Chapter 3, Along came a Tiger

Story by Spiritdragon87 on SoFurry

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#3 of Vince's Story

(Ok ladies and Gentlefurs. The usual line of BS. Underage, jump off a bridge. Of age, enjoy. Character's belong to me, and also I wish to let you know now, that I do not know the inner workings of the U.S. Military, so if my facts are wrong, I do apologise. But this is just a story, so please, don't mind. As well, I would like to make this a dedication to a friend of mine, known as Battle Dragon. Hope your in good health friend. And as well, I want to thank all of you who read this, and have been patient with me. So I will let you know now. All my stories are dedicated to you, my fans. As well, another special dedication, to one of my favorite authors. Frost Dragon. Hope life is being good to you. Miss you lots.)

Chapter 3

Along came a Tiger

The three of them went back to Vince's house where Vince treated Pushrod's wound. Luckily the gash wasn't too deep, so all he had to do was clean it and stitch it up. When he started to stitch the wound, Pushrod started to squirm and he had to force him down. Even then he still gave Vince some trouble.

"Stop moving for Christ's sake." He said.

"Stop trying to stick me with that fucking thing." Said Pushrod.

"It's just a few stitches. I've gotten worse. Trust me." He said.

"Ya, still doesn't make it easy."

"Aww. Poor little puppy." Said Jaylene , as she walked in with a glass of water for Pushrod.

"Don't you have a cave to go to?----OW!! God damn it."

Vince had pulled a little too hard on the stitching.

"Oops." He said.

Jaylene laughed and Vince smiled. Pushrod was a bit miffed and said,

"Be careful damn it, that shit hurt."

Vince just chuckled and finished the stitching, he cut the thread and put some ointment on it, then started packing up the first aid kit.

"All finished my friend." He said.

"Bout damn time." Answered Pushrod.

Jaylene handed Pushrod a glass of water and then sat down next to Vince, leaning against him, she said,

"You know Pushrod, I've gotten a lot worse, and even then I didn't squirm like you. And I'm a girl."

Pushrod just glared at her, and when he went to say something back, Vince reached out and held his mouth shut.

"Enough you two. I think it's time we stop teasing each other. And besides, I'm gonna have to kick you guys out anyways. I have to go pick up a friend."

"Why can't I stay and meet this friend?" Asked Pushrod.

"Because, I don't think he'd like it if he found out I was associating with street racers." Said Vince.

"But what about me? Are you gonna send me back to John?" Asked Jaylene.

Vince sighed, she was right, he couldn't send her back. "Fine you can stay here, I guess. I've got a spare room. We'll just have to stop somewhere and buy blankets and pillows for it." He said.

Pushrod laughed and shook his head. "Of course she gets to stay."

Vince just shrugged and said, "Sorry dude."

"No problem bruh. But before I forget, come out to my car with me. I got something for you." He said.

The three of them got up walked out towards Pushrod's Integra. T hey stopped at the car as Pushrod opens the door and sits in the driver's seat, leans over, and grabs something out of the glove box. He gets back out and hands it to Vince, it was a cell phone, a new blackberry.

"It's already activated, charged, and has everyone's number in it." Said Pushrod.

Vince glanced through a few things on it as his friend spoke. He looked up at Pushrod and said,

"What about the bill?"

"No worries, we got it covered."

Vince stepped forward and patted Pushrod on the back,

"Thank you. It means a lot to me."

"Hey, now we can get in touch with you easily, and let you know when the races are." He said.

Vince nodded, "Thanks again. I'll see you later. Take it slow will ya?"

"Hah, ya right. Take it easy V. Nice meeting you Jay." He said.

"Nice meeting you too."

With that, Pushrod got in his car, started it up, and took off in a cloud of tire smoke and exhaust. Shaking his head, Vince started back towards the door, with Jaylene in tow. He held the door open for her as they went inside and then they went to the kitchen table where they both sat down facing each other.

"I'm still in shock. It's like I'm looking at a ghost." Said Jaylene.

"I know. It's unreal." Answered Vince.

"You know, when you first disappeared. I looked everywhere for you. I even tried to talk to Sophina, she wouldn't tell me anything. I then tried your parents, and all they told me was that you moved away. I was a wreck for months after that." She said, tears forming in her eyes at the memory.

Vince moved over next to her and took her hand in his.

"I'm sorry for doing this to you. I really am Jay. After... After she left me.... I couldn't stand being there. I had to get away, and the military was my only option." He said.

"No it wasn't V. All you had to do was ask, and I would have gone anywhere with you. Remember, we're soul mates. Same personalities, same like's, dislike's, same everything. Male and female copies of each other. I must have cried myself to sleep for at least a year, after you left." She said.

