Review 4 - Sarah Scratches an Itch

Story by Smokescale Aquatos on SoFurry

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#4 of Reviews of the Treetop Inn

When you run an establishment like The Treetop Inn, where certain behaviors are common place but not necessarily advertised, rumors tend to circulate. And usually, those rumors fall on the ears of those interested.

Sarah, the doe-dog, was one such individual. She caught wind of this and decided to find out if they were true. Of course, if you're looking for that sort of thing, it helps to be a little more proactive in initiating. Something the curious little hybrid was quick to learn after meeting Liz, the cobra sorceress and self-styled queen of the ancient world.

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For a first timer, the Inn could be rather intimidating, perhaps even boring. Especially if one traveled there alone without knowing what pastimes the resort offered. Sarah was in such a predicament. She had heard of the Inn and the rumors that surrounded it, what one could get away with while there. It was alluring. But now that she had arrived, she was having a difficult time figuring out how to actually determine if the rumors were true. Some of them jumped out immediately, like the notion that nudity wasn't just allowed but encouraged. She saw plenty of people wandering around naked. It shocked her a little at first, but she was assured that there were more going naked than usual because a formal conference had ended only the week prior and the regulars as well as the staff were quite ready to 'let their hair down' so to speak.

While it had not been disallowed during the conference, the staff had been asked to present a more professional appearance. And with the Inn playing host to a large number of guests for that conference, there were fewer who enjoyed going without clothing than usual. It didn't stop a handful of the conference goers from joining in, but it didn't last long. When it all came to an end, it was as if prohibition had been lifted. The first day, almost everyone went nude, and Sarah had been present for that. She had also seen a cute couple, a red wingless dragon and a black and white cat, amidst them. They had caught her eye because they were both quite rounded about the middle, leading her to wonder about other rumors.

By the third day, the poor girl was completely lost, unable to figure out how to approach someone without seeming like a complete pervert. She wanted to see the 'after dark' side of the Inn. She just didn't know how to go about finding it. And it was starting to get her down.

The curious mix of deer and dog sat at the bar, running a finger around the rim of her glass. She couldn't help but feel lonesome and dejected, wondering why she even bothered to come. A quiet sigh escaped her before she took a little sip of her drink. She had opted for something relatively light, not wanting to get buzzed or tipsy lest she miss a trick somewhere. After all, it would be a terrible shame to miss the opening she was looking for because she got too drunk to pay attention.

"You've been sitting there for a while, haven't looked anywhere but that glass of yours. You alright, sweetie?" the bartender had been keeping her distance, but she couldn't let it pass any longer.

"Oh," Sarah looked up in surprise, having not noticed the tawny jackal approach, "Yeah, I'm alright. I guess I could just use some company. It's been an interesting couple of days but... I just... I dunno. I guess I expected something... more."

"More?" Layla raised an eyebrow, "More how? You're in a giant tree house held up by the last living specimen of a previously extinct mana tree, looking over a garden that's magically enchanted to hold all four seasons all year long. I'm sorry if I sound little annoyed but... what more are you looking for?"

Sarah blushed, feeling perhaps she might have stepped on some toes. She should have been clearer, but then she didn't know what the protocol was, how hush-hush all the naughty stuff really was. So, she leaned in and lowered her voice.

"It's just... I've heard rumors about this place. You know? The kinds of things that go on around here?" the doe-dog bit her lip as she sat back down and shrank atop her stool.

Suddenly, it was all crystal clear to the canid behind the bar. She nodded and broke into a quiet chuckle.

"Oh, I see what you mean. 'More'. Yeah, I gotcha. Been having trouble initiating?" Layla asked.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that. I don't know what a girl has to do to show her interest without... I dunno... making the staff mad." Sarah returned her gaze to her glass, running a finger around the rim once more.

"Honey, first of all, it takes a lot to piss off the staff. If you're not actively trying to hurt someone or break the law, then chances are good you're not gonna get kicked out. Second, you're really over-thinking this whole thing. It's not some secret handshake or a special knock on a hidden door somewhere. You just gotta ask." the jackal smiled.

