College Stories: Special Treatment

Story by dog455 on SoFurry

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Hello all and watchers,

Wow, it has been a while and I have a bit of a treat for you! I cooked this story up in about two days with my friend RVasil on FA. This plot revolves around a star player on a football team; a dragon named Alex who gets in a bit of a heated relationship with a college coach ;). hope you all enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it! I didn't spend too much time editing it; my new full time job has kept me really busy and I don't have too much time to spend outside of it. I am slowly starting to get back into writing now.

Anyway, please enjoy!

The sound of heavy footfalls rocked the empty field as a group of young men ran through the green field at the blow of the whistle. Alex ran as fast as he could, his legs aching badly but he spurred himself on. His lungs screamed for air, begging for him to stop, but he brushed it all to the side, leaning on his mental fortitude to carry him forward through this rather rigorous training session.

"Pick up the pace boys!" he could hear their coach shouting at them with the megaphone.

One of Alex's teammates cursed under his breath, but kept on running much like the rest of them were. With the end of the field fast approaching, they each slowed their paces just enough to allow them to quickly spin on their legs and sprint back. Alex grunted, the grass under his feet crunching and some snapping as his large dragon body turned on one axis. Landing his other feet to the ground, he shot forward, using the last of his stamina to reach back to their coach. His heart pounded, his lungs was breathing dry air, and his legs felt like they were being dragged down by concrete, but he pushed through.

"Just a few...more!" he rasped under heavy breaths.

With a blow of the whistle, he made it past his coach who stood there with a clipboard and a stopwatch. Alex's large body seemingly gave way right then and there, his legs buckling under him, causing him to stumble to the ground unceremoniously. He rolled forward a few times, before eventually stopping. He breathed large mouthfuls of air, looking straight up into the sky as he could hear his fellow teammates crashing onto the field much like him.

"DAMN, COACH!" one of them cried out. "You must be trying to kill us!"

"Not trying to kill you; trying to train you," the large, muscular stag said as he loomed over his players who were all sweaty, panting messes. "You guys are in no shape for the upcoming football tournament coming up and I want your asses to be able to outrun the fastest guys they got. All that muscle does little work if you can't make it halfway down the field without having a heart attack."

Coach Kipping gave a huff, the silvery whistle around his neck hanging just below his neck as he leaned over his athletes. "I want you guys up against the school building doing wall sits for two minutes and if you can't make that, then I have no hope of getting a perfect season."

The deer's intimidating biceps flexed as he brought the whistle to his mouth and blew into the metal noisemaker. The football players all gave a groan, even Alex who was a disciplined and seasoned captain, began shuffling towards the wall in almost defeated trots. Coach Kipping watched his "boys" as he liked to call them make their way towards the wall, his eyes glimmering as the muscular athletes heeded his orders. Although the athletes were in college and just part of a football club, he treated them like they were professional and their attitude and discipline reflected on the field.

Even if he had to kick their ass a little.

Out of the corner of Coach Kipping's eye, there was a muscular bull named Mark whose swishing tail caught his attention above his massive two globes of a rump probably nice and framed in a jockstrap and then there was Travis whose limber body could get in places the deer swore were impossible to reach.

But his prized possession was Alex; the team captain and quarterback. The dragon was the hottest of them all and probably the most needy, but the stag was ready to put out whenever the dragon took some extra "lessons" in his office. He never had any other players out of their clothes and in his lap besides the dragon; he was special in that way. Giving a small, wordless groan, Coach Kipping shook his head and cleared his thoughts away from thinking about Alex's rump framed in jockstrap that he could just make out through his sweaty and bright white football shorts. As he kept thinking about the dragon bent over his desk and presenting himself, the coach had to switch his thoughts over to something more tame to prevent his own arousal from spilling out over the lip of his jockstrap.

Unaware of the ogling their coach was giving them, Alex began to bend his legs, looking over his coach with a determined look in his eyes. His lungs were happy that they were finally given the break they wanted, but his legs and thighs now began to cry out to him in unison as his body began to lower back and forth. Glancing to his left and right, he could tell that both he and his fellow teammates were on the brink of the physical limits. They'd been training for probably two hours or so now, and it looked like there was still no end in sight. Alex just busied himself, trying to just keep his mind off of the pain from his legs and to anything else he could think of

"That's it boys, keep at it," coach said, his arms crossed in front as he watched the dragon and his teammates begin to bend their legs and push up against the wall.

"Easy for him to say," Alex heard one of his teammates mutter under his breath. "I'm probably never going to walk again after this..."

Alex chuckled, lowering his body once more. Had only ten seconds past or a minute? He had lost count for how long he had sat up against the wall he had been doing for the past minute or so, but he could empathize with his teammate. That was when Alex sensed the sensation of someone looking at him. He glanced up and saw Coach Kipping looking at him from the corner of his eyes.

"Damn it, Coach!" yelled a player from one of the walls. "How much longer do we even have to go?!"

