Review 3 - Max and Nitrus Celebrate

Story by Smokescale Aquatos on SoFurry

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#3 of Reviews of the Treetop Inn

Max and Nitrus had been so busy with life lately that they were having a hard time just connecting. So, to help fix that, and to make sure their relationship didn't suffer, Nitrus planned a vacation for the both of them to none other than The Treetop Inn. Before they even spent a single night there, things were looking up between the two of them.

As it so happened, among the rumor about the Inn, one in particular chose to make itself known to the couple.

This is a YCH story for Max Darkling aka ViverViperi and his mate Nitrus Rhaler.

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There was a lot going on at the Inn. Some great event was in the works, a conference for some sector of business no one really knew existed until it imposed its presence on the wider world. Max sat at his table in the dining hall watching the people visiting for that very conference shuffle about. Either they were coming in to sit down for dinner and chat about the seminars or lectures, or they were just getting up to leave and go attend another panel. A good many clustered around the bar, getting a little too rowdy once they'd had a couple drinks too many.

The dark feline sat quietly, waving off the waiter each time he came by to do more than refill his water glass. He had arrived before who he would be sharing his room with. He had been waiting at the table for half an hour and was starting to worry that he had arrived too soon. He had already checked in and dropped his luggage off, even texted the room number to the other interested party. Now all he could do was wait.

Max's phone buzzed in his pocket, prompting him to withdraw it and see what the alert said. He tapped the screen, swiped, then waited for it to load. It didn't take long. It was a message from the very person he was waiting on.

"Sorry I'm late. It took longer than expected to pry myself out of work. Just landed, told the bellhop to take my luggage to the room. I'll be there in a bit. Hope you haven't been waiting long."

The dark feline sighed quietly, partly out of relief and partly out of a low level of annoyance. There wasn't much that could be done when work clung so tightly. The fact that it let go at all given the nature of it was a little amazing. The fact that the conference was going left Max feeling terribly awkward holding a table for so long. He felt like he should have let someone else take it and then he and his guest could wait for another to open. He was starting to think they had selected a bad time to visit the Inn.

But then the dining hall was rather large and well staffed. And it wasn't the only place to dine around the resort. The various annexes had their own venues where one could enjoy a meal. The small town just beyond the edge of the preserve was said to have several small mom and pop restaurants that the staff would happily ferry guests to and from. And then of course there were the stories about the Inn and what went on around it. The cat had only been around for an hour or so, but he had seen at least one instance that seemed to confirm the rumors. There was a blue dragon--supposedly the owner--he had seen wandering around, glad-handing the conference goers. He had a rather generously sized stomach, and it didn't match the rest of his proportions. It left him curious, but not enough to ask anyone.

Max had let himself sink so deep into thought that he didn't even notice as someone approached his table.

"Hey honey. Sorry I'm late." a red drake pulled out the only other chair at the table and sat down.

He was a handsome fellow, taller than Max by just a little bit, more athletic compared to Max's slender frame, and sported a similarly enormous swell in his trousers to the feline. He smiled sheepishly as he scooted the chair in, ready to do whatever he could to make up for his tardiness.

"It's okay. I know how work is. I'm just glad you could get away." the dark feline smiled back, trying to not let the minor setback ruin their vacation.

"Well I'm all yours for the whole week. From now until Sunday next week, no phone calls, no texts, no emails. Nothing from work. I've made it absolutely clear to them that I won't be answering until we're back in town. I don't care what needs re-shooting." Nitrus said.

"I'm still kind of amazed we get service out here. We're out in the boonies and I've got full bars." Max looked down at his phone, marveling at the high level of reception.

"I told you! This place is tops! Just wait until you see some of the places around the grounds I wanna show you." the red wingless dragon was genuinely excited.

Nitrus had visited the Inn before. It was a different film he had been cast in, and it relied heavily on the unique properties of the venue in question. He had been cast out of sheer luck and fell in love with the whole place as soon as he set foot in the foyer. Ever since, he knew he had to bring Max along for a proper trip.

"I'm sure it's all wonderful. But first things first. I'm starving. I've been sitting here for half an hour smelling all the food that's walked on by and I can't stand it any longer." the cat feigned complaint.

It really was something of a kind of torture, seeing and smelling but not being able to eat. But now they could order and dine.

"You could have gone ahead and ordered. I wouldn't have minded. Even just a little appetizer." Nitrus said as he looked over the menu.

