Valentines Day

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#8 of Bob's Special events

Bob's Holiday Special

Valentines Day

By BunnyBoy

This story and Bob are copyrighted to BunnyBoy. However Scotty De Morre, Beauregard Fox, Micheu, L,Garrou, Murasame, Bradley Manning, Stagish, Syles Carver, Forest Nashoba are copyrighted to there own players.

Warning the story contains semi-consensual sexual encounter between an adult males and a male cubs. So if your too young or easily offended please go no further. Thank you for reading and please enjoy

Bob whistles as he walks through the park. He's always confused as to what to do on Valentines Day, none of his boy's are free since their parents always have something planned and that involves baby-sitters; and while parents are easily confounded, babysitters are usually a whole other story. He digs in his pockets and pulls out something that does give him a little chubby, two of his boys did manage to swing by before school today, while he'd much rather have a quick fuck the construction paper hearts are nice.

With a sigh he looks around still a little frustrated but something catches his eye, he can't believe what he's seeing, he has to double check but it's real. Crouched down in the bushes far away from the crowds is a little bunny cub, he's white with black spots and a cute little patch around one eye. The boy looks like he couldn't be older then 6 and is almost naked, dressed only in a little white loincloth with realistic white little wings strapped to his back. The boy is hunched over aiming a little toy bow and arrow at a teenaged couple walking hand 'n hand down the park path.

"Oh my" thinks Bob "What irresponsible parents would let their cub out of the house dressed like that? That delicate little cutie is just begging to be pounced and ravished by a big strong cub lover." The man grins evilly as he creeps forward, unbuckling his belt and loosening his fly as he goes. When the time comes he'll want to get in there quick.

In the bushes the bunny sets down his arrow, muttering to himself. "I give them three months at the latest, I'm guessing she'll catch him sleeping around, bah these idiots talk about love, love, love like it's the big thing. What these idiots need is commitment but no, she didn't get drawn on temple walls because the artist thought her thighs were to fat, Bastards. So she gets the shaft and I get stuck with all this extra work." He's so caught up in his own bitching that he doesn't hear the man sneaking up on him. In fact he doesn't even realize the big Sheppard is there 'till a paw knocks the bow from his hand and he's tackled to the ground. Startled the bunny tries to shout but a paw is clamped over his mouth as the man puts his weight into pinning cupid to the damp soft earth.

The big dog leers down at the trembling boy and growls softly at him. "My, my, Some one is naughty. Didn't your mommy ever tell you, it's not a good idea to be out in public with no clothes on? It might give bad people ideas" He grins toothily at the bunny, his free paw tugs his pants all the way down finally freeing his throbbing dick from it's denim confinement. Bob pushes forward his pulsing meat, slipping under the cub's loincloth and finding no other clothing between him and the sweet little rabbit hole. "Oh naughty bunny, normally I'd take more time but I don't want to get caught, so bear with me this is going to be rough." The man pushes forward feeling that resistant ring of muscle stretch around his cock, he can feel the heat warming his loins as those muscles are stretched to the breaking point. The man moans as he leans forward, the paw slips from the cubs mouth long enough for the bunny to take a deep breath for the screech but to soon the man's lips and tongue are blocking it's path; as Bob worms his way deeper and deeper into the boy's secret spaces, his tongue probes the lads other orifice. He moans into the boy as he finally hilts himself into that sweet, sweet anus.

Bob breaks the kiss and smiles down at the lad before stuffing a handkerchief in his mouth, to keep him muzzled and silent from now on. Both paws rest on the bunny's shoulders now, keeping him down as the man's cock pulls back 'till just the head is inside, the big dog groans as he thrusts in, much harder and faster then he did the first time. His hips rock into that tight little arse hard as he tries to savor the little boy's innocence.

