Hurt and heal: Liam's story

Story by Tygriss on SoFurry

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Hey everyfur, sorry it took a while but here I am with my next upload.

I hope it is readable, things got really choppy but I have tried along with my best friend and fur daughter Tess to fix it up.

It was something I felt like doing for a change since my stories tend to lean more towards female couplings and fantasy. So this is more down to earth and has a male love interest involved so hopefully makes for a good change? ^.^

I might continue it as a series if it does well enough. Hope you all enjoy?

It was late in the evening, the stars were in full view and pubs were quieting for the night, save those working late.

At the end of a dimly lit street a small pub stood called The Golden Oak, the gold lettering on the front illuminated by its one light. Our story takes place inside this very building where a young, petite cheetah sat drinking at the bar, a downtrodden and defeated expression plastered on his face as he sipped at a pint of cool John Smiths beer. His tail hung limp to trail over the floor and there was a noticeable droop to his whiskers.

"What's the matter there little guy? You seem like the weight of the world is weighing on those small shoulders of yours," a shapely female puma said from behind the bar, cleaning a glass out before resting her elbows on the counter to give him her full attention. She wore a black vest and dark brown jeans that went well with her russet coloured fur. She had a name tag on but her only late patron was too busy moping to notice.

"I need a new job is what I need. I thought the trucker life was what I wanted. You know travelling around the country, delivering heavy loads, living life on the road," he sighed heavily, "I didn't account to how many jerks would be working along with me. Bullying, arrogant asshats the lot of them, just cos I'm new and not built like they are."

Opening her muzzle to try and say something comforting, the female bartender was interrupted as the door swung open followed by a trio of rowdy anthros; one a burly wolf, a lizard built like a bull and a bear. "Oh look who it is, our new bitch decided to find familiar company!" The lizard hissed out, running his forked tongue over his brown scaled lips.

"Leave me alone..." the cheetah mumbled to them, refusing to meet their eyes, seeming to shrink as he pressed himself up to the counter, his arms curling round his head and ears pulled back.

"There there, it's only natural for you to seek familiar company, after all girls have to hang together huh?" The lupine said in a mocking tone of understanding, petting the cheetah on the head hard enough to cause him to hit the counter with a grunt before turning to the puma. "Hey pretty, what say after work you come back to my truck for a ride? And I'm not on about the sort with wheels," he smirked, the lewd look on his face speaking volumes of what he had in mind.

"No. Especially not with your type," she said cooly, "now please get out, I am closing up in five minutes."

"Hey, where do you think you are going girl?!" He growled out, reaching out and grabbed at her C+ chest, grinning wide as he squeezed the flesh setting his cohorts laughing. Their laughs were soon cut short as she brought her elbow down hard on the wolf's forearm, a sickening crunch sounding before vaulting over the bar and slamming his head into the top before been grabbed from behind by the bull-built lizard.

"Ungh, you fucks get the hell off of me right now or you'll be sorry!" She cried out, struggling in vain in his strong grip.

"Woah, bet she would be great in bed, the feisty ones make things so much more interesting," he laughed out. "Maybe we should keep this one huh? Have her make things up to our poor wolfy?"

Chuckling the bear helped the wolf up, "Minus points to your male rep Ron, getting done in by a chick."

Pushing him aside, nursing his wounded arm Ron put his face right into the puma's, "You're going to be sorry you did that girlie, when I am done with you the only thing you will be fit for is a life as a whore," he growled, his fetid breath making her want to gag.

"H-hey, leave her alone you bastards!" The cheetah who seemed to have been forgotten until now cried out, rubbing his sore head before getting up when he went ignored. "I told you to leave her!" He cried out, running at the wolf before the bear stepped into his path and clotheslined him, sending him hurtling across the room and slamming into a wall where he laid prone with a dribble of blood running from his muzzle.

Laughing as one, the three turned around before finding a tall, muscular tan form blocking their paths. Having to crane their heads up, they saw an eight foot tall male stag towering over them, clad in just a pair of custom made dark blue jeans. His muzzle lips pulled into a frown, brown eyes narrowed and boring into them and his proud antlers made him all the more impressive and imposing looking. "H-hey, what's your damage buddy?" The lizard gasped as he backed up from him, the puma still clutched struggling in his beefy arms.

"This is my pub, it is also my home. You will put her down right now, will turn around, leave and never show your faces here," he said, his deep voice equally as intimidating.

