Spin the Bottle 2-2 - Smokey lands on Degyn

Story by Smokescale Aquatos on SoFurry

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#11 of Spin the Bottle

Tiffany had been inviting Smokey and Shayna (and really the whole household) to her little parties for months, but they had continued to politely decline, usually due to scheduling conflicts. But this time, as luck would have it, the two were free for one such party. The rumors about their household had spread far and wide on campus, and they seemed to line up nicely with what went on when they played Spin the Bottle at Tiffany's sorority.

It also just so happened that the blue drake had made a new friend while in class, a green dragon who had found himself very curious about the blue when he came in one day sporting a rather large tummy. Now he found himself at the same party at the request of the couple the sorority had been trying so hard to draw in.

This is a YCH commission for the beau, Degyn.

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It wasn't uncommon for people to show up fashionably late to Tiffany's parties. It was thought that it gave off a sense of cool, 'I don't care' attitude. And that seemed to work for quite a few people. But not for a blue drake and his ivory-hued companion. They always showed up early, but not too early. It was only polite, especially when one had received one of Tiffany's rather posh looking invitations. And they both had received them.

Smokey and Shayna had found a nice, relaxed corner to settle into for the duration of the party, waiting for the main event. But they had not come alone. Next to them on the couch sat another dragon, this one of green and yellow. He scanned the room, trying to conceal the mild anxiety trying to claim him. A blue hand dropped onto his shoulder as he twiddled his thumbs nervously.

"Hey, relax. You'll do fine." Smokey squeezed gently on the green drake's shoulder.

"It's just... I'm a little worried. What if I don't get picked, or I get picked by someone who likes being rougher than I wanna try?" Degyn couldn't help but let his voice betray a little of his apprehension.

"Look, if you don't get picked one of the two rounds like we planned, then you can sit the rest out. It'll be fine. I promise. No one's going to force you." the blue drake offered.

"You've got two chances to get picked by someone you know will be gentle. And if you're feeling bold enough when those chances run out, you can always let them know it's your first time and you'd like to take it kind of easy." Shayna reached across her husband, patting Degyn on one of his thighs.

"And they would be fine with that? They wouldn't try to be sneaky and go back on their word?" the nervous newcomer asked.

"Tiffany doesn't let that sort of thing happen. It's all one hundred percent consensual. If you don't like anything about what's happening, you don't have to do it. It's that simple." Smokey explained.

"Are we ready?" a new voice joined the conversation.

The three dragons looked up from one another to see the tabby hostess standing over them. She grinned at the group in eager anticipation.

"Just helping a first timer deal with some jitters." Shayna smiled.

"That's very sweet of you. Now, I've got you two set up to go back to back. Which one wants to go first?" Tiffany looked between the two veterans. They had something of a reputation among certain circles around campus, but this was their first time actually attending one of the cat's parties.

"I think I'll go first, since I was the one that kind of brought all of this on." Smokey climbed to his paws, beckoning for Degyn to follow.

"I'm tempted to make you sit back in once you're full so I have a chance of landing on you." Shayna smirked.

"Double stuffing. I like it." Tiffany chuckled.

"We'll see how things go." Smokey said, gesturing for Degyn to follow, since he had not gotten up yet.

The green drake finally climbed to his paws as well, following the gentle urgings of the blue dragon. Tiffany led the pair to the circle and had them take their seats to participate. Degyn fidgeted helplessly. He was putting his fate in the hands of chance. He could only hope it would go the way he desired. Tiffany lifted the bottle overhead to draw everyone's attention. The dark wolf that had just emerged from the closet still held the fascination of quite a few people, but only while there wasn't a round going on. The blue drake was introduced, prompting whispers of delight to spread through the crowd. Suddenly, the circle gained several more participants. Degyn swallowed quietly. His odds had just gone down.

The hostess handed the bottle to the blue fellow clad in his trademark red vest, then stepped out of the circle. As soon as the bottle touched the rug, the ring was locked. No one could join or leave. Smokey twisted up his arm to spin and looked to the green fellow with a grin.

They had met in class a couple of months ago. It was odd that a business major going for his masters would end up sharing a class with a programming major, but they both had a desire to familiarize themselves with where the two worlds intersected. Business information technology wasn't a terribly exciting course, but it was important. And thankfully, it wasn't the undergrad level. So it didn't have the level of patronizing basic feel that had come with the lower rung. They didn't do much more than offer polite greetings most times, having no real reason to communicate. And then came a day where Smokey arrived with a rather visible difference about him. He had a large, round stomach. And he couldn't keep from rubbing it. No one in the classroom seemed to notice, or at least they didn't think anything of it.