"But, how do you ask when you've never participated before? I wouldn't know what to say. I'd end up looking like a pervy little creep." the cervine-canine sighed and slumped until her chin was resting on top of the bar.

"It's easier than you think. But since you're having a hard time getting that far, I'll do you a favor." Layla turned and walked away, collecting a small black device. It looked like a cell phone but unlike any model found in the usual stores. She lifted it to her cheek and spoke into it for a moment, then put it away.

Sarah turned her ears towards the canid, initially trying to make out what she was saying, then swiveled them back away and laid them down flat against the back of her head. It was impolite to eavesdrop, and she didn't want to be rude. The bartender had taken notice of the little action, giving the girl knowing wink, then stepped away to tend to another customer. It was unclear what the jackal had actually done. Fortunately for Sarah, the mystery wasn't to stay a mystery for long. After a rather short wait, the answer came wandering into the dining hall like a soft breeze. The doe-dog didn't know that it was a result of the jackal's meddling, but what she saw had certainly caught her attention.

A serpent of jade strolled into the dining hall, wearing almost nothing. She had a gold-hued top that just concealed the portion of her bust people were most concerned about keeping covered. Though the thin fabric did little to keep onlookers from being able to see her nipples press out against the evil restraints. And there was a lot to cover that didn't get covered. The cobra--her hood betrayed her lineage--was extraordinary in her endowments. Eye-catching was one way to put it. Below, she wore little more than a thong to conceal the cleft between her considerable thighs. All her other adornments were purely decorative; jewelry meant to highlight a particular appearance of extravagance.

With the snake was a blue dragon with grey running down his throat, chest, and stomach. He wore a simple red vest, open in the front, and a pair of khaki shorts. He peered at the cobra over his glasses through eyes that suggested a state of drunkenness. But he didn't stumble as one expected to while under the influence. This was a different sort of stupor. His green eyes remained locked on the heavy-chested lady guiding him through the dining hall. His posture was slumped forward and a goofy little grin stretched across his muzzle. He followed the lady closely, looking like a love-sick puppy more than anything resembling one who had already had a few too many.

The cobra made her way across the room and sat down on one of the stools at the bar just a couple of seats down from Sarah, beckoning for the dragon to take a seat next to her. She had noticed the doe-dog staring at her, but she had not acknowledged it yet.

"Hello honey," the snake hissed softly to the jackal behind the counter, "You rang?"

"That was pretty quick. Where were you?" Layla looked between the serpentine woman and her azure companion, "And is he... you know?"

"He is indeed. I finally managed to steal our little innkeeper away from everyone else for a little fun time of my own," the jade woman turned to run a finger up under the drake's chin, "Isn't he so cute when he's been bitten? He just looks like he belongs in a cartoon. We were downstairs in the foyer. I was about to put on a show when you called me. You said you needed my help?"

The jackal turned and lifted her chin to point at the staring lady just a few seats down.

"We've got a newbie, both first time to the inn and first time with some of the dirtier stuff. She was hoping to see the naughtier side of things around here. Sorry if I ruined your fun." One of Layla's ears swiveled as she spoke, picking up on a chime. When she'd finished, she turned to look at the display behind her. An order had come in and she intended to get on top of it.

The snake lady turned to look at the curious hybrid, grinning broadly as she looked the newcomer up and down. They were two of a kind, gifted with curves and swells that would make passers-by lean back to keep leering before falling over. Though Sarah was more modestly dressed. Not by much, but she at least had worn a tank top, something that covered the whole of her chest, not just the most taboo parts.

"New girl, hmm? I like new girls. They're usually a lotta fun to play with. How long have you been here?" the cobra crossed her legs and propped her chin up on an elbow-supported hand.

Sarah blushed powerfully as soon as she realized she had indeed been staring far too hard.

"Oh! I... I um... well... a few days. It's a nice place. I really like staying here." the softly tawny girl bit her lip after she stammered in surprise.

"A few days, and you haven't let yourself indulge? Honey, you should be locking that down the minute you get here." the snake stood and moved to close the distance between them, followed closely by her blue drake 'slave'.

"I didn't know how to. Is there somewhere specific you have to go? Someone you talk to?" Sarah couldn't help but steal glances at the dragon over the serpent's shoulder, "Um, what's wrong with him? Is he okay?"