Swallowing the three nodded, turned around and let her go. But before she could take a step away, the wolf grabbed her with his one good arm, the other two whipping around with barstools and hurled them at the stag. But his reflexes seemed to belay any surprise as he lowered his head, catching them in his antlers instead before tossing them clear and charged them. Crashing into the bear and lizard with twin pained cries, his antlers punctured into their skins. Dropping the pair to the floor he whirled around and in a surprising turn of speed for someone so tall, caught up to the wolf making his exit. His muscles bulged as he hoisted both wolf and and puma into the air before cracking his skull once, twice, thrice on the ceiling before going limp, letting the girl drop onto the floor with a grunt.

"F-fucking pricks," she spat at them. "Though you may have gone too far this time Dirk," she said as she looked at the bleeding and crumpled bodies on the floor before straightening her fur out.

"Carmine, phone the police and ambulance up, I'll take this little one to the spare room and make him comfy. I'll probably be able to treat him better than they would in hospital," he said before grabbing the limp form of the cheetah. The Puma, Carmine, paused to look at him. The look in his face as he held the cheetah to him was that of someone who had seen a ghost of the past before he spoke again, "Oh and're growing soft," he said, ignoring her growl at him as he walked up the broad stairs to his home above.


"Uhhhh..." the spotted figure groaned as he rolled slightly, the camp bed he was on creaking with the movement before clutching at his side as a spike of pain shot through him. Looking down under the slightly musty smelling covers he saw a series of bandages wrapped around him. His throat felt dry and his voice was hoarse as his eyes roamed around the simple bedroom. It wasn't a hospital, so where was he?

The sound of a tv sounded from somewhere close to him; with a groan from both him and the springs, he planted his feet to the floor before quick steps sounded from outside before the door flew open, the puma from the bar standing there with a scowl on her face. "Lay back down you," she growled, her tail lashing and arms folded under her bust. "That isn't a request."

"Nnh, no I need to get going. I'll be f-fired if I don't turn up to work," he shivered as a bout of pain caused him to tremble before she pushed him back onto the bed.

"We took a call from your boss, not a very reasonable guy. Said to tell you are fired," she said in a unsympathetic tone, her gaze lingering cooly on him. "You idiot, what was you hoping to do charging in like that, you could have died you realise right?"

"Oh sh-shit...what the hell am I to do when I get home, how will I pay any bills?" he groaned out in despair.

"Be more thankful you are alive and it was my pub you were fatally wounded in," a deep, bass tone said from out of the room before a figure bowed in. His antlers seeming to take up all the doorway before the stoic gaze of the largest, beefiest stag the cheetah had ever seen towered above them, clad in a tight fitting blue vest and matching jeans.

The cheetah's eyes widened in shock to see the mountain of muscle before struggling to prop himself up with another grunt. "Wh-what do you mean?" He said in fear, not sure he wanted to know the answer.

"Dirk here used to work in the army, ten years in and five of those as the field medic, meaning he could sew a wound up in the middle of nowhere," the puma said in way in way of explanation before adding, "I served under him for three years before deciding it wasn't for me."

"If I hadn't took action, you would have died before the ambulance even got here. You had a punctured lung from your broken ribcage. Thankfully I keep in practice and have most of my gear here so was able to operate. Your broken ribs will take a lot longer to heal though," he said before gently patting his side for example, the cheetah giving a sharp hiss of pain, tail bushing out before glaring up at the stag.

He was distracted from the pain though when he felt a hand tease through his short, coppery coloured head fur, eliciting a purr from him. "Well what do you know, Cheetah's are like my kind after all. Just big house cats," she said playfully, grinning as she saw his muzzle flush in a blush. "Don't worry little fella, we'll take good care of you until you are healed. What you do then is up to you."

As the giant stag bowed out of the room he called after the female, "Hey, I have a name you know? It's Liam," he said, realising how ungrateful he suddenly sounded.

"Carmine," the Puma said in that cool manner again before she heard him say in a soft voice.

"And...thank you, both, for saving me," he suddenly felt very exhausted again, probably whatever painkiller the stag was supplementing him with.

"You're welcome, but if you want to show your thanks you can rest and get better," she said, though there was a warmth underneath her frosty tone as she left with her tail flicking, grabbing the door to close it shut with Liam nodding off back into a recuperative slumber.


The next six months went by in a mixture of pain, recovery and discovery. Liam learned that his savior, Dirk, was in fact something of a local celebrity in the town with his status as a war hero known. In his time he had been crucial with his expertise for saving countless lives in battle and earned quite the collection of medals.

