Chapter 6: Caught

Story by Neeko on SoFurry

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Kouga led them to a high cave cut out into the rock face of a mountain, not far from the western lands. Inuyasha was a bit nervous being so close to his brother's territory but the ookami told him that no one ever came here. There was just nothing here of any interest, which Inuyasha could see, was true. There was nothing but rocks and scrub. The only animals around were some bugs and small lizards.

"Kinda crappy, isn't it," he stated, grimacing.

Kouga just grinned and let Inuyasha step into the cave first. The hanyou was surprised; the cave was a lot larger than it looked on the outside after you got through the initial small opening. It seemed to run on a long ways back and the further back it went the higher the ceiling got. Off to one side he could see where someone, he guessed Kouga, had set up a fire pit and an area for eating. As he continued to look around he also saw a natural raised stone platform covered deep in soft furs. The wolf led Inuyasha further to the back of the cave where the hanyou saw a worn path through the stone that lead downward. They followed the path for a few minutes and then went around a bend. Inuyasha's eyes opened wide in delight, there was a huge underground pool, steam coming off the water making the large room seem smoky and magical. Light filtered in from natural vent holes far above, the water was crystal clear and deep. Around the pool there were a couple of smaller ones where fresh cold water was seeping in through the rocks.

"There's opening's under the water of the pool that leads to other caves," the wolf told him. "You can swim to them if you want."

"What's heating the water," Inuyasha asked curiously putting his hand in the pool and feeling the delicious warmth. Even the stones under his feet felt warm.

"There's probably a magma vein under it, this used to be a volcano a long time ago," Kouga answered, pleased that his puppy seemed so excited to see his special place.

"How did you find this place?" Inuyasha was amazed that no one else knew about it.

"Just out exploring," the ookami replied, shrugging his shoulders. "I stopped here once when it was raining and it's been my spot ever since. I come here when I need to get away from all the crap, you know. Wanna go for a swim?" Kouga was already stripping off and he leapt into the water with a happy splash, Inuyasha right behind him.

The two of them played and splashed in the water like children for awhile before finally just floating lazily side by side.

"Nice eh?" questioned Kouga contentedly, his face flushed pleasantly from the heat.

"Umm," Inuyasha sighed reaching out and taking Kouga's hand. He looked over at the wolf, "Real nice," he breathed.

Kouga reddened a bit more and grinned. "You know it's a shame to let those furs up there go to waste," he said huskily.

"Yeah, a real shame," returned the hanyou showing a fang.

They both left the water, Inuyasha kneeling down and shaking like a dog, spraying water all over Kouga.

"Hey watch it, dog breath," he complained with a small laugh.

"Who you calling dog breath, you wimpy wolf," Inuyasha growled playfully as he began to stalk sexily after the wolf.

Kouga's eyes lit up with excitement. "Ha, catch me if you can, puppy. I might let you be on top if you can get me before I get there first."

Inuyasha surprised the wolf by giving a bark and then the chase was on. Kouga, of course, making it onto the heap of furs first, using his shard enhanced legs to outstrip the hanyou in their impromptu race.

"No fair using the damn shards," Inuyasha groused at him as he fell into the soft fluffy pile.

"Quit complaining," Kouga retorted as he pounced on top of the hanyou. "I'm about to make you feel very good." He snatched Inuyasha's lower lip gently with his fangs and nibbled, sweeping his tongue into the hanyou's warm, tasty mouth after a few moments.

Inuyasha moaned, his manhood already getting hard with that sensuous kiss and the feel of Kouga's still wet, warm body pressing against his own. He brought his arms up to encircle the wolf's neck but the ookami stopped him by pushing his arms back onto the makeshift bed.

"Let me do all the work, you just lie back and enjoy," he whispered into the white triangular ear, his tail wagging when he felt the hanyou shiver in delight as he licked and nibbled the furry puppy ear. Kouga used his hands, lips, teeth and tongue to cover every inch of the half demons body, he left no spot unexplored as he reacquainted himself with all the places Inuyasha liked to be touched or kissed. By the time his mouth encircled Inuyasha's length, the hanyou was almost beside himself with the feelings of pleasure the wolf was giving him.

"Ahh, I...I can't take's too good," the hanyou cried out as the wolf swallowed the dogs swollen shaft deep into his throat. Kouga pulled back slowly, teasingly, not allowing the hanyou to cross the line he was delicately keeping him on. He smirked around the heated organ as he again swallowed, opening his throat and taking the panting and groaning inu all the way to the hilt.

Inuyasha's body and mind were crackling and buzzing. How the hell did he learn to do this? Oh fuuuck!! The hanyou tried thrusting to make the wolf move faster but Kouga was having none of it, he came off the engorged appendage again, too slowly and with not quite enough pressure to let his lover cum.

