
Story by Laska on SoFurry

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Legal disclaimer, all characters are reserved property of their players, and are not for public use. I have consent from each in the creation of said fictional writings.

It had been quite the boring evening there in the lobby, not many interesting people enterin or leaving... The occasional appearance of one favored by few, the occasional idiot trying to become popular amongst everyone. Nothing new to the ranks of such people as the ones in particular this story revolves around. Ytineres, sat there awaiting her fiathful mate as always and the others included Snowy, a snow kitty that is as cute as a button.. Kaz, the Fedora wearing lynx that mostly always kept her cool. Haiku, a feline of high standards who didn't take no for an answer, things were her way or no way in her book. Luna, quite the peppy blue wolf with an attitude to match her sweet talking ways. Mowsee, the shy rodent companion of Ytineres in her patience. And last but not least, Ytineres, loving wolf of a not so popular tentacled wolf around these parts. The lobby had emptied itself as it usually did on late nights of low entertainment, and each of these ladies had one thing in mind... Boredom. Yes, boredom had ensued amongst these femmes as they awaited anything that struck their fancy. But alas this was not the case.

Mowsee and Ytineres whom for the rest of this story will be reffered to as Tenny to save some trouble upon the reader's mind of trying to pronounce said name, usually passed the time of waiting by giving each other a good rousing game of magical fingers... Which normally ended in atleast one pair of soaked silken panties left amongst the dirty laundry stashed all around the lobby in droves under the couches and any other nook and cranny that could be found there. And Tenny was already knuckle deep inside the flower of the chittering rodent, Haiku was the first to notice this seeing as her wandering, keen eyes just so barely glanced over the two pushed up against the arm of a couch ever so lightly. Haiku found this act somewhat intriguing in such a manner that she had decided to make herself a part of it, she made her way to the couch and slipped her clawed fingers up Tenny's thigh and sank a single digit into Tenny's already exposed flower, Tenny gave a squeak of surprise but did not argue. For Mowsee was already delved too deep within the recesses of pleasure to give any affection back to the attending wolf.

Haiku purrbled lightly as Tenny's musk wafted up slowly into her nostrils, the mixture of sweat and juices pouring over Tenny's paw had already soaked the couch cushion poor little Mowsee was settled upon, her hips jerking nervously trying her best to keep from diverting too many more passerby to the goings on of the situation, but Haiku had other intentions. A soft mewl formed from deep within her throat which caught Luna's attention, who had been sitting in a corner with her headphones on, listening to music as she drew her next picture, something one could always catch Luna doing. The scent of the events had not so abruptly hit Luna's twitching nose as she had just realized what was happening almost directly adjacent to her on the couch, herself feeling that urge caused by the pulsing techno rave on her headphones, as well as the picture she had been drawing. Her knees rubbed together gently as if awaiting permission to join the triplet of ladies, but more so the knees signified her willingness to join for it had been a while since she had the time to stop and smell the roses, per se.

Haiku gave a flick of her bushy feline tail, which Luna obviously took as an invitation. Luna had no sooner bound in a leap from her spot, stripping her clothes off in the wake of knocking her sacred bean bag chair awry than she was already face under waist to Tenny, tongue dragging out her intricate friend's inner thigh designs as was her cotch rubbing up against the same of Haiku's, who she had knocked back in her hasty leap to the actions of the now foursome spreading out across the couch as quickly as it had been started. Haiku stripped herself of clothing quickly so that her nether regions could scarcely slip 'gainst that of Luna's as Luna's tongue made quick work of Tenny, who's hips were already simply rolling in pleasure as Mowsee continued hre frantic, heated chittering. Kaz and Snowy were busy deiciding over who'd look neater in a pinstripe suit between the two they desired the most in the male category of patrons to the lobby, before Snowy happened to notice over Kaz's shoulder what was happening there upon the upholstered dragon-sized sitting area which cradled the pile of fur writhing in pleasure. Snowy nudged Kaz and nodded torwards the group, and Kaz glanced over her shoulder and quirked an eyebrow before her jaw dropped.

Snowy had already grabbed hold of Kaz's wrist and began to pull her torward the engaging tangle of arousing fury that had built up in the four ladies already pushed together in a neat little cluster of lusty grinding that Snowy simply hadn't noticed the fact that Kaz was now pushing her onto the couch, handcuffing her paws behind her back and shoving her muzzle first into the glistening lips of Luna, who murrled in pleasure and jumped slightly as Snowy's cold nose pushed up against her swollen clit, Snowy meekly sweeped her tongue 'crosst Luna's dampened slit as Haiku gave a hmph in displeased accuracy at the fact tha tshe had been pushed to the back of the line. She reached into the satchel that Kaz had seemingly pulled the handcuffs from and pulled out a bit of twine, in which she immediately began tie Kaz's paws to Snowy's, the binding knot so tight that it caused Kaz to give a little jerk of defiance which Haiku soon pushed from within Kaz's thoughts when Haiku retrieved a strap-on from within her own purse and pushed Kaz's pants down as her other paw worked steadily at tearing away at Snowy's lower clothing as well. Once this had been accomplished she brandished her toy and sunk it to the hilt inside of Snowy's twitching slit. The shaft slipped back and forth slowly as she began her pace, the shaft grinding roughyl against Kaz's exposed bits and pieces as she so affectionately pumped Snowy for all she was worth.

The lobby was empty now, luckily enough for the beaucoup of ladies that had so decided their cure for boredom would be to tangle up in a web of unspeakable pleasure, o'course in this was the fact that they knew that if they had chosen to do this at any other time they'd have to worry about the incessant pestering and clapping of onlooking males who wished they could be a part of such beauty. Haiku reached down and twisted a tiny knob on the garment attached to the strap on which caused a slight whirring sound to eminate from the false member prodding away at Snowy's insides, which in turn caused Haiku to purrl lightly at the vibrations lovingly as the jittering sensation shot through the three in the back of the crowd. Luna noticed a change in Snowy's kitty-like tongue as it had began to lap at her faster, the bristly menace's quickening pace causing Luna's claws to dig into Tenny's thighs as her muscles clenched in the overwhelming sensation building in her body. She knew that the others had to be feeling the same amongst the tension built between these ladies as each and every one of them were grinding their hearts out.

As the moments passed the nestled girls had soong rown over their boredom, and had grown more deeply involved with what they had been set there to do, their bodies all rocking, and humping to the very same rythmn as each quickened heart pace caused another chain raection of juices to spill over the cushions of the couch. Each lady making their own gultural moan of delight within each passing second the pants and yips became a bit more frantic, each woman becoming off beat in the writhing pile of fuzz amassed together in that one location as the soon couch shaking climax reached every single one of them one by one, each clenching and tightening as they saw fit until the climax ended, allowing their muscles to contract slowly back into proper position as they all layed against each other gently, nuzzling each other affectionately as they all gave off a soft murrl of bliss.

At this particular time, a well known dragon walked in... Kokusho, wearing a pair of glasses, reading a newspaper. His scaled tail gave a flick as he happened to peer up from his morning headlines to see the bunch of ladies snoozing peacefully from a night of hardwork. He blinked and and thought.-"Damn, I always miss all the fun."


Quite an interesting turn of events

Blah blah, no one under 18 admitted to read the story, and if you are not in the likings of rough play, spanking, whipping or domination then this really ain't the story for you. BACK OFF! -Quite an interesting turn of events... Were the words...

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