Wolfy's Woes

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#8 of Commission Works

10k Commission for WinterWolfy on InkBunny. So this was my first time writing anything involving a female! As tame as it was it was still strange XD I hope you all enjoy my little dip into a bit of straightness!

Summer in the suburbs, where everyone's grass was growing lushly green, shorts and light shirts were the norm and frequent trips to the local public pool were practically mandatory for parents to occupy their out-of-school cubs. Wolfy's mother was very familiar with the summer routine, he looked at her from the back seat of the SUV with a bright smile on his face.

"The pool is gonna feel so good today, it's like a hundred degrees outside!" The blue and white furred pup exclaimed.

"Close hun, its ninety-five out right now. Better hope we don't melt on the sidewalk before we get there." Jessica, his mother, said as she pulled into the parking lot of the public pool.

There were a lot of families who had the same idea as they did. There were cubs scampering around in their bathing suits while their parents followed behind them carrying the pool-bags filled with their towels and probably changes of clothes. Jessica found an empty spot to park then immediately her two pups hopped out. Harley, Wolfy's older sister, hopped out from the passenger seat then opened the back hatch to get their pool bag for their mom.

"Thank you sweetie!" She said, leaning down to kiss her daughter's forehead. She slung the bag over her shoulder then took bother of her cubs' hands into hers as she lead them into then out of the sign-in building. The pool area was much noisier than normal on account of there being twice the amount of people than there usually was. Luckily for them another family was just packing up and leaving their prime spot right underneath a shady tree.

Jessica set down their bag then peeled off her loose fitting shirt to reveal the pink bikini top she had on underneath. She kept her shorts on as she sat down to dig through the bag. She handed Harley the pieces of her swim attire then frowned slightly as she kept digging through the bag.

"What's wrong mum?" Wolfy asked after noticing her face.

"I can't seem to find your trunks hun." She responded with her muzzle nearly stuffed into the bag as she rooted around inside it.

"Aww...how am I supposed to go swimming then?!" Wolfy's face drooped as he pouted. The pool rules specifically said that only swimwear was approved to be worn into the pool.

"Well, there's an extra pair of your sister's bottoms in here, you'll just have to wear those." Jessica said as she pulled out the pink bikini bottom from the bag.

"W-what?! I-I can't wear that! It's for girls!" Wolfy's face went bright red as his ears folded back tightly against his head. "C-can't we just go back and pick them up from the house?"

"Absolutely not, I'm not making so many trips to and from here. I'm sorry hun but if you want to swim you're going to have to wear these." She looked at him sternly. He was still young, it wasn't like people would mind him anyway. She felt that as a cub, her son was sometimes too modest and needed to enjoy himself more. She pulled out a towel and held it up to make a curtain for him. "You can change here, so no one in the locker rooms will see you."

"B-but that's not-" Wolfy began to protest and was silenced by the stern parental gaze his mother shot at him. With his ears folded back he slowly pulled his shirt off after making sure no one was looking. The towel would hide his private bits from others but they would all still know he was changing in public if they looked. He more quickly peeled down his shorts and briefs so he could get into the bikini bottoms and into the pool as fast as possible. The swimwear hugged his frame very tightly and didn't leave very much to the imagination, displaying his little bulge for all to see.

"There, see? Now off you go, I want to catch up with some friends." Jessica smiled and pat her son on the head after dropping the towel for him.

Wolfy quickly walked towards the edge of the pool with his tail tucked between his legs trying to cover his shameful swimwear as best he could. Despite his efforts, many other cubs noticed the pink contrasting his blue and white fur and began to giggle amongst themselves. Without even dipping a toe to test the water, Wolfy jumped right in to avoid any further embarrassment. When he surfaced for a gasp of air he was splashed in the face by his sister Harley.

"Hehe nice swimsuit Wolfy, mum forget your trunks at home?" She snickered as they both waded in the water. She grinned a little as she saw her little brother start blushing.

"S-shut up...a-and yeah she did." Wolfy folded his ears drop and let out a soft annoyed growl.

"Well just don't embarrass me or anything, I'm hanging out with my friends today." She splashed him again then swam off to the side to her small group of friends.

Wolfy let out a sigh. What few friends he had were off doing things with their own families today so other than maybe his sister, he had no one to swim around with. He waded into the shallow end where some younger cubs were splashing around to sit on a submerged ledge. He looked around the pool seeing it was mostly cubs, with the exception of a few parents swimming with the very young ones. He dunked his head under again then shook his head. As his vision began to un-blur he noticed another cub with a very familiar fur pattern. He sunk deeper into the water to hide himself more as he watched his schoolyard crush walk in with what he guessed was his father. The boy was a wolf with a mix of creamy brown and white fur.

Wolfy's heart began to race as he stared at his crush begin to disrobe. He figured must have his suit on underneath or something, but he wasn't prepared for the boy to drop his shorts and reveal a tight red and navy blue speedo. The blue furred pup sunk into the water more as his heartbeat nearly caused small ripples to emanate out from him. He was amazed at the other boys boldness, he didn't crunch up or try to hide anything, he just walked around confidently in his speedo like he'd done this a million times before. Wolfy kept his eyes tracking his schoolmate as the other boy walked over to a diving board. He dived in with no real showmanship, just a simple dive to quickly get into the pool.

Wolfy slowly skimmed around the edge of the pool, trying to avoid his crush's path underwater as much as possible. The brown wolf surfaced in the center of the pool and as if some cruel cosmic joke, turned his head and noticed Wolfy right away. Wolfy froze as their eyes met for the very first time. The other boy waved him down then started to swim towards him.

