High school through my eyes: Pt. 5

Story by MixedUpPup on SoFurry

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#5 of His Bright Blue Eyes

~Stupid disclaimer thingy~ Ya adult content blah blah blah. If you read this and your not old enough. try not to get caught. if you aren't held back by any of those silly laws then your good too. Enjoy!

Marc, David, and Tom had taken a bus up to the local mall to meet Tom's "new friend", so to speak. They opened the huge sloping doors they had opened yesterday on their previous mall adventure, but now Tom was on a mission. He had to meet Justin, his new lion friend who seemed to be interested in starting a relationship with him.

"Slow down, turbo!" Marc called out, panting, as he tried to keep up with Tom.

"Where are we meeting this guy, anyways?!" David said keeping beside Marc.

This stopped statement Tom dead in his tracks. He looked straight ahead while he scanned his brain for the conversation he had only about an hour and a half ago. Marc and David stopped right beside him trying to catch their breath. Tom just stared into deep space as they stood there right in the middle of the hallway as hundreds of furs passed them, too caught up in their own lives to notice.

"The food court!" Tom said raising his paw in triumph. "Right in front of... the taco booth?" This made Tom think of the taco he had yesterday. He just figured it was a coincidence and walked on. This time he walked with a normal walking pace, which relieved Marc and David from their previous jogging exhaustion.

After about 2 minutes of navigating throughout the Sunday Sea of furs they arrived at the heart of the mall, the food court. The smell of thousands of different perfumes and colons and the smell of burnt cheese mixed together in their nostrils. Tom stood in his tip-toes to look over to the taco stand. Sure enough a lion stood against the wall right beside it looking more then anxious.

"Is that him?" Tom said now feeling a little shy.

"I think so," Marc said now standing as tall as he could. "Go over there and win him over, Tommy-boy." He nudged him and sent him on his way.

Tom's ears couldn't help but cling to his head as he began the few meter walk that seemed to go on for miles. As he walked all the people walking by him seemed to disappear and only the lion standing by the wall mattered. He had finally made it up to him and held out his paw.

"Are you Justin?" Tom said with his head pointing toward the ground.

"Is that you, Tom?" He said lifting his head Tom's head up and making eye contact.

"Heh," Tom chuckled a little as his ears perked back up. "Have you been waiting long?

"Nope, just got here actually," Justin said gazing into Tom's green eyes. "I thought you were bringing your friend who I met on the bus?"

"Oh, I did," Tom said rubbing the back of his head. "They went off to buy lunch... or something."

"Well, why don't we do that same?" Justin said grabbing Tom by the paw. "Whatcha in the mood for?"


Marc and David were sitting behind a plant and spying on the two furs as they were in conversation.

"I think it's going well," Marc said whispering to David. "Look, he just grabbed Tom'


"And, may I ask, why are you whispering?" David asked him.

"Shhhhh!!" Marc hissed with his finger over his muzzle. "We are on a spy mission! Now get your head down!"

David just laughed at how pathetic Marc was really being, pulled him up by his collar, and kissed his muzzle. They decided to catch up with them as they were ordering from one of the many pizza stands in the food court and have quick introductions. They threw in a couple bucks and decided to buy a full pizza and split it.


After lunch they decided to walk around the mall for a bit to get to know each other. They learned a condensed version of Justin's past, where he lived and what school he went to. Justin also learnt a little about the three of them. About how David and Marc were dating, and how Marc and Tom had been best friends forever, and how they had a band. Small stuff like that. As the day progressed, the mall's population had slowly decreased to a few furs walking in and out of shops and down the massive hallway.

"What time is it?" Justin asked breaking the conversation.

"8:30," Tom said looking at his wrist-watch.

"Shit!" David yelped. "I've gotta call my dad right now!"

He ran for the nearest payphone and began searching through his pockets for a quarter. Marc hugged him from behind and calmed him down.