Carmine on the other hand wasn't anywhere near as impressive. She was a lot younger than the stag with his age around his middle thirties and her only 26. She had been a bit of a ruffian what with living on the streets, stealing and fighting to stay alive after she lost her only family in an accident. Dirk then found her and he took Carmine under his wing; but when he left she saw no point since she decided to leave with him. She just about idolised him but that didn't mean she let herself be walked over whenever she felt he had overstepped things.

Having grown weary of war, Dirk renovated a two floor house, widened the passageways and doors for his size and antlers and opened up a pub with the money he had saved up to which Carmine was his constant employee. There was little in way of relationship beyond friends and comrades with neither being shy on stating that Carmine was bi and Dirk was flat out gay. He liked girls as a friend but never in a sexual way.

This piqued Liam's own interest as he himself had always been bi and often when bored in bed he would fantasize on the pair having their way with himself. Sometimes when he felt he was safe to, he would paw off to the thought of been fucked from both ends by them.

Then came the day he had been dreading... DIrk came to his room late in the morning before he was needed to prepare the kitchen for the food. He had brought him some toast and butter and as the cheetah finished, he then inspected his ribs before declaring him fit to leave.

"Do I have to..." Liam said in a somewhat downcast tone. Over the months he had been living with them he had really grown to like the place. He enjoyed the sound of the bustle of customers below and the laughter and stories that were told over pints. He also found he had come to learn a lot from the pair, of who they were and more of their adventures in the army, how Dirk had joined because he wanted to do more with his life than just push trollies and be the slave to a miserable job. But there also seemed to be something edge of sadness when he looked directly at him and he wanted to find out why.

"This isn't a hotel Liam, we have been having a bit of a lean session with looking after you," he explained gruffly before softening his tone and expression, lowering himself to one knee to get level with the 5.8ft tall cheetah. "I know you will have a hard time of it to start with but, well truth be told I could pull some strings to get you sheltered at an army base camp nearby for a month. That should give you time to sort work out and housing."

"Thank is very generous of you," Liam said in a downcast tone. Inside a voice screamed for him to say it, to say he liked them both and wanted to live here with them. Carmine had the spare room and the room he was in, though a storage cupboard turned into a bedroom, was livable and cosy to him.

"Dirk where the fuck are you?!" Carmine growled as she stomped up the stairs, fur bristled and ears back with teeth bared. "The customers are piling up and wanting to know when the hell food will be served. To top it off there is triple our usual amount due to that blasted motor rally going on just down from here!"

Dirk looked first to the cheetah, seeing the look of hopeless longing in his features before running a broad hand over his face and muzzle in frustration. "FIne, you want to stay here Liam? Then you will have to work for it! But I warn you; the work can be hard, the customers rowdy and for your first month you will only get half the wage due to help pay off your debt here."

Liam shot up with a yes as soon as Dirk had finished, "Yes, yes I will! But...I don't know how to work in a business like this."

Dirk pushed him out to the stairs, "Just follow Carmine's lead, you seem a swift learner. But this is your only chance so don't mess up okay cub?" he said, quickly popping into his double bedroom that he part used as his office before coming out with a badge and LIAM scribbled on the white plastic front. "I'll get you a proper badge later but this will do for now. Now move it!"

Over the course of the next few hours Liam sweated and strived to keep up with the customers orders, saluting when Carmine or Dirk told him to clean tables or mop the floor and, one time, a large set badger tried treating him as a female before Carmine threatened to replace his eyes with their cocktail sticks if he didn't back off. "You're not bad but you really need to work on your image if you want people to take you seriously," Carmine said out the side of her muzzle after the badger had gone suitably quiet.

"I can't help it, I've always been slender built," Liam mumbled to the floor before he found his face wrenched round by her strong hand, his blue eyes quivering as he was forced to stare into the puma's fierce hazel brown eyes.

"Then if this works out, we'll do something about that, and your low esteem," she growled softly before letting him go to get back to work.

From 12 in the afternoon to midnight they worked. At times the pub would quieten, more so when the crowd left for the rally. But then when it came to five in the afternoon things would suddenly erupt with what seemed to be double the customers from before, throwing Liam for a loop as he struggled as best he could.

By the time the last fur had left the pub Liam slumped against the wall, sweat dripping down a long whisker and fur darkened, his hand clutching his side as underworked muscles screamed in protest after months of been idle.

"Sorry to drop you in the deep end there, we could have handled customer complaints and trouble but we'd rather not so it was a case of all hands on," Dirk said before picking the trembling feline up with a quiet moan of protest.

"W-wait, what happens now?" he panted out, his eyes closing just wanting to rest right now.

