Scooby Doo FanFic Chap 3

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#3 of Scooby

Oh standard disclaimer these characters ...

Oh standard disclaimer these characters are the property Hanna Barbera etc etc ...

Scooby Doo FanFic

The big burly red bearded hillbilly stepped out of the shower, and began to towel off. As Shaggy and Scooby stared at his pale naked body appraisingly, the big man was covered in rough red hair. Both Shaggy and Scooby liked what they saw... Cameron's big body was heavily muscled. And though he had a small gut the thick stud muscle that dangled under it more than made up for that!

"Like... we took your clothes to the Landry room..." Shaggy explained as the burly hillbilly looked around for his stuff. "You can wear Freddie's robe until they get through washing." Shaggy assured as he and Scooby watched the big red head pull the robe on. It wasn't a good fit as it didn't fully close in front, because up that hairy muscle gut. But Shaggy and Scooby were not complaining... even if Cameron was looking decidedly uncomfortable with his big floppy junk hanging out. "The bed rooms just down at the end of the hall." Shaggy explained as they stepped out into the hall dimly lit hallway.

A pale skeletal figure of an old man, with a long pointed white beard floated through the wall. Clad in dirty rags the glowing shade glares at the gang evilly. "Begone from my mountain afor I witch ya all inta beasts o the field!" He cackles insanely as thunder crashes and the lights flicker and go out.

"Like zoinks!" Shaggy screams, as the room is lit by Cameron's small pocket flashlight.

"That... that was him!" The burly bearded hillbilly shouts in terror. "The ol' man of the mountain!" The red head brandishes a fetish in hand and his light in the other. As the back door bangs open and two walking corpses stagger in moaning horribly!

"Z...ZZ... Zombies!" Shaggy and Scooby howled together as they pushed Cameron back through the hallway door. "Like run for it man!" Shaggy screamed as the gang all scattered, racing through the rambling old house wildly. With the moaning, shambling, terrifying Zombies in close pursuit. Clad in only a white terry cloth robe the big burly hillbilly flees with Shagg and Scoob. Amazed as the pair leads him through all the nooks and crannies of the old house. Until at last, the three of them end up hiding in an old wardrobe in an attic room.

Shaggy was standing holding the doors closed, as he peeked out through a tiny crack. While Cameron and Scooby huddled in that back, the big hillbilly was panting and out of breath. Not being use to running this much, like Shaggy and Scooby was. In the near total darkness of the wardrobe, Cameron suddenly found himself pushed over. As a big hot furry body pressed close, the burly red head felt a cool breeze on his buttocks. As the back of that robe was shoved up... and a cold wet nose suddenly pressed between his butt cheeks.

"Hey what tha... Ohoooooo!" Cameron exclaimed in surprise, as a long hot tongue slithered up between those hairy ass cheeks. "Ammmmmm..." The big burly red head moaned, as that long slick tongue lapped at his tight anal pucker.

"Like keep it down..." Shaggy whispered harshly from his place at the wardrobe door. "I can like hear them moving around." He warning, even as that hot lapping tongue moved lower. Playing slickly over Cameron's big low hanging ball sack, and them down the shaft of the hillbillies rapidly hardening cock.

"Ummmm Scooby..." Cameron moaned weakly trying to shove the huge dog away... but the Great Dane was lustfully persistent.

"Shssssssss..." Shaggy hissed, as foot steps could be heard close by. Cameron bit his lower lip, as he struggled to remain silent now. Sensing he had the big human at a disadvantage, Scooby pounced upon his back. Making Cameron inhale sharply, as he felt first the Great Danes weight upon his back. And then that damp, scalding hot organ pressing against his own low danging balls. Which were cool with from the dog slobber that was evaporating off them. Big paws stepped on his calves as Scooby excitedly moved himself around. That hot pointed cock tip drooling slime all up and down Cameron's crack. As Scooby searched for entrance... and then suddenly he found it. His big thick bone tip stabbing into that tight anal plucker with carelessly lustful brutality.

"Uhuhuuu." Cameron moaned as that pointed tip wedged his sphincters wide open, and that long slick shaft speared smoothly into his depths.

"Ssshhhhh..." Shaggy hushed again... turning to look at the pair in wonder. As he watched the big hillbillies mounting, in the thin sliver of light coming through the doors. Cameron's bearded jaw hung open and his bright gray eyes rolled in his head. As Scooby slid up closer to him as that huge canine cock slipped deep into him. "Like sorry dude..." Shaggy whispered, as he slipped his own good sized cock out of his pale green underwear. "But ya gotta shut up." He explained as he thrust that stiffening cock into Cameron's open drooling mouth.

"Ummmm." Cameron moaned as he found his face buried in the lanky Shaggy's thick brown pubic hair. Even as Scooby lay across his broad back... hot panting breath tickling in his ear. As the Great Dane began to hump him roughly, shoving his head up and down Shaggy's hard cock. The burly red heads eyes widening as he felt himself stretched wide... and then a pulsing fullness within him. It was only when he fell the discomfort as the Great Dane pulled back... that he realized Scooby had just knotted with him! He struggled for an instant, before realizing it was far to late to do anything about it now! He was Scooby's bitch... until that huge knot shrank back down.

Cameron shivered feeling intensely aroused at the kinky position he found himself in... The big red head liked males... he'd already knew that for a long time. But this... well this was beyond the pale... of course Scooby was no normal canine... Still it had a delightfully forbidden and taboo flavor, that the big hillbilly was finding he really enjoyed. Giving in to his own desires as well as his two molesters. He began to bounce back and forth... between those two big hard cocks. Doing his best to please both of them as the three of them rutted lustfully.


