Boy's, Bra's, Car's and Sex

Story by RudeboxRiot on SoFurry

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Boy's, Bra's, Car's and Sex




Ariana-Grey Fox




Girls are friends forever, and this just goes to show, that girls know how to have fun, in so many different ways. Matsuko, Ariana, Sasha, Sophie and Nuri are the type of girlfriends that are there for each other through thick and thin. Though on this one day...the girls are ansy, and can't wait for the weekend to come up. They sit at the local park, near their highschool. Smoking on their cigarette's, they try to come up with plans for the up coming weekend.

Act 1: Scene 1

Ariana:So....what's up for this weekend guys?

Sasha: *Shrugs* Dun know...any parties going down?

Matsuko: *Takes a drag off of her cigarette and exhales* I was planning on having a party, but I don't have a place to have it though...We can have this party...we just need a place is all...

Sophie: *Plays with her lip piercing* We could have it at my place. I'm moving into my apartment Friday.

-The other girls squeal in delight-

Nuri: Really?! That's fucking awesome!

Sophie: *Nods and laughs softly* Yep, I'll let you guys break the place in..though if someone starts shit the have to get the fuck out. I don't want no shit in my place man. No throwing up and no one is driving home drunk either.

Matsuko: *Claps her paws together* All right then! All we need now are supplies...I can bring a twap sack or more. Who's gonna pitch in for liqour?

Nuri: Depends on how know how my parents are..

Sophie: *Laughs softly* yea we all know how they are...but 5 bucks at the least.

Nuri: *Blinks* Where am I gonna get 5 BUCKS?! Those types of guys are hard to kidnap!

-Nuri gets laughed at and slapped behind her head by Sophie-

Sophie: Not BUCKS shit head! 5 dollars!

Nuri: Ohhhh! *giggles softly* silly me!

-The other girls laugh rolling their eyes-

Matsuko: You're such a blond Nur.

Nuri: *Laughs* I know *Plays with her bleach blond hair*

Sasha: I'll see what I can do to put in...though we need some good shit.

Nuri: No's my worst enemy...though I still want to get smashed...but not stoned*Twitch* I haven't had any pot in 6 months.

-Their muzzles hang open and laugh as they see Nuri twitch-

Matsuko: As crazy as you act Nuri, you sure as hell need some good ol' MaryJane.

Nuri: *Laughs* What the fuck ever.

Ariana: I want to see you get smashed Nuri.

Sophie: I bet that will be hilarious.

Nuri: *Laughs and gets up on the table of the bench and sticks out her butt, wiggling her tail and hips seductively* Doesn't everybody?

-They all burst into a fit of giggles, soon pondering what to do for the rest of the time-

Nuri: *Blinks and belches*

Sasha: BLUE!

Matsuko: GREEN!

Ariana: PINK!

Sophie: SEA GREEN!

-They laugh as they point to the clueless Nuri who knows the game very well-

Sophie: Sex noise for 1 minute Nuri!

Nuri: Holy shitballs man...damn!

Ariana: You're the best one at it*Laughs*

Nuri: I know..too bad I can't always get like that in bed!

-They all burst out laughing as Nuri takes a breather to start-

Nuri: Ooooohhhhhhhh.....gods..........mmmmmmmmm........uuuuuuuuuggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhh..........ahhhh......ahhhh....aaaaahhhhh.......yes.yes.yes! uhhhh....harder......harder.......harder.....faster...faster....god fuck me! fuck me! *Let's out a booming howl that cause the other girls to fall over laughing hysterically*

Sasha: *Laughs* That was delicious.

Matsuko: Mmhmm.*Laughs and get's a playful glint in her brown eyes* Ok girls...Dare, Double Dare, Fire or cherrybomb!

-The girls squeal since this was their favorite game-

Nuri: Dear god no!*Laughs wildly*

Matsuko: Ok Sophie. Pick.

Sophie: *Thinks for a moment and smiles* Dare

Matsuko: I dare you to fully french Nuri for a minute!

Nuri: *Giggles* Ahhh!