Vince took her in his arms and hugged her, and without even thinking about it kissed her cheek, and kissed around her eyes, trying to kiss the tears away.

"I am so sorry Jay. But I'm here now, and I'm not going anywhere." He said.

She looked up into his eyes and said, "Promise?"

"Promise." He replied.

Then she reached up and kissed him on the lips, a long, loving kiss, one that sent both their hearts thundering in their chests.

Vince finally broke the kiss, leaving them both gasping for breath, he held her for awhile before saying,

"I have to leave in a bit to go pick up a friend. What are you gonna do?"

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"Well, you can come along, stay here, or go home." He said.

"Trying to get rid of me so soon?" She asked.

"No Jay. I just want to see what you want to do. You are welcome to stay here, but you will have to go back home sometime, and that may be a problem. That is if you live with that poor excuse of a lizard." He said.

Jaylene got up and straddled Vince's lap, hugging him close and whispering into his ear, she says,

"I want to stay with you. I'll go with you to pick up your friend, and if you don't mind. Spend the night here."

Vince smiled and said, "I don't mind at all Jay."

He brought her into a kiss, which grew into a long passionate one, as their tongues wrapped around each others, Jaylene let out a soft moan as their kiss grew more intense. Vince's hands began roaming her body, rubbing her back, and her legs, and moving to her stomach, and when they were about to reach her breasts, his cell phone started ringing, and it wasn't the one that Pushrod had just given him. With a heavy sigh he broke the kiss and said,

"I have to take this call."

Jaylene pouted for a second, then smiled at him, and reached into his pocket and pulled out the cell phone for him. He kissed her, then answered the phone.


"Ah, Vince. Bout time you answered the phone. Before you say anything, I'm just letting you know that my plane will be landing in 45 minutes. Be there. General Gummer. Out." He said and disconnected.

Vince growled and closed the phone. He set it on the table and looked at Jaylene.

"My friends plane will be landing soon. We should go to pick him up."

"We have plenty of time. Especially with how airport security is." She said.

"He's not flying commercial. And we're not picking him up at the airport." He said.

She cocked and eye ridge at him and said, "Oh? And who is this friend?" She asked.

"General Burt Gummer. I've worked personally for him for the past six years." He said.

She nodded her head in understanding and climbed off his lap. He sighed heavily and grabbed his phone and his keys, slipping the phone into his pocket and he reaches out and takes her hand, and gently leads her out to the hummer. He walked her over to the passenger side and opened the door for her.

"Oh, such a gentleman now." She said, laughing as she said so.

Vince laughs with her, "Compared to what you're used to." He says.

He shuts the door for her and heads over to the driver's side. Once he gets in he starts up the truck and they begin their journey to the air base. As they drove they chatted, catching up with each other. Vince had found out that Jaylene had finished college, and she majored in automotive high performance, and had moved out to California two years ago. When their conversation grew quiet, Vince reached into the console by his seat and pulled out a cd, he reached for the stereo and put the cd in, and after a moment the song "Ghost Love Score" by Nightwish began playing. Jaylene looked up at him and laughed.

"After all these years, you still listen to Nightwish?" She asked.

"Of course." He answered.

Soon they arrived at the base, and as Vince pulled up to the gate, a couple of guards approached, one was a black wolf with an M4A1 at the ready, the other, an otter, had a 240 bravo. When Vince stopped the wolf approached and said, "Sir, this is a restricted base, I'm gonna have to ask you to turn your vehicle around and leave the premises. Immediately."

Vince just smiled and as he reached into his pocket he spoke to the wolf, noticing his rank, "Good to see your security is tight, Staff Sergeant, but I'm afraid I have clearance." He said, as he pulled out his I.D. card and passed it to the wolf. The wolf took a good look at the card, and then recognizing the name, and the serial number, snapped to attention and saluted. When Vince saluted back the wolf turned and waved the gate open. "Let him through, let him through!" He shouted to the other guards, who scrambled to open the gate.

He handed the ID back and apologized, "Sorry about that Colonel, its protocol."

Vince shrugged and said, "I've been there. No need to worry." He then nodded to the other soldiers, and once the gate was open, he drove into the base and didn't stop driving until he arrived at the air field, where he parked and waited. As they waited, Jaylene couldn't help but notice the audience they were slowly gathering. It seemed like everywhere she looked, soldiers were stopping and watching them, it left her feeling uncomfortable.

"Is it always like this?" She asked.

Vince shrugged and said, "Well, normally we wouldn't even have made it this far, but word has spread that Colonel Alverez is here. And they're smart enough to leave me alone."

