The Model - Chapter Thirty Three

Story by Billy Leigh on SoFurry

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#33 of The Model

This is a gay themed story that has been sitting on my computer for a while, so I decided to develop it into a new short series.After being hired to help with photoshoots for an underwear company, I developed an obsession with one of their models, a handsome Doberman by the name of Kurt Hauser. I never thought I'd stand a chance with someone like that. Until now...

Chapter Thirty Four to follow soon...

Bay State won by a wide margin.

I jumped to my hind-paws and howled along with all the other fans. Kurt pumped his fist. "Your cousin was awesome," he remarked. Down below Chadwick had taken his helmet off and was waving to the crowd. The Bay State girls were all calling his name and I could see a grin on Chadwick's muzzle. Reggie had also removed his helmet and was walking over to Chadwick. I saw the pair surreptitiously nuzzle each other and brush tails before they went to shake paws with the other players. Kurt patted my arm and I turned to him with a grin. "We should watch more of these," I suggested. "For sure bud, I'm down for that," Kurt replied. I was also feeling relieved as my father had stopped trying to call after halftime, but I wondered if he and my mother had come to an agreement or were still at each other's throats.

Kurt and I followed the crowd out of the stadium and to the parking lot. "We should hang around and see if we can meet them?" I suggested. Kurt and I stood by the Lotus, waiting to see if Chadwick and his team were going to emerge from the stadium. Sure enough, they walked out a minute later followed by a gaggle of fans. Chadwick's tail was wagging and I could see he was walking beside Reggie who also looked pleased. I raised a paw and waved, hoping Chadwick would notice. The Coyote looked in our direction and grinned. He and Reggie began striding over with everyone in tow. "Hey dude, I'm so glad you could make it!" The four of us exchanged hugs as everyone watched. "This is my cousin Alec and his mate Kurt." Chadwick explained. This was followed by a chorus of hi Alec, hi Kurt. "You didn't tell me you had a cousin and wow the Doberman is sexy," a female Alsatian in a Bay State hoodie said, fixing Kurt and I an adoring look. "I dunno if you heard me, they're a couple," Chadwick laughed and the Alsatian looked mildly disappointed before a grin spread across her muzzle. "That's kinda hot actually," she smirked. I found my ears growing red. "Aaaanyway, we're gonna go for drinks back at San Fernando. Wanna join us?" Chadwick offered. Kurt and I looked at each other before nodding. "Why not," Kurt grinned. "Awesome dude," Chadwick said, wagging his tail. "Reggie can you remember the address?" "Yeah, Ricky's which is on Pioneer Street," the Wolf explained. I keyed the address into my phone. "Sadly we gotta get the bus back or we'd have offered for one of us to ride with you and give directions," Reggie said, splaying his ears and gesturing to a yellow bus where the rest of the team were climbing on board. "It's okay, I've only got two seats anyway," Kurt laughed. "We can introduce the rest of the team to you guys when we care there, drive safe dudes!" Chadwick called before he made his way over to the bus with Reggie.

We climbed into the car and drove off with my phone dictating the directions. "I don't think I've been to that part of San Fernando before," I said as my phone told us to take a left turn out of the parking lot. "Me neither," Kurt grinned, but our conversation was cut short as the directions disappeared and my phone began buzzing. My father's number was displayed on the screen. "Don't!" Kurt exclaimed as my paw over my phone, but I cancelled the call and brought the directions back up. We drove in silence for a minute and I sensed Kurt was feeling uneasy. "Are you concerned my father will keep calling?" I asked. Kurt nodded. "Yeah, like he was doing at the game," the Doberman admitted. "Well, he said he wants to try counselling, so hopefully that'll give him someone else to talk to," I reasoned. "I hope so," Kurt replied. "I do hope it can be peacefully resolved." I didn't reply, but put my paw on his leg. Kurt turned to fix me a brief but reassuring smile and I felt his unease melt away. The sun was already low in the sky outside, and its golden rays shone over the water. "I'm afraid I'm going to have to cover my eyes," Kurt laughed, pulling a pair of aviator sunglasses from the glove compartment and pushing them up his muzzle. "You still look handsome," I shrugged. "Heh, I'm glad you think so bud," Kurt grinned as we kept driving. "I think we're gonna make the bar before Chadwick's team does." I sat back in my seat and admired the sunset as we drove along, allowing my concerns about my father to momentarily slip away.

