Solid Psycho's Monster

Story by blue_mystery_wolf on SoFurry

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This is what happens when you play knock off video games, people!

This story was available early on my Patreon. Get early access to everything, including a month early access to a website that I'll likely be banging my head against the keyboard as I design it!

Horror games rarely intimidated John. In fact, he downright liked seeing the monsters, and disliked games where you had to run away from the monsters and rarely actually saw them. He held onto his controller as he played "Solid Psycho" which was a horror game that had a blend of both- times when you ran away from monsters to conserve ammunition, and times when you battled a monster head on. Many of the monsters were difficult to describe. The monsters all had that Lovecraft feature, but often with human skin. The idea was that there was a laboratory in the game that transformed humans into these monsters, and it was up to the player to destroy it.

John's avatar was much like his own, short brown hair, brown eyes, and fair skin. John wore a black shirt with black pajama pants though, unlike his avatar which had a sweater and jeans. At the moment, John's avatar hid in a locker as a monster passed by, one John couldn't quite make out well, but he did notice the creature had multiple arms, and whenever the creature walked, there was clicking noises instead of what should have been human feet. An inhuman sound escaped from the creature's lips- a sound so difficult for John to describe. It sounded like a dry raspy roar underwater, something a human could make themselves, but it would take an extreme amount of effort. John jumped on the floor when he saw the creature's pitch black eyes glance into that locker his avatar hid in, before the creature went away.

"These monsters are always so cool." John told himself. He left the locker when the monster was away enough, and proceeded along the game. He had seen people play the game multiple times before, and he knew he was going to run into the "Crazed Cat" boss. Crazed Cat actually didn't look that horrific from what he saw, but it was the more mental things Crazed Cat did. His character reached the room, a 'saving' icon appeared in the bottom right, and he saw a cat creature in front of him on a desk.

The cat creature had the cat ears and a long tail that went from one end of the room to the other, as well as huge sickening colored cat claws, but the similarities stopped there. The creature smiled a huge fanged smile in the darkness, with beady yellow eyes, and almost came off as a sort of Cheshire cat, the rest of its body was covered in complete darkness "It is here now. It makes it this far...let me sees...oh my, wow!" the creature spoke. It wasn't that it spoke from its mouth- it was a lot of mental talk, to the point of where John himself swore he heard it in his own mind.

Sure the game had a lot of physical horror, but in Crazed Cat's case, it was mental. He wasn't sure how the game did it, but it read how well you did in the game, your hard drive, and there were even rumors that it read the players mind, although a lot of those were more creepy theories than anything.

"You play the game well! Not one death and you got here fast." Crazed Cat said. Its voice sounded like a deep bass female, and when it moved forward slightly and showed off two sagging tits, tits that sagged a good three feet down, it was clear there was something female about it. "Name a reward, and make sure it will last."

Oddly, nothing else appeared on the screen, and John couldn't move his character. The game didn't freeze; he noticed everything was still moving. "All I know is I'd want to be like those monsters in the game." John muttered to himself. He was often bullied at work, he was put down and forced to stay later when his coworkers left, the customers he worked to were completely ungrateful, he would just want to be one of those monsters- to be in control for once, to be dominant.

"I sense your wish, and I'll make it so." Crazed Cat replied. A chorus of men and women could be heard in the background. The chorus hummed quietly, as Crazed Cat closed those eyes, but continued to flash those teeth. "Set down your controller, set it down low."

John found it a little odd. Maybe the game was just, with him. Before he had a chance to set down the controller, the controller gave him what felt like a static shock. It was enough to make him drop the controller, and rub his hands together after. "Ow! Sheesh. I get you're trying to screw with my head, but how the heck do you do shocks like that? A vibration would have been more than enough." Still, the creature spoke so strangely- was he going to change John's avatar? He just had to wait, and see.

"Your skin is so plain...all pink and dull. Let's change your pigment, change it in full."

Perhaps gray and pale, gray like stone, change it quick, while you're still alone." Crazed Cat spoke. That voice didn't even sound like it came from the game- it came right into John's head. As Crazed Cat's eyes flashed open, the room itself felt freezing.

