High school through my eyes: Pt. 2

Story by MixedUpPup on SoFurry

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#2 of His Bright Blue Eyes

~Stupid disclaimer thingy~ Ya adult content blah blah blah. If you read this and your not old enough. try not to get caught. if you aren't held back by any of those silly laws then your good too. Enjoy!

Marc lays there in his bed listening to his mp3 player. It was Sunday and the memory of Friday was still playing in his mind. Every detail of that night played in his head as if there were a projector stuck on repeat.

"So what if I like a guy," he thought to himself. "There is nothing wrong with. I'm just

different. That's all."

He was satisfied with his new found confidence and tried to salvage what he could of the night by closing his eyes, knowing in the back of his head it was easier to think then to say. Finally, for the first night since Thursday, he actually got an alright nights sleep.

He slept soundly for what seemed like five minutes when his alarm clock went off. He groaned as he got up out of bed and turned off the extreme annoyance. He went over to his linen closet and took out a fresh towel. He walked over to his bathroom and started to undress. As he was about to step in the phone rang making him jump about two feet. He thought for a second. No one ever called his land line. They always called his cell.

"Interesting," Marc said as he stepped out of the shower. He dried of his now soaked leg and walked naked over to the phone.

"Hello," Marc said in curiosity.

"Hey," came a slightly familiar voice in the ear-piece.

Marc stood frozen in thought of who it could be. Could it be David? How would he have

gotten his number? Phonebook maybe?

"Who is this?" Marc spoke with a slight hope in his voice.

"It's... Tom?" Tom said in slight annoyance that he didn't recognize him.

"Oh right," Marc said amazed at how alike they kind of sounded. "Why didn't you

call my cell?"

"I did but no one answered," Tom said. "But ya, don't forget you guitar, alright? We

have band practice today."

"Oh ya!" Marc said slapping his forehead. "It's a good thing you reminded me."

"Ya," Tom said. "You've been really out of it lately. I just thought I would remind you."

"I've just had a lot on my mind," said Marc. "But I'll get over it."

"Care to share?" Tom said. "I'm all ears."

"Nah," Marc said a little defensively. "It's just personal stuff."

"Oh, you can tell me," Tom said slyly. "It's not like your gay or anything."

Marc stood there frozen again. Tom, without knowing it, had hit the nail right on the head. He couldn't take this anymore. As soon as he could feel his fingers again he hung up the phone.

"Hello?" Tom said on the other end. "Marc? You ther..." Tom had finally caught on. He gasped and put his hand over his mouth.

"He couldn't be could he?" Tom said and he put the phone down missing the charger. He grabbed his coat in one hand and his keys in the other and head for the door.

"Where are you going in such a hurry?" Tom's dad said blocking his was of the door.

Tom's dad was a white tiger just like Tom. You could tell Tom took after his father by having the same green eyes and same facial structure. But Tom's dad had a slightly bigger build body wise.

"Dad I have to go," Tom said panting.

"Oh, ya?" Said Tom's dad playfully putting up his fists. "Your gonna have to get through me first."

"Ugh, dad! I don't have time for this!" Tom screamed at his dad "I need to get to Marc's place! Now get out of my way!"

Now sensing the seriousness of the situation Tom's dad grabbed his car keys and said "I'll drive you."


On the other side of town David, laying half on half off of his bed, was awoken by his alarm clock.

"Stupid thing..." He said hitting it with his fist. He rolled off his bed landing with a thud on the ground. This surprised him and woke him up enough to function correctly. He got up and scratched himself.

"I hate Mondays," he said to himself as he went to the kitchen.

"Mornin' son," His dad said the tired husky walked into the kitchen.

"Hey pop" David said as he saw his dad reading the morning news paper. "Do we have and pop-tarts left?"

"Nope," His dad said as he wiped crumbs from his muzzle and laughing. "We did but I don't know where they went."

"Dad!" David said throwing a couple paper towels at him.

"Sorry son," He said. "But they were just sooooooo good."

"I'll get you back," David said with a laugh. "You just wait."

David made some toast and ate it with in seconds.

"I'm having a shower," said David's father.

"Ok," replied David. "Hurry up cause I want one too."

Just then a plan formulated in his head. They lived in a pretty old house which meant

that is he flushed the toilet in the other bathroom, the water in the shower would get super hot. David grinned as he tip toed to the other bathroom and waited to hear the shower running. When he knew his father stepped in he flushed the toilet. About 3 second after doing so he heard his dad howl from pain. David couldn't help but fall on the floor laughing.

"That's for eating my pop-tarts," he said to himself as he went to go sit at the kitchen table and wait for his turn for a shower. His eyes glanced over the newspaper and saw a picture circled on the page his dad was reading. It was a picture of him and that cute wolf he met at the arcade.

"What the...?" he said picking up the newspaper. "Biggest profit made by local arcade to date..." He read the headline out loud a started reading the story.

"Since when do you read the newspaper?" David's dad said as he was still drying off.