"Hey! You look familiar, we go to the same school right?" The brown wolf asked as he swam to the wall to cling right next to Wolfy. He gave him a friendly smile at the obviously nervous blue-furred wolf/husky hybrid.

"Y-y-yeah we do...I'm...Wolfy." The blue furred pup said with his face burning bright red.

"Oooh yeah! I see you in the yard during recess sometimes! I'm Nathan, or just Nate if you want." Nathan held his hand out for wolfy to shake.

Wolfy was once again was taken aback by his boldness. They had never had so much as a conversation before, but now with their first meeting he was being so open and friendly to him. His mouth curled up into a slight smile as he took Nathan's hand and shook it.

"N-Nice to meet you!" Wolfy couldn't help the excitement in his voice.

"Do you wanna swim around together? My dad dragged me here today and none of my friends are here." Nathan asked as he pushed off from the wall to tread in the water.

Wolfy nodded in growing excitement as he too pushed off from the wall. He was so happy to be swimming with his schoolyard crush that the embarrassment of wearing a pink bikini was pushed to the back of his mind. The constantly moving surface of the water masked the pink bottom he had on as they splashed around near the more shallow end. It wasn't until Nathan suggested that they go on the big water slide at the other end of the pool that Wolfy clammed up a bit.

"What's wrong? Is it too high or something?" Nathan asked as he tilted his head at the slowly sinking Wolfy.

"No no it's just..." Wolfy blushed as he looked down at his crotch. "I don't want people to see what I'm wearing."

"Why what are you wearing?" Nathan asked with a grin then dunked his head under the water. Wolfy yipped as he tried to cover himself with his hands but Nathan pulled them away. He surfaced while chuckling softly. "Why are you wearing girl bottoms?"

"I-I...my mum forgot my trunks." Wolfy stammered out. He feared this would already be the end of their friendship and he'd be viewed as a total loser. Surprisingly though, Nathan stopped laughing then put a hand on his shoulder.

"Psh who cares? They're basically a speedo like I'm wearing, only pink." Nathan smiled warmly at his new friend, trying to reassure him so they could have more fun out of the pool.

Wolfy smiled a little, Nathan was giving him the reassurance he needed. The two walked to the stairs then climbed out of the pool. Some of Wolfy's confidence melted away as he drew several pairs of eyes to look at him on their walk to the waterslide. He kept his eyes pointed to the ground, but unfortunately for him Nathan's tightly speedo-cupped ass was wiggling back and forth in front of him. Coupled with the embarrassment of people watching him and staring at his new friend's butt, he felt the front of his bikini get a little tighter. He looked down at his crotch and began to panic as he saw his little penis pushing the front out. He tucked his tail between his legs as they reached the stairs leading up to the top of the slide.

"You wanna go up first?" Nathan asked after seeing how strangely Wolfy was standing. The blue and white furred pup nodded silently as he moved ahead of Nathan to stand behind the cub next in line on the stairs. Nathan noticed Wolfy tucking his tail between his legs, obviously he was hiding something so being the curious boy he was he tugged on the base of Wolfy's tail to pull it out from between his legs. As he hoped, Wolfy turned to try to bat his hand away and because of the height difference on the stairs, he got an eye-level view of the blue furred pup's growing tent. "Hehe why's your weiner hard Wolfy?"

Wolfy's heart nearly leapt up into his throat. Not only had Nathan seen it but he blatantly asked him about it. He couldn't give a straight answer either because he still had a touch of youthful innocence and he definitely didn't want to say he'd been staring at his butt. He just shrugged as he stammered out incoherent sentences. He turned to face away from from Nathan again blushing even hotter than before.

Nathan giggled to himself. He'd never met anyone as shy as Wolfy before and while he did like him as a friend, he also wanted to mess with him a little. As they climbed up the stairs more he would periodically poke Wolfy's butt, which was conveniently at eye-level for him. Each time Wolfy would swat his hand back and Nathan would just giggle. When they neared the top of the slide Nathan decided to be really bold and reach all the way around to Wolfy's front and give the other pup's tent a squeeze.

Wolfy nearly let out an ear-piercing yelp as he felt a hand grip his penis through the bikini he had on. He was so shocked he didn't even know what to do as he stared down at Nathan's hand gently squeezing his front. He was mortified but at the same time it also felt good. He'd never had someone else touch him there, and it felt maybe a million times better than when he touched himself. Eventually when they had to step up more Nathan was the one to end the encounter. Wolfy looked back at him with wide trembling eyes only to see the other pup giggling playfully. His heart was beating faster than ever now and with all the blood rushing through him that only made his tent problem bigger. Once wolfy had reached the top platform where a lifeguard was stationed, he had to stand there for agonizing seconds as he held his tail between his legs to cover up his tented bikini. Once he was clear to go down he wasted no time getting onto the slide and pushing himself down.

He'd forgotten how fun this slide was. It was no waterpark level slide but it had some thrilling drops and turns. As he shifted around he ended up turning himself around somehow so he was headed down backwards. He reached out to the sides to try to slow himself down so he could correct himself but the sides were too slippery. As his hands were occupied with trying to straighten himself out he felt the waistband of the bikini start to slip down. He watched helplessly as the garment slipped down further past his privates, allowing his little stiffie to stick straight up for the first time. Before he could grab the bikini to keep it from falling off, he slammed back-first into the pool water waiting below. The force of re-entering the water was enough to yank the bikini right off his legs and somewhere into the water.

Wolfy surfaced and shook his head off of water. He was dazed for a moment but when he noticed his crotch feeling suspiciously cooler than usual he looked down into the wavy water to see the faint image of his little prick sticking out straight under the water. He let out a yelp then dunked his head underwater to try to find them but without any goggles he couldn't make out anything. When he resurfaced a lifeguard blew their whistle and motioned for Wolfy to swim out of the area so the next slide rider could come down. He folded his ears back and obeyed as he used only one hand to paddle his way out of the area while his other cupped his puppy package underwater. Another splash came from behind him. Wolfy turned around to see Nathan swimming his way over to him with a look of excitement and exhilaration.