"What in tar'nation is goin' on here." Sheriff Poeduc asked, as he and Larena stopped the breathless Freddie and Velma on the porch of that rambling old house.

"The Zombies were chasing us..." Velma explained breathlessly as her and Freddie looked back over their shoulders. But no Zombies appeared shambling after them around the dark porch.

"See Roland... Fred and Velma had seen'em to." Larena snapped pointedly at the obviously skeptic Sheriff.

"Well maybe so... but I aint." Sheriff Poeduc countered taking the tooth pick out of his mouth. "And I don't believe in no supernatural mumbo jumbo..."

"How about kidnapping?" Freddie asked giving the tall skeletal thin Sheriff a cold look.

"Kidnappin'!" Sheriff Poeduc exclaimed loudly suddenly looking serious. "Just who has been kidnapped?" He asked.

"We were investigating the old Jenkins cabin... and one of our friends..." "Daphne... vanished..." Velma cut in explaining what had happened earlier.

"Well now... Vanished and kidnapped aint exactly the same thing..." The lank Sheriff snapped frowning at Freddie darkly. But the tall handsome blond frown right back just as darkly.

"She vanished just before those undead horrors showed up... I think they had something to do with her disappearance." Fred insisted.

"Well now you can think... whatever you like." Sheriff Poeduc growled pointedly. "But that don't make it so... lots of folks get lost up here in these mountains." "Especially newcomers what don't know their way around." "I've seen that a lot... aint never seen no Zombies kidnappers or not."

"Yeah well... we all have Sheriff!" Fred snapped right back. "And we couldn't all be crazy."

"I don't know that... hell ya could be smokin' some of that loco weed teenagers like now a days for all I know."

"Roland... really..." Larena snapped now, looking the lanky Sheriff over angrily. "Ya've known ma family for a coons age... and you know good and well we don't cotton to anything like that." The tall long face lawman nodded slowly admitting the truth in her words.

"True enough... true enough... but there aint nothing I can do." "Until she's been missin' twenty four hours." "If she aint back by tomorrow night, give me a call." "And I'll get the boys out lookin' for her." The Sheriff promised as he climbed back into his patrol car and then drove away.

"Whats been goin' on?" Larena asked as she turned back to Fred and Velma... getting a hasty update on the days events...


Cameron bucked his hip's back into those short but incredibly powerful fuck thrusts. Even as his big blunt bearded face smacked against Shaggy's hairy crotch. The big red head was moaning and panting through his nose wildly. As the pleasure built somewhere between his anus and his crotch, the hillbillies fat cock was smacking against his belly now. Sending splatters of clear pre-cum over his hairy dangling belly, even as he drew closer and closer to orgasm.

"Reah reah... ruck it ritch..." Scooby was growling into his left ear, even as the Great Danes hot panting breath sent shivers down the humans spine. As he watched Shaggy's long hard cock vanished into Cameron's suckling mouth over and over. The lean lanky Shaggy had arched his shoulders back, as his crotch thrust forward hard.

"I'm gunna... I'm about to... like..." Shaggy panted wildly, as he hammer Cameron soft hot lip's lustfully... and then... "ZOINKS!" He shouted, as his thick cock tensed and exploded in the red heads compliant mouth. Cameron moaned as he swallowed that first rush of hot spoo, even as Shaggy's humping cock slipped out of Cameron's mouth. Painting the big red heads bearded face with Shaggy's second third and weak fourth spurts.

"Ohohohooooo." The big red head moaned in delight, as his jerking, twitching hard on began to spurt. It's creamy load onto the floor of the wardrobe.

"ROROOO ROOROOO..." Scooby howled, licking and slobbering all over the back of Cameron's neck. When suddenly the wardrobe doors were thrown open, and the climaxing trio found themselves looking up at an amused Freddie, Larena and Velma...

"Well... well... well." Larena giggled clicking her tongue in amusement at the sight. "I guess its true what they say about you down in town huh big boi." She chuckled looking down at Cameron, whose face was suddenly even redder than his hair. Even as that Great Dane atop him was spurting his spunk up the hillbillies ass.

"Guys... this is hardly the time for..." Freddie choked looking embarrassed and yet highly aroused.

"I see you've discovered the one thing Shaggy and Scooby like better than eating." Velma snickered looking away, as she realized what Larena was talking about. "He's gay alright." She observed knowingly, as Scooby's huge cock filled the red head's butt to over flowing. "Jinkies... whats this..." Velma exclaimed as she stepped around Cameron and the still humping Scooby. Being careful not to slip in the puddle of spunk, Cameron had made.

"Ummmmm Velma I think that pretty obvious..." Freddie choked thinking she was talking about Scooby's huge knot, which was making Cameron's anus bulge out as the Great Dane humped. But Velma moved past the rutting pair to the back wall of the old wardrobe that was visible now, and a strange set of wooden slates could be seen. "What have you found Velma?" Freddie asked trying to get past the bizarre carnal act that was still going on right in front of them. Cameron crawled out of the way, and Scooby hopped down turning his butt to the big hillbilly. We was forced to stay there on all fours... the bitch tied with her stud.

"It looks like... a puzzle." Velma answered lifting one hand to adjust the slates, there was a slight 'Click'. And then the back of the wardrobe swung open, revealing a dark creepy stairway descending into utter blackness.

Master Squirrels Dungeon...

A big Bison goes looking for a cruel master to Dom and use...

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Scooby Doo Fanfic Chap 2

Oh standard disclaimer these characters are the property Hanna Barbera etc etc...

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Scooby Doo Fan Fic Chap 1

Oh standard disclaimer these characters are the property Hanna Barbera etc...

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