A Little Bi Between Friends

Story by GrimFur on SoFurry

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My first upload! In this short little tale a panther named Connor has his first bi experience with his best friend and his roommate Kyle, a sexy dalmatian. The seeds for future stories are also planted, but no promises.

I've been writing for several years, and up until now, not with any particular eroticism to it. I hope its a short little tale that people/furs might enjoy! Feedback and criticism is always welcome!

You can also find the sequel here: Stag Party

* * *

I closed the door, dropped my bag in the dorm living room, and stumbled into the shared bedroom to fall face-first onto the bed.

Early classes suuuuuuuuuuuuuuck...

I'm Connor, a lithe panther studying at Aurbury University. I was a pretty average and unassuming panther, as far as things went. On a good day I stood about 5'11, I had a sleek black coat, and I was remarkably lean. There was a little bit of tone around the middle I was proud of - you could feel some ab definition there.

I was also proud of my long sleek tail, and my taut little butt, but I was still unsure how I could best use those assets.

With a sigh, I rolled over onto my back. I was studying for a health discipline - undecided yet, but definitely something in health. There was some time to choose, a lot of the early classes were the foundations for other disciplines.

I was enjoying my study. Except for the morning classes. And when the first three days of the week were morning classes...

I stretched out tiredly and wriggled a little on my bed. At this moment the freedom to stretch and lounge on my bed could not be beat. Actually, that may not have been true. I felt a stirring in my crotch. I was a cat, lounging and stretching could put me in the mood, especially if it's been some time.

And regrettably, it _had_been some time.

I snapped the button on my jeans and shimmied to bring them down a little on my thigh, opening up my jeans to access my briefs. There was a growing firmness from my sheath that bought a purring pleasure when I rubbed.

I should have a little time before Kyle comes back from track...

Kyle was a Dalmation. He was also my roommate and my best friend; he had been since the beginning of high school. On coming to university we'd both managed to snag a place at a dorm like building just off campus.

I arched my back a little, stroking the firmness under my briefs some more. Thanks to those early classes my moments alone to enjoy this were few. It had been longer still since another fur had been involved - not a thing at all since coming to university. The only consolation was there was still plenty of eye candy.

Like Marie, the fiery coloured vixen who was an unabashed flirt. Or Alex the stag, his running shorts always bulging with what is no doubt a big...

"Ooo, what have we here?" Came a chuckle form the doorway.

I let out a surprised yelp and turned away, covering my crotch with both paws. Looking over my shoulder I could see Kyle standing in the doorway, leaning against it with one arm. He had a goofy smile on his face, sweat-soaked clothes from running track, and a sporty duffel bag over his shoulder.

"Feeling a little feisty, eh kitty." Kyle walked in, crossing to his bed, opposite mine.

"You have no idea..." I muttered under my breath, turning away slightly to do up my jeans.

I wasn't hung like a horse, but as far as I knew I was above average, so confining myself in my jeans after getting myself worked up was not pleasant. Getting to watch Kyle strip off his sweaty shirt certainly didn't help...

"Hmm?" He said, after working his shirt off.

"Nothing, you spotty bastard." I feigned annoyance. "Couldn't be five minutes late could you?"

Kyle knew the game. He feigned hurt, his ears drooping, and pressed a paw to his chest. "Spotty bastard, that's the most hurtful thing you've ever said to me."

I snorted derisively, leaning back with both arms behind me on the bed, propping myself up. "Oh you've certainly earned it over the years..."

"Five minutes, eh?" His feigned hurt look was broken by a mischievous smile.

Uh oh. I knew that look.

Kyle slowly sauntered toward my bed and I drew back a little defensively, tail swishing across my covers. He put both paws down on the bed to look me in the eye, despite the foot of distance between us.

"Is that all it takes when kitty really needs it, huh?" He asked.

His eyes were smouldering almost, but his tail still swished with mischief.

I felt my ears press back with embarrassment. "That's...not, I mean, I..."