"Man that was fun! Let's go again!" The pup said enthusiastically as he grabbed onto a ladder to climb out.

"N-Nate! I can't get out!" Wolfy said as he tugged Nathan back into the water by his tail.

"What? Why not, scared to go in front of me again?" The brown furred wolf giggled.

"N-No I..." Wolfy looked away in embarrassment.

"I won't tug on your wiener up there this time." Nathan said with a grin then reached out underwater right for Wolfy's crotch. Both his and Wolfy's faces turned red as his hand gripped onto the blue furred pups stiff member instead of the spandexy material of the bikini he'd felt before. Even though he knew what he was grabbing, he was too shocked to let go right away.

"I lost my bottoms!" Wolfy said as he covered his face i'm complete embarrassment, he too was so stunned by the other boy grabbing him directly that he froze up when he should have been pushing his hand away. Nathan pulled his hand away after several more seconds, seemingly starting to have liked what he was touching.

"W-well crap man, what are you gonna do now?" Nathan asked as he looked around to make sure they weren't being watched by any lifeguards or anything.

"I-I don't know! I couldn't see them underwater and they're probably around the bottom of the slide so I can't swim over there and look for them!" Wolfy was burning up now as he continued to look around frantically for his swimwear.

"Ok uh, hold on. I'll go see if my dad packed another one of my speedos or something." Nathan pulled himself up out of the pool by the ladder again then walked off to find his father. Wolfy waded out away from the side to stop looking so suspicious. He was about three feet from the edge again when suddenly a little otter girl poked her head up out of the water right in front of him. Wolfy froze wide-eyed and so did the girl, before he could even say anything to her she spun around and shouted.

"This boy's naked! He's got no suit on!"

Wolfy grimaced as the girl proclaimed his nudity to everyone. He suddenly felt dozens of eyes all fix on him. The girl's father tugged her away from him as she continued to point and shout that he had nothing on. He felt a familiar icy gaze fall upon him then slowly turned to see his mother standing in her two-piece bikini at the side of the pool, looming over him with her arms crossed. She pointed to the ladder next to her, a silent gesture meaning 'you better get here now or I'm going to tan your hide.'

Wolfy slowly waded over to the side of the pool then pulled himself out by the ladder. His little penis was still mostly hard as his hands were occupied with holding onto the sides of the ladder, once he was out he covered himself up with his hands again then was marched shamefully by everyone else back to their own spot under the tree. He heard many people laughing behind him, he could only assume it was at him. Once they were back to their spot Wolfy wrapped himself up in a towel then say next to his mother who returned to reclining in the sun. He looked up to see Nathan at the edge of the pool, the brown wolf offered a sympathetic wave which Wolfy returned.

"It wasn't my fault, they slipped off on the slide." Wolfy said quietly. He heard his mother sigh.

"It's alright honey." Was all she said as she reached over and lovingly pet him between his ears.

Wolfy smiled a little and nuzzled into her hand a little. His ear perked a little as he heard footsteps coming towards them. He turned his head to see Harley stomping her way to him. He smiled shyly and guiltily as she stopped next to him.

"Really Wolfy? I asked you to do ONE thing and not only do you do that one thing you make everyone look at you?!" She growled as she scolded her brother, knowing somewhere behind her all of her friends were still laughing that her little brother was caught naked at a public pool.

"Oh Harley go easy on him, no reason to draw more attention to us." Their mother said as she adjusted her sunglasses.

"Ugh!" Harley threw her hands up in the air as she stomped away back to her friends. Despite having been humiliated in front of nearly a hundred people, Wolfy smirked knowing his sister was also embarrassed now.

About an hour passed after Wolfy was exposed by the otter girl. Nathan had snuck over to him to give him his number so they could keep in touch. Wolfy was blushing the whole time Nathan was saying his goodbye, finding it hard to focus on anything other than the feeling of the brown wolf's hand on his bare shaft in the water. Luckily he had a towel to cover his erection this time though. After Nathan left Wolfy shifted behind the tree to be a little more secluded from the rest of the pool's population. It was actually a pretty private spot, the thickness of the tree and the angle he was sitting meant no one could see him. The towel was making him uncomfortably warm but the sun itself was pleasant, so despite being in public, he pulled the towel off then laid down belly first on it to let the sun bath its glow onto his back.

The lifeguards blew their whistles and ushered all of the cubs out of the pool for a period of adult swim. Jessica had been waiting for this moment to actually take a dip. She stood and stretched her arms up into the sky, garnering a few male gazes that she ignored. Harley and her friends walked over to her as she was getting ready to go in.

"Harley honey, I want you to put some sunscreen on yourself and your brother. The sun is very bright today."

"Can't we just let our fur protect us? I don't like having to run that stuff into it." Harley whined a little as her mother walked toward the pool.

"Nope, just put some on real quick and don't fuss about it." Jessica blew her daughter a kiss before elegantly diving into the water.

"Uuugh so dumb." Harley groaned out. She took the bottle of sunscreen from the bag then began to massage it down past her fur to the skin beneath it. After she'd done herself she noticed Wolfy wasn't complaining about having to put any on, after looking around she saw he wasn't even next to their stuff. "Where'd my little dweeb brother go?" She asked, half to herself and half to her friends standing next to her. She peered around the entire pool area but didn't see any sign of her blue furred brother. She shrugged and figured he must be in the bathroom or something, until one of her friends started giggling and nudging her arm. She stood and peeked around the tree where her friend was looking only to find her brother lying naked on his stomach. She growled a little in her throat, he embarrassed her yet again. She brought her friends together and whispered something to them, then all together they walked around the tree and stood surrounding the sleeping Wolfy. On her mark they flipped him over onto his back.