"Now we rehabilitate you, build your strength up," Carmine grinned from behind, petting his head undeterred by his weak swats at her hand. "You will only do a few hours a day now we know your limits at the moment, but we'll get you recognised as a thing of masculinity you can count on that!"

As Liam blacked out, he duly wondered if he should be scared or not.


What followed the next four months was, to Liam, living hell. They had him working every day, four hours a day until they thought he was getting his stamina back up enough to increase both workload and hours. That wouldn't have been too bad alone but then came their training. They started off forcing him to do 20 push ups twice a day, having him run around the neighbourhood, spar off against Carmine after teaching him the basis of combat and in general, what he felt was just another form of torture.

But behind the constant belittling, sharp remarks and merciless pushing, he could feel they really wanted him to improve, to be better than what he resigned himself to. He still had not let on yet that he was bi but he felt it better when the time was right, when they could look at him with some pride and see him as one of them. And Dirk really was a brilliant trainer, he could see and feel that expertise he had whilst in the army, but at times he also could swear he was eying him up.

And on one occasion after another beating by Carmine, he had taken a shower to wash the sweat and grime away when he caught his reflection in the mirror of the shower room. He no longer looked like a toothpick, in fact he was getting quite the form on. He couldn't help but pose and flex, noticing how his abs were slowly forming into a six pack, and the hard bulk on his pecs and all along his arms and legs.

He could hardly believe this was him staring back, admiring how he looked now. And it was all thanks to his new friends.

But the true test of his newfound confidence came one day whilst he was covering for Carmine. She had been pushing herself hard as well ever since Dirk had told her she was going soft and overdone it with a pulled hamstring.

Dirk was in his usual place, working on cleaning the kitchen and getting the pots cleaned after another day of cooking for the public when a rowdy, familiar trio came trooping in consisting of the bear, wolf and lizard who had made trouble before.

The trio and Liam froze as soon as they saw each other, locking eyes, looking as though they were made of stone before the wolf Ron opened his muzzle and spoke slowly. "It can't be...Liam? We all bet money on you had died soon after we were taken to the police station and hospital. Got pally with your new friends here huh?" he taunted, his hand flexed with a low growl sounding in his throat.

"Easy Ron, don't antagonize him. He may call his buddies for help again," the bear said in jest.

"Then...we strangle the breath out of him before he can make a squeak!" Ron cried out, lunging forward to grab Liam by the neck.

Casually the cheetah dodged his large hand, spinning to ram an elbow into his chest.

His head threw back in a wordless, breathless cry of pain before he was sent to the floor with a twin spin kick across the head, Liam using his speed to make up for his small size.

The bear and lizard just stood there, muzzles agape in disbelief. "Who do you think you are you little shit?!" The lizard hissed out murderously before they both rushed him. "Lets see you do that to us both!"

Swallowing Liam stood his ground though inside he was fretting for his life when out from the large double kitchen doors flew a pair of large chopping boards, smacking them in the face and halting their charge. "Didn't I tell you not show up here again?" Dirk said, his deep voice made even deeper by the anger in his tone.

As soon as they saw the towering stag they turned and ran for the exit. "Liam, maybe you can help me show these thugs the error of their ways?" Dirk said with a heavy hand on his small shoulder.

"Yeah...people like them won't learn any other way and you can bet they will have other friends to come back them up if we let them go." A smile spread across his muzzle lips, a confidence he never had before seemed to bloom as he shot off ahead of them, locking the door shut so they had nowhere to go.

"Move pisspot!" The bear growled out before swinging a large paw at his head. The lizard came in to double team him but Liam rammed his palm into the throat of one before side kicking the other, forcing them to stagger back into the waiting arms of Dirk.

Tossing them into the air he threw both fists forward, punching them towards Liam before he double scissor kicked the pair into the air with a spray of spittle from them at the impact. Jumping into the air Dirk brought both huge fists down on them in a double knuckled slam, crashing the pair into the floor where they laid prone, not even able to groan after the beating they had.

Bending over as Liam tried to catch his breath, Dirk made a call to the police again before going to the small cheetah. "Haah, wh-why would they come here again after your warning not to?" he gasped to him. "Do they have a death wish?"

"I suspect it is because the local jail lies just a short mile away. They probably just got out and figured they would be safe for a quick pint," Dirk said before crouching so he was level with Liam and turned him around, his brown eyes gazing deep into his own.

Liam felt his muzzle go dry, his blue eyes wide and muzzle open. Looking at the handsome stag this way he seemed...godly. His muscles looked to be chiseled from stone, his face was so ruggedly handsome but those eyes...they held such a warmth to them that belied his fearsome visage.