John shivered at the sensation of cold. It was so freaky- how did the game use such sound mechanics? The game still just showed off Crazed Cat's largely hidden body, but John- it felt like Crazed Cat talked to him directly. He also felt freezing- absolutely ice cold. He raised his arms to his sides and shivered. "Did the...did the heater stop working?" It was a silly question- even if it had stopped working, it was still 60 degrees outside, and it couldn't have been colder than that. Regardless, John looked down at his body and saw that it wasn't just turning white from cold- it was also taking on a shade of gray. "Wait...what- what's happening?" This definitely wasn't right- he reached down to the controller and pressed the pause button, but the game didn't pause. He grabbed the television remote and tried to mute the game at least, but the game didn't mute either. "Something is really wrong here..." he muttered- the color washed over his skin so quickly- no longer was it a pale human tone, but a sickly white with shades of gray.

"How nice, how quaint, I hope you're not ready to faint. Not quite a monster though, that tongue of yours needs to grow." Crazed Cat commented. "And nails- as black as night, both hands and feet, to give others a fright."

John raised a brow at that- this creature continued to rhyme, he hoped it wouldn't do it all the time. John paused at that, and shook his head. "Stop that." Even his head just spouted a rhyme. As Crazed Cat said though, that tongue of his tingled and grew. It became too much for that mouth of his, and the moment he opened his mouth, was the same moment that tongue rolled out, so long it reached down to his chest. The tip of the tongue was slit; it looked sort of like an upside down Y shape. John then looked at his fingernails, and he saw blackness that crept up from the base of his nails, up to the very tips. He kept his nails pretty well trimmed, but in this case, when the blackness reached the tip of his nails, they grew out just a bit longer and took on a curved, sharp shape. He looked down at his feet and noticed much of the same done down there. He couldn't believe what was happening- it looked like the game itself was changing him into some monster. What was so much worse was that it didn't hurt, it was actually arousing. Was this game messing with his mind, too? "W-what next? I don't look like that much of a freak..." he muttered.

"Have you seen a monster that walks just fine? Grow some more legs, plenty will be divine."

The next change was far more significant than just a change of skin or nails. John stood up when a shooting pain hit his spine. It felt like his pants restrained him, so he pulled them off, including his underwear, and revealed his hairy legs and cock to the world. The pants were pulled down just in time as well- that ass of his began to pull out behind him. As it pulled away, it pulled skin that almost made him look like a humantaur creature, but with only one set of legs. That ass pulled up about a foot and gave his body a sort of elongated 'J' shape. He glanced back at his rear, and he could just...wiggle it. He was a bit off balance, but that soon changed when a second pair of feet formed behind him- a bit higher positioned than the legs he had, but not so high that it hid that ass. As the second pair of legs grew, and John stared back at that ass that wiggled in the air like some sort of perverted tail, he noticed that the ass looked actually quite...feminine- even the new pair of legs lacked any body hair, and they were quite slender. His sex was still in the same position as it had been, between his first pair of legs, but now he definitely looked like a monster of some sort- well, at least the back half of him did.

"Now all that hair, that's too much, you should shed it all, without a touch. Your skin should also be leathery, just like a cow, monsters don't have HUMAN skin, at least most don't, anyhow." Crazed Cat's rhymes continued relentlessly. The moment one change ended for John, Crazed Cat started up another change for him entirely.

John looked down at that body hair. He was a guy- he had plenty to spare, but that hair shed off of him and onto the floor before it disintegrated into nothing- his chest hair, his leg hair, even the hair on his head- he was completely bald. The only 'hair' he had left was the hair on his eyebrows. There was another change shortly after, one John actually found a bit harder to see- but when he touched his hands together, he definitely felt it- hide instead of normal skin. It looked largely the same, except with more wrinkles, and a bit shinier. It felt so strange- bit by bit, he became more and more of a monster, and yet that cock between his legs was aroused and erect. He found those leathery hands of his reach down and gently stroke himself. "Why...why do I enjoy this so much...uhn..." by now he would have just been called a freak- he still looked fairly human, but bit by bit it changed.

