It no longer applies.

Story by Zeeb on SoFurry

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 "Fucking Afghanistan." I grumbled through clenched teeth as I hauled my duffel bag and suit case out of the soaking bed of the truck. The plane had landed in the middle of a rainstorm. I was being forced to go to my lodgings alone, riding in the back of a truck with no canopy, in the middle of one of the worst storms Kandahar Air base had witnessed all year! I mean, there was lightening for God's sake! We'd pulled up to one side of many identical buildings that served for lodging and I'd been given the boot. Now I slugged my way through the mud and loose gravel and ankle deep puddles toward my home for the next six months. What a way to start a deployment!

I managed to drag my suit case through the gravel despite its seeming insistence to want to remain outside. Personally I would have liked to say 'fuck it' and leave the damned thing out in the rain, but it held all of my personal stuff inside: movies, laptop, a few books and most of my shower stuff. If I abandoned my laptop outside in the middle of a rain storm than I'd have nothing to entertain myself with for the entire stretch of my tour. Fuck that. I stubbornly dragged that bitch up to the door even though I felt the rain seeping down my collar and soaking into my socks. Once I made it I wrenched the door open and threw myself inside to avoid the worst wave of the storm, heaving the evil suitcase behind me as the door graciously pulled itself shut and sealed me away from the angry storm.

I stayed propped against the wall for a few moments, just taking stock of my situation. The list formed in my head and I started crossing off items.

1)      Arrive in Afghanistan.

2)      Avoid getting hit by rockets DURING landing.

3)      Get assigned a room for duration of stay.

4)      Sleep.

5)      Report for duty.

'Check, check and check.' I thought as I put a line through the first three. The next one was really what I was looking forward to since no one would be bothering me; a nice in-between time before I had to accept my assignment and probably cook in the sun for the next six months -or, just as good, soak under one angry rain cloud after another until I resembled some kind of pink fleshy raisin!

After heaving a sigh I looked down the hallway before me. It was simple, with eight doors altogether that were numbered accordingly. There was a concrete floor -CAKED with mud from outside- that would offer a relief from the uneven gravel on the outside. I frowned at the hallway, squinting in the light of the fluorescent lights that would give me a headache if I stared too long in their direction. I took a deep breath and proceeded down the hallway. While I tugged on my rolling suitcase and adjusted the duffel bag hanging on my shoulder, my hand dug into my pocket and produced a crumpled piece of paper. I looked down and read the partially smudged room number and door combination that had almost faded through from exposure to the rain. I was the room in the middle and lugged my suitcase and duffel with me till I reached it: room #4. I looked down at the piece of paper in my hand again and concentrated on the tiny number scrawled underneath the room number. With my free hand I punched in the simple little code and turned the handle, pushing the door open once it unlocked with a click.

"Oh thank god." I groaned as I stumbled inside.

The first thing I saw when I stepped inside the dimly lit room three single beds, all set up with different blankets and pillows. There were dressers and cabinets next to each but it looked like only one of the beds was being used. Equipment littered the floor and top of the unmade bed and pieces of uniforms, both dirty and freshly washed, hung from hooks on the walls as well as in the half opened closet door. A small digital clock glowed 8:49 in the corner, partially obscured by an open bag of Cheeto's. Someone obviously occupied that spot, but I'd have to meet them later.

Once I saw the clock I realized I had just spent the better part of thirty six hours traveling non-stop from the United States to where I now stood. Time to unpack and sleep. I turned to the bed to my right, the one closest to the door. It was barren: a plain mattress, a used pillow with no pillow case and a decent frame to support both myself and the mattress I'd be claiming. 'Perfect.' I sighed in relief and threw my duffel onto the bed. I didn't realize someone else was in the room until the door shut and locked behind me.

"So you're the new guy, huh?" I voice emerged in back of me. I jumped and whipped around, wide eyed, and tried to see who had addressed me. "Who's there?" I asked quickly. I heard someone moving but I couldn't see; my vision hadn't adjusted fully and I was depending on the hallway light outside before. I heard a scrape and then a light switch being flicked on as light flooded the room and illuminated the other roommate I had failed to look for on the other side of the door.