"I wanted to wait for you. We don't get to eat dinner together too often with how busy you've gotten these last couple of months." the feline blushed, feeling silly for admitting such a thing. But it was the truth. He wanted to share a meal with his boyfriend. And Nitrus' film work usually left him too full to do that.

"Yeah, sorry about that. At least it should be coming to an end soon. They're doing the first round of editing, so hopefully there won't be but a handful of re-shoots. And then, we can go back to 'between roles'." the drake tried not to sound too disappointed in himself for having let things get so out of hand.

There was really only so much one could do about work. At least Nitrus enjoyed what he did. Max wasn't fond of the whole idea of people eating people, at least when it came to joining in, but he didn't begrudge the fact that his drake flourished in the genre of film that portrayed it heavily.

The two shared a meal, enjoyed lovely conversation, much of which consisted of people-watching, then sat back to let everything settle as the evening draped the Inn and the surrounding forest in its dark, comforting embrace. The natural light the sun had provided faded, leaving behind the romantic ambiance of candlelight.

When it finally became clear that they had stayed too long and needed to let the wait staff turn the table for other guests, the two boys paid the check and took their leave. They didn't head straight to the room after, but instead, they went for a stroll. Nitrus draped an arm about his feline companion, keeping the two of them in constant, affectionate contact as they wandered the Inn. It was quite a place to behold, both the Inn itself and the views it provided. Max was left in awe, seeing what Nitrus had been so keen on this whole time. He had an inkling when he arrived, checked in, dropped his bags off in the room, then made his way back to the dining hall, but he had only allowed himself to see so much. Now, he was getting a proper tour, and his crimson drake was showing him.

After a good hour's wandering, they decided the crowds from the conference were a little too much to contend with, so they opted to retire to their room. Thankfully, they were well away from the center of all the activity, meaning they wouldn't have to put up with a lot of noise. Then again, they intended to make a fair bit of noise themselves. With the door to their room closed, they pressed into one another, arms quickly wrapping around one another. The whole while, they had been able to wander around shirtless, dressed in only their shorts.

The dress code around the Inn was quite lax. So much so that more than a handful of times they saw someone wandering about with nothing to cover themselves with at all. It left the feline thinking maybe they should 'do as the Romans do'. But he didn't have the courage to try it.

The room itself was quite cozy and welcoming. It had plenty of space without feeling too cavernous. The bed was quite large, providing well more than enough room for the two of them. The balcony was the star of the show, providing a breathtaking view of the garden below, specifically the spring quarter. Had they looked closely enough, they could have picked out fireflies buzzing about the shrubs and flowers. But then they weren't interested in what was going on anywhere but right in front of them.

The two boys made their way from the door to the bed, stumbling a little here and there as they walked without watching where their feet landed. Lips met lips, sealing the two into a passionate kiss. It had been so long since they had managed to throw themselves so completely into the act of passion it had begun to feel alien, awkward, like a first date. The delay was unpleasant, but the sensations of anticipation and excitement were so strong it almost made the dry spell worthwhile.

Before Max could say anything, he found himself on his back atop the mattress. He sank into the plush surface and mewled happily. His dragon pressed down on top of him, growling quietly as he pinned the black and white feline. As if by magic, the feline noticed Nitrus' pants were missing. Instead of finding the fabric covering the drake's rump, he found bare scale. He clutched at the crimson fellow's firm, toned backside and pulled him closer. He could feel the familiar weight of the drake's plump, oversized scrotum press against his. He could feel the heat coming from those heavy orbs soaking into his thighs. It left his own shorts to grow rather tight.

"Why are these still on? We should get rid of them." Nitrus cooed to the black and white feline.

Max couldn't disagree. They were getting uncomfortable. Curious fingers deftly moved across the cat's shorts, working the drawstring that held the elastic waistband close until the whole thing could be stretched for removal. Soon, the garment was being tugged down his legs, exposing his own startlingly generous self. They were similarly equipped, pressing against each other to enjoy the size and warmth of their exposed lengths and sacs. Neither had bothered to bring protection. They were both clean and they both knew that. Condoms just tended to get in the way for them. And they usually had to pay a pretty penny just to afford the ones that fit them with any real measure of success.

With the only garments either had worn cast aside, the lovers pressed against one another again, paws roaming across one another's form. The trim feline and the somewhat thicker dragon atop him could scarcely believe their good fortune. They had managed to get some alone time, and a lot of it. They intended to use it to the fullest.

