Growvember Day 15

Story by serophous on SoFurry

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#15 of Growvember Series

A cross between a recap and progression. Bryant is in a bad place after a breakup, and decides to rethink his relationship with the others around him and his thoughts of whats been going on.


November 15th

I didn't sleep well that night, and doubted I would ever again. Anyone who approached me I just turned away, either threatening or just yelling loud enough. I didn't care what the people of the city thought or anyone around, I just wanted to be alone.

The growth was still going on, and yes, it was increasing faster. Something that wasn't making my mood any better. But at least staying away from the group, I was able to observe them better.

Ronald was talking to some of the smaller macros. The bear was zooming up in height still, having to stoop down to talk to the smaller ones. The poor bear was probably 400 feet by now. His physic hadn't changed at all. Still built like a tank, the smaller furs had to stand back to just see over his gut and at his face.

Craig and Sherry hadn't grown last night, the lucky bastards. But they were trying to now get use to looking up at everyone again. Don't get me wrong, they were glad to finally stop growing, they couldn't stop talking about it. I was tempted to sit on them to try and show them how great it was.

No, calm down. None of this is their fault.

I sighed and took a few deep breaths.

Shawn was talking to them, something about how they may have to be part of a new phone system they were setting up. Apparently, since Mary was the smallest, she could easily talk to the normal folk. She would then give that to us so we could hear and understand. But now that she was barely knee high to most of us, she would soon be relaying the message to one of the macros that outgrew her, who would relay it to us. Like that old children's game.

He was still so laid back most of the time, it was starting to get on my nerves. Or maybe it was my mood that was making it that annoying. I didn't know. I didn't care. His constant use of 'dude' trying to be everyone's pal, he was starting to feel more and more a relic of the 90s. I wanted to shout that at him, and tell him to just move on, but I bit my tongue. I knew I was in a bad mood from the breakup, and anything I did or say now I could regret later. It was just so hard to let off steam when you are trying to not hurt anybody. Just one of my footsteps would level a normal house at this point. I was taller than most skyscrapers even. I had once thought 200 feet was a milestone. Boy was I fucken wrong.

Course, Jeff and Mary were still eloping having having their little escapades. I figured after every one of their sessions, Mary was heading to the nearby stream or somewhere to wash off. Too bad we could still smell the sex on both of them. They claimed they were doing it as often as they use too, since Mary was getting so small compared to him he was getting afraid of crushing her. At least until he was alone with Craig, in which I could see the two talking to one another in hushed whispers. I barely caught one of them, but it was definitely about the size play the two would do to get off. I was afraid of walking to where they had their fun to see how sticky everything probably was.

Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if they were on the news or some new porno film. Its not like that could be hidden for long.

"Why do they get to be happy in this miserable condition and I suffer?" I muttered, feeling my jealously towards the two rise. I use to have what they had, but my love didn't grow. Not only that, she left me when I needed her the most. I probably scared her now. She had just broken up with a macro, someone who could flatten the whole city if he wanted too. Hell, short of a ballistic missile, tanks wouldn't probably touch me at this point, and they would only become more and more useless as time went on. The only thing I had to fear were other macros who could be bigger than me. And that number was starting to dwindle with more and more no longer growing.

Finally there was Chris. I hadn't shared his secrets with anyone yet, but I knew if I wanted to hurt him, I could.

He trusted you. Would you do that out of spite?

I sighed as the stupid voice in my head was right. I wouldn't. Since the beginning Chris was there with me. I had grown a close friendship with the puma in these days. He was probably worried about his fox friend Kevin. I figured he had join that white, two different eyed wolf's campaign to attack anyone that opposed his group.

Though, that still didn't explain why he hasn't come after this city yet. Was he afraid of Us? We were some of the biggest in our group, Ronald the second biggest in the world. But he had us by numbers. It still made no sense. And the military was telling us nothing, probably fearing we would go off and try to help him.

Speaking of which, apparently the buildings we knocked down was done to make room for some new command center or something. Probably to report Macro sightings and to send out forces where needed. Hell, I wasn't surprised they were doing what was done in the movies. Create some giant robot to fight us. Guess that would be pretty futile seeing how we were still expanding. Not to mention the resources and time need to even build one.

So that was it. Half the month was over, and the growth was still going. The world was still on edge, and mine had completely collapsed.

I had no idea what to do anymore. I just wanted to die.