Let's Get Donked!

Story by Zeeme on SoFurry

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#1 of Let's Get Donked!

Hello all!

This was a little side-project that I started, But never quite finished. I had planned on writing at least three chapters before posting any of this, but with life and other nonsense I never got around to it.

Hopefully posting it will give me the kick in the pants to finish it!

Its a little short, but this is just to give you all a taste!


Have you ever wanted to see what recreational transformation would be like? Where people would just go to change themselves just for a few hours to see what its like? Follow the story of a man who enters a world where such things are possible, and where too much of a good thing can have its consequences...

Lets Get Donked!

Sam was excited.

It had been a long and gruelling week of pushing paperwork and dealing with annoying clients at the office. The fact that this week had ended with meeting that dragged on for hours was just the icing on the world's most boring cake.

After surviving a week like this, he felt that he deserved a strong drink and some good music to help forget this week and start his weekend on a high note at the very least. Luckily for him, two of his co-workers knew of a local bar that was just a short distance from the office that didn't attract the crowds of the bigger bars on the main strip. Just the kind of place he liked.

Sam and Keith both worked on the same floor of the building while John worked up in one of the admin offices on the upper levels. John and Keith had apparently been long-time friends and even looked a little alike, their bulky frames almost mirroring each other while their eyes and hair set the two apart.

"They have this one beer that they get from a distillery off the coast of Florida. Call it Pleasure Island Ale" Sam's co-worker John said excitedly as high bright green eyes shone in the setting sun that cascaded over the busy streets of San Francisco.

Keith, his other co-worker let out an almost unprompted laugh at the beers name and turned his head to John. Keith's sharp blue eyes turned to Johns green and the two of them sharing a look with each other before they continued on.

Sam rolled his eyes as he walked in-between his co-workers.

"Well as long as it helps me forget about this week I don't care what it tastes like." Sam said with a sign as they continued down the sidewalk.

As they rounded a corner that lead towards the bar, Sam had to admit that he felt a little small as the two bruisers flanked him on each side. They both stood at a proud six foot eight, while Sam just barely made it to six feet himself. They both seemed to work out as well, but always being dressed in collared shirts and office wear made it hard to tell. Still, they were good guys and hard workers.

Eventually they made it to where the bar was apparently hidden away. Walking down a normal looking alleyway made Sam a bit sceptical at first. It was dark and a little dirty, with a few scattered trashcans and loading docks lining the walls. But as they reached its end, he finally spotted a small staircase leading to a door that went underground. Above the door itself was a little neon sign of a donkey bucking its rear legs in the air. The green sign flickered slightly as they approached, its tubing showing its age with the lettering of the bars name un-lit and still. Sam had felt confident about this place when he had heard about it initially, but now that he was here he felt some reservations. He was a social drinker and had been to bars all up and down the main strip; but the fact that he hadn't heard of this place before and how hidden away it was made him a little nervous.

Keith gave Sam a pat on the back as the three of them made their way down the stairs and were met with a thick wooden door. John opened it for them and let them inside, following behind and closing the door behind him.

The inside of the building seemed a little old, lit with some dangling lightbulbs with a long hallway splitting into two directions at the end and a small potted plant sitting in the centre. Keith lead the way as they went down the hall to the right, coming into a small room where a college age looking guy sat behind a wooden bar next to two wooden doors.

"Hey Jerry!" Keith said with a friendly wave as he approached the counter, the man behind it smiling as he came closer.

"Hey Keith! Hey John! Got someone new with you?" the attendant Jerry said with a grin.

Jerry looked like someone who was a born and raised surfer, but still young enough to still be going to school. He had long blonde hair that was tied back into a ponytail and his bronzed skin shone even in the bars dim welcoming area. From what Sam could tell he also seemed to keep up with himself, his arms toned and covered with veins and his chest stretching the collared shirt he wore slightly.

"Yea, this is Sam. He works with us over at the office and needs a drink. Thought we would show him a little local spot for him to unwind." John said as he approached the counter and placed a hand on the wooden surface.

Unknown to Sam however, John flashed Jerry a sly wink.

Not wanting to be rude, Sam stepped forward and offered his hand to the attendant.