A wolf looked at me. He stood next to his bed (which I have to say looked a fair deal better then the explosion of a bedspread I was going to be sleeping next to) and crossed his arms. "I'm your other roommate," he said matter-of-factly. He was bigger than me by six inches and a good deal bulkier as well. The fur covering his upper body was steel gray and matched the narrow eyes looking me over as I stared dumbly at him. He licked his chops absently and motioned to the empty bed that I'd planted my duffel on. "Name's Deacon. You takin' that one?"

"Uh...yeah." I replied after a moment of silence. "Yeah, that one, if that's okay with you two?"

The wolf raised an eyebrow at me. I waited for him to say something but when he didn't I stuck my thumb over my shoulder to the mess behind me, with clothes and food and magazines littering the bed and floor. He nodded and said, "Ah. Yeah, that dude doesn't have regular hours. Para-Rescue guys like that are almost never in here. They're usually sleeping in the alert bunks over at they're squadron. S'ok with me if you take it, I don't care." He shrugged and turned to his own closet.

"Oh...Okay, that makes sense I guess." I turned away from him and opened my bag to begin unpacking. We didn't talk again until I was halfway through my stuff. I'd unpacked my Zune and the docking station and plugged it into the wall jack, then programmed the glowing blue display until it matched the dull red one at the bed next to me. It took me less than ten seconds to choose a song and press play. POD began playing, filling the air in the room with their nearly godlike rhythms and lyrics. I was about to get my computer out to plug it in as well when the wolf -Deacon- asked me about the music.

"You like POD?"

I turned to him and nodded. "Yeah man, their shit is some of the best stuff out there!" I proclaimed. Deacon looked at me for a long moment. I felt like he was sizing me up for the second time since I'd arrived and it was a little uncomfortable.

"So, what's your name then?" Deacon asked. I saw his tail wagging slightly and guessed I'd scored some points with him.

"Oh, shit yeah! I totally forgot about that." I said. I did too, I was just too tired and focused on getting myself settled in for a good night's sleep that I'd not even introduced myself. "I'm Carter. Most people call me "Boots" though." Deacon grabbed my hand and I drew in a quick breath at the feel of his pads against me perfectly normal human skin. He looked at me with the same confused look as earlier and I quickly elaborated, telling him about getting the wring size boots in basic training and having to suffer through wearing them the entire eight weeks until after graduation day. They'd made me walk all goofy and my Technical Instructor had picked up on it right away and made my life hell for it. Deacon laughed once I finished the story and smiled at me.

"Yeah, I understand where you're coming from there. I'm usually called "Wofly," but you can't use it if I'm trying to get any females. That's the only rule with my nickname." He joked.

"Cool." I replied, agreeing with a nod.

I took a second to look over Deacon over but tried not to make it obvious. He had a decent build for a canine in the Air Force and looked like he worked out too. His chest was defined, as well as the noticeable six pack just a little further south. His arms were nice and strong and I had no problem believing that he could do me serious harm to me with those claws and teeth his species were famous for. Deacon flashed me a smile and showed off his canines. It sent shivers up my back to see them, but I didn't think he'd use them on me. In fact, I had a generally good vibe coming off this guy and, when he shook my hand with his paw, I didn't have to hide a flinch because he'd squeezed too hard or ground his claws into my palm.

"Ah, so where you coming in from, Boots?" He asked me as I turned away and returned to unpacking. I told him I'd come out of McChord Air Force Base in Washington State and was due to serve out here for a six month tour. Deacon shared that he'd been yanked out of Germany three months ago. We talked for a while as I finished unpacking and plugged in my electronic goodies and hung up my clothes while POD playing quietly until I put away the last article of clothing and shut the closet door holding al my clothes.

