His Weight in Bronze: Chapter Two

Story by Shalion on SoFurry

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#3 of His Weight in Bronze

Xyo begins a new day in the very obese dragoness's lair, having recovered somewhat during the night. But now he must make himself useful as the fat-filled dragoness turns out to be a demanding mistress indeed.

His Weight in Bronze

Chapter Two

By Shalion and Yjay

[Shalion]: The massive rotund dragoness slept heavily as might be expected, her round flank rising with each slow breath that rasped out of her fat clotted airway. All through the night, the sound of her terrible snoring was a constant din until the sun again lightened the outer passage leading into the cave sanctuary. Though the ambient light brightened quickly, the behemoth female was slow to stir, making annoyed smacking sounds with her jowls at the intrusion of light onto her dreams and scratching absently at a massive flank with a paw that could not hope to cover even half of its surface area. It might have seemed as though Ylssa was particularly vulnerable at this point as she gently fussed, held down by the enormous weight of her own body, but in truth, she was already half awake. Her sloth in bed was the result of mere laziness and procrastination as her mind amused itself with glimmers of half dreams while at the same time she listened to the familiar noises of her den, and the unfamiliar noises of the drake sharing the tiny amount of space left over on her central dias.

Eventually, she ventured to open one lazy eye and peered across at him. Whether or not Xyo was a late sleeper like her, his wound and lack of nourishment had left him more or less bed bound during the night and into the freshening hours of the morning, but she did not know how much longer that would be the case. He was young after all, and young drakes were ever so restless...

But as he digested his meal from the previous night and recovered, Ylssa's keen eye already spotted the difference his being in her presence during the night had had on him. She was, after centuries of practice, unusually canny on picking up the effect that she had on those around her. Ylssa wondered how long it would take Xyo to notice the changes himself... Probably not long at all, she thought. One did not simply go from being a practical skeleton to having gained dozens of pounds of real meat and not notice the difference.

[Yjay]: Xyo let out a slightly annoyed grumble as the light from the morning sun slowly stirred him into a forced wakefulness. While part of the drake still wanted to head back to sleep, the rest of him knew that more sleep wasn't going to do him more good. Even with his comparatively shorter amount of sleep, having a full stomach and a proper place to sleep meant Xyo felt more rested than he had in a long time. Feeling a large amount of his original energy already starting to come back, the drake took a moment to stretch, already feeling how the food had settled in his stomach. Overnight, the dragon had gone from bone thin to only skinny, yet this didn't alarm the drake. In fact, Xyo didn't give it a second thought since food being turned efficiently into fat was a trait his species possessed, even if it didn't necessarily work to as large an extent as he thought. The white dragon's attention was more focused on the healing wound on his flank, but more importantly, the massive dragoness before him. "Good morning..." Xyo said, being cautious as to avoid possibly angering Ylssa on only his second day.

[Shalion]: The obese dragoness rumbled a low groan as she opened her lazy slit eyes the rest of the way. She took a moment to yawn massively and stretch her fat body; looking carefully it was possible to see the bulges of thick muscle on her haunches, legs and shoulders from under the extremely thick fat padding. Clearly the dragon's body was toned from constantly carrying around the massive weight of her own figure. As her fangs finally closed, she mumbled, "G'mor'ing." She looked at Xyo with sleep haze in her eyes, but then in just a moment her eyes sharpened on the drake and she regained her confident composure from the previous evening. The fat dragoness propped herself up on her elbows like a cat, still allowing the great tummy to flow outwards towards Xyo. "How are you feeling?" she looked him up and down, noticing how the tiny bulge of his stomach from last night had been absorbed into a lean, tight midsection, pulled up strongly under ribs which, while visible, were not so achingly stretched against empty skin. Even his scales had undergone a transformation, regaining some of their lost luster, his scent was recovering as well. Ylssa hoped his stunning transformation boded well for her own hopes. "You don't look as though you're on death's door anymore, at least..."