"I have my cell, ya know?" Marc whispered in hie ear as he reached in his pocket.

"Oh ya," David said grinning and blushing from the freak out that he just had.

Marc, David and Justin walked a few feet away to give him his privacy and started talking again.

"I've gotta go," David said a few minutes later and handed back Marc's cell phone.

"You're kidding..." Marc said as his ears fell.

"No," My dad just wants me home for a night. He hasn't seen me all weekend.

"Ok..." Marc sighed. "I'll walk you to the bus stop."

Marc took his hand in his and left Justin and Tom by a bench to wait for him. They sat

and started talking as Marc and David walked out into the crisp night air.


After about 15 minutes of waiting the bus finally came to take David away from Marc for the night. For once in the past few days, Marc felt alone again and kissed David on the cheek.

"Hey, don't worry," David flashed him a grin. "I'm coming over tomorrow seeing as we don't have school."

"I don't think I can wait that long," Marc said returning a fake grin.

"I don't think I can either, but we have to..." David said looking into Marc's bright blue eyes, as he stepped up and paid for his fair, the door shutting coldly behind him. Marc watched as he picked a seat and blew him a kiss as the bus was driving away. Marc stood there frozen feeling all of the sudden very lonely. He reached out and grabbed the non-existent kiss and rubbed his cheek with his paw. He walked back into the mall with his tail between his legs and saw Tom and Justin talking on the bench. They seemed to really hit it off. Marc defiantly knew they were gonna be a couple, or at least it would get Tom laid and making him shut up with questions on what they had done.

"You guys ready to go?" Marc asked sitting down beside Tom.

"Ya," Justin said looking at Tom's watch. "I gotta get home too. I have school tomorrow, unlike you bad-boys who got suspended."

"Oh ya heard about that?" Marc said rubbing the back of his head and forcing out some nervous chuckles.

They got up and went outside to the bus-shelter. Tom couldn't stop from staring at his new found "friend" and Justin couldn't help but do the same. Marc just sat at the other end of the bus shelter, consumed by his thoughts and how he missed David already. Marc never liked being the third wheel and it always seemed to bring him down, but luckily enough the bus didn't take long and before he knew it they were on their way home. The bus was pretty much empty other then a couple of furs that were coming home from the mall too, which made it quiet. After an eternity of watching Tom and Justin Marc saw his stop and pulled the cord. He said goodbye to Tom and Justin and walked out of the side door. A chilling breeze ripped right through his T-shirt as he started his walk home.


He opened his front door, stepped in and turned on the front room light. The crisp walk from the bus stop had cheered him up a bit and cleared his mind. He just realized how gross he felt from not showering all day, stripped, and then ran upstairs naked to go cleanse himself. He ran into his shower and turned on the water to a nice warm temperature and lost himself in the steamy haven for an hour, thinking about how he had changed so much over the past few day and all of the new things he had done really enjoyed. He then thought of how close he had come to taking David's virginity and his all in one sweep. He was sort of mad at how the chance was ripped away by Tom's signature ring. Then he realized that it would be even better the next time they tried and actually succeeded.


"So, what did you and your new friends do over the entire weekend?" David's dad asked as he came into the living room and noticed his son sitting on the couch watching T.V.

"Oh, nothing out of the ordinary," David said without looking away from the T.V. He thought in his mind what a lie that was.

"Well," David's dad said jokingly. "That was a long time to be spending with two guys you barely know."

"What do you mean...?" David said now looking alarmed and blushing a little.

"I don't know," His dad said, laughing at him a little. "You just never used to do that. What's with the change of heart?"

"I... I guess I've changed a little." David said looking at his lap and trying not to make eye-contact.

"Well, that's good to hear," His dad patted him on the back and went into the kitchen. "I think I'm gonna go out alright?"

