Cyniras and Vaihorn 3 (improved)

Story by Cyniras on SoFurry

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#3 of Cyniras and Vaihorn

"Hello, Mr Vaihorn," said Cyniras turning around to face the bathroom door "I've been expecting you."

"Congratulations genius, you've figured out that there's only one way out from the bathroom." replied Vaihorn sarcastically, but inside, he dreaded what Cyniras might actually know.

"Please have a seat."

"Cyniras I don't have time for your games. I have to get ready and so do you."

"And why would that be necessary?"

"Ok drop the farcical voice and I'll tell you."

"The what?" asked Cyniras innocently.

"The dramatic voice, the absurd voice, the ludicrous voice take your pick on one you might understand." said Vaihorn anger rising in his voice.

"Alright calm down, now where are we going?"

"We are going out for a nice meal, Ok?" said Vaihorn.

"Sure whatever." muttered Cyniras.

The truth was that Cyniras did really want to spend his time with Vaihorn because now he felt that there was an even stronger bond then just teacher and student between them, and he wanted to become even closer to Vaihorn then he already was. He decided that he'd make an effort to look clean and tidy for his meal with Vaihorn and he'd try to make it a nice night by not being childish while out at the restaurant. Then afterwards he would confess on how he had seen Vaihorn getting excited over the smells left behind by him and how he too liked scat and watersports and how he loved Vaihorn in a way he'd never loved another male before. And with that sobering thought he headed off to the bathroom to get washed and ready.

Vaihorn turned and saw the dragon he cared for stroll into the bathroom. 'Not again' thought Vaihorn although he really wanted to see the little dragon at play once again, he thought that twice in one day was being a little overconfident. He had decided to have a nice evening with Cyniras and lull him into a happy and comfortable state and then he'd tell him about everything. About how he saw Cyniras playing scat and watersports games with himself, how he too enjoyed scat and watersports and how that he indeed felt a deep undeniable love for his young mentor. It was going to be tough and he had no idea how his young student would react but it was better to let him know than to bottle it up inside.

Vaihorn was finally ready for the evening and was waiting patiently, outside his room, for Cyniras to appear. After a few uneventful minutes spent looking idly around the room, a sparkly clean dragon stepped out of his room.

Vaihorn choked back a laugh. "Cyniras, what's that?"

"Oh this. It's a bow tie." said Cyniras innocently. He had managed to tie it on himself which looked very comical on a young feral dragon who's never worn an article of clothing before in his life, but he believed it would make him look more grown up and responsible.

"You do know we're not meeting the queen right?" asked Vaihorn still holding back laughter.

"Yeah, I know." said Cyniras obviously not understanding Vaihorn's confusing behaviour.

"Well it's your choice."

They flew to the restaurant and landed on a spot that, after a few seemingly pointless minutes spent circling the area, Cyniras decided was clean enough not to dirty his paws. Then they entered the grand entrance archway that lead into the equally extravagant dining area. The wooden walls were covered in a special fireproof gloss that reflected light so beautifully that if you opened one window the entire room would be ablaze with light. The brass skirting boards showed the expense of the furniture and the class of the restaurant. The restaurant served many different species as was shown by the varying position and size of the tables and chairs. All in all it was a top notch restaurant and Cyniras was starting to feel glad he wore the tie.

Cyniras sat on his chair and Vaihorn on the floor, leaving them sitting at roughly the same eye level. Now that Cyniras could stare into Vaihorn's eyes he saw that he seemed uncomfortable and fidgety, very unlike his master would usually act.

"Are you ok Vaihorn?" asked Cyniras

"Hm oh sorry what were you saying?" said Vaihorn snapping out of his trance.

"Never mind." said Cyniras, still a little concerned but was not about to impose on Vaihorn's own life

After a few minutes of looking on the menus they decided on their meals and ordered.

"I'll have the side of deer please" said Vaihorn

"How would you like that cooked sir?"

"In an oven preferably." said Vaihorn cracking the same joke he had done for the past few months that Cyniras had been with him. The waiter and Cyniras however, exchanged a small glance at each other.

"Very well sir," said the young wolf sincerely "and for you?" He turned and looked at Cyniras.

"I'll have the set of half a dozen quails please."

"Very well, your meals will be here very shortly but in the meantime would you like some drinks?" asked the waiter.

"No I'm alright. How about you Cyniras?" asked Vaihorn

"I'm good too thanks."

The waiter nodded politely and headed off towards the kitchen.

"What's gotten into you tonight?" asked Vaihorn jokingly.

