
Story by Le_Trebuchet on SoFurry

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#2 of Commissions

Little soft-vore story about myself and proximiter with shrinking and some mawplay. In the furry world, sometimes the trinkets you buy on the internet really do what they promise. First time writing vore of this nature, so comments and critique appreciated!

Concept by proximiter and his character belongs to him, obviously. It's my first time appearing in my own work, too.


Trebuchet had prepared everything in the room just so, which considering how little they would be making use of the place was probably unnecessary. The blue-and-tan sheep stood in his boxers admiring his handiwork and ran his fingers through his woolly mop of orange hair. The popcorn was on the table, he'd covered the couch stain from the spilled beer with the quilt his mom had given him, and the iced bucket of pilsners was chilling next to the remote on the coffee table. He'd put on the necklace with the crystal and was getting pretty excited down in his drawers at the anticipation of trying it out. Seventy percent of the time shit like this from the internet never worked, but if Proxy was game it would be fantastic if it succeeded.

His friend knocked on the door and Treb bolted to the foyer, not even checking the peephole before he opened it. Proxy stood before him, stooping slightly to fit his silhouette into the frame. His ursine friend stood almost seven and a half feet tall, shaggy brown fur covering his whole body with an especially unruly mop of it spilling from the crown of his head and mostly obscuring his eyes. He was powerfully built and his soft belly protruded slightly. Treb couldn't wait to cuddle into it. "Come on in, big guy," Treb said cheerfully. He suppressed a giggle as he heard his companion bump his head lightly on the door frame.

Treb flopped onto the couch in the living room, watching fondly as Proxy removed his shorts and t-shirt. When he seated himself next to Treb on the couch it groaned under his weight. The ram teased the small white patch of fur on his friend's chest as SportsCenter babbled meaninglessly in the background. The bear threw and arm around him and squeezed to just a hair shy of discomfort. "How's it been going, little ram?"

"Paid my taxes. Managed to sell my old drum machine. Made a cool $400 from playing Lefty's last Saturday."

Proxy snapped the elastic of Treb's boxers with his free hand. "Spare any time to think of lil old me?"

"If you were little you couldn't hold me in your arms," Treb said, leaning in to his friend's chest, being careful not to poke him with the horns protruding from his head. Proxy wrapped his friend in a literal bear hug and pushed his snout deep into the ram's wild mullet, inhaling deeply. They savored the embrace for a long moment. Eventually Proxy flicked Treb's fluffy little tail and relaxed his arms.

"Didn't you say you had something to show me?"

"I've got a little surprise, yeah," Treb said. He rolled off his friend's chest back to his seat beside him and rubbed his hand on the back of his friend's neck. The crystal grew warm in its perch against his sternum.

"It better not be another of those nacho experiments you tried, because that last one made me have to pull over on the way home and... woah," Proxy said. The couch seemed to be getting softer somehow, as he could feel himself settle into it much farther than usual. Then he noticed his 5' 9" friend slowly looking more and more into his eye level. He was shrinking, settling down and down, and could feel his fur sliding against the worn corduroy of the couch as he compacted.

"Don't worry, I'll always at least kinda be your little buddy," Treb said and grinned as he leaned in and deeply nuzzled Proxy's hair. "We'll just try something different tonight." Treb's stomach growled fiercely, and Proxy felt a chill shoot down his spine.

He sank until his eye line was at his friend's pecs, then his navel. He was still proportional, muscular and with his slight belly sloping gently from is chest. But he was soon half his size and still shrinking, and Treb clasped a hand around his shoulder and squeezed to within a fraction of discomfort. "I love it when you tease me, but I know why in the end you're always gentle with me. I've seen you eye my belly and my mouth. And I want you to know you can trust me. Do you want to do this?"

Proxy was eye-level with Treb's navel now, and was beginning to sink into the underwear that hadn't shrunk with him. Treb's belly rumbled again, and he felt his face flush with warmth. "Yeah, let's do it!"

Trebuchet ruffled his hair with the tips of only two fingers. "All right man, c'mere," Treb said. He lifted his friend out of his billowing underwear, proportionally the size of a boat sail now, and laid him onto his woolly chest. Treb was neither as muscular nor as paunchy as his friend, but his curly wool was warm and smelled of... Drakkar Noir?

Proxy couldn't help but feel slightly less confident than he had a moment ago.

Beneath Proxy's feet the warmth of Treb's member wafted up from the ram's boxers. His heartbeat vibrated the bear's body softly, like a great motor running deep beneath a sheet of cement. Proxy could feel his hair quiver in the vibrations of his friend's heartbeat as he shrunk down to six inches, then five, finally stopping at roughly the size of Treb's palm. The ram's fur was a luxurious carpet of soft coiled hairs and Proxy sunk deep within them, snuggled in the happy warmth of his friend's body.

"It's not so bad to be the little one, is it?" Treb asked. His voice echoed up from his rib cage and Proxy felt as much as heard the words. Ever so gently Treb stroked his friend's back with a single finger. Proxy inhaled deeply on his friend's overpowering cologne and nuzzled into the softness, his belly pressing pleasantly into the immense carpet that was his friend. Treb placed his right hand behind Proxy and leaned forward, his friend falling backward into the ram's palm. Treb lifted the bear to his face, and Proxy's erection only stiffened as the two rows of the ram's flat white teeth faced him in a broad, friendly grin.