Having suddenly been roughly pushed over Wolfy woke up quickly. Before he could even realize what was going on, he felt four sets of hands pin down each of his ankles and wrists. He blinked his eyes as they adjusted to the bright sunlight then froze as he looked up at Harley, who was smirking down at him with her arms crossed.

"H-Harley?! What are you doing?" Wolfy shouted as he tried to squirm free. Lucky for him his towel was also flipped over to cover what little decency he had left.

"Mum asked me to put some sunscreen on you, so I'm gonna do that. My friends are just here to watch." She and her four other friends giggled. She popped over the bottle again then poured a quick line onto Wolfy's chest. She had done this plenty of times before but she was looking for some revenge this time. She knelt beside her brother then slowly began to work the lotion down into his fur. He struggled against her and the four girls holding him down all the while. She continued her work lower down his body on his stomach, causing the younger boy to squirm and protest more vigorously.

Wolfy tried his hardest to break free of their grasp but against the four of them he had absolutely no chance. It especially wasn't helping that he was actually enjoying the way his sister was rubbing his chest and stomach, so much so that it was actually exciting him. He quietly begged her to stop, but her hands only lowered just above his crotch. He closed his eyes and whimpered as he started to get hard under his towel.

"Ew what's he doing?" One of Harley's friends asked as she pointed at the tent Wolfy was slowly beginning to pitch with his towel.

"Gross! His weenie is getting hard!" Another of them said, causing Wolfy to struggle violently one last time.

"Getting hard? What's that even mean?"

"You don't know how wieners work?" Harley looked at her friend surprised. She was a bit more knowledgeable than other girls her age and it was mostly because of her little brother. "Here I'll show you."

Wolfy looked at his sister in a mix of shock and horror as she grabbed his towel and yanked it out of the way, revealing his quickly hardening uncut penis. The group of girls reacted half in curiosity and half in disgust.

"Ewww why's it all big like that?!" One of them shrieked a little.

"He gets like this all the time at home, I dunno why but it does." Harley said as she eyed her little brother's throbbing little member. She reached out and wrapped her hand around it, causing the boy to lurch and whimper pathetically.

"Gross why are you touching it?" Another of her friends asked curiously as they all watched Harley slowly stroke Wolfy's penis up and down.

"It's what you're supposed to do with it when it gets like that." As Harley spoke she pulled down Wolfy's foreskin a little more, exposing his pink tip more at the end of the white shaft. At that point all the girls leaned in more interested to learn about the male anatomy. Harley began to slowly pump her little brother's penis, causing his breathing to hitch and his hips to thrust upward. They all recoiled a bit as he thrust but all just ended up laughing and leaning in closer.

Wolfy was mortified at what was happening, his sister was jacking him off in front of all her friends and they were even holding him down so she could do it. Worst of all it actually felt good. He'd never been touched there before until Nathan just an hour ago, and now someone else was actually stroking him. He'd never felt such pleasure before and as humiliated as he was he let out a soft pleasured moan.

"Wow it looks like he really likes it."

"Yeah this is like the best things boys can do I guess." Harley shrugged and laughed with her friends as she continued to stroke Wolfy's penis. She leaned in a bit more so she could beat him off faster, not noticing that he was starting to leak small beads of pre-cum out of his tip.

Wolfy was so exhausted from trying to fight free that he just laid there in submission as his own sister brought him closer and closer to orgasm. His heart was racing faster than it ever had before and his fists were clenched so tightly they nearly went numb. He huffed out faster and hotter until he nearly reached his climax, but as he was nearly pushed over the edge a lifeguard blew their whistle to signal the end of adult swim. Harley pulled her hand away and shot her brother a mischievous smirk before running off with the rest of her friends back to the pool.

Wolfy's face was burning red now that he had control to sit up and cover himself again. He peeked around the tree he was behind to see his mother walking toward their spot to sit back down again. He tried not to let the towel rub against his shaft too much as any sort of friction at that point would make him cum and he didn't want to have that happen on his only towel. As his mother sat back down she held up a small pink bikini with her finger.

"I found these for you honey." She held them out to her son who tentatively reached out to grab them. He slipped them up his legs while he was sitting on the ground with his towel around his waist. He had to stand slightly to get them over his rump and in doing so his towel slipped off, exposing his still rock hard penis poking out over the top of the bikini. "Heh, oh Wolfy."

The pup's face went bright red as he pulled the bikini up all the way and quickly wrapped his towel around his waist again. He sat down and stared at the ground in embarrassment. He felt his mother's hand on his head again, gently petting him between his ears. He leaned his head against her hip and the two sat there all the while Harley was off in the pool with her friends.

Jessica decided it was time to go home soon after, she kindly held up Wolfy's towel again so he could change back into his clothes. It felt good getting back into his street clothes. He'd had just about enough of being seen half naked in a tight pink bikini bottom too so it was nice to pull his own briefs up again. He waited around by the exit while his sister and mother went into their locker room to change. He looked around at all the cubs still playing in the water, spotting the little otter girl who blew the whistle on him being naked. His ears folded back as he remembered everyone's eyes fixed upon him then having to walk with a stiffy back to their bag. This had been a stressfully humiliating day for the poor pup, especially after the hijinks Harley pulled on him so he was ready to get home and just take a nap or something.