Nitrus rocked himself from side to side, slowly worming the two of them further up along the bed so he wasn't hanging off the edge of the mattress. Once he was sure of himself, he reached down and tugged his kitty's hips towards his, directing Max's legs to spread and wrap around his waist. The black and white feline let the drake guide and direct him, finding his ankles locking behind his lover's lower back. Then, a familiar shape pressed up under his tail.

A sharp inhale was the response. It had been a while since they had managed to properly enjoy one another. Max had fallen down in his 'training'. And it took a good deal of regular practice to be able to stretch properly around such a monster. His jaws parted in a silent cry. His eyes bulged. His dragon pushed forward slowly, gradually sinking the vast spire throbbing away between them into the dark, moist grasp of his beloved. The cat's ring stretched around the grand thing, feeling not like a specimen of manhood but one of the dragon's thighs from its sheer size.

A large, visible swell formed in Max's stomach, pushing up along his front as Nitrus continued to glide in. He was in so deep already, and yet he wasn't even halfway there. The glorious agony of being forced to take such a large thing left Max breathless. He had wanted this for so long, missed it so much, and he was finally set upon his boyfriend once again. And it was every bit as overwhelming and wonderful as he remembered their first time to be.

As the two pressed against one another, the dark feline's own shaft twitched, standing erect between the two lovers. It drooled across Max's chest, matting down his fur. He squeezed his eyes shut as he clung to the drake atop him, pulling them together until there was no air between them. Lips sought one another out once again, frantic, feral, charged by lust. A steady rocking began to make the bed sway ever so softly. The dark cat winced each time the throbbing length buried in him sank back in, reaching an inch or two deeper with every thrust. Before he could try to guess how long it would take for Nitrus to sink in complete, he was there. The feline's own heavy sac found itself nestled against the dragon's stomach, pinned there between the two boys.

They held firm like that for a brief moment, no motion between them. They simply basked in the embrace, breath uneven and heavy. Then Nitrus resumed his rocking, bucking his hips forward after a shallow withdrawal. It was enough to make Max break his silence in the form of long, low noise that was somewhere between a moan and a very feline yowl. The dragon grinned hearing that sound, taking it to mean he was hitting some very good buttons.

With a gradual pace, Nitrus oh so slowly pulled back further and further on the retreat, allowing himself to push forward all the way back into his lover's rectum with added force. As he pumped harder, Max's voice became more pronounced. Were the walls thin enough, everyone in the rooms adjacent to them would know exactly what they were up to. In a strange sort of way, they wanted everyone to know.

This is what came of a couple who couldn't find time to be with one another when they managed to get away for a solid week. The very first night, they were on top of one another, making it clear to anyone within earshot what their intentions were.

Neither wanted to hold out. They simply threw themselves into the moment without regard for romance. That would come later. For now, the need had to be sated, and it was going to be. At least enough to make future rounds slower and more tender. The slow build up of force turned ferocious as the dragon hammered away, stretching his feline lover with every mighty pump. He grit his teeth, growled and pushed his hands down on Max's shoulders. Nitrus arched his back as his tail curled upward. A strong jerk between his legs signaled he was at the end.

Max's stomach--specifically the member-shaped bulge in his abdomen--twitched visibly. Then the bulge swelled. The cat's voice reached a crescendo as he was suddenly filled. A hot, thick, strong jet of his lover's seed poured into him, bloating him outward. He screeched at the top of his lungs, desperate to sink himself down on the eruption as hard as he could. He wanted everything his dragon could give him. Every pulse of the grand intruder added to the growing dome of his belly, finally slowing and coming to a halt when Max looked to have swallowed a beach ball.

Both lovers were out of breath, though one decidedly more so than the other. That heavy load in Max's middle made it difficult to fill his lungs completely. It was a sign of just how well stuffed he'd gotten. Nitrus slowly came out of the mild daze their union had left him in and smiled down at the feline, dipping his muzzle forward to give his beloved a tender kiss.

"It's been way too long since I got to just let go. I hope I didn't hurt you." the drake rumbled low in his throat.

"Are you kidding?" Max shot back between gasps, "If I can get you riled up again, I want you to do that every night!"