[Yjay]: The smaller drake spent a moment looking himself over once more, seeing a few changes and feeling that the gash in his side was now a dull throb instead of a constant searing pain. "I'm certainly feeling a fair bit better, having a full stomach for the first time in months seems to have done wonders." Xyo said, completely oblivious to the other factors which had resulted in the increased mass on his form. He then motioning with a wing towards his wound, which was already looking noticeably better. "It would also seem as if this cut is starting to heal up, so it seems you were right about that." The sentence took awhile to come out of the dragon's muzzle, as he was being very careful about his word choice and how he spoke. He knew that just one wrong word may still cause Ylssa to end him on the spot, despite all the kindness she'd shown him. After going through so much to reach this point, Xyo didn't want to take any risks at losing it.

[Shalion]: The dragoness cocked her head very slightly. "That's good it's showing signs of healing." She did not need to say that had Xyo been able to find practically any food in the past several weeks, it should have already healed long ago. She let her fierce gaze falling on the younger, smaller male temper somewhat. She liked Xyo's politeness now that he was not on the verge of collapsing, but at the same time, she was waiting for him to display any typical male propriety, just so she could knock him down and assert herself. She did not do so often, but Ylssa could move with startling speed in a quick burst, though it cost her dearly in terms of stamina.

She knew he was being careful still, so Ylssa decided on a small test. She wiggled her massive body over the furs on the stone dais, her belly rippling with fat as she twisted her forequarters closer to Xyo until their forepaws were practically touching. She leaned her head down near the white dragon's flank on a neck that was easily bigger around than Xyo's waist. "Mind if I clean your wound?" she said, meaning with her tongue in regular dragon fashion. Xyo did not need reminding that the edges of the badly healed wound were still puckered and raw, with patches of dead skin and dried scales around the edges. It needed debridement in a bad way, but Xyo also knew that getting rid of the dead flesh from the edges of the wound would be painful and cause fresh bleeding, even if it was probably necessary, at least to try to minimize the amount of scarring he would have on his flank in the future.

[Yjay]: The pale colored drake was a little unsure for a second, taking a moment to look back at the open wound once more, then back to the overweight dragoness. Ylssa had been right about the wound the first time, and she clearly had more experience with healing than he'd ever had. Xyo had lived a very cowardly life, always trying to talk his way out of a fight or just running away entirely. Fully knowing it was best to have it cared for by someone more experienced, he nervously responded "T-that would be m-much appreciated." The still weak drake was still noticeably uncomfortable near the massive dragoness who could kill him with extreme ease. Factoring in how the drake saw her corpulence as a symbol of hunting proficiency, now with the dragoness' knowledge added in, caused the dragoness' position in terms of respect in Xyo's eyes to be elevated even further than it was initially.

[Shalion]: Seeing Xyo practically tremble under her many hanging chins made the dragoness want to purr with pleasure, but she kept her composure as she lowered her head down towards the still-raw wound.

Ylssa was not a physician by any stretch of the imagination and she knew dragons capable of much more complex ministrations. In fact, the dragoness was mostly guided by instinct as she began to lick the drake's flank, having to shift her massive body even more to get further down towards his torso. Xyo was, after all, no more than three or four feet shorter than her, nose-tip to withers; of course, she probably still out-massed him ten times over.

It was hardly pleasant work, once she got started, for either of them. It had been a long time since Ylssa had had to taste the inside of a wound like this and she had to work at the dried dead skin with her foremost teeth, prying the flakes free as Xyo grunted with the pain he must be experiencing. There was blood, but it was quickly staunched, a combination of Xyo's healing factor as well as the properties of Ylssa's own saliva. After her ministrations, Xyo's torn flank was red and inflamed, stinging badly, but now it did not have the ugly blackened crusts around the edges, and its odor was much improved.

Ylssa swallowed and made a face. No, wounds definitely did not have the best flavor, but she had rather not spit on the floor of her own den. "I think that's about all I can do for you, Xyo." she eyed him with one large violet eye. "I hope it wasn't too painful..." she added knowingly.