The stag's eyes moved away from the dragon and towards a caribou. James was the player's name and he always had a feisty spirit. The caribou never saw him for extra sessions unlike the rest of his players, however. It was a pity really; James could have used his mouth for better things than mouthing off to his superiors.

"Everyone can stop now. I feel we have done enough for today. Go hit the showers," Coach Kipping said, his eyes not leaving James with a trademark glare. The caribou gave a similar sigh of relief before getting up off the wall and starting to shakingly follow his teammates before he heard the Coach bark, "But not you, James. I want you to do an extra two minutes."

"Awww, but Coach...." James was beginning to whine, but before he could continue, Kipping simply held up a hand.

"That's final, son. Don't disrespect me again and if I see you in the locker rooms, I'll see you in my office for some...extra discipline."

"...fuck," James mumbled to himself.

As Coach Kipping began to walk away, he yelled up to Mark and the massive bovine turned around instantly, swiveling on his feet. Coach Kipping gave a grin; he liked when they were obedient. "Say Mark, would you mind watching James and make sure he does squats? If he doesn't, you can run him into the ground," the stag said with a devious chuckle before patting Mark on the shoulder as he walked by.

The bovine gave an evil grin and nodded, walking back towards the brick wall with a kick in his step as he made sure James's back was up against the wall fully. Coach had a feeling that the bull would be game with making sure the freshman caribou did as he was told. After all, the bovine was his boyfriend and they were into a bit of powerplay from what Kipping understood.

Alex stretched his aching muscles, glad that training was finally over as he walked into the locker room, along with Coach Kipping, and the rest of his teammates who were fortunate enough to not be given the extra training duty. The studs were naked as the day they were born, showing off their muscles from their hard workouts on and off the field and they all grinned at Coach as he strolled through the locker room like he owned it. Sounds of hoof falls echoing and mixing with the different sounds on the tile, the smell of shower gel and shampoo reached his nose as he inhaled the clean scent. It was mixed with a thick, sweaty musk that reeked of male scent and Coach Kipping ate it up as he made his way to his locker. He liked to change with his boys, letting them know that he was comfortable and ready to chat at any time. He wanted to make sure his players were the best of the best and that meant making sure that they were good physically and mentally.

Alex took his top off and threw it into his open locker. He was glad to finally be free of feeling sticky. He then bent over, feeling his joints pop and ache at specific places. He was about to stretch his legs when it happened. A sharp stinging pain ricoheted straight up his right leg, prompting him to slightly keel over and lean on the metallic lockers for support. A swift curse escaped his lips to remark on the painful sensation

"Oh dude, you okay?!" One of his friends immediately went over to him, and began to check him over.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm..." Alex closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He swallowed, letting the pain course through him. "...going to be okay. I think I just pulled a muscle." He grinned dryly.

"Coach, I think you might need to help Alex out," a muscular zebra said, poking his head out of the row of lockers and towards Kipping's own row.

"What seems to be the matter?" Coach Kipping appeared in front of them, already dressed down to nothing but a simple athletic jockstrap. His sporty, polyester black tank top was nowhere to be found and his tight gym shorts were gone. He took one look at Alex and noted the dragon was nursing his leg whilst being supported by a friend. "Can you walk, King?"

"Yeah, I still can. It's not that big of a deal, Coach," Alex answered trying to stand at full height. There was another stab of pain through his leg, but he grinned through gritted teeth.

The deer wasn't impressed. "You are going to injure yourself further if you keep putting pressure on it..."

Alex heeded the deer's advice, doing his best to basically limp now. "I'll try not to do anymore harm."

A concerned brow rose from the coach. "Good. Still, see to my office after you shower. I'll have to make sure it's nothing serious."

Just then the doors into the locker room swung open and a tired looking caribou practically threw himself in. "I DID IT. I FUCKING DID IT," James cried out. Mark was right behind him, helping the caribou up from the floor.

With a grin, Kipping turned around and walked out to the middle aisle of the locker room. Some of the jocks were grinning openly, drying their naked bodies off and getting dressed to go home. Others were eyeing Coach's jockstrap ass, watching the tail flick teasingly over his sculpted rump and getting a peak of his clothed balls housed away in the pouch. Although Kipping had a slight rounded stomach, beneath it all was pure, hard muscle.

Crossing his arms, Coach said, "So, did he do okay, Mark?"

The bull grinned and pulling up his mate and putting a sweaty arm over him. "Damn right. Although he was mouthy, he was also determined."

"Good. Get showered up boys and get some rest for practice next Thursday," Coach Kipping said with a grin and reached around to grope the bull's muscles. Although it was a perverted grope, it looked normal enough that it could be mistaken for just an affectionate grab.

"Yes sir," James said with a tired sigh as he was practically led to his locker by his beefy boyfriend.

Coach gave a grin, walking towards his office in only his jock. Inside, he had the private showers to himself. He whistled as he thought about the warm water flowing over his sweaty body and his arousal jumped inside of his pouch as he opened up the door to his office and walked inside. He left the door purposefully cracked open, allowing any curious glances to still peek inside and to let Alex know it was open.