"Painful changes are way to boring, hurtfulness gets tears flowing, but your next change needs to be you a-growing." Crazed Cat seemed to half answer John, just as the next change continued.

"Growing? Wait..." it was too late, John felt a brief sense of dizziness as he grew, taller, and wider. It was a proportional growth- every bit of him grew equally to just slightly more than double in height. He wasn't so tall that his head would hit the ceiling, but if he raised his hands, he could easily touch his palms to it. He was taller than any other human, but not the tallest creature alive. His top ripped to shreds and showed off that chest of his too- it was about average looking, not too muscular, not too fat.

By the time John stopped growing, he was 12 feet tall, with an ass that wiggled in the air behind him that was about 8 feet in the air. "This is unbelievable." He muttered. He couldn't exactly sit with how much he had changed, but he didn't feel any need to anyways. He couldn't help but just stroke himself even more with arousal. "But...but I like it. Keep...keep going, make me huge, make me scary."

"Well your wish is to be scary, and that's what you'll be, oh so very! Your mouth is still pretty dull, so let's give you plenty of sharp teeth and make that mouth full."

"That's not what I had in mind." John wanted to protest, but he found it hard to sound irritated. His mouth stayed open once he finished talking, against his own will, and curved into a circular O shape. His mouth swelled in size upwards and absorbed his nose. One by one, his adult teeth fell out, and they were replaced with sharp jagged teeth, but the teeth didn't just go from top to bottom, with his lips in a perfect O shape, so was the inside of his mouth, and all of those jagged teeth formed a circular pattern. It was more than one row of teeth though, he grew multiple rows. That tongue slowly shifted more towards the center of his mouth rather than the bottom, but its length and serpentine end remained. John wanted to speak after that, but his mouth just couldn't form words- merely gurgling.

"Why, gurgling isn't scary at all- now rapid clicking? That would make one's legs quake, and heroics fall." Crazed Cat let out a chuckle. Those cat ears slowly revealed themselves- largely black ears with dark gray stripes.

John couldn't keep his hands off of his cock as he continued changing. He felt his throat push inward and when he tried to speak again, it came out as rapid clicking- as if he rapidly clicked his tongue, but he knew that was impossible. What he did know, was that the rapid clicking was his newest means of communication, as little as anyone could understand what he spoke.

"Your head isn't too bad, so says I's, but you know what's still too normal? Why, it's those eyes! Monsters have black ones, and more than one set, so soon will those eyes change, I'll bet." Crazed Cat's jagged teeth showed- but in a fanged grin. It wasn't nearly as much teeth as John had now- John had at least triple the amount of normal human teeth, although closing his mouth was definitely difficult, so eating would have been questionable- then again, the design of a monster made what they did a lot questionable.

John blinked a few times before his eyes tingled. He couldn't see what happened- but the pupil of his eyes dilated to a new extreme- both of his eyes were soon completely pitch black, but with a shine to them that showed off that they were still eyes. He then blinked rapidly as not one, but two smaller sets of eyes formed above the main pair- a total of six eyes, all blinking in unison. John found it easier to see in the dark spots in his place too, but a bit of difficulty with the lighter spots. The changes were still so pleasurable though- those hands kept stroking his cock, and already that cock leaked some precum as his balls filled with pressure. He was so close...he looked quite scary, there were a few more details to fix though...and one change he knew was inevitable...but he so very much looked forward to.

"One big thing that needs to be done, you're still male, and that's no fun. You'll enjoy becoming it, though, now watch that cock fall, and those tits grow!"

John knew that was inevitable- and just as Crazed Cat spoke it, he felt that rush in his cock, and that pressure build to an amount he couldn't hold back. He moaned quietly, and came. That cock pumped bit after bit of his seed, but it felt like he came more than just a normal amount- this amount of cum that came from his cock was very high- and with each pulse of seed, his body changed a bit more. His body took a more womanly tone. That ass of his that wiggled in the air took a more curvy tone, his arms and legs became more slender, what facial features he still had that was human became feminine- and then his chest slowly formed a pair of tits. They weren't firm or very womanly shaped, but they were there, and they grew with every pulse of that cock. A cups, B, C...they continued growing and growing until they were I cup size- bigger than basketballs. They had little firmness to them; those tits sagged down about half a foot, and those nipples tripled in size- and turned pitch black as well.