[Yjay]: Xyo tried to do his best to shrug calmly, but it was difficult since he was practically shaking with agony. "It's f-fine, t-thanks... " he said, stammering over his words a fair bit. After flying for two months with the gash, the pearlescent dragon thought he would be ready for the pain. He was most certainly mistaken, as each pass Ylssa did to clean the wound felt like it was being slashed open once more, causing Xyo to almost pass out more than once. Regardless, he was glad to have it cleaned and on it's way to healing after such an extended period of time. Wanting to spend a moment to recollect himself, the drake just laid down on the cozy furs beneath him, the cut in his side facing towards the ceiling of the cavern. "W-what's next?" he questioned once he'd regained the majority of his lost composure.

[Shalion]: The obese dragoness rumbled softly, still looking down on the drake as he reclined on his uninjured flank. "Shouldn't I be asking you that?" she said coyly, "It seems to me that you're the one in need of a plan." she touched her fattened lump of a chest with a thick paw, "It's my life you happened to drop in on, don't you remember?" The tone the dragoness used made it difficult to determine whether she was being serious or merely teasing him again.

[Yjay]: The resting drake shifting uncomfortably for a few moments before answering. He thought, "The only plan I had in my head was to find a new home..." Then he waited for a few uneasy moments before continuing. "I'm still uncertain as to whether this will become my new home or a temporary place of living." Xyo stated, taking a few moments afterwards to ponder possibilities in his head.

[Shalion]: Ylssa could not help but chortle at his response. The presumption of this male! Still leaning over his skinny frame, she said, "I think the decision of whether this place will be a new home for you is MY choice, Xyo. Unless you feel up to subduing me." she smirked down at the prone drake, tempted to put her fat paw down on the still tender wound of his for added emphasis, but held herself back. She did not really want to frighten him away after all. She tossed her head back, waving her neck folds wildly in the process. "But I don't feel like throwing you out just yet." she said in a more relaxed, almost flippant tone. She licked her chops, then added, "As for me, there's plenty to do. First there's breakfast, and then this evening's stew to prepare. Feeding and watering the animals..." She leaned her head on an upturned paw as she leaned back into the dais, looking at Xyo and scratching her overlarge belly idly, wondering if he would take the hint; Ylssa had to suppress another purr of pleasure as she felt a new slackness in the skin of her brimming tummy, a good sign of things to come.

[Yjay]: Xyo was once again shocked but he managed to recollect himself quickly, realizing his mistake. He quickly said "R-right! I'm j-just your guest h-here, in your h-house..." he stated, before swiftly changing the subject to the dragoness' duties. "Would you like an extra paw any of those things you mentioned? Being honest, in the tundra I did nothing but hide from my brothers and hunt..." Xyo trailed off, having bittersweet memories of pop into his mind, momentarily overwhelming him before the drake got himself back under control, yet he failed to cover his obvious lapse in concentration.

[Shalion]: Ylssa raised a scaly eye ridge, wondering if Xyo's past troubled him more than he was letting on. Perhaps the young drake was traumatized in addition to being battered and starved. Well, that was hardly any of her business, except perhaps as leverage should the drake prove harder to keep under control than she thought.

But she did grin back at Xyo as he took the bait. "Why, Xyo, I wouldn't mind the help at all. You're already a much better guest than I would have imagined from a rogue male." she said magnanimously and flashed him her eyes. "And don't worry not having done these things before, I'll tell you exactly what to do..."

The first thing that Ylssa wanted was breakfast, naturally and she got up finally with effort from the dais and waddled back over towards the great stone oven which she lit handily with an oily ember she spat from her mouth like a wad of tobacco. Then she sat her fat rump on the stone and beckoned to the drake with a free paw, ready to instruct the white dragon in the finer points of porridge preparation while she sat back and watched him work.

[Yjay]: The other dragon didn't ask any more questions as he got up with ease and walked over to where Ylssa was sitting, wincing due to the open cut on his flank. Nonetheless, Xyo sat next to the larger dragoness, ready to focus all of his attention on the provided task at hand.

