Seasonal Temp

Story by Russ on SoFurry

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2017s Christmas Story at the Anyplacement Agency!

Climbing the steps out of the tube station Jake pulled up the hood on his duffle coat to block out the wind. Looking around and holding onto his coat as the bitter December wind blew past him. The building he wanted was just a few feet away so without hesitating the golden furred labrador tucked his head down against the wind and hurried up the steps.

Through the glass doors the young dog found himself in a warm, cozy reception area. There were oak panels and doors leading deeper into the building. A big pot plant stood in one corner and the reception desk was sleek, modern and curved.

The figure behind the desk met Jake's gaze and smiled. The robin inclined her head and beckoned him forwards and feeling a bit self conscious Jake moved forwards. She was wearing a pale blue set or overalls and the words "Anyplacement Agency" were stencilled over her left breast.

"How can I help you sir?"

"I'm here about the advert in the gazette? It said you had openings for seasonal temp jobs and I really need a job... I've got my CV and everything. I'm not too late am I?"

"Not at all," the robin took the dogs proferrer CV and read over it. Nodding her head she smiled at the dog, "This looks to be in order, I'll type this into the system. If you pop through into the waiting room someone will be along shortly."

The waiting room Jake was directed into was snug. There were thick leather arm chairs and majestic portraits of all sorts of animals on the walls. There was a coffee machine so Jake poured himself a cup and settled into a chair.

He started when the door opened and a blue scaled dinosaur walked in. The thick claws of his bare feet burrowed into plush carpet as he walked. Jake lifted his head and smiled up at him curiously. He was wearing jeans and a thick woolly jumper and his blue raptor like muzzle was framed by thick waves of black hair.

"Hey there," the dino greeted him with a wide, toothy grin, "You're a new face, this your first time at Anyplacement?"

"Yeah it is," Jake replied, shaking the dinosaurs hand, "i'm Jake, they told me to wait in here."

"Neat," the dino took a seat and stretched his legs out, resting them on the coffee table, "I'm Kyrio, if you're a newbie then it'll be an interview with the boss for you."

"Oh, that sounds heavy... I hope I'll make the grade."

"I'm sure you will," a new voice chirped and Jake jumped, twisting around to look at the majestic orange, red, blue and green feathered bird standing in the doorway, "I'm Frysco and I'm sure Kyrio will vouch for me when I say you're exactly the sort the boss likes to hire."

Jake opened his mouth to reply when the door burst open. A black and white spotted skunk bounced in, his baggy trousers and T-shirt flapping as with a happy laugh he hugged Frysco.

"Birdie!" he then jumped at Kyrio and landed in the dinosaurs lap, "Kyrio, eheeeee I get to work with both of you? Yay, well Erakir says briefing in the changing room."

The skunk jumped up and headed for the door, "I need to go find Fory and Dahala then I'll meet you there."

With a hop and a skip the skunk was gone and the door banged shut. Kyrio was laughing and shaking his head as he stood up.

"That was Cookie, he's very excitable but fun to work with."

Opening the door Frysco smiled back at you, 'Hopefully we'll see you after your interview, good luck Jake."

Then they were gone and Jake was left alone waiting again, he sipped his coffee in the comfy chair and looked wondering how long he'd be stuck waiting here.

When the door opened again the next person in was a doe with rich black fur and very glossy purple hair framing her delicate features. She was wearing the same kind of overalls as the receptionist and stopped before the labrador and checked her clipboard before speaking.

"Jake? My records show you've not temp'd for us before, is that right?"

"I... uh... yeah. That's right. This is my first time in here."

"Very well, come with me the boss will want to see you."

She turned and Jake followed as the doe led the way upstairs to an office where a very tall black and silver reindeer was waiting. His fur was thick and shaggy, black except for the rich silver of his muzzle and neck that disappeared beneath his vest. His horns were ebony, gleaming softly as they reflected the light. He was friendly however and offered a smile to the dog before talking to his secretary.

"Thank you Sterling, that will be all for now, can you ask Erakir to gather his team in the changing rooms," the doe nodded and departed without even glancing at Jake.

"Uh... hi, there," Jake murmured, feeling somewhat intimidated after the serious doe's attitude.

The buck however seemed friendlier as he clomped around the desk, his big hooves sinking into the carpet. "Sorry about Sterling, she can be quite stern until she gets to know you," he held out a hand and Jake took it, letting himself look the buck over.

