Showering Cause We're Filthy

A shorter, but more direct little story, hopefully serving as good practice, but an enjoyable read nonetheless. If you do enjoy make sure to let me know! \* \* \* Khalid was grateful for many things. Presently, it was for a lack of furs throughout...

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Stag Party

First of all, thank you to everyone who faved, voted, and commented on '[A Little Bi Between Friends]('. It was great to know people enjoyed it! And, so here is the sequel. Some of it feels a little pretentious;...

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A Little Bi Between Friends

I've been writing for several years, and up until now, not with any particular eroticism to it. I hope its a short little tale that people/furs might enjoy! Feedback and criticism is always welcome! You can also find the sequel here: [Stag...

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The Boyfriend Experience

Lane stretched and yawned. Friday nights for the golden retriever anthro were reruns of an old tv show he'd once avidly watched, comfortably shirtless in the loungeroom of the dorm he shared with his red panda of a roommate. The door of the dorm...

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Consort 2

Another in the Consort series! This was delayed a little due to the holidays, and I was planning to upload a shorter version of this, but one thing led to another and so here it is. If you're just looking for the smut you can find it at the beginning...

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A Tail of Three

The third and what may be the final story for Connor's escapades. Thanks again to everyone who has been reading, fav'ing, voting, and commenting. You're all awesome. \* \* \* It was the end of the year, and for many, it was a time for one thing....

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