The office was neat and tidy. A file cabinet stood off to the right, its drawers closed shut and marked appropriately with different plays and running drills. Trophies stood silently in a cabinet on the right, the glass shined until it was a brilliant sheen and Coach Kipping looked over it with a twinkle in his eyes. A sofa sat off the the side, the old black leather showing its age from all the times the football coach had to crash on it when there was bad weather or just because he was so tired. Towards the back of the office was a small bathroom fit with a toilet and a walk-in shower that was much like a locker room; if Coach Kipping didn't shut the door, the jock studs outside could get an eyeful.

Whistling to himself and eyes twinkling with a different devious intention, Coach Kipping began to strip out of his sweaty jock. His cock flopped out, slapping against his thigh and spraying a jet of pre on his tan coat. He rubbed his creamy white chest with a grin, lightly playing with his round and full balls as he cupped them in his hands to feel their weight. He walked towards the shower, his muscular body glistening with sweat from the day and he gave a sigh as he wrapped a hand around his member to give it an affectionate stroke.

The sounds of the football players outside were beginning to be drowned out by the light drizzle of the shower. The deer allowed himself a sensual moan as he allowed himself a few brief strokes to sate his quaking balls. He bit his lips, his mind racing back to the images of his 'boys' on display back at the locker room. Such handsome and young men, all under his thumb. The sheer thought of what he could do was tantalizing. But Kipping had enough self control to stop himself. He reached forward and began to lather himself with the soap. His muscles flexed intimidatingly as he washed himself down and his pecs bounced involuntarily. He gave his left nipple a small pinch, giving a grunt at the sensation. God, he wished he had nipple rings again; those were fun to play with in warm water.

The rest of the team began to file out, leaving a few lone stragglers in the locker room. Alex being one of them, the dragon ambled out of the shower cubicle, hobbling slightly towards the nearest bench and seating himself on it, eager to give his strained leg a much needed break. "Ugh, this is going to hurt in the morning," he mumbled to himself as he began to stretch it a little in an effort to try and give it some relief. He grabbed his nearby towel and began to dry off, wondering where the rest of the team were.

James and Mark were still in there, and judging from the sounds they were doing inside their cubicle, were up to something rather devious. Zeke stepped out from one of the shower cubicles, drying himself off unabashedly in front of him. The zebra glanced at Alex who was nursing his leg still.

"You doing okay?" he asked.

Alex did his best to NOT stare at the amazingly well hung zebra, and the tantalizing tube that hung between the equine's legs. He doubly made sure to not let Zeke see that he was getting a rise out of him. Zeke was one of the lone few who Alex knew was strictly straight and stiff as a board.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for asking," he answered back, focusing back on drying himself to avoid thinking of the zebra.

"Just be sure to see the coach afterwards. You gotta get yourself checked out. Don't want the captain to be down for the count when it matters most, afterall," Zeke replied. He stepped towards his locker and began to grab his things.

It was a crying shame. Zeke had a great bubble butt too. "Yeah, yeah, I will," he replied back.

Zeke began to dress himself when his ears perked up and swiveled towards one of the still running shower cubicles. Conveniently enough, it was the one with James and Mark. "Hey! Knock it off you two in there! You don't want the coach to chew us out again the last time he caught you two!" Zeke shouted.

There was a slight pause between what sounded like a long slurp followed by a small grunt before Mark popped his head out, one hand pulling back the curtain to show off his broad and beautiful upper body while the other was extended outward and holding onto James's unseen antlers. "Don't worry about it, big guy. Besides, we are just finishing up here..."

Giving a knicker of disapproval, the zebra rolled his eyes and looked at Alex before saying, "Cock hounds, I'll tell ya. Well, best see Coach before he leaves. I'm sure James and Mark will still be here even after that..."

Zeke looked over to the shower curtain to see it was closed once again and heard the sound of slurping and balls slapping against someone's chin. He shook his head, adjusted the collar on his polo and pulled up his designer jeans so that they highlighted his perfect ass and hips. He waved a hand at his friend before throwing his duffel bag of dirty clothes over his shoulder and heading out of the locker room to leave Alex sitting on the bench listening to James and Mark pleasure themselves.

Alex sighed and rolled his eyes and did his best to muffle out the obvious grunting and slapping sounds that were beginning to emanate from James' and Mark's cubicle. "Hurry up in there. You know you can always do it at the dorm afterwards," he chatted off nonchalantly.

A throaty chuckle came from Mark from the other side of the curtain. "Why don't you just join us, Alex?"

Tempting. Alex was about to answer but his eyes glanced at the open door towards Coach Kipping's office. "Ask me some other time," he answered. "Besides, I'm sure James already has a mouthful of you."

"Balls deep, actually," Mark answered nonchalantly, and proceeded to continuing his thrusts into his more than willing boyfriend.

