How BBW got his Christmas Faith 1

Story by The Big Bad Wolf on SoFurry

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Vince hated Christmas, he would never get any gifts, was treated like he doesnt deserve a family, And pretty much a shoved aside person when it came to the holiday. His Friends would leave for their family fun, he had none, so he stayed home alone........

Now this story is how this Scrooge of a Big Bad Wolf became a Merry Lover of the holiday. It begins in the mall, during the begining of December. He was forced out of work since his job closed on the holiday season, So he looked for other ways of being payed, too bad this job was one that would hurt his pride.

There he sat, sitting on a cheap store room plywood throne, Dressed as the jolly man himself, surrounded by plastic statues of deer and elf, cotton snow littering the ground that surrounded him. a small path down the center for the lil brats and spoiled children to rush up to the false idol and beg him for the promise of receiveing whatever crap that could be bought in this very building. Ed the camera guy sat next to the pathway dressed as one of the helper elves, a cheetah morph in gren tights was something that would make anyone laugh at, but not Vincent.

A small lil lion cub rushed up the carpeted path and jumped into the wolf's lap "Hiya Santa! I wanna Big Farbie doll mansion Set with jacuzzi!"

"What job does your father have?" Vince curiously asked.

"He's a janitor!" she smiled.

"Ha!" he mocked.

Ed snapped a shot of the girl runnng off crying.

A hare boy jumped into his lap sadly.

"What do you want lil boy?" Vince asked irritated.

"I want my brother to get better and beat cancer" the boy whimpered.

"What do I look like? Jesus?" Vince mocked.

Ed got a photo of that poor child crying.

His shift ended, and as Vince was going to change out of his costume, he spoted a sexy booty pointed in his direction.

The full form of the Fem he was eyeballing was one of the Furs he was working with on this shift. She was an artic fox, and she looked good in them green tights. Her hair tied up in a bun, she turned to see the gawking wolf and blush.

"Sorry Ma'am, i didnt mean to stare" He blushed from enbarrasment under the fake beard.

"My My Naughty Mister Woolfe, i see your jingle bells only jingle under a mistle toe" she cooed seductively.

Vince's legs began to quiver, the crowd began to scatter and leave the Santa booth till the next shift arrived.

"You dont seem to be the model Santa i was hopeing to see" She smirked.

"Whats wrong with the way i act?" Vince tilted his head.

"Many children didnt get the promise they were expecting, im dissappointed that you, of all the Santa's around this world, act like your on the naughty list......." she narrowed her eyes at him.

"Ummmm....... why is it your concern about how im performing my job?" he was feeling pretty confused.

She looked side to side, and grabbed the wolf by his coat collar and pulled him into the plywood cabin next to the throne. She rubbed her nose and both of them vanished in a burst of snow flakes.

Vince blinked as the world around him turned into a swirl of snowflakes, a couldy tornado of snow. Soon it cleared and he was ankle deep in fluffy snow. He looked around and saw The vixen still in her costume, smileing as she gazed at their surroundings. He saw a castle in a winter wonderland, A factory next to it, and a cottage.

"What if you thought what was a fairy tale was a stretch of the truth?" She asked him.

"Im at the north pole?" his jaw dropping.

"No, an area that resembles the north pole, we are in another dimension where time here is faster than it is in the real world" she answered his supposed retorical question.

"So thats how you can build a world full of gifts in one year and deliver them all in one night?" he lowered his ears.

"Yes, and there are no elves, just a fairy tale from your world to explain the works of what we do" she continued to willingfully spill the beans.

"Then what makes those gifts?" he asked quietly.

She dragged him through the snow, which to him seemed not so cold. They entered the factory and gazed at a giant machine.

"Behold, operation Joy. This machine takes all the wishes from your world, and if it can process them into reality, it will then produce those wishes into unformmed matter, then the machine processes them and morphs the wish into whatever it was meant for. One factor does alter this, if the wisher is nice, it will turn into what they want, if they are naughty, it will turn into......."

"Lump of coal?" Vince interupted?

"Something close, an undesired wish, like something crappy" she grinned.

"What about Santa? where is he?" he looked at her.

"We prefer to call Santa, Saint Nicole, and She is right here" she looked at the burly canine.

"Your SANTA!" he said shocked.

"Yes, not what you expected huh?" she laughed.

"But what about the jolly fat man thing?" he tilted his head.

"Back then I was found out by this one guy, and back then i didnt bother to diet" She laughed some more.

He laughed aswell "Lemme guess, the reign deer are females as well?"