"You've got to get a lock for that," Deacon announced as I plopped onto my bed. I turned my gaze back to him as he turned away from me...and began to undress. "These Haji bastards will not hesitate to rummage through your stuff when they come in here to check on the lights and electricity and heating and that crap. You'd be surprised just how many are really working for the Taliban out here. Apparently it's, like, one in three." Deacon bent over as he spoke, lifting up his tail so he could slide off the ABU pants after he loosened the belt. He couldn't see me watching him, nor could he see the red creeping into my cheeks as I tried to make myself look away.

I didn't really consider myself gay. I'd had a lot of girlfriends growing up and certainly wasn't a virgin, but males had attracted my eye from time to time, though I'd never acted on it. During basic training I'd stolen a few more glances at the other trainee's in the shower than I probably should have, but I'd never let it show. Now, as I watched Deacon the wolf slip his pants off his legs, lifting one pad off the floor at a time, my eyes were glued to his body. He had a good tone to the muscles below his stomach: good strong waist, thighs and calves, all covered with the same steel gray fur. When he lifted his tail, however, I spied his puckered tailhole. Below that was a glorious pair of balls in a sac that matched the rest of his coat. When he bent over fully I saw the sheathed penis as well and had to swallow hard to avoid making a noise that said "I'm staring at your ass!"

It all lasted less than five seconds before Deacon switched into a pair of striped boxers. I quickly forced myself to look away, tearing my gaze from his body and pushed my gaze into the blank wall next to me, as if it held all the answers to anything I might think to ask. I'd had an eyeful of Deacons junk and I was blushing hard and I was starting to feel an uncomfortable swelling in my own pants as a result. Deacon took one look at me and tilted his head when he saw my red cheeks, then turned his head to his tail. It was still raised nice and high, not at all hiding the outline of his butt.

I stared harder at the wall, trying not to blow any chance of having a friendship with this wolf whose ass I'd gawked at. I even raised a fingernail to pick at some of the graffiti etched into the wooden surface, trying to look like I had no idea he was even looking at me. That's when he started walking toward me. I heard the soft pads on his clawed feet and felt my chest tighten in anxiety.

"Y'know," He asked softly as he walked over, "things have changed in the military a lot? That whole 'Don't ask, Don't Tell', thing? The military using it anymore." I gulped and turned my head to look him in the eye. The color had only worsened now that I knew he'd figured out I'd been staring at his tail and everything under it, but what really surprised me was how close he'd gotten. I mean, holy shit! He was right there at the side of my bed with his arms crossed, staring at me! I didn't have the insight to see his tail wagging calmly from side to side behind him; I just kind of jumped as I met his piercing gray eyes instead.

Deacon stood over me for a silent moment before he unfolded his arms and leaned in, planting one paw directly above me as the other settled right next to my knee. He brought his muzzle within an inch of my face and looked right into my eyes. I couldn't look away, I felt stuck in those big tough dog eyes. I felt his breath flow over my face as he closed within an inch of mine. Deacon took a deep breath through his noise as he took in my scent. He started speaking again, this time in a wispy murr that sent goosebumps all over my arms, legs and spine. "Yeah. Out here, it no longer applies. So I can tell you that freely that when you stare at my ass, I don't mind it at all. In fact, if you like," he dropped his voice to a low whisper and I watched his lips pull into a tiny smirk, "I can raise it a little higher from now on so you get a better view."

Deacon's words had me frozen in place with panic and surprise. He'd figured out I'd looked at him as he undressed. That was one thing that I was guilty of, but to have him give me an open invitation to eyeball his rump and almost freely admit that he was gay? I didn't know what to do besides continue to stare stupidly at him, locked into silence by my own shock. The wolf's eyes held mine in an unbreakable gaze for several long and torturous seconds while I tried to formulate some kind of answer. Then he removed his paws, broke away from my gaze and walked back to his bed without another single word. When he turned away I figured out how to breathe again and inhaled deeply, practically popping my lungs as I tried to regain my breath. Had I been holding my breath that entire time???