Meanwhile Cupid is just dumfounded; to have been seen by a mortal was bad enough but to be raped by one, he'd never live this down. The pain was bad at first but it subsided quickly, after all he wasn't all that innocent really; he was thousands of years old and those old Greeks and Romans were a pretty wild bunch, so he'd been in similar situations. Even the fact that the man had forced himself on him wasn't that bad, I mean there was a time that he couldn't move for the randy satyrs were after his fluffy wings back then, and they traveled in packs so one mortal vs. a celestial gang-bang is small potatoes. It had been awhile, the little bunny almost moans as he feels the man going deep and hard into his rump; with a sigh the little godling closes his eyes as the pleasure builds and he goes with the flow.

Bob moans as he ruts this little boy dough. It feels good, animalistic and natural to do it like this in the sun; dirt and grass beneath their bodies, no fondling, no for play, just fucking. Oh gods it felt good, as he groans softly feeling his knot swell, he wants to tie this bitch, he wants to breed his little bunny ass and howl to the world that this one is mine; but he knows better, at least about the howling bit. He drives deep into the boy, each thrust plumbing the boy's depths harder and harder. He noticed the little bunny's erection but didn't care, his own release was close and the boy would have to fend for himself. He grunts loudly as his knot pops in and out of the boy with each heavy thrust until finally he slams forward, rocking the boy back onto his shoulders as the big dog claws at the dirt, locking that swelling knot into place and flooding the boy with his steaming doggy spunk.

That massive ball of flesh crushing Cupid's prostate is the last straw and the winged bunny cums hard himself; it's not a fountain, not a shower of spooge as his loincloth is in the way but the white creamy globules seep into the fabric as the monochrome minor deity works off a hundred year backlog.

Bob sighs looking down at the well-fucked bunny. Oddly enough, the costume wings stayed on the whole time, must be sturdy stuff. He groans in discomfort as he pulls back working his still swollen knot out of his reluctant partner with a wet sounding plop. "This was good," he thought to himself "Out in nature, naked under the sun. I'll have to see if I can get one of my cubs to come with me camping, way out in the woods so we can make all the noises we want." Carefully he stuffs his still awkwardly swollen member back into his pants and looks around. No shouts, no one looking his way. The perfect crime, he busted a nut and no ones the wiser, save for the very sore little brat; as he steps out of the bushes he spots the kid's toys spilled across the ground, with a little giggle he stoops over and gathers them up, finding the happy couple the boy was going to target, he aims and shoots.

The bow makes a twanging sound and the arrow streaks forward catching the teenaged girl right on the ass, oddly, she doesn't look around for who shot her, instead she leans over and kisses the boy hotly on the lips.

Bob just grins at this sight, someone's been naughty here. These toys are obviously coated with some sort of aphrodisiac, someone wanted this kid to cause a little mayhem, to raise a little 'Cain'. He pauses briefly to consider the implications, before grinning and deciding to see if the bow can be put to his own uses. He spots a likely pair of targets and takes careful aim, the timing must be perfect.

Stagish whistles to himself as he walks through the park. It's such a fine day out, he can almost forget the fact that it's a stupid holiday. He's surprised to see so many people out and about, hell the deer doesn't even mind the saturation of people kissing or holding paws. What really does make him feel better is the numbers of families out enjoying the day, as he walks the path the Twenty-Six year old buck's eyes fall on a fox kit sitting by the path and playing in the grass; as soon as the man's eyes fall on the five-year-old fox kit with the exceptionally fluffy tail something weird happens. He could swear he hears a sound like a distant twang, and in that instant his hormones took control.

Beauregard is having a pretty good day in the park himself, daddy had brought him here earlier so he could play and his daddy could meet with his doggy friend. Daddy told Beau to be a good boy and wait here so they could go play, though he's not sure what sorta games they are gonna play; but he doesn't think Mommy would like it. He doesn't mind though, since he gets to meet so many nice people here in the park. The little squirrel/fox smiles at a new friend coming up the jogging path. He waves at the nice deer but for some reason the man doesn't move, he just stands there staring. His pants start to look like Daddy's dog friend did before they went to play, the cub wonders if all grownups get like that, but a loud grunt pulls him back to reality and he sees the deer fast approaching. A sound splits the air as the boy watches the horny man stalking determinedly towards him, it sounds like a guitar string being plucked and in that instant little Beau's eyes light up with a lust much older then his little body is prepared for.

