Eden Garter, Dragon Anomaly, ch. 15

Story by DarastrixItov on SoFurry

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#16 of Empyrean Conservator Stories

Chapter 15 - Delay


He had just received a call from his best friend. It finally happened. She finally lost control of her dark abilities and made a mistake.

"Dammit, I'll tell Katrina to do a Time-Freeze! Get back here ASAP and we'll figure out what to do from there," Densetsu growled, teleporting to Opal's room.

<Katrina... it happened. Opal raped a girl. I think she's gonna' need a lot of therapy after this.>

<Oh, dear... I suppose we should implement Temporal Rift Protocol?>

<Just call it fucking Time-Freeze.>

<What will you do?>

<What I do best.>

Of course, there she was within seconds. She had teleported onto the bed, fully nude. Her expression was like that of a broken orphan, the poor girl.

"Rape me, Densetsu...," Opal sobbed, her shattered eyes meeting his, "Fucking rape me NOW! ** Make me **suffer for what I did!"

He slowly climbed onto the bed with her, cradling her body in his arms as he sunk into thought, 'Shit... this messed her up more than I thought it would. What can I do? If I'm blunt, then there's a good chance I'll make it worse. If I sugar-coat things, then she won't learn.'

"...Opal... you know I care about you way too much to even think of doing that," Densetsu sighed as pulled her head into his chest, "Besides, you're the only girl I've ever been able to be vulnerable around. Last but not least, what would raping you do other than make you even more miserable?"

He allowed Opal to release her feelings for what seemed to be hours. After she had finally recovered, she finally spoke, "Why are you always coming to my rescue, you big oaf? Why are you always comforting me and treating me like I actually deserve love?"

Heaving a sigh, he released her. If he were to say it, it would push her away.

"I dunno...," Densetsu mumbled, crossing his arms as he laid upon the bed next to her.

As she began to sob again, Opal sat upright at the edge of the bed, only to shout at him, "YOU ALWAYS SAY THAT! Maybe I should find another team who will treat me like I deserve to be treated - like shit!"

This caused something inside Densetsu to stretch to its breaking point. It was either tell the truth, or possibly lose her forever.

"Do you want to know the reason, you damn brainless slut!?" Densetsu bellowed upon sitting up, forcing her to turn to face him, "It's because I care about you! It's because I actually care about in that way! Isn't that enough for you!?"

The poor girl's expression became one of complete muted shock. She was comatose.

Although he expected her to recover or speak, Densetsu's confession was met by a slap to his face, followed by the broken girl darting out of the room in tears. He had definitely screwed this one up.