Growvember Day 2

Story by serophous on SoFurry

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#2 of Growvember Series

Bryant's growth continues to his dismay. And so far, no one still has any answers


November 2nd

I woke up immediately knowing something was wrong. I wiggled my feet, feeling them on the carpet. That couldn't be right. That was impossible.

I started to roll out of bed, only to notice I was barely on it. Once I was off to the side, I saw my mattress and frame were completely crushed.

I was in shock. This had to be a dream. It had to be. There was no way I had somehow grown again. I gulped, starting to stand, only to hit my head on the ceiling, denting it and sitting back down quickly on my bed, feeling it crunch once more.

"I can't be..." I muttered. The ceiling was at least 11 or 12 feet high, and I could only get half way up. That means...

"I'm over 20 feet tall..." I gulped, staring down to see my new boxers were in tatters from the new growth.

I crawled on my hands and knees over to where my phone was, the thing so tiny and small now I was afraid I was going to crush it between my two fingers. I was going to have to come clean now. No way I could go out like this.

Using the voice command, I first contacted my boss, who was in disbelief at first, even if Mary also hadn't shown up, along with a few others. I told him if he didn't believe me to come on over and I'd show him. He said he believed me, but hung up with a huff.

I sighed and drew my legs to my chest, starting to feel worried. What was I going to do now? Was I becoming some kind of freak? What if it never stops? What would Samantha think?

I took a deep breath.

Samantha. I had to call her next and explain everything now. Even how I lied.

Again, using the voice command, I called her phone. It took a bit for her to pick up, but I could tell she had just woken up from the sound of her voice.

"Yeah babe, what's up?"

" remember what I said last night?"

"" she yawned before continuing, "What was it about? And whats with your voice? Its loud."

"Oh...sorry. Well, remember the news report, and how I said I hadn't grown? Well..."

"Wait, you grew today?" She immediately sounded more awake.

"Not just today, I had grown yesterday too. But I didn't want to tell you..." I sighed.

"Really? So you're giant like some of those folks on TV?"

"Not like those on TV, I'm actually bigger than them now."

There was silence on the other end.

"No way." Was all she could say.

"Yeah." I couldn't help but blush.

"How big?"

"I'm not sure. Close to around 20 feet at least, probably a bit more."

"I'll come over right away. Don't go anywhere." And she hung up.

I sighed and looked around, I was barely able to fit through the large door from my bedroom to the rest of the apartment, but there was no way I was going to fit through my front door.

That made me worry more. What if I grew again? Would the floor be able to hold my weight? What if I outgrew my apartment? I couldn't afford the repairs!

I sat still, pondering so hard on these thoughts I didn't even hear the knock on my door. Getting back on all fours, I crawled over to the door, struggling a bit with the lock and the latch, snapping the chain and nearly twisting off the knob before quickly scooting back.

Samantha opened the door and stepped inside, immediately her black and white furred hands going to her face as her eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets at the sight before her.

"Oh. My. God. You weren't lying..."

"Yeah...its really weird." I couldn't help but be a bit fascinated at how small she looked to me, barely knee high by my guess if I could stand up fully.

Slowly she walked around me, drinking in every bit in awe.

"Did it hurt?"

"No, its been mostly happening overnight, so I don't know if I slept through the pain or not."

She couldn't help but touch my leg, rubbing up and down.

"Holy shit, I'm not dreaming am I?"

I couldn't help but chuckle.

"I said the same thing."

"So what's it like?"

"Well, everything looks small at the moment. But actually, now that I think about it, I don't even feel hungry right now. And I didn't have to go to the bathroom the morning either."

"Huh, that is weird. Notice anything else?" She idly walked in front of me again, looking me up and down.

"What are you getting at...oh..." I rolled my eyes. "Now who's being a perve?"

"Oh come on! Let me see!" She huffed, the insides of her ears turning red.

I rolled my eyes and parted my legs, letting her see my balls and sheath compared to her.

"Holy crap, its huge..." She gasped. Though to me it looked the same. I could only smirk.

"I don't think its gonna fit ya know." I winked. She kicked my foot.

"Don't you even try. You'll rip me in two!"

"Don't worry, I won't. Anyway, could you turn on the TV? Maybe there is something on the news about this."

She went over to grab the remote, going immediately to the news station where a breaking news report was going on.

"More reports are coming in of other furs still growing from last night's wave, the biggest reported being nearly 30 feet tall. We go live to this living giant with Trish Takawombi. Trish?" The horse anchorman passed it over to a black and white panda, standing in front of a massive brown bear I immediately recognized from the Big and Tall store yesterday. My mouth hung open at how huge he was now. 30 feet? No way, he had to be closer to 35.

"Thank you Jerry. Mr. Ronald Forsmith Had to have the side of his home torn down just to get out of his room, having grown too large to get through a door, and was too afraid of a complete collapse of his roof if he broke his way out. He doesn't know why he is growing, but just woke up larger yesterday, as did many other furs. I tried to get an interview with him, but he doesn't want to talk at the moment with the press. Back to you."

"Thanks Trish. With me now is Professor Yogsliph from AU, an expert on Biology and anthrophysiogly, for this phenomenon." He turned to his side, the camera angle changing to reveal an old white goat in a suite and tie.

"Professor, has the science community made any breakthroughs since yesterday on what is going on?"

"Not at the moment sadly Jerry. But we are working hard to find out whats going on. So far there doesn't seem to be any pattern. The furs growing have nothing in common, and each are growing at different paces. We also don't know when it will stop, or if it contagious. But what I can recommend is this. If you are stuck in your home, call the fire department to try and get you out. We want to try and keep everyone as safe as we can."

Samantha turned off the TV and pulled out her phone.

"Well, I guess that settles it. We need to get you out of here." She began to dial 911, telling them of me being stuck.

I wasn't the only one though, and it took a few more hours for the fire department to eventually get to me and begin to cut away at my wall. What was worse, I was on the third floor of the apartment complex, so had to make a "small" leap down. Cars were moved and enough space was given to me as I hopped down, the distance not being that too great for me, but the thud alerted car alarms and shook some furs off their feet.

I blushed, wearing a makeshift loincloth from my bed sheets with Samantha's help, but still felt really exposed.

I was apparently suppose to go to a field outside of the city limits. There was a camp already set up to help take care of furs with my condition, and to try and help the researchers if we wanted to.

I nodded, saying goodbye to Sam for now and taking a special route that was set for me to walk on.

I was scared for what tomorrow would bring.