Leaning forward, he pulled the petite cheetah in for a kiss, his muzzle hardly having to open much to lock with Liam's. A moan escaped him as he felt himself surrender into Dirk's dominance, his nostrils flaring and eyes closing. He kissed with such a tender passion that it surprised him. He felt himself melt into the giant before Dirk had to be the one to push away and end it. "We were right about you after all then," he said in a soft, deep tone of voice.

"How know?" Liam breathed out as his eyes gazed to him in a half lidded manner.

"You were not as secretive as you thought, we caught you staring at us, even sneaking a look in at us now and then as we slept or looked through the gaps in the bathroom door."

Swallowing Liam looked at his feet ashamedly, "Don't worry Liam, we were actually flattered but couldn't take a partner on until we felt you were suitable for us."

"You both like me?" Liam said, hardly able to believe he was hearing this from Dirk.

Nodding his large head he smiled before picking him up to carry off upstairs. "This is probably better suited for a better venue don't you think though?"

Liam said nothing but instead purred, nestling against his broad chest in comfort.


"Wow," Carmine said as she heard what had happened in the pub, "by the ruckus I thought you was renovating or something down there. The floor will need a shit ton of work by the sounds of that final impact, you know this isn't your wrestling club you used to run in the army Dirk," Carmine rebuked him.

"Yeah I guess I got carried away, but Liam he...reminded me of someone I used to know in the service," he said, sounding far away for a moment in memories before pulling himself back to the present. "Excuse me," Dirk said, bowing out of Carmine's room.

Liam looked through the door before feeling the puma rest a hand on his shoulder gently, "His closest friend Craig was a cheetah who fought with him on the field. But he...threw himself in front of Dirk to save him from a sniper. Neither had time enough to react when they saw the glint of the barrel from a rooftop. Dirk went on a blood filled rampage and tore apart everything, including allies. They won the war thanks to him but...he never wanted to go on the front lines again and so decided to become a field medic instead, saving lives to make amends."

Looking down at his paws, Liam looked so forlorn, "So I'm just a painful reminder of a friend he lost huh?" he said before standing up off the corner of the bed. "I should leave...I don't want to make your lives even more painful."

As he turned to leave, Carmine grabbed hold of his hand and pulled him onto the bed where she rolled and pinned him under her powerful thighs. "Where do you think you are going you bastard?" She growled to him, her teeth bared. "Dirk has been happier than I have ever seen him, and you want to break his heart again?!"

"WH-what, no! I thought I"

"That you were what? A burden, unwanted?" Carmine spat at him before getting off. "Do you think he shows that sort of kindness towards anyone? To him it is a chance to make things right. When he saw you laying there dying he saw it as his friend come back to this world for him to heal. He knows in his heart it isn't his friend Craig but it has helped him find peace!"

Sitting up, Liam just looked at his paws. The poor thing looked lost and unsure of what to say before the door opened, a glowering stag bowing through and putting his hand heavily on Carmine's arm. "And just what right do you have to tell him of my story Carmine?" He growled out, her teeth grimacing as his hand squeezed painfully on her shoulder.

Wincing but not moving she stared defiantly back at him, "Oh come off it, I had to tell him the truth otherwise he would have walked out. Or did you want to lose him too?" she said, putting some venom in his name.

Wincing he withdrew as though slapped hard in the face before hanging his head. "We're a unit aren't we now?" she said in a calmer, soothing tone, "there should be no secrets between us now right?"

A silence stretched out before Liam made a small clearing noise. "Hey me it feels more than just like a unit," Liam interjected, "we're friends now aren't we?"

"Oh I'd say we are more than just friends, and don't think I haven't seen you eying me up as well you pervy kitty," Carmine ribbed him playfully, causing the feline to darken at his ears. "And what of you Dirk?" Carmine said, rounding on him and placed a hand on her hip, "you going to deny you want to fuck him? I've seen you, the way your eyes hungered after his butt as he worked."

"Well...we've kind of made the first base," he said with an awkward glance at the cheetah. It was odd to see such a powerful creature become so meek.

"Dirk here has hungered after you since you started working, even when you worked out he was scoping your form. He hasn't had any action since Craig," she went quiet, realising she had said too much.

"It's okay Carmine, he may as well know," Dirk said before raising his head up. "Me and Craig admitted to having feelings for each other, and was going to give a relationship a go. But that day...well we never got the chance," he said, his great, brown eyes shimmering with emotions before he felt Liam gingerly place his paw on his huge forearm.