"Sure there's someone you talk to. You just walk up to whoever tickles your fancy and you start talking to them. If you two hit it off, you can head back to your room, or you can get down to business right there in public. Once you're used to how things work around here, you'll get the hang of it," the cobra looked over her own shoulder dismissively at the blue fellow who might as well have had hearts in his eyes, "What, him? Yeah, he's fine. This is normal."

"He's always like that?" the doe-dog pointed to the dragon.

"Oh... no, he's not always like that. I'm sorry. I mean this is a normal reaction. This isn't how he is normally. He's usually much more prim and proper, sometimes a little bit of a stick in the mud, but he's still very sweet. Name's Liz. Nice to meet you." the green lady pushed her hand forward towards the shy lady.

"Sarah," she gripped Liz's hand, shaking it politely, "Reaction to what exactly?"

The snake flashed a broad smile, revealing a pair of fangs just poking down past the bottom of her lower lip. They looked thin and wicked, like they could do serious damage given the chance.

"To this," Liz tapped the two long teeth, "I'm not your average cobra. I don't bite to paralyze or poison. I bite to make you more... complicit."

The emphasis she put on the word coincided with her turning to lean in and brush her lips just barely past the blue drake's, making him inhale sharply, clearly wanting to lean in and sample the green woman's affection. Sarah's eyes widened as she took the meaning perhaps slightly off course from where Liz had been aiming.

"It hypnotizes people? You can put people under your spell by biting them?" the doe-dog asked incredulously. She even lowered her voice as if it were scandalous to reveal such information.

"Well, yes but no, but yes but no. It's not a form of hypnosis. It's sort of like a drug, like he's high, and wanting another hit. I've meticulously crafted the effects my venom has over a very long time to make sure it doesn't actually harm. It actually makes your nervous system light up, specifically the pleasure sensing regions. He knows I'm the only place he can get another shot so he stays nearby. That and he knows that it's just a precursor to more lecherous things." Liz smirked.

"So he's high? That doesn't seem too kind. Aren't you taking advantage of him?" Sarah felt mildly uncomfortable with the idea now that it was better explained.

"First of all, he knows what this does and consented to it. Second, he's my boss. This is Mr. Smokescale Aquatos, owner and operator the fine establishment you've been enjoying. I can scarcely yank him away from his responsibilities most days, or others who demand his attention. Like his wife." Liz chuckled.

"Wait, he's married, and you two are going to have sex!? He's cheating on his wife with you!?" the cervine-canine had felt relief when she found out the dragon went into this willingly, but then it suddenly turned dark again.

"Certainly not!" Liz scoffed, "That implies that his wife is unaware and would object. Shayna is very much aware and encourages 'sharing'. I steal her away from him sometimes. Sometimes I just grab them both and we have a delightful evening of debauchery."

The snake smirked, recalling past exploits. Sarah was awestruck. The rumors had been true indeed. Promiscuity was commonplace, and it wasn't limited to the usual construct of pairing off. Suddenly, everything seemed far less sinister and far more enticing.

"What were you going to do with him?" the curious lady found herself asking as her anger melted away.

"I was thinking about riding him, then swallowing him. It's been a while since I've had a water dragon in my belly. Would you care to join us? I'm sure the boss wouldn't mind," Liz turned to look at Smokey, "Would you?"

The lovesick drake shook his head and sighed, leaning in against the snake. He wrapped his arms around her and squeezed, resting his chin on her shoulder. The cobra laughed softly and lifted a hand to cup against his cheek as he showed her such affection.

"If he hadn't been bitten, would he have agreed?" the doe-dog narrowed her eyes slightly.

"He probably would. Though he'd probably end up turning purple. It's really easy to get this one to blush," Liz gave the blue dragon a kiss on his cheek, "So, what would you like to try? It's your first time here, so what's on your mind?"

Sarah blushed powerfully, nibbling idly on the end of one of her fingers. She glanced back and forth as if to check if anyone was listening, then leaned forward, whispering into Liz's ear. At least she thought it was her ear. It was hard to find them on a snake. The cobra's eyes lit up and she grinned at the notion.