[Shalion]: Ylssa proved to be an efficient and surprisingly patient and instructive taskmaster. Of course, she did have quite a good deal of practice managing the human village from when it had consisted of scarcely 100 individuals to now just over 500. She began by explaining the use of the great stone oven which was now burning happily behind heavy iron doors, heating the iron plates carved into the stone structure on top. Smoke vanished up a hidden flume carved into the stone of the mountain itself, but Ylssa did not explain every detail to Xyo, just what he needed in order to operate it. Then came the big cauldron. It needed washing, but Ylssa's dragonish sensibilities were not quite as peckish as those of a human's. She instructed Xyo in the fetching of water from the large pool at the back of the cave using a big wooden bucket that was heavy even by dragon standards. Ylssa saw Xyo wince, likely from his wound, as he carried it across the den. She relieved him by upturning the water into the big pot, but did not relent in her instructions as she set Xyo to empty the oats into the pot to boil and then add extra ingredients like honey and dried strips of seasoned meat to simmer.

For an injured dragon, Xyo was given a lot to do, but not more than what he could obviously manage. That was not Ylssa's way. However, her grand, heavy ass barely lifted from the floor during all of the preparations. She sat happily and enjoyed watching Xyo work, an easy grin on her wide face and jowls, all the while handing him detailed instructions and explaining the purpose of different things around the abode. But she did not explain everything all at once. In fact, she explained only the bare necessities to Xyo's task at hand, or paw as it were. Soon though, the air in the den was suffused with the smell of breakfast and the obese dragon's stomach could be heard growling in anticipation.

[Yjay]: The smaller dragon wiped a bead of sweat off of his face after he finished all that the dragoness had told him. This was in part because of his notably low resistance to heat, yet the majority of it came from him not being fully recovered from his famine. Although the smaller drake did not want to seem weaker than he already did in Ylssa's eyes, and he forged on even with the pain of the wound in his side.

Discomforts aside, Xyo actually learned a fair bit about the preparation of civilized food through of the session, his keen memory remembering all of the necessary details need he repeat the task once more in the future. The sweet aroma of the food hitting his nose caused the skinny drake's stomach to growl, symbolizing that he was hungry once more.

[Shalion]: Ylssa chuckled softly at the clearly tired drake as he sat down beside her large frame. Grinning in a half smile towards him, Ylssa reached out with a chubby paw to poke at Xyo's slender, nothing of a belly. "Looks like I'm not the only one who's hungry!" She tossed her head to the side slightly, rolling her eyes and added, "Although only one of us needs any more fattening." She snorted derisively at her own joke.

Ylssa then stretched up, reaching with her forepaws, though it was hard on her back and her enormous belly still dragged over the floor. She braced herself with a claw against the stone edge of the oven, not minding its heat and examined the large cauldron of boiling porridge. "I think it's about done." she declared and had to swallow back saliva from her watering mouth. Using a big wooden spoon, she served out two of the large wood bowls filled to the brim with oatmeal and pieces of meat, gesturing to one she set aside with her snout. "Go on, Xyo." she invited, "This ought to put some more meat on those bones of yours." As for herself, Ylssa just sat back down on her plump rear, her thick tail spilling out from behind her like a checkered log, and began noisily slurping down the hot porridge with meat and honey. It was clear from the onset of her rapid consumption that she intended to go back for seconds, possibly to polish off the entire rest of the cauldron if she could.

[Yjay]: The skinny pearl-colored drake looked wide eyed at the large portion of food he had been served, his mind taking a second to comprehend that all that was for him. Originally, he'd been lucky to catch a hare once a week or so, and the warm bowl of porridge seemed like an entire feast to him. He picked up the large wooden bowl, and inspected it for a moment. It smells quite good... "Plus, Ylssa's right. I could use some more meat on my bones, right?" he thought silently to himself. Before Xyo could second guess himself, he tipped the bowl back near his snout, and began to drink down the savory confection. In the process, he could already feel his relatively small stomach filling out once more, pushing further against his skinny frame. The drake managed to down 3/4ths of his porridge before he was forced to stop eating, his stomach complaining audibly at being so full. The stuffed drake then flopped onto his back, rubbing the taut surface of his stretched middle.