The crimson beast snickered and kissed his lover once more, slowly drawing himself free of the well-abused rump he'd just managed to fill so very completely. It made Max squirm, trying to clench up and keep Nitrus from escaping. Clearly he wanted to leave the huge thing right where it was. But the drake had other plans, and it required freedom of motion that remaining in such a position couldn't afford them. With a soft pop, the dragon's member came loose and the feline's anus began to close, trying to keep the flood of seed contained. A strong stain of white oozed out between his cheeks, making sure to inform anyone of what he had done. If he were to go wandering around outside without pants on.

It was like a badge of honor to him. He almost wanted to have a t-shirt made that said "I rode the dragon" with an arrow pointing down. He chuckled as he imagined the text being on the back of the shirt rather than the front.

"You didn't pop. I'm a little surprised," Nitrus cooed, wrapping his fingers around the feline's still rigid spire, "I think we should fix that."

He had not meant it in a literal sense, but more that his lover had not made the same kind of mess he had. Max wiggled his hips and pushed them towards the drake as soon as he felt the delicate contact along his aching shaft.

"Does that mean I have to sit up and pin you now?" he sounded still heavily winded.

"No honey. You don't have to do a thing. I'll take care of it." Nitrus replied.

Before another word could be spoken, the dragon opened his jaws and daintily drew his boyfriend's shaft into his lips. He suckled gently on the warm, drooling head, dragging his tongue across the tip to make his beloved twitch and writhe. And writhe Max did.

Nitrus made no swift effort in bringing his companion to climax. He knew he wouldn't need to put much work into the matter, not with what had just happened. So he decided to relish the moment for as long as he could, even if it would only be a precious few moments. They would have all weekend to go as fast or as slow as they liked, and repeat anything they decided should be repeated, as Max had already announced.

The drake ran both paws along his lover's shaft, stroking and caressing tenderly. His lips remained sealed around just the very end of it for him to suckle on like a piece of candy. He watched as the cat wriggled about under his new belly, kneading and massaging it. Max wasn't quite as grand as Nitrus between his thighs, but he certainly didn't rank as average. And the dragon was well versed in pleasing the sizable thing in his jaws.

Unable to stand listening to his lover whine, the drake pushed his head downward, slowly consuming more of the feline's length. The hot, wet cavern of his muzzle welcomed the intrusion and wrapped the pink, fleshy thing up in its humid grasp. For a brief moment, Nitrus paused, having pushed just slightly further than he intended. He felt the head of his mate's rod bump against the back of his throat, catching him by surprise. He almost gagged, having not prepared himself properly. A brief moment spent to compose himself was all that was needed before he carried on, swallowing to press onward. The sound of the drake slurping up the drooling, twitching length mingled with Max's new sounds of passion.

The grip of the drake's gullet squeezed and massaged over the impressive length it had been fed, all while the limber tongue above wrapped its way around what it could reach. Paws began to massage the two rather giant swells resting on top of the dark feline's thighs. He had almost as much to give as Nitrus had from the size of things, and from the heavy sloshing that could be heard coming from the twin orbs as the dragon fondled them.

It took no more than that to finish the job. He didn't need to bob his head. He didn't need to stroke or squeeze. He simply needed to present his mewling lover a place to pour himself into. A new cry filled the room as a hearty gush forced Max's rod to tense. The pulse saw the blast of seed pour straight down the dragon's throat and into his waiting stomach.

Just as Max's belly swelled, so too did Nitrus'. It surged outward from the first good surge, ballooning out to provide a sizable, visible paunch. The second pulse added to it, which the drake swallowed down greedily. His middle surged again, pressing lightly against this thighs. The growth continued from there, swelling the red beast more and more as the bucking shaft in his maw provided him with the salty ocean to drink. Nitrus pressed his nose firmly against the cat's groin, feeling the fuzzy, wobbling tummy press down against his snout. He sealed his lips tightly, eager to ensure he didn't get pushed off.

When at last everything settled again, both dragon and cat sported heavy, bloated stomachs, each one warm and softly yielding to the touch. Nitrus pulled his lips slowly free, dragging every last hint of goodness he could from the warm thing that had just filled him. A few lingering spurts splashed across his tongue once he reached the head of his mate's member. He smacked his lips and ran his tongue along them to make sure he wasn't missing a single drop. Then, the red drake crawled his way up along side the spent kitty. He moaned happily as his belly sagged under him, pulling on his spine with its glorious weight.

A heavy flop jostled the bed a bit, making the twin bellies wobble. Nitrus sighed happily and slipped an arm around his black-furred companion. He turned his head only to find Max facing him, pressing into him for a strong, impassioned kiss. The taste of the feline's release lingered on the drake's breath and tongue, which seemed only to spur the dark cat on. When it finally broke, the two sucked in a much needed lungful of breath.