The buck grabs the little kit kissing along the boy's muzzle even as the fox licks back, little paws tug at his shorts showing off an immature little prick fully erect and begging for attention. Stagish stretches the boy back along the grass, the grown man's lips kissing there way down the boy's soft red pelt. The lad moans loudly as the grownup starts to suckle on his pink little pecker

The couple doesn't seem to notice the shouts of surprise and the startled looks as they begin to make love in the sun dappled park. One of those folks who are left standing about gaping at the sight was a young football player named Syles. The Black Panther can't believe his eyes, that kid can't be more then five. He spots a cub nearby watching curiously and he steps over to the boy. "Hey you don't need to see this." clamping a paw over the kid's eyes.

Forrest pouts a little, it looked like the man was having fun; the white bunny-wolf didn't know why the grown up wouldn't let him watch. He ponders this for a second before those great big ears pick up on a new sound, 'kinda like the sound a rubber band makes when it's shot. In the boy's mind the image of what the deer did to the little boy plays over and over, he sees the man's lips on the boy's thingy, slurping along that pink length of flesh. The boy starts to drool with an appetite he never knew he had.

Despite himself the big black cat can't help but watch. He'd never seen anything like it, normally he liked his men a little bit younger but he'd never thought of this. He might be in denial, but the way his dick throbbed in his pants, it's certain he's seen something he likes. Suddenly the boy he'd been protecting spins in his grip and he hears the sound of a zipper being pulled down. The 23 year-old football player almost screams as the cub before him reaches in and pulls out his still semi-erect cock. The man tries to push the boy off him but as those sweet little lips start to nibble and caress his cat meat he hears a sound. It's swishing noise like something sailing through the air, suddenly as he looks down at the white cub, his pink haired head moving to the tip. Syles is overcome with a surge of lust, his paws rest on the cub's head fur, stroking those long ears as the lad's lips start to engulf his drooling length.

The boy under Stagish shudders with his first climax as the man's talented lips urge him to greater heights, the fox kit almost howls through his dry climax. The buck crawls forward straddling the boy's chest, undoing his own jeans as he stands before the cub letting the thick length of his cock bob before the boy.

Beau looks up and gasps as the stag's thick cock just sort of hangs above him, so long and thick, The man is breathing hard and the cub can see he needs release badly. The little red paws reach up stroking the man's length softly, his lips kissing along the underside, tracing the big veins with his tongue as dribbles of pre rain down on his tender little head.

Forrest moans into his own thick slab of cat meat, almost purring as he works more and more into his hungry gullet. Instinctively his tongue rolls along the under side of the man feeling every vein. He can taste something thick and salty, he doesn't know what it is but it just makes him want more.

The big cat does start to purr as he feels his pre dribble down the boy's throat, quickly swallowed by the greedy little boy's powerful throat. Syles moans, before pulling the boy off his cock and pushing him down into the grass. His paws clumsy with lust, the man grabs at the white little wolf boy's shorts and tears them off, popping buttons and splitting seams in his haste.

A short way away a pair of 8-year-old cubs plays in the sand. The boys, a skunk named Scotty, and a black lab named Micheu happen to be arguing over what's going on.

"I say it's a snake bite, the boy got bit and the adult is trying to suck out the poison," Grumbles the skunk.

The lab just laughs, and shakes his head knowing the truth. He'd had some experience in this field after all. "Nah-uhh, it's called a blow job. See the deer is sucking on his winky, it makes it get all hard and tingly and feels really good."