Inuyasha lay panting, his head spinning as Kouga released him from his mouth. He lifted the hanyou's hips and leaned over, licking his tongue gently around his puckered opening.

"AAAHHH, KOUGA!!" Inuyasha screamed. His cock gave a strong pulse and he would have came right there but the wolf was quick. Holding the inu's manhood he put his finger over the opening not allowing him to release.

Kouga stiffened his tongue and pushed it into the virginal opening, twirling it inside as far as he could reach to coat his lover's insides with his saliva. Inuyasha's body was jerking and convulsing in its need to let loose the hot contents of his balls and he was almost sobbing, begging the ookami to let him cum.

When Kouga was satisfied that Inuyasha had had enough and would be slick enough he stopped his teasing and released the hanyou's hips and organ. "Roll over, puppy," he breathed passionately.

Inuyasha obeyed, whimpering, his body trembling.

Kouga put one hand between Inuyasha's shoulder blades, gently holding his chest down as he encircled his other arm around the hanyou's waist to lift him onto his knees. He positioned his weeping cock at the small opening, and remembering how gently he himself had been penetrated, did the same. Pushing in very slowly and keeping himself aware of any painful noises.

He stopped for a moment when he heard a little yelp when he was about half way in and waited patiently until he felt the hot muscles around him relax. When he felt Inuyasha give a push back towards him, he gently continued to insert himself fully inside his lover.

Once there he leaned over, running his tongue along the dog's spine moving his hair to the side so he could kiss the back of the hanyou's neck. He could feel the slightly smaller body quivering under him and Inuyasha's breathing was quite laboured. "You okay, puppy?" he asked gently.

Unable to answer, all Inuyasha could do was nod. He groaned loudly when he felt Kouga's length begin to move within him and bit down on the fur under him, gripping the other pelts with his claws as intense pleasure washed through him.

Kouga had to grit his teeth at the tightness he felt all around him. It made him want to pump in and out as hard as he could but he held himself in check and struck up and maintained a slow, steady rhythm, trying to find that same spot the hanyou had found in him those many months ago.

He knew he had found it when he heard Inuyasha give a loud, husky yowl. He reached under and found the half demon's length and began to slide his hand back and forth as he picked up the pace of his thrusting, making sure he hit that spot every time he pushed in.

Inuyasha was bucking under him, crying out loudly as hot tendrils of pleasure swept though every fibre of his being. His muscles were involuntarily clenching and unclenching on the wonderful organ that was bringing him closer and closer to heaven. The howl he gave as he was finally able to achieve the release he desired was mirrored and echoed by the wolf on top of him, both of them cumming together in perfect unison and ecstasy.

The cave, acting like a bullhorn, allowed their combined song to travel out over the mountain and the wooded valley below. Any wolves and dogs that heard it answered back until humans quivered in their beds at the music of the night.

Even the demon lord Sesshoumaru upon hearing it began to open his mouth to answer the call before coming to his senses and snapping his jaws shut. Frowning at himself for his almost indiscretion as he continued on his way, unaware of who's voice had called to his inner beast.

Two other certain wolves that heard the song knew immediately who one of the voices belonged too and they led the group of demons and humans in the direction it was coming from.

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Inuyasha collapsed onto the furs panting heavily, the wolf still inside him and on top of him. They lay there for a few moments trying to bring their breathing and heavily beating hearts back to normal.

Kouga slid out of the hanyou gently and rolled him over onto his back. He took the sticky fur they had been lying in and threw it onto the cave floor, adjusting others to fill in the gap. He then leaned down and licked his lover's body clean of his spent orgasm before curling himself beside the inu and closing his eyes with a contented, happy sigh.

Inuyasha rolled over onto his side pulling one of the larger furs over the two of them and wrapping his arms around the wolf. He bathed his tongue over Kouga's face until he felt the wolf's tail beating on the bed. "I love you, Kouga," he whispered into the darkness, giving his heart fully to the wolf without trying to hold anything back.

Kouga's tail beat faster and more firmly and he held the hanyou closer to him. "I love you too," he answered. He felt happier than he had at any other moment in his life.

"Listen to us, we sound like a couple of girls," Inuyasha blushed slightly at voicing his feelings, something he really wasn't used to doing.

"You sound more like a girl than me, look like one too with all that pretty hair," Kouga joked running his claws through the long, messy mane.

Inuyasha gave the wolf a thunk on the head and a huge yawn which made Kouga yawn as well. The two rivals turned lovers soon fell deeply asleep exhausted from their love making and their emotions.