"Mmm, I'd call that a pretty good start to a vacation." Nitrus grinned. He reached over and gave his lover's gurgling stomach a pat.

"A damn good start. Lemme catch my breath and we'll keep on 'starting'!" Max snickered.

"Already? It usually takes you until morning once you're that full." the dragon let the delight come through in his voice.

"I've got you for a solid week. I'm using every second I can." the cat purred back to him.

"Well, when you're ready, I think it's your turn to be on top." Nitrus swayed his hips to bump the side of his tummy against his boyfriend's.

Before he could say anything else, Max was up on all fours, moving to lay on top of his scaled lover. It was a bit of a surprise, given how much weight the slender fellow had to lug around to make it happen. Slowly, the dark cat lowered himself down along the curve of the red dragon's stomach, finding the rod that had just been inside him only moments ago. It was still standing strong, the orbs fueling it refilling and readying for another explosion. Max hissed happily as he felt his cheeks part around the glorious blue thing once more. He was ready to go again, not caring that his own sac was only slightly uncomfortably smushed between two large stomachs. That was part of the fun in his opinion.

"The real question is are you ready for me?" Max grinned, sinking his way back down onto that which he decided belonged to him, enjoying the stretch all over again. He'd be able to go slower this time, really soak in the experience.

Nitrus growled happily and reached up to stroke along his lover's bloated stomach and down his sides.

"I'm always ready for you, honey. Whenever you want me, I'm yours." the drake rumbled.

The room was quickly filled with the sounds of love once again, though decidedly quieter and not so soon to the peak. As the night deepened, the two swelled each other larger and larger until it was too difficult to continue. They decided it would be best to let things settle down, so they embraced one another and quickly drifted off to sleep. Their little marathon had worn each other out quite thoroughly.

Morning saw them slimmed back down for the most part, but still showing a good deal of a bulge. It took them no time at all to fill each other back up before heading for breakfast. Those attending the conference didn't seem to care or notice when a naked dragon and cat--both heavily bloated and stained in places with signs of their passion--walked into the dining hall and sat down to eat a proper meal. When they had eaten their fill, the happy couple explored, starting with the gardens downstairs. As they strolled casually through the grounds, they noticed a number of private little corners where couples could hide and fool around. So they made use of them.

Lunch was spent in the dining hall just as breakfast was, then came more exploring. When the evening settled in across the Inn, the boys decided it might be best to dress up at least a little. They dined, feeling more extravagant than they had the previous night. Afterwards, they retired back to the room for another night of passion, leaving them both overfull once again. The rest of the week carried on in that fashion, the two taking every opportunity they could to be promiscuous with one another. It wasn't often they got to engage with one another back home, even when things weren't terribly crazy with their jobs. It had become almost nonexistent in the last few months. So, it was as though the pressure relief valve had been blown off. All the pent up need and lust just came pouring out of them both.

By the time Friday arrived, they had thoroughly gotten back into practice with all their fun. Unfortunately, the morning saw an unpleasant awakening.

Max groaned as he rolled over onto his side out of Nitrus' embrace. He wrapped his arms around his middle, still sporting a pretty generous curve. Something didn't feel right. His stomach was mad at him for some reason. Had he overdone it last night?

"Hey, you alright honey?" the dragon propped himself up on an elbow.

His kitty's noise of displeasure had caught his attention and he was concerned.

"I think something I ate last night is bothering me. It's pretty bad." Max replied.

"Think you just need something to settle it? Like an antacid or something?" Nitrus scooted in close, trying to offer what comfort he could.

"I don't think this is something a heartburn cure can fix. I feel like I'm gonna be sick." the feline complained.

"Can you walk?" the dragon frowned, sitting up more fully. He was ready to spring into action now that he knew his boyfriend was unwell.

"I think so. But I don't think a stroll's gonna fix this." Max whimpered.

"We're not going for a walk in the garden. I'm taking you to the infirmary. C'mon, sit up. I'll help you the rest of the way up." the crimson fellow rolled his way out of the bed away from the cat.

Once Nitrus was on his paws, he hurried around to the other side and eased the suffering feline up as well. They didn't bother to dress. Instead, the red drake guided his poor lover to the door and out into the hall. Their progress was slow and halting. When Max's groans of discomfort grew too distressed for Nitrus to stand, he simply scooped the feline up and carried him the rest of the way.