The skunk frowns and pushes the pup. "That's just gross, no one would do that"

Now the pup gets mad and pushes back. One thing leads to another and the boys are down in the dirt rolling around tugging on each-others ears, barking and hissing. Something changes though when the kids hear a loud whistling noise, the scratches and tugs turn to caresses and fondles. Lips that were shouting names now sought nooks and crannies to lick and kiss.

A teenaged dragon spots the boys and sees them imitating the blatantly perverted scene and rushes to their side. Just as each boy found his head between his foe's thighs and their lips parted to engulf throbbing erections, a pair of strong hands gripped them by the scruffs pulling them apart and jerking them roughly to their feet. Murasame stands there holding the boys at arms length glaring at them wondering just what the hell had gotten into everyone today, when the sixteen year old Chinese dragon hears the whine of something being launched through the air, in an instant his arms relax and the boy's paws touch the earth. The dragon stands there stunned as both boys' snuggle up to his sides, each one with little paws that poke and prod. The Lab reaches into the front of his pants fishing for the majestic length of male curled away in there, hidden from the world as the skunk can't seem to control himself and grips the dragons waistband thrusting his hips into the man's leg, letting his hard little cocklette rub into the softness of the man's sweats.

Stagish grunts softly feeling the boy's elegant little tongue tickle and tease him closer and closer to the edge. He snorts loudly as he feels tightness in his balls and knows that all too soon he'll be spurting his load all over this sweet little boy, with a groan he pulls back, both paws on his cock as he pulls it away from those eager lips. This is wrong and he knows it, resisting every urge in his body he waddles backwards as the cub looks quizzically at him. It's wrong to let the boy's first time be simple sprits on the face, this little boy needs a proper fucking. The stag grips the lads legs and lifts them up onto his shoulders as he angles the flat tip of his cock for the kits tight little fox hole.

Beau whimpers as the man backs away taking that tasty hunk of deer flesh within him. He isn't ready to stop, he doesn't want it to be over yet, it's not fair. It's not 'till the man grips his thighs and spreads his legs wide pushing him back onto his shoulders and feels something pressed up under his tail, then he realizes it's no where near close to done. In a strangely lucid moment he wonders if this is what Daddy and his doggy friend are doing in the bushes, as the man's massive cock slick with fox spittle presses into the boy, this thought and any other flit from his head. It hurts bad, but deep down he knows that will fade. It's not a thought or a hope, somehow it's something he just knows, like he knows it's gonna feel really good real soon.

Syles sighs, in the sea of white wolf fur he spots that little pink star that seems to beg for attention. The big Black Panther leans forward, his rough tongue lapping at the puckered little boyhole causing the cub to shiver and moan. The grown cat growls softly to him as he pulls his lips away

Forrest groans as that tongue teases his virgin tail-hole. It just feels so good, why had no one ever told him it could feel like this. The tongue suddenly stops and he hears a growl, The little wolf pup rolls onto his belly, tail held high as the grown up bears down on him. Teeth nip at his neck, hot breath fills his ears, and a burning sensation starts in his rear as the man's member stretches him wide open. The cubs yips of pain mingle with the moans and whimpers around him ignored and forgotten by all. Including him in the not so distant future.

Murasame just stands there as the two boys fondle him, he's still shocked and he's not sure why. These lads want him, they want all of him and he wants them too, he wants them so badly. First it's the skunk boy whose tongue finds his semi-erect cock, slobbering over the member, but soon he's pushed aside and the little black lab puppy takes his place. The dragon just watches, letting the boy's fight. Lips and tongues duel one another over the prized slab of jade dragon flesh. The teen starts to growl softly feeling the heat building, no longer content to remain passive in this.

Strong hands grip Scotty's shoulder and he's pulled away from the man's drooling cock. The skunk is spun around and pushed down into the sand, on his hands and knees before the stranger. A rough hand grips the puffy white tail and yanks it out of the way as he feels something long and hard slide up under his tail. He can feel the head pressing into his into his virginal passage.