"Alright," David said and wiped his forehead as he grabbed the cordless phone and ran to his room. That was way to close again. Was his Dad onto him? How could he know? He lay on his unkempt bed and looked over the phone in his paw. He remembered Marc's ballistic blue eyes that made him fall for him in the first place. He had the urge to call Marc and see if he was doing just as bad as he was in their time of being apart.


The phone rang on high volume right in David's hands which caused him to yelp and throw the phone up. He regained sense of awareness and picked up the phone off the floor.

"He... hello?" Tom said still shaking from the adrenaline that was now coursing through his veins.

"Hey son," His dad said obviously in his car. "I think I left the oven on... could you go check it?"

"Very funny, dad," David said in a sort of depressing voice, he was almost sure it was Marc. "Whatcha need?"

"I can't fool you anymore," His Dad said laughing. "Listen, I'm goin' out to a bar with some buds of mine, and I'm gonna be home late, ok?"

"So," David said as a plan formed in his head. "If your not gonna be home then can I go out, too?"

"Ya, I guess," his dad said. "It's 10:30, you know this right?"

"Ya..." David grinned. "... I know..."

"Alright well just call me tom..." his dad paused. " Wait, what about school tomorrow?"

"I'm suspended remember?" David said. "And I will call you tomorrow so don't worry."

"Ok bud, I'll talk to you tomorrow then," his dad said and waited for a response. All he heard was a click.


After about a half hour bus ride and a 10 minute walk, David could barely contain his excitement to see his boyfriend again. As he walked up the stairs of his porch, finger extended toward the doorbell, he heard something coming from the backyard. His curiosity took the best of him and he checked it out. As he got closer to the back of the house he realized they were musical notes coming from Marc's balcony. The tune seemed familiar but all the same seemed very different to most of the music he had heard and was used to. All he could do was stand there under the shadow of the balcony, unseen, as he was dazed in the melodic trance that was coming for the experienced musician. Note after note, Riff after riff, Perfection. He couldn't believe it. Minutes passed, and yet the song kept on going. David could feel his heart being touched by each note that passed through him. Soon after the trance stopped and so did the notes. All he could do was clap. Clap for that amazing performance.

"Huh?" Marc looked over the edge seeing a silhouette of a fur that had intruded into his practice time and into his backyard. "Who's there?"

"Your lover..." David said in a sarcastic seducing voice. "Ya, gonna let me in or what?"

"Yeah, just hold on!" Marc said realizing it was David. He carefully his guitar down and ran for the front door. A huge smile crossed his face now that his boyfriend was here again. He opened the door and found David sitting on the railing of the porch.

"Miss me?" David said in that same sexy voice.

"I think so?" Marc said in a sarcastic voice and putting his paw up to his chin and scratched it. "Why don't you come in and see just how much I missed you?"

"I think I'd like that," David said a he rose from the railing and kissed Marc deeply on the muzzle. Marc melted as he felt this now familiar tongue roam around in his mouth. They walked up the stairs, step by step, still holding the passionate kiss. They managed to stop the kiss long enough for them to undress and sprawl together on Marc's bed. They resumed the kiss and immediately started pawing at each other's now rock-hard manhood. After about a minute David turned his body and positioned himself to suck on Marc's wolf-hood. This caused him to moan with pleasure and go for David's meat. Marc licked pre-cum that was hanging off the tip and began his work. Both heads bobbed at different tempos for what seemed a couple of short minutes. David stopped and turned to his lover.

"You wanna finish what we started last time?" David grinned and wiped a bit of drool off of his chin.

"You bet," Marc said smiling as wide as he could. "I'll be right back then." He lifted himself up and got something from the bathroom. He returned with a small bottle in his right paw and pouring out some of the contents into his left. He handed over the bottle so David could slick up his tail hole. But something was different about this time though. David was still on his back with his legs up in the air.

"What?" David was looking at Marc through his legs and noticed that he was staring. "Is there something wrong?"

"Well..." Marc felt embarrassed now. "Aren't you supposed to me on all fours?"