Degyn had noticed, and found it difficult to keep from staring. It even prompted him to approach the swollen dragon and ask about his waistline. That was how Degyn had learned that there were others on campus who enjoyed the act of shoving another person into themselves. His roommate, a big blue alligator, would tease him from time to time, smush the green drake against his belly while it wriggled around with someone inside it, but that always seemed a little too crass for his taste. Smokey's style sounded more his speed; more akin to playing host to a guest rather than just treating someone as nothing more than food.

Their discussions prompted Smokey to finally attend one of these parties, and take Shayna along. And with the prospect of the blue drake being the one to land on him, Degyn felt emboldened to try as well. All three had shown up together, and with any luck, all three would leave together, with at least one of them inside one of the other two.

The bottle spun in a blur on the rug with so many eyes locked on it. Degyn's heart raced, leaping up into his throat as he watched the glassy object twirl, waiting for it to make a selection. It slowed, losing momentum, then the spin halted, but the bottle did not. Like so many times before, it rolled after losing its angular momentum, passing one or two others who had joined the circle. A skunk bounced on his knees as it rolled towards him, then passed. A squirrel in cheerleader's uniform felt her excitement rise, then quickly fall as she was passed by as well. Then, it finally came to a stop.

Degyn stared at the bottle pointing back at him. It was as though everything else had fallen away. Nothing existed but this empty vessel that had come to a stop with its open lip directed towards him. A cheer rose up from the crowd and several paws took hold of the green drake, shaking and jostling him in congratulations. The act brought him out of his stupor. By the time he had come to his senses, a blue paw was extended out towards him, its owner, the azure drake who had invited him to tag along stood waiting with a knowing smile.

"Shall we?" Smokey winked.

A soft blush filled the green dragon's cheeks as he took the paw and stood up. Once standing, Degyn was quickly tugged into an embrace, finding himself wrapped up in the other drake's arms. Their noses bumped and Smokey's tongue snaked out from between his lips to give his new friend a chaste little lick.

"I wasn't sure I'd get picked." Deyn stammered quietly.

"Well, looks like we got our wish," Smokey turned to look to Shayna, "Better luck next time, honey. You'll get someone tasty, I'm sure."

"Turn your phone on," the angelic lady called back, "I want you to record the whole thing so I can watch it later!"

A scandalous 'Ooo' spread through the room at the notion, making Smokey snicker. He and Degyn turned as they were ushered towards the closet. It had been cleaned as best could be managed in so short a time. That wolf and cat had made an enormous, sticky mess. Tiffany was going to have to do something to help contend with such behavior--and the results that usually followed.

The door closed and the two dragons were alone. At least, as alone as they could be with a crowd of perverse college students waiting just outside. They pressed close to one another, arms wrapped around each other. The blue drake rumbled low in his throat as he let his palms slip lower and lower, cupping against his partner's rump. Degyn tensed and drew a sharp inhale, but he wasn't opposed to the contact. After the initial surprise, he pressed his hips backwards into the waiting palms.

"So, did you want to have a little fun before the main event?" Smokey grinned in the dim light of the closet.

"I think I'd like to. It won't make things... difficult for you later, will it?" Degyn asked as he stroked down the blue dragon's sides.

"It won't be a problem. If anything, it'll make it all more fun... if you're as prolific as you make it sound like." the azure fellow chuckled.

"Alright, well, we've only got so long in here so-" Degyn was immediately cut off. His lips were suddenly busied with the other drake's, silenced by a strong, insistent kiss.

A happy groan passed from Smokey to the jade fellow in his arms. They tightened their embrace around one another as they stumbled. That was the ploy of the blue fellow. He leaned back, forcing the green to pin him against the wall, and it worked marvelously. Fingers began seeking out clasps and buttons, working to undress the two scaled creatures. Smokey had been easy enough to uncover. His shorts, and the boxers beneath, were all that were really in the way. Had it been any colder out, he would have worn proper long pants. His signature red vest remained on, open in the front, certainly not about to impede anything.

Degyn had been more effort. His own pants slid away without much effort, as well as the undergarment concealed beneath. His shirt was a simple tee, slipped up over his slim chest then tugged over his head. It forced them to break their kiss, but only for a brief moment. Within seconds, they were locked together once more. The blue dragon wrapped his arms around his lover's neck while the green reached low, the two swapping postures. There was a purpose to the change, and it came quickly. Smokey gasped softly as he was pushed up along the wall, hoisted off his paws. In the same breath, he felt the familiar shape of a rigid spire tuck its way between his thighs.