"Sam Sherry, pleased to meet you."

Jerry smiled and took Sam's hand and shook it politely.

"Well I'm glad you brought someone with some manners" Jerry said with a smile before he reached down underneath the counter, pulling out a beer bottle and setting it on the bar.

"Well we don't charge cover for first timers, helps them try what we have before they decide to keep coming back. Speaking of, you two know the drill. Payment over there." Jerry said as he hiked his finger to the door on his left.

John gave Sam a quick pat on the shoulder.

"We gotta settle up, we will meet you inside."

John and Keith shared a smile with each other as they made their way to the other door and went inside, shutting it behind them.

"Right, well then as part of our welcome package, first drink is on us. Here, try some of our house beer." Jerry said as he grabbed a nearby bottle opener and popped the lid off the beer with a practiced motion.

"Wow, free beer on your first visit? Isn't that bad for business?" Sam said as he took the bottle and took a small sip.

"Oh, trust me, we get a lot of return customers. Now then, I'll have to ask you for your shoes."

Sam paused and set the bottle back down on the table.

"My shoes? What is this, a bowling alley?" Sam asked cautiously.

"Bar policy, we keep the floors clean so you won't cut yourself or anything. Plus, it helps us keep track of who comes in and out." Jerry said with a shrug.

Sam paused, looking down at his work shoes with a sense of hesitation. They were expensive, but also rather uncomfortable. He found it odd that any sort of bar would want people walking around bare foot, but rules were rules. It would give a chance for his feet to breath after a long day of work anyway.

"Alright, just gimme a second."

Sam reached over for his drink and took another swig before setting it back down. He then quickly kicked off his shoes and peeled off his socks with little effort and picked them up the ground. Jerry quickly accepted them after he had placed them on the counter and scribbled a note with his name on it. Sticking it onto the top of one of his shoes with a bit of masking tape, he then grabbed the shoes and placed them underneath the counter.

"Right, thanks Sam. Now then, our bar follows the standard rules. Don't get too drunk and don't cause a scene or fight. Also, we have a pool area inside. So, if you see people walking around shirtless or anything don't let it bother you." Jerry explained.

"A pool?" Sam questioned.

Jerry smiled and nodded.

"Yea, inground and heated. It really hits the spot when winter rolls in. We also have a lifeguard on duty, but if you look a little too deep in your cups we won't let you into the area. For your own safety that is."

Sam let out an appreciative "hmmm" before he reached over to his beer. Not wasting any time he quickly knocked back the remainder of his drink before setting the empty bottle back onto the counter.

"The pool is behind the door right next to the bar. Have fun." Jerry said as he took the bottle.

"Alright cool, and thanks for the beer. The guys were right, that stuff is pretty damn good." Sam said with a satisfied lick of his lips.

"We try our best, now then. Head down this door and you will be in the bar proper." Jerry said before hiking his thumb at the right door.

"If you need anything ask one of the waiters. Otherwise I hope you will enjoy your time here at Equis." He added.

Sam nodded and thanked Jerry one more time before heading to the door and opening it, stepping inside and closing the door behind him.


Waiting a few moments, Jerry smiled and reached down under the bar, pulling up a chorded phone and pressing a button on the display.

There was a brief lull as he waited for someone to pick up. While he waited, he decided to make himself a little more comfortable. Slowly he lowered the back of his pants; sliding them down until a long ropey tail with a blonde tuft of fur on its tip could pop free from his backside.

The phone then connected.

"Hey Max." he said.

The person on the other end began to talk. Jerry waited until he was finished before he could continue.

"Yea, got a fresh one in today, so keep an eye out in case he freaks out." Jerry said to the person on the other line.

Jerry paused as he listened to the voice on the other line once again.

"Gotcha, I'll tell his friends to keep an eye out." Jerry said as he placed the phone back on the receiver, ending the call with a "click" .

The door to his left then slowly opened back up. Two familiar men came back out, each with a satisfied grin on their lips and a shot glass in their hands.

"Thanks for that boys. Be sure to let your friend in on it slowly. He seems a bit skittish that one." Jerry said as he took the shot glasses from John and Keith.