"Nah, I'd thought we try it this way for our first time," David giggled. "So I can kiss you while you fuck me."

Marc chuckled and he noticed David was ready. He could clearly see his glistening tail hole, ready to accept his cock.

"Now let's try this again," Marc said under his breath as he mounted David, his cock at the entrance of his tail hole. He could already feel the warmth from the other body on the head of his penis. This sudden warmth made him gasp and his leg twitched slightly. He looked at David's face, a look of pure trust tattooed onto it. He took this as a signal and slowly pushed his cock into the tight tail hole. Pain entered David's expression as he hissed a little. Marc stopped and waited for another sign, also taking this new feeling of that was wrapped around some of his meat. David gave him a slight go ahead and Marc pushed farther in. Marc thought David was getting used to his cock inside him as he studied the expression on his face. He had buried his cock in all the way and started to pull out. As he did he felt a strong sensation flow through him. He put his head back as his eyes rolled back into his head and started thrusting at a very slow pace. David started moaning as the weird feeling of pain went away and was replaced with a generous amount of pleasure. The sudden moaning brought Marc slightly out of his trance and instinctively went down and kissed David as hard as he could. David returned it with the same intensity, both of them moaning into each others mouths. David's cock was now dripping with pre again as it rubbed in between the two soft, furry chests and matted some of their fur with the sticky goo. Marc broke the kiss and started to thrust harder, feeling a pressure building inside his balls. He stared into blankness as he focused on the thrusting his cock deep into David. David couldn't believe the sensations running through his body. He couldn't remember if he had ever felt something so good. It felt as though they were connected and were sharing bits of their very soul. Marc picked up the pace as he started to bear his teeth. He felt the fluid rushing from his balls, and howled as he finally reached climax. David could feel the hot liquid drain deep within his gut. The sensation of his cum inside him made him howl with his mate. After Marc stopped shooting he collapsed onto David's stomach as both of them panted. Marc stuck his tongue out and started lapping up some of the pre left by David's cock. David kissed his forehead and shifted his position. This caused Marc's now semi-hard cock to fall out of its new home with a slight popping noise. Marc felt a couple large drops of cum drain out from David's widened tail hole and cover his balls. Marc just shuddered and continued lapping at David's chest.

"Sorry..." David said realizing that the sudden mess was his fault for moving. "I didn't


"Shh..." Marc was obviously exhausted as he started to go down on David again. This didn't take long since he was already close to orgasm. He moaned as he shot inside Marc's mouth. Marc swallowed it all and returned to his original position on David's soft chest fur, licking his lips.

David laid his head back and found a pillow. He ran his fingers through Marc's head fur and noticed he had quickly fallen asleep. He smiled as he closed his eyes and awaited the sandman to take him away too.


Morning seemed to come without warning, drenching both bodies with warm, unwanted light. The light seemed to prop open both pairs of eyes simultaneously which ended up in almost forced eye-contact. They had managed to stay in their new sleeping position all night. Marc was still lying onto of David's chest, David's legs spread still spread apart from last nights little adventure. They smiled at each other but didn't speak a word. They just enjoyed being this close and being with each other. All David could see was pure bliss as he gazed into Marc's blazing blue eyes. Finally Marc broke the silence.

"Well... I believe it is time to move..." Marc said attempting to leave his cozy spot in between David's legs.

"Awwww, but why?" David said trying to hold the wolf in his position. "Don't you wanna stay here for a few minutes?"

"I would love to..." Marc said looking David in the eye. "... but unfortunately my bladder has other ideas..."

David face twisted as he realized what Marc needed to do. He quickly released his grip

as he saw Marc fly out of bed and run into the bathroom. David rose out of bed as well and searched for his boxers. He scratched his head in confusion as he found them under the bed. He wondered how they had managed to get under there, but then tossed away the thought. Marc emerged from the bathroom with an incredible expression of relief on his face.