The infirmary was lightly populated. There were a couple of conference patrons with hangovers, but little else kept the staff busy. As soon as the dragon walked briskly in through the doors, the nursing staff took note of the seriousness of the situation and showed them to a room immediately. As it happened, the head of the department was on shift and took on the case herself.

"My name is Shayna. I'm the lead physician here. Tell me what's going on." the angelic dragoness said as she quickly rolled a wheeled stool over to the exam table the cat was laid out on.

"I'm Nitrus, this is my boyfriend Max. He woke up just a little while ago complaining of stomach pain. He says he feels like he's going to be sick." the red fellow said.

Shayna went immediately to work, checking the feline's vitals.

"Any complaints before going to bed last night?" she remained calm, but worked quickly, showing not even a tremor in her hands. She was a seasoned veteran of emergency care.

"N-no... everything... was fine last night. I... I think it might have been something I ate." Max managed to get out between grunts of pain.

"And what did you have?" the dragoness pressed gently for answers.

"Fish. It was really good. Maybe it was undercooked." Max moaned.

"Possible, though the chef's usually pretty on top of keeping that from happening. Let me run a couple of tests to make sure it's not food poisoning." the lady wheeled away, gathered something from a drawer in the nearby counter, then wheeled back.

"Isn't food poisoning something that shows up only in the first fifteen minutes after eating?" Nitrus asked.

"If it's a case of improperly handled or contaminated food, yes. But if it's an allergy or a similar reaction to something, that can take a while later to show up depending on what it is. There are a few things it could be and I want to rule it out." Shayna lifted a device that looked like a digital slate with a thick, durable case covered in intricate markings, looking like no model of tablet either of the boys had seen.

The dragoness began tapping on the display, then slowly waved it over the cat's abdomen, then up over his head. The readings that came back puzzled her slightly. Whatever it was making the poor feline suffer wasn't picked up in the scan she had run. She would need to sweep for something else.

"What else could it be other than food poisoning?" Nitrus asked.

"Well, it could be the micro-biome of his gut is out of balance. He could have appendicitis. Then again, it could just be cramps," the dragoness put the slate down and looked at the feline, "Is your stomach always this big?"

Max shook his head, quickly becoming frightened the minute the word 'appendicitis' was uttered.

"N-no... not... not usually. We've... been enjoying ourselves." the cat blushed brightly.

"We're both pretty... productive." Nitrus added.

"Ahh, so you've been filling one another up. I take you've been keeping each other topped off while you've been here?" Shayna spoke in a rather casual, detached manner that left both boys slightly taken aback.

They had heard of the sorts of things that went on at the Inn, but they still weren't used to it being talked about so calmly.

"Yeah, I suppose that's one way to put it. Why?" the red drake was slightly concerned now.

"I think I know what this is. I'm kind of mad at myself for not picking up on it right away. I used to be really good at detecting it," Shayna wheeled away again, returning once more with a curious little plastic device, handing it to Max, "I'm gonna need you to use this."

Both boys stared down at the long, thin, white object, immediately recognizing it. Their eyes widened before the looked at one another. Shayna stepped out of the room while the test was taken, then returned when she was told it was okay. She always found it a little strange how people who could be so comfortable with nudity could be so averse to a stranger being present while a natural function was carried out.

After a few moments, they had the results and the dragoness felt a great deal more at ease. There was no mystery illness, no investigation that had to be performed in the kitchen, and certainly no surgery to be scheduled.

"Congratulations, Max. You're pregnant." the lady smiled.

"Pregnant!? Really!? How is that possible!?" the feline balked, then clutched at his belly.

Shayna raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms over her chest.

"I assume you know that sex makes babies, yes?" she watched as the two boys nodded, "And I would guess that in order to stay nice and round, you've both been going without protection. Well, there's your answer. With as potent as you both look, I'm surprised you didn't wake up the first day after feeling sick. We've got a few folks around here able to act that fast. Mr. Nitrus, we'll probably want to get you tested too."

The red dragon blinked several times but nodded slowly, not even having considered the possibility that he might be as well. Another test was taken, but this time the result came back in the negative. It was only Max that happened to be 'in a delicate way'.

It was a lot for them both to wrap their heads around. The idea that they might possibly have a child, or maybe more than one, had never crossed their minds until now. Thankfully, Shayna was well versed in this subject. She offered Max some anti-nausea medicine which blessedly kicked in rather quickly. With his tummy no longer tying itself up in knots, he felt a great deal more at ease.