Pressing forward, Kyle began to crawl onto the bed and crawl slowly up to me. I shuffled back as far as I could. Sooner than I thought his hands were leading him up on either side of my crossed legs, doing their best to hide my still present arousal.

"Its ok, I get it buddy, when you need it, you need it, nothing wrong with that..." As he spoke he drew closer and closer, voice quieter and quieter until he was all but whispering.

Nearly face to face Kyle suddenly grinned and then flopped onto me.

"Ah! No, no, no, no..." I struggled and writhed, trying to push Kyle up and off me.

"Wow! I sure am beat, I could just take a nap right here..." Kyle wriggled as if snuggling himself down into his bedding.

His fairly toned and fairly strong arms wrapped around my shoulders. "Dammit, Kyle, no, you're all..."

"Ahhhh! Yeah, I could just lay right here. Oh, look! A nice kitty pillow, so soft, so fluffy, ahhhh, yeah, I could just lay down right here..."

"Rrrrr, no, get off, you're all sweaty!" I pushed and poked at him to try and force him off.

Wriggling one of my arms free I scratched at his side, not hard enough to harm, but enough to trigger some uncomfortable spasms and force him to relent.

"Ah, ow, haha, alright, alright!" Kyle pushed himself up off me, lingering like he was doing a push up, before standing and stepping away.

"Fine, if kitty doesn't want to be a pillow I'll just go ahead and take a shower." He stretched and walked off toward the bathroom, just off the shard bedroom.

I sat up. Looking over his shoulder he winked at me. "Don't worry, I bet I'll take at least five minutes."

I raised my paw and gave him the finger, but he just smirked.

"And if you need some help, buddy..." he trailed off as he turned away.

I was about to roll over and get off the bed, but then I caught what he meant. He stripped down pretty quickly and ambled off to the shower without a care in the world.

We'd seen each other named a few times, nothing wrong with that. But now, as I couldn't help but watch that taut and round Dalmation butt saunter into the bathroom, it felt different. It felt teasing, but also encouraging. Provocative. Like Kyle wanted_something_ to happen?

I dismissed it as teasing. Kyle knew I was bi. I had come out toward the end of highschool, and Kyle had obviously been the first I told, before even my parents. He had been nothing but supportive, throwing out some casual ribbing and innuendos.

And we'd been playful in a physical sense since then, Kyle again being the perfect friend. He wasn't off put by physical horseplay, such as the laying on me shenanigans he'd just pulled. But more importantly, it never seemed like he was doing it to compensate or to try and make a statement about how cool he was with my orientation.

Nothing had changed when he learned how I felt, and that's all I could ask for from a best friend.

Of course, that didn't mean he wasn't a damn tease. The naked saunter to the bathroom was the most obvious and deliberate tease in a while.

As I heard the shower run I lay there and felt a throb in my jeans.

Should I...

No. My erection would die down from embarrassment any time now. I lay back and stretched a little more, trying to ignore the discomfort in my crowded crotch.

Before I could really lie back and just rest there was a loud knocking from the dorm door. I was nearly startled at how loud it was.

Sighing, I rolled from the bed and padded to the door, shifting my junk around to a more comfortable and less obvious position.

I opened the door and was confronted by a tight black t-shirt stretched over a well toned and physically impressive torse. Looking up a little I found its owner was a handsome and familiar stag.

Uh oh.

"Connor, right?" Alex had a deep but friendly voice. "Is Kyle back yet?"

Any blush, or redness on my face or ears that had occurred from Kyle's teasing, was coming back in the presence of this stud.

"Uh, yeah, he's...he's in the shower." I managed to get out after a little stammering.

Alex smirked before standing straight from where he'd been leaning a little. "Well, he worked himself hard today, forgot his phone in the lockerroom."

Alex worked the phone out from his tight looking jeans, holding it out to me.

"Oh, thanks, I'll let him know to thank you for bringing it around!" I thanked him.