"Is that so? You wanna just jump right into the strange? Alright, I'm sure we can arrange that. But if we're going that far, why don't we go even further?" Liz hissed smoothly as she closed the gap between her and the timid lady. Her arms slipped about Sarah's waist, tugging them close.

As soon as their hips met, the cobra felt the sizable bulge in the other lady's shorts. It was enormous, even by the standards set by the Inn. It only made her smile more. The doe-dog trembled softly as she found herself pressing in against the serpent, unable to help but wrap her arms around the lovely scaled woman. Then their lips met. A heat quickly spread through the less experienced of the two. It started between her thighs and worked its way up. Their tongues played about with one another as they kissed, giving Sarah a taste of the snake.

Then she felt those fangs drag softly across her lower lip. They didn't pierce, but she did feel a few droplets of something spill down into her mouth. It was like something had switched on every nerve ending in her jaw. It drew a moan from her, making her crumple in Liz's embrace. The blue dragon behind the snake quickly slipped his arms around both ladies, purring deep and low in his throat.

"Oh wow... is... is that what it feels like when you bite someone?" Sarah asked breathlessly.

"Yes, only better, because it spreads everywhere. I think you could do with a little nibble. It'll loosen you up... and loosen you up." Liz smirked, looking deep into the doe-dog's eyes.

"Meaning... it'll relax me... and... what?" the girl hesitated.

"Well, I'm guessing you've never done what we're about to do, so you're probably going to need a little help stretching. A nibble would help with that. But only if you're interested." the cobra suddenly put on a very serious face. Clearly she knew the power of her own addictive venom and made sure anyone subjected to it knew what they were getting into.

"Yeah... I'll go for it. I mean, it's not like it's permanent." Sara bumped her nose with Liz, then tilted her head to the side. With her neck exposed, she was offering easy access to do the deed.

The snake smiled and leaned in close to press her lips to the offered throat. There she kissed, showing affection rather than biting, wanting to make sure the lady enjoyed the act. When she felt Sarah was comfortable enough with the contact, Liz dragged her fangs softly across the girl's fur then gently pressed them down into the waiting flesh. There wasn't any pain. It was like an injection from a very fine needle. There was a soft tingle that spread from the site, making the skin around the area crawl, but in a way that stoked the fires burning between Sarah's legs. Then came a gentle squeeze. A rush followed, leaving the doe-dog dizzy. Her mind was suddenly awash with the sensation of her whole body covered in the same tingle.

When Liz pulled back, she licked her lips and looked the girl in the eyes.

"How does that feel sweetie? Just a little nibble, not a full bite." the snake hissed.

"It... feels... so good." Sarah's eyes fluttered for a moment, beginning to melt into the embrace.

"Good. Now why don't you take off those mean, nasty, tight pants of yours?" Liz grinned.

Before, the antlered lady would have refused. They were in public after all. But now, she didn't really care. She fumbled with the clasp and zipper, then pushed her shorts down, exposing her crotch. Her sheath swelled as pink began to protrude out from it. Her scrotum sagged down between her thighs, reaching her knees without trouble. She could put most males to shame, and it made Liz's mouth water just looking at it.

"Oh that's better. Been keeping things packed in pretty tight. I didn't bring my stretchy pants this trip." the half-naked cervine-canine sighed happily.

"Why wear anything at all then? I say let it all hang out. Now let's get you ready for what's coming." Liz's said with a husky tone, one that sent a shudder up the other girl's spine.

Hands moved down to massage over the generous sheath, working it firm and fast to help bring the girl to full attention. It took only mere moments to get there, and soon, the doe-dog's monster shaft was standing proudly, tall enough to lodge between her ample breasts.

"Sorry it's kind of on the big side." Sarah blushed.

"Oh don't you dare apologize for this. You're perfect just the way you are." Liz pressed in close again, happily trapping the doe-dog's shaft between them both. It poked up between their breasts, squished there comfortably as the snake hugged in tight.