"Don't worry, I'm sure he will be fine. Give him time to change and I'm sure he will love it." John said as he slowly began to un-button his shirt, revealing his chest that was covered in sandy brown hair...that was slowly getting thicker by the moment.

"Yea, getting donk'ed is one of the best feelings ever. I'm sure he will love it." Keith said with a smile as he un-buttoned his pants and let a strange ropey tail with a black tip free from underneath his underwear.

"Who knows, you might have gotten us a new regular." Jerry said with a smile as he leaned over the bar.

"Oh for sure. I bet he will be...Hawwww...Loving it in no time!"

Sam had to admit, this bar almost seemed like a strip club on the inside.

The main floor was covered with tables and chairs with a long stage that took up the back wall and extended a few feet out onto the main floor. A few smaller stages were set up, surrounded by metal railing with metal poles jutting out from the centre. The bar itself was fairly empty at the time, but it was still light outside. Perhaps in a few hours he might be treated to an interesting show. As he walked down the stairs onto the main floor Sam could see the bar on the wall furthest from him, sitting next to a door where a bartender could be seen polishing glasses and getting ready for the night. The rest of the area had a few couches along with a pool table and a doorway marked with a "Bathroom" sign that had a grinning donkey painted above it.

There were only a few people milling about, most dressed in business attire like him, while others had un-buttoned their work shirts to relax. Everyone was barefoot like him, but he soon began to notice that there wasn't a single woman either waiting tables or up at the bar.

Sam began to wonder if he had been brought to a gay bar, but that suspicion only grew when he spotted a man dressed in only a tightly fitting speedo open the door next to the bar and head inside.

It was a bit odd to think that a place like this might have a pool, but he didn't intend on doing any swimming tonight. Plus he didn't have any issues with going to a gay bar, he was a bit bi himself after all.

As he reached the bottom step of the stairs he began to make his way towards the bar, passing by a waiter as he cleared a table.

As he passed by him however, he noticed something strange.

The man, seemed to have something growing out of his backside. It was coming out of where his belt should have been and waved idly as the man bent over and wiped down one of the tables. It almost looked like a tail, covered with brown fur that ended with a bright red tip. As the waiter stood back up, Sam took notice of the mans unique hair colour. It started brown at the base, but as it grew upwards it turned bright red. The tips had also been dyed blonde and formed into a spiked mop.

As the waiter finished, he turned around and noticed Sam watching him. He offered him a soft smile before he took the plates and bottles in his hands and went off to a corner of the bar where a swinging door was. His "tail" swishing with every step he took until he disappeared into what he assumed was the kitchen.

Sam shrugged, he was strangely reminded of the movie Pinocchio and the scene involving the donkeys. Their house beer was called "Pleasure Island Ale" and the club was called Equis. He figured that they have some kind of horse or donkey theme going on. Speaking of the house drink, he had to get himself some more.

Walking over to the bar he approached a burly looking man wearing a black singlet that had the bar's symbol of a bucking donkey sewn into the fabric. He had a kind smile that was outlined by his neatly trimmed black beard and he worked with a sense of enthusiasm as he moved around the bar. This man however was no lightweight though, his singlet barely containing the bulk of his body. With no sleeves to hide them, his arms looked like two thick tree trunks that lead to massive head crushing hands. The thin fabric did nothing to hide is large chest as well, his pectorals outlined under the cloth with a patch of black hair poking out from underneath the singlets collar.

"Hey there! What can I get you hun?" The burly bartender said in an oddly effeminate tone.

"I-I'll have the house beer please." Sam stammered as he was off-put by the man's suprising voice.

It was a bit confusing to see a man that could easily pass off as a bodybuilder talk with that kind of voice. Sam had fully expected him demand him for his order before going back to work.

But he was different, he only nodded and smiled as he reached under the counter and grabbed a glass, filling it from a nearby tap before setting it on a coaster right in front of Sam. The two exchanged money right after that and Sam thanked the bartender before taking a sip from his drink and taking a seat.

"So, you from around here sweetie?" the bartender asked.

"Sort-of. Just got the job here a year ago and only really just got settled. From Georgia, originally." Sam responded as he took another sip.