Alex left the two alone and began to dress himself, striving to put on at least his underwear back on and a shirt to look presentable. He still needed to see the coach about his leg, but knowing him, the coach already probably had other plans in store for him, so dressing more than that would have just been a hassle at that point. He stuffed his jeans inside his duffel bag and slung it over his shoulder. Slowly, but surely, he limped towards the open office of his coach.

"Hey Coach...?" he called out, walking through the door.

The deer had his hooves up on his desk, leaning back in his office chair with a neutral expression on his face. He had no shirt on, showing off his bare chest and treasure trail that led down into his black gym shorts. "Leg feeling better, son?" Kipping had a concerned expression deep down in that gruff face of his, but he hid it well.

"Much better," Alex answered. "Though, I'd prefer if you give it a do over. I want to make sure that it's alright and nothing serious.

Kipping motioned for him to lie down on the nearby sofa and Alex obediently followed. The deer took one of the plastic chairs folded up nicely nearby and sat down in front of him. "Give me your leg," he asked, a gruff tone to his voice. Alex gingerly lifted his leg and let it rest on the deer's lap and the coach began to prod it as well as roll his palm over the shiny blue scales.

Kipping could feel several knots in the muscle and pressed into it with a grunt. Alex gave a small hiss before moaning, the knot unraveling before Kipping began to move to another knot. "You aren't injured, boy, but you sure are building up a lot of strain in your body..." As Kipping began to feel up his quarterback's leg, his cock began to stir in his shorts. There was no underwear underneath and the clean scent of the soap hid his musk only a bit.

Alex was too busy to notice as he was moaning from the sheer relief his coach was giving him. It was like the dead weight on his legs were being cut free and he could feel them again. "Thanks, Coach..." he said, feeling like putty in the deer's well experienced hands. The coach grinned, and continued his efforts, using this chance to move in and enact his devious intentions. He began to slowly work up his way on the dragon's legs, making sure to loosen any tight knots that had formed. Eventually, he reached up towards the dragon's inner thighs and he was beginning to give it some sensual rubs. The fact that Alex was only wearing his underwear made it easy for Kipping to see that Alex's body was enjoying the massage.

"Are James and Mark fucking again?" he asked out of the blue.

Alex chuckled, only nodding in response. He closed his eyes, letting himself sink into the black couch and just enjoy the moment he had with Coach Kipping.

"I swear, those two are hungry for cock more than anyone I know." His free hand moved closer and closer towards Alex's groin. "But can you blame them?"

The dragon's eyes gently opened and he smiled at the Coach. "Not really. Who wouldn't want a good long fuck after an arduous training day?"

A sly smile etched itself across Coach Kipping's face. His hand landed on the dragon's balls, cupping it through the blue jockstrap which was beginning to get strained by the dragon's rising erection. "I agree. Who wouldn't...?"

Alex gulped slightly, his eyes darting towards the Coach's shorts and seeing it already tented. The stretched fabric left little to the imagination, only serving to get his mouth to water at the prospect of seeing the Coach's big cock. "Did you lock the door?"

Grinning, Coach Kipping got up off of the chair, the furniture making a ridiculous groan as the massive deer relieved the chair of his weight. His member wobbled back in forth in his gym shorts as he made his way towards the office door and he reached forward towards the knob. With a swift movement of his wrist, there was a click and Kipping looked back at the dragon who was eyeing him closely, his tail light swishing back and forth.

The coach watched with growing interest and arousal and walked forward to the dragon, softly and gently massaging down the dragon's back until he made his way to the hem of jockstrap that Alex was wearing. He could feel the jock's muscle beneath his palm and gave a small rumble of delight at the feeling of warm scales against his hand. He was so used to fur that Alex's scales was always so exotic. They felt warm to the touch, like a sapphire that had a flame burning inside them.

"I did now," Kipping said with a grin, letting his finger trail down Alex's muscular back once again before stepping behind the sprawled out dragon. He began to get more adventurous with his massage, his nimble fingers trailing lower and lower towards the dragon. "Mmmm, you feel so tense, son," Kipping said with a rumble in his voice as he leaned forward to look more intently over Alex's muscular rump.

Alex groaned under the deer's masterful hands. "It's hard to relax when you work us out so hard..." he answered, turning around onto his back,his tail flicking teasingly over his bulge in his jock. He leaned forward to kiss Kipping on the cheek. "But I'm beginning to think you only do that just so you can watch the eye candy in front of you."

The deer chuckled in response, his hands wrapping around the dragon. His free hand snaked its way underneath the dragon's shirt and began to trace circles on the dragon's hard chest. The scales gave a rough but somewhat appealing texture that Kipping always found fascinating. He licked the dragon back in response. "Why don't I help you relax more then?"

"Mmmm, I wouldn't be opposed to....mmmmf!"

With that, Kipping began to bite into Alex's neck dominantly, his teeth biting hard enough to make Alex shiver yet soft enough that it wasn't painful. The deer licked over the part that he bit sensually, his tongue climbing up the scales of the dragon's neck until he reached Alex's mouth. Alex gave a groan as the deer began to kiss the dragon passionately, his muscular body grinding up against the jock's own.