Deacon flicked the light switch and plunged the room into darkness. I heard him climb into his bed, leaving me to unwind from my own anxiety at the sudden...Whatever that was. I didn't move for a full minute in the darkness, but eventually I heard his slow and even breathing coming from across the darkness. The ability to open the front of my military blouse top and hang it over the edge eventually came to my addled brain and I followed it up by undressing down to my boxers. I settled into the bed under the blankets and soft, cool sheets and closed my eyes. Just like my wolf roommate, I settled in for some very peaceful, relaxing rest and waited for sleep to over take me.

You know that kind of sleep where you don't dream? I was stuck right in the middle of that. In my head there was nothing but darkness and I was enjoying every bit of it. It was one of those times where nothing could possibly wake me up; not dreams, or noises, or even the lightening that kept striking miles off base. Totally restful...Until I rolled over on my arm and it fell asleep. It took me a full half hour to wake up, from the deepest point in my slumber all the way to my consciousness kicking in and alerting me that something was amiss. I groaned and rolled over, feeling the evil sensations of pins and needles immediately begin inflaming my upper shoulder. I sighed, eyes still tightly shut, as the realization that the rest of the arm would slowly follow dawned on me. Then, as I lay still, another irritant registered in my head.

'Christ...What stinks so bad?' I thought before, regrettably, taking a deep breath through my nose. I immediately wished I hadn't. 'Shit! It's me! I smell terrible!' I shook my head as if I could drive away the nasty smell  simply by ignoring it, but I was on my feet in seconds and rooting through my dresser for the bathroom bag I'd tucked away earlier. I managed to locate it after shifting some stuff around in the darkness, then having enough thought to turn on the headlight and shine it onto the shelf. I found the black bag, put on my shower shoes and opened the door into the fluorescent lit hallway and stumbled the remaining length down to the bathroom in a just a shirt and my boxers, towel tossed over my shoulder.

The shower was easy to figure out. Three stalls, all separate, with a little shelf in each to hold your soap or shampoo and razor. I picked the last one on the right next to a paper covered window and shucked my shirt and boxers. I couldn't help but shiver as I stepped in and turned the nozzle, letting the cool water hit me and then warm up fast and surround me with steam. I let a deep sigh escape me as the cleansing water washed away all the sweat, grime and general nastiness covering my body. The idea that I'd forgotten something as basic as a shower before going to bed shocked me. I plunged my head under the spray and grabbed the shampoo I'd settled on the shelf. I worked up a good lather in my hands and began to wash myself down, cleaning my hair first and then everything else. I saved my cock for last, taking my time to massage the suds around the shaft and sac underneath. I took my time and made sure I was nice and covered in suds but at the same time it felt really good just to touch myself after a day and half of constant travel and stress. I moaned softly and let my cock swell up and get erect before I began to jerk off.

With the water splashing around me, filling my ears and covering my eyes, I couldn't see anything. That however, didn't stop me from imagining some arousing stuff to assist in the fun. Pictures of naked females on their knees in front of me, working my shaft in their palms and sucking on the head made my cock even harder and I couldn't help but moan. I imagined that hot dragoness I'd see on the way over first, then the human and doe pair that had helped me get logged into the base system and assigned to a room. It switched between them and a few others I'd seen as well. I was pumping my hand up and down my shaft, stroking and squeezing tightly. As I got really close I released my cock, choosing to calm down once before reaching my climax. I was about to start jerking off again when I felt something that scared the ever living hell out of me!

My eyes were still closed and I couldn't see anything. The water disguised any noise outside the shower other than the water slapping against my skin and flowing into the drain. All at once I felt something -an arm- slip under my left side as I tried to rub my face. I tensed; eyes flying open only to be forced shut again as the shampoo immediately made them sting. I started to turn, to try and force whatever or whoever had grabbed me off and defend myself, but I froze as two things happened that put my mind and body on a very different track. The first was a husky voice that whispered into my ear saying, "Easy, easy...I'm not gonna bite." It was Deacon! Deacon had snuck into my shower and I hadn't even noticed! I opened my mouth to protest and tell him to leave, but at that moment I felt his paw slip around my hard cock and squeeze gently.