"Yes" She smiled more.

Vince wasnt expecting that like he planned.

"want to meet my crew?" she smiled.

He nodded, and she pulled him into the Castle, they walked to this large cafeteria.

"Crew Roll Call!" she shouted.

8 reigndeer fems lined up, all different looking


"Here" A sleek fem stood, a lightning bolt jagged across the top of her slicked back hair, she looked like the speed demon of the group.


"Here" the next Fem hesitated to respond with her head phones high volume blasting her ears as she did her own lil dance to it.


"Here" A gleeful fem called out, her face almost too cute to be taken for adorable.


"Here" A seductive voice called, this reigndeer had a bright red coat of fur, slim and curvey, her head was the shape of a Fox's and she had a Long bushy tail, not like what she was supposed to be.


"Here" Another speed demon Fem, except her lightning bolt jagged the opposite way, with opposite collars for her hair.


"Here" This fem dreamily looked at the Wolf with hearts floating around her head.


"Here" This Fem seemed pretty timid and small.


"Here!" This big burly Fem bellowed, her height dwarfed the rest, neither did her muscles change her differences between her and the rest of the crew.

"This is Vincent Woolfe, The Naughty Santa i told you girls about" she grinned and giggled like a young innocent girl.

"Will you let us have him?!" Cupid burst out, hopeing for his body on hers forever and ever.

"Wha?" The Big Bad Wolf turned confused.

"Ive been watching you naughty boy, you never got a break from this special time of the year. And i told the girls about your delima, and they are willing to give you what you want all night long if they have to" she cooed at the Wolf with mischeavious grin.

"You mean, If i Have Sex with all these girls until i am sick of it, I will get what i deserved for the many christmases i suffered?" He raised an eyebrow.

"My reign deer have never failed at winning the hearts of the selected males i bring them, I may not promise you will earn some faith, i will give you the chance to gain that faith" She smiled and kissed the wolf.

He kissed back, murring into the Vixen's mouth, he was in heaven.

The other girls Cheered Them on, Cupid dissappointed that Nicole dragged the Hunk to her room.

Nicole began to shead the tights and the skimpy female elf costume, as did Vince with his red coat and pants. She pulled him into her emeror sized bed, covered in stuffed animals and pillows. They rolled around on the soft matress kissing each other deeply, until the last bit of clotheing that they wore had been flung onto the floor.

Nicole pinned the much more agressive male under her, looking down on him she smothered his face with her large breasts. Both the furry orbs rubbed against his face. Arouseing him more, he tried to fight back by licking between the breasts, causeing the white furred fem to moan. Her nipples perked and became sensitive agaisnt the opposeing tongue, She became damp with the eagerness that this male teased her with.

She teased back, coating the protective sheath with a layer of her juices. He moaned, as his organ was awakend in its home. He humped agaisnt this Fox's well rounded hips. His cock tip poked out, begging to be touched, held, even probed into a certain female cunny.

She rocked back and almost caught the tip in her love tunnel, she rocked again and succeded. The growing shaft began to auto insert itself into her cunt.

Vince gave her sex a good thrust into it, hilting on his first insertian into Santa Herself. They rolled over, and The wolf begin to give his lover a fair good pace. It didnt take long for their loins to stir with the urges that two biological beings would do in such a sexual act. Harder and faster did the canines hump agaisnt each other.

Vince's climax continued to climb, he had her legs wrapped around his waist as he took her from behind. plowing her over stimulated sex till it hit her button.

Her proturdeing clitty couldnt take the rub of the bed sheets, or the slapping of the wolfs wuzzy testicles. they laced fingers and tails as they both climaxed at the same time.

Exausted and tired, Nicole collapsed and fell asleep in the after glow.

Vince was gonna fall asleep when two large paws grabbed him and jerked him out the door. Carried by Blitzin, he groggily faced the fate at hand as he was carried to Dasher and Comet's bedroom..........

To be continued____________________________________________________

email me at [email protected]

to see what happens next time, be sure to wait patiently for the next installment.

How BBW got his Christmas Faith 2

Vince just made love to the jolly vixen of cringle. He was now being man handled by Blitzin, Carried to The Speed sister's room. As he opend the door he was practically tossed into the room, landing on a soft bed. He heard giggles and nickering,...

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Prolouge to Darkness

-a cloaked figure walks down a street road, not even the street lights could brighten its dark aura. it crossed the path of some local gang members, they pursued this figure eager for fresh blood to mark their territory with. they followed it into an...


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