"Ohhh Georgia huh? Got plenty of cute fella's around there. I once had a fling from there that had this thick southern accent..." The bartender then seemed to trail off, lost in his own thoughts for a moment before he came back to reality.

"Oh, but you don't want to hear about my wilder years. Is there anything else I can get you?" The bartender added.

"No thanks, I'm all good. Although if I can say, these stools are a little uncomfortable." Sam said, rubbing a spot on his tailbone that had quickly started to become very sore.

"Oh, that's probably just your tail coming in hun." The bartender said as he grabbed a nearby rag and began wiping down the tap.

Sam paused.

"Excuse me?" He eventually asked.

"What? You had a drink...unless...is this your first time here?" The bartender asked as he eyed him warily.

Sam nodded and reached back to rub the sore spot on his backside. He could feel a nub starting to form, and it was slowly getting bigger.

"Oh! Well then I'm guessing what's going to come next is going to be a little bit of a shocker." The bartender said, reaching behind his back and pulling up a tail like he had seen on the waiter earlier.

The bartender grinned as he shook the tail in his hand, waving it back and forth before he let go of it. But the tail did not fall, and stood erect before it started to wag back and forth of its own will.

"What the hell...How can you do that?" Sam asked, the pain on his backside only growing stronger until he could actually feel whatever was growing start to press against the back of his pants.

"Oh it's easy, I'll show you once yours comes in." The bartender said as he leaned against the bar, appraising Sam.

"Once mine comes in? What are you talking about? What did you put in my drink?" Sam questioned as he looked down at the half-full glass of cloudy amber liquid.

"You're getting donk'ed man."

Sam turned around to the familiar voice of John behind him, but what he saw was something he had never seen before.

Behind him stood two...creatures. Their faces were a strange cross of man and beast, with short muzzles that reminded him of a horse's...or a donkey. The two creatures stood there, dressed in the same clothes that he had seen John and Keith wearing earlier. Although the one wearing what had been Johns shirt had it completely un-buttoned and displayed his pelt of sandy brown fur proudly while the creature that was dressed in Keith's clothes had a black fur and still had its shirt on...but no pants.

"John...Keith? Is that you guys?"

"Yup!" Responded the hybrid with the open shirt.

"Bingo" Added the other that wasn't wearing any pants.

The two creatures slowly approached him and Sam felt an urge to back away. A large hand placed itself on his shoulder however and the bartender leaned his head right next to Sam's.

"Shhh, its ok sweetie. Its only temporary. Give it an hour and you and your friends will be back to your old human selves."

Sam froze, was this what he meant by a tail?

"Sorry about not telling you about it earlier, but we were pretty sure you wouldn't have believed us. That, or you would have thought we were taking you to some kind of furry club." Said the donkey with the un-buttoned shirt, which Sam could tell was John.

"In a matter of speaking, we kind of did bring him to one." Responded the pants-less donkey that was once Keith with a toothy grin.

Sam was dumbfounded, none of this made any sense. The only way that something like this could be real would be if he was drugged with the first beer he was given and he was hallucinating.

That at least made more sense than the talking donkeys.

"Anyway, just relax and finish changing and we can grab a couple of beers. You would be surprised what your tolerance for beer can be when you're a jackass, hehe-hawwww." John said with a braying laugh.

"Ohhhhhh...." Came a deep voice from behind him.

Sam turned to look at the bartender, he seemed flushed, and his tail was trashing.

"Boys....if you do that then you're going to make me donk out too..." The bartender said with a soft moan.

Sam turned back to his two donkey co-workers just to see them both share a mischievous smile. The two of them then stepped up to the bar and looked the bartender right in the eye.

"He-Hawww..." Keith brayed playfully.

"Ohhhh....stop...." The bartender moaned.

"Hawwww...he-hawww" John brayed.

"Shit...no more...one more and I'm...awwww...done..." The bartender said with a voice that sounded much deeper than it had been earlier.

John and Keith then looked at each other again, sharing another smile before turning back to the bartender.

"He-Haww!" they both brayed in unison.

