Engine 65 ( prolog )
After the loss of his wife firefighter Matthew Morgan, becomes bitter and angry until a probie (rookie) firefighter joins the Chicago Fire Department, Morgan then falls head over heels for the probie and forces the probie to love him anyway he can.
Will the probie except Morgan's love, wait and see...
He remembers the smoke and the flames and the way the house smelt as well as her screams of agony and pain oh, how they echoed with each
grueling second she was trapped inside and forced to breathe in the soot and
He remembers the date: November 1st , 2002 it started out just like any other
day he went to the hot house as he did every morning to prepare for his shift, he
would grab his turnouts , place them on the apparatus, meet up with the guys for
breakfast , workout and clean the station until a call came in.
But, that day things were different as soon as he walked in the tones dropped, he
rushed over to his turnouts and quickly pulled them on, jumped on the rig and out
the door they went. this was very unusual for the CFD (Chicago Fire Department)
but he kept his mouth shut anyway.
They came to a rolling halt outside of a burning house, only then did he realize that it was in fact his own! He felt so angry , so confused how could this happen to him! then only one thing came to mind, his wife , his sweet , beautiful wife burning alive in their bedroom upstairs. He quickly went to the chief, Chief Johnathan Brando had been in the fire service over twenty-seven years at this point he'd know what to do! So he rushed over to him.
Chief Brando, started barking out orders "Ok! here's what we'll do," he said
"Mills, you man the engine, Anderson you can stand outside the door and push the -
hose inside. Williams you're going to survey the premises and Morgan you're coming
inside with me! Alright everyone let's start humpin' some hose."
Morgan's p.o.v.
I start walking toward the truck, with determination, (lots of it) and start walking toward the
house nozzle in paw with the chief in tow, we enter the house and crouch to our knees under
the smoke, we then begin to crawl through the house via the floor, we crawl for some time until
my helmet hits something hard "Chief I found the stairs!," I call out to him "Good," Brando says
"Now climb the motherfuckers so we can put this damn fire out."
So, I begin the ascend to the second floor nozzle in paw the smoke is so thick I can't see
anything in front of my face I start to shout "Fire Department! anybody up here! Fire -
Department!," no answer, "Fire Department!," again no answer. the chief and I search every
room in the house, nobody. Until I burst through the door of the last room in the house our room...
I kick my boot through the door and there she is laying on the bed, my wife I rush over and
haul her over my shoulder and start to walk out, then I here a rumbling sound and see plaster
falling from the ceiling my first instinct tells me one thing, she's coming down.....