He was big, at least six feet tall before antlers and he was wearing overalls like the others. Except the upper part of his was tied around his waist leaving his arms bare and chest covered in a plain white vest.

"Welcome to the Anyplacement Agency, I'm Russ, the boss... I wanted to talk to you as your resume.... is very retail focussed."

Jake nodded, bracing himself for the inevitable negative that saw him back out on the street jobless. No one wanted a retail guy but he needed a job, "Yeah... I just didn't know what to go after - I'm not exactly.... College trained or anything."

"That's OK, here at Anyplacement we can find a job for everyone," the buck lent down and looked into Jake's eyes, his own blue ones twinkling, "Tell me, are you willing to obey orders? Put in hours at outside gigs and follow the instructions your team leader gives?"

"Oh," Jake uttered in surprise, that wasn't the answer he'd been expecting, "Yeah, that's easy enough. I've worked enough overnight stocking to know how that stuff goes."

Russ nodded and picks up a piece of paper and glanced over it. He then looks Jake up and down, lost in thought for a moment before speaking again, "Good, so how long of a position are you looking for? I've got lots of seasonal jobs right now, and they all come with our trial guarantee. Do a good job, don't mess up and I'll keep you on the books for future jobs."

"Well, whatever you need me for," Jake said, his tail twitching a bit, "I'll be honest here, sir, I don't have a job right now, and will take whatever you have open."

"OK," Russ said, putting the paper down and pulling his laptop over to his side of the table,. "Erakir's team needs an extra person," he brings up a screen and turns it to Jake, "Fill in your detail, read the contract then sign it. It's a four week live in deal up to Christmas eve. Food and uniform provided and I think the hourly rate is quite generous."

Jake read over the contract quickly, and nodded slowly, "Huh, live-in, never done that before... That's cool, I guess. I'll just need to call someone to check on my place and take out the trash and stuff."

"Of course," Russ motioned to his phone "Use my phone, dial 9 for an outside line then I'll take you down to orientation."

It didn't take long for Jake to call home and sort out someone to come in and look out for his stuff. It was a bit rushed to have to start straight away but he really needed the job! Once he was done on the phone and the paperwork was sorted Russ led the labrador out of the office and down to the back of the building. The room he took Jake into was clearly some sort of changing room. It had tiled floors, and five large cubicles along each side of the room for people to change in. A door at the end led into a shower room and another door led back out into the building beyond.

Several people were sitting around talking and Russ led Jake over to introduce him to Erakir, the cheerful moogle with blue hair who seemed to be in charge. He was wearing a set of Anyplacement overalls and despite being barely four feet tall seemed to have more than enough attitude to make up for a lack of height.

Jake shook the moogle's hand, unable to look away from the bobbing, dancing blue pom-pom that swayed back and forth above his head, "Uh, hi, looking forward to working with you..."

Erakir grinned, "You're welcome, come meet the rest of the team," he dragged Jake along, to stand before Kyrio, the blue dino from earlier and a very impressive peregrine falcon, snow leopard gryphon called Dahala. Jake shook their hands and with a bemused grin was hustled along by Erakir to Cookie and Frysco.

The big gryphon had stripped down to just a pair of shorts which exposed his green arms and orange, red and blue chest to view. Jake shook hands with Frysco and got a very enthusiastic hug off Cookie. The skunk chattered away eagerly and Erakir had to be firm to disentangle Jake.

"Cookie, go change," the skunk pouted then perked up and dashed into one of the changing cubicles. Erakir rolled his eyes and emitted a soft kupo and pulled Jake along.

Felinus was next, the grey and white house cat was quiet, soft spoken and had a warm grin on his face, "Welcome to the team Jake, have you met Fory and Hypno?"

He introduced the slender otter with shockingly red hair and the ginger and white house-cat practically on top of each other without pausing for breath. Jake shook their hands and smiled, "It is a lot of people to take in all at once, I hope you'll forgive me if I get anyone's name wrong."

"Don't worry about that," Fory said with a grin, tugging on his thick gold neck chain, "You'll learn all about us soon enough."

"Ok that's enough," Russ said with a laugh, "Come on Erakir, we need to get your team ready, Jake come with me."

"See you after orientation Jake," Erakir said and pushed the golden labrador back into the arms of the big reindeer. Russ picked an empty changing room and guided Jake inside deftly. It was quite a large cubicle with a bench in the middle and against the back wall. A large locker door opened up into a decent sized storage closet and otherwise it was empty.

