The Model - Chapter Thirty Two

Story by Billy Leigh on SoFurry

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#32 of The Model

This is a gay themed story that has been sitting on my computer for a while, so I decided to develop it into a new short series.After being hired to help with photoshoots for an underwear company, I developed an obsession with one of their models, a handsome Doberman by the name of Kurt Hauser. I never thought I'd stand a chance with someone like that. Until now...

Chapter Thirty Three to follow soon...

My ass still felt a little sore from last night, but I couldn't help but thump my tail as I woke up and saw Kurt sleeping next to me.

I wondered if I should wake him up, but the Doberman looked peaceful as his muscular chest rose and fell beneath the covers. A smile crept across my muzzle as I decided I would make breakfast. I climbed out of bed and gently snugged the covers up to Kurt's neck. The Doberman mumbled something in his sleep before rolling over. I smiled to myself as I walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge. My phone buzzed on the counter and I picked it up to see my father had left a message.

Mother wants to go through with divorce. We are debating who gets the house.

I sighed and put the phone down. The news wasn't too shocking, but I still felt hollow inside. I was also surprised they were debating over who would get ownership of their house, I assumed my mother would get it by default, but then I remembered my father saying that my mother could not afford to have it unless he gave her a large settlement which he couldn't afford. I weighed my phone in my paw before calling my father's number. The tone rang before going straight to voicemail. I frowned and typed out a message back.

Call me when you can. I want to know what is going on.

Part of me wondered if it was a good idea to get involved, but I didn't want my father to lapse into drinking again and cause another accident. I had no idea what was going on between my parents at that moment so I decided to busy myself by making breakfast. There was some fruit we had bought from the store so I decided to make a fruit salad with French toast. I retrieved the ingredients and set to work.

My phone buzzed again as I was coating the bread in egg. I glanced at the screen expecting to see an update from my father, but my tail wagged as I saw it was a Facebook message from Chadwick.

Hey dude,

Me and Reggie are playing an exhibition game against Bakerstown University. It's open to the public. Wanna come watch us?

I smiled and texted back that I would ask Kurt if he wanted to go but I was sure we would attend. As if on cue, Kurt appeared at the kitchen door. He stretched out and flexed his muscles. "Morning bud," he grinned before walking over and giving me a kiss on the muzzle. "What are you making?" "French toast with some fruit," I explained. Kurt's behind wiggled. "Awesome, thanks for doing this. I feel bad that I didn't wake up early enough to make it for you," he replied. "Aww, don't worry," I said, giving Kurt a kiss back. "Also Chadwick messaged to say he and Reggie are playing a game over at Bakerstown if we want to watch?" "Sure bud, I haven't seen a game in a long time," Kurt replied. The Doberman took a seat at the breakfast bar while I continued preparing the food. A couple of the slices of bread managed to fall apart in the bowl of egg but apart from that it came out quite well. However, as I put the plates on the breakfast bar the thoughts of my parents' divorce entered my mind. I wasn't sure whether to share the news with Kurt, but my expression must have made it obvious that I was thinking about them. "Is something up bud?" Kurt asked as he began eating. I paused, wondering whether to tell the truth or not. "I'm good," I claimed. "If you're sure," Kurt said as he sat back down and continued eating. "This is delicious bud." he added with a grin. "I'm glad you like it," I replied as I started to eat mine. As I ate I typed a message back to Chadwick asking what time his game was due to start. The Coyote messaged back a minute later to say at noon.

Getting ready now, really excited :D

I grinned as I messaged him back to say I was looking forward to it too. "I've never seen Chadwick play before," I admitted. "And he's not playing San Amador Coast, so you can support him without feeling bad," Kurt joked. "Here, I'll do the dishes." Before I could say anything Kurt began gathering the plates up as we finished eating. "I don't have a Bay State jersey though," I laughed. "So I can't openly support him either." "You'll be all right bud, it's the thought that counts," Kurt reasoned. "What are their colours?" "Turquoise and orange," I replied. "Hmm, see if we have anything in those colours," Kurt suggested. I picked up my phone and made my way to the bedroom to hunt for some clothes. Before I began I couldn't help but glance at the screen to see if there was anything from my father, but it seemed my call had gone unnoticed for now.