The bartender froze and let out a moan. The burly man's body shook as suddenly, a massive wave of ebony black fur covered his entire body. The man's friendly smile was twisted into a lusty grin as his jaw pressed forward into a muzzle just like the other two donkeys. His two human ears then stretched upwards, crowning the top of his head and stretching into a pair of two long donkey ears. Sam could hear a snapping sound from beneath the bar followed by a heavy thud, but he couldn't see just what had gone on underneath.

Letting out one final gasp as the final piece popped into place, the Bartender now looked just as equine as the other two.

"Aww...there goes another jockstrap. I was hoping to wait until later to free the beast." The donkey bartender said with a soft sigh before he reached over and grabbed his bar-rag.

Not even seeming slightly phased, the bartender went back to work as if nothing had happened. However just as he wandered over to the far end of the bar Sam spied the bartenders bare, although furry, ass that was decorated by his long ropey tail.

Sam couldn't believe what he had seen. Looking down at his drink he began to wonder just what it was that he had been given.

"Heh, sorry about that Adam, here, to make up for it." Keith said as he reached into his front pocket, pulling out his wallet and reaching to put a ten dollar note in the nearby tip jar.

The Bartender, Adam, snorted in response, but flashed them all a toothy grin nonetheless before going back to work.

Keith smiled before he turned back to face Sam, just as Sam was looking deep into his drink.

"Yea, that was my first thought when I came here too. But its all real buddy, check it out." Keith said as he spun around, exposing his bare ass to Sam and offering his tail to him.

Sam recoiled and tried to back away again.

John slapped his face...or muzzle more accurately and walked over to Sam.

"Don't moon him man. Just because you didn't bring your tail pants today doesn't mean you need to go full jackass on him." John said as he leaned down and looked at Sam right in the eyes.

"He is right though, this is all real and it's about to happen to you. So, if I were you, ide pull down my pants a little. First time tails tend to have a little "oomf" to them." John said as he gestured to Sam's work pants.

Sam blinked his eyes a few times, looking around the room for some other crazy thing to happen. But when nothing else seemed to happen he actually found himself laughing.

"Ok...ok so whatever is going on here...I'm not buying it. I don't know what you guys had in mind for bringing me down here and drugging me. But if you're going to start off the weekend like this you should have at least ordered me a stripper or two." Sam said, shrugging and downing his drink.

Believing himself to be hallucinating, Sam started to relax.He was already down the rabbit hole at this point and it wasn't the first time he had gotten high. At least he was aware of his surroundings and that meant he wouldn't do anything he didn't want to. In-fact, he was wondering if whatever drug they had given him would make him think he was turning into a donkey like him. It might actually be kinda cool to see what it was like to have a tail.

"Alright, but if your pants tear we aren't paying for your tailor." John said with a shrug before sitting at the bar next to Sam.

Keith followed suite at Sam's other side and the two of them then ordered a beer. Soon then the three of them were talking about work like normal. All the time Sam still believing this was some sort of drug-fuelled hallucination even as his tail began to slowly press against his pants, finding no other way to go other than down his leg.

"So, if your donkeys then what, are you vegetarian now?" Sam eventually asked, the alcohol already starting to get to him.

"Fuck no, you have got to try the burger here dude." John said with a grin as his tail wagged behind him.

"I actually could go for a bite, I'm so hungry I could eat a horse!...Hehehe" Sam said with a giggle.

John only rolled his eyes waved Adam down and asked him for some menus.

The larger donkey nodded and grabbed a few menu's from behind the counter and handed them to the three of them before going back to work.

Sam felt his stomach grumble as he looked over the inside of the menu. It was mostly bar food, but after two drinks he was aiming to get something to eat. Choosing the burger like John had suggested he got another round of drinks for the three of them while John got some fries and Keith ordered the nachos.

"So, your tail come in yet? I can't stand it when it gets stuffed down my pants. It's why I decided to go without." Keith said from across John.

Sam smirked, whatever he had taken the other guys must have taken too. Maybe it was some kind of shared hallucination they were all having.

"Heh, I don't know man, lemme check."

Sam, feeling playful reached back and slapped his own ass to taunt his friends...only to feel something underneath his pants.