Russ held the door and gestured at the locker, "Pop all your clothes and personal items in there. Then pick a pin, you're the only one who can open the locker, this will be your changing room for the duration of your stay with us. I'll just get your uniform."

Russ then turned and headed off, hooves ringing on the tiled floor. Jake was caught by the bucks sudden departure and tried to move after him, "Wait, all my clothes?"

The deer didn't respond just waved and vanished around a corner. Looking around Jake saw that the changing room is empty. Everyone had gone through into their own changing cubicle. Jake dithered for a bit but eventually took a deep breath and started to strip.

"Maybe I gotta go through a cleaning thing or something," he mused, wondering what his uniform would be as he piled all his stuff in the locker then sealed it. He was then left naked and alone for about ten minutes before Russ strolled back into the changing cubicle and paused just in the doorway. The big reindeer's eyes were drinking in the labrador's sleek golden furred body.

"Good pup here, put this on," was all he said as he held out a tangled harness of red leather, with silver buckles. It was designed to cover a person's thighs, buckle across the torso torso with a collar and straps across the tops of the shoulders to hold it all in place. It would however leave crotch and rump bare and was not at all what Jake was expecting.

"I... uhm," Jake blushed deeply, taking the harness, trying to untangle it, aware that the deer was still admiring his body. His sheath was betraying him as well, he wanted to make a stink, object to being made to wear something like this. But his sheath was plumping up and his shaft was peeking out as he got the harness untangled and held it open before him. "So oh, it's... uh... this kinda job, huh?"

Russ laughed and shook his head, "Put it on, it's not at all what you expect I promise."

Jake nodded and with a herculean effort ignored his thickening sheath and started to fumble his way into the harness. Russ reached out, thick hoofy fingers surprisingly dextrous as he helped smooth the straps across Jake's body. As soon as Jake secured the final buckle on the collar he let out a surprised yelp as the harness came alive and squeezed his body.

Then thick grey and white latex bubbled up from beneath the harness straps and starts to spread. Russ stepped back watching with a big grin as Jake fell to his knees, body tingling as the strange liquid oozed around and over his body. Jake knew he should have been shouting, panicking but it was hard to breath and a spike of pleasure was coursing through his veins.

The slick grey and silver substance was heavy and thick and as he pawed at the mess it just transferred to his hands and spread up his arms! Jake gasped and squirmed as his cock stopped being mildly interested and just popped fully out of his sheath to stand proud and needy before him. Closing his eyes Jake arched backwards, moaning and stroking himself as sticky, slippery, shiny material engulfed his head and squished along his tail.

It took less than a minute to entomb him entirely. The liquid squeezed and pulled and pressed against his body and with a groan he fell forwards onto all fours. His cock was forgotten as his body thrummed with pleasure, twitched and shook and with a cry of orgasmic delight Jake threw his head back and howled!

The timbre of his howl seemed to change mid way through. His voice grew lighter, the pleasure grew more intense and then suddenly it faded away. Shuddering Jake opened his eyes, blinking them clear and looking up at Russ who was grinning down at him.

The reindeer lifted one hand and pointed at the mirror. Obediently Jake turned his head and stared at himself in the mirror. For a long moment he just knelt there, hands stroking his harness and body as he took in what he was seeing. He had a sleek smooth grey vinyl body, with a shiny white chest, stomach, neck and muzzle with thick pointy ears and a very curly, shiny tail resting against his back. He was very much a husky, as slippery and shiny looking as Russ. The big buck had lost his fur and pulled off his vest, revealing that beneath it all he was as slick, and made of living vinyl as Jake now was.

Most starling however was the fact Jake was lacking anything between his legs, he had a discreet, sleek, moist damp slit and a tightness in his groin that was introducing a new and very different sort of pleasure into his system. Trembling softly the newly made dog quivered and let out a gasp, eyes very wide as she turned to look at the reindeer as he approached.

"What... how?" she turned back to stare at herself in the mirror, then looked back and forth between the mirror and shiny form of Russ as the slippery reindeer knelt down next to her. His hands touched her ears, then stroked along between them and down her neck. It felt good, soft vinyl hooves lifting tingling sensations of pleasure out of her body as he petted her.