There was only one more thing to change about John- one to make him a her, and when that cock finished cumming, that cock of his came off easily, as if it remained on him only by a hair. There was only a thin womanly cunt between his legs, effectively making him, into a her, though with how much of a monster he looked already, it was hard to call her a cute 'her', more of a monster one. She tried to speak out once the changes were done, but it came in nothing but rapid clicks, with that tongue flailing wildly in the air- and those many eyes blinking, but not in perfect unison.

"Now you're looking like a monster, one that can't talk. But something just HAS to be done about that walk."

John wondered what Crazed Cat meant by that- but she recalled those various monster figures she saw in many games- they very rarely had what could be called a 'normal' walk. Sure enough, John's legs cracked and she inched down a bit as those legs bent awkwardly to her sides. Two more pairs of legs grew, also shifted on their sides, for a total of eight legs, all of which had their feet, and knees, bent to the sides, the knees about a foot outward compared to the rest. John then felt her spine lurch her upper torso forward, and stick those sagging tits out just a bit more. She really did look like a monster with minor human traits, but Crazed Cat 'hrm'ed, as if they weren't completely satisfied with what John looked like already.

"You're almost done, yes that's right, but you need more tits- that'd be tight! They should be pierced with silver as well, you'll look more and more like a creature from he-" Crazed Cat paused briefly. "You see where I'm going with that. Censors."

John clicked rapidly as two more pairs of tits formed- both pairs below the already large saggy ones she had, and in a row downward, each of them as big as the last- six I cup sagging tits, each of them had a slight poking sensation as they were pierced, two by two, with long piercings- they weren't normal tiny piercings, these ones were far longer. A small silver ball rested on one end of the nipple, and then a long straight horizontal silver line ran across the middle area of her body before it ended on the nipple on the other side, it almost made it look like a small fence on her body.

"Something a human would never get, but you still need some more arms I bet. Just not human ones, but monster, now that would be funs."

The changes were more rapidly now. The moment one ended, another began. John's tongue flailed once more as a second pair of arms grew- but these were not normal ones. While the flesh molded and shaped to resemble a human shape, the part of the arm where the elbow ended and the rest of the arm began looked far more like two giant scythes. Her first two hands also changed- the index and middle finger merged and swelled together, while her ring and pinkie fingers also merged and grew in size- each of them big and bulbous. Her thumb joined the large size and each of them looked like three giant swollen fingers with big thick claws. Those new arms of his took some time to get used to. Out of sheer curiosity, she picked up a piece of paper nearby, and waved that new arm- the new sleek steel looking scythe on her arm cut through it like butter.

It was then John realized, while the changes were definitely still pleasurable- pleasurable enough on the now female form that she felt wet, she was still her mentally speaking- she didn't think like a monster. Sure, she looked like one, she saw her image in a mirror that the game showed- not questioning how the game showed her off, and saw those many black beady eyes, that O mouth with so many jagged teeth, that long serpentine tongue, that body that looked almost like a humantaur in shape, but with eight legs, and an ass that wiggled in the air as if it were her tail, those normal arms, but with six fingers instead, and then those scythe arms below it, and bent legs. All with a womanly curve, and six tits- each with piercings, all topped off with a human shaped cunt- perhaps the only part of her that even sort of resembled a human of some sort- the rest of her was truly a monster, complete with gray leathery skin, and pitch black nails.

"And now that you're complete, I must say, I must bid you, a good day!" Crazed Cat said. With that, the game saved- and then shut off on it's own, not that John could easily turn it back on now anyways.

John had no intention of turning back on that game. Now was a perfect time to test out that new monster body of hers- and she knew the perfect victims to scare.