Tough Lessons - Part III

Story by Panthera911 on SoFurry

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#3 of Tough Lessons

It had been a week of change for Caleb since his 24th birthday. His party was fun enough, although his parents still treated him like a colt with expensive gifts, clothes, and a fancy dinner with family. It's a wonder they let him live alone, in fact it wouldn't be a family get together without his mother begging him to come back home, at least for a week or two. Caleb really didn't hate being smothered; a tight family bond is almost expected from creatures who once roamed the world in herds. At least he had his apartment where he could be alone. That is, until he got back from his parent's.

Sure, his parent's mansion in the suburbs north of the city offered plenty of empty rooms for a young virile horse to explore himself. But there was just something magical to the feeling of turning the deadbolt, getting naked, and jerking it without any care in the world. Tonight, he was deep into a search for fox porn, inspired by their slutty waiter at the restaurant. As soon as he found a video from a fox that could have been the waiter's twin, the horse heard a knock at the door. With trained agility, he rushed to put on sweatpants before opening the door. He thought it might be his mother delivering a forgotten gift, or one of his relatives who couldn't make it to dinner. Instead, he was greeted by a dragon who insisted he be let in.

He introduced himself as Jiang, an army veteran who used to live in Caleb's apartment before deployment. Now back from his latest tour, he had lost contact with the civilians in his life and had no place to stay. What could the horse really do? Caleb showed him inside, and let him take the couch for a week or two, just until the dragon could find a place of his own. Jiang thanked him, promising to make it up to Caleb. After a few shots of social lubricant from a brown bottle Caleb's dad gifted him, they ended up talking all night. Jiang told many wild tales about his time in the service, his previous life as a bartender, his crazy college years. He was much older than Caleb expected, is the army so desperate that fifty-year-old soldiers still see combat? Caleb liked listening, and ended up spilling his life story back at Jiang, even if it made him seem a little spoiled. He talked about growing up in one of the wealthiest counties in the country, taking all honors classes in high school, resisting the pressure from his older brother to play football and instead joining the marching band, and while Caleb didn't have that many crazy stories about college, he relayed some of the more salacious rumors that came out of the frat houses. Jiang was as good of a listener as he was a storyteller.

The bottle was ¾ empty before the conversation moved to relationships. Jiang talked solemnly about losing his husband, the horse could have sworn he saw him tearing up at one point. Cancer, Jiang said. Caleb was at a loss for words. He ended up taking the seat next to the dragon and giving him a hug. Jiang seemed to appreciate it. It was now Caleb's turn to talk, but he just met this random dragon. Could he really divulge his biggest hidden secret? He began telling the dragon about the rougher sides of his life story. How his first kiss was with his neighbor on the bus to first grade, and how he refused to sit with Caleb ever again. How his staunchly conservative extended family shunned his cousin when they came out, when Caleb was a teen. How his girlfriend in high school tried to ruin his life by outing him after Caleb refused to sleep with her and how he was still afraid to make any close acquaintances after what she did. Caleb was left in tears as he finished. It wasn't like him to cry, his life was going so well, at least he thought it had been. He was surprised when he felt the scale-y arm of the dragon pull him into a hug. It was the horse's turn to be comforted. Caleb could still remember his words.

"Kid, I know it's hard. You should have seen what it was like for us 30 years ago. We didn't just have our families disowning us. Entire cities were against us. But there's something I learned over the years that was the key to getting through that era alive and sane. You need to live your life for yourself. Family is great, I know you have a tight bond with them. But their bond is with a fake Caleb. If they're like most parents, they'd much rather you be happy than fake. Here's how I'll repay you. I may be a little rusty, but I know my way around a gay bar. We'll get you some dates, immerse you in the culture you've been depriving yourself of. After work tomorrow, you and me."

Caleb nodded, not realizing he really wasn't given a choice. It was getting late, the horse had work in the morning. He wanted to spend more time with Jiang, but the old dragon looked just as tired. Caleb handed Jiang a pillow and a blanket as he laid down on the couch for the night. Returning to his room, Caleb saw his monitor was still on, mouse still hovering above the play button. The fox in the thumbnail was bent over seductively. As much as he wanted a release, his safe haven was disrupted. He was the disruptor to the dragon's safe haven. Caleb closed the tab. A video on the internet wasn't going to help him anyway. The dragon had seduced him to wanting something more. Something real.

Jiang was on the ropes. His latest contract was not the short, 2-day lesson he hoped it would be. Here he was, at the Wishing Well for the 3rd time with Caleb. Admittedly, the first time didn't go so great since he overestimated how much alcohol to direct the horse to drink. Caleb ended up blacking out. Horses were supposed to have big livers, right? Maybe the dragon's anatomy knowledge was getting fuzzy. He had a great chance to feel his muscles carrying him home though. And he got a refresher course in a horse's genital anatomy stripping him for bed. Caleb even tried touching Jiang, after drunkenly trying to remove the dragon's pants. As much as Jiang might have wanted it, it was forbidden to engage sexually with a human. He of all demons should know that.