I reached up to take it from him but he held onto it for a bit. "I admit, it was a perfect excuse to come around. I'm holding a little party at my place on the weekend, small thing, a few drinks, a good time. Kyle was quick to leave before I could let him know, so pass that on to would you." He asked, letting the phone go when he'd finished.

"Yeah, sure..." I said, but he cut me off.

"You should come along too. You and Kyle have been friends for ages, he's mentioned you more than once. If Kyle thinks you're cool the rest of us sports furs are gonna love you."

My blush deepened and I took the chance to look down at the phone, to save myself from the pressure of his fierce brown eyes. "Yeah, um, maybe..."

"I mean, its not just gonna be a bunch of jocks and sport furs. It's a thing for friends really, just most of us know each other from track or swimming. There's no pressure, if you're not up for it," he shrugged, showing some indifference, "its cool, do what you want. But they say university is a time to broaden your horizons." He grinned and there was something strange about it.

I had been bemoaning, not a few days ago, the fact that my unassuming form had yet to catch the attention of anyone. Kyle had suggested I needed to be more upfront with furs and look for opportunities to approach someone, but that was...well, scary for me. I'd had a girlfriend in highschool for a year or two, and that was definitely a situation where she'd approached me.

Now I had a chance to put myself out there a little.

"Do they now?" Struck with a little spark of confidence, I looked up at Alex with a growing smile. "Yeah, sounds like it could be fun. I'll let Kyle know, I reckon we'll see you there."

"Cool." He smiled back, more friendly now, where that other smile had been almost...predatory. "Kyle's got the address, I'll send him some more details later. Cya then."

He reached out and clapped me on the shoulder, in a friendly way, and I could feel that strong hand for a moment before he nodded and left.

Closing the door I ambled my way back to the bedroom, scooping up my bag from the living area. This was going to be an interesting week...

* * *

The rest of the week passed without much going on. More classes, the rest of them thankfully not early in the morning. Kyle was still a casual tease, but more in a friend way, and much less in a sexual way.

I was...surprisingly looking forward to the weekend. I'm definitely not a party fur, something I learned very early in high school. Kyle quite enjoyed parties, and often dragged me along, so there was at least someone I could count on to make sure they didn't completely suck.

But I didn't drink, I didn't like dancing - unless it was more formal kinds of dancing - and often the entire environment was not something I'd enjoy.

Maybe things would be different now.

I was relieved, when Saturday night rolled around, to find by the end of the night that I was correct. The party was actually a lot of fun!

When Alex had said it was a fairly small thing he'd been pretty accurate. I don't think there was more than ten furs there, and it was a casual but super friendly gathering. There were a few drinks, plenty of non-alcoholic options, and there seemed to be a place for each distinct little group.

Outdoors there was a pool and a barbeque going. Inside there was some music and dancing in a broad living room, the kitchen between the living area and the outside had a steady flow of furs getting more finger foods or getting a refill on whatever they were drinking.

And there were some interesting furs at the party. A very obvious couple I talked too for a little spent most of their time on a couch. A gruff looking, but friendly, coyote of few words sat with arm around his boyfriend, an otter with painted tattoos in his fur and a surprisingly buff form.

Kyle informed me later in the night that the coyote had enough meat to put most horses to shame, causing me to choke on my drink.

I spent some time getting to know Alex, who was the perfect host. He was someone who it seemed was possible to have a never ending conversation with, effortlessly steering the conversation. It didn't hurt that he was a major stud...

In fact more than once I thought I caught him glancing my way when we were talking to other furs. And when we were chatting I thought I could see him sometimes give me looks like he was looking me up and down...appraising me...

Thinking about what he'd do with me, a night and a room all to ourselves...

I couldn't tell what the smile was when he caught me blushing mid conversation, but I didn't doubt he was quite perceptive and intuitive. He had to know.

* * *

Shortly after midnight Kyle and I stumbled into the dorm, buzzing from an overall extremely fun night.

