Review 5 - Product Testing with Eddie and Art

Story by Smokescale Aquatos on SoFurry

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#5 of Reviews of the Treetop Inn

Eddie and Art encountered a certain green dragon who had been asked by the R&D department to test out a new product. It just so happens that to test it, he has to eat someone. Thankfully, the bull and the raccoon were interested in the curious pastime.

This is a YCH story for Eddie Bull and Art.

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"So let me get this straight," Art rubbed his chin, "You want us to help you test this new product by letting you eat us?"

The raccoon looked up at the big green drake, then to the cow standing next to him, looking quietly skeptical. It wasn't the eating that bothered him, it was that eating them would somehow be part of a product test. It sounded like a lazy ploy.

Aron nodded, seated on his couch, wearing nothing but a white shirt and a pair of underwear that did little to contain his impressive swell. He was an imposing figure to look at; tall, extremely well toned, and a bit on the bulky side, but he wore a very friendly smile.

"Yeah. The R&D folks have been tinkering with it and they think they've just about got it dialed in where they want it. It's totally safe." the drake replied.

"Okay, so... you swallow this thing, it starts bubbling away, makes air, it acts like a giant antacid, make the place smell nice, and all those bubbles make the whole place like a hot tub?" Eddie chimed in. The bovine was equally skeptical.

"That's right. And even if it doesn't work, you'll still be fine. You heard all about 'The Promise' when you got here, right?" Aron grinned, perhaps a little too eager to try out the new toy.

"Yeah, we heard about it, popping back into existence after you get digested. It's pretty neat," Art said, "Don't get me wrong, it sounds like a lotta fun. I'm just not sure someone can make something that does everything you said. I mean, if it works, that's pretty amazing."

"So you guys wanna help me test it? If you're not interested, I could always go find someone else. It's cool if you're not into it." Aron offered.

"No one said we weren't interested," Eddie grinned, giving the big green fellow a pat on the knee, "I bet you're pretty cozy on the inside with or without this... 'Belly Bomb' thing."

"So you're both down?" the drake's smile widened.

"No, we're not down," Art smirked, "Not yet. You gotta eat that thing first."

The raccoon pointed at the large, egg-shaped object smelling strongly of the forest and floral scents that had been packed into it. It was too strong at the moment to get a good sniff without it bringing tears to one's eyes. All three boys looked to the thing in Aron's hand. It was as large as one of the smaller boys' heads, filling the dragon's palm far enough to keep him from being able to close his fingers all the way around it.

"Alright, then let's get this show on the road!" Aron grinned broadly.

The big green fellow reached to the end table with his free hand and collected a very large glass of water. It was large compared to the bull and raccoon watching him, but it looked fairly normal in his grasp. The drake took a couple of large gulps, then lifted the 'egg' to his lips. Without a hint of difficulty, he popped it into his jaws and swallowed. The glass returned and he poured the remaining contents down his throat. He sighed and set the glass down, patting his flat, muscular stomach. It was difficult for the two shorter boys to keep from staring. Aron was quite the sight to behold after all.

"How long does it take to start working?" Eddie asked, lifting a hand to scratch an itch behind one of his floppy ears.

"It should start working almost immediately. But they said you hafta give it a few minutes to really take effect. They said you should see results pretty quick." the drake kept his eyes glued to his middle as he leaned back on the sofa.

"How will we know when it's ready for us to go in?" Art asked.

As if that was his answer, the green dragon's jaws opened and he let out a decent burp. The scent of the 'bath bomb for the belly' wafted from his insides, dispersing throughout the room. The harsh, overpowering scent of pine and flower had been dialed down quite a bit. It was so diminished that at first, it seemed like it might be too weak. But that had been explained to be normal by R&D. The green drake blushed and grinned.

"Excuse me. Really, I could probably go ahead and eat you both now and it would be fine. But the folks who made it wanted me to wait for a bit." Aron grinned, then opened his mouth again to let out another burp. This time the scent was stronger.

Slowly, his middle began to swell. The definition of his abdomen faded, but did not vanish completely. The washboard stomach he had enjoyed grew into a rounded dome, still showing the peaks and valleys of his musculature. Both Art and Eddie moved in close to feel over the gently growing bulge, fascinated with the sight. The jade fellow rumbled happily as he reached out to cup the raccoon and cow against his abdomen.