We passed by Alvarado and San Amador before continuing to San Fernando. It was a large city, almost like a mini Los Angeles and home to famous actors and actresses. We reached the city limits and I followed the directions on my phone to Ricky's. I knew it was near the Bay State campus since the area of the city was familiar to me; low-lying Spanish style buildings mostly housing bars frequented by students. I had parked here when I had come to look at Bay State before choosing San Amador Coast. Ricky's was located in the middle of the strip and Kurt parked outside. "We beat the bus," he chuckled, removing his sunglasses. "Shall we go in and get a drink before the rush arrives?" "Sounds like a good idea," I replied. I climbed out and followed Kurt to the bar's entrance.

The bar itself was full of Bay State sports paraphernalia; hats, posters and old jerseys hung in frames around the walls. "I wonder which team they are supporting?" I laughed. "Probably not Bakerstown," Kurt replied. "Anyway, what would you like to drink bud?" I opted for a vodka and orange while Kurt ordered a beer. The door of the bar suddenly opened and Chadwick strode proudly in with his tail wagging. His team followed behind all chanting Bay State! Bay State! "Hey dudes, I see you made it," the Coyote said with a grin as his team crowded around the bar. "I ought to buy you and Reggie a drink for that awesome win," I said, giving Chadwick a hug before turning to the bartender. Chadwick and Reggie both requested a beer and promised to buy the next two rounds. "I should probably have a soda next, I'm driving," Kurt explained to the bartender. "I should introduce you to the team, hey everyone I've introduced my awesome cousin and his mate Kurt, but now I gotta introduce you guys to them; meet Charlie, Gary, Roland, Chester, Marcus, David, Mike, Eric and Danny," Chadwick said, pointing out each of the players who nodded or said hey dude as he spoke. I was already struggling to remember which name belonged to each player, but Chadwick distracted me by talking excitedly about the game. I noticed that a couple of the girls were eyeing up Kurt and I couldn't help but laugh. "I think they're gonna be disappointed if they wanna ask you out," I grinned. "Heh, I wouldn't trade you for anything," Kurt laughed.

The drink was soon flowing and the bar was loud with the sound of laughing, cheering and discussions of the day's victory. "Hi, my name is Ellen," a Vixen in a Bay State shirt said to me. "Did you go to college here too?" "Nah, I went to San Amador Coast," I explained. "It's okay, he's an honorary Bay State guy tonight," Chadwick called from the bar. Ellen giggled and she was joined by a Lioness friend. "You and your boyfriend are so hot," the Lioness said with a giggle. "Reggie was telling me about you, and that your mate is a model. Why are all the handsome guys gay?" I felt my ears splay at being called handsome_but a little bemused by the comment. Chadwick seemed to have had the same thought. "Hey, handsome guys can be gay too," he said in a tone of faux-outrage. Kurt didn't seem to mind and laughed at Chadwick's comment. "I know, but it's hard trying to find handsome guys to go out with," Ellen sighed. "Yeah, I was thinking of that Dingo from _I'm Sorry I'm Your Roommate, he's gay too," the Lioness added. "No way!" Ellen replied. "Yes way," I laughed. "Kurt and I model with him. "Oh my god, that is so cool!" They both chorused. Ellen then turned to her Lioness friend to whisper something. They both giggled before turning to Chadwick. "Could you and Reggie kiss?" She asked. My jaw hung open but Chadwick shrugged and didn't seem to mind. He and Reggie closed their eyes and shared a passionate kiss in front of everyone. The girls giggled while the other players made exaggerated groaning and gagging sounds. "Eugh, get a room," one of them called before laughing. Although I didn't want to kiss Kurt simply to amuse other people I couldn't help but laugh along with everyone else.

My amusement was short lived as I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I hoped it would stop, but it kept buzzing away. I gingerly pulled it out and saw, perhaps unsurprisingly, my father's number on the screen.

Don't answer it!