"It's part of the job, I need huskies so... I made huskies out of my temps," he leant in and kissed Jake, "Feels good doesn't it? Bet you can't wait to try this body out then get to work..." the deer pressed close and Jake bit his lip as he felt the thick throbbing length of Russ' deer hood through his overalls, "Just relax and enjoy it."

Jake shivered a bit and nodded softly, giving in to the tingling pleasure zipping down her spin. Leaning into the reindeers touch she trembled, "I... it feels really, really good, yeah...." her tail started to wag, slowly, "Damn, this is this is a heck of a job..."

"You've seen nothing yet," Russ purred as he tugged Jake to her feet and led her out into the main room. Eight more huskies, each wearing a matching red leather harness where waiting for them. Jake had a moment to stare at them all before with a series of barks and whooping cries they descended on her.

She was caught up in a series of hugs and squeezes as they pulled her in close and Jake found herself surrounded by smooth, vinyl bodies. The four other bitches were the former skunk Cookie, her body sleek and smooth with black and white stripes just as she had as a skunk. The moogle Erakir was there, her blue hair the distinctive feature she had kept. Fory had kept his unique hair, deep rich red. Hypno was the last, stretching her back and rolling her shoulders. Her body was so exotic, the ginger fur and white tabby stripes had been kept, giving her a gleaming, shimmering appearance that outshone the others. The girls where friendly, warm, close and teasing but it was the boys who loomed in and took her breath away.

Frysco and Kyrio from the waiting room were still male, the former dinosaur had retained his luscious black hair and Frysco's arms had stayed a soft green which suited his grey and white husky body quite nicely. Dahala looked good, the spotted grey and white snow leopard pattern very unique on a husky and Felinus was perfectly suited for being a husky. His original feline colouring of grey and white looked good on him. None of them trying to hide their hard knotted dog cocks at all as they unabashedly moved close to admire and murmur their appreciation and thanks for Jake joining their team.

There were eight other huskies in total, all of them clearly horny and paying as much attention to Jake as each other. Tongues licked, lips kissed, tails wagged with mounting excitement as they all crowded around their new team mate and the shiny reindeer boss.

It was surprisingly easy to lose herself in the feeling of the huskies rubbing against her, the soft squeaky touch, and the excitement of something new. It felt so good to kiss and lick, bark and wag and hug the others as they crowded around her.

It wasn't long however before Jake found herself being pushed into Russ' arms. At some point someone has stripped him of his overalls and with 9 huskies and one reindeer it's quite clear he would be joining in to make up numbers so no one was left out.

Kissing Jake lovingly Russ guided the newly minted shiny husky into his lap as he sat down on the bench in the middle of the room. His thick, engorged buck shaft rubbed against Jake's stomach as he held her, letting Jake feel it's slippery warmth against her body, not moving to get more involved, encouraging Jake to watch watch everyone else pairing off.

Frysco and Cookie were together. The former skunk down on all fours whilst the big husky boy with the startling green arms mounted her happily. Kyrio was nearby, lying on his back, thrusting up into Erakir who was straddled across his lap. His head is tilted back, the former dino boy was grinning up at Jake and the big buck. Clearly planning on watching the fun between the reindeer and the husky.

Dahala was holding Fory up against the wall, the slender, red haired husky girl pushing back against the bigger, muscular, former gryphon as they started to flow together. Felinus however was perched atop Hypno, his big grey and white husky paws pressed to his new girl's face, teasing his toes up and down across her muzzle as he stroked himself off.

Jake wagged her tail hard and squeaked a bit, instantly blushing as she realized the reindeer and her were the centre of attention. She fidgeted a bit, the motion rubbing her body against the thick shaft with soft slippery squeaks. Russ was gentle. softly holding onto Jake, lifting her up and letting the tip of his impressive shaft tease the folds of her sex.

He didn't however press in, clearly waiting, inviting Jake to accept his offer. Jake squirmed, blushing, still feeling a bit shy about being the centre of attention and let her attention rove around the others. The eight huskies around them where well into their fun but as she watched Jake realised they were all transforming further!

Kyrio's muzzle was changing, his thick black hair merging into his ruff and across the top of his head. His eyes were now golden and his gasps of pleasure were soft, panted barks as his muzzle changed, becoming feral, leaving his tongue hanging out as his lew smirk turned into a panting dog grin.

Looking over at Frysco Jake watched in awe as his posture changed before her eyes. His belly lowered down until it was resting against Cookie's back as his legs shank and the former gryphons back paws lowered to the ground. He leant forwards, clamped his jaws around Cookie's neck and started to thrust deeper, popping his thickening husky knot in and out of Cookie.