"Heh, does this mean you're full of hot air?" the white and tan bovine smirked up at the dragon.

"I guess it does! Mmm, feels weird, but I like it. It's a little like dropping those mints in diet soda." Aron smirked.

"Well don't get too used to being a balloon. We're expecting a good experience after all." Art said as he gave the dragon's belly a squeeze.

The act forced another belch from the green fellow, making him snicker. Given that was supposed to stay in there, neither of the smaller boys tried it again. It kind of defeated the purpose after all. As cute as they thought it was being able to make the dragon belch, they didn't want to take away from his pleasure of being blown up. He was discovering something he didn't realize he enjoyed. They couldn't ruin that for him.

Neither of the shorter fellows could miss the other effect their attention to Aron's stomach was having. No doubt the swelling alone could have caused it. They were just making it happen faster. The bulge in his dark underwear was growing, pushing the elastic fabric towards its limit. This presented an interesting threat. And the drake was well aware of it.

"I think I'd better get you two in quick. Otherwise I might decide to 'take care of business' before wearing you both out. And I don't know if either of you are prepared to handle this." Aron smirked as he reached down to grope at the stiffening bulge between his muscular thighs.

Both the cow and the raccoon looked at the mass filling the dragon's palm and how it continued to grow. They were of two minds, wanting to test their limits with this new monster, but then they didn't want to end up too out of sorts to not 'report properly' on this little product test.

"Yeah, guess it might be better to dive in before you get out of control," Art looked to Eddie, "You wanna go first?"

The bovine nodded with a grin, looking up at Aron.

"Sure! I'll go first!" he said brightly.

The dragon nodded and pulled the cow closer, giving him a cute, chaste little kiss on the nose. Then his jaws opened as he leaned forward. The cavernous maw eased down over the bovine's head, easily consuming him. The scent of the bomb in his stomach was heavy on his breath, warm and humid. Darkness filled Eddie's vision as the heated interior pressed in around him. The dragon's tongue lashed across his face before a strong gulp tugged him in past his shoulders. Eddie jerked with a start, not having expected to go so quickly so soon. His chest pressed against Aron's lower jaw, quickly finding that tongue exploring his milky-white frame, dotted here and there with splotches of pale tan.

The drake slipped his hand around the cow's rump, cupping against him to hoist him up into his mouth. Another strong gulp pushed Eddie's tummy across the gleaming, well-kempt teeth. None of them dug in or scraped painfully. The big beast was doing a fine job of ensuring his guest had a pleasant entry. And the 'belly bomb' was doing a fine job below. The cow had no complaints about the smell or his ability to breathe. A hearty rumble came from below him as the dragon was claimed by another urge to belch. Unfortunately, the passage was currently occupied.

The aroma wafting up from the gurgling chamber below smelled of the forest the Inn was known for, along with a number of gentle floral notes. It seemed whoever made the bombs wanted it to smell like the Spring quarter of the gardens. And they had gotten rather close. It was rather nice to dive into someone's stomach and instead of being accosted by some foul stench have a garden waiting.

Another gulp sank Eddie in, now landing his groin right in Aron's jaws. A shudder passed over the cow as he felt the dragon's tongue explore the curious features he found there. The bovine was indeed male, as evidenced by the stiff protrusion found between his legs, but he had something most males usually lacked. There was a fleshy sack with four long teats hanging from it, and they leaked just ever so softly under the right pressure. That spurred Aron to lick and gently squeeze his jaws, enjoying this oddly equipped meal. The sweet, creamy flavor added to the already delectable 'dining experience'. The dragon was wondering why more bulls didn't have such features.

Eddie mooed deep in the dragon's throat as his udder was tended to. He was stuck in an odd position, his head pressed against a ring of muscle that wasn't trying terribly hard to hold him back. After all, there was a steady swelling of gas below that was forcing its way out from time to time. He wriggled about, trying to slip his arms round in Aron's mouth to help guide the inquisitive tongue. Unfortunately, it didn't last long enough to suit him. Another swallow sank him in right up to his knees. Eddie's head passed through the ring, then so did his shoulders. And from there, momentum carried him downward, dragging his legs the rest of the way into Aron's jaws.