Jessica and Harley came out quickly after changing then they all headed back to their SUV. They drove back home in constant noise from Harley, badly, singing her select favorite songs as they played on the playlist. Wolfy just grumbled and tried to muffle the noise by pulling his ears down and covering them. What made it worse is when their mother started to sing along too just as badly, on purpose. She had a nice singing voice but for some reason harmonized with Harley to the point where it sounded like two wailing banshees to Wolfy.

Once they got home, Wolfy dived out of the car to avoid the assault on his hears. Even after his mother had turned the car off the duo continued to sing horribly by memory to the song. Wolfy continued to cover his ear as he glared at the two females. As soon as the front door was unlocked by his mom he rushed inside straight to his room. He flopped onto his bed and snuggled into the soft warm sheets. He barely laid his head on the pillow before he passed right out.

He was shocked awake as he felt someone gently shaking him several hours later. He looked around groggily and disoriented from having woken up so quickly. His mother was smiling down at him as she brought her hand up to pet his head.

"Hey sleepy head, I need you to take a shower and wash off that sunscreen before you sleep anymore." She helped Wolfy sit up on his bed then tugged his shirt off over his head. She noticed him looking at her still sleepy and a bit confused now. "I also need your clothes because you've gotten them all dirty by laying in them without washing off first."

Wolfy grumbled groggily still as he stood up to let her unbutton his pants. She tugged them down leaving him in his briefs. He shambled out of his room and into the bathroom right across the hall. After shedding his briefs he stepped into the shower and began to wash all the sunscreen off his body. He lathered up his body with soap and scrubbed himself down from head to toe making sure he was squeaky clean before rinsing off and getting out. He padded back into his room to pick out some clothes. He pulled up some fresh new briefs then began to search through his drawers but couldn't find any clean clothes. He walked out into the living room to see if his mother had finished any laundry yet.

"Hey mum are any of my clothes clean yet?" He asked as he rounded the corner. His heart leaped and his legs froze as three pairs of eyes that weren't his mother's fixed on him. His mother was sitting around with some of her work friends having some snacks. He'd met the three other women before from previous get-togethers they've had with his mother.

"Ah Wolfy! No honey sorry I just just put in a load of your laundry. Come over here I was just talking about you to the girls." She waved him over and when he stepped back she pointed to the ground in front of her sternly. "No need to be shy hun, they all have sons too, you don't have aaanything they haven't seen before."

Wolfy shyly walked forward between the women and up to his mom as they laughed at her joke. His mother sat up on the couch then pulled him into a hug.

"My he really is getting tall isn't he?" One of them said as she sipped her drink.

"Yes I remember when he was just a little sprout this high." Another of the women held up her hand about knee-high. "My son just got his first job...they grow up so fast."

Wolfy was blushing hotly as he held his tail over his crotch as the four women eyed him up and talked about his body. He looked up at his mother with his big shy puppy eyes, silently begging her to let him escape back into his room. She just smiled down at him but made no indication that he could leave.

"He is getting big isn't he? You should have seen him at the pool today. He had to wear a pair of Harley's bottoms today because I forgot his trunks, and he was stretching out the front like crazy today!" She burst out laughing along with the rest of her friends.

"Getting erections already? My son must have been a late bloomer."

"All the time!" His mother laughed as she pushed Wolfy's tail down to expose his briefs to her friends.

"Ooh my, it looks like someone is a little excited right now!" One of them said and giggled, pointing to the fact that wolfy was pitching a tent in front of these women he'd known for most of his life. He struggled against his mother a little but she held him firmly still.

"Oh stop fidgeting Wolfy. I've never seen a boy so shy about being naked in front of women!" Jessica laughed as she hooked a finger into the back of her son's waistband. Before Wolfy could protest she dragged his briefs down to the ground, making the front them rub against his stiff member until it was finally free and allowed to spring up straight.

"My my he's going in all kinds of ways!" Another lady chuckled as she leaned in to get a better look.

"He's quite a shower isn't he?" Jessica smiled at them as she reached down her son's body then gently gripped his small penis.

Wolfy's eyes went wide in horror, had he slipped into bizarre dimension where everyone wanted to touch his penis? Was he still asleep and this was some awful nightmare? By the way his mother's hand was slowly stroking him and sending intense ripples of pleasure through his body he knew it was real, which made him want to faint in embarrassment. Of the three hands that had gripped him today his mother's was the most experienced and the most pleasurable. His knees wobbled as he half-heartedly tried to squirm away from her.

"How scandalous Jess!" One of her friends said teasingly, but was obviously not opposed to the show unfolding in front of her.

"Oh hush Irene, he has to learn what to do with it somehow." She smirked at Irene, the tall golden retriever sitting opposite of her and facing Wolfy directly. She leaned her head down to nuzzle Wolfy's head softly as she ran his small member between her fingers. "Let's see how big you truly are honey."

Wolfy huffed hotly and squirmed in his mother's grasp as he began to leak pre. A single clear strand dripped down to the floor. He'd never been so conflicted, what his mother was doing to him felt a hundred times better than Harley stroking him earlier, but he was so embarrassed he felt like he could die.

"Looks like he can already produce, didn't know that could happen so young!" Irene said as she leaned in closer after taking a sip of her drink. "Can he really squirt though?"

Jessica smirked as if she were determined to find out herself. She stroked Wolfy faster and faster as the boy's breath became more labored. She recognized these signs and knew she was getting him close. She used her thumb and index finger to rub Wolfy's head and gently peel back his foreskin. She felt his young body shiver violently as she continued to stroke him faster and faster. She leaned her head down on Wolfy's so she could watch her work first hand. She softly whispered into Wolfy's ear that it was all right, and to just let it all out. Her lips curled up into a warm smile as her son let out a cute ecstatic moan as he reached orgasm. The little pup shot all over the floor in front of him and nearly got some on Irene's shoes.