"I'm surprised when Alex got you in the kitchen alone," Kyle paused to work his shirt off and lazily scratch his chest, "he didn't work his charm on you. I was fully expecting to walk in with you on your knees and him with his big - "

I cut him off. "Kyle!" Working down my jeans I nearly tripped over, and had to lean the other way to fall onto my bed.

Kyle just laughed, working his own jeans down his legs. "Nothing wrong with wanting it. But it was a good thing he held back."

Down to just his briefs, Kyle sauntered in my direction, a sultry look in his eyes.

"Because if anyone is going to get you, it's gonna be me first..." he trailed off as he drew near.

I folded my ears back. "I...I didn't think you'd be all that interested in me. I thought you were straight!" I explained.

Kyle smirked and then helped me draw my shirt over my head, before taking my hands and lifting me to stand, pulling me in close to him. Face to face, and chest to chest, I could feel his body warmth and his natural scent. If I wasn't already fully hard, there would be little resistance now.

"How could I resist this," he reached down from our embrace to cup my ass, clothed still only in my sleeping briefs, "or your mischievous swishing tail, or just...you." He said, finally leaning in.

Our muzzles slowly met and a warmth spread through my chest. Such a simple thing felt so good. There was but a few seconds of a near chaste meeting of our lips before the dalmation's doggy tongue sought out my own prickly tongue. Within a matter of moments, tongues meeting, exploring, and wrestling, things were beginning to heat up.

It was like the passion was a building force within us, a sensual momentum that had one goal in mind: fucking.

Kyle pushed me down onto my bed and followed, the whole time not breaking his liplock with me. Dextrous paws were already exploring and beginning to knead, and I could feel feline instincts to being petted already respond. Muffled little moans and huffs began to escape into our continued and frenzied makeout. In revenge I gently raked my claws down his back and grabbed his ass. From the hold I had it was easy to feel the wagging of his tail.

"Mmm," Kyle moaned, escaping my mouth long enough to speak, "you're mine tonight, any problems with that, kitty?"

"Ah...hell no, come and get me spots." I teased back.

Immediately Kyle began to kiss and tongue his way down my front, starting around my neck with some sensual lappings and some light nips that sent a shiver down my spine, before he worked himself lower, over my chest with broad strokes of his tongue, down the minor definition of my abs, to the band of my tented and soaked briefs.

It was impossible to miss the dark spots of arousal that was freely running into the fabric, impossible to miss the firm mass within, and likely impossible to miss the scent of my feline musk.

With his prize in sight Kyle locked eyes with me, leant down, and took the band of my briefs carefully in his mouth. Slowly he began to draw back. Letting out a little moan I aided him as much as I could while stretched out, shuffling my legs a little to help them off.

He resorted to a little tug with his hands to get them on their way down my legs, letting my barbed prick spring up and slap against my navel.

Bared before my sexy best friend of many years, I felt a blush heat my cheeks and my ears pin back a little. It was hard to keep my eyes met with his fiercely aroused ones, but I don't think I could look away either. I would hate myself if I missed even a second of this.

Lightly spreading my legs with his paws, he created just enough space to reveal my tight and needy sack, investigating slowly but thoroughly with his tongue. The warmth across my balls was toe-curling and my back arched more until it was a struggle to see much but the top of his spotted head and his adorable ears.

There was no mistaking that long and dextrous tongue though.

Moving up, the sensual bath of my privates continued to the base of my barbed cock and the junction of my sheath and my balls. In a matter of moments the entirety of my cock and balls had been tongue bathed and I was deliriously waiting what was next.

Meeting my eyes once more, Kyle bought his paw up to close around the base of my prick, sliding up slowly to catch and tease the barbs. I hissed gently with pleasure, a slow, teasing, learning experience for us both.

We had started to build to a frenetic passion with our brief lip and tongue mash, but in taking control, Kyle seemed to be ready for a thorough and slow exploration. I was in no hurry to have this end.