The green dragon sealed his lips around the cow's ankles. He massaged his neck as the large, visible bulges the cow had made slipped through his form and his belly surged outward. Inside, Eddie landed with a wet splash and a bounce. His legs slipped down through the dragon's gullet until he was completely contained inside the beast's gut. The chamber was more spacious than expected, and it was possessed of a powerful warmth, pleasant and invasive, sinking into his bones. The slowly churning pouch was filled perhaps only halfway with a warm, bubbling liquid. It didn't burn or cling. It felt as harmless as water. The cow's hooves slipped about against the fleshy walls until they clacked lightly against the 'egg' providing the effect. It hissed and bubbled vigorously, providing the constant supply of 'fresh air' as well a lovely 'Jacuzzi' action.

Eddie grinned as he settled in, getting comfortable. He was pleasantly surprised by the effect of the 'belly bomb'.

"Hey, it's pretty great in here! It's actually a bit like a hot tub!" he called out.

His voice was muffled by the green dragon's bulk, but he was still easy enough to make out. Aron held his now much larger stomach with one hand. The other pressed Art against the heavy bulge. The drake's gut shifted and stretched as the cow inside got comfortable, which didn't take long. Before everything settled down, the muscle-bound dragon opened his mouth and loosed a hearty belch that lasted for several seconds. The room was gifted with another burst of forest-y freshness, the flavor of which lingered on his tongue. Aron grinned, rather pleased with the effect. It was a bit like a mint, only deeper.

"Mmm, you taste pretty good, Eddie. If you ever want to curl up in there again, you just let me know." the drake smirked.

"If you're gonna use one of these belly bomb things again, sure! I'd be happy to! Hell, I'd do it without it, but it's pretty nice in here with it!" the cow shouted back from inside.

"He's making a pretty good case for being in there," Art said, massaging the dragon's tummy, "Ready for the second course?"

"You bet." Aron licked his lips hungrily. He was a big boy after all, and he had an appetite to match.

The raccoon leaned back in a more upright posture as he began working to slip out of his dark green hoodie, the only article of clothing he had bothered to wear. The sweatshirt was tossed aside and the striped fellow pushed up off his knees towards the dragon's muzzle. Aron offered him a similar little kiss as he had the cow, then parted his jaws once more. The same cavern Eddie had gone spelunking in yawned open before the raccoon. With the same lack of hesitation as his bovine friend, Art leaned up towards the maw.

Aron arched his back to lean forward, putting pressure on his belly for a moment. He gingerly stuffed the raccoon in up to his shoulders, showing him the same oral affection as the previous boy. A quiet, happy little groan came from in the dragon's throat. Art was quite pleased with where he was going, and the sounds he made only gave the dragon reason to grin around him. A good, strong gulp tugged him in past his chest, ensuring he would be given the same tender, appreciative 'bath' as the cow had gotten. The dragon's tongue explored just as it had earlier, tasting and savoring this new morsel. A single, strong hand cupped against the raccoon's backside just as he had with Eddie, slowly pressing him in.

The green beast rest his free hand on his bloated middle, feeling over the fine features of his abs, stretched by the air and the cow trapped inside. His throat bulged to hold Art in its grasp, making the raccoon wriggle in its confines. It was such a lovely sensation that Aron couldn't help but let himself indulge in some of his baser instincts. The struggles drove him to swallow again, tugging Art's hips within reach of his tongue. Another all-too-short slathering of drool across the raccoon's groin brought another series of delighted sounds from under his scales.

Art writhed about, held tightly in the dragon's esophageal embrace, finding the entrance to the already occupied stomach not trying at all to hold him back. His head popped into the dark chamber without hesitation. A quake passed through the green dragon's interior, his belly unhappy that it couldn't vent itself. Aron pressed both of his palms against his middle, holding it as it began to swell anew. He gulped again, then let gravity finish the job for him. The raccoon's paws were slurped up into his lips, then his long, striped tail disappeared as well.

Inside, Art glided down the dragon's throat until he landed with a similar splash as the cow waiting below. He landed against Eddie and the two giggled and turned about, trying to make sure both were upright in the dark, intensely, pleasantly warm chamber. They were both soaked head to toe in a mixture of saliva and the water-like liquid coming halfway up both of them. The bubbles provided by the 'belly bomb' tickled as they rose up past the two boys. It was indeed just like a hot tub, just a lot squishier and harder to see.

