Digimon: Chapter 5

Story by Aeturnus on SoFurry

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There's a lot on his mind. He's been in the Digital World for at least two days, but has no idea if that's how long he's been gone from his home. Do his friends notice his lack of presence? What about school? Then there are his jobs. Raymond sighs heavily. Chances are he lost them both, or he's about to. He doesn't even want to think about what'll come of his house and everything inside. Where will he go if, and when, he returns to the human world? For once something other than insomnia has kept him up all night.

Raymond looks outside and sees sunlight entering the cave. It's pointless to even consider catching any shut eye now. The young man stands. His ankle is still tender, but it shouldn't prevent him from walking. He's ready to leave now, but has to wait for Gazimon and Gaomon to wake up. Going anywhere by himself is out of the question, not with this DarkTyrannomon out there. He shakes his head. What other surprises does the Digital World have in store for him?

The young man studies the Digimon. He wants to wake them up so they can leave, but on the other hand he doesn't. He smiles weakly. It's strange to think about this toward a couple of digital monsters, but he does consider Gaomon and Gazimon as friends. The fact they saved his ass from DarkTyrannomon shows they're loyal. It's a shame he never saw their village before the attack. He would've loved to see how Digimon went about their daily lives.

He hears a series of thunderous sounds off in the distance. Raymond crouches low and looks outside. He doesn't see anything, but it's obvious there's something big out there. It could be his imagination, but the ground appears to be vibrating. The sound becomes louder. Raymond turns his head when Gazimon places a hand on his shoulder.

"What's going on, Raymon?" the Digimon rubs his eyes.

"Something not good. Is Gaomon awake?"

"I'm up," the dog-like Digimon yawns.

"Good. Since you two are up, I suggest we leave. Now."

The wolf-like Digimon lifts his ears. "You ain't getting any arguments from me."

"It might be best if we stay in the forest," Gaomon said. "Raymond, stay low to the ground."

"Yeah, that isn't going to be easy. For once I wish I was short."

"Don't make jokes. Yer ass ain't good at that," Gazimon drops to all fours and crawls into the grass.

"Just stay low and follow us," Gaomon follows right behind Gazimon.

Raymond bites his tongue. The need to make a comment is high, but now isn't the time. At least he's still able to see what's around him, and so far the coast is clear. On top of that the thunderous sound doesn't seem to be as loud. It's strange how whoever's out there never saw the cave. The young man curses under his breath as he falls forward. Why must the tingling sensation happen at a time like this, and to make things worse, his arms have gone numb.

"Raymon, now ain't the time to screw around," Gazimon mumbles harshly. "What's wrong with yer ass?"

"It's my arms. I can't feel them for some odd reason."

"There's more to it. I noticed you stretching and shaking your hands on occasion," Gaomon said. "How long has that been going on?"

"Shortly after our first encounter I noticed it. I never said anything cause I wasn't sure what to think."

"We'll talk later, but now ain't the time," Gazimon grabs Raymond's right hand. "Grab his other, Gaomon. We'll drag his sorry ass."

Gaomon does so, and gasps when a strange jolt goes through his body, and judging by Gazimon's and Raymond's reaction, they went through the same thing.

"What the hell was that?" Raymond pulls his hands away from the Digimons' grip.

"Yer telling us," Gazimon said. "How do yer arms feel now?"

"Fine for some odd reason," the young man forms a couple of fists.

"Yer a strange one, Raymon."

"Uh, guys. Now is not the time to discuss this," Gaomon points. "We have company."

Raymond turns around and falls onto his rear. There isn't one but two Digimon that look like tyrannosaurus rexes. Gazimon tells him the black one is DarkTyrannomon and the other is Greymon.

"I'd run, human," the dark grey Digimon sneers heartily. "Make things more fun."

Raymond gulps. His feet want to move, but the message never arrives to his brain. The sight is just too much for him to take in.

"Raymon, move yer ass," Gazimon pulls on the human's shirt.

The young man snaps out of it, jumps to his feet and runs after Gazimon and Gaomon. Raymond changes directions knowing they'll be harder to hit if they don't stay in a group. He glances over his shoulder and curses under his breath. DarkTyrannomon and Greymon are right behind him. He must be seen as a major threat if he's their main focus. At least his friends should be able to come up with a plan, and with any luck they'll be quick about it. He isn't sure how long he can outrun a couple of tyrannosaurus rex type Digimon. Raymond grits his teeth. He has an idea that has a high risk of failing, but it's one he needs to make it he wants to survive.

Raymond turns around and runs toward his pursuers. He ducks under DarkTyrannomon's tail, and runs between Greymon's legs. The first half of his plan went smoothly, but now he has to find his friends. He kicks it into high gear. Movement catches his attention, and sees Gaomon heading in his direction. Gazimon's close behind.

He rejoins the Digimon and notices the glare Gazimon gives him. The Digimon may scold him for being reckless, and he'll consider it a blessing if they survive the moment. He hears a shout from behind. Seconds later an explosion causes them to fly into the air. The young man lands hard on his chest, and grunts when Gaomon lands on top of him. He looks up in time to see Gazimon bounce off a tree. The dog-like Digimon climbs off of him. Raymond grits his teeth as he positions himself onto his hands and knees, and gasps at what he sees next.

The young man can't believe what he sees. There's a bright glow on his left hand, and the color matches Gaomon's fur. The sight seems to surprise the Digimon as well. The young man doesn't have the slightest idea on how it came to be. He hears another shout from behind, and shoves his friend just in case they aim for him. His eyes grow wide at what happens next.

The dog-like Digimon prepares to defend himself and his friends to the end, but grunts when Raymond shoves him. The blue glow is no longer on the human's hand. Seconds later there's a strong tingling sensation throughout his body. There's no question about it, he's about to Digivolve. The Digimon doubts it'll be enough to defeat DarkTyrannomon and Greymon, but it should help them escape.

Raymond forces himself onto his feet and studies what Gaomon turned into. He still looks like a dog, but besides of being on his hind legs, he's on all fours. Never mind his size. The Digimon's boxing gloves now act like front forepaws, and there are two ribbons coming out of his white main. The young man grunts when Gaomon uses one to pick him up and drop him onto his back.

"Hang on tight. It's bound to get bumpy."

"Don't have to tell me twice."

The massive dog-like Digimon dodges several attacks from DarkTyrannomon and Greymon, and unleashes his own into the ground. A large amount of debris flies into the reptilian Digimons' faces.

"It's time we're out of here."

Raymond reaches down and grabs Gazimon as Gaomon runs by, and pulls him onto the Digimon's back. "What can you tell me about this Greymon, Gaomon?"

"It's Gaogamon, and all you need to know regarding Greymon is he's bad news. And before you ask, this is my champion form," the Digimon said. "We'll discuss everything later. Right now my top priority is getting us to safety."

The young man nods and holds back a chuckle. It amuses him to ride a giant dog-like creature like a horse. Now if only it was for pleasure. Raymond's smile turns into a frown. His attitude regarding the Digital World needs to change after today. It could cost him his life if he doesn't take things seriously.

Digimon: Chapter 6

6 "Spiral blow!" Greymon turns his face as a tornado of dirt and other debris head his way. The impact stings, but it doesn't push him back. Yet more proof that non-reptilian Digimon are weak. He stares in the direction his prey went. What kind of...

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4 DarkTyrannomon travels further into the woods. His general won't like what he's about to report, and it's hard to know what'll upset him the most: the fact there's a human in the Digital World, or that he was unable to defeat the creature and a...

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