"There is a picture of me in here." Tom said in confusion.

"Ya, I know." His dad said proudly. "You sure like playing that dancing game don't


"Heh, I guess so." David said thinking of Marc.

"And, who is that guy playing beside you?" His dad said pointing to Marc. "Friend of yours?"

"Kind of," David said in thought. "We had just met that night. His friend chickened out from playing because the crowd was to big, so I asked if I could play him."

David looked over to the clock. "Shit!" David said grabbing his dad's towel. "I'm gonna

be late!" He said as he ran to the shower.


After hitting every red light on the way they finally made it to Marc's house.

"You want me to come?" Tom's dad asked.

"No, I think it'll be best if I just comfort him right now." Tom said getting his bass case out of the back of the truck

"Alright, well I'm gonna head off then." Tom's dad said getting in the truck.

Tom waved to his dad and walked up onto Marc's front porch and rang the doorbell. No answer. He knocked as loud as he could but could hear no action inside.

"Hmmm, he is still here." He said peering into the front door seeing Marc's shoes on the doormat. He jiggled the handle and to his surprise it was open. He had walked into Marc's house before without him answering but it felt weird this time. Like it was some horror movie and something would jump out at any moment and eat his face. He put his bass down and walked upstairs. He looked in every room upstairs but couldn't find the wolf. Finally he heard movement on the roof.

"Duh," Tom thought. "The roof."

Marc always went on his roof to be alone. It had the same effect as a shower did. Like it was his own world and nothing could hurt him there.

Tom walked to the window and proceeded cautiously onto the roof of Marc's house. Tom had always been afraid of heights but he was willing to face his fear for his friend. Getting out of the window he could see the wolf sitting looking out onto the horizon. Tom walked up the gentle slop as cautiously as he could to get closer to the wolf.

"Hey," Tom said in a soft voice and putting a hand on Marc's shoulder.

"Hi..." Marc said now looking down at his lap. Tom could tell that he had been crying because of his matted fur under his eyes.

"Why did you come here..." Marc said.

"To help you through this," Tom said. "Now how did all of this happen, when did you find out?"

"I don't know..." Marc said. "I just did. And I don't know what to do with myself."

"What do you mean?" Tom said now sensing the battle that had been going on in Marc

of all this time.

"Well, now that you know, your gonna tell everyone and everyone is going hate me... and I just can't deal with it right now." Marc said now getting hysterical.

"Oi..." Tom said slapping Marc's wrist. "Would I have come over here if I hated you for being gay?"

"Well... no..." Marc said a little annoyed from the wrist slap.

"There you go." Tom said finally getting his point across. "And I won't tell anyone... It'll

be our secret. I promise."

Marc knew why Tom had been his best friend for all this time. He had always stuck by him through thick and thin. And he was going to help him get through this. He was suddenly so thankful for the white tiger being on the roof with him.

"So it doesn't... bother you?" Marc said curiously.

"Heh, No." Tom said laughing. "I was actually considering myself being bisexual, But I'm still not sure yet."

This comment shocked Marc. Not because of learning that his best friend was considering being bisexual, well actually that part shocked him too, but just how open he was about it.

"What could I do without you, bud," Marc said hugging Tom as hard as he could.

"Oh, probably shrivel up and die," Tom said with a chuckle as he hugged his friend back.

"And I can't believe you came on the roof," Marc said. "I never expected that."

"Oh...ya..." Tom said not just realizing where he was. "Can we get down now? Please!"

Tom held onto Marc's tail as they inched down the slope of the roof and back into the

window of the upstairs.

By now it was 10 o'clock and they were seriously late for school, but they didn't care.

Marc had felt so relieved that he finally told someone. And in truth, so did Tom. It didn't affect him as much but it felt good that it gone. They had decided that they were gonna play a bit of video games and make it there for lunch.



"Huh! What!" Said David nearly jumping out of his desk.

"David! That's the last time you fall asleep in my class! Go to the office!" The teacher screamed.

"But this was the first time I've fallen asleep in your class. And it's only 5 more minutes to lunch..." Tom said in defense.

"I don't care!" The hard-headed teacher said. "Go!"

"Alright," David said getting up and taking his books. "I'm goin'."

He had gotten out in the empty hallway and started to head toward the office. He had gotten halfway down the hall when two furs came into view walking the opposite direction. They seemed like a happy bunch. David kept his eyes to the ground trying not to make eye contact. He accidentally bumped shoulders with the wolf that was walking the opposite direction.

"Sorry," he said half heartedly.

"No problem" The wolf replied making eye contact.

David suddenly felt electricity shoot up his spine as he saw his ice blue eyes. He grinned and turned around.

"Marc? Is that you? You don't go here do you?" David said with a happy tone.

Marc perked his ears and turned around in confusion, recognizing the husky instantly.

"Oh my god!" Marc shouted with glee. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"I've always gone here," He said with a smile and scratching his head fur.

"Me too," Marc said. "It's funny how you never notice people until you meet them, eh?"