Their lips smacked together audibly as they kissed and Alex could not help but wrap his arms around his lover. Feeling more adventurous, the deer's hands stopped rubbing Alex's chest and began to lightly pinch his nipples, making the dragon yip and moan in pleasure. Kipping realized he had the dragon right where he wanted him; underneath him and pushed up against his rock hard body. The coach's erection was stiff and stood straight forward, rubbing up against the jock's own clothed member. Kipping grinded against the dragon, rolling his hips forward sensually and groaning into the kiss as he lost himself to his lusts.

There was a moment of pause when coach realized that this was one of his players; someone who he has spent hours training under grueling weather conditions and watching him grow and mature along with his teammates, but that thought was quickly wiped away when Alex's tongue darted into his muzzle and they began to kiss in earnest. Saliva began to fill their kiss which only added to the raw, erotic nature of their intimacy.

When the kiss broke, the dragon was a panting, moaning mess and grinded his painfully stiff maleness up against the deer's hard and unyielding chest. "Oh, coach..." Alex groaned out softly through clenched teeth as Kipping continued to pinch his nipples.

Whatever reservations Coach Kipping had about having very intimate relationships with his team captain was quickly taken out of the picture. His body was moving of its own accord and it's not like what they were doing were hurting anybody. They were two fully consenting adults just enjoying each other's company, even though not many may agree with that point of view. Regardless, the coach grinned, tweaking Alex's nipples, finding enjoyment in seeing the large dragon squirm and act like putty in his hands. He lowered his still clothed groin and began to grind his own stiff cock against the dragon's, earning him another lustful moan from Alex.

"Why don't we get comfortable, hm?"

Taking a momentary pause, Kipping allowed the dragon to sit up and take off his shirt, revealing the dragon's well toned chest. Hours of endless practice sessions and a well balanced diet gave Alex the body that any athlete can be proud off. The smell of soap began to mix in with a distinct male musk permeated the room as Alex's nude upper half proudly displayed itself. Well defined pectorals and abs that weren't shy to show themselves was in Coach Kipping's full front view. The dragon blushed visibly blushed under the deer's watchful gaze. In their private moments, Alex showed a side of him that was more timid, a fact that Coach Kipping found rather cute. "W-what?" Alex asked.

Coach Kipping shook his head, standing up in front of the dragon. Wordlessly, the deer began to untie the knots on his gym shorts, letting it loosen and eventually slip towards the floor, dragged by its own weight. It was only momentarily stopped by the deer's stiff and erect cock but the fabric flopped free, revealing the older male's proud maleness, pointed directly at Alex. Coach Kipping couldn't help but feel his ego be stroked as he saw the look of lust plain on Alex's eyes.

Alex watched the deer's heavy testicles wobble as he pushed his cock up against the pouch of his jock, a grin across his face before he pulled his heavy member up to his abs to let it tense. He let it go with a grunt, the grin across Kipping's face widen as Alex gave a moan when his coach's cock hit against his own.

"You feel that, boy? I've been saving a load just for you..."

Alex felt a shiver run down his spine and his legs spread almost voluntarily as he blushed. His tail flicked when he felt Kipping's hands stroke up along the crack of his ass slow and sensually before two fingers poked at the entrance to his hole.

"Oh fuck, coach..." Alex hissed with an intake of air as he felt Kipping's fingers begin to lightly play with his hole, teasing it with entry. "I don't think...I can't...not without lube."

Kipping gave a low chuckle, grabbing the jock's legs and flipping him back onto his back. Alex gave a gasp at the display of strength, only appearing to weight a twig as he was manhandled by the stronger male.

"Yeah, I know, son," Kipping grunted as he brought his hands down onto the dragon's firm, bubbly ass with a slap that rang through the office. "That's why I'm going to be applying the lube." Coach Kipping used his thumbs to spread the jock's ass, getting a moan from the dragon. Alex pulled his tail up and away from his body, his mind swimming in a fog of lust as he felt the coach groan underneath new weight.

When he felt a warm, wet slick feeling up along his most sensitive area, he tensed up. "Ahhh! that your..."

"It is, boy. Just hold still and relax..." Coach Kipping cooed comfortingly as he took one hand off the jock's rump and stroked down his spine. Alex purred as Kipping's touch sent more electric tingles through his body and he took a deep breath to try to relax himself. He could feel his pulse race in his chest and his arousal throb in the pouch of his jock at the thought of Kipping looming over him in such a submissive position.

"Good boy..." Kipping said as he leaned forward once again, spreading his player's backside with his right hand. Alex could feel the deer's warm breath on his entrance as well as the glob of saliva from Kipping's first attempt. Although the dragon had done everything with Kipping ever since the stag proposed some extra lessons to him in the beginning of the year, a rimjob was not something he was expecting ever to be done to him.