Suddenly feeling VERY strange, Sam reached underneath his pants, only for his fingers to be stopped by something furry. He traced his fingers around it, feeling a strange alien-like sensation that he had never felt before. Exploring further, he could feel that whatever it was extended past its furry base. Reaching further and further he felt every inch of whatever it was that was attached to him as he moved down its length. When he couldn't go any further he grabbed the object, which was barely as thick as a hotdog, and pulled.

Slowly pulling it from his pants, Sam could feel the tickle of what felt like a feather duster as it slid across his ass. When the last of it had been pulled out, Sam turned around to look at the foreign object.

It was a tail.

Sam felt his heart start to race.

"T-this is a joke right? You guys?" Sam questioned as he ran his fingers across his new tail, stopping at the dark brown tuft of fur that made up the tip.

Sam then turned his head to John, who only shrugged in response. Sam then turned to look at Keith, who just smiled. He then felt another presence as the bartender came back to them, leaning back over the bar and looking at Sam's new tail.

"Ohhh...your going to be one hawwwwt donkey." Adam said with a soft bray.

Then, it happened almost all at once.

His body went numb, then suddenly he felt very warm. Hair, the same colour as the dark brown that stood atop his head, rapidly appeared over his entire body in a matter of seconds. The hairs were short, but formed into a thick pelt that immediately shaped itself to his form. He then felt a strange sensation in his face, almost as if his lips were being pulled outward. In reality however his entire face was growing, forming into an equine muzzle that was covered in dark brown fur.

Sam panicked. He got off his chair and looked down at the fur that covered his arms and down his legs.

"Whats He-hawwwppening?" He exclaimed, not even realizing that he had just let out a very in-human bray.

His feet were the next to change, his toes cramming into his foot as black keratin formed around the disfigured remains of his feet, replacing them with two solid hooves. His pants then started to feel tight...very tight! His crotch felt as though it was growing and his pants zipper was starting to dig into his junk! Sam winced in pain as the swelling in his crotch only grew more and more painful.

"Shit, hold on." John said, getting up from his chair and rushing over to Sam.

Without asking for any permission, John fumbled with Sam's belt until he managed to un-latch it. Sam tried to protest, but before he could John was already un-buttoning his pants and pulling down his zipper.

Without any ceremony or build up, John pulled down Sam's pants with one tug.

It was then that Sam really wished he had remembered to wear underwear that day.

The bartender gave out a slow whistle as he looked down at Sam's junk. Where he had once had a modest five inch member now sat a furry sheath that housed his cock along with a set of balls that had swollen from the size of grapes to tennis balls in a matter of seconds.

Feeling some relief from the pain, Sam let out a gasp and looked down at himself.

"Wa...how?" Sam muttered, looking at his strange new anatomy with a sense of fearful curiosity.

"Don't worry bud, your still all man down there. Probably a heck of a lot bigger too." John said as he stepped back, letting Sam take in his changes as his body stabilized.

Sam paused, looking at his fur-covered hands and back to his tail that trashed behind him with every slight movement. With his heart still racing and his mind still in a panic it was hard not to give in the urge to make a run for it. Thankfully the logical part of his brain won out and told him that if he took one step outside, he would be brought in for government dissection.

Sam took a breath, trying to calm his panic until eventually he, and his tail began to settle down.

"So...we are donkeys?" Sam asked, the sensation of talking with a muzzle feeling strange as he ran his tongue along his flattened teeth.

"For the next hour yes, although sense you had two drinks it might be a little longer. They have something to "sober" you up though." John said re-assuringly.

Sam nodded, looking around the room slowly as he took everything in.

The club was the same, the waiters all looked the same, he couldn't just chalk this up to some kind of drug at this point now. He really was a donkey.

"You ok?" Keith said as he got off his own chair, walking up to Sam while not attempting to hide his own equine equipment.

"I...I think I'm ok. Now you said this was temporary yes?" Sam said as he looked up to the bartender Adam.

The large donkey man nodded.

"One drink is enough to keep you donked for about an hour depending on your metabolism. But sense you probably had a sample as part of our welcome you might be like that a little bit longer. If you really don't like it, I've got a drink you can have that will have you back to normal in about ten seconds. We call it the "Man Milk"". Adam said with a soft smirk.