Before Degyn could do anything else, he found himself completely wrapped up in the blue. Smokey hooked his legs around the green drake, ankles meeting just on top of the base of the wingless dragon's tail. It provided the perfect position for him to do exactly what they had discussed doing should luck favor them, and it certainly had. A sharp jerk of Degyn's hips joined them. Smokey pulled free of the kiss just long enough to gasp as his feminine cleft was pierced. The green hadn't been lying. He was indeed rather well endowed. And now he was going to see if the other half of the reluctant boast had been just as accurate.

When Degyn had pulled Smokey aside to ask him about his tummy, the conversation had quickly taken a turn towards what they each possessed between their legs. It had been something of a requirement. How else was Smokey to explain where Alex had been tucked away? It had taken a bit of work to drag any discussion about himself out of the green, at least when it came to his unmentionables. But when it had finally come out, the words 'generous' and 'monster' had been used.

Now Smokey could see they weren't an exaggeration. He was getting a fine stretch, just the sort he was used to from his very curious yet loving family. It left his mouth watering just a little, half tempted to pull himself off and shove his head where his nethers were to sample for himself. He'd get a chance to enjoy that later. For now, he just let Degyn drive, pumping smoothly and strongly. The green wasn't interested in wasting what little time they had. He jostled the blue dragon about as he growled, hammering home into the quivering folds he didn't know existed until just a few days ago.

A long, loud moan came from the closet, enticing the crowd to lean in. They could hear the slapping of hide on hide. And that slapping came from the grand, heavy swells dangling between Degyn's thighs. They swung forward and struck the blue, making themselves known from the base of his tail all the way forward as far as they could reach. Without being able to see them, Smokey felt like he had a pair of large melons bouncing against his rump. Again, his mouth watered.

It didn't take long for the green to push himself over the edge. He rammed home with all his strength one last time, then threw his head back to fill the closet with a roar of climax. Smokey shuddered and clung to his jade lover as his voice joined in. The two cries brought cheers of approval from out in the living room. The blue drake's petals clenched as a warm splash of honey coated the intruding rod. Then, in the same breath, Smokey felt a hot rush flood his belly. His stomach surged outward as Degyn showed just how true his description of his productivity had been. It felt like a fire hose had gone off inside the blue. His womb swelled and stretched to contain the gallons of seed pouring in by the bucketful.

Several moments passed as the azure drake continued to grow, his pale grey tummy expanding until it pushed the green back from him. When it all finally came to an end, both were left panting, glistening with sweat, and still swimming in the chemical soup swirling around in their brains, leaving both of them dizzy.

"Holy shit... you weren't kidding!" Smokey managed to utter, though breathlessly.

"Sorry, I did try to warn you." Degyn blushed, worried he might have overwhelmed, even offended the kindly blue drake.

"Sorry nothing! I'm gonna have one hell of a time keeping you all to myself when you come visit!" the swollen dragon laughed.

"Keep me to yourself?" Degyn asked in confusion.

"You're going to be very popular around my house. I'm going to have to introduce you around, and very soon. But first things first... I made a promise and I intend to keep it. Are you still interested?" Smokey squeezed his legs around the green's waist, trying to keep him from pulling out just yet.

Degyn nodded, leaning forward as best he could to press his lips to the blue in his arms, wanting to savor the intimate contact.

"I'm interested. If it's half as nice as you made it sound, I might not want to come back out." He smiled as he cheeks flushed powerfully. He had not even considered the possibility of such a thing until just that moment, and he felt silly for saying it.

"That's a very real danger. But don't worry, I won't leave you in there forever, no matter how bad I might end up wanting to. Now, much as I'm enjoying the filling downstairs, you're going to have to let me down." Smokey loosened his legs, anticipating the disappointment of being empty.

The green fellow nodded and withdrew himself, finding he rather disliked not being plugged into the azure creature he was quickly growing extremely fond of. And the feeling was mutual. Smokey whined a little as he closed his legs, squeezing his thighs together to keep from letting anything leak out of him. He wanted to keep every drop to himself. The void Degyn's absence left did indeed leave him a little unhappy, but it was a necessary evil.

"Mmm, I'm gonna wanna ride that thing again. And who knows, maybe I'll get a chance to return the favor if you're so inclined." the blue drake smirked.

"I'm a little surprised you didn't want to mount me first. Figured that's what predators did." the green chuckled.

"Sometimes. Sometimes it goes the other way. You get filled, then you get filled again. But enough about the logistics. I'm hungry and you look cold." Smokey ran his tongue along his lips in a greedy gesture.