After working my cock for a brief time, no doubt testing and teasing the barbs, Kyle began to lick up my length, starting slowly from the base before working his way up in broad strokes over those barbs - getting teased and worked so much I was practically a purring puddle of panther - before he sensually lapped over the tip. It was quickly obvious there was no hygiene or flavour issues for him, as the lapping only intensified and continued, before he finally settled his muzzle over the tip and began to work himself down.

In a way I quickly discovered was important to a good blowjob, his tongue never ceased in exploring and teasing, even as he bought himself down halfway onto my length. At first with a gentle suction, Kyle quickly worked himself into a bobbing routine that had me wriggling and writhing with pleasure.

There was no mistaking, nor hiding the pleasured purrs escaping my mouth between the gasps.

The warmth and suction, the thorough and sensual kneading of his tongue across my length was almost too much stimulation to take.

Those wandering hands were not idle either. With one hand Kyle was massaging the base of my cock, and the other had moved from a casual kneading of my thigh to a gentle rolling of my balls.

With so much pleasure gifted to me, and with it having been so long, I wasn't going to last much longer.

"Ah, ah, Kyle!" I managed to mewl. "I'm gonna...soon." I warned.

Taking the hint, Kyle changed pace and tactic. He settled for firmer and longer strokes, and moved his mouth to the tip for focussed sucking and lapping.

That was all I needed. I arched my back let out a high-pitched moan and trapped his head on my prick with one hand. My balls pulled up to the base of my prick and I felt myself cum harder than I ever have before. Powerful and full jets of cum splashed into my friends mouth and lapping tongue as I felt him swallowing.

It seemed to last forever, but I anticipate it was closer to 15 seconds. Eventually I slumped back down, hand still resting atop my spotted friends head. I could not stop the loud purring nor my minor wriggling as I lounged in my post-orgasmic bliss.

Kyle stirred, drawing back. I could see he was still working his tongue in his mouth and I felt a little bad for him. I reached over onto my nightstand and handed him a bottle of water I routinely keep there. Not for these exact purposes mind, but it all works out I guess.

"Heh, thanks," he took a mouthful, worked it around for a bit, and still swallowed, "kitty sure was pent up, huh?" He smirked.

I blushed and lounged back onto the bed, still buzzing with pleasure. "Yeah..." I let the word draw out.

Dextrous paws returned to my thighs, working up to my hips. "But he's feeling muuuuch better now, isn't he..." Kyle had softened some of his simmering, lusty looks with a hint of mischief.

"You want me to return the favour...?" It was my turn to smirk, licking my lips and rising gently in anticipation.

"Uh, uh, uh," Kyle tutted, leaning back over me and gently pushing me down with one paw, "you'll get that chance, I'm sure. For now, I want something else."

I raised an eyebrow as I began suspecting what exactly he was after. "Kyle..."

He growled a little, pitched with lust and not danger, a sound that bought a throb to my still hard prick. "I want that panther ass..." he said, a near whisper.

My tail thumped on the bed as an unconscious signal my pulse had quickened. I began to slightly turn over.

"You'd better be gentle, alright, I've never...I mean..." I didn't finish.

Kyle looked a little surprised, but grinned and licked his chops. "I suspected you'd never gone that far, but I didn't think I'd be lucky enough to be your first." He turned me back over onto my back. "Don't worry, I'd never do a thing to hurt you, unless you wanted it..."

He trailed off as he grabbed the backs of my knees and bought my legs up, rolling me back a little until my taunt ass was clearly displayed, and already feeling a little stretch from the position.

With a start I realised what he was going to do when he began to lower his head. "Kyle, I'm not sure you're gonna want to -"

I cut off abruptly with a jolt of pleasure running up my spine and exploding my brain. I knew things like this happened, and I figured with people who stuck fingers and even dicks up their ass there was probably something to it, but it had the connotations of something nasty.

And it was true that I had taken a shower minutes before - great timing on that one - but Kyle had no assurance that I... my train of thought quickly dissolved from its mental ramblings.