Sarah arched her back and stiffened at the contact. She had been in situations like this before, two well endowed sets of breasts trapping her length. But now, thanks to the cobra's effect, it was like Liz had turned everything up to eleven and ripped the knob off. Her rod pulsed and drooled softly, giving the snake's chest a bit of a sheen and turning her own tank top dark as it absorbed the moisture. Now she was seeing why Smokey was so enthralled.

Their contact ended far too early when Liz pulled away, eager to get things moving. She turned around and wrapped her arms around the blue drake she had given a full dose. The two pressed their lips together briefly, sharing a few, short, soft kisses between the lady's words.

"I know I had promised you some one on one time. But I think this is for a good cause." Liz cooed to the dazed drake.

The blue fellow leaned in happily for each kiss, slipping his arms around the lady. He didn't even notice as she began removing his pants. He simply complied, eager for whatever was to come. Slowly, the cobra spun them about so that his back was to the hybrid girl sitting with her shaft bobbing in the open air. Sarah watched as the two scaled creatures performed their little dance, showing the innkeeper's back to her. His tail swished slowly back and forth behind him. It was a little mesmerizing to watch. The girl found herself staring at it until she noticed Liz making gestures with her hands just above the base of the flexing limb.

She was trying to tell Sarah to start with it. A mildly dazed smile spread across the girl's muzzle and she reached down to collect Smokey's tail. She ran her paws across it gingerly, appreciating the smooth hide. It felt like some sort of cross between dragon scales and the yielding, almost rubber-like texture of an aquatic mammal. It fascinated her. Then she was struck with a notion. What would it feel like going in? That spurred her on.

The doe-dog gripped the end of her member and pulled the blue dragon's tail towards it. With a bit of effort, she managed to figure out how to squeeze herself just right to make the gap in the end yawn open. And it was rather generous in size to match the rest of the aching spire. Without much thought, she began feeding the drake's tail into the opening. A powerful jolt of electricity surged up her spine the instant Smokey made contact with the interior of her throbbing member. Oh this was going to be rough. She wasn't going to be worth anything when this was over. And she suddenly felt herself craving more.

Greedily, the heavily endowed girl began pulling on the innkeeper's tail, pushing more of it into her. The vast, pink thing stretched as the dragon's flexible limb was slurped up without any real trouble. The canine rod bulged along the underside as she reached progressively wider stretches of the intruding thing. Sarah's breath started to come in short, ragged breaths, not having expected this fire to burn so bright or so hot. She couldn't get enough of this. And when she felt the head of her member bump against Smokey's backside, she whimpered. How was she going to progress now?

Liz kept the innkeeper thoroughly occupied, though he was beginning to squirm on his paws. His tail twitched deep in the musky passage that was to swallow him, and yet he didn't seem to notice. Or if he did, he didn't seem to care. Liz kept stroking along his back, tracing down over the base of his tail until she felt that heated monster slurp all the way up to his rump. It was time to change tactics.

"Smokey, dear, would you be so kind as to lift one of your legs for me?" Liz asked in a dreamy little voice.

"Sure... whatever you'd like." He replied with that same goofy grin.

The snake took hold of the drake's ankle as soon as it was within range, and began guiding his paw back to the hungry shaft trying to suck him in. Sarah cried out softly as she was stretched wider. The blue dragon's paw and calf were quickly slurped up, making an incredibly improper noise. In but a few moments, the whole of his leg was gone, nothing but a leg-shaped swell in Sarah's shaft.

Liz then leaned back, pulling the blue forward on top of her as she coaxed his other leg to join the first. It did so without complaint from the innkeeper or the doe-dog consuming him. Sarah was still in mild disbelief on the point. Here was the owner of the very resort she was staying in, and he was gliding so effortlessly into her. She could already feel his paws pressing against the inside of her sac. And it left her squirming, aching, hungry for more. A growl-like gurgle came from between her legs, demanding she keep going, and she did.

The cobra held her azure companion aloft as he sank himself in up to his waist in his guest's grand spire. He didn't care. He just knew that it was what Liz wanted him to do, and that meant he wanted to do it too. He wriggled his hips and cooed as he felt the heat reach up over his stomach. Sarah cried out again, feeling her shaft jerk. It gulped hard, dragging him in up to his chest, vest and all. Liz giggled and cupped her hands against the woozy dragon's cheeks, kissed him on the nose, then removed his glasses.