No more words were shared between them. Degyn simply leaned forward, kissing his blue lover one more time. Smokey indulged in the act of affection, letting it linger for a moment. Then, he pushed forward, letting his lips spread over the end of the green one's muzzle. Initially, it startled the wingless dragon, but he settled into it, closing his eyes as the blue drake's maw drew him in. In moments, the whole of the jade fellow's head was pushed into his new friend's mouth. A strong, enthusiastic swallow tugged him deeper, his head quickly shoved into the waiting gullet beyond.

Smokey licked eagerly over the chest now sliding into his grasp, a pair of shoulders stretching his cheeks. He gulped again, loudly and wetly, to continue his work. It pushed his green lover deeper into him. The gurgling chamber below stretched open as soon as Degyn's nose pressed against the ring of muscle that served as its entrance. Inside, it was dark, humid, and very warm, almost bordering on hot. The relative cool of the closet was now rather unpleasant. Degyn found himself craving this warmth, to hide away from the hateful chill of the outside world and the winter it was sinking into.

He would not need to wait long. His stomach, trim and firm, slipped across the blue drake's tongue. A generous amount of affection was paid, but not too much. They were almost out of time after all. Smokey gripped Degyn's hips in his paws and hoisted him up overhead. Gravity would be his friend. Another loud gulp, easily heard by the audience outside, sank those hips into his jaws. Immediately, the blue fellow began lavishing his lover's groin in the same attention he'd paid to the trim abdomen now enjoying the massage of his throat. Smokey's belly was already growing anew. He was going to be huge by the end of this, and he was going to relish every second, every inch, every ounce of it.

The green fellow wriggled and moaned as his loins were assaulted, forcing him to drool down the blue drake's throat, not that Smokey seemed to mind. He twitched about as he was dragged closer to climax, but never quite got there. Another gulp sounded and he was crammed further into the stretching sac he would be calling home. As the blue slurped his meal down, he could feel a long, low groan make his insides vibrate. The same heat he had felt between his legs suddenly rushed down his throat. The squeezing of the gullet around his lover had finished what his tongue had started.

The blue dragon's stomach was quickly filled, giving the green a lake of his own seed to stew in. And Smokey wanted to get him all the way in. Now. He gulped and slurped and shoved greedily on the handsome fellow he had managed to ensnare until all that remained were his paws and a bit of his tail. Just as he was readying for the final swallow, the door to the closet swung open. Their seven minutes were up, and the audience was treated to the last little bit of one dragon disappearing into the other. One more good gulp sealed Degyn away, and Smokey opened his jaws as a hearty, wall-shaking belch fled the closet to echo through the living room.

A cheer passed through the crowd as two onlookers stepped in to help the bloated blue. He was indeed enormous, his belly sagging down past his knees, forcing him to lean forward until it almost touched the floor. It was quite a sight to behold.

"Did you remember to set your phone to record?" Shayna called out.

Smokey winced and slumped in the support of the two onlookers who were helping him squeeze his way out of the closet.

"I'm sorry, honey. I forgot." he whimpered, then burped loudly again.

Smokey's belly churned about, wriggling and writhing visibly as Degyn turned this way and that, looking for the best position he could get for himself. It was oddly comfortable, a great deal more than he had expected. Sure, Smokey had told him it would be cozy, but there was something about the idea of being inside the stomach of another creature that tended to leave one skeptical until one tried it. Now that he was in, he couldn't feature leaving anytime soon. He felt his world sway and slosh about as the dragon who had eaten him was helped to the couch. He was sat down to relax and almost immediately, several pairs of hands pressed in against the vast, gurgling dome.

"You okay out there?" Degyn asked.

His voice came softly muffled, and with the noise of the crowd, it was difficult to make him out. Smokey could guess though.

"I'm good, nice and full. You just get comfy, you're gona be in there for the rest of the night at the very least." he smiled down at his stomach.

"I guess I'll just have to make you eat him again and record you myself. I might even post it online. It might get us some fans." Shayna smirked as she pressed in against her husband's side, squeezing his gut.

Smokey groaned softly, trying to squeeze his thighs together again. She knew how much he enjoyed attention to a full belly, and the result that could come of it under the right conditions.

"Again? You want to do this again?" Degyn asked.

"Oh yeah! As often as you'd like! Hell, I'd love to see how you react to being the one who's too stuffed to move!" the bloated blue laughed

Degyn blushed powerfully, unseen in the belly of the hospitable blue.

"Don't get too ahead of yourself, honey. He's still new to this. Just enjoy the moment. And you'd better be ready for what's coming when I get you home. I'm gonna wanna pounce you. And you can bet Sirius and Brian are going to be extremely curious too." Shayna purred in her husband's ear.

If only Degyn had known what he was getting himself into. The Aquatos household had a reputation on campus, but that only told part of the story. And he was going to get a crash course in the rest of it sooner rather than later.