[Shalion]: Ylssa paused in refilling her large bowl from the cauldron to watch as Xyo fell backwards in sublime satisfaction, his tummy protruding visibly once again from under his ribs. The female dragon very much appreciated the sight, not that there was much to see of the drake's genitalia, which were mostly internal aside from the slight bulge above the slit between his thighs. However, what captured her attention was his tummy itself, now curving outwards instead of inward. Ylssa was filled with the desire to put her paws over his own and rub them over its curved surface... but then she knew she was getting ahead of herself. She turned back to the cauldron and finished topping off her second big bowl.

Leaning against the stove to prop up her upper body, she sipped in silence for a while. Even with her greatly increased eating capacity, two of the big bowls was not a trivial amount for her. Each of the bowls was sufficient in volume to bathe a human child. When Xyo seemed to be recovering somewhat, she said, "Xyo..." she waited for the drake to make eye contact with her. Leaning against the stove, her fat laden neck fell to rest heavily on a padded pigeon chest that bulged oddly at the sides without a trace of the ribs that lay underneath and rather than pulling in, the fat instead surged outwards below the chest in a deep crease leading into an expansive round belly that rested entirely against the floor, obscuring Ylssa's hindfeet. She asked deliberately, eyes flashing towards the young drake, "Do you find me attractive?"

[Yjay]: Xyo stared shocked at the dragoness for a good minute, occasionally looking over at some of her exaggerated features, before finally responding. "W-well... Y-you're certainly q-quite the h-huntress... " he stated uncomfortably, before adding "I've n-never really gotten a-around to h-hunting for a m-mate, so I'm n-not fully certain..." Xyo trailed off and just stared at the larger dragoness as she slowly drew closer to his prone form. The poor drake, always being the weakest of the bunch, never attracted much female attention, hence his complete uncertainty as to how to manage it.

[Shalion]: Ylssa laughed harshly down at the drake on his back. She oozed forward, her flesh flowing over the ground as she leaned forward onto her forepaws. Stepping into the drake's personal space, she put a paw on the dragon's deep chest, which was narrow like that on a hound, housing big wing muscles attached at the breastbone, already substantially rejuvenated from what they had been the previous day. She laughed again at his expression as he looked up at her, "I wasn't talking about being your mate, young drake. Ancestors! But you're immature." she narrowed her eyes down at him, "Good thing you're kind of cute, like a lost stray."

[Yjay]: Xyo's only response to the looming dragoness' comment was a bright red blush on his cheeks, contrasting sharply with his white scales. His embarrassment mostly came from the fact that the drake didn't even think of himself as attractive. In fact, he found himself to be quite the contrary from what most females would look for in another dragon. He was weak, immature, and with no territory to his name. But a dragoness such as Ylssa calling him cute? That was certainly a first for him.

[Shalion]: Eventually Ylssa saw that she was overwhelming the young drake, so she let off of him, turning her wide body so that her protruding flank whipped by almost over Xyo's nose. She spared a glance back at the half full cauldron of breakfast, but decided she could get back to that later. Instead she waddled her fattened body back towards the padded dais and collapsed on top of it, letting one hindleg and a good portion of belly fat hang over one edge of it. She stared at Xyo for a good while, her chin resting on the furs, until he eventually righted himself. "I don't suppose you've spent much time around females, have you Xyo." it was barely a question, "Didn't you have any sisters?" The obese dragon's hanging leg waggled slightly where it was propped up fully on a big cushion of soft belly fat. Xyo couldn't even see where her other hindleg was because of how big her abdomen was.

[Yjay]:The smaller drake shook his head. "Not that I know of, the only female in my... W-well, the area of me and my brothers, for a notable amount of time was my mother, who left soon after we were hatched... " Xyo said aloud. "She was smart to do that_..._" he thought to himself, memories of his troubled past of being the weakest of his family threatening to come back. Xyo quickly added as an afterthought "I doubt I would have had a chance, and I never bothered when the occasional female passed through the territory, I just kept to myself in my cave... " he admitted, looking back to the massive laying dragoness, waiting for a response.