"I guess it is." David said. "So, who's your friend?"

"I'm Tom," Tom said holding out a paw, glad that he had finally been brought into the


"I'm David," he said shaking paws with the white tiger.

"So where did you meet Marc?" Tom said with curiosity.

"We met at the arcade," said David. "We played D.D.R."

*Bing!* There was that stupid bell. That evil, evil bell that made Marc shudder.

"Well I gotta get goin'," David said leaving the two furs in the steadily crowding

hallway. "I'll see you two later, I hope." He winked at them both but Marc took it as just him. Marc was overjoyed at this news. The guy he couldn't get out of his head was going to the same school he was.

Marc had a dazed look on his face when suddenly all his friends started crowding around him

"Hey! Where were you for math, dude?" said Frank.

"We had a couple problems today," said Tom moving the pup out of the way of 3

bulldogs making their way down the hallway.

"Is everything, ok?" said Cassie. Cassie was another fur who hung around with the group. She was a cheetah with a sleek figure.

"Peachy," Marc croaked out being brought back to reality. "Ya, everything is fine."

"Good," said Tom. "Lets all go to the café and eat. I'm starving."

"Yeah!" everyone said in almost unison.

"I'm gonna walk around for a bit," Marc said. He had decided to have a sort of mission

this lunch period. He had an hour to find the husky in the three story school and get his email or phone number. He was going to have fun stalking this husky.

"You sure?" Tom said.

"Ya," said Marc with a grin and a wink. "I'm on a mission."


"So, David... What exactly happened," Said David's Vice Principal.

"Well I haven't been sleeping well," David said. "And I feel asleep in class, for the first

time may I remind you, and she flipped on me."

"Any reason why you think you might not be getting to sleep?" asked the V.P.

"I might..." David said with a slight grin and having a flash of Marc go through his mind.

"Well, what is it?" asked the V.P.

"Personal problems I guess," David said defensively. "I'll deal with it I swear."

"Ok, I can see that you learned you lesson," said the V.P. "And I'll talk to your teacher and make sure she doesn't overreact again."

"Thank," David said getting out of his chair.

He was just about out of the little office when he heard his V.P. shout back to him.

"...and David, if you need to get something of your chest you can always talk to your counselor."

"Got it," he said as he made his way out of the school office. "Now onto lunch."


Halfway through lunch and no luck for Marc. He had taken up a post right beside his locker waiting for the husky to walk by. But he didn't which was sort of a disappointment. Tom had come up from the café already and was sitting beside him keeping him company. And since everyone else who sat in their hallway was in the café they were the only two there, minus people who idly walked by.

"So, how's your mission goin'," Tom said with a chuckle.

"Pretty good," said Marc with sarcasm.

"Mission?" said a voice curiously behind them.

Marc whirled around seeing David right behind him.

"Inside joke," Marc said blushing.

"So this is where you hang in the school, eh?" said the husky.

"Yup," Marc said. "Where do you hang?"

"I'm a drifter, you could say," he said. "But I'm lookin' for a place to stay."

"You could hang here," Tom said, again bringing himself into their conversation. "Here

lemme' give you the Grand tour. There's this." He pointed down the left side of the hallway. "And then there's that." He said now pointing to the right. "And we have the lockers."

Marc and David were both laughing at this show of comedy.

"Oh, I think I'll like it up here," David said between laughs. "Mind if I take a seat?"

"Not at all," Marc said.

He introduced David to his friends one by one as they came up from the café. They all

seemed to like him enough which made Marc content.

*Bing!* Marc shuddered.

"Ya I hate that bell too," David said helping Marc up.

As Marc opened his locker David tapped him on the shoulder.

"Do you have an email address?" David asked. "I forgot to ask you on Friday."

"Ya I'll write it down for you," Marc said with surprise.

"Oh and can I get your number too?" David said. He wasn't sure if this was a weird

question to ask considering he didn't know if Marc was gay or not. He wasn't even sure if he was, but it might come in handy sometime.

"Ya sure," Marc said without giving it a second thought. "Here ya go."

David took the slip of paper and put it in his pocket.

"Thanks," he said. "I have to go, I'll talk to you later, eh?"

"I hope so," Marc said.

David walked quickly down the hallway to get to his locker. Marc watched him as he

walked, his tongue almost sticking out.

"So that was your mission," Tom said picking something out of his teeth.

"What?" Marc said blushing.

"You just gave him your number and email," Tom said nudging him.

"For your information," Marc said grinning. "My mission was to get his number and email. I wasn't expecting him to ask me for mine."

"So, you really like this guy, huh?" Tom said looking around to make sure there were no eavesdroppers.

"I... think so," Marc said day dreaming. "I wanna get to know him first, but I have a good feeling."

"Alright," Tom said. "Marc's gonna get some tail."

Marc grinned holding out a coin on his thumb.

"Here's hopin'," he said flipping the coin and catching it.

...It was tails.

Well that's part two. Hope you liked. Leave comments plz :)