Don't go near the riverbank Pt.2

Story by Inja on SoFurry

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#2 of Plains of Africa

Part two of Khoba's unfortunate adventures, more to come soon.

Don't go near the riverbank - The bargain

His words still echoed in her ears as she lugged the heavy kalabash back towards her village, her eyes downcast and ears lying flat, looking every part like a whipped dog. Even as her mother asked what had taken her so long Khoba didn't argue, hoping to avoid any discussion of what she had agreed to. In the long run she knew it was for the better of the tribe, but could she actually go through with the deal?

A small part of her hated herself for climaxing against her will as the large beast had his way with her, the way he just tossed her into the river once he was done with her. At least she'd been allowed to clean herself up before heading back home, she knew there would be no way of explaining away why she smelt like crocodile with some very questionable marks that were clearly not life threatening.

That night as she tried to sleep, tossing and turning as images of being dragged beneath the water and what had followed flooded her mind. The way his tongue had felt inside her, or worse, the way his cock had...his long hard...Khoba sat up in her bed with a groan still spilling from her lips. She reached down between her thighs, fingers fist rubbing over the marks the crocodiles teeth had left at her inner thigh, but soon ventured further inwards until she felt her slickness. Why was she so excited by the dream, by the croc having his way with her? Looking around the hut to make sure her mother had not heard her, Khoba was relieved to hear her light snore. Though with how close they were, there was no way she was going to be able to relieve herself just then. If only Wandi was back from his hunting trip, she could make good use of that knot right about then. Gritting her teeth and growling in frustration Khoba lay back down, rolling onto her side as she tried to push the thoughts of the crocodile from her mind, but try as she might they would come to her unbidden and kept sleep at bay.

The next morning she would set off early before the old crones would be claiming the shade under the tree, even before the pups were up and crying for their mother's breast. She made an effort not to head towards the river this time, there was no way she was going to give the beast the satisfaction of knowing he was invading her mind and getting her excited. With her inner ears almost permanently tinged pink from her constant frustrated blush, Khoba would head off to try find some small prey for their dinner.

As she neared the taller grass her large ears would perk as the familiar sounds of Guineafowl were heard, dropping to all fours in a more feral stance she would slow to a dead crawl. Circling downwind of the flock in a wide arc while trying not to make any noise; with the dry tall grass her progress was achingly slow. As she approached the edge of the small clearing at the centre of the tall grass, Khoba got the sudden feeling she was not alone. Before she could turn around to see what was setting off her senses though, a flash of dull grey fur with black spots would pounce and land heavily on her back. Her startled yelp cut short as she slammed heavily onto the ground, the breath driven from her lungs and alerting the Guineafowl to her presence, scattering them to parts unknown as she lay pinned beneath whatever or rather whoever it was.

Struggle as she might, the weight atop her did not budge. To Khoba's horror however a second set of feet emerged from the grass to stand before her, slowly raising her gaze along the legs and up to the grinning face of a rather short looking hyena. "Well lookit here sis, don't she look familiar?" He asked with a grin at whom Khoba assumed was the ugly mutts sister pinning her to the ground. "Yeah, it looks like that bitch Lawula fucked yesterday!" A decidedly more feminine voice said from somewhere above her, Khoba's eyes going wide as a hand reached behind to slap her behind before groping at her so brazenly. Their words not lost on her, her inner ears going an instant scarlet at the implications. "Yeah, it is the dirty little croc fucker, she's purdy though" the male stated while leaning down and staring straight at her, a hand reaching out to stroke against one of her ears "Soft too, no wunner Lawula never dun ate her up." Clearly the sister was the brains of the operation Khoba quickly realized, the ugly male was even horribly cross-eyed she noticed.

"We saw and heard everything, you make a really cute face when you cum, did you know that?" The female leaned down to speak into Khoba's ear, from the corner of her eye she could see the dark muzzle and sharp white fangs as the hyena bitch grinned. "We know about the deal you made with Lawula, how you're going to be his fucktoy just so you don't have to walk miles and miles to get water for your family. I hope the croc doesn't mind sharing because we're also going to make a deal, my brother took quite a shine to you yesterday when we heard you moaning like a bitch in heat so you're going to let us fuck you too or we might just have to tell your tribe about what you did at the riverbank." The laugh was anything but warm and friendly, sounding like cracking ice in her ear, Khoba's blood running cold at hearing the threat. Her eyes closing as she tried to fight back the tears, but after a few moments and a couple of ragged breaths she would nod slowly as she spat out the single word "Fine..." with jaws clenched and teeth bared.