"How come?" She asked again.

"I have a reputation." He said, and his tone of voice made it clear he was done talking about that, and at the same time a C17 made its final approach on the air strip, Vince turned the radio off and as Jaylene watched, became a whole different person. His expression stiffened into an emotionless mask, and he sat straight in his seat, his whole body language just, changed. The C17 landed, the noise so loud that Jaylene had to cover her ears, while Vince didn't even flinch. They watched as it thundered past, and Vince put the Hummer in gear and started after the big plane, all the way into the hanger it parked was taxied into. He parked by the nose of the air craft where he got out and stood at attention by the hood of the truck. Jaylene quickly joined him, feeling a bit awkward, as soldiers hurried all around them, each doing different things, but all of them noticed the two dragons in civilian clothing by the big black hummer, although they all knew who Vince was, so they didn't stop to bother them.

As they stood there, and the plane opened, a large white tiger started casually strolling down the ramp of the plane. He wore the outfit of an officer and everyone who was in eyesight of him immediately snapped to attention and saluted, Vince was one of them. The tiger approached and saluted Vince back, and only after Vince dropped his arm did the tiger laugh and say, "If only you were this well behaved when you were in the Corps!"

Vince barely even chuckled and said, "Welcome to California Sir."

"Oh relax Vince. We are here to enjoy ourselves. Now ease up, that's an order." Said the tiger.

At the order, Vince relaxed and shook hands with the tiger. He looked over at Jaylene and shook his head, "Forgive me for being rude, but Sir, there is someone I want you to meet. This is my long time friend, Jaylene. Jaylene, meet General Burt Gummer. He was my commanding officer for pretty much my entire time during combat." Said Vince.

"And then some. Jaylene, it is wonderful to finally meet you." Said Gummer.

"Finally? You've heard of me before?" She asked, glancing at Vince.

"Oh please, every opportunity he got, he spoke of you. He spoke of when you two first met, of everything." Said Gummer.

Jaylene blushed and said, "I never would have guessed, that all the things he could have talked about, was me."

"Oh trust me my dear, you were the one thing that got him through. He won't admit it, but I could tell, that whenever he went out on a mission, he was thinking of coming back to you. It never did sit right with him, on how he just left. He admitted that to me, once." Said Gummer.

At this point Vince grunted, getting their attention, to which Gummer said, "Enough chit chat, take me to the office, and I just have to fill out a couple papers and we can be off."

They moved to the hummer, where Vince opened the door for Jaylene again, and she chuckled at his chivalry, Gummer laughed and said, "Are you gonna open the door for me too?"

Vince responded by opening the door for Gummer, and when he went to get in the vehicle, Vince slammed it shut. The both of them laughed and Gummer opened the door again and climbed in, and Vince got in as well, and they drove off, stopping at the office so the General could fill out his papers, and once that was finished, they headed back to Vince's house.

When they got there, they went into the living room, where Vince put the tv on and put the station to ESPN and General Gummer sat in on one end of the couch, and watched the pre-game reports as Vince and Jaylene went into the kitchen and fixed some drinks and snacks. As they did this Gummer shouted out to them,


Vince smiled to himself; it had been a long time since he watched the bruins, his home town team. Once he and Jaylene finished they went back into the living room and plopped down on the couch. Vince spread everything out on the coffee table in front of them, and leaned back, Jaylene quickly snuggled against his chest, and the three of them watched as the open ceremony started. Then the game started, and quickly the Bruins scored, all three of them cheered, but settled back down to watch the game, barely speaking, until the game finished an hour and thirty minutes later, with Boston shutting out Montreal.

"Well, that was one hell of a game. Glad the Big Bad Bruins destroyed Montreal." Said Gummer.

"I wouldn't say that they destroyed Montreal. They made some really good plays, and were giving the Bruins a run for their money. Raask was what really saved us. He's damn quick with that stick and glove." Answered Vince.

"But did you see how Lucic and Chara coordinated? That was also a major factor." Said Jaylene.

Both Gummer and Vince nodded in agreement. They sat for awhile, before Burt looked at his watch and said, "Time for me to get back to base."

The three of them got up and quickly cleaned up after themselves, before piling into the Hummer, and drove back to the base. Once they got there, Burt turned to Vince and extended his hand, which Vince quickly took, and they shook hands. "Vince, it was damned good to see you. Stay out of trouble." He said,

He then turned to Jaylene and said, "It was nice meeting you, and keep an eye on my favorite soldier here. He's a good kid."