The 2nd outing went a little better. Jiang limited Caleb to beers only, that seemed to keep him buzzed enough to look appealing to the bar flies, or whatever the male equivalent is. A lion ended up talking with them most of the evening, and was laying out some blatant hints that he was into Caleb. Jiang still felt this was him failing again, he should have taught the horse how to pick up on the signals that were likely to be sent towards him. But to be fair, it was hard to catch even every other word in the loud bar. In a last ditch effort, Caleb ended up with his phone number before the lion was off to his next target. Jiang really did like spending time here, feeding off the energy. He felt good. Jiang started explaining to Caleb what had happened, and how the lion could be back to salvage the night by closing time. Jiang doubted it though, it was not hard for guys like that to get laid whenever they feel like it. By the time last call came around, the lion had already left. Caleb wanted to call the number and apologize for leading him on for so long. He's almost too nice. Jiang told him to throw the dirty slip of paper away, and that if they were meant to be together, they'll meet again. Jiang wanted to keep Caleb's mind open. Sure, the lion was hot, but sleeping with someone who's good looking was not a stipulation of the contract.

Jiang initially had the feeling that this will be Caleb's big day. The Friday crowds were always bigger. The bar could even afford a live band instead of playing songs from an iPod. Walking in, he caught the eye of one of the band members. That lion. Fuck, he did mention something about playing guitar for a band. Jiang remembered they talked about music for the longest time. He really should try listening, one of these days. He knew from experience Caleb would just obsess over him all evening and refuse to talk to any other suitor. Ok, all Jiang had to do was keep Caleb occupied at the bar for the whole night, and never let him look at the band. Easy. Jiang managed to keep the charade up for all of 5 minutes. As they were switching out gear for the next song, Caleb noticed one of the band members waving at him.

"Hey, is that Andrew?"

"Huh, maybe? I wouldn't bother him, he's working right now."

"I'm going to talk to him."

Jiang rolled his eyes. He's been at this for so long, nothing surprises him anymore. He took a long drink from his beer, hoping that maybe, this time, it'll work out for Caleb. He watched as they reunited with a short kiss. Jiang groaned. This lion was making his job so, so hard. He tried to put on a happy face as Caleb returned.

"It was Andrew! We got to talking, and since he has his guitar with him, I asked if he'd come home with me to teach me some chords. Pretty smooth, right?"

He had to hand it to him, it was smooth. "You did good kid."

The horse nervously held out a wad of cash to the dragon. "Take it, stay in a hotel, just for tonight. You don't have to sit with me, I think I've got it from here. And uuuh... thanks."

Jiang took the money, and took the hint that Caleb wanted him gone. He got up and headed out the door, back to Caleb's apartment. He felt conflicting emotions, pride and anxiety. He wanted to be there for Caleb if anything comes up that he wasn't prepared for. He didn't like to use his invisibility too much, but this was Caleb's big moment. When he got back, he decided to take a quick nap.

Sure enough, fifteen minutes after the bar closed, two drunk figures walked though the door. Andrew didn't even bring his guitar.

"Sso, what does the strong horsey want to do now?" the lion slurred, putting his paws all over Caleb.

"Well, I was hoping the lion would teach me a lesson... but you left your guitar." Caleb was almost as drunk as Andrew. Jiang really hoped the horse learned his limit last time.

"I know about lots of stuff, maybe I can teach you about something else..."

"Let's take this somewhere more comfortable then." They both headed to Caleb's large bedroom. Jiang made sure to have Caleb wash his sheets. No one likes fucking on dirty linens. Even a demon knows that. They both stripped out of their clothes, their musks combined in the air forming a smell Jiang could only describe as beastly. As they laid down, they kissed, with much more passion than the peck they shared at the bar. It was sloppy; their tongues danced across each other like ants on a log. Andrew was an old pro at this, but Caleb forgot that living things need to breathe every once in a while. He broke the kiss, dramatically catching his breath.

"Cat got your tongue?" teased Andrew.

"Hehe, sorry. I've never been kissed like that."

"We don't have to, if you'd rather move onto the main event."

"Oh yes, I've fantasized about you inside me for the past 3 days..."

"Wait, me inside you? When we talked on Wednesday, I told you I was exclusively a bottom, remember?"

"I thought you were kidding! Come on, a big cat like you taking prey like me? It's in our nature. Obviously, I'm the bottom here." Caleb roughly grabbed Andrew's dick and started to get him aroused. Andrew quickly pulled away, but the horse was determined. Jiang told him Andrew was into him. The reaction from Andrew's hardening dick was all the reassurance he needed.

"Please... Don't do this." Andrew's words fell on long, deaf ears as the horse roughly pushed himself over the lion's pink rod. Hoping to use his bodyweight advantage, Caleb lowered himself onto Andrew. Caleb moaned as Andrew sobbed. Jiang could only watch in horror at what he caused.