[Shalion]: "Sounds like you were the runt of the litter, and a weakling to boot." snorted the huge dragon without an ounce of sympathy. She lifted her head slightly, resting it on her claw and stared levelly across at Xyo, "Well, you won't be like that here, I'll promise you that. You're either going to toughen up fast or..." she exposed her gleaming fangs, only slightly yellowed through age and use, "Or I'll end up eating you for supper one of these nights." she winked at him and it was uncertain as to whether she was joking or not.

[Yjay]: Contrary to what one may expect, the smaller dragon didn't looked as if someone had just threatened to eat him. In fact, the drake reacted in such a way one might think that he were a kid who'd been offered a new toy. Xyo had always wanted to be the strongest of the litter, although the poor drake had given up trying after dozens of failed attempts. Over his excitement, the full meaning of the dragoness' threat to eat him for dinner went over his head. "R-really?" he said, diverting his full attention over to Ylssa.

[Shalion]: She smirked, "Yes, Xyo." she said in a sigh. "I'm going to make sure you're useful around here, and by the end of it, you'll know exactly where your place in the world is." She gave the white dragon a devilish wink and then shifted her great fatty bulk on the stone dais, making herself more comfortable. "And you can start by feeding what's left of breakfast to the pigs, after that, you'll clean up the cauldron and the bowls in the sluiceway, you'll need it for preparing this evening's stew..." The dragoness looked ready to start dictating new orders to the young drake. However, there was a slight surprise waiting for him when he got to the animal pens located on the other side of the cave...

[Yjay]: Xyo obediently went over and began to grabbed the remaining bowls of soup, including his unfinished one, ignoring the pain from the gash in his side. "If I'm going to become stronger, I'm just going to need to live with it." he reassured himself mentally. The drake held the cauldron in his forepaws, carrying the rest with his tail, while walking over to the animal pen where the pigs were located. He'd never seen them in person before, yet his brothers had told stories of them. "Big, tasty walking bundles of meat on legs!" they'd said. Of course, he'd never gotten a chance to try one, and Xyo certainly didn't intend to now, his still-full stomach complaining at the mere thought of doing so.

[Shalion]: The still very lean drake managed the weight of the half full cauldron admirably as he walked awkwardly with the burden across the den. Behind him, Ylssa sneakily got up from the dias, at least as sneakily as she could weighing as much as several dozen large draft horses. She took pleasure in Xyo's shock when he encountered the pigs, who did not need pasture and thus were cloistered furthest in the back of the cave. It might have been considered cruel to keep the half dozen swine in such close quarters, but then again, none of them moved around much anymore.

Each of the beasts, properly sized, should have had close to half a ton of pork each, however these flabby, pink-skinned bags of meat held at least six times that where they wallowed inert on the stone floor, at least until they scented the food that Xyo was carrying whereupon they struggled onto their trotters, dragging massive bellies on the floor towards the fence of the enclosure. "Don't they look delicious?" commented Ylssa softly from behind the drake. "They're even softer than they look and the meat quite tender. They don't move around much, you see." She breathed, studying the drake's reaction and gestured to the grimy food trough behind the fence. Xyo of course, had no idea that the pigs' condition was not entirely of their own doing and the temptation to tell was very strong, but Ylssa knew that would just spoil the surprise waiting for the young drake...

[Yjay]: "They certainly do..." the baffled drake said, fully knowing that some of the pigs, if not all of them, were most likely heavier than Xyo himself when he'd first arrived. A thought popped into his head, which connected with his previous assumptions. "You must be quite the huntress and builder to have all of this and to be able to support such a... "The white dragon took a moment to choose the right word. "Lavish lifestyle for you and your animals." he said as he fed the already obese animals the entire pot of porridge. Before he moved on, Xyo took a moment to look back at Ylssa to see how she would react.