"Wow, this is great!" Art grinned, wrapping his arms around the cow.

"Yeah! I think they've really got something here! I love it!" Eddie agreed.

Aron didn't speak. Instead, his insides vibrated strongly as he could finally let out a hard, loud, long belch. It shook the walls, not just of his belly, but of his living room. When it finally passed, he sighed and began massaging his giant gut. it was so large it filled his lap, threatening to spill out over his knees. The drake grinned down at his tummy, giving it a firm pat as it shifted under his palms. His shirt had been forced up off his gut, exposing the fine green scales and the faint evidence of all the sit-ups he did. Below, his underwear had given up trying to contain him, letting his mammoth length spill out over the elastic band.

"Mmm, glad you guys are enjoying yourselves in there. You're both pretty tasty. Now you better get cozy. The bomb is supposed to last for twelve hours." he hiccuped, then burped again, a shorter, quieter affair.

"Oh that'll be more than enough time to give a thorough review!" Eddie grinned.

"You thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?" Art smirked, pressing in close against his 'roommate'.

"How about we make big boy's belly bounce?" the cow shared his companion's grin.

Aron tilted his head a little hearing the two speak. He should have been able to guess what was coming, but he was slightly distracted by the deeply satisfying sense of fullness his two meals had provided. Immediately, his belly began to jostle and wobble, swaying in a steady rhythm. He moaned quietly as he gripped at his wriggling stomach. Two quieter moans joined his as the boys inside him began rocking away.

Eddie wrapped his legs around Art's waist, clinging tight to him as the raccoon pumped smoothly into him, giving him a good stretch under his tail. It had taken little effort for the two of them to start. Was there a mild aphrodisiac in the bomb as well? It would make sense. Most predators enjoyed it when their guests moved around a lot. And Aron was no exception. He reached down below his mountain of a belly and gripped his throbbing spire, beginning to pump over it slowly. He kept it pressed against the swell of his gut, ensuring that the two boys inside would help get him off.

Inside, Art was finding his stride in spite of having a hard time getting purchase on anything. The dragon's stomach was awfully slick on the inside after all. Eddie rocked his hips forward against the raccoon, fighting to keep from going off too soon. He wanted to be able to turn the tables on the striped fellow after he was done. Friction brought with it a different sort of heat, different from that which prevailed in the dragon's core. It didn't take Art long before he plunged deep under Eddie's tail and groaned, flooding the cow's bowels. The steady pulses left the two of them clinging tightly to one another.

The motion within Aron's belly slowed as they reached the first peak. Then, there came new movement. Eddie pulled Art from under him and pushed him back, pinning him against the far wall, hiking the raccoon's legs up before slipping himself in. The grip was rather firm, but it didn't resist. Art wrapped his arms and legs around the cow just as he had been held onto when he was giving. He panted as he was rocked into, his environs invaded like the cow's had been.

Aron moaned as he felt his belly start back up again. Another hearty belch escaped him as he pumped his arm, picking up speed. He didn't intend to restrain himself. All the activity was enough to leave him achingly stiff between his legs, so why bother holding back? The dragon grit his teeth and stroked faster and faster, clutching at his churning gut with his free hand. He watched as the smooth, round dome deformed with random lumps, his stomach stretching from the odd hoof or paw, a knee, and occasionally a hand. He loved watching his belly writhe. It was mesmerizing, like a lava lamp.

With two very amorous boys inside him, it took the drake mere moments. He tilted his head back and cried out as a milky white splash burst from his grand spire, painting his belly as it turned about. Inside, Eddie grunted and mooed loudly as he slammed home, sinking in to the hilt under Art's tail. Just as he had been given a sticky, creamy filling, he returned it in kind, splattering himself all inside the raccoon's colon.

The two gradually fell still, panting as they remained wrapped up in each other's arms. There was little else to do but bask in the warmth of the afterglow, as well as the jungle-like heat of the dragon's internal sauna. As the two boys fought to catch their breath, they both chuckled, pressing together in a firm kiss.

"You could make this a honeymoon suite. I bet married couples would pay big bucks for this kind of privacy." Art called out.

"Or just a couple of people wanting to get away for some romantic alone time." Eddie chimed in.