"So... if I'm pregnant-" Max trailed off.

"Then you two might want to consider getting married. And if you do, the Inn would be more than happy to host you for your honeymoon. We've even got special suites for exactly that sort of thing that just opened up a few months ago. They're pretty popular." Shayna smiled, feeling less uncomfortable making the sales pitch than she would have otherwise.

"Well, besides that... what comes next? What do we have to do to prepare?" Nitrus was clearly a little nervous about the whole endeavor.

"I've got some literature you can take with you about what to expect. And it just so happens that it works for both girls and boys who are carrying. I'll get you some prenatal vitamins and a little information on what you should do about diet and exercise while pregnant. Oh, and if you aren't wanting to end up joining him with a little one, or a litter, you two might want to start using protection. We have all sorts of options and we can certainly cater to your..." Shayna cleared her throat as she gestured to the dragon's crotch, no doubt remarking about his size, "...needs."

"Yeah... heh, it's a little hard to find condoms for big folks." Nitrus grinned sheepishly.

"Only if you're not sure where to look. I can give you the names of a few vendors and sites you can look through later. For now, let me get your boyfriend set up." Shayna stood from her rolling stool and left the room.

While they had a free moment, the dragon and cat looked at one another, squeezing one another's paws. It was actually happening. The reality of it hadn't quite set in yet, but it would in due time. Slowly, a smile crept across both their muzzles and a sense of giddiness swept between them.

"I'm gonna have a baby!" Max kept his voice low in spite of his sudden excitement.

"Or more than one! It's too early to tell!" Nitrus leaned in and stole a quick kiss.

It was a joyous moment of relaxed tension. They were both eager and elated. It was scary, of course, but they were both clearly on board. Conversations would be had, certainly, but for now, they just wanted to soak up the happy news. Shayna returned a short while later with a small bag of pamphlets and booklets with a wide swath of information to look through. She even included a few of the 'special sized' condoms she had mentioned earlier, and pushed a specific piece of literature into Nitrus' hands, insisting they both read it first, thoroughly. It was all about having sex while expecting. It seemed only natural that it be the priority out of the group. A plastic bottle of pills rest in the bag as well, the vitamins she had mentioned before. There were other odds and ends meant for expectant mothers, or in this case, fathers.

Soon, both were on their way with a clean bill of health. It was a massive relief and an added reason to smile. The pair returned to their room, unable to help but embrace and kiss. They found themselves back on the bed, the cat on his back with his lover atop him. The dragon was far more gentle than that first night, not wanting to hurt the poor kitty or his bundle.

"So, should we go over the little booklet about sex? Or are you too excited, like me?" Max grinned.

"I'm a little too excited. We'll take it easy, then read it later. I just wanna celebrate." Nitrus lifted a palm to cup against the feline's cheek.

They changed positions, the cat flipping over onto his hands and knees, tummy sagging under him as the dragon pressed in closely behind him. The monster member responsible for their joy returned to the tight environs under Max's tail, making him coo happily. They rocked against one another slowly, taking their time to draw out the passion and not let desire drive them too far towards a more feral, carnal coupling. As they swayed against one another, Max pulled the booklet over and began flipping through it, shivering from time to time as a tender region deep inside was brushed again.

"Ooo, it says to be gentle not to hurt the mom's tummy. They even show a few positions they suggest to make sure no one ends up suffering trauma." the cat said, lifting the booklet for the dragon to see.

Nitrus peered at the imagery as he pumped slowly and smoothly, nodding with a grin.

"Those look pretty interesting. We'll have to give them a try." the drake huffed.

"We're trying them all before we go home. And I wanna try some of them on you. I might be pregnant but I think it'd be cute if you pretended to be too. At least from time to time." Max looked back over his shoulder.

A shiver ran through one, then the other. They were definitely going to need more condoms. Or Nitrus' roleplaying would have to take a very realistic turn.

--My boyfriend had been to the Treetop Inn once before and decided he needed to bring me at some point. I was not disappointed at all. Very cozy room, great view, amazing food, and the medical staff is top notch. We conceived our first child while there, which is rather interesting since we're both guys. I'm told the Inn has a reputation for encouraging that, both conceiving in general and getting boys pregnant. We'll definitely be coming back. We might see if the same thing happens again. Five stars.--