When Kipping extended his tongue outward to lick across Alex's hole, the dragon stiffened up, but groaned out at the same time. When the deer did the same motion again, but this time with a longer stroke of his tongue, Alex could feel the wet appendage hit nerves in a way he never experienced before.

Beginning to get courageous, Kipping removed his hand from Alex's back so he was able to spread the dragon's cheeks with both hands as he started to lick across the captain's hole, his ears twitching upward every time Alex moaned out. It was music to his ears to hear one of the most dominant players on the field submit himself like a willing slut, but it was even more of an erotic, kinky, and dirty pleasure when the dragon began to push back against his muzzle. The deer took this as a sign to dive in, the sound of wet slurps and moans filling the room as the coach dived into his player.

The taste wasn't bad; an earthy and musky taste that only spurred Kipping on to continue. Beneath the flavor of clean scales and shower product was a sweaty musk that reminded the coach of a virile male ready to be bred.

"Oh fuck, Kipping...oh god..." Alex moaned out, his cheeks red with a deep crimson blush as his member throbbed with arousal and dripped a constant stream of pre into his now soaked jock. Drool escaped his mouth and made its way across the leather of the couch, but Alex didn't care. His claws gripped the cushions in front of him and he had half a mind to grab one of Kipping's massive antlers that hung just over his back to spur him into an even hungrier vigor.

The deer continued with his ministrations, glad to see that his player was enjoying himself as much as he was as well. He swirled his tongue around inside the dragon's backside, making sure to apply spit liberally and excessively. He needed to make sure that Alex was prepared to take him. They had fucked numerous times before, but the dragon's ass almost seem to magically keep tightening back like he was still a virgin once more the next day. He held Alex tightly as he lowered himself further, his warm breath still kissing the dragon's twitching pucker. He used his free hand to caress the dragon's balls below, already soaked with pre. Wanting to urge him along, he snaked a hand through the straps and began to fondle the dragon's cock through the pre soaked underwear, a grin across his face as he began to achingly stroke the diamond hard cock trapped within the cloth prison.

Alex's moans were like music to his ear. It was already late into the evening and by this time, they were the only ones left. They could make all the noise they wanted without getting spotted.


An incoherent babble escaped Alex's lips as he tried to string together words to voice his pleasure. But the haze of lust and enjoyment left him quivering. A guttural moan and a quick jerk here, earned Kipping a healthy amount of pre landing into his hands straight from the dragon's pulsing member.

He eventually pulled back, admiring his handiwork. Alex's cock was now slicked and dripping with his own saliva. The dragon's back side winked at him like a twinkling star, desperate for more attention. "I think it's time I fuck my dragon," he said, whispering the words as he rested his head on Alex's shoulders while grinding his cock against the crevice of the dragon's butt. "What do you want your coach to do you needy slut?"


"What was that again? I didn't seem to hear you," Kipping said with a devilish grin more fit for an incubus He grinded his cock against the dragon's back side once more, coating Alex's entrance with his own slick precum.

The room reeked of sweat, sex, and cum as the deer continued to tease Alex's backside and the jock pushed needfully back against his coach, his delicious rump grinding up against Kipping's thick, hard cock. "Please, fuck me, sir," Alex cooed as a blush crossed his cheeks.

The stag smirked, flexing his massive left bicep to give enough leverage to bring his hand down onto Alex's left rump cheek and slapping hard enough to get the dragon's rump to quiver and the dragon to tense slightly before relaxing. Alex's tailhole winked at the coach, the stag giving a devious smile as he grabbed his cock, gave it a few strokes and began to line up with his player's hole. His breath came in sharp, long pants as he poked against Alex's tight entrance and he said simply, "That's it, boy. Tell coach what you want...."

Alex knew he wasn't going to get what he lusted after so all of a sudden he exploded saying, "God damnit, sir please fuck me hard and cum so deep into me I won't walk without squeezing out your load..."

Kipping chuckled and rolled his hips, feeling the tip of his hard cock spread his mate for the evening just enough that he popped inside of Alex's entrance with a slick "schluck." The coach gave a moan as Alex's walls closed in on the invading member and his two low-hanging orbs churned knowing that they were about to dump their load in a willing body.

"Oh god, Alex! You are so tight!" Kipping groaned as he reached around to grip Alex by the hips and pull him back against his groin. Alex groaned, feeling his hole spread to accommodate the size of his coach and he tried to control his breathing to make sure he was relaxed. His ears twitched upward at the squelching sound of the coach's natural lube beginning to take effect and he grit his teeth as the stag kept pushing in at a slow, relentless pace. Kipping didn't want to hurt his star player after all, but he knew Alex could take all that he could offer.

Slowly but surely, the deer eased himself in, grinning like a madman at the tantalizing tightness he felt as the dragon's ass clamped on his cock like a vice. "Fuck, Alex..." He cooed, biting his lips and moving forward once more. One, two, then three, and before long five inches of his grand cock disappeared further and further into his star player's ass. Alex closed his eyes, a faint whimper escaping his lips.