"Nothing, can't a dragon try new things."

"You know what I'm saying, what's special about tonight?"

Cyniras tapped his nose knowingly and would say nothing more on the matter, leaving Vaihorn wondering what he had up his sleeve. Past experiences told him it would most likely involve a knife throwing act and a petting zoo, problem was last time they were a little too close together. Vaihorn cringed as he remembered his surprise birthday party well.

After a while of general chatter between the two dragons, the food arrived and it smelled great. In fact the food from other people's tables already had their stomachs rumbling. They sat salivating as the waiter carefully placed each meal on the table and lifted up the shining silver lid of the dish, revealing the food that they had ordered.

Vaihorn set upon his meal as soon as he was sure the waiter was out of biting range, unable to hold back his hunger any longer, however strangely enough when Cyniras' meal was placed on the table, he thanked the waiter, tied a cloth around his neck and started with small slight tastes of his meal, barely getting enough meat to chew with each bite.

'Something is up with this boy' thought Vaihorn as he continued to devour his meal. Normally Cyniras would have to be held back from meeting the meal halfway to the table, but for some reason he had been acting weird ever since the bathroom incident.

After the meal and the bill at the end where Vaihorn learned that six quails aren't all that cheap, he and Cyniras walked slowly through the town, with their stomachs full, spreading warmth throughout them. 'They turned and headed towards their cave on the edge of a forest just outside the town. By now, it was well into the night but the stars and the full moon helped set the mood for a lovely stroll, the thousands of sparkling eyes all watching the two dark silhouettes plod through the town square.

As they neared home Vaihorn suggested that they go and sit on his favourite cliff that's about a five minute fly from the cave, 'just to relax in the moonlight'. It was a warm night and it was perfectly clear out, so it would make a lovely spot to watch the stars fly by.

'It'll be a great place to tell him' thought Vaihorn, butterflies attacking the inside of his stomach whilst he tried to keep his cool.

'I could tell him there, it's our favourite place.' thought Cyniras excitably but he tried to keep it controlled on the outside. In truth he was scared out of his mind but he just had to trust that Vaihorn would understand how he felt and accept it.

They took off in to the cool crisp night air and were awed by the stars out and the fullness of the moon. They flew like two silent hawks on the breeze and if anyone had looked up they would have seen two silhouettes gliding out towards the distant cliffs. Cyniras flew high, feeling as though he could touch the very moon itself if he but flew a little higher, Vaihorn followed suit and they ended up chasing each other around until they reached the cliffs.

They landed on what seemed like a good spot and Vaihorn lay down on the edge of the cliff looking out over the vast forest lit up by the eerie light from the moon. Cyniras however, was still unwilling to get dirty and so he lay down on the back of Vaihorn with his head upon the head of his teacher. The night and forest was still and silent and so for a long time neither spoke or even communicated as they relaxed looking at the silver sea of trees.

It dawned on Cyniras that he would have to tell Vaihorn about his fetish and his spying and he realised that he might well ruin what could be called a perfect evening, but he had promised to himself that he would and so he began to nuzzle Vaihorn, softly behind the ear, to get his attention.

"Vaihorn" said Cyniras

"Yes Cyniras"

"Can I tell you something?" asked Cyniras more than a bit nervous.

"Of course you can, you know you can tell me anything." said Vaihorn.

'Maybe he's going to tell me about his fetish and then I won't have to break the ice.' thought Vaihorn.

"Well you remember yesterday, when you came home and I was in the bathroom?"

"Yes" replied Vaihorn hoping that this wasn't about him.

"Well I was doing something in there."

"And what would that be?" asked Vaihorn knowing full well what it was.

"I....I was...masturbating." Cyniras flushed a bright

"Well that's expected of a dragon your age and older. It's a very healthy way of relieving stress and built up tension. In fact I even do it myself on occasions."

"Yeah I know." said Cyniras but then realising what he'd just said.

"You know what?" asked Vaihorn wondering how the young dragon knew he masturbated.

"I know that I masturbate." said Cyniras rather quickly, looking away from Vaihorn's piercing eyes.

"No, no that. How do you know I masturbate?"

"Alright. I saw you in the bathroom when you went in after me yesterday. I saw what you did and when you sniffed where I had been and...and." Cyniras had to stop because he was close to tears, afraid that he had ruined what he and his teacher shared.

Vaihorn took a slow long breath, sighing as he exhaled "It's ok Cyniras, if you like watching males no one is going to stop you, and when I sniffed that spot it's because you left a large number of scents behind."