Then again, my father could have good news, that he and my mother had already attended counselling and worked something out. I turned to Kurt who was in conversation with Reggie. "I'm just going to step outside for a minute," I announced. "Is something wrong?" "Yeah, I feel a little light headed," I claimed. "I think it's all the noise." "I'll come with you," Kurt said. "It's okay, I don't want to interrupt your conversation and you could guard our drinks," I replied, thinking on my hind-paws. I walked towards the entrance before Kurt could say anything else and made my way out onto the street. The sun had fully set and the street lights had come on. The noise from the jubilation in the bar was now faint and the street was surprisingly empty. My phone had stopped buzzing but I called my father back. "Hello Alec," he said. "What news do you have now?" I asked bluntly. "Well, your mother and I managed to talk things over without counselling, although I have booked us a session," he explained. "Okay, that's progress," I reasoned. "Honestly son, I feel really lonely right now," my father sighed. "C... can I come and see you in person?" "Now?" "Yes," my father replied. I shifted on my hind-paws and sighed. "I'm out with Chadwick and Kurt," I explained. "Now would be a very awkward moment indeed." "Whereabouts are you?" "At a bar in San Fernando called Ricky's, which near Bay State," I explained. "We're celebrating his win." I then silently cursed under my breath, realising I had probably volunteered more information than I had intended to. I could hear my father breathing at the other end. "Could I just come briefly, I promise I won't come inside or drink anything," my father eventually replied. "Father," I began. "And then I promise I'll attend the counselling session and stop pestering you," he finished. I considered my father's promise. "Will you seriously stop calling repeatedly with the same things over and over?" I asked. "I will," my father replied solemnly. "Okay," I breathed before giving my father the address of the bar. "Thank you Alec, I'll try and get over as fast as I can," my father said before hanging up.

The moment the call was finished I swore out loud. "Fuck, why did I do that?" I muttered to myself. Music was now playing in the bar, but I didn't feel like joining in. Instead, I checked the road was clear and walked across to the other side. I could smell the sea breeze and glanced over the concrete railing at the beach below. Unlike the shore at San Amador it was covered in pebbles and the whoosh of the tide was louder as the water washed over them. "Alec?" I turned and saw Kurt walking across the street in my direction. "I was worried bud, you've been gone for quite a while," the Doberman said, splaying his cropped ears. "Do you want to stay out here or try going back inside for a little while?" I immediately felt guilty at having mislead Kurt but I didn't want to make him angry either.

Okay, time to be honest and face the fireworks.

I took a deep breath. "I spoke to my father on the phone, he wants to come and see me," I explained. Kurt's eyes widened. "What, here and now?" "Yes," I explained with a heavy heart. "He said that he's attending a counselling session, but feels lonely and wants to talk in person. Then he claims that he'll leave me be." I could see a hint of annoyance in Kurt's eyes, but he eventually nodded. "I wonder if it's best if I leave you two to talk it through," he said, glancing out to sea. "I'll wait with you until he comes and then head indoors until he leaves." "Okay," I replied quietly. "I just hope he stops calling after this," Kurt muttered. We stood and gazed out over the dark ocean. The moon was hidden behind a cloud and I shivered. I knew Sulston was closer to San Fernando than it was San Amador, but the length of my father's drive could depend on the traffic and I wondered how exactly he was going to get over here when he had totalled the car. Kurt was gazing at the waves and holding onto the railings. "I'm really looking forward to France," I said, trying to lighten the mood. I felt a flash of satisfaction as I saw Kurt's behind wiggle slightly. "I'm so pleased to hear that bud," he smiled. "I keep thinking of the villa and how awesome it's going to look in the shoots." "What does it look like?" I asked. "Damn, I've been stupid and not shown my boyfriend a photo of it," Kurt sighed, slapping his forehead with his paw. "My mate is never stupid," I replied, putting a paw on Kurt's arm and giving him a kiss on the muzzle. Kurt smiled before pulling out his phone and opening an email attachment. "Here it is," he explained, showing me a picture of the house.

The house was sitting on the top of a hill with a view of the ocean in the background. It resembled a cross between a chateau and a Mediterranean style villa with grey stone walls and brightly painted yellow shutters at the windows. There was a pool to one side surrounded by palm trees. "It looks amazing," I said with a grin. "Doesn't it? I can't wait to fly there with my boyfriend," Kurt said, giving me a kiss. I wagged my tail, but out of the corner of my eye I saw a small red car draw up. The door opened and my father climbed out. Kurt sensed I was looking at something behind him and he turned. I saw the Doberman's ears droop slightly. "I guess I'd better leave you to it bud," he said, his voice had lost its enthusiasm. "I'll be as quick as I can, I promise," I said. "Think about our trip to Europe whilst your inside." Kurt nodded and something close to a smile flashed across his muzzle before it was replaced by a look of sadness.

I watched with a pang of guilt in my chest as Kurt dejectedly crossed the road back to the bar. The music inside briefly became louder as he opened and closed the door. My father walked over and fixed me a look that conveyed a mixture of guilt and relief. I felt a sudden sense of anger that my father had chased Kurt off and ruined a nice moment between us.

"Okay, make this quick," I snapped.