"Good bitch" The female chimed, finally climbing off of Khoba's back and giving her cheek a mocking pat. Moving around to kneel beside her brother, the female would stare down at Khoba whom still lay helpless on the ground. Though she would look up at the female hyena, what she had thought was a dark muzzle actually appeared to be a dark blood red colour. The female an albino with white fur and as much as Khoba hated to admit it, was actually rather beautiful. She knew though why these two were out here alone; the brother was obviously a run of poor genetic makeup and the female being an albino was considered to be an outcast and an undesirable mate for any male hyena, even despite females being the ones in charge. "I'm Udoti and this runt here is my brother, Icawa. We already know who you are Khoba" The names were rather fitting Khoba thought, Trash and Scrap, suitable for two outcasts of a hyena tribe. "My brother here has never been with a woman, I doubted he ever would until we saw you fucking that croc like he had the last cock on earth. That got me thinking, anyone willing to fuck Lawula would surely be willing to let my brother have a round or two. Isn't that right Khoba? You would love to let Icawa have his way with you? Say it..." Udoti would say with a threatening growl at Khoba's silence. "Y...yes, I'd love to pleasure you Icawa..." The smaller painted dog would stammer, shying away from the threatening growl of the larger female. "Good, then why don't you show him you mean it?" With that Udoti reached over to her brothers' loincloth and undid the tie to let the material fall to the floor.

Despite his size, the runt seemed to be sporting something a fully grown male would be proud of. Memories of Lawula came flooding back as she had a good idea of what was expected of her, knowing she had no choice Khoba knew it was pointless trying to resist. With a resigned sigh she would lean in to lightly nuzzle and lick at Icawa's exposed length which quickly began to respond. Taking the tip of his member between her lips, Khoba resigned herself to her fate and began suckling lightly, her soft tongue brushing across and swirling about the rapidly swelling flesh. Her hand raised to grasp the base of his shaft as the inexperienced male started to buck against her lips and tried to bury his cock down her throat. Making sure he didn't go too deep, after Lawula she knew she wasn't able to take him too deep down her throat or she would gag again. Thankfully though his inexperience paid off as she soon heard a growl from above, looking up she saw Icawa grimace as his hips started to twitch and soon began flooding her muzzle with his salty seed, her eyes going wide with shock at the sheer volume. Without so much as a thank you Icawa would collapse back onto his behind, panting with a look of ecstasy on his face, his length softening visibly after his climax.

All while Khoba coughed and spat his seed out onto the ground; but before she could get the taste from her mouth she found a strong hand gripping and raising her muzzle and another shaft being pressed between her lips. A startled yelp being muffled by the flesh pushing deeper than Icawa had managed; staring up she would see Udoti grinning down at her. "What, didn't think the rumours were true about my kind?" Khoba had heard the gossip from other youngsters around the village about female hyenas before, she had thought it was just typical childish banter, yet here she was with a real female hyena stuffing her muzzle. Udoti gripped Khoba's large ears rather firmly, using them as handles to work her muzzle back and forth along her cock as she face fucked the helpless painted dog. Much to her horror this seemed to be exciting Icawa, his once softening length quickly perking again and growing to fullness once more. With her muzzle currently occupied she knew the only other possibility. Getting to his hands and knees to crawl closer and watch as his sister used Khoba's muzzle for her own pleasure, for the moment the larger female ignored her smaller brother as she was lost in the feeling of the unwilling maw wrapped about her own cock. As tends to happen when someone sits staring, Udoti soon realized her brother was staring, giving an annoyed snort as she nodded down towards Khoba's tail. "Go use the other end, this side is busy" to which Icawa would nod dumbly before crawling around behind Khoba.

Khoba's eyes going wide as his fingers touched and explored beneath her own tribal skirt; flipping it over her back to expose her hindquarters to his curious fingers. But her surprise soon turning to fear as the inexperienced mutt pressed his cock against her rump, grinding himself against her soft furred behind and starting to slip dangerously close to where she hoped he would not go. A fearful whine being muffled by Udoti as she continued to buck and grind against the subdued colourful canines maw; but a malicious smirk crossing her lips as she noticed Khoba's reaction to what her brother was doing.

