeah, that was Panther. He told me that solo isn't cutting out in the masses, so we decided to do a sex scene, but he had a mission so I wasn't able to release that ver...sion..." He then glanced at the dog to the eyes. "You bought this?"

"Well," the dog embarrassingly grinned, "I... uh... use it for arousing purposes! But anyway, I think I know what your offer is."

The Wolf placed the DVD back into his jacket and asked again, "So, are you up to it? There won't be any script, so take your best judgment. We're gonna share the total amount of money from the sales, which would hopefully kick."

"Sure, I am. I mean, I am quite sure it's gonna rock!"

"Ah, great. Meet me in my house here this afternoon," the lupine smiled back while leaving a note of address to Bill. He then stood up, left some money on the table, and left the building.

"I wonder... Will I be the sub or the dom?"

A few hours later, Bill knocked on the wooden door of a medium-sized private house. "Wolf?" he spoke out through a speaker. In a few moments, the lupine opened the door and let the dog in.

"The studio is actually beside my bedroom," Wolf informed his partner as he took out a bottle of cooking oil, "but we aren't gonna do it there. The theme is getting oiled, but to make things erotic and original, we're gonna use cooking oil." Bill smacked his lips. The lupine then placed a couple of dumbbells on the table and asked, "Do you work out?"

The dog simply smirked and lifted his shirt up to his chest, revealing a chiseled body, fit to be called beefcake. "I work out a lot in the gym back in the military, causing many gay soldiers to panic and make Fox go uneasy!" he chuckled as he placed his shirt back. "What about you?" The lupine was a bit startled, for he was suddenly depressed on the dog's statement.

"Well," Wolf simply pointed out with his eyes a picture of himself, wearing nothing but a pair of shorts. He was indeed very muscled and hunky. "While I'm not a bodybuilder, I sure am proud of my muscles. Anyway, the reason I asked is that this is a typical gym setting where people oil a model to make their muscles shiny. Obviously, we'll warp this scene."

"Ah cool," Bill answered back with a rather monotone feeling. "Say, aren't you... you know, aware that people will watch this?"

The lupine, who also took out a wrapped, thick, gelatin-like, cylinder-shaped lollipop, simply smiled back. "I know... I can see your worries. The program I am running will make our faces shadowed, but our bodies will be clear enough." Bill shook his head, mainly because that was not what he meant. "Ah, I see. Well, actually, I really haven't found somebody that I could consider to be special, so... I have really no worries." He looked away from the dog. "I mean, it doesn't really matter whether you have to know a person for a long time to like him, right?"

"I see," Bill gave a short smirk as he touched the lupine's shoulder. "You know, I am really thankful that you actually offered me about this."

"So am I."

Bill then hugged the wolf and whispered, "I am sure Fox is also thinking about you, so you don't have to hide it from me. I already know that a long time ago." Wolf raised his ears about this and glanced at him. "Yeah, well, it's quite obvious from your statements, and besides, Fox's been acting the same way towards you."

"Wow, thanks. I really thought you two are having a relationship and so I kept my feelings towards him a secret. I really don't want to be that obstacle!" he laughed back while turning red. "Ahem, anyway, thanks. Now, let's get moving! Oh, for today, part one, I'll be dominating you. I'll be the submissive person in part two, okay?"

"Yeah, sure, no problem," the dog replied with his teeth showing up. When Wolf turned around, his face showed sadness. "If only you know what I really feel. I don't want to get in-between you and Fox... I really like y..."


"Oh coming!"

The gym wasn't too big, but it was enough to define a work-out area. The two were already donning their "costume", white undershirts and work-out shorts. They weren't even wearing shoes or socks. The materials were already placed, and the scene was only waiting for Wolf's signal.

"Roll it."

Bill began to lie on a bench, using the dumbbells to show that he is pumping up. His arms were already showing his biceps and triceps, and his chest was about to burst. He then looked at his side. Wolf was weightlifting, and he was getting sweaty. He stopped what he was doing and stood up, bringing a bottle of oil. Wolf took a notice of him and stopped as well.

"Hmm, I see what you are planning," Wolf whispered while giving a devilish smile. He placed the heavy barbell away and stood in front of the dog. He showed his left arm and flexed it, revealing the result of his training. Bill opened the bottle and poured the liquid onto it, massaging the muscles slowly. Wolf felt a sudden surge of heat into his body, as he rubbed his chest with his right arm, and soon, he took it off. Bill poured oil onto the chest, and then massaged the pectorals with his arms. He pinched one of the lupine's nipples and started to suckle it, making the wolf yelp a cute yet aroused scream. A bulge slowly formed.

During the breast-feeding, Wolf pulled Bill's shirt up to shoulder's level. He took the bottle and spilled some of the liquid onto the back. He let his arms caress the muscles while giving some massage. When the dog stopped suckling, he pulled the shirt off and started to massage the dog's shoulders. Bill then licked Wolf's body, from the chest to the six-packed abdomen, down to the short which he then pulled down, revealing a towering manhood. He let his tongue play around the shaft before actually licking the cock head continuously.

That was merely foreplay, however. The lupine howled, making the dog stop. As Bill stood up, Wolf walked behind him. He oiled his hands and rubbed them on the dog's chest. He massaged the bulging muscles, the stiff tits and the Adam's apple with a passionate movement. He pulled the back of the shorts down, revealing Bill's butt. Wolf knelt down and licked the under-tail before slowly moving and started rimming. The sensation made Bill intense. He let his shorts go down on the ground and soon he masturbated.

It was not over, the two moved towards a bench with a hole on a nearby end. Bill lay down on it with his chest touching the bench, carefully placing his erect penis through the hole. The lollipop Wolf took out earlier was found in front of him. As he opened it, he suddenly felt something inserting his anus. It was Wolf's cock readying. The dog licked the phallic-shaped, strawberry-flavored soft candy like another person's organ, feeling the pleasure from the thrusts given to him. He then swallowed it as if he was giving an oral. Wolf held his hips firmly, and during the thrusts, the lupine slightly raised the hips to give Bill's cock the excitement of being inserted into a hole.

Thrust. Fap. Slurp. Lick.

Bill suddenly felt a sensation. He held the bench tightly as Wolf was getting faster in his movement. He played with his lollipop, carefully not biting it. His cock was feeling friction without getting injured. Meanwhile, Wolf was moving fast for he was about to blow. Within a minute's time, he removed his penis from the connection, which caused his semen to fire on the dog's bums and tail, missing the anus and causing a big mess. Bill unloaded quite fruitfully, as he made a thick and eye-engaging puddle of cum beneath the bench, with his cock still dripping like a leaky faucet.

The lollipop wasn't yet finished.

It was nighttime, and Bill decided to stay and accompany Wolf during the edit of the video. He felt asleep, and was already snoring on the lupine's bed. Wolf glanced at him occasionally while modifying the video. "Heh, thank you Bill," he whispered silently before finalizing the soon-to-be-released feature.

Things That Go Excited in the Night

**Things That Go Excited in the Night** _- What makes things alive._ (Rated NC 17 for M/M/M Oral and Anal - fox/wolf/panther) "_Ladies and gentlemen, the winner for this season's Feral Flex Canine Division goes to..._" The drum-roll made...

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Photo Shoot

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Three's A Crowd

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