She shook his offered hand, and he climbed out of the Hummer, and strolled away. Vince waited as Jaylene climbed into the front seat and they headed back to Vince's house, all the time, Jaylene holding his hand as he drove. They arrived back at his house, and once inside, Vince continued cleaning, while Jaylene watched the tv, occasionally turning to watch Vince. He had changed so much since she had last seen him. When she last saw him, when she was fresh out of high school, he was, smaller. He had no scars, and was a very quiet, mysterious man. He was skinny, well, more lithe than skinny, she decided. But now he was HUGE!!! Easily twice the mass he was before, and although he was still handsome, and acted a lot like the Vince she knew before, but she could tell that he had definitely changed. As she stared at him, and watched his muscles bunch, and roll underneath his scales, she couldn't help but get distracted by it. Maybe this change was for the better. He definitely seemed more focused, and in control of himself. She looked back to the tv, and suddenly she felt very tired, and despite herself, she yawned.

Hearing this, Vince stopped and turned to Jaylene. "You tired? I've got a spare bedroom. You can sleep there if you want." He said.

She yawned again and said, "That'd be nice. It's been a long day for me."

Vince smiled and walked over to her, drying his hands off with a towel as he did so. He sat down next to her and brought her into a hug, holding her close. "I'm so glad we found each other" He whispered.

Jaylene smiled and whispered into his ear, "Me too."

They held each other like that for a bit, and then Vince got up, and taking her hand, led her upstairs and to the guest room. He opened the door and turned on the light, he showed her the room, which had a queen sized bed in the middle, with its own computer desk, with a computer, a bureau, and mirror. The bed had two big pillows, and had sheets and blankets on it already.

"My room is two doors down on the left. The room immediately next to this is the upstairs bathroom. I'll be going to bed as well in about twenty minutes. Wake me if you need me." He says.

"Thank you V. It means a lot to me." She says.

Vince just shrugs and says, "No worries, Jay." He hugs her again, and then leaves the room.

She listens as he goes downstairs and returns to the dishes. She smiles to herself and goes to the bureau, and upon opening, is shocked to find clothes in it. She examines all the draws, finding sweat pants and t-shirts of all different sizes. She finds a pair of sweat pants and a loose fitting t-shirt, and changes in to them. She shuts the light off and climbs into the bed, which was surprisingly comfortable, and she closes her eyes and tries to sleep. But all she can think about is Vince, and she listens as he busies himself around the house for a bit, then she hears him turn off all the lights and climbs the stairs. She listens to his footsteps as he walks to her door, and stops for a moment, then continues on to the bathroom, where she listens intently, hearing him brush his teeth, when he finishes, he goes into his room, and then she hears his door close.

Jaylene turns in her bed and stares at the ceiling, unable to sleep, with Vince occupying her thoughts, and she looks at the glowing red numbers of an alarm clock on the bed, it had been 45 minutes since she went to bed. And at least 15 minutes after Vince went to bed. She turned over and stared at the wall, but try as she may, she couldn't get him off her mind, and the more she thought of him, the more she started to realize, she wanted him. She tried to ignore it, but her desire for him just grew, until finally, she couldn't stand it. She threw her blankets off of her and got out of bed. She left her room and walked down the hallway, to his room. She quietly opened the door, and peaked inside. She could hear his breathing, it was slow and steady. He was asleep, so she started to open the door further, and then stopped.

"What am I thinking? Nothing good can come of this... Can it?...." She thought to herself, but then her desire for him overruled her reason, and she snuck inside his room, quietly closing the door behind her. She looked around, as her eyes adjusted to the dark. The moons light streaming in through the window was just enough for her eyes to see him perfectly. She snuck over to his bed, and gently lifted the blankets, and climbed into bed with him. However once she did, the slight movement woke him and he spun around and faced her, tensed to defend himself, but once he saw it was her, he relaxed.

"Jesus Jay, what the hell are you doing?" He said, taking a deep breath to calm himself.

"I'm sorry V, I couldn't sleep." She said.

He sighed and looked at her, admiring how the moonlight glinted off her scales. "Why did I ever let her go?" He thought to himself. Then he answered her, "What's the matter? Bed uncomfortable?"

"No, it was perfect. I just couldn't stop.... Thinking." She said, a bit shyly.

Vince cocked his head to one side and said, "Of what?"

Jaylene stared at the bed, her left hand tracing small patterns in the fabric of the blanked, before she laid a hand on his powerful thigh and answered, "Of you V. I can't get you off of my mind."

