Digimon Darkness Chapter 6
Wyatt: holy crap he digivolved! terriermon: hey wyatt? wyatt: yeah bud? terriermon can we have breakfast now?
Digimon Darkness Chapter 21
digivolve! terriermon: right! through the heat of the moment and the pure adrenaline, and the knowledge that if we fail the world can be destroyed gave terriermon the power to digivole to.......rapidmon! rapidmon: prepare to meet your maker!
Digimon Darkness Chapter 7
And we still havnt learned anything about digivolving wyatt: well hell
The Silver Renomon Series Bk Two Chapter Three
"from the digidevice on your belt you're a trainer, more than likely our young jacob's being today was the first time he digivolved to our knowledge."
Digimon: Chapter 5
There's no question about it, he's about to digivolve. the digimon doubts it'll be enough to defeat darktyrannomon and greymon, but it should help them escape.
Digimon Defenders FAQ 2.0
As such, it is not exactly a pleasant experience to digivolve. maintaining a digivolved form is a constant strain on the body.
Digimon Defenders FAQ
While they are compatible, they do not possess a high enough synchronization rate to be able to digivolve properly. q: can the defenders armor digivolve? a: no.
Digimon Defenders: Final Chapter Part 1
Magnangemon, digivolve to..." "guilmon, digivolve to... growlmon. growlmon, digivolve to..." "renamon, warp digivolve to..."
Devin and his Digimon part2
'' sure.'' said exveemon preparing for the ride graymon de-digivolved to agumon and beelzemon to impmon. when they all reached home, it was so late. exveemon was sleepy, de-digivolving to veemon.
Renaki and Silver's Oneshot Collection #3
"tayla...digivolve to..." she was quickly engulfed in a large cocoon as her data was being reformatted. the cocoon then broke away revealing... "taomon!" 'she did it...tayla digivolved...!' i thought wondrously, looking at her newest form.
Digimon: The Final Chronicle (Part 6)
She sniffed, "okami, you've got to digivolve and help them!" okami tensed, curling his fists into balls and narrowing his eyes, but a moment later, he loosened up. "i'm sorry shori," he said, "i can't seem to digivolve again."
Chapter 9: Digi-Chaos Part 2