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The group finally made it to the bottom of the mountain by the next morning. They had been surprised and concerned when Ginta and Hakkaku told them that they smelled both Inuyasha's and Kouga's scent.

"They must have run into each other," Miroku stated.

"Oh, I hope they're not fighting," Kagome said worriedly. She hated it when they fought. She liked both boys, Inuyasha more so than Kouga but she didn't want to hurt the wolf's feelings. He had always been kind to her and he was always professing his love to her.

"Hey, what's that up there?" Shippou asked seeing the dark opening against the paler stone face.

"They must be up there," said Sango. Ginta picked up Shippou and Hakkaku put Kagome on his back while Miroku and Sango rode on Kirara and in a few moments were standing outside the cave opening.

"It smells funny," Shippou said wrinkling his nose at the unusual smell coming from inside the cave. Ginta and Hakkaku looked at each other uneasily, they knew what the smell was; they often made their own cave smell the same way back home.

"I don't think they're fighting anymore," Ginta whispered to his friend. He no more than got the words out than Kouga and Inuyasha exited the cave stopping and staring at the group before them in total shock.

Kagome looked at the two boys before her in total puzzlement. "What are you guys doing up here?" she asked.

"We just wanted to work some things out," replied Kouga speaking up after a momentary hesitation seeing as Inuyasha was standing there with his mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water.

"Work things out?" echoed Miroku also at a loss as to why Inuyasha would go off to chase the wolf and why they weren't covered in wounds from fighting.

"Yeah, I guess were friends now, right Inuyasha?" he grinned, giving the hanyou a jab with his elbow. He caught Ginta and Hakkaku staring at him and he gave then a firm look. They got the idea; Kouga wanted them to keep their mouths shut.

"Yeah...yeah, friends," Inuyasha responded, finally finding his voice.

"That's wonderful," beamed Kagome and Kouga felt a stab of guilt go though him at lying to her.

"If I'd have known Kouga was into guys, I would have asked him to join us," Hakkaku whispered to Ginta behind his hand too low for the humans to hear. Ginta threw him a scathing look and the mo-hawked boy shut his mouth, especially when he saw Inuyasha give him a death glare.

"We figured we might as well get along so we together to defeat Naraku. Just temporarily you understand," Kouga rambled, blushing slightly as he too had overheard the whispered remark of his friend.

"So we're going to join Inuyasha's group now?" asked Hakkaku, not able to resist putting his elder pack member on the spot.

Kouga gave him a look that would have melted ice. "Yes, that's what we were discussing," Inuyasha returned "how we should be together...I mean to defeat Naraku," he added quickly.

"That's a great idea," Kagome smiled innocently at the two boys. She was so happy they wouldn't be fighting anymore and they really did look like they were getting along. "We can help Kouga-kun protect his shards."

Inuyasha winced internally. He hated to lie to the one person who had made it possible for him to love again. He really was sorry it couldn't have been her. Kouga too was feeling like a heel but he was not going to pass up the opportunity to be with Inuyasha even though he had concerns on how all this was going to work out.

"You two weren't planning on going after Naraku by yourselves?" questioned Miroku, eyeing the two of them suspiciously.

"No, we were coming back," Inuyasha replied. Miroku gave him a - I'm not sure I totally believe you - look but decided to let it go.

Kouga looked over to Ginta and Hakkaku, "You two should go back to the pack," he said firmly.

"Where you go, we go," Hakkaku stated cheerily.

"Yeah, we've been together since we were kids, we're not going to stop now," Ginta chimed in.

"The more help we have to bring down Naraku, the better," Sango stated.

There was nothing for Kouga to say, he knew for sure he was going to take his two friends aside though and have a very serious talk with them. He knew they knew what had happened in the cave between himself and Inuyasha and he had to make sure they kept their mouths shut. If Kagome or Inuyasha's other friends found out he wasn't sure what would happen but he knew he would not allow anything to hurt the hanyou. He would keep their secret unless the half demon himself wanted to tell the others.

chapter 7:Gone

Inuyasha was grumpier than normal. It wasn't just the fact that he and Kouga hadn't got to spend much time alone but now it was spring again, which meant mating season. That would not have been so bad in itself but Kagome had gone into her monthly heat...

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Chapter: 5 Decisions

Inuyasha was standing by the tree taking care of the call of nature. He was thinking of Kouga again. It had been seven months since their time by the springs and he missed the ookami terribly. He sighed as he finished up, turning to head back to the...

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Chapter 4: Is It Love?

"Ow," yelled Kouga. "Pull it out, it hurts!" "Stop wiggling around you mangy wolf, just let me..." "Hurry up dog breath, ow, ow, ow! Get it out!" "Got it," Inuyasha yelled in triumph holding up the last of the thorns that he had pulled...

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