Sophie: *Trots over to Nuri and laces her arms around the wolf's lucious waist pulling her close. Nuri giggles as she pries open Sophie's muzzle and encircles her tongue around hers holding her close. Nuri steps back and giggles*

Nuri:Wow Sophie...I love your tongue!

Sophie: *Laughs* And the strange part...I love yours too. Damn you're good with it!

-They all burst into laughter-

Nuri: Ok Matsuko.

Matsuko: Dare

Nuri: *Thinks for a moment* I dare you to flash us!

Matsuko: *Laughs and shakes her heads* Damn lesbo's! *Stands up on the table and lifts her shirt flashing them her supple firm breasts*

-They all woot and holler laughing-

Matsuko: Ok Buri since you're the happy one today choose

Nuri: *Giggles* Dare of course!

Matsuko: Ok..I dare you to suck on Sasha's tit, but you have to lay down and let us pile on top.

Nuri: A clothed orgy??*Grins wolfishly*

Matsuko: *Nods*

Nuri lays down as Sasha eagerly climbs ontop of her. She lifts her shirt as Nuri gladly swoops her head under it wrapping the Kangaroo's small tit in her muzzle. Nuri begins to drive her hips upward as the others pile on top. Sophie fondeling Ariana's sex, and Matsuko grasping Sophie's breasts. They begin to squeal and giggle madly as they make sexual movements on one another.

Sophie: *Laughs and yawns still trying to wake up*

Nuri: Ariana!

Ariana: *Gulps* Dare..

Nuri: Take off your bra and give it to me!

Ariana: *Blushes and pulls her arms in her shirt and removes her bra soon giving it to Nuri*

Nuri: *Squeals madly and puts it in her pocket*

Act 1: Scene 2

After an hour of fondeling and kissing the girls pile into Sophie's car and go for a aimless drive, not knowing they were heading towards their rival's highschool.

Nuri: Hey Ana! Look!*Parades Ariana's bra and hangs it on the rearview mirror*

Ariana: *Blushes under her face fur and squeals* NOOOO!!!!!*Laughs and covers her face*

Sophie: *Laughs wildly over the rock music that was blaring from the speakers*

Sasha: *Reaches over Nuri from the backseat and licks the cup of the bra once they stop at a stoplight. A bear in a truck next to them double takes as he see's four girls reaching over to fondel and lick the bra hanging there. He blinks in astonishment and laughs hysterically shaking his head*

-The girls laugh-

Nuri: Woohoo!*fondels the bra more once they stop again, this time an old Moose blinks and looks over seeing Nuri's slim pink tongue come out and lick the bra. Sasha brings her paws around the seat and give's Nuri's breasts a firm squeeze. Nuri moans loudly causing the Moose in the car next to them blush and look down at his crotch. The girls laugh as he quickly drives away once the light was green*

Sophie: This is awesome!

Nuri: *Reaches behind her and grabs Sasha's cunt in her paw squeezing roughly causing the Kangaroo to moan loudly*

-They all laugh as Sasha reaches over kissing Ariana on her muzzle and gropes Matsuko-

-After several moments of teasing several male drivers, the girls come up to their rival's highschool and Nuri bounces in her seat-


-the car stops to see five Bucks walking together. Strong healthy young bucks. The girls poke their heads out to leer at them, Nuri drooling-

Sophie: That one has a nice ass!*bursts into a fit of giggles*

-The 5 males turn around to look at the car full of fem furs and smile winking at them-

Nuri: *Practically hangs out of the window and squeals* Hey! You're a BUCK! Can you "BUCK" me?!

-The guys laugh and shake their heads soon blushing once they see the girls fondeling and kissing eachother, moans floating out of the car-

Buck1: Hey girls...can we join?

-The girls laugh-

Nuri: Sorry boys, All Girls Club!

-The girls drive off laughing blaring rock music leaving the stunned bucks with their mouths hanging open-


Author's Note: Ok all me fellow furs hope you enjoyed my first yiffless comedy! I know I did! TeeHee! Note that most if not all of these events actually happen in my everyday life! Talk about how to live the life eh?

Well as you may know Nuri is copyrighted to me! And the names of my firends have been changed..ya know for legal matter's but they can be claimed! TTFN!

Vamina learns the true meaning of

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