Kyle had made a long swipe of his tongue through the cleft of my ass, from top to hole to taint, and it made me seize with pleasure. He did it again and I gasped, hands grasping and tangling in the sheets.

"Kyle!" I mewled as he swiped a third time, building into a continuous rhythm.

I writhed with pleasure as I began to learn there was something special about a tongue on your ass. And_in_ I discovered a moment later, when sensual swirls around my rosebud that made me mewl like a kitten, dissolve into breathless moans as the tongue gently breached my hole.

A broad lapping around and in my hole nearly bought me to orgasm again as I struggled to maintain my posture with Kyle sensually and thoroughly rimming me.

Satisfied, moments later, that I was suitably primed, Kyle withdrew. In my respite he backed up to grab some lube from his nightstand before returning with a large dollop on his finger, pressing it to my winking and dripping hole.

I nearly squealed at the touch of the cold viscous liquid, but Kyle worked fast to build up a slick friction by working a finger into my hole. Angling my hips up I settled my paws onto the bed, knees bent, and allowed him to work my hole with his fingers, building from one to two and to then to three fingers.

The stretch bought with it a burn of muscles that hadn't worked this way before. But now I never wanted them to stop being worked this way.

When satisfied I was primed and lubed, Kyle took a moment to prep himself. Shirking his own briefs, he took a short moment to pose at the foot of the bed. He proudly showed of his bright red, throbbing doggy cock, spitting a little pre over my covers and over my angled ass and crotch.

It was clear to see he was better endowed than I was, but I certainly wasn't complaining. Already the base of his cock had a slight swell to it, and I figured it wouldn't take long for his knot to form.

He worked some lube over his dick, not that he seemed to need it with his eager precum, before he tossed the lube to the floor and began to crawl back over me. He took my legs and put my knees onto his shoulders, rolling me back a little more and presenting my eager behind to his equally eager and throbbing cock.

"You ready?" he asked, practically panting with lust.

Unable to trust even words with the nervous energy building, I just nodded.

The touch of his hot cock to my hole was a unique sensation, but an entirely welcome one. He began pressing forward and I struggled not to tense as my hole was spread wide by a warm and eager cock.

The burn of the stretch returned, fiercer with a much more filling culprit. There was a bit of pain, but the spread was quickly pleasing, with the work that had been done to lube and work me open.

I looked at Kyle but he was watching his cock spread open my ass between my taunt buns. I was not the only one being quickly moved to cloud nine I saw. At what I could see was the halfway point of his dick, Kyle paused a little and lolled his head back, tongue lying out of his mouth as he let out a happy sigh of pleasure.

"You have got to be the tightest thing I have ever felt..." Kyle trailed off with a growl and resumed his progress.

I writhed a little as he had begun to press into new territory, beyond the stretch of his fingers, but still nothing but building pleasure. His shaft had begun to work over something inside me that was sending spark of pleasure directly to my cock.

Pressing in with the growing bulb of his knot against my tailhole, his cock all but fully sheathed, Kyle leant forward for a brief peck on the lips and a lap over my mouth before he began to withdraw and work himself into a rocking motion.

As I settled for gasps and airy moans, feeling his firm doggy dick spreading me open and work into a pleasurably rhythm through my ass, Kyle continued with growing moans and the occasional light growls.

Kyle sped up from his light rocking motions. His rolling thrusts created a paff paff paff of his furred hips meeting my backside and thighs, his swaying balls slapping the cleft of my rear.

He continued his thrusts, changing from long and balls-deep thrusts to short but fast little blitzes. Revelling in the sensations of working himself through my tight tailhole he threw his head back, letting his tongue lol out again with a pleasured huff and more groans.

With his strong arms planted on either side of my shoulders and the back of my knees on his broad shoulders, I ran my paws down his front, lightly scratching the muscle as he flexed and continued to pump. The movement of this strong friend of mine over top of me, looking up at his sexy spotted form, running my paws through his coat and down to his hips, bought a new sexiness to what was already an incredibly sexy moment.