Vince stopped breathing for a second, He wasn't sure of what that meant, but before he could say something, she suddenly was pressing against him, her lips pressed against his in a fiery kiss, that grew in intensity and passion, as they began ripping their clothes off. Vince kicked the blankets down off of him and rolled on the bed, pinning her beneath him as they continued kissing, gasping for air through their nostrils, as their hands explored their bodies. Vince finally broke the kiss, and Jaylene moaned and gasped for breath, as he began kissing her throat, and moved down to her breasts, where he fondled them in his hands, and gently kissed and licked them, eliciting sharp moans from her. She likewise caressed his back and wing with her hands, her tail wrapping around his, and stroking it. She gasped when she felt his erection press against her thigh, the heat of it setting off a primal urge in her, and she reached down between them and gripped it in one of her hands. She gave a short squeal of shock when she felt how big it was, it was easily 11 inches long, and close to 3 inches thick at its base. She pushed him away for a bit, then pushed him over onto his back, where she straddled him, and gripping his shaft in one hand, guided it to the lips of her moist sex, Vince moaning in lust as he felt the moist heat of her lips on the tip of his cock.

Seductive smiles on her face, Jaylene watched the emotions on Vince's face as she slowly lowered herself onto his shaft, closing her eyes and moaning as she felt him slowly, penetrate her. She eased ever so slowly down on him, raising her hips a little bit, then pressing down further on him, until he was hilted in her.

"Oh god V, I never even thought that you were THIS big." She gasped.

Vince just grunted and thrust up into her, causing the both of them to gasp. Jaylene got the hint, and began rocking her hips, back and forth, up and down, as well as side to side, both of them moaning and gasping for breath as she rode him. They started picking up in pace, moving faster against each other, as well as harder, in addition to their gasps and moans, now the sound of their bodies meeting and soft slaps could also be heard. Jaylene was in absolute ecstasy, the way his cock pierced her was so absolutely perfect, it touched her in all the right spots, and it just felt, so right. Almost like it belonged there, and likewise, Vince was feeling the same way about her. The way her pussy gripped his cock as she rode him, the way it pulsed and squeezed him in rippling waves, starting at the base of his cock, and rippling up to the tip, and back down again, just drove him wild. Soon they were moving at a frenzied pace, and just when they both felt the pressure of an immense oncoming orgasm start to build, Jaylene stopped and gasped, "Wait...Wait.... Wait. What are we gonna do when you cum? You're not wearing a condom?" She asked.

"No... Need.... I'm... Sterile..." Gasped Vince.

Jaylene smiled and said, "I'm on the pill anyways." And without a further word, she began riding him just as fast and hard as before, and quickly their separate orgasms built, when it reached it peak, Vince grabbed Jaylene's hips, and held her still, his cock swelled, and then he unloaded his seed into her in long, hard jets that splattered her deepest walls, a roar of ecstasy rumbling from deep in his throat as his orgasm hit him like a tank shell.

Likewise, the feeling of Vince's cock swelling and shooting his cum deep inside her, triggered Jaylene's orgasm as well, and she cried out in bliss as her sex spasmed around Vince's cock, her juices soaking him, her whole body shuddering with orgasm, and her orgasm triggered a second one for Vince, causing him to more, hot white cum deep into her. He grabbed her in his arms and held her tight, as they both shuddered and cried out in orgasm, for minutes, they held each other, slowly their orgasms died down, leaving them in a warm pleasant afterglow. After another few minutes, Jaylene rolled off of him and got up from the bed, she gave him a quick kiss, before running to the bathroom, leaving Vince a bit confused, but once he heard the bathroom door close, he knew.

Jaylene quickly sat on the toilet and shuddered as she felt his cum start dripping from her vagina, slowly at first, then a sudden stream flowed out of her, the feeling of such a large amount of cum flowing out of her triggered a series of small orgasms for her, and she sat there, twitching and gasping in pleasure as multiple orgasms hit her. Finally, the orgasms ended, as well as the stream of cum. She wiped herself clean and flushed the toilet, and went back into Vince's room, where he was sitting up in bed, waiting for her.

"Sorry, but, I didn't want to sleep in cum." She said.

Vince chuckled and said, "Sorry, it's been a long time."

She laughed with him, "I could tell. There was a lot of cum. And I mean, A LOT."

Jaylene then climbed into bed with him, where he took her in his arms and brought her into a deep, passionate kiss. As they kissed, he gently lay back onto the bed, bringing her down with him. After awhile, they broke the kiss, and just lay there, her head on his chest, and one of his arms resting on his stomach, as she held his hand, and his other hand, was stroking her wings. Their legs and tales entwined, as they snuggled together. Sleep quickly started to overtake Vince, and as he started to lose the battle to stay awake, he whispered to her, "I love you Jay."

And just before he fell asleep, he heard her say, "I love you too V."