"Dirk...I'd love to but I am not Craig, I am me, I'm Liam. I can't be him just because I am a cheetah," he said in a soft whisper.

Dirk looked at him, first of all seeming to see a ghost as his eyes before blinking, and he seemed to actually see Liam. "Yes, I realise that Liam. It has been nearly a year since you started living here and I have come to realise you are not Craig, but...I do love you for being Liam."

Poor Liam looked like he faint there and then at his confession before Carmine came to his rescue,"Woah there boy, you might be getting a little ahead of yourself there," Carmine warned him, "why not see how things go in the bedroom huh?"

A rare smile crossed Dirk's lips before nodding and held his hand out, almost swallowing Liam's paw before Carmine grabbed his other. "W-wait, all three of us?!" he gasped out as they headed to Dirk's bedroom.

"Yes, I think all three of us could do with some fun of late. Any objections?" Dirk said, looking down at him who just vigorously shook his head side to side.


Dirk's bed was massive, beyond massive in fact. Liam was told it had to be assembled in two parts in the room as it never would have fit in even with the widened doorways. "Custom made by my own hands, well and some of Carmine," Dirk said with some pride.

Liam looked at his own paws, sure he knew how to take care of a truck, it was what he thought he had wanted and a few minor skills on the side. But when it came down to it he had very little to offer.

"Liam?" Carmine said, ducking down to look him in eyes, "everything okay?"

"Y-yeah, just...something I need to think on," he said softly before gasping as Dirk picked him up with next to no effort with a cry of protest from him.

Settling him on his chest Dirk lifted his head up, "Liam is this what you want? Me and Carmine know we like you this way but you seem a bit hesitant."

"Yeah, just it's happening a lot faster than I thought and well, has me a bit nervous heh," he said in a nervous chuckle.

"Oh?" Carmine said, suddenly appearing to the side, now in full nudity, her smile broadening as he gasped at the sight, "and when did you think it would happen hmm?"

Her teasing voice only caused his blush to deepen as he squirmed on Dirk, a noticeable bulge forming in his pants.

"N-never?" He gasped, resigned to thinking his fantasy would always be that, a fantasy. His eyes were riveted on her, she was so toned and fit. She had a firmness around her arms, abs and legs but it didn't make her look masculine, just more wild and that was only emphasized by the scar that ran along a hip. He didn't ask what but she seemed to notice and walked up so her light pink nipples were within easy reach.

"That was from a foreign soldier, a lion came at me when I let my guard down once I got rid of his rifle, it almost cost me and was when I decided I would leave with Dirk," she said before sitting at his side. "And since Dirk stole the first, least I can do is have seconds right?"

"Seconds?" Liam was answered almost as soon as the question left him, her muzzle lunging forward, kissing him full on.

The breath left Liam, his muzzle full of her mouth as her arm wrapped strongly around his shoulders, pulling him into the kiss as her firm breasts mashed against his own hard pecs, her nipples rubbing against his own male ones through the cloth of his work clothes.

When she pulled away, his muzzle hung open, his pupils pinpricks as he tried to regain his breath. "Well, who's the better kisser Liam?" Carmine purred, her tail flickering playfully.

"Th-that's a bit unfair for me to judge," he said before he went rigid as she reached forward to pull his pants off, hooking her fingers so she could pull the boxers off at the same time to leave his cock throbbing to the air.

"Carmine has a bit of a cruel sense of humor so forgive her," Dirk apologised for her. Leaning forward he helped Liam off with his shirt to leaving him in his short, spotted coat. Leaning forward over him his eyes took a good interest in his feline meat.

"Mmh, I wouldn't say cruel, I just enjoy playing with my meal," she said with that same, teasing tone. "Not bad, I'd call him about six inches? Pretty impressive for a small guy," she said, his cock seeming to twitch in response.

"I told you I'm petite..." Liam mumbled, but he sounded more husky as he felt the heat rising in his face as his breathing became hotter. The scent of three heated furs filling the room seemed to make them all a little misty eyed.

"It makes you cute Liam, so don't worry," Dirk said, turning his head to kiss his muzzle again. Liam was shocked that one so huge could be so gentle.

Liam felt something hard and warm bump against his erect cock before looking down. His eyes went wide as golf balls as he saw the 11 inch monster of a cock Dirk sported as he slipped his own pants off into the kissing and now was rubbing against his own, making his sizable phallus seem just small by contrast.