"Hang on a minute, I just realised. How did you know exactly where I masturbated?" asked Cyniras looking down into Vaihorn's eyes

"I didn't I just was over there and I caught your smell." said Vaihorn hoping that Cyniras wouldn't press any further.

"That's a lie I saw you go straight to the spot and then pull out your cock."

"Oh fine," said Vaihorn, not the slightest bit happy he had been caught, " I watched you before you came out. I came home early and there was no one there, I thought you were out playing until I heard noises from the bathroom. I went over there and I saw you urinating into your own mouth and I watched from there." explained Vaihorn.

Cyniras blushed and looked away at the crude exposure of his fetish. "Well you like it too." said Cyniras quietly, trying to improve his situation.

"You're correct. It's been a secret I've had for many years and I used to do it with my friends when I was younger. I always loved it but I couldn't stand the taste, or to really have it on me as a matter of fact, still I got some sort of rush from using other people as a toilet.." said Vaihorn

"Really? I much prefer to have it on me, I can't really go when other people are watching, let a loan sitting under me." said Cyniras now getting excited and his tail was going like mad to prove it.

"Well then maybe we'll have to try sometime, maybe sometime soon." said Vaihorn seductively before it struck him what he had said.

"How about now?" Cyniras replied a grin across his face.

"Why not? Lets get home though, you'll catch your death of cold out here."

"Wait Vaihorn, one last thing."

"Yes?" said Vaihorn stopping in his tracks to look the smaller dragon right in the eye.

"How come when you cummed you said my name?"

Vaihorn sighed again. "That's because I love you Cyniras. Ever since you became my student I've always wondered about you. Something about you just riled me up and made me quite horny. There was nothing I could do to stop it but I didn't want to impose this on you, especially at your young age so I took the burden myself and took to frequent masturbation sessions when you were away."

Cyniras sat in silence for a minute or two, leaving Vaihorn wonder whether he had said too much. Then a soft utterance passed from Cyniras' lips. "I love you too Vaihorn"

As they flew home, Cyniras became aware that he had an uncontrollable erection hanging out from between his legs, causing it to flail in the wind. He spent most of the journey home in awe of it twitching and dancing in the wind, and so did Vaihorn. He could hardly peel his eyes from the little dragon to see where he was heading.

They landed just outside the cave and Cyniras ran straight to the bathroom calling to Vaihorn to hurry up.

"There is no need to hurry Cyniras. We have all night."

This just seemed to excite Cyniras even more and actually had him jumping up and down with glee at the thought of an entire night with his teacher and lover. Vaihorn laughed as he saw this because he saw Cyniras' long cock bouncing with him.

"Careful you don't sprain that or we'll have to stop play." joked Vaihorn.

"Well hurry up then."

They walked into the bathroom, well bounced in the case of Cyniras. Cyniras found a comfy spot and lay down on his back, looking up at Vaihorn with eyes aglow with happiness and excitement.

Vaihorn walked over the top of Cyniras and lowered his face to Cyniras' crotch, his hot breath emitting moans from Cyniras as it streaked across his cock. He nuzzled into the shaft and enjoyed the moans passing from Cyniras. He could feel the heat from Cyniras' penis on his face so he knew that he had to be careful, past experiences told him that Cyniras was close to orgasm and it would only postpone their fun, while they waited for him to recover.

He gave the cock one long lick, from base to tip with his rough wet tongue and felt Cyniras shudder beneath him, meeping as he nearly tipped over the edge. All this did was raise Vaihorn's sexual drive. A young male dragon sprawled out in front of him asking to be used as a toilet and to pleasure his master in any way was a massive turn on for Vaihorn and the idea nearly had him jacking off right then, but he held himself, it would be worth the wait he told himself.

He moved slowly forward over Cyniras until his penis was level with Cyniras' face. He saw the shock of the younger dragon as the thick pink shaft, nearly the length of the smaller dragon bobbed in front of him. The head flaring at him in a way that seemed frightening to one so small and lacking in the experience.

"T..That's a bit bigger than I imagined."

"Don't worry you don't have to deep-throat it or take it in your ass if you don't want to." said Vaihorn understanding Cyniras' fear.

Cyniras nodded quietly, still a little shocked at the size, and got on with his work. He grabbed the gigantic cock in both paws and felt the hot throbbing meat of Vaihorn's penis, each pulse was almost in time with his own, except it was much stronger. He was unsure of what to do so he went back to what he did well. Masturbate. He began to rub the cock, gently, with one hand going up and down most of the shaft and squeezing the head lightly as his paw reached the top of the enormous member. His other hand found refuge at the two orbs that sat beneath Vaihorn's shaft. They were heavy and difficult for him to hold on to so he gently fondled them like a child playing with a newfound toy.