"Hey runt, stop for a second. I have an idea I'm sure you will love. Come lay down beside Khoba here, she's going to ride you to another climax, just like she did with Lawula" Stupidly Khoba sighed in relief as Icawa nodded eagerly and his length vanished from grinding against her behind. Confusion setting in as Udoti stepped back as well, her now saliva slicked length glistening in the early morning sun. "You heard me Khoba, ride him!" Again Udoti growled threateningly, fangs bared as she pointed down at the smaller hyena laying on his back with his shaft standing straight up like a lewd sundial. Reluctantly Khoba moved beside Icawa before swinging a thigh across his hips, hovering for a moment as she gave a pleading look to Udoti whom just shook her head and pointed down again. Reaching back to grasp the ugly males cock and brush his tip against her surprisingly slick folds, Khoba would line him up before slowly sinking down onto his iron hard cock. At least this time she was in control, or at least she tried to tell herself she was, ignoring the fact she was slick enough to take Icawa without much effort. Her eyes closed as she turned her head aside, not wanting to see the ugly face beneath her as she started riding Icawa; rather she tried to picture Wandi's handsome face. It almost worked too until she heard the snorts and grunts beneath her, shattering her illusion as Icawa started to buck up against her. To her horror she felt herself getting turned on again, chastising herself for feeling this way as she was taken advantage of yet again. Her train of thought suddenly derailed as a pair of hands gripped her hips and held her firmly in place, Khoba's blood running cold as she realized Udoti was no longer standing in front of her but was now holding her in position.

The feeling of the slick firmness suddenly pressing against her presented behind leaving little doubt as to what the larger female had in mind. The soft whine breaking out into a loud yelp as Udoti would press firmly against Khoba's virgin tail hole; soon finding purchase as her muscles relented to the constant assault and puckered inwards to swallow the first inch of Udoti. Not caring for the smaller females comfort, Udoti would keep the pressure up, sinking her length in one smooth motion between Khoba's soft furred cheeks. "Heh, seems like she's never had a cock up her ass, Icawa!" Udoti's mocking voice chimed out, followed by a firm smack to Khoba's left cheek. "You're going to have to get used to it Khoba, I like a nice bit of ass" came the harsh words in her ear as the large female leaned over her back, feeling her breasts pressed against her shoulders, Khoba felt a strange feeling welling up inside her from the odd sensations. "Oh no, not again..." her panicked words sounded in her mind, feeling a climax starting to build. "Why now, why like...this?" she asked herself in frustration, being taken advantage of was bad enough, but being taken under her tail for the first time should if anything stop her from climaxing, but still that familiar tingle crept through her body and began to grow. Gritting her teeth and trying to think of anything to fight it off, knowing it would not end well if she came from being double fucked by the brother and sister hyenas.

Unfortunately Udoti seemed to sense her inner struggle, slipping a hand down Khoba's front, heading straight down between her thighs in search of her hooded clit to begin rubbing. With the blood pumping loudly in her ears she wouldn't hear Udoti's words but could easily guess what they were as Icawa's lips latched onto her left nipple in a harsh suckle as her right was pinched and tugged at with the gentleness of a gorilla swatting a fly. It should have hurt, but the bombardment of stimulation from all sides turned it into a different source of pleasure. Khoba had lost and she knew it, with a loud bark she came and came hard, bucking and writhing between the pair as her body clamped down on the invading members. The feeling of a warm climaxing and squeezing pussy was too much for Icawa whom soon followed suit; howling out as his second climax overtook him and firing off hot jets of his seed inside Khoba. Udoti halted her fucking of Khoba's now aching behind for a few moments, leaving the two more inexperienced mutts to enjoy their climaxes before she would start bucking into Khoba with renewed vigour. The hyena bitch would start to buck harder and harder until her hips were slapping against Khoba's behind, leaving a light pink hue to glow through the more visible white patches. Each firm buck earning Udoti's ears a yelp from Khoba, a dull ache starting to grow under her tail from her once virgin pucker being stretched and fucked for so long. It seemed the gods were smiling on Khoba just then, in a rather ironic way it seemed as the pained yelps seemed to pleasure Udoti more than the act of fucking the smaller females ass. Her short dark red muzzle raising with a low drawn out howl as Udoti finally climaxed; though as her cock would twitch and pulse under Khoba's tail there was no sensation of any slickness or added warmth. The reason soon became clear as Khoba caught the scent of female cum from behind her, quickly putting two and two together. To her utter humiliation though Udoti would slowly pull herself back and out of Khoba's behind, letting her short tail curl down uselessly to protect her abused behind. Udoti moving around to kneel before Khoba, grinning as she rubbed her softening length against Khoba's face and cheeks, pushing Khoba's muzzle down between her slick thighs and rubbing her scent into the soft coloured fur.

"The croc was right, you are a good fuck" Udoti mocked Khoba, finally releasing her muzzle as she stood back up to retrieve her clothing. "Get out from under that bitch now Icawa, time to finish hunting or we won't have anything for dinner." Instead of simply crawling out from under Khoba as his sister had demanded, Icawa would rudely shove her aside and into the grass. Soon joining the larger hyena as he too got dressed and stood grinning like a fool at Khoba laying on her side panting, his cum visible against her inner thighs as it dribbled from between her folds.

"See you soon croc fucker" came Udoti's last insult before the pair vanished into the tall grass, their laughter hanging in the air for an uncomfortably long while after, haunting Khoba much the same way Lawula's growl had.

To be continued...