"Have fun in there, sweetie. Remember, the customer is always right." the serpentine lady giggled.

Another jerk from the writhing doe-dog saw the blue fellow vanish up to his neck. His arms were forced over his head as he descended into her waiting scrotum. The sac bulged heavily, showing his presence within. Curiously though, it fell only to one side, bloating out only one of the girl's already immensely generous spheres. Another 'gulp' pulled the drake in right up to the wrists. His palms and fingers waggled about, the last bits of him visible as anything more than just lumps in the girl's flesh. Then, those too were gone. He slipped out of sight and descended quickly through the greedy shaft, landing in his new home for the time being.

Sarah cried out once more, this time at the top of her lungs as her sac sagged down to the ground. A heavy blast of white erupted from her, splattering across the cobra who had just provided her with her first 'proper meal' of her visit. Amidst the milky, sticky goo was something more solid. It was a garment, red and sleeveless. Smokey's vest had come shooting out of her, a reminder that its owner had just been devoured by the ravenous beast she usually kept hidden in her pants.

"Oh my god... that... that felt... incredible!!" Sarah stammered.

Liz wiped her eyes clean of the impressive, copious coating she had received, chuckling all the while.

"Yeah, it's pretty terrific. How do you feel? You're not about to rip open are you?" the snake reached down to massage the squirming, writhing bulge her employer had been relegated to.

"No, I feel great! Better than I ever have in my life!" Sarah gasped, looking down through eyes that refused to focus properly, "I... I think I want more."

The cobra grinned broadly. That was what she liked to hear. Gluttony. A desire to push the boundaries, and then go even further than that.

"Then why don't we just give you what you're wanting?" the snake offered a knowing wink.

Before Sarah could say anything else, Liz turned and walked away from her, casting her gaze about to study the room. The act of slurping the innkeeper into one's shaft tended to catch the attention of a lot of people, and this was no different. Numerous guests and staffers watched as the blue fellow was eaten, then turned their eyes to Liz, wondering what she was to do next. When the snake sighted someone that tickled her fancy, she grinned and approached.

It was another guest, this one a snake, similar to herself, but a different kind. While Liz was a cobra with her trademark hood, this one was black with regular patches of yellow and red. She was similarly curved to the cobra, but lacking the outrageous accents. For one thing, her chest was a good deal more modest. The slightly shorter serpent looked up timidly at the jade lady through a pair of large, round glasses. They made her look adorable. The term 'bookworm' came to mind, which felt fitting given she was a snake too.

"Hello there, cutie. Think you'd like to pay the owner a visit? I'm sure he'd love the company." Liz said.

The darker serpent looked from Liz to Sarah, specifically Sarah's bloated, one-sided sac. She looked back to Liz and shrugged softly.

"I... I dunno. I wouldn't want to impose." the bookish girl said nervously.

"Oh honey, you wouldn't be imposing. I'm inviting you." Liz reached down and pulled the other snake lady to her feet, wrapping herself comfortably around her. A kiss silenced the darker-scaled girl, giving the cobra a chance to deliver a few drops of venom like she had with Sarah.

The black, red, and yellow lady hissed softly and tilted her head back, letting the sensation sink in. Then Liz leaned in and sealed her lips against the girl's neck. She nibbled gently, then sank her fangs in very carefully. She remained like that for longer than she had with Sarah, delivering a full dose like she had with Smokey. The dark serpent gasped and moaned, clinging to Liz as it was done.

When the cobra pulled away, she had a new, willing playmate, ready to do whatever. The snake girl giggled and adjusted her glasses. They were quickly removed by the hooded woman.

"You won't need those where you're going." Liz cooed.

The new snake was quickly undressed, revealing a lovely figure, then shown over to the still panting doe-dog. Sarah huffed as she imagined feeling another person slide into her like Smokey had. The thought made her shaft throb all over again. And before she could do anything to help, the dark snake leaned forward, kissed the twitching spire of flesh, and began pushing her way in. And she wasn't shy about it either. Rather, she was quite insistent.