"I need to use your phone," David said as he looked over the Marc's alarm clock, the bright red numbers flashing 12:07.

"Sure," Marc said as he went into the other room to get the house phone.


Marc stood there with his paw extended giving David a warm goodbye as the bus took him away again. This time, though, it didn't feel half as bad. Instead of it feeling like he would never see David again, it felt as though he would always be there under his balcony listening to what ever he played. He turned down the street and headed for home as he thought about the night before. He remembered that trusting face David had throughout the whole experience. Before he knew he arrived at his porch and took out his key to unlock his door. Before he did he stopped to notice everything around him. The chairs on his porch, the slight wind blowing, and the blue sky all seemed more interesting for some reason. He walked inside and wondered why he had stopped, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

"Ah," He said into the emptiness of his house. "Looks like it you and me for the next couple of days.." He went upstairs and turned on his computer and listened to some music.


He woke up Wednesday morning as his alarm clock blared static. He groggily got out of bed as he woke up early for the first time in four days. He stretched as his feet hit the carpet and got a fresh towel out of his linen closet. He proceeded to the shower and turned it to the perfect temperature. He got in and let out a sigh of relief. As the water washed over him he thought about the past couple days. The fact the he had been Davidless for 24 hours now didn't faze him. It hadn't been so bad. He actually enjoyed being out of contact from people for a day. He ended up playing some video games and writing some new music. He did like the fact that David called him late at night and talked with him for about an hour.

After about 15 minutes he got out of the shower and toweled off. He instinctively looked at himself in the mirror, like he does every over time he gets out of the shower, and looked for imperfections. Finding none he went to his dresser and picked out some clothes. He put them on and put his keys and his mp3 player in his pocket. He went downstairs and put his shoes on and walked right out of the door, locking it from the outside. He walked the way to school listening to his mp3 player and whistling. He was on top of the world, and he didn't even know why. Today was going to be a good day for some reason. He felt it in the very bristles of his tail.

He arrived at the front doors of his high school and was shocked to see how many people were outside. There was a mob of students and they were all formed around Tom, Jason, and Jesse. One fur noticed Marc walking up looking puzzled and immediately formed a circle around him, bringing him up to his friends.

"What's going on?!" Marc said screaming over the crowd of screaming furs.

"These are all the people that were at the arcade when we performed!" Jesse replied as he greeted him. "I'm guessing they liked us!" Jesse winked at Marc as people started poking him for his autograph. Most people had already gotten one from the other band members and needed him to complete their archive.

"What the hell is going on here!" said a familiar voice from outside the crowd.

"Uh-oh..." Jason put his paw on his forehead. "Looks like the party is over."

A huge bison smashed his way through the crowd with his fists clenched. His blood red eyes stopped on the band members handing out autographs.

"And what is going on here?" The enraged bison asked as he stood as tall as he could. "Didn't you two learn your lesson from your suspension?" He glared at Tom and Marc as if they were criminals.

"Everyone break it up!" He said waving his hands in the air. "...And I'm keeping my eye on you four, you got that?"

They nodded and the party broke up. Marc, Tom, Jesse, and Jason all went inside the front doors and headed for they're hallway. Jesse and Jason seemed fascinated that Tom and Marc had actually got suspended. Just think how fascinated they would be when they found out that their lead guitarist was gay and their bassist was bi. That would be a surprise that would have to wait for another day.

"Wait..." Marc stopped and thought in his head. "None of my other friends know about my recent 'change'." He had been so caught up with David that he didn't even think about how to break it to them. It was hard enough even telling Tom and he was his best friend.

He was brought back from his daze as Tom's paw waved across his face. He shook his head and they proceeded to their hallway where Marc hoped to meet David.

Marc pulled Tom aside and gestured for the others to go ahead.

"So are you and Justin dating, yet?" Marc smiled now that Tom could give him some gossip.

Tom could only blush and smile.

Heh, That's part 5. I hope you liked. I'll get part 6 out asap.