My protests turned into a low moan and I melted against Deacon. He murred and pulled me back, snuggling my human frame against his larger canine one. I felt his breath again, this time playing over my ear as he whispered to me amid the low hiss of the shower. "I think you'll like this. From the feel of it, you haven't even jacked off in days..." He parted his lips and nibbled on my earlobe, erasing all thoughts of females entirely. I felt him hug me a little tighter, then gasped as his cock slipped between the crack of my ass! He was big and hot and throbbing and 100 % wolf. I think he felt me tense up again because he growled gently and began pumping my shaft in his paw as he held me close, whispering again. "I haven't been laid in a while...and I saw your eyes when I talked about my tail earlier. Just relax and let Wolfie take care of you, okay Boots?"

Deacons paw continued rubbing up and down my cock, working the hot flesh between his paws. He held me against his chest and I could feel his wet matte against my smooth back. My body seemed like putty in his paws as he massaged my chest. The wolf moved slowly against me. His waist pressed until it was flush with mine and I could feel his wolfhood press more urgently against my ass. My fear from earlier faded away and I felt my head fall against his shoulder, my sign of giving in. My sign of submission to the stronger male. Deacon growled his approval in my ear and licked my neck as he worked his cockhead further between my cheeks; probing against me until he located the tight pucker he wanted.

"Mmm...Have you ever been with a canid before?" He asked, his voice low and rumbling from the center of his chest into my back. I nodded, but paused when asked what kind. Deacon gave my cock another squeeze and pumped harder, taking me by surprise. I yelped and mumbled that it was a Sheppard, a female I knew back home before joining up. The wolf murred and slowed his paw around my throbbing shaft which made me whimper just a little. "So, you've never been mounted." He mused as I shook my head and drew his claws across my chest, tracing circles into my soft skin and muscles. The sensation made me shiver and inhale sharply, something he obviously enjoyed seeing me do as he kept me close against his furry grey body.

Deacon played with me like that for some time before he decided it was time for more. He'd dropped both paws to my groin and taken to massaging my balls as he pumped my cock lazily under the hot shower, but then withdrew his pads and held my chest instead. I could feel his claws on my skin, leaving little impressions and scritches. I started to moan in disappointment, but he whispered to me again and the words caught in my throat.

"Don't worry, okay? I'm not going to tell anyone about this...and I promise I'll return the favor later."

The water had been running for a while but I didn't notice it anymore. Deacon moved his paw to my rear and spread my cheeks gently apart. The head of his wolfhood had been poking and prodding me as he'd manipulated me in his expert paws, leaving me to wonder if he was ever planning on using it. I got my answer when he began to push up inside me! The feeling of my ring stretching as Deacon pushed his cock into me was sharp and uncomfortable. More than once I whimpered and felt my knee's wobble so my hands were planted against the wall for extra support as Deacon continued to impale me. It was slow going for both of us, but I think the wolf wanted it that way because he was growling lustily and gripping me with his eager claws as I accepted him. He continued to push his tapered length into me, widening my hole until I whispered for him to stop. Deacon did, thankfully letting me have a moment to adjust. I could feel him quaking with need and his cock throbbed so hard I could feel his pulse!

When I was ready again I nodded and Deacon pressed harder. There must have been some point where I realized how tightly I was clenching around him and released my muscles, relaxing against the invader pushing further inside me. Deacon growled in delight and pressed his cock into my ass until his hips were flush with mine. He breathed a hot sigh of pleasure and wrapped his arms around me again, pulling my back against his chest while the remaining paw slipped down my side and once again circled around my cock. His claws played with my cock before he began pumping again, only now he timed his paw with his thrusts; his cock withdrawing until only the tip remained before he pushed back in.