Liz cackled seeing her fellow snake try to cram herself in. The jade woman crouched and picked the girl's lower half up, hoisting her skyward to gain help from gravity. Sarah threw her head back, casting her dark hair backwards amidst her antlers, as she howled. Her twitching, pulsing shaft gulped hard, just as it had with Smokey, taking the slinky, slippery snake girl quickly. In seconds, the dark girl was in up to her hips. Liz moved downwards, wrapping her arms around the gluttonous member, stroking and licking the tender, pink skin as it undulated and wriggled with its second meal. The girl within slipped downwards quickly, landing in the as of yet unfilled side. Another heavy blast of creamy white gushed from the doe-dog, now too fevered of mind to think straight. Liz was given another shower and licked clean whatever she could reach.

That was two, and the second was consumed far faster than the first. Clearly, the girl was a natural. And clearly, she was aching powerfully. She had felt pent up before, but this was on a whole other level. She clutched at her swollen scrotum, her entire form twitching every time the motion of the two inside happened to press against a particularly tender spot.

"Oh god... oh god... I... I gotta... I gotta..." Sarah huffed, unable to speak properly.

"You need to cum, bad. Don't you?" Liz completed the thought, grinning from ear to ear--or at least whatever the snake equivalent of that was.

"Yes! I need to so bad! I wanna keep them in there but I need to cum!" the cervine-canine whined.

"Good. I hoped that might be the case." the cobra stood, tugging her thong down. It revealed the very cleft that one could have made out plainly from the contours of the fabric hugging so tight against her frame.

She turned around and wrapped he tail around the bobbing, twitching shaft two people had just vanished down. She flexed the dexterous limb and spread her legs, guiding the monster's head to her. With a firm push backwards--while leaning forward--and a sharp gasp of delight, Liz sank the beastly length into her. Sarah couldn't help but bite back a scream. Her paws shot forward and took hold of the snake's hips, dragging her backwards. A large bulge pushed outward from the cobra's stomach, taking on the shape of the doe-dog's rod. In seconds, it had been hilted in her. Liz was used to the rougher side of sex, and she was a rather tough girl. It didn't give her any reason to complain. Instead, she just hissed in delight and began rocking, working to make her guest join in.

The rocking turned into a pounding, thrusts making thighs slip against thighs. Had Sarah been more practiced at this, she could have held out longer. She could have even managed to clench up in just the right way to make sure she wouldn't lose her two passengers, but as it stood, she was too lost in the moment to try. Only minutes passed as she humped against the gorgeous cobra. Then she tilted her head back once more and howled. A mighty surge filled the snake's womb, bloating her belly out with a small lake of seed. Then a heavy swell stretched her tremendously. Liz's breath caught in her throat as the snake from before was ejected into her belly. Her hands moved to cup against the growing dome of her tummy, able to feel the girl writhing around inside. It was glorious, just like it was every time Liz did this.

Then another bulge, larger than the first, parted her canal again. It was Smokey. He passed from scrotum to shaft to womb just as quickly as the dark snake, and swelled the cobra even further. That was what finally did it. Liz couldn't maintain her composure anymore. She screamed in erotic bliss as she was stuffed so very full. Her petals clenched down on the intruding spire, making sure Sarah couldn't pull free easily, and soaked the girl's thighs in a splash of feminine honey. The snake gasped for breath as her palms roamed over the churning, wriggling swell of her stomach. She adored stuffing people in her like this, and even more so when it was done exactly this way, with an eager male or similarly equipped lady willing to do the filling.

"Oooh yeah... that's... that's the ticket," Liz managed to mutter, "Now you two have fun in there. Make your momma moan real good for me."

Sarah had only half listened to what was being said. She was still stuck between the cobra's thighs, and had no intention of leaving yet. Then she felt something she had not expected. There was a second tight grasp surrounding her length. It was like she was slipping into someone, while already slipped inside someone else. In fact, that was exactly what happened. The dark snake hiding in the cobra's womb had mounted the doe-dog without needing to leave her 'mother's comforting embrace.