There was a moment of silence as Wolfy whined and regained his breath. He couldn't believe his mother just made him cum in front of her friends. His eyes were shut tight as his face burned with embarrassment. Then the women began to compliment him and pet his head. He looked at them with his big blue eyes which only made them melt at his cuteness as they complemented his climax. He cracked a small shy smile as they continued to flatter him.

"Good boy Wolfy." His mother said softly as she hugged him from behind. "You're a very big boy now and I'm proud of you."

Wolfy's face turned a deeper shade of red as his mother praised him now. She finally let him go after telling him to clean up his mess before he'd be allowed to go to his room. The blue furred pup pulled his briefs back over his privates then scampered off to find a rag to clean up his cum off the ground. The women were still chattering and laughing in their small circle as he gently nudged his way between them. He got onto his knees so he could wipe and scrub the strings of white fluid off the carpet, as he did he could feel a hand that wasn't his mother's gently pat and squeeze his undie-covered rump. He looked back up at Irene the golden retriever who was smiling down at him. She shot him a quick wink just as he finished scrubbing. With his task complete he scurried off back into his room where he buried himself underneath his bed sheets to hide from the crazy world he seemed to find himself in.

Wolfy was so exhausted that even though it was barely six o'clock he passed out for the rest of the night. His mother came to wake him for dinner but seeing her son sleeping so peacefully she decided to let him be and just save a plate for him whenever he woke up. Wolfy slept through the night soundly though until the next morning. He was woken up by several shining rays of sunlight coming in through his window. He rubbed his eyes clear of their sleepiness and sat up feeling a little disoriented from having slept for much longer than he normally would. He looked down to see he was pitching a small tent in his briefs. With a sigh of slight frustration he stood up and slipped on some of pajama style sweats and a t-shirt from the basket of laundry his mother placed there for him. As he was walking out the door he noticed a piece of paper on top of his dresser that wasn't there before. He leaned over it to see it was Nathan's phone number.

He swiped the paper off his dresser then hurried off into the living room to dial the number. His tail wagged as the phone rang. When the other end picked up it was a gruff sounding man who answered. Wolfy asked for Nathan and the man had him wait a moment while he got him.

"Hello?" Nathan's voice came from the other end now.

"Hey Nate! It's Wolfy, from the pool yesterday." He felt his face grow a little hotter just from mentioning the previous day.

"Oh hey Wolfy! What's up?" Nathan sounded genuinely excited to be talking to him again.

"Hehe nothing' I just got up. Hey I was wondering if you wanted to...hang out today again or somethin'?" Wolfy twiddled his fingers as he began to get his hopes up.

"Sure! That sounds fun! Would you wanna have a sleepover too?"

"A-a sleep over?" Wolfy was taken aback, none of his other friends were the kind of cubs who were interested in sleep overs so he'd never been invited to one. "Y-Yeah that sounds really fun!"

"Awesome! I'll ask my dad but it should be totally fine! Do you wanna have it over here or do you think I could stay there?"

Wolfy didn't really know how to respond, he would be more comfortable in his own home but he didn't want to expose Nathan to the craziness that seemed to be going on around his house. Against his comfort zone he said he'd like to stay over at Nathan's house, which seemed to make the pup even more excited on the other end of the phone. Wolfy scribbled down Nathan's address and told the other pup that he'd ask his mom if everything was ok and he'd call him back.

"Hey mum? A friend asked if I wanted to have a sleep over tonight...can I go?" He asked as he sat down at the dining table where she was on her laptop working. She looked up with a look of surprise on her face.

"A sleep over? Who invited you?" She closed her laptop and rested her chin on her hands, interested to hear about this sleep over her normally shy son wanted to go to.

"W-well I know him from school and we had a lot of fun at the pool yesterday, his name is Nathan." Wolfy blushed from how his mom was looking at him. "H-he's really cool."

Jessica smiled wider at her son. He was normally such a wall-flower but now he was interested in going over to another friend's house. She let him tell her more about this new friend of his although she made the decision to let him go the moment she asked him. She'd always encouraged him to branch outside his shell more and this was something she thought would be perfect for him.

"That sounds perfectly fine honey." She smiled warmer after seeing Wolfy's face light up. She told him to get her the address and to pack a bag for his overnight stay.

Wolfy dialed Nathan back up after getting permission from his mother and was excited to hear his father was also ok with their arrangement. After they hung up Wolfy ran into his room to get properly dressed and to pack a backpack of clothes and things like his toothbrush. He waited impatiently for his mother as she got properly dressed as well so she'd be presentable when she met Nathan's father. When she was finally ready they drove through town until they reached Nathan's house, which turned out to be only a ten minute drive. The whole way Wolfy began to feel more nervous about staying the night. He'd never stayed over at anyone's house before so he had no idea what to expect or what he should do. His mother reached her hand over and held his smaller hand tightly.

"Everything will be ok hun, stop fidgeting. You'll have so much fun." She said reassuringly as she gave his hand a small squeeze. "If you need me to drop anything off for you, you know my number hun."

Wolfy nodded and shakily hopped down out of the car, holding onto his backpack straps tightly as he walked up to the front door of Nathan's house with his mother. She rang the doorbell then smiled down at her son who couldn't stand still. They heard the door unlock then it slowly squeaked open and Nathan's little face peeked around it.

"Wolfy!" He flung the door open more, revealing his rapidly wagging tail. "Daddy! They're here!"

A tall darker-brown furred man walked up from behind Nathan. He was nicely dressed for just lounging in his own home.