Running my paws down his hips, I let my claws out a little more, and firmly grasped his firm, round ass. There was no stopping it, and I didn't want to stop it, the constant pounding motions were quickly driving me to the point of no return.

"Yes! Harder, Kyle!" I managed to shout out, giving one of his firm cheeks an echoing slap.

He gasped in surprised and then turned it into a growl, bearing down over me a little more. "You want harder, kitty?" He adjusted position, bringing his paws up to behind my knees and pinning my legs down so my ankles were near my head.

If I were less flexible, and not a feline, the abrupt shift in position would likely have been a pain. But as it was Kyle had manoeuvred himself into a more dominant position and was primed to work us both to a climax.

Working himself back up to quick and powerful thrusts, Kyle kept as much as he could buried in me at all times. The feeling of his firm cock, spreading me open, and rapidly working over my clenching muscles, left me delirious with new sensations.

And now the bulb of his growing knot was really making itself known. He was slamming it against the taut and stretched opening of my tailhole with rapid and firm pushes, each time stretching me open just a little further.

"Rrrr, here it comes, kitty!" He growled, right over the top of me.

Gasping, I managed to say, "Just give it to me!" before I sank my teeth into his shoulder.

With a fierce and pleasured growl, Kyle firmly ground his hips against my backside and squeezed his knot through my opening. Just in time it would seem, as it grew rapidly to lock us together. Our groans and moans formed a chorus of unadulterated pleasure, a signal we'd reached the end of the line.

I felt my balls clench with the pressure and warmth in my tailhole, both pressure and pleasure surging up my length until it emerged as ropes of cum that painted both our fronts with lines of rapture.

As significant as the firm bulb locking us together was, it was heightened by the rapid clenching of my orgasm and was more than enough to drive Kyle to his own. With a long drawn out, sexy moan, Kyle trembled as his own cock began to paint my insides with rope after rope of his own sticky cum.

We descended, together, into pants and groans of satisfaction, locked together and completely welcoming of one another's embrace. Kyle continued to gently ground his hips into my backside, and despite a gradual soreness I became aware of, I was nothing but receptive to his prolonged orgasm and the no doubt growing pool of cum within me.

I began to lick and gently groom the spot on his shoulder I had bitten as Kyle moved his hands from the back of my knees to gently around my shoulders, moving from less of a mating press to more of a hug. A very special kind of hug, the kind with a knot in my ass.

Kyle let out a pleasured rumble at my grooming and our embrace. I reached up on paw and gently massaged his chest, kneading the muscle and fur there. This elicited a long contented sigh.

"How was...that, kitty?" Kyle huffed, his eyes still closed, thoroughly enjoying our post-orgasm snuggling.

I gave him a broad smile and gave a quick lick at his chin. "All I could ask for."

Kyle settled his weight gently onto me and we cuddled a little more until he softened and slipped out of me. It was a pretty weird feeling to have a sudden rush of cum to escape my slightly stretched hole. It made a wet mess on my sheets and we disentangled to avoid it, and to begin cleaning up.

There was a soreness to my rump, for sure, but not an unpleasant one. As we went about the room changing the sheets and tidying up we both surveyed each other's naked forms with unabashed grins.

"Well, since you made such a mess of me, spots, I think I'd better go take a shower." I made this bold statement while slowly sauntering over to the bathroom, tail swishing seductively behind me.

Kyle watched with lusty eyes and just the hint of his doggy tongue in the corner of his mouth. "Let me help!" He said eagerly.

I raised an eyebrow at him, over my shoulder.

"You know, since I was so messy." He followed after me with his tail wagging.

How could I resist?

* * *

As mentioned I hope people enjoy this short little story, my first foray into sexy writing (as my friend likes to call it), and if you did be sure to let me know! If you have other comments or criticisms, all feedback is welcomed!