Caleb kept thrusting until the penis inside him had reached his prostate. That only drove him to go faster, their balls making the tiniest slapping sound on the down stroke. Andrew had resigned himself to his fate, and thanks to his panic attack, no longer made any noise. Caleb finally reached his peak, yelling out as he pushed himself all the way down the lion's length. He came, horse cum matting his own coat and sheets. After enjoying the moment for a little longer, he pulled himself off of Andrew, expecting to feel the lion's fluids. But there was nothing, his dick was even softer than it was when they started. He thought to try another kiss, but he was met with limp lips and shallow breathing. It was then that it dawned on him what he'd done.

"I... I don't know what got into me. I'm so, so sorry." Caleb said. He tried comforting the lion by wiping some of the sweat from his face. Andrew flinched from the contact. The night was too far gone. They shared no words as Andrew got dressed.

"I hope you got what you were after tonight. Don't contact me again." Andrew said as he quickly left. Jiang looked at Caleb, standing in his bedroom doorframe. The horse was limp, staring at the front door, as he started to quietly sob. Jiang felt so much pain behind those eyes. He can't exactly reappear and offer comfort, he's supposed to be having a relaxing evening at a hotel. The dragon blamed himself. If only he was a better mentor. If only he remembered to explain consent to Caleb. If only he could have seen how the wicked power dynamics in the horse's life left him craving power. For the second time in his life, Jiang himself felt... powerless.

That night happened so fast. Max and Jiang were sleeping in their apartment when armed and masked demons busted down the door, handcuffed Max and Jiang, and took them away. Jiang expected it, after all, he's the one who sent in a tip to the Internal Review Board about a demon breaking the most important rule. His conscious was torn between the love of his boyfriend and the fear his actions would come back and hurt him more. Most violations get a simple slap on the wrist, if you admit to the crime.

The Board had assembled an impromptu hearing. The room looked like it was set up to film a daytime court arbitration TV show. It was packed too. This was the most exciting thing to happen in the IRB offices in eons. Max and Jiang were split up and guided to two separate tables, facing the imposing empty seats. Everyone stood as the Board walked in. The four ranking members sat down, their shadowy robes hiding their identity. With the tap of a gavel, it was time to make their case.

"This incubus, designation Max, stands charged of unlawful sexual contact with a mortal. How do you plead?"

"Not guilty." The audience gasped.

The smallest member of the board spoke. "We've received a credible testimony against you here, are you sure about how you plead?"


"Very well. In that case, we'd like to hear your side of the story."

"It was a contract like any other. Jason, a fox, age 24. Me and my partner did our usual bit, we pretend to be a visiting couple who used to live in the same apartment. Of course, the kid tells us we can stay"

"Just to clarify, your partner is Jiang here, yes? It's a bit... unusual to have two demons assigned to one contract."

"Yes, we've found we complement each other nicely among the mortals. At least we used to."

"Alright, continue."

"We were getting nowhere with the fox. He wouldn't even leave the house. Three weeks of late night emotional talks later and he was no better. I had suggested to my partner that we tell him about our job, and what we really were. But he had another plan. He thought he could show the fox what he was missing out on if he showed him a good time. Jiang was the one who fucked that fox. He fell in love with the mortal, and wants to go back to him once I've been dealt with. Look in Jason's file, his contract was marked as complete. You'll notice Jiang's signature there. Does the contract sound like it was on track to be completed, especially after what Jiang did to the poor kid?"

"That's bullshit. Every word."

"Then look me in the eye and deny that you told me you love Jason."

"I... "

"That's enough, you two. Considering this bias, the evidence does point to a violation occurring, but one culprit cannot be established. Therefore, by the powers vested in the board, you're both banned from the mortal realm, and thus prohibited from taking contracts ever again. You're also both sentenced to a year imprisonment. At your release hearing, we'll see about getting you back in the field."

The room emptied, and the handcuffs were removed from both demon's wrists. They walked in silence as they returned to the transport van. Once the officer slammed the door shut, they were off to their new home for the next year. Jiang still couldn't believe this was real.

"What the fuck was that Max?"

"What, you don't like getting thrown under the bus? Well, me neither!"

"The board's just four empty suits, there's nothing they could have done to you. You should have turned yourself in!" Jiang implored Max to see reason, but the dragon knew there was only one thing on Max's mind.

"At this point, I'd rather they have executed us. Prison here is worse than death. You know that means we can't have sex, right? No humans, no power. That's what this trans-dimensional agreement's all about!" yelled Max, his words echoing off the metal body of the van.

"At this point, I never want to see you or your ugly dick again."

"Well fuck you too, Ji. You could have easily taken the blame, saved both of us. No, you're still guilty over what happened. I'm sorry Jason died, but..."

"Don't say another goddamned word. You're dead to me."

The van shuddered to a halt. It felt like a dream to Jiang. Processing, the intrusive cleaning, the new clothes with scratchy synthetic fabric, the angry eyes following him through the dormitory, his cell. Jiang played back the memories in his mind. This was still the right thing to do. This was justice for Jason. Jiang's brief catharsis was interrupted by another feeling. Betrayal. Powerless and alone, he curled up on his cot and wept.