"Hello there, you must be Jessica, and you're Wolfy, I remember you from the pool." He laughed when he saw Wolfy's face turn white then held up a hand towards Jessica. "I'm Malcolm, nice to meet you ma'am."

"Nice to meet you too Malcolm!" Jessica smiled at him then patted Wolfy on his back, pushing him forward slightly. "Well Wolfy, if you need anything just give me a call, I gotta go get ready to drop your sister off at her practice. Thank you for having him Malcolm."

The older male nodded as he walked her back to her car while Nathan pulled Wolfy inside by his wrist. The brown furred wolf showed Wolfy all around his house, it was about the same size as Wolfy's which he found odd for only having two occupants, but it was a nice house nonetheless. Nathan's tour ended with his room. The boy's room was nearly identical to Wolfy's, due to the fact they were both ten year old boys. He had Wolfy set his backpack down in the corner of his room.

"Your house is really nice!" Wolfy said as he looked around Nathan's room. "Where uh, where am I gonna sleep though? Should I have brought a sleeping bag or something?"

"Haha what? No that's weird, you're gonna sleep in my bed." Nathan said as his tail continued to wag.

"In...your bed? Where are you gonna sleep then?" Wolfy began to blush a little.

"In my bed silly! Where else?" Nathan flopped down onto his bed.

"S-so we'd..."

"Sleep together? Yeah! You're so weird Wolfy." Nathan laughed as he sat up to look at the blushing boy. His outgoing and playful personality directly contrasted Wolfy's shy and reserved self. "You've never slept with someone else before?"

Wolfy shook his head and continued to blush.

"Hehe, well you're gonna tonight! And watch out, I sleep in my undies." Nathan said with a smirk and pulled down the front of his shorts to reveal his brightly colored briefs, causing Wolfy to yip and look away shyly. "Oh come on, remember the pool? I already touched you, you don't gotta be shy anymore!"

Wolfy blushed even hotter as he put his hands over his crotch, thinking of Nathan's, and the two other hands that touched his penis yesterday. He didn't know how to feel about sleeping with Nathan other than to be nervous about it, especially if he was going to be mostly naked. He had no idea if sleeping with the host was a normal sleep over occurance. Nathan was right though, he'd already seen him naked so was the point of being embarrassed. He looked back at Nathan who was on all fours on his bed shaking his rump at him, with his shorts pulled down to fully expose the superhero briefs he had on underneath.

"What are you doing?!" Wolfy blushed but actually laughed this time. Nathan sure wasn't shy about showing off to him, not that Wolfy minded anyway. He yipped as Nathan turned around then tugged him onto the bed as well. The brown wolf began to playfully wrestle Wolfy down into his bed, his shorts slipping off more little by little as he did. It wasn't long until Nathan was completely pantsless, rubbing his little bulge against Wolfy's jeans as he wrestled with him.

It didn't take long for them to tire themselves out. They laid feet to feet along the length of the bed laughing. Wolfy peeked at Nathan's briefs from time to time, enjoying how they tightly hugged his body and showed off his little bulge. There was a knock at the door and Wolfy nearly sprang up off the bed. Nathan laughed and sat up as his dad poked his head in.

"Hey Nate- oh, already have your pants off eh?" Malcolm said so nonchalantly. "I'm gonna put-in for some takeout, what sounds good?"

The young wolf shrugged then hopped up off the bed to discuss what to eat with his dad. Wolfy leaned in a bit as he stared at the young pup talking to his father in just a shirt and underwear. He subtly reached down to rub himself, a bit turned on by Nathan's boldness and bravery. He rubbed himself till he got hard inside his pants.

"Wolfy!" Nathan shouted, trying to get his friend out of his weird trance. Wolfy recoiled pack a bit and shook his head. "Do you want somethin; specific to eat?"

"O-oh uh! No not really I'll eat whatever!" Wolfy blushed hotly and folded his ears back. He watched as Nathan shooed his dad away so he could hop back up onto his bed. "S-sorry I kinda spaced there..."

"I saw you staring at my butt." Nathan giggled and smirked.

"I-I what?! N-no I wasn't!" Wolfy stammered out, blushing hotly as he began to get flustered.

"Hehe yeaaah you were, wanna closer look?" The brown wolf wiggled his cartoon brief-covered butt at his friend. He giggled when he saw Wolfy's eyes freeze on his rump. "You can feel it ya know. I touched you yesterday so it's only fair!"

Wolfy gulped so hard it felt like his entire throat sank down into his stomach. He hesitantly reached out for Nathan's cute bubble butt, his hand trembling violently as he laid it on the other boy's butt. His breath hitched as Nathan backed into his hand more, enticing him to reach up with his other hand as well. He blushed hotly as he squeezed both of Nathan's cheeks. He felt himself grinding against his zipper and squirmed uncomfortably as he groped his friend's butt.

"Here, lemme help you." Nathan once again turned around on all fours, then reached for Wolfy's zipper. The blue furred pup froze as he watched Nathan drag his zipper down then unbutton his pants, exposing the top of his white briefs. Nathan appeared to lick his lips at the sight then started to tug down the other boy's jeans until they were around his ankles. He looked up at Wolfy's tent and giggled. "Hehe I was hoping to see that again!"

"You...were?" Wolfy was still frozen, his chest barely even moving as he took careful steady breaths. He throbbed inside his underwear as he watched Nathan pull his shirt off over his head, leaving him in just his underoos.

"Yeah! I wanted to uh really play with you this time!" Nathan felt up Wolfy's leg then gently gripped the other pup's tent causing him to shiver violently. "Hey, if you touched mine would it make ya feel more comfortable?"