Kipping groaned, stopping for a brief moment. He had only a few inches left and the prospect of going balls deep was too hard to ignore. "I think we need to do this more often, Alex. Your ass needs to loosen up more," the large stag quipped as he gripped the dragon's hips harder to feel the mixture of muscle and sweat underneath his hands.

He then moved forward, continuing to bury his member. The blue dragon wordlessly mewled under him, the pain and the pleasure mixing perfectly with one another. His entire back arched itself in almost involuntarily and his lower half was beginning to numb but he didn't care. What mattered was the cock entering his ass and nothing more. A shiver travelled itself into his entire body, and before long, a familiar warmth pressed itself on his bum.

"Balls deep, Coach?" he asked through deep breaths. He gave his ass a quick shake, feeling the large maleness throb inside of him and the coach's warm crotch pressed flush against his rump. He could feel Kipping's low-hanging balls pushing up against his own and felt as if he could melt into the seat.

"Fuck yeah I am, boy," Kipping said and began to roll his hips. His own rump flexed as his did so and his diamond tail flicked over his perfect backside as he tested the water's of his player's rump. "Ohhhh and you feel so damn good," the coach moaned as he continued to roll his hips.

Alex gave a small grunt, his body being pushed forward by the stag's large frame. He could feel a heat kiss his cloth covered pouch momentarily before disappearing and droplets of sweat began to roll down his back as Kipping started to slightly move an inch of his cock in and out of his body.

The spit that coated his hole still made that squelching sound which only added to the orchestra of sexual noises that filled the room and the mixture of sweat and musk began to intensify. Kipping ate up the little sounds the male below him made and he bent over until his bulging pecs grinded up against the jock's sleek back.

Whispering in his lover's ear, Kipping said, "You ready for your coach to speed up or you still want to take it slow? I can feel your hole is pulsing and ready to be bred, slut..." Kipping gave the dragon affectionate kisses along his neck before licking upward and nibbling on his ear. Alex moaned his response, his back arching further and his arms trembling at the stimulation wracking his body.

It felt like small electric pulses shot right down his spine and straight to his member every time the coach hilted his massive cock inside of him and his balls softly bumped against his. His maleness responded in turn, pulsing inside of the jockstrap and dripping more and more pre with each quiver.

"Breed me, please. I want you Coach."

Coach Kipping smiled. "That's what I like to hear."

The large deer didn't miss a beat, beginning to move his hips and begin a rhythm that he knew Alex would love. The dragon's was his and no one else's and he was going to make sure that they both knew it. Lewd slaps began to ring around the room as bodies collided against one another. Whimpers of pleasure escaped Alex's lips as he began to fall even further into lust. The dragon became a begging slut, unable to control himself anymore.

The couch began to rock from the two overs on the bed, with Coach Kipping leading the way. He gripped Alex's side and aligned his thrusts, making sure to hit the dragon where it counts. Each stab at the dragon's sensitive prostate earned him a cry of pleasure, begging for more. By now, Alex's jock was soaked through and through with pre and his own cock was peaking from the tip of the waistband, desperately seeking attention.

"You're mine, Alex, you hear me?" Coach Kipping said through heated bursts. His heart raced and his breathing quickened as he picked up the pace. His balls slapped lewdly on the dragon's butt cheeks, the lewd slick sounds of being penetrated entering their ears. "No one's going to take this ass away from me, you got that?" he growled dominantly. The dragon could barely respond through as he gripped the leather seat for dear life, his body rocking forward with each hard thrust into his rump.

"Fuck, Coach! Fuck! Fuck me!!" An incoherent babble of curses managed to slip their way through Alex's mouth before a deep guttural moan followed soon after as Coach Kipping masterfully hammered at his prostate. The dragon swore he saw stars at that moment, his vision blacking out for a brief second.

"Ahhh...yeah," Kipping hissed as he battered the dragon's ass over and over again. Alex's cock wobbled inside of the jock as each thrust made the dragon's ass shake and ripple. Kipping took his right arm and wrapped it around his player's neck, pulling him up towards his sweaty chest as he continued to thrust over and over again into Alex's tight ass. "I can feel your hole tremble, boy. You about to cum?"

Alex's tongue lolled out of his muzzle, drool dripping down onto the leather below along with sweat that rolled off his forehead. He wasn't even touching himself and yet it felt as if his balls were ready to burst. "Oh god, coach. Yes...yes please make me cum!" Alex's head bounced almost hypnotically to the perverted beat of Kipping's thighs slapping against the dragon's rump.

"Yeah, cum for your coach. Make it nice in sloppy in your jock," Kipping said as he reached around and began to lightly play with Alex's perky left nipple with his finger. Alex could barely feel the sensation of coach's thumb and index finger squeezing around the nub since the rest of the sensations were spreading like a wildfire across his whole being.

"Oh god, coach...oh god! Ahhh....nnnngh....ahhhh...fuuuuuuuck...."