I searched through our clothes and found an old orange baseball cap and a pair of turquoise Wolf & Coyote briefs for Kurt. "I found you some underwear!" I called to the kitchen. "I don't think they'll wanna see me in my undies, in that setting anyway," Kurt replied. "I dunno, we do it for a living and with a body like yours who could resist seeing that," I said, feeling my cock stiffen slightly. My feeling of arousal was short lived as my phone began buzzing. I reached down and saw it was my father's number. I took a deep breath and accepted the call. "Hello," I said nervously. "Alec, I see you saw my message," my father began before letting out a defeated sigh. "I suggested counselling to your mother, but she's determined she wants to go ahead with it. Now we are debating who gets the house, I keep trying to tell her there's no way she can afford it without me working to support her, and there's no way I can give her a settlement." "I was just thinking that earlier," I replied. "She also added that if you were younger than she'd get custody of you, because she's the mother," my father also added. "That's bullshit, she doesn't care one jot about me, she showed that after I came out," I fumed. "She's just saying that to get a rise out of you." "I think you're right, I didn't say anything in response," my father said. "Where is mother now?" I asked. "She's upstairs," my father explained. "I don't think she can hear me." "And the car, has she seen the car?" I asked. "Yes," my father sighed. "She didn't know I crashed it drunk, but if she did it'd give her more ammo." "Yeah, which is why you need to keep up with those meetings," I said. "Everything okay bud?" Kurt called from the kitchen. "Yeah!" I shouted back, covering the mouth piece of my phone. "Your mother is coming downstairs," my father said hurriedly. "I gotta go." With that he hung up and I was left standing in the bedroom with thoughts and emotions coursing through me.

My parents are having a war and I'm getting dragged into it, but I don't want to be.

Kurt walked into the bedroom and surveyed the briefs and baseball cap which I had placed on the bed. "I've probably gotta wear more than that!" he laughed. "Heh, I think briefs and a baseball cap make a hot combination," I shrugged. "You're right bud, with sneakers too. We've worn all of those together for shoots before," Kurt said, slipping the briefs up his hind-paws before putting the baseball on his head. "How do I look? Like a goober I imagine," he chuckled. "You look cute," I replied, giving the Doberman a kiss on the muzzle. Kurt grinned and thrust his hips out. I responded by groping his bulge. Kurt growled domineeringly. "I'd better wait until later, but that grope didn't go unnoticed," he grinned. "Now Coyote, get yourself dressed and we can make our way over to Bakerstown." I fished out some clothes and dressed myself while Kurt momentarily took off the cap as he pulled on jeans and a clean shirt.

Bakerstown was a two hour drive south of San Amador. It followed the coastal road, passing Alvarado and hugging against the hills. Kurt was playing some eighties rock on the stereo which I didn't recognise, but it had a peppy beat and I found myself jigging in my seat to it. "What is this?" I asked. "It's Gypsy by Fleetwood Mac," the Doberman explained. "It was a song my mother used to like, and I rediscovered it a year ago and got addicted to it." "I like it," I grinned, but the moment was interrupted as I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I slid it out to see my father was trying to call, but in the close quarters of the Lotus with the engine thrumming and music playing I knew talking to my father would be almost impossible. I cancelled the call and put my phone away. "Who was that?" Kurt asked. "My father," I sighed.

Should I tell him everything?

"My father reckons they are going ahead with the divorce, and now they are squabbling over who gets the house," I explained with a sigh. "He called to tell me about this before breakfast." "So, it's gone from something she is strongly considering to actually doing?" Kurt probed. "It seems it," I shrugged. "They're having the same disputes over the house as they were yesterday by the sounds of it." "Oh," Kurt replied neutrally, and I wondered if the Doberman didn't know what to say or felt annoyed. "I don't want this to spoil our day though," I said. "Sorry bud, that was a tactless reaction," Kurt sighed, splaying his ears. "I'm here for you, whatever happens with your parents." I reached over and put a paw on his thigh. Kurt turned and shot me a quick but reassuring smile before squeezing my paw. "We won't let that ruin our day, we'll go to Chadwick's game and have fun," he said. I knew Kurt was trying to cheer me up but something in the way he didn't address my concern directly bothered me. I shook the thought away. Kurt didn't want me being dragged down by my parents' issues.

We reached the city limits of Bakerstown and Kurt drove in the direction of the sports stadium. "I came here to watch a game with my father once, I remembered the way," he explained with a smile as we drove into the parking lot. A number of fans in Bakerstown and Bay State colours were already walking through the turnstiles. "Ready?" Kurt asked. "I couldn't find any Bay State colours, but other than that I'm ready to go," I replied, wagging my tail. We climbed out of the car and made our way to the stadium entrance. Kurt insisted on getting the tickets to which I promised to get us drinks later.

Our seats had a good view of the tunnel and I waited with anticipation. I had never been to a game before, but the fact Chadwick and Reggie were playing in it made me feel more excited. The clock stated the game was due to begin soon. "I sure hope they win," I said. "I'm sure they will," Kurt replied. I was about to say more when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. With a sigh I slid it out to see my father's number on the screen. "What's up?" Kurt asked. "My father again," I grumbled. "I'd better see what the latest development is, just to make sure he's not going to do something silly." Kurt looked as if he was about to reply but his mouth became a thin line and he merely nodded. I stood up and climbed over a plump Bear who had taken the seat next to me. I made my way back out to the area by the turnstiles and pulled my phone out again. It had stopped buzzing but I called my father's number back. "Hello, is everything okay?" I asked as soon as he picked up. "It's getting interesting," my father said, his voice sounded shaky. "We're coming to agreement on most things, except the big thing which is the house." "Oh," I replied, not sure what else to say. "I think this is going to drag on for some time," my father continued. "So, have you thought about contacting a counsellor about talking you two through this?" I asked. "Not yet," my father admitted. From the stadium came the sound of rock music being blasted out of the PA system followed by the audience howling, cheering and clapping. "Do that next then!" I shouted above the noise. "What was that?" my father replied, his voice barely audible. "I'm at a football game watching Chadwick play," I explained. "What?" my father said. "I'm watching Chadwick play a game!" I shouted, but I knew there was no way my father could hear me. "Look, I'll call you back!" I added before hanging up and making my way back to my seat.