The suggestion took Wolfy off-guard, he never even imagined touching Nathan like that, but something inside him compelled him to shake his head without any hesitation. He scooted over a little as Nathan sat next to him shoulder to shoulder, he was sporting his own tent inside his briefs now which only made Wolfy blush hotter. He reached out with his hand shaking even worse than before until it rested upon the boy's cloth-covered penis. It was an exciting thrill to touch someone else like this, he felt naughty for doing it but the cute moan that Nathan let out in response assured him he was doing something good. He gently squeezed Nathan's shaft like he had squeezed him at the pool, eliciting another moan from Nathan and making him lean back more.

"That feels really good Wolfy..." He huffed out.

Wolfy's tail wagged, he was making Nathan feel good by rubbing him like this, and he wanted to continue it. An idea sparked in his head, he slowly slipped his hand under the red elastic waistband of Nathan's briefs then reached inside until his hand finally made direct contact with the little throbbing shaft inside. Nathan threw his head back and covered his mouth to muffle a loud moan. Wolfy's face went bright red again as he saw his hand shifting underneath the white cloth of his friends briefs as he fumbled around with the other boy's penis.

"W-what got you all brave?" Nathan chuckled between heavy breaths as he squirmed in total pleasure as Wolfy began to stroke him inside his briefs.

"I-I don't know I just...felt like I should try it. A-am I doing a good job?" He looked hopeful at Nathan, who was just squirming in his own bliss.

"I dunno, you're the first one to touch me there, it feels awesome though!" Nathan peeled the front of his underoos down so that he was sticking straight up for Wolfy to stroke. The blue furred pup seemed to blush even hotter now that his penis was out in the open. "I wanna touch yours now."

Wolfy blushed as he watched Nathan's hand creep towards his briefs, then slip right inside through the elastic leg hole. He shivered as he felt the boy's hand on his bare penis. This time it was different from when his sister or mother touched him, those times Wolfy was so embarrassed he was nearly paralysed, but now he was actually wanting it. Wolfy melted at the boy's touch, he was enjoying it so much that he forgot to keep stroking Nathan for a time, but the pup bucking his hips quickly reminded him to continue his stroking.

The two boys laid in Nathan's bed side by side, their hands quickly pumping each other's penis. The close contact of the rest of their bodies was also enhancing the amorous mood they were both in, making them grind against each other as they masturbated each other. Nathan began to buck his hips more and his breathing became more labored as Wolfy stroked him faster and faster. He gripped Wolfy's wrist to stop him as he gasped out and spurted his young seed up into the air then back down onto his stomach.

"I...made you do that?" Wolfy asked wide eyed as he pulled his slightly cummy hand away.

"Y-yeah...t-that felt so awesome Wolfy." Nathan huffed out with a smile. He shifted up onto his knees then yanked Wolfy's briefs completely off his body. He gripped the blue furred pup's throbbing shaft again then began to stroke him faster than he'd ever been before.

Wolfy couldn't take anymore after Nathan began to stroke him again, he arched his back and his toes curled up as his little cock spurted out even higher into the air and managed to land on his own face. He went completely limp and gasped desperately for air. His eyes fluttered and his body trembled slightly in the aftermath of his orgasm.

"That was so fun Wolfy! You're awesome!" Nathan said as he pounced on Wolfy to give him a big hug.

Wolfy blushed as we was embraced by the brown wolf. He smiled and leaned his head against Nathan's neck, his heart fluttering as he lovingly nuzzled against his crush. Nathan pulled himself away from the hug then started to lick Wolfy's face clean of any cum that he managed to shoot himself with. The blue furred pup just giggled and playfully tried to push Nathan away but the other boy managed to clean his face off entirely.

"You taste good too." Nathan giggled. The boys stuffed themselves back into their briefs and as Wolfy was reaching for his pants he saw Nathan walk right out of the room in just his underoos.

"Wait what are you doing?!" Wolfy asked as he poked his head out to watch Nathan's tightly covered rump sway side to side as he walked down the hallway.

"My dad won't care if he sees you like that, we both just walk around like this all the time!" As if on cue Malcolm walked into Wolfy's line of sight and the older wolf was sporting a pair of tight boxer-briefs as he set down the take-out food on the kitchen table. Malcolm chuckled to himself and patted his son's butt as he walked past him.

After all they just did Nathan had once again found a way to embarrass Wolfy, but it wasn't nearly as bad as the pool. He tentatively walked out of Nathan's bed room in just his shirt and briefs, not even attempting to cover up at all. As he passed Malcolm the older wolf smiled and gave him an assuring wink which just made Wolfy blush even harder. He and Nathan grabbed their bags of take-out then sat on the floor next to Malcolm to all watch TV together. Wolfy felt something liberating and even comforting about sitting in his underwear with other males, he lived in a house with two other females and at times felt pretty alone. He hadn't even spoken to Malcolm at all yet he felt safe and comfortable in his presence.

Wolfy had an amazing time with Nathan and his father, after they finished eating Malcolm invited them to play a few video games with him. They both hopped up onto the couch with him then spent hours playing with him. Wolfy had forgotten what it was like to have just a boys only hangout, he let all his inhibitions fade away as he just acted like loud energetic boy for the first time in a long time. Eventually though Nathan's father needed to go to bed and suggested they do the same.

When they were back in Nathan's room the brown furred pup yanked Wolfy's shirt over his head before leaping onto his bed and patting the spot next to him. The two boys cuddled up together under the sheets in only their briefs. Wolfy loved his mother and sister very much, but it felt so nice to be with just guys for a change. He fell asleep with Nathan spooning him from behind, he wiggled a bit making the other boy grind his bulge against his brief-covered cheeks. He felt so content as he peacefully drifted off into sleep with a big goofy grin on his face.

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Socks, Sneakers and Specters, oh my!

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