He heard a deep moan as he pulled Vaihorn's thick cockhead against his chest and started to gently grind it up and down against him. The heat spreading to his own small frame and smearing the pre all over his chest, lubricating it more, allowing for more speed.

"Keep that up and I'll get your scales dirty." said Vaihorn between gasps.

"Trust me I want to be dirty because I'm your very own toilet slut." whispered Cyniras seductively, surprised by his own forwardness.

Cyniras spurred himself on with these words and turned to push his face into Vaihorn's scrotum and take a long hard sniff at them. They smelled of Vaihorn's strong musk and sweat and they caused Cyniras to shoot a copious amount of pre-cum onto the floor. He loved the thick smell and took a few more deep sniffs, causing more moans from above him. He pulled back, his courage growing, and tried an experimental lick on the slit of the penis. It seemed to rumble in front of him and erupt with a large spurt of pre right into his face. Shocked, Cyniras looked at it as it ran off of his muzzle and onto the floor. He continued licking at the head and rubbing the penis up and down, trying to make Vaihorn cum onto him. He was often sprayed with the salty pre until most of his body was covered and Vaihorn was nearing climax. He opened his mouth a little and took a long drawn out lick over the cock head, this time the pre shot straight into his mouth and onto his tongue. The strong salty flavour caused him to cough a little. After he had recovered he went right back to licking at the head, deciding that he enjoyed the taste of pre very much.

"Stop Cyniras." called Vaihorn a little urgently.

Cyniras stopped and looked up at Vaihorn, with a sad look on his face, wondering what he had done wrong.

"I want to get you dirty now." said Vaihorn with a cheesy grin on his face.

Cyniras immediately lay back down and opened his mouth ready for his meal. His smile reappearing in an instant.

Vaihorn pushed his penis towards Cyniras to have it guided into his mouth by Cyniras himself who had taken full charge of it and even sneaked in a few tentative licks. It was a tight fit but, after a minute or so of trying, Cyniras managed to get the head inside his mouth comfortably. It pulsed inside of his mouth which felt unbelievably strange to him; also the girth of it forced him to breathe through his nose. Vaihorn looked at his student and when he was confident that he was ready for it, he began to let his bladder loose into the smaller submissive male.

Cyniras moaned audibly as the first strong spurt of piss hit the inside of his mouth. The thick musky scent burning the back of his throat a little as he quickly swallowed his prize and licked the cock as he drank from the tap. Cyniras didn't have the mouth capacity to hold the sheer size and strength of the river that shot from Vaihorn's cock, so as the stream became stronger, more and more piss was flowing out of the side of his mouth. Vaihorn watched and became concerned, he pulled out of Cyniras mouth because he was afraid to drown the boy and also because he wanted to soak his toilet slave. He sprayed his warm piss all over Cyniras' face. Cyniras had just enough time to close his eyes before it hit him, a few droplets landing in his nose, forcing him to take in the strong bile scent of the piss. Vaihorn aimed lower and hit his chest, making Cyniras arch his back and push his chest up into the hot salty stream. Then he moved down over his body to completely soak him and mark Cyniras as his toilet slave and his alone. As the stream died down, Vaihorn yet again moved back to Cyniras' more than eager mouth until the flow stopped. Cyniras was less than happy when it eventually stopped but knew that there was nothing he could do.

Cyniras stood up as Vaihorn looked down to inspect his work. He grabbed Vaihorn and brought him into a deep kiss. As Vaihorn's tongue explored Cyniras mouth he realised what Cyniras had done, but he realised to late and Cyniras pushed all of the urine he held in his mouth into Vaihorn's. Vaihorn, still unable to resist Cyniras, continued to pass the salty piss between them until it had all been swallowed or had dribbled out of their mouths.

"That was very naughty of you Cyniras." said Vaihorn playfully.

"Well I think you're going to have to punish me then." said Cyniras, nuzzling up to the big sexy dragon.

Vaihorn grinned as he lay Cyniras back down and then turned around so that Cyniras could see his tailhole above him. Vaihorn squatted over Cyniras face and heard a gasp from Cyniras.