Micheu for his part pouts a bit as he watches the boy. It doesn't seem fair, thinks the lab, but as he sees the dragons sinuous length pushing deep into that tiny little body he can't help but feel a little jealous, and the boy's whines really aren't helping any. The little puppy desperately wants to be involved so he flops down onto the sand and squirms on his back. He inches his way under the coupling pair scooting closer and closer to the little dangling pink tube hanging just out from a black skunk sheath. He lets out a whimper himself as his lips finally close on the elusive meaty treat suckling on the fleshy feast that was denied him only moments ago. Now anchored firmly in place the little boy swings his hips round 'till his own wagging penis finds a home in the virgin skunks mouth, muzzling the boy's pained gasps

All this commotion was bound to draw attention and as a half dressed Fox bursts from the bushes, he comes to a startling sight. The publicly fornicating couples send his sensibilities reeling, the hypocrisy of this is lost on him however as he has no time to worry about the partner he left some where in the bushes. All he knows is his son's out there somewhere and he rushes off into the mass disgusted by what he sees, narrowly missing the very boy he was seeking; but to be fair the body of the sweaty stag, which was busy buggering his no longer virgin ass, did a lot to conceal him from site.

From the bushes after the panicked dad came his date. The big mutt was even less dressed, with no shirt on and his rock hard erection hanging out. All semester he'd been putting out for Mr. Fox and for him to run off like this leaving it unfinished, it just wasn't fair. Hell if he didn't need the grades he might just call the whole thing off. Horny as all hell, Bradley looks around as he awkwardly stuffs his cock back into his pants. He doesn't even notice the thwip noise, instead he feels his erection throb. It demands release, it wants to fuck something now. He almost growls as his eyes fall on a kitten shyly watching the goings on from behind a tree.

Garrou eyes the people down below and wonders just what's going on. He's almost tempted to just wander down there for a better look but he doesn't want them to think he's stupid. He wonders about the games the grownups are playing, the boys seem to like them, he wonders what it feels like. Trembling, a paw slides down sliding into his pants, the 8-year-old's finger teasing at the base of his tail. He doesn't know how or why but suddenly there is a rough paw pushing him forward, pinning the little brown furred kitten to the tree. A growl in his ear stops the boy struggling as another paw tugs down his pants and wedges something big, thick and slick between his cheeks and with a whimper little Garrou realizes he'll find out just how those games are played after all.

Beau gasps as he feels the man's cock going deep, groaning as the buck's thick cock mashes down on his tiny little prostate with each hard push. The boy shudders, his anus tightening around the man as he climaxes again and again as each thrust sends another wave of pleasure juddering down his spine. The cub's eyes roll back in his head as the man grunts and groans over him, rocking him back onto his shoulders.

Stagish moans loudly. He doesn't notice the panicked man near by shouting all his focus is on his cock filling this sweet little doe. He brays as he drives himself deeper, leaning forward, almost bending the boy in half as he kisses one of the soft calves pressed into his chest. It's not long now, he doesn't scream his pleasure, he doesn't moan or shout; the man just grunts softly as he feels his release, his pulsing cock flooding the tight confines of the lads bowels with warm seed. He sighs savoring the moment, before starting back into the thrusting motion, he can almost hear the boy sloshing with each new drive. The stag moans out, ready to breed this ass all day if necessary.

Syles teeth find the scruff of the wolf pup's neck, making the boy go yielding and pliant, one big black paw sliding along the boy's belly stroking his fur till he finds that sweet little erection. With a purr he starts his smooth even motion, rocking back and forth into his boy bitch making sure he feels each and every inch as it's pumped and pounded into that tight and tiny hole. To further urge cooperation his paw starts to stroke the panting pups cock, working that meat into to his own thrusts.