"You might be-" Aron was cut off by another belch, "-right... excuse me. You two have fun in there. I'm enjoying the show."

Eddie and Art snickered at the dragon's comment before turning their attention back to one another.

"Romantic huh?" Art cocked an eyebrow.

"Honeymoon suite? Married couples?" Eddie mirrored the suggestive expression.

"Hey, I ain't gonna complain if I'm stuck in a big sexy dragon's belly with a cute cow-boy." the raccoon leaned in to kiss again.

"Nothing to complain about." the bovine replied.

Outside, Aron rumbled in satisfaction as his belly began to wobble all over again. He chuckled realizing just how turned on both of his guests had ended up. Slowly, the steady rocking lulled the big beast to sleep, his gentle snores audible deep in his stuffed tummy. From time to time, a weak burp rose out of him as the pressure from the egg's constant out-gassing overcame his ability to hold everything in.

A few hours passed before the cow and raccoon concealed under his scales finally fell still. They had worn each other out, eventually falling asleep in the comfortable accommodations. You couldn't safely fall asleep in a hot tub usually. These were different circumstances. With the motion finally halted, all three slumbered peacefully, all too content with where they had ended up.

Aron woke a good while later with a noisy yawn and a stretch. He didn't like sleeping on the couch if he could help it, but at least it was comfortable there. He scratched lightly at his bulging gut, remembering almost immediately what had gone on earlier. It was an effort to check on the two inside. His belly had shrunk considerably, no longer big and largely spherical. He frowned a little and climbed to his feet. The weight was delightful. He hissed happily as he crossed the floor to head to the bathroom. There he stopped and peered at himself in the mirror, turning this way and that. He could make out the faint shapes of the cow and raccoon still curled up inside him.

They were still there, not digested or melted away or anything. They weren't moving, or at least not much. When he pressed a palm against what he thought was Eddie's back, he felt a very gentle rise and fall. They were still breathing, but it had to be less comfortable for them crammed together like that. The green dragon looked to the container the 'belly bomb' had come in. It had to have been close to twelve hours since he swallowed the thing. He wasn't burping anymore, which meant the egg-shaped object had been spent.

Aron frowned, missing how he had felt when he fell asleep. He liked the inflated, bloated feeling, especially with the two horny boys going at it endlessly. He reached for the container and opened it. A second bomb sat quietly in its case. He collected it, filled his glass with water at the sink, and took a strong drink. The second bomb was popped into his mouth and gulped down just as easily as the first. It tasted pretty decent too. He grinning as he imagined them giving it a sweet, hard coating so that people might just enjoy it like a piece of candy, then enjoy the swelling that came after.

He drank another glass of water, patting his belly as he felt the odd little bubbling sensation he had managed to pick up on this time. Slowly, his stuffed tummy began to stretch once more, growing back out into the smooth, round dome he had fallen asleep with. As soon as the confines weren't so tight, he felt the boys inside begin to squirm slowly.

"Nngh, how long were we out?" Eddie asked.

"We all were passed out long enough for the bomb to wear off. I just swallowed a second. I'm enjoying myself too much to let you two out yet. Let me know if you two get hungry. I'll send in something for you to eat." Aron said just before burping again.

He grinned, tasting the forest on his breath again. He was enjoying that more than he probably should. The muscular green dragon stripped out of his undershirt and briefs, turned, and waddled into the shower. He turned the water on, waiting patiently for it to get nice and warm. As soon as it began pouring down over his gut, he massaged the swell gingerly. It didn't take long at all for his boys to start squirming again, providing that same, steady wobble. He grinned as he heard them groan under his scales and huffed.

Fingers wrapped around the now freed shaft, beginning to throb again. The drake leaned against the wall as he pleasured himself, relishing this little experiment quite a bit. He hoped the R&D folks would come up with other neat little tricks like this, especially if it meant he got to eat a couple of cute people in the name of testing it out.

--The Inn's been working on this new bath bomb thing they call the 'belly bomb'. A predator swallows it, then they swallow you. It turns their stomach into your own private hot tub. It's fantastic. And since it's constantly making bubbles and air, it makes whoever ate you burp a lot, reminding you where you are. If they've got other products like this that need testing, I'll come running back to help! Five stars!--