Cyniras could see Vaihorn's tight pink rosebud just in front of his face and was teased by Vaihorn lowering it into his face and winking it at him. Small moans and whimpers passed from Cyniras' lips as he watched it fall just short of licking distance. Vaihorn lowered it again and passed gas every now and again in Cyniras' face. He sniffed at them, the scent of dung playing in the air, so close he could almost taste it. This time when Vaihorn rubbed his butt in Cyniras' face, Cyniras grabbed hold of it and began to lick up all the dried scat on, in and around the tailhole. Vaihorn jumped as the small moist tongue flicked at his hole but began to moan as the tongue played on his tailhole. At one point Vaihorn cried out as Cyniras shoved part of his muzzle past the tailhole to eat out the inside. It felt as though he was being penetrated by a cock but it made him feel so much better because he knew it was his little dragon's muzzle.

Cyniras pulled his muzzle out of Vaihorn's tailhole and waited for his meal but Vaihorn did nothing. Vaihorn was close to losing his meal but he held back, wanting to play and tease Cyniras one more time.

"Please," begged Cyniras "please shit on me."

"Please shit on me, what?"

"Please shit on me...master." said Cyniras with desperation in his eyes that told Vaihorn that he was ready.

"That's better." Vaihorn lowered himself a little bit lower so that his hole was inches above Cyniras' mouth.

Vaihorn then began to push his load out into Cyniras' mouth. Cyniras looked in awe as the tailhole before him now opened up and the pinkish red was replaced by a light brown log that threatened to land on him which was exactly what Cyniras wanted. Unsure of what to do, he just watched as it emerged slowly, moving gradually closer to his face. He unfroze himself and moved his mouth forward and tentatively licked at the bottom of the soft shit and got a hint of the strong and bitter taste of the dung of his master. The log continued to trail out of the tailhole and into Cyniras' open mouth, the dung sticking to the insides of his lips and squashing down as he let it fill. It started to overflow his mouth, falling onto his face, until Vaihorn cut the log off and what was left fell straight onto Cyniras' already dirty face. Cyniras looked up at the back of Vaihorn's head and started to chew his way through the thick past like shit. He moaned as he ate his masters shit and was overcome by the sheer taste and quantity in which he shat. He was only half way through the first log when Vaihorn pushed the rest of his brown gold out onto Cyniras' chest. The warm shit filled him with a euphoric state as the scent invaded his nostril and ran amok in his brain. The feel of the coarse shit logs on him nearly made Cyniras cum right then but he managed to hold back.

Vaihorn looked at his student/toilet slut covered in his shit and asking for more, it made him so horny and shot a lot more pre onto Cyniras. Cyniras began to pick up the clumps of shit that had been pushed onto his chest and stomach and eat them while Vaihorn used his musky toes and paws to spread it all over Cyniras' body. When most of it was rubbed in Vaihorn turned back around and sat on Cyniras' stomach, the little dragon watched, wondering what would happen. Vaihorn then began to grind his butt backwards and forwards over the little dragon's body smearing in any un-smeared shit clumps as he pushed out a few new and small ones to add to the pile. When Cyniras was covered from head to toe thickly enough to pass for Vaihorn, he turned and lowered his cock onto Cyniras and Cyniras began to coat the top half of his cock with his own shit from small piles that had fallen on the floor. The new warmth on his cock made Vaihorn gasp and hump slightly against Cyniras' dirty scales. Cyniras took delight in this and began to lick the shit off of Vaihorn's thick pulsating cock as it moved closer to him with each hump. Vaihorn moaned and began to hump faster and harder against Cyniras' body and his penis as he felt his orgasm creeping up on him.

Cyniras was close to cumming when Vaihorn began to hump against him and his penis, the added friction and pleasure sent shockwaves through him and made him moan loudly through the shit he was licking off from the cock that rubbed against him. He grabbed at Vaihorn's cock as he shot his load up himself and Vaihorn's cock, lubricating it more and allowing Vaihorn the lube he needed to start humping quickly and powerfully against Cyniras' used body.

Vaihorn roared as he felt the younger dragon cum on him and he also shot his load straight into Cyniras' face and open mouth, causing the smaller dragon to swallow or choke on the strong torrent of cum. Cyniras opened his mouth wider as Vaihorn roared and received gallon after gallon of cum from his master, the orgasm continuing for what seemed like hours on end. He choked down the salty delicious cum that was force fed to him and loved every second that the cum was shooting at him. Cyniras collapsed and the rest of the cum coated Cyniras' entire limp body and the floor around him as he lay beneath his lover as he finished his orgasm.

They lay still for the best part of ten minutes panting and smiling at each other when their gazes met

"I love you Vaihorn."

"I love to toilet slut."

Cyniras just smiled and huddled closer to Vaihorn. He fell asleep almost instantly and Vaihorn was not long after.