Both teams had emerged from the tunnel and everyone was standing for the anthem as I got back to my seat. "Where were you?" Kurt asked, but before I could reply the Stars and Stripes started playing. We all stood and I put my paw on my chest as I sang along, allowing the tune to momentarily make me forget my problems. Once it came to an end we all sat as the teams readied themselves for the coin toss. I looked down and recognised Chadwick in his turquoise jersey as he shook paws with the Tiger captain of the Bakerstown team. "My father was calling with the latest update," I explained as discretely as I could to Kurt, trying not to draw attention to the nature of what I was talking about. "And what was that about?" Kurt asked, although I could tell his eyes were at the pitch. "Same as last time really, who gets the house," I sighed. Kurt responded with a noncommittal hmm as the coin toss was conducted below.

The game began and I watched intently as Chadwick ran with the ball, dodging around the players from Bakerstown, escaping a tackle and then scoring a touchdown. The Bay State side all jumped to their hind-paws and cheered. I pumped my fist and howled, before glancing around and realising that Chadwick's claim of being a gay captain had attracted more female fans to the game was correct; over half of the Bay State audience were girls. "How many do you think want to bed Chadwick, only to discover he's actually with Reggie," Kurt joked. "Heh, I think most of them know they're a couple, that's why they come to watch," I replied with a grin, but my amusement was short-lived as I felt my phone vibrate again. I ignored it but Kurt could tell by my expression that my father was trying to call. "Just ignore him if you think it's going to be the same," Kurt said, trying to talk above the noise. I nodded and kept my focus on the game.

The Bakerstown players were getting more aggressive, but Bay State began to gain a lead, and even though they were playing away from home their supporters were louder, mostly thanks to the girls screaming Chadwick's name. "I wonder how the rest of the players feel about Chadwick attracting more girls than most guys do, even though he's gay," I chuckled, but I was cut off as the crowd jumped to their hind-paws again as Chadwick scored another touchdown. "He's talented, really talented. I can see why he's the captain," Kurt mused.

Halftime arrived with Bay State in the lead. I was about to open my mouth to suggest grabbing some drinks, but I was interrupted as my phone began buzzing. "Is he going to ever stop calling?" Kurt asked in a withering tone. I wasn't sure what to say, I knew getting divorced was certainly a big thing for my father even though I wasn't close to my parents and he needed someone to talk to. I felt a slight hint annoyance that Kurt probably didn't appreciate that, but my boyfriend was also right in that I didn't want my father calling incessantly. Part of me was still recalling that he didn't want anything to do with me after I told him I was gay, even though we had moved on from that. I swiped to cancel the call. "I'll get us some drinks, shall I get us coffee?" I suggested. "Sounds good," Kurt replied with a grin. "Awesome, I'll be right back," I said, climbing over the plump Bear again. I made my way in the direction of the concessions stands, but concerns about my father began playing on my mind.

I hope he's not doing something dumb.

I stopped, sighed and pulled my phone out again. I walked to a corner away from the crowds as I called his number. "Hello Alec," my father answered. "Hey, I just wanted to check you were okay since you tried calling me again?" "Yeah, we keep arguing over the house," my father said. "Have you suggested counselling?" I cut in. "No, I can't get a word in with her," my father explained. I put a paw over my face and tried to resist the urge to shout down the line.

This is getting fucking stupid. It's going round in circles.

"Well, be more forceful, look I gotta go," I said curtly before hanging up, not wanting to deal with more of the same. I bought two cups of coffee and made my way back to Kurt. "You were gone longer than I thought you'd be," Kurt said. "But thanks bud, I appreciate you getting them." "No problem," I replied, wondering whether to claim the line was long or tell the truth. "My father called again, same old, same old," the words tumbled from my muzzle. "Ah, right," Kurt muttered. "Look, I think you need to be frank with him, he needs to sort this out and stop dragging you into it with the same old nonsense over and over again." "He just needs someone to talk to," I tried to reason, even though in my head my thoughts were the same as Kurt's. In my mind I wondered if I hadn't entirely escaped my father's predicaments.

This is going to be an ongoing conflict between him and my mother. I just hope it ends soon.