Sam stopped and thought for a moment. Sure, this was weird, and sure this was sort-of forced on him. But as long as it was a temporary deal it wouldn't hurt just to try it out for a bit, now would it?

"I think I'm ok. I mean, it was scary and all, but as long as it's only a temp thing I might as well give it a go right?" Sam said, stepping out of his pants and picking them up from off the floor.

"That's the spirit! Its why we come here. I mean, where else can you be a real animal for a few hours? Plus I think some of the stuff carries over if you know what I mean." John said with a wink as he shamelessly groped his crotch.

Sam chuckled, but something felt odd in his throat. Something he felt as though he was doing wrong when he laughed.

Shaking it off, he grabbed his pants and sat back on the bar stool. He wasn't about to put them back on while he still had junk this size and it seemed that this bar's policy on clothing was fairly relaxed anyway.

The three of them were quite for the next few moments, Sam's hands exploring his new muzzle and ears, giving them an experimental twitch and swivel while getting the hang of moving his new tail. The food arrived soon after, Keith and John digging into their meals while Sam looked down at his changed hands cautiously. Eventually he managed to reach over and take a bite from his burger, the sensation feeling somewhat odd as his teeth now seemed somewhat flattened and made more for grinding, rather than tearing.

It took some time for him to work up the nerve to speak again, but after swallowing a bite of his burger and taking another drink he finally opened his mouth.

"This is so weird..." He said.

John let out a snort next to him as he bit into a French fry.

"Yea, but you don't feel stressed or wound up now do you? This place really lets you forget about the outside world and lets you just be someone else for a while. Kind-of an escape from reality you know?" John said as he reached over to grab another fry.

"Still gotta pay though." Adam chimed in, smiling at the three donkeys before going back to work.

Keith waved him off and leaned over to Sam.

"Well its why I like going here. I mean I was brought here by my brother on my 21st, and I brought John here a few years back. This place just lets you let go of most of your "human" problems and you can have fun, and just...well, donk out!" Keith said with a chuckle that quickly turned into a bray.

Sam sighed and took another bite of his burger. He looked at both of his co-workers who seemed to really be enjoying themselves. This was a new experience for him to be sure, but he wasn't quite sure if it was something he would be too in to quite yet. Maybe a little more time and a few visits would change that.

It was then his eyes glanced down at Keith's exposed package. He seemed a little bigger than his own and his member was hidden calmly in its leathery sheath. A question then popped into his head, and he then asked something he never thought he would have asked another man.

"So, you guys ever...try out your new stuff?" Sam eventually asked.

There was a moment of silence, even Adam stopped working. Then, all at once the three donkeys all let out a braying laugh at the question.

"Buddy, you and me aren't wearing any pants and your asking that? If you wanna jerk off then be my guest. I sure am not going to stop you." Keith said with a lewd grin.

"What, right here?" Sam asked, suddenly feeling very self-conscious.

"I could always blow you if that makes you more comfortable." John added, licking his lips.

Sam's eyes went wide and he turned to look at the bartender.

Adam smiled and offered Sam the same lusty grin as Keith.

"Yea, there aren't any rules about that here. If you wanna bust a nut, then bust it wherever you like. Bathroom has a glory hole if you like it like that, otherwise back behind me near the pool is the "Showers" where we have some stalls and beds. Just don't feel strange if people want to watch or join in while you're having your fun." Adam explained.

"Huh, I had this place figured for a gay bar when I came in..." Sam responded.

"Yea, boss uses some kind of hocus-pocus that doesn't let ladies see the bar. He said it had to do with not wanting people to be having donkey-kids outside of the bar. Said its bad for business." Adam said with a shrug.

"Magic?" Sam questioned.

"What, you just turned into a donkey and didn't think that there wasn't anything supernatural about it?" John said as he gave Sam a pat on the back.

Sam paused and began to weigh his options. In a place like this he suddenly felt a strange sense of freedom. He knew that no one here could recognize him, and he was suddenly given a free pass to fuck around as much as he liked with anyone he liked. It might be a bit rude to leave his co-workers at the bar after they had invited him out, but something told him that they wouldn't mind.

His night just got a whole lot more interesting.