[Shalion]: The obese dragoness lifted an eye-ridge at the white drake. "Sure..." she breathed. Ylssa could not even remember clearly the last time she had hunted for herself. "And I did design all the conveniences of my lair." That much was true at least. Still, Ylssa wondered how the drake would react to the humans down in the village. She figured she would need to educate him on the difference between humans and livestock, gathering already that Xyo had come south from the edge of nowhere. "But I'd hardly call these animals' lives lavish, Xyo. They're food, not pets of mine and they're only here for convenience's sake." Ylssa could not say just how convenient the livestock were yet, nor the fact that the only reason she was not already too fat to move was because they were here. The new animals she had collected yesterday from the village were a much needed asset, much in the way Xyo himself was.

Ylssa went on to show Xyo where she kept the hay for feeding the cows and goats - none of which were as obese as the penned sows - and educated him on the concept of cleaning animal pens before leading him back into the den to use the sluiceway to clean the cauldron and the bowls in the cold, swift flowing water. It did not seem long at all, at least for Ylssa who talked more than she worked, before they were again in front of the big oven and tearing apart ingredients for that evening's stew with their teeth and claws. Outside, it was not even yet noon.

[Yjay]: After all of the work of feeding the livestock, cleaning the pens, and washing the dishes, preparation of food was a welcome change of pace to the drake. Despite his limited experience, Xyo was thoroughly enjoying the process of gathering ingredients and combining them together into the iron pot. Afterall, being from a completely uncivilized area, cooking was the closest thing the white dragon had to a hobby. During his work, he felt his scales move and shift in a slightly different way than was expected. But the drake just pushed the fact away, knowing it was probably just because of Yssla's tasks being more demanding than what the dragon was accustomed to.

[Shalion]: For the stew, Ylssa had a great deal of experience. In her opinion, it was the best way to add bulk to a meal given a limited supply of meat, and there always was a limited supply, even for her, at least until the village below doubled or tripled in size. For the carnivorous dragon palette, stewing made things like carrots, wheat and even tomatoes and beans palatable, also given their limited manual dexterity - dragon forepaws had to bear their weight after all and were far from the delicate manipulators humans had - simple and manageable to prepare. All that was required was to essentially tear apart the ingredients into bite-sized chunks and let it simmer for several hours. Even Xyo picked up the technique readily.

Ylssa sat down beside Xyo at the oven and helped him prepare the ingredients, tossing them bit by bit into the simmering cauldron. She took up a lot of space at the oven and had to sit farther back from it, to give her ample belly space, but Xyo was sitting closer to the cauldron, again letting him take on the brunt of the effort. Ylssa on the other hand, began to reach and grab spices from clay pots on the long rack above the stove. She grabbed a pawful of bay leaves and leaned over towards Xyo, her fat flank actually making contact with his slim body quite accidently. "Here, smell these." she insisted, a sly grin on her wide face.

[Yjay]: The smaller white drake, still in contact with Ylssa's warm flank, carefully bent his head down to sniff the leaves without question. As soon as the strong smell of the leaves hit the dragon's extremely sensitive nose, the drake looked momentarily overwhelmed by the odor. "T-t-they s-smell v-very..." the drake trailed off, before the poor drake passed out against Ylssa's flank into a shallow slumber.

[Shalion]: Ylssa was actually mildly alarmed by the young drake's reaction. She tossed the bay leaves into the simmering pot and reached down to her side where the drake had collapsed. She used her left wing to keep the drake propped up as his head lolled against her smooth, bulging flank. She reached down with a claw and grasped him by the shoulder, her wing shrouding and supporting him. "Xyo? Xyo, wake up." she said with some concern, hoping her new charge was not allergic or something like that. "Wake up you silly drake!" She shook his slender body gently, his muscles felt relaxed and just then, his wing unfolded towards the ground like a discarded cape, hanging from his shoulder. If she could have, she would have grasped him with her other forepaw as well, but it would have been impossible to reach over her own girth to the other side. She made do with just her one claw and the strong embrace of her wing with its long, delicate, yet strong digits, still shaking him gently as he rested against her warm bulk.