With one more earth shattering thrust that collided with his prostate, Kipping chuckled lewdly as Alex's body spasmed and twitched. The dragon's climax came crashing over him like a wave up against a shore, his muscles tensing before spasming. Kipping felt Alex's hole clench around his member even tighter, a sign that the star player was filling his jock to the brim with a warm, wet load that spread across the front of his pouch and even dripped onto the couch.

Alex felt his balls shoot up towards his body, pumping out every last drop of his virile load and making him twitch and spasm in bliss. "Ohhhh god, Coach...keep going," Alex groaned as he leaned forward, his head falling down onto the couch as Kipping started to take longer, deeper thrusts into him, his hips still slapping against him and those massive stag balls hitting up against his smaller, but equally large orbs.

The blue dragon was in cloud nine, unable to feel anything at the moment other than the warmth radiating from his back and the slick wet feeling he now felt inside his jock. He had cummed ecstatically in his underwear. "Fuck Coach..." he mumbled, getting pressed further into the couch as the Coach Kipping continued his deep angled thrusts into him. "You're fucking amazing..." Alex knew he wasn't going to be able to walk straight tomorrow, that's for sure.

"I best, son," the deer boldly reply, feeling his own end begin to near. As much as he wanted to keep fucking his best player all night long, he himself had his own limits. The coach's balls begin to quake and Alex felt the deer's cock throb deep inside of him, amidst the slopping sounds that rang across the room.

"Fill me, Coach. Please. I want your cum. I want all of it," he said heatedly, spurring Coach Kipping on.

"My pleasure."

The Coach didn't need any more encouragement than that, picking up his pace one last time. Their bodies jumped on the couch as Kipping brought himself over the edge. He had been looking forward to fucking his boy for days now and he was finally going to get sweet release. He cursed under his breath, his limit nearing faster and faster. A shiver coursed through his entire body and his legs shook. With one last deep thrust, he buried himself as far as he could, before emptying an entire week's worth of saved cum. Ropes upon ropes of white hot semen escaped from the slit of his cock and splattered itself inside of Alex. The dragon cooed happily, the familiar warm, wet feeling filling him once more.

"Yeah, there we go..I'm getting close, stud..." Coach Kipping growled, giving a few final thrusts as his cock was clamped down upon. It only took three long strokes for Kipping to finish, his maleness jumping inside of Alex as his balls pulled up close to his body and he came in large gushes of hot, wet seed. There was a loud squelching as Kipping continued to thrust into his lover, and Alex continued to drool openly onto the couch cushion. Cum managed to get squeezed out of Alex's body, the excess splattering backwards onto the coach's groin and orbs.

Eventually his thrusts slowed before stopping completely, and he collapsed atop the dragon, cock still happily buried into the dragon's wanting back side. The two bodies remained silent for what seemed like an eternity, just their tired and ragged breaths to fill the dead silence of the room. Coach Kipping moved forward and reached for his player's face, and having Alex face him. Wordlessly, he leaned forward and happily made out with him, filled with clear romantic passion and tenderness.

They eventually broke off and Alex rested his head on the side of the couch, happy to be underneath the coach's embrace. "Fuck made me cum in my underwear..." he remarked jokingly.

"And?" Coach Kipping responded. "What's the matter with that?"

"I don't have a spare in my pack. I'm probably going to have to freeball it on the way back to the dorm."

Coach Kipping grinned and tightened his grip around Alex. "Who said anything about you going back to the dorm?"

Alex's brow rose, wondering what the Coach was insinuating.

"It's the weekend, Alex. You're going to come with me, and I'm going to fuck your ass and your mouth all weekend long," the deer said commandingly. "How does that sound for a weekend? It's my special treatment for you."

Alex didn't exactly have plans for the weekend anyways and whatever plans he did have melted away from his thoughts as the randy stag took his neck and slightly pulled him into a passionate kiss. Groaning as their tongues collided with one another, Alex pulled away only to have Kipping began to kiss down his neck.

"Ahh, that sounds perfect, coach," the dragon said in an almost airy sigh, pushing his backside up against Kipping and giving a needy groan. "Could we just...lay here for a bit, though?"

Kipping gave a chuckle, wrapping his arms around his lover and pulling him close. The two ended up on their sides, the larger stag being the bigger spoon while Alex was the little spoon. The dragon could still feel Kipping's member pulse inside of him and he blushed when he felt Kipping's right hand move down over his naked chest and abs.

"You made my tank top a mess, stud," Kipping said with a chuckle that rumbled through the dragon's being and danced along his spine. "You feel so good just lying against me, though. Don't want to get up and shower again."

"Then don't," Alex responded with a warm smile, not looking back at the deer.

Kipping did not know how to respond, but simply pulled the dragon closer. His afterglow was beginning to reach its tail end and his body along with his heartbeat was starting to slow. Fuck, he knew it was wrong, but the dragon felt so good and had a personality that was hard to come by. Nuzzling up against Alex's neck, the stag began to close his eyes, letting sleep take him as he began to dream about his star player in more positions than just the quarterback.