Forrest shudders and groans feeling the man's shaft buried deeply in his rump. Gods it feels good, he pushes back even as the big cat's hand strokes him closer and closer to climax. It's not long, not long at all before he feels the first hints of wetness. He feels the man's member throb inside him and the thrusts come quicker and harder now. He was used to the pressure now but it was the warmth that surprised him, the heat as the man climaxed causing thick ropes of jizz to paint his rectum. The boy wolf moans as the hot spray hits his nub sending him over the edge into a shuddering climax. The big cat purrs as he leans back pulling free with a wet plop, Forrest looks around and smiles curling up in the strange cat's lap, nuzzling his semi-erect member and listening to the contented purrs.

Murasame smiles, seeing the little pup squirm under his friend, his grin gets wider as the boy's whimpers are immediately cut off by a wet slurping noise. He pushes forward rocking both boys as he thrusts making them each work harder to stay with their meat lollies. The dragon's long muscular tail flicks with each thrusting motion and the Saurian's lust driven brain hatches a new plan. His tail curls around the rutting cubs sliding up on the little lab's backside, with each thrust of his hips into the squirming skunk, the dragon's tail worms a little bit more into the tight little puppy. He moans loudly, dragon tails are very sensitive; it's almost like having a second cock to bugger these two.

Scotty tries to whimper but his mouth is full, to tell the truth though the little skunk doesn't know what to think. It hurts and feels good at the same time the sensations from his backside and crotch are driving him wild. He suckles at the puppy's cock like it's his only lifeline; shivering, he closes his eyes and holds on for dear life as he feels the man rocking him back and forth driving that long reptilian love muscle deep into his anus. He doesn't see what happens with his playmate but suddenly the suction on his cock grows stronger causing him to groan into the lab. The little skunk shudders with excitement, new feelings coursing through him as his already tight little hole squeezes down on the man. Above him the man shudders and he feels the heat spreading as semen is pumped into the tiny frame.

Micheu groans as the tail works it's way deeper and deeper. His eyes are focused on the sight above him. Mesmerized as the dragons cock stretches the pink little pucker open wide, even as the boy shudders he swears he can follow each spurt of cum as it travels through the man's randy pecker. The little lab whimpers still jealous even as the tail tip tickles his prostrate. In an instant the dragons tail slips free and before anyone can react the teenager pulls out. The puppy closes his eyes as his face is splattered with cum as it drips from the little skunk. Strong arms separate the boys again setting the skunk aside as he lies down atop the pup. Micheu whimpers as that cum slick cock worms it's way into his rump. The dog's tongue lolls as he pants with pleasure as the man pumps that cock into him now. If he could, he'd purr at the pleasure

Garrou whimpers as he's pressed up to the tree. He squeals as the man pushes his cock deep into his bum. He shudders, it feels like he's being torn in two, as the fat cock spreads him wide open. His eyes squeeze shut fighting back tears as the man pushes deeper and deeper. The kitten squeaks though as the big member hits his nub. The boy shivers and mews softly, the pain fading into pleasure as the man thrusts deeper and deeper.

Bradley grunts as he forces his cock deep into the kitten. He worms his cock balls deep into the boy moaning as the tight fist of the boy's anus squeezes him. He knows he's not going to last long even as he pumps into this little bitch. He was already halfway there when Mr. Fox bailed on him. It's surprising he'd held on this long; but he groans pounding the cub's tail, feeling his knot aching for entrance. The mutt digs his claws into the bark of the tree, his body keeping the boy pinned to the wood as one last deep hard thrust forces that knot past all resistance, tearing a scared yelp of pain from the kitten before flooding his bowels with hot doggy spooge.

Bob just smiles as he strolls through the mayhem. It's amazing really the chaos one person can cause. He sits at a bench watching the show, as one paw idly strokes his cock. This is better then porno.

In the bushes Cupid gets to his feet muttering to himself. "What the hell man, he shouldn't have been able to see me." Grumbling he gathers his stuff and looks around. His eyes go wide at the pervasion on display. With a sigh he shrugs his shoulders "Fuck this. I'm not cleaning it up." Grumbling he marches off, switching to wings after a few steps, prove his ass is still too sore to walk.