"I remember you talking about how much fun it would be to be inside. What it would be like to feel my mouth all around you, pressing you gently. You've held me close so many times I think I can return the favor." Treb tilted his head back fully, opening his mouth to an impossible width. Slowly Proxy stood, stepping gingerly to the edge of Treb's hand and looking down into the damp warm maw like a high-dive champ contemplating a jump. He felt the plane of Treb's palm shift beneath him, felt his center of gravity sliding forward and his belly pulled him inexorably into the empty space between his friend's hand and the damp cavern below.

Before he tipped forward he took a moment to admire it. He'd watched his friend's mouth before, absently entertaining the idea of how good it would feel to be within. The long pink maw was a cave of light and dappled shadows, slick wet ridges and the deep black tunnel at the rear that extended down into Treb's still-rumbling belly. Down below he watched the strings of saliva like drooping white ropes quiver between the ram's teeth with each breath. His front teeth glinted in the light of the room as shadows pooled and danced across the far back of his tongue and all the intricate cervices and folds of his molars.

His breath rushed up in long, hot gusts that bathed Proxy in damp, fragrant air that smelled of... well, it smelled like spoiled vegetables, but no moment was going to be perfect.

Slowly Trebuchet extended his tongue, snaking it along his chin and waggling it gently up and down. Streaks of milky saliva ran and stretched and his tastebuds stood out like the piles on a plush berber carpet. Proxy held his arms out and stood to his toes, letting gravity pull him forward for the plunge onto the tongue. He impacted harder than he'd intended and knocked his wind out with the impact but was uninjured. And the soft, milky fluids on Treb's tongue soaked into his fur like a warm, slightly-gelatinous jacuzzi.

Treb slowly drew his tongue into his mouth, bringing his head forward and closing his mouth slightly. Proxy moved his arms back and forth in slow arcs, still laying on his belly and enjoying the steamy interior of the cave he now occupied. Slowly Treb lifted his tongue to the roof of his mouth, pinning Proxy against the deep slimy ridges of the roof of his mouth. He felt his ass jam into one of the crevices and hold fast, and Treb began to slowly snake his tongue back and forth across his friend's body.

To an outside observer it might look like the ram was drunkenly poking his tongue in and out between his lips, perhaps dissatisfied with the Wimbledon coverage on his TV. But inside his mouth Proxy was in ecstasy. Treb's tongue massaged the bear's fur with the thousands of tiny fleshy bumps that were his taste buds. It was like rolling across a carpet of warm, damp massage balls wrapped in silicone. He could feel the bumps sending small vibrations into the deepest of his tissues with their passing.

Treb opened his mouth and reached a finger inside, scooting Proxy sideways and tickling his belly a bit before withdrawing.

With the bear lying lateral, head and feet touching his molars, he rolled the bear up in his tongue and brought him as far back into his mouth as he was able. He dry-swallowed several times and Proxy felt the muscles surrounding him pulse with great power. Every slick surface flexed and pulsed in the damp, compressing and releasing Proxy in long slow waves.

Treb opened his mouth again and unrolled his tongue, then began to slide his friend back and forth across the slick rubbery walls of his cheeks. He moved his tongue much more quickly than he had before, and the sensation to Proxy was that of flying down and then back up a waterslide over and over. He was soaked with ropy saliva and quivered with anticipation for the next stage. The trip inside.

Treb extruded his tongue and deposited his friend onto his palm before asking "ready? What I used to shrink you will keep me from digesting you, just so you know."

"Get me inside you, you big dope!" Proxy called out, yelling to be heard with his now-tiny lung capacity.

Treb brought his hand to his mouth, jaw open, and the bear hopped swiftly inside. Slowly, slowly, the ram closed his mouth and the darkness enveloped Proxy. Treb angled his tongue and the bear slid slowly backward, cresting the knobby bumps of the rearmost taste buds. His head hung out into the open space with the ram's great uvula dangling above him and the slick tube of muscle below that would carry him down into the belly. He felt the muscles surrounding him flex and pulse, pushing him forwards and sliding him gently in waves down the tight wet corridor. To be surrounded by so much warm, gentle pressure... It was incredible. It was the longest caress he'd ever felt.

He reached the opening of the stomach and felt his face press into it tighter and tighter with the esophageal muscles still pushing from behind. For a moment he feared he'd be crushed, but then the aperture began to open and his head popped through, then his shoulders, then his belly. He dropped for a brief moment before contacting a muscular wall and sliding down into the gurgling liquids within. For a relatively thin guy, Treb had a big belly. His stomach walls quivered and pulsed, and Proxy settled back and laid his shaggy head against them, sinking down into the sloshing liquids that rose up to his pecs like a dank jacuzzi. "Not bad," me muttered. "I could do this again."

Treb leaned back against the couch, savoring the tickle of his friend lounging inside. He'd force him out unharmed later, but he enjoyed feeling... occupied. He patted his stomach gently, and inside Proxy rode the wave of vibrations like a waterbed, grinning widely in the dark.

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