[Yjay]: After a short time, the unconscious Xyo stirred from his short slumber, opening his eyes and peeking blearily around at his surroundings. "W-what..." the drake trailed off as he felt himself up against a very soft surface, yet it took Xyo a few moments to realize this fact and he simply lay there, sinking into Ylssa's flank. The unfortunate drake had had his senses completely overloaded by the odorous leaves, putting his body into a state of shock. Even though he was now conscious, the entire ice drake's body was still limp as wet rag.

[Shalion]: Ylssa was watching the drake closely, so she noticed when his eyes slowly opened and his body stopped feeling like a limp ragdoll. "Enjoying yourself?" she asked, peering down at the young drake. His slim body was sinking into her soft flank with his head near her voluminous breast. Seeing as his body was still half shrouded in her left wing, Ylssa decided to have some fun and extend it outward, wrapping the ice drake in tent of her own wing membrane, close to her warm body. It was surprisingly dim inside and what light there was outlined the red vein structure of Ylssa's wing. She poked her head in, very close to Xyo's face, and added, "How about this?"

[Yjay]: Wrapped in Ylssa's warm wing and squished against her soft stomach, the drake had to admit that he was actually enjoying it, despite many of his initial thoughts. The embarrassed drake admitted "I-It's n-nice..?", the bright red blush on his cheeks visible even with the dim light.

Cushioned against the soft dragoness he felt oddly... comfy, much to his surprise.

[Shalion]: "Nice?" the dragoness chortled, still holding the drake inside her long wing despite the fact that at least in terms of their frames, he was not all that much smaller than she was, "Of course it's nice! I'm me after all..." She pulled him in tighter with her left forearm around his shoulder and squeezed his entire body with gentle pressure from her wing. The drake's body sank alarmingly deep into her yielding flesh and he had no way of knowing that right now Ylssa was even softer than she usually was, her skin slackened slightly from how it had been just the previous day. Xyo's entire right shoulder sank into Ylssa's warm, accepting skin, more creamy skin than scales really, right up to his breast bone. He was pinned gently and he had no problems breathing. It felt like Ylssa was all around him, her female musk filling the drake's nostrils; and she did smell different from any female Xyo had ever caught a whiff of, surely that was due to her weight. "And how's that...?" she murmured, her face still inches away from Xyo's snout under her wing. Noticing his blush, she added, "It feels different having a few extra tons packed on, doesn't it?"

[Yjay]: Xyo thought he was going to pass out again from all that was going on around him. Both the soft creamy flesh of the dragoness, and the overpowering scent which was filing his sensitive nose. Ylssa's face within sight of his certainly didn't help him, as Xyo knew she could clearly see the blush on his white cheeks, along with the look of pleasure on his draconic muzzle. In an attempt to form a response to all of the dragoness' questions, all the drake managed to get out of his mouth was "Mrrrphh...", his overwhelmed brain completely unable to form coherent sentences at the moment.

[Shalion]: The female dragon Mmurred to herself seeing the reaction she had elicited from the young drake. She thought he might make for an interesting plaything... later perhaps, but not quite now. With a final squeeze, Ylssa quickly unshrouded them both, keeping a hold of the white drake with her arm until he could steady himself. "Come on, you mush-headed drake." she said, "Just a little more and we can let this simmer for the rest of the day." Ylssa resumed breaking potatoes in half and tossing them into the brown, redolent stew in the big cauldron. Later she would break into the precious black pepper for a pinch of several of the dark peppercorns before grinding them between thumb and fore-claw over the simmering pot.

After that was done and the cauldron was covered with an ill-fitting iron lid, the huge dragoness heaved a great sigh, as if she had done a great deal of work that morning, and from her vantage point, she had. "You did a good job this morning, Xyo." she said, and she meant it. The young drake was certainly competent for a dragon fresh out of the wild. "How about we wash up?" she said, gesturing to the large pool at the back of the den, "You could use a bath after cleaning those animal pens..." Ylssa waddled with the white drake over to the pools, where she again sat down her massive rear, leaning over the mass of belly fat she sported. "You first." she beckoned to the cool running water, fed by an artificial crack in the wall. The white drake did not need the huge female to explain that the pool was not big enough for the both of them.