Liz's belly began to wobble as a pair of moans came from within. The green woman let her jaw hang open in an almost pained expression of deep, guttural pleasure. She loved it when someone could rattle her to the point where she couldn't think straight. And she knew Smokey was good at that. Turns out he was teaching his new roommate a few tricks. The dark snake was proving a quick study. Liz's bite had certainly helped with that.

The two ladies--the doe-dog and the cobra she was filling--pressed against one another, their hips rocking in time with the sways in Liz's belly. Sarah humped with considerable strength, but that strength had a limit, and she was rapidly approaching it. Then she tensed and grit her teeth. Another flood gushed forth as the dark, unseen serpent was given a small lake of her own to stretch her womb. The girl cried out happily, muffled by Liz's belly. Then, as soon as Sarah had finished, before she could catch her breath, the second grasp vanished, then it was replaced by another.

It was Smokey's turn, clearly.

The hybrid girl was familiar with the difference in sensation between stretching someone's rump and a lady's passage. And she could tell this was no backside. The blue dragon had something in common with her. He was in possession of both. As soon as she realized that, it drove her mad. The doe-dog pounded away against Liz, her thighs screaming for relief as the burned from use. She grit her teeth and growled, so desperate to fill the drugged-up blue, to make the green snake in her arms that much bigger. She was going to be too huge to move under her own power. And that was all Sarah could think about, how she was going to leave Liz immobile, a bloated, sloshing balloon of deer-dog seed.

Liz adored the sudden jump in enthusiasm, adding her own strength to the mix. She was on the verge of screaming, herself. She bucked back against the doe-dog, feeling the huge, bloated orbs that had only recently contained two full grown people slap against her sagging belly and legs. She needed whatever she could get out of them, and so did the blue drake inside her now set upon the grand shaft spreading her. The group remained locked in that embrace for a few glorious, intense, writhing, moments, until Sarah finally could hold back no longer.

The antlered lady threw her head back one last time and filled the dining hall with one more howl. A might gush flowed from her into Liz, and then into Smokey. The blue drake's voice joined the chorus as he was stretched just as his serpentine roommate had been. When he had been given a significant swell to his stomach, the pressure forced him off the doe-dog's rod with a pop, leaving any remaining seed that came drooling free to add to the pool both scaled passengers sloshed about in.

The cobra sighed happily as she felt over her enormous stomach. It was big enough for her to lean forward on and lay down on completely and not reach the ground. She curled her tail around Sarah's waist, keeping her pressed in tight against her from behind. The doe-dog, out of breath, head swimming, and completely exhausted, collapsed against her, laying on top of her without withdrawing. It felt too good keeping her shaft buried in the snake. Applause broke out through the dining room. It had been a spectacular show.

"Mmm, that was a hell of a thing. Thanks sweetie." Liz managed to get out eventually.

"Y-yeah... it sure was..." Sarah huffed.

"You've got one hell of a baby-maker there. I would be shocked if these two don't end up pregnant from it." the jade woman snickered.

"Is... is that a problem?" the girl whimpered.

"Nope. Smokey's real easy to knock up. He's like a big, blue, scaly chicken. He just makes a bunch of eggs. And you're gonna give him a giant clutch. And if I have my way, he's not coming out until he lays them all so I get to lay them too." Liz snickered.

"I don't think I've ever seen a pregnant boy. I'll bet that's cute." Sarah smiled tiredly. She didn't realize that in fact, she had, the black and white cat attached to the red, wingless dragon.

"It is. More than you might think. Anyway, would you say you're enjoying your visit?" the cobra grinned slyly.

"Hell... yes..." the girl laughed.

"Don't forget to leave a review at the end of your trip." Liz muttered sleepily. It felt silly to her to ask such a thing, but it was a new initiative Smokey had asked everyone to try to encourage. If it meant more ladies like Sarah here would visit, then she was in favor.

--I came to the Inn looking to see if the rumors about the place were true. After a few days I was starting to think maybe they were exaggerated. Then I had a conversation with one of the members of staff and met the owner. It was a rather intimate encounter. Now I know the rumors are one hundred percent true. In fact, they might not even cover everything that goes on there. If you're looking for a place to let your freak-flag fly, this is it. Five giant stars. I can't wait to go back.--