Everyone around Jake was becoming a feral dog, Dahala and Fory had slid down the wall. No longer able to stay standing as their bodies lost the ability to stand on their hind legs unaided. Fory was on her back, panting and barking as Dahala growled and claimed her eagerly. Felinus had stopped teasing Hypno and was lying on his back as the former cat lay atop him, the two of them bonded together in a feral, carnal manner that looked incredibly enjoyable.

Jake wanted to try it, to feel what her new pack was feeling so was a soft gasp she pressed down, thrusting fully with her body atop the thick, cervine shaft waiting below her. Russ gripped her hips, pulling Jake down atop his thick shaft. It moved inside er, pistoning down then sprang back up, pushing itself deeper which caused Jake to gasp.

Once he was within her Russ lay still, holding her in his arms and gently rocking his hips back and forth, panting heavily as he started to ride the smooth, sleek anthro husky in his arms. No changes had started yet, for now Jake was staying on two legs as Russ held himself deep inside her and started to stroke back and forth with his hips.

Jake's soft, eager panting joined together with Russ' bellows as he eagerly started thrusting heavily, lost for the moment in the tight pleasure of Jake squeezing around his shaft. For a long moment it was just the two of them, his pistoning shaft driving in and out of Jake. Bodies locked together as he drove them both toward orgasm.

For Jake, the newly minted, slick husky it felt so good, she had closed her eyes, forgotten about the others for now as she just let herself enjoy the slick sensation within and against her body. Russ started to speed up after a time, his thrusts growing faster, eager and his deep bellows becoming deeper, shorter until with a loud cry his shaft exploded deep within Jake.

The reindeers shaft twitched, pistoning back and forth as Russ flooded the new shiny husky with his seed leaving him trembling, back arched beneath her, body locked in place as he rode his orgasm. Jake just squeaked and moaned happily, thrusting back and enjoying each pump of slickness, her own climax hitting just as hard, her insides milking that buck shaft as he let her take control.

For this moment Jake was in charge, the deer beneath her was her toy as she stroked her hands up and down his body and let him fill her! Then with a shudder, a soft cry of delight Jake slumped forwards over his chest and kissed him. For a moment they lay together, her tail wagging, lips holding the kiss as the wonderfully smooth buck stroked his hands down her back.

Then gently, smoothly Russ lifted her. Jake emitted a soft, startled bark at being manhandled but the reindeer set her down on the floor. Somehow between being lifted off his cock and put on the ground her body had flowed effortlessly into a new shape.

Four feet touched the ground, her tail arched up across her back and a shiver ran up her back as thick grey and white fur engulfed her body. No trace of the slick shiny body beneath was visible. Like the others she was a husky now, snug in harness and full of energy and ready to join the team!

"What..." she gasped as her voice came out as a bark and looked up at Russ who smiled down then swung up into a sitting position. He started to pull his overalls back on and Erakir padded over to sit in front of her. Jake wasn't sure how she knew it was Erakir, the world was all shades of grey now but her nose seemed to be king!

~Welcome to the team Jake,~ Erakir said in the strange way of dogs, ~You're now part of my sledge team, take your place and get ready to move out.~

Erakir moved on and Jake moved swiftly to take up position alongside Felinus at the back of the pack. They were lining up in pairs with Erakir at their head. As everyone else lay down on their stomachs Jake copied them and glanced at Felinus.

~Does this happen often?~ Jake asked and the grey and white husky next to her leant over and nuzzled against her neck.

~Sure does, this is a great gig, don't worry we get to turn back to anthro dogs in the evenings.~

~And what decides if we are male or female?~ Jake asked shifting her hind quarters sheepishly, ~I'd have liked a choice.~

~Oh that's random,~ Felinus said, ~Changes each morning too so you're never sure what you're going to wake up as. Hush now and listen to chief.~ Felinus pointed his snout forwards and rested his head between his front paws as Erakir started speaking.

Closing her eyes Jake lay still, listening to the former moogle, now husky talk. It sounded like they were off to a local park to be the sledge team giving out rides to everyone. Their handlers and team leaders would meet them there and they'd get into proper harness and tracers then and practice with the sledge. It was going to be an interesting three weeks that was for sure, tail wagging Jake stood up and followed Dahala and Fory toward the doors, it was going to be fun!
