Pokemon: Vulpine Lovers

Story by Lion of Shadow on SoFurry

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#1 of Pokemon

A Vulpix finds he's being followed by an Eevee and confronts him with a little love and passion.

This is an older work originally titled "The Love of a Vulpix"

The sun rose slowly over the forested valley waking the Pokémon that dwelt within. All that is except for one. A little Vulpix stayed curled up wrapped in all its gorgeous tails. He stretched and yawned with a small yip as the sun's dappled light reached his fine silky fur despite last night's drizzling rain. He stood up slowly and shook out his fur fluffing himself then groomed his tails out with his rigid tongue. Watching him from a small set of bushes was a small Eevee who had been trailing him for days. The Eevee was alone and seemed shy though his golden-brown coat made the other Eevee's jealous. He was afraid to approach the burning foxlike creature who stole his heart.

Slowly the Vulpix padded away from the clearing and to the small stream that flowed close-by. The Eevee cautiously moved out from the bush and looked around for the Vulpix but lost sight of him. He sniffed at the air and pick up his scent which seemed to be just as delicious as he looked.

Eevee whimpered softly not wanting to be heard and sighed to himself as he was pounced from behind. He laid there on the ground looking up at the very Vulpix he wanted so much to be with. The Vulpix's fur seemed to glow even redder with sunlight filtering through it making him seem like an angel come to earth. Eevee's breath was taken away by the sight.

Vulpix seemed to be smiling as he gazed back at the shy Eevee. It surprised Eevee when Vulpix leaned down and licked his muzzle then stole a small kiss.

The sun made the surrounding clearing glow as they seemed to embrace each other in the deepest kiss either had ever had the privilege to experience. Nothing in the world seemed to matter to the two as they cuddled and shared their time together. Time seemed to slow to a crawl. They gazed deep into each other's eyes with a smile. Vulpix lowered his head and nipped ever so gently on the Eevee's neck causing him to squeal at first then he settled into a soft murr. His paws pushed at the air then curled retracting the small set of claws he had. For a brief second, he yipped in pleasure as his cock slowly expanded and pushed from its sheath. He blushed looking up at Vulpix who had just finished on the Eevee's neck. Vulpix seemed to grin and slide into a position that allowed him to lick over the Eevee's thickening shaft. Eevee gasped briefly and whimpered at the gentle lick from such a rough tongue. Pre began to drip freely from his shaft and Vulpix licked it all away with a silent murr. The little multi-tailed fox sniffed and took in the Eevee's scent which now seemed thick and sweet in the morning air.

A light wind encircled the two showering them with cherry-blossom petals from the nearby grove. The scent of the cherry-blossoms mixed with the Eevee's scent seemed to drive the Vulpix wild. Vulpix tried to keep his composure enough to give the Eevee a little taste of what he was going to do to him. He licked down over his free-floating orbs and reached his tail hole where he continued to lick allowing his salivating tongue to help lube the tight hole. His claws dug into the dirt when he rose again moving into another position to press the tip of his own pre covered cock into the Eevee's virgin hole. It took all his restraint to keep from shoving it in with such feral hormones rising in him like the wildfire that now seemed to escape his bright red muzzle. The little Eevee was enjoying every second and yipped in delight as he felt the vulpine shaft begin to penetrate slowly into his hole.

Vulpix kissed the Eevee again and thrust deep and hard causing the startled Eevee to gasp not in pain but pleasure.

Eevee wanted it all now more than anything in the world. He wrapped his paws around the vulpine and started to dig his short claws into his soft fur. A new scent drifted upon the breeze as the Vulpix thrust deeper and deeper sending the Eevee into ecstasy. With each thrust of the thick vulpine shaft Eevee would let out a yiff and tears ran through his fur never wanting this moment to end.

Though time seemed to stand still the sun was at its peak warming their bodies in the open glade bringing much more longing and wild enjoyment for both. As they kissed and held each other in the deep throws of passion Eevee's pre started to mat the Vulpix's tummy fur bringing him close to his own release while the Vulpix pounded his hole. Eevee whimpered as he began to shoot a thick load of hot seed into the Vulpix's fur. Vulpix in his own feral state of mind Couldn't hold himself anymore and thrust as hard as he could, causing him to force his even thicker knot into the already too tight hole tying them both together with even more hot seed filling the Eevee's insides. Eevee howled in pain for a moment which was drowned out by the Vulpix's own howl of release.

Evening fell upon the glade where cheery-blossom petals danced around the untied couple sitting by the water's edge lapping up a drink. Slowly they both returned to the very spot that Vulpix had slept the night before. There nested an egg covered in leaves and petals. They both laid down around it trying to give it warmth and yet still be able to gaze into each other's eyes with a gentle kiss good night. All was quiet in the glade save for the gentle yip of a very contented Eevee.