A groan of need slipped past his muzzle lips, pre starting to ooze from his feline tip. "As nice as it is to watch you boys enjoy yourselves I hope you don't leave me out," Carmine growled a lust filled, needy sound as she pulled Liam onto his back with a yelp. "Is this seat taken?" she said, now in just her own russet coloured fur, her muzzle open in a heated pant before his sight was blocked by her glistening pussy lips.

He needed no further encouraging as her pungent scent dominated his senses. Holding her hips to steady her he thrust his tongue into her moist depths. His tongue vanishing through with a wet squelch, her juices gathering on his tongue in a gasp of pleasure. Curling his tongue back in on itself Liam swallowed the juice, tasting tangy and slightly spicy which he thought suited her.

Just as he thrust his tongue back in, he nearly bit down on her furred petals as he felt a muzzle around his own cock. "Ah, D-Dirk?!" he gasped as he pulled out, just able to get a view of the huge male. His muzzle almost completely swallowed his shaft whole, his own pleasured rumblings sounding deep and throaty.

"D-don't stop Liam, please!" Carmine mewled out, sounding strange coming from her. She must be desperate if she sounded like that he figured. Assaulting her wet slit once again, he pressed deep in, lapping as much of her walls as possible, dragging his tongue across that clitoirs before pressing his cold nose against the nub as he buried his muzzle deep. His own sucking and tonguing spurred on more so by Dirk as he suckled around him, gently caressing his orbs easily in his giant hands. "You taste nice Liam...very nice," he rumbled in approval, only taking his long muzzle off him for a brief moment to lap the tip, causing him to moan into Carmine, vibrating her own lips and causing more feminine juices to drip into his mungry muzzle to swallow.

"Ah I-I'm close Liam...please I need this...let us mate you," Carmine panted, "if we don't change things up I fear Dirk's dick will tear into his own bed," she panted playfully before pulling her hips off his damp muzzle.

Licking the juices clean off, the cheetah arched his head to see she was right; Dirk looked like his dick would very well tear through the bed with its hardness, the pre starting to soak the sheets. "It...has been a long time," he said quietly, avoiding their looks at how easily he was getting turned on. But he couldn't help it, the Cheetah tasted like no other he had been with and it was making him ache to claim his spotted rump.

Repositioning themselves, Carmine laid herself at the end of the bed, letting her feet touch the floor and giving a good line up for Liam's still hard cock. "Y-you look beautiful Carmine," Liam mumbled out, his shyness briefly taking control of him before Dirk wetted his finger and pressed it into Liam's tail hole; crying out from the sudden, unexpected intrusion he lunged forward. His cock pressed in, parting the puma's wet lips.

"Nh, y-you really are hopeless Liam, you still need encouraging?" Carmine managed a rebuke before he growled his own and grabbed hold of her hips again, thrusting more into her, moaning as her hot, wet walls wrapped around him so snuggly. She wasn't a virgin that was for sure but the lack of use had her tight, forcing him to go slow.

But the tightness was nothing compared to what happened next.

Dirk sucked another finger, pressing it once again into his anal but was a thicker finger, prepping him for the big one as he wriggled around and pulled slightly. He then pulled out and lined his hips up, the oozing head pressing against his anal ring.

"W-wait!" Liam cried, feeling suddenly afraid he would tear with the thick girth before Carmine pulled him onto her, kissing his muzzle.

"Liam, it will be okay. Do you think he wants to hurt you?" She rebuked, her stiff nipples rubbing against his chest as she breathed heavily, wincing as she was further stretched by Liam's own cock as he was pulled in deeper.

He looked fearfully back at Dirk, his quivering orbs suddenly stilling and pupils widening. Dirk was producing so much pre he was able to use it as a natural lube, the pre running down and coating his huge shaft. "Don't worry Liam, I'll go as slow as needed, I wouldn't ever want to see you in pain again," he whispered in a deep, husky tone before pressing forward, the anus spreading wide around the intrusion.

Crying out, Liam wrapped his arms tight around Carmine, the puma thrusting upwards to drive more of his cock into her with a grunt of pleasure, sealing his muzzle in a loving kiss as her lips oozed around the three quarters of him buried inside her now. Carmine's thumbs gently stroked down his cheeks, soothing the trembling cheetah before he got used to the feeling.

Feeling Liam's passage relax around him, Dirk slowly withdrew before thrusting in, again taking it slowly as he reined in the desire to mate him hard. He was so incredibly tight and the heat wrapping around the head was making him leak yet more hot pre to fill his passage.