Deacon was masterful in both giving and getting pleasure. I had no idea what kind of practice he had, nor did I care. My only thought was how good it felt! He squeezed my cock, moving it up and down while he started thrusting, gaining a rhythm with his cock as it spread my asshole wider each time. His growls turned into muted grunts and I copied him. The sensations building in our bodies as he ground his wolfcock into my ass fueled our movements, abolishing the idea of stopping with each stroke. Then Deacon changed his angle and began fucking me harder. His paw moved feverishly up and down my cock, making it squelch under the hot spray of water. I couldn't help panting as his cock began rubbing directly on my prostate, the feeling rocketing through my body with each thrust. Smooth, controlled thrusts became fast and powerful as Deacons hips slapped against mine under the shower, alone together in that bathroom.

The friction of my rear on his cock began taking its toll on us. I couldn't hold back much longer and started clenching around the wolf, forcing his grunts to become louder and thrusts harder in turn. He wanted to cum and was going to fuck me until he did. For my part, I pressed back, thrust against him and his wolf dick as it speared me over and over again, moaning 'Wwwolllfffieeee' under my breath. His pants, like a dog after a run, washed over my ear quickly, enticing my arousal higher and higher. Then he, as he rocketed his paw up and down my cock, licked my ear and opened his jaws. I felt his breath on me a split second before his jaws closed carefully on my neck. That was all it took to send me tumbling over the edge into a sea of bliss. I clenched so hard around him as I climaxed I thought something would tear, but my rectum held strong as I groaned and exploded in his paw. My balls tightened and sent steams of fire racing up my shaft until they erupted in rope after glorious rope of sticky, gooey, hot cum that flooded his paw and splashed against the wall.

Deacon wasn't to be outdone and howled mutely into the nape of my neck, being careful  not to bite down too hard. Even as he climaxed, he knew that if he bit too hard there could be some serious consequences. He pile-drived into me, slapping his thighs against my butt, working me further into my climax before slamming home. I felt the knot press against my already abused hole and was suddenly sacred he's try to knot me. But Deacon didn't push any further. He remained crammed into my ass and emptied his load into me over and over, spooge rushing into my bowels and filling me up with the most wonderful and warm sensation I'd ever felt. He kept cumming, but eventually he ran out of steam and his cock stopped spurting. I hung there, leaning against the wolf for support as he held me close and kept us both up with his strength. I might have collapsed if he hadn't wrapped his arms around me, and I was glad he did.

The wolf waited and the absence of our quiet grunts and fapping thighs allowed the steamy shower to resume its original hissing. Our breath was still fast, but very quiet. Deacon still jerked my cock, but it was slow now, just as I had taken to clenching my insides on him intermittently as he began to soften. Cum began to dribble out of my and run down my legs. His semen mixed with mine as it ooze form my tip, pooling and swirling in the water before being washed away into the drain. We stated together like that for some time, just enjoying the warm afterglow in the steamy shower.

It didn't last forever and Deacon softened enough to come out of my ass with a wet pop. When that happened he removed his paw from my manhood as well. I was alone in seconds as he disappeared from the shower and pulled the curtain closed behind to leave me along under the spray. The door opened and closed, and then I knew he was gone. I sighed, somehow disappointed that it hadn't lasted longer. My first good fuck with another male...and it had been good! So good! I smiled and washed my face of the sweat that beaded around my forehead, realizing just how much I'd enjoyed what happened. My tendencies toward bi-sexuality had been repressed for some time, but now that I'd gotten a good humping from Deacon the wolf, I could only wonder when I might get another chance to do it again!

After I finished the shower and went back to the room, Deacon was already asleep. I smirked and closed the door, feeling a wave of exhaustion overtake me as well. I plopped into bed, not daring to look at the clock and see how much time I'd lost screwing my wolf roommate instead of sleeping, and rested my head against the pillow. I was out in moments, left in peace with the knowledge that the next three out of six months of my deployment...Might not be so bad after all.