They carried on like this, taking it slow until Liam's whimpers began to fade into moans of pleasure. He felt his cock inside Carmine's clenching, hot vaginal passage and as he was slowly stretched he felt he could take more in, each thrust bringing more pleasure as they began thrusting in and out of each other, growing more heated and passionate with Liam plunging into Carmine and Dirk plunging into Liam.

"Oh god Liam, L-Liam!" Carmine cried out, throwing her head back as she felt her climax nearing. Every time he pulled out, Dirk would thrust into him, letting more of Carmine's and his own building pre spill out only for pre to fill the cheetah's anal passage before thrusting, more pre spilling from his tailhole and nearly his full length inside her.

They lost track of time as they rutted and fucked like their feral cousins, becoming more vocal with cries and animal grunts of pleasure before as one, they all cried out each other's names. "Liam!" Carmine roared out, her walls clamping tight around as she climaxed, jets of her juices spurting around to soak his chest in her fragrant juices.

"Carmine! Dirk!" He mewled out, his balls tightening as he fired jet after jet of potent seed into her, kissing her wet and passionately as he felt Dirk plunge half his length into him.

"Take it Liam! Liam!!" The giant stag hollered out, baying a deep tone out to join the feline cries as his seed flooded him, filling his stomach up as Liam filled Carmine's womb.

Liam's eyes flew wide as he felt Dirk deep inside him, his hot seed flooding him full with his male essence. Throwing his head back in a wordless cry of pleasure and pain as he was stretched to breaking point he thrust himself into Carmine, his sack slapping against her thighs with a last powerful spurt of his own into her before collapsing against her chest.

"Haah, haah, haah!" Liam gasped out, his heart pounding as Carmine gently purred, stroking his head gently and running her fingers through his short head fur.

"Mmh," Carmine moaned, feeling his shaft slowly shrink and soften inside her, letting the trapped cum leak out, "enjoy that stud?" she purred playfully into his ear, causing the blush to form again at his ears, "know we did."

Feeling Dirk slowly, very slowly, pull out of him, Liam winced as a sudden soreness started forming both around and inside until he felt the stag carefully and tenderly lap at his leaking pucker before joining them on the bed, pulling Liam and Carmine into a hug inside his huge arms.

"Dirk...that was amazing, and you Caroline as well," Liam sighed, wincing as he felt a twinge of soreness from his tailhole. "But I think I will be sore there for a while you brute," he said in tease to Dirk, just receiving a loving hug again from him before sighing and pulled Carmine to hug.

"You've become strong Liam, and confident," Carmine purred, nuzzling her head under his chin and licked across his pecs as the newly mated trio settled to rest up from the day's events.

"Yes...I have, but I still don't feel on their level. And until I do I will always feel a burden," Liam thought morosely as sleep overcame him finally.


A month later...

"Liam, are you sure about this?" Dirk said as he walked him towards the army camp on a crisp, sunny morning. The base was just a five mile walk so they had walked it, with Dirk receiving the odd stare. Well towering over most does attract a good bit of attention after all.

Liam had told them soon after that night of how he felt behind them, and that the best way he was going to be one with them is to go through what they had. He promised he would only be the minimum two years there before leaving, but he was determined to go through everything the army had to throw at him to become as strong as they were both mentally and physically.

He had passed the initial exam with flying colours with fitness and stamina, he had put himself forward for training as a technician so he would be off the front lines much to the pairs relief. "Yes Dirk, I am," Liam said as they reached the gates.

"Now listen Liam," Carmine said from behind them, "if someone tries to be buddy buddy right from the off, don't trust them. Most in the army are pricks who want to step on you or take advantage. Keep them at arm's length until you get your measure of them you hear me?" Carmine said in a tone of concern, pulling him in for a hug before Liam took his turn with him.

The past month they had really come to know each other, with Liam admitting he would never be able to choose over the pair so they agreed as friends to be shared lovers with him for the time been. But when he asked for their help to join the services they both refused straight away, not wanting him at risk. He eventually wore them down by reasoning he couldn't keep living in their shadow and protection.

As they gave their final goodbyes to Liam, they both kissed him on his cheeks much to the amusement of the base guards. "Someone is popular," one grunted to Liam as he passed over his papers to them before been admitted in with a final wave to Dirk and Carmine.

The pair slowly walked away, "So you've got friends from inside to watch over him right?" Carmine said from the corner of her muzzle to him.

A small smirk crossed the stag's muzzle, "Definitely," he said in a low voice. "You got your reserve papers in Carmine?"

She answered with her own smirk